Chapter 2 Solving Linear Equations
Chapter 2 Solving Linear Equations
Key Vocabulary
Square root Inverse operation Cross product
Rational numbers This is all the fractions 1/2, 3/4, 7/2, ⁻4/3, 4/1 [Note:
(Q) where the top and bottom The denominator cannot be
numbers are integers 0, but the numerator can be].
a/b where a and b are
inter=gers with b≠0
counting numbers
Closure 闭包 ════════════════════════════════════════
例如,实数在减法下闭合,但自然数不行:自然数 3 和 7 的减法 3 − 7 的结果不是自然
The closure is when an operation (such as "adding")on members of a set (such as "real
always makes a member of the same set.
2.2 Solve One-Step Equation
Inverse operations are two operations that undo each other, such as addition and
subtraction. When you perform the same inverse operation on each side of an
equation, you produce an equivalent equation等价方程式
2.4 Solve Multi-Step Equations
To solve equations that have variables on both sides, you can collect the variable terms
on one side of the equation and the constant terms on the other side of the equation.
Grouping symbols════════════════════════════════════════
Three common types of grouping symbols—
parentheses ( ), brackets [ ], and braces { }
Algebraic Properties of Equality ═══════════════════════════
Each ratio is read “the ratio of a to b ”.ratio should be written in the simplest form.
The scale is a ratio of the size of the drawing to the size of the original object being
drawn. This may be referred to as a scale ratio.(map 1cm:100km)