Components Design of Hoisting Mechanism of 5 Tonne Eot Crane

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P. S. Dhakar
Nagaji Institute Of Technology & Management


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Pooran Singh Dhakar¹, S.G.Mishra², K.C.Arora³
¹PG Scholar, (Machine Design), IPS-CTM, Gwalior (M.P)
²Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IPS-CTM, Gwalior (M.P)
³Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg, NITM, Gwalior (M.P.)
Email: [email protected]¹, [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract the loading and unloading and in shipping etc.

In modern days Electric Overhead This device increase output, improve quality,
Travelling crane is very important material speed up the deliveries and therefore, decrease
handling equipment in industry because of the cost of production. The utility of this device
safety, reliability, economy, fast speed etc. has further been increased due to increase in
Most of industries are using EOT cranes for labour costs and problems related to labour
handling of material, EOT cranes are management.
available in many load carrying capacities, 5 Crane is a combination of separate hoisting
tonne EOT crane is mostly used in industries. mechanism with a frame for lifting or a
Following are components of hoisting combination of lifting and moving load. There is
mechanism in EOT crane such as crane hook,
thrust ball bearing, pulley, wire rope, drum,
gear box, electric motor brake etc. In this very much useful to pick up a load at one point
paper we have designed these components for and be able to transport the object from one
5 tonne crane. Same procedure can be used place to another place to increase human
for heavy load cranes. comfort. There are three major considerations in
Keywords: Overhead Crane, Crane Hook, the design of cranes. First, the crane must be
Thrust ball bearing, Pulley, Wire rope, able to lift the weight of the load. Second, the
Drum, Gear box, Electric motor, Brake. crane must not topple. Third, the crane must not
I. INTRODUCTION The cranes are available in so many types of
The crane is one of the most important such as Jib crane, Tower crane, Truck mounted
equipment for handling of material in any crane, EOT crane, Telescopic crane, Gantry
industries with fast speed, reliability, safety, crane, Aerial crane, stocker crane, etc. Here,
economy etc. so crane is used. EOT crane is a discus about Electric Overhead Travelling
mechanical lifting device used for lifting or (EOT) crane. EOT crane is also known as
lowering the material and also used for bridge crane. Electric Overhead cranes
moving the loads horizontally or vertically. It typically consist of either a single girder or a
is useful when lifting or moving the loads is double girder construction.
beyond the capacity of human. Generally an Overhead crane show three
Applications of material handling device like motions-
crane is a prime consideration in the construction 1. Long travel
industry for the movement of material, in the 2. Cross Travel
manufacturing industry for the assembling of 3. Hoisting (up & down)
heavy equipment, in the transport industry for

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-3, ISSUE-1, 2016

drum: single layer drum and multi layer drum,
both are used based on lifting capacity of an
object. He has also discussed about crane ropes.
E. Pradyumnakesharimaharana [5]:
Pradyumnakesharimaharana, in the thesis
“Computer Aided Analysis and design of
hoisting mechanism of an EOT crane”(2012),
states that wire rope is liable component in crane
and failure due to large amount of stresses. So
increase the number of rope falls decrease the
tension on rope falls and also used factor of
(Fig. hoisting Mechanism of EOT Crane)
Ultimately reduce the risk of wire rope
II. LITERATURE REVIEW failure, increase number of rope falls so increase
length of wire rope which is expensive. The
A. Indian Standard (807-2006) [1]: arrangement of wire rope is also important and
This standard describes design of structural arrange in between upper pulley block and
portion for cranes, hoists, specifics permissible bottom pulley block.
stresses and other details of design. In order to (Fig.for 5 tonne)
ensure economy in design in reliability in He has been found various cross section of
operation. To deal with the subject shape crane hook and calculated stress and
conventionally, cranes have been broadly deflection at critical points using ANSYS. So
classified into eight categories based on their conclude that trapezoidal section show less
nature of duty and number of hours in service per stress. Also calculated rating of motor , brakes
year. It is producers or manufactures used in hoist mechanism. Motor power required
responsibility to ensure the correct classification. depends on lifting speed and load applied.
B. Indian Standard (3177-1999) [2]: III. DESIGN PROCEDURE
Indian standards are broader in concept and give List of components used in Hoisting
a standard principle in a generalized from Mechanism of EOT Crane Design-
because of uniformity of a product or services. 1. Crane Hook
This standard covers the mechanical and 2. Thrust ball bearing
electrical drives of the cranes. The components 3. Pulley
of crane are made with dimensions or design in 4. Wire rope
accordance with the help of Indian standard. 5. Drum
IS-3177-1999 covers all selection criteria of 6. Gear box
components in EOT crane such as lifting hooks, 7. Electric motor
shaft, wire rope, rope drum, flanges, sheaves, 8. Brake
bearings, gear boxes, couplings, fasteners,
motor, etc. 1. DESIGN OF CRANE HOOK
C. Rajendra Parmanik [3]: In this phase basic dimensions for crane hook are
calculated like bed diameter, throat diameter,
Rajendra parmanik in a post “Design of hoist depth of crane hook. In this study trapezoidal
arrangement of EOT crane” (2008), he has type cross-section are considered.
discussed about the history of crane, various The hooks are tested to more than double the
types of crane, application, the design of the working load, and for this reason their strength
hoist of EOT crane is done by algebraic need not be investigated ordinarily. Analysis of
calculation and a model design of the various the stresses in the hook, which is a curved bar
parts of EOT crane. subjected to combined bending and tensile
D. Dr. Frank Jauch [4]: stresses is a matter of same complexity.
Dr. Frank jauch in a post “care, use and The most suitable practical section for the body
maintenance of wire ropes on cranes”, he has of the shank hook approximates the triangular or
discussed about drum. There are two types of trapezoidal from with the proportions.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-3, ISSUE-1, 2016

Hook bed diameter is given by the formula,
Where P is the load applied in tonne & µ is a
constant varying from 3.75 to 7.5
For economy of material, the value of µ should
be kept as low as possible, the lower limit being
fixed by the size of slings, ring etc. to be
accommodated. In shank hooks using metal
fittings, µ has been fixed at 3.75.
For 5 Tonne Hook, C = 3.75√5
= 8.385 cm
This relation between C and d for the
recommended standard section is
d= 3.125 √P +0.1 C = 3.125 √5 + 0.1×8.385
=7.8275 cm =7.8 cm 2. SELECTION OF THRUST BALL
This value of d will be at the horizontal and BEARING
vertical centre lines of the hook, whilst at a plane The swiveling motion of the hook will be very
mid way between these (say at 45 to the slow and intermittent rather the use of a ball
horizontal), a section having a value of d some bearing in such cases is only to prevent the
8% greater is used. In this case, a value of spinning action of the load relative to the wire
78×1.08=8.5 cm. is attained. As the body curves ropes. For this reason, the speed factor need not
to join the shank, the section may be reduce be taken into consideration.
provided that the reduction does not case the It will show that a single thrust ball bearing type
maximum stress to exceed a specified value. 51210 (50 mm bore) will be suitable here. The
The working tensile stress in the shank may be dimensions and load carrying capacity are as
assumed at 400 kgf/cm² .as recommended by follows:-
some authors. Bore - 50 mm and 50.2 mm
Let d¹=Dia. Of shank at bottom of the threads. Outside diameter – 78 mm
Then, 0.785 (d¹)²×400= 500 Thickness – 22 mm
(d¹)²= 16, d¹= 4 cm Static carrying capacity – 9000 kg
The hook load will be carried bal thrust bearing Factor of Safety = 9000/5000 =1.8
through a round nut screwed on to the end of the
Full dia. Of the shank = 40/0.84 = 48 mm say 50 For 6/37 construction of the wire ropes the
mm minimum dia. Of rope pulley at the bottom of the
The other dimensions of triangular (or v-groove as recommended by IS-2266-1963,
trapezoidal as it is called) section of the body of should be 6 times the circumference of the rope.
the hook can now be known. On this assumption, the P.C. dia. Of rope pulley
Breadth at intrados =0.65 × 78 =50.8 say 51 mm should be 6×4.4 =26.4, say 27 cm or 270 mm at
Radius of intrados curve = 0.75×78= 58 mm the bottom of the groove say 285 mm rope crs
Bed dia. = 84 mm (min.) adopt 290 mm dia.
Corner radius = 78/8 =10 mm The general design of the rope pulleys may now
As the dia. Of the pulley is 290 mm (rope crs)
only a solid web with cored holes (to lighten the
weight) and with lateral ribs for stiffening will be
One point that requires special investigation is
the intensity of bearing pressure on the pulley
pin. In this case the pulley boss acts as a bearing
and is not fixed to the pin.
The bearing pressure on pulley pin should not
exceed 18 kgf/cm².

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-3, ISSUE-1, 2016

Minimum projected area required for each
pulley = 5250/(2×78) = 33.65 cm²
Both the pulley will have to be accommodated
within a space of 118 mm (distance between the
side plates), so that the boss length of each
pulley should not exceed (118-2)/2 = 58 mm.


The load will be on 4 falls; i.e. on two rope
pulleys through the medium of an equalizing
pulley or sheave fixed to the crab (trolley) frame.
Load per fall = 5000/4 =1250 kg plus 5% due to 6. SELECTION OF GEAR BOX
D.T. of Hook block =1313 kg Totally enclosed oil splash lubricated & dust free
A factor of safety of 8 (minimum) is usual in the gear box should be provided for smooth, trouble
design of electric overhead travelling cranes and free & longer life. All gears are helical type and
hoists etc. cut from alloy steel/ low carbon steel on hobbing
Breaking load of the wire rope should be 1313×8 machines for achieving higher precision & a
= 10500 kg (approx.) special process of gear toughening ensures
Three construction of wire rope are in most smooth, silent, trouble free running of drive
common use for the design of hoists etc. 6/19, system. The pinions and gears are supported on
6/24 (with fiber), and 6/37 out of these three, anti-friction bearings on both ends.
6/37 is preferable, being more flexible than the For drum rotating angular speed,
other two. Also to reduce the dia. Of rope pulleys =w x lifting speed/diameter of the drum
to a minimum possible a superior grade of wire =0.184 radian/s
rope having a tensile breaking stress of 1725 to For motor let, w= 62.31 radian/s
1885 kgf/cm² will be adopted. Reduction in speed =342 times
From IS: 2266 – 1963 a wire rope having a
circumference of 44 mm (14 mm ra.) and having 7. SELECTION OF ELECTRIC MOTOR
a tensile breaking stress of 1725 to 1825 kgf/cm² Hoist & crane duty hour rated squirrel cage
will have a guaranteed breaking load of 10900 induction motors, confirming to IS 325 with
kg. comparatively higher H.P. and higher starting
torque to reduce handling time. It is flange
mounted to suit the design and provided with
suitable insulation
Lifting speed varies from =10 to 26 f or 50.79 to
132.08 mm/sec.
Speed of drum =4×0.132/R = 2N
For drum rotating angular speed = w lifting
speed/dia. Of the drum=0.184 radian
Power transmitted by shaft = 2NT/60
Power = 4×0.132×50000×6 = 158400
5. DESIGN OF ROPE DRUM Watt=158.4 kW [7]
The rope drum should be made of seamless pipe
machined & grooved accurately, to -ensure 8. SELECTION OF BRAKES
proper seating of wire rope in a proper layer. The When selecting the proper brake for a specific
drum should be fitted with two heavy duty Ball / application, there are several factors are
Roller bearings of reputed make for smooth consider; a few that need to be reviewed-
operation & longer life. Brake torque, stopping time, deceleration rates,
Drum length =pitch x ground height x no of rope brake mounting, brake location, thermal rating,
fall/drum dia =35x10000x8/667 =4197mm environment, brake style.
[let ground height be 10m] The brake systems manufactured external
Average drum thickness = h+h/2 = 31.9+7.1/2 friction brakes.
ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-3, ISSUE-1, 2016
Applications for which these brakes are suited
can be classified into two general categories:-
non-overhauling , overhauling.
A) Non-overhauling loads are typically
horizontally moving masses such as crane
bridges, crane trolleys, horizontal conveyors.
B) Overhauling loads tend to accelerate in speed
if a brake is not present, examples of which are
crane hoists, winches, lifts, and downhill
Non-overhauling loads require brake torque only
to stop the load and will remain at rest due to
friction. Overhauling loads have two torque
requirements; the first is braking torque required
to stop the load, and the second is the torque
required to hold the load at rest.

Over 5 Tonne EOT crane provide more
reliability, safety & speed comparison to other
available crane because different components
used to perform function. Generally, there is one
rope drum, motor and gearbox used in hoisting
mechanism. It means that only single drive
mechanism is used for lifting purpose &
displacement of over objects. In this paper I am
also discuss all designing factor and factor of
safety according to Indian Standard.


[1] S.N. Trikha “Machine Design Exercises”

Edition 1973.
[2] Indian standard Design, erection and testing
(structural portion) of cranes and hoists code of
practice (second revision), IS 807:2006.
[3] Indian standard code of practice for EOT
cranes and gantry cranes other than steel work
cranes (second revision). IS 3177:1999.
[4] Rajendra parmanik “Design of hoisting
arrangement of EOT crane” posted on July 26,
[5] Dhaval H. Kanjariya “A Review on Design
and analysis of Hoisting Machinery in EOT
Crane” review paper, 2015.
[6] Dr. Frank jauch, “care, use & Maintenance of
Wire Ropes on Cranes”, Crane Industry Council
of Australia (CICA) 2012.
[7] Pradyumnakesharimaharana, “Computer
Aided Analysis and Design of hoisting
mechanism of an EOT crane”, Mechanical
Engineering Thesis 2012.
[8] PSG Design Data Book edition 2007.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-3, ISSUE-1, 2016

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