Jerrica Jones
Jerrica Jones
Jerrica Jones
EDU 214
I. The CCSD elementary Curriculum overviews. This link takes you to the Core
Curriculum online booklet, which is great to read over so you will know the
II. The second resource is the CCSD polices and regulations, there are various policies
and regulations that you can read over to familiarize yourself with the policies and
III. The third is Standards, there is link for “Common Core state standard. This link has
an abundance of information for the standards in your state for education and
I. Locate what Region you would like to be placed in; 1-4 regions are available.
II. Browse through the CCSD School Directory to locate the 3-digit location code for the
preferred school.
III. Read over deadlines, fill out forms required with requested 3-digit location codes for
I. Books, they can be in the library or electronically (campus libraries are currently close
III. Films on any topic, that available that are online or in the library (campus libraries are
The definition of Nevada Computer and Technology Standards is what a student needs to
be taught at each grade level. These standards are a guideline for your curriculum based on state
standards. It is best that standard are taught together rather than in isolation because everyone
can make better connections in learning and enhance performance for teachers, parent and
One standard is to Communication and collaboration. Students must learn how work with
together with others and collaborate from a distance using digital media.
Course is EDU 214 Preparing Teachers to Use Technology and one artifact required
I. Focus:2024 is a plan for all student’s success. The focus is to prepare students to
II. Employees Tab, where you can look up the employee benefits offered. You can
information. There are also numbers to reach the benefits department for more
III. Students Tab, under the student opportunities tab you can find scholarship
2) Salary Information
I. New teachers link- Information for new teachers such as where to report for
assigned work locations. Information for new school counselors and social
II. Alternative route to Licensure (ARL) link- This program is for someone that
wants to teacher but doing a different route by using ALTA. This program its own
III. Information for Teachers link- a list of links with various important information
needed for teachers. It has information for how to calculate contracted pay,
benefits available & payroll deduction, and what to do when you are requesting a
Student activities- All information for any and all activities for athletics and There is an
abundance of information that can be useful to both students and parents on the CCSD website. After
Visiting the website, myself for the 1st time it was quite easy to navigate for all the questions I had. If was
a parent I could easy location information I needed about schools, registering, open enrollment and
more. As a student I can use it to find a copy of my transcripts and student activities.
I. other student activities that any student can the information needed to participate.
II. Transcript request- a great resource so you can get the information you need to get
III. Safe voice- a safe place where anyone can make a report for anyone or themselves
My Website