Chapter I Mcdonaldization: Definiton

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According to Ritzer, the McDonaldization of society is a phenomenon that occurs when

society, its institutions, and its organizations are adapted to have the same characteristics that are
found in fast food chains. These include efficiency, calculability, predictability and standardization,
and control.


It was invented by George Ritzer to describe a sociological phenomenon that is happening in

our society.

Some say, it started with Ray Kroc in the 1950's when he bought his first hamburger
restaurant, but its origins were actually much earlier than that. Henry Ford  was the first
McDonaldization pioneer with his vision of an assembly line for improving the production of
automobiles. His revolutionary idea changed how many automobiles could be produced and was
very efficient.

Process of McDonaldization

In essence, McDonaldization is the process of rationalization, albeit taken to extreme levels.

Rationalization is a sociological term that simply means the substitution of logically consistent rules
for traditional (or illogical) rules. One of the fundamental aspects of McDonaldization is that almost
any task can (and should) be rationalized.

The process of McDonaldization takes a task and breaks it down into smaller tasks. This is
repeated until all tasks have been broken down to the smallest possible level. The resulting tasks are
then rationalized to find the single most efficient method for completing each task. All other methods
are then deemed inefficient and discarded.

The process when completed can produced logical sequence of methods with efficiency for
every desired result. The outcome is predictable. All aspects of the process are easily controlled.
Additionally, quantity (or calculability) becomes the measurement of good performance.


It may sound well but there’s a problem. It turns out that over-rationalizing a process in this
manner has an unexpected side effect. It's called irrationality. In a sociological context that simply

means that a rationalized system may result in events or outcomes that were neither anticipated or
desired, and in fact, may not be so good.

The author gave an example of the McDonald's chain of restaurants. “Where is the
irrationality? The premise of fast food often turns out to be just the opposite - long waits in lines. Fast
food is not necessarily good food - in fact, McDonald's food is extremely unhealthy and the taste is
average and bland. The system of efficiently producing and distributing their food has some other
consequences, namely millions of tons of trash each year (disposability) and a food cultivation system
of questionable ethics.”

Chapter II Main Dimensions of McDonaldization by George Ritzer

1. Efficiency - The optimum method of completing a task. The rational determination of the best

mode of production. Individuality is not allowed.
2. Calculability - Assessment of outcomes based on quantifiable rather than subjective criteria.
In other words, quantity over quality. They sell the Big Mac, not the Good Mac.
3. Predictability - The production process is organized to guarantee uniformity of product and
standardized outcomes. All shopping malls begin to look the same and all highway exits have
the same assortment of businesses.
4. Control - The substitution of more predictable non-human labor for human labor, either
through automation or the deskilling of the work force.

Also, some of dimensions were included by Ritzer but are also essential to know,

1. Irrationality

A side effect of over-rationalized systems. Ritzer himself hints that this is the fifth dimension
of McDonaldization. An example of this could be workers on an assembly line that are hired
and trained to perform a single highly rationalized task. Although this may be a very efficient
method of operating a business, an irrationality that is spawned can be worker burnout.

2. Deskilling

A work force with the minimum abilities possible to complete simple focused tasks. This
means that they can be quickly and cheaply trained and are easily replaceable.

3. Consumer Workers

One of the sneakiest things about McDonaldization is how consumers get tricked into
becoming unpaid employees. They do the work that was traditionally performed by the
company. The prime example of this is diners who bus their own tables at the fast food
restaurant. They dutifully carry their trash to friendly receptacles marked "thank you." (The
extreme rationalization of this is the drive-thru; consumers take their trash with them!) Other
examples are many and include: ATM's, salad bars, automated telephone menus, and
pumping gas.

Chapter III Effect of Globalization

Some say that the advantage of adapting McDonaldization is the availability of goods
worldwide as it develops because of Globalization. On the other hand, there is also a disadvantage
there is less variety of goods.

George, emphasizes the advantages were:

● There is a far greater availability of goods and services than before, their availability depends
less on time or geographic location.
● This wider range of goods and services is available to a much larger portion of the population.
● People are able to get what they want or need almost instantaneously.
● It is far more convenient to get what they want or need
● Goods and services are of a far more uniform quality; at least some people get even better
goods and services then before McDonaldization.
● For more economical alternatives to high-priced, customized goods and services are widely
available; therefore, people can afford things they could not previously afford.
● Fast, efficient goods and services are available to a population that is working longer hours and
has fewer hours to spare.
● In a rapidly changing, unfamiliar, and seemingly hostile world, there is comfort in the
comparatively stable, familiar, and safe environment of a McDonaldized system.
● Because of quantification, consumers can more easily compare competing products.
● People can do things, such as obtain money or a bank balance in the middle of the night, that
were impossible before.
● It is now safer to do things (for example, diet) on a carefully regulated and controlled system.
● People are more likely to be treated similarly, no matter what their race, gender, or social class.
● Organizational and technological innovations are more quickly and easily diffused through
networks of identical operators.
● The products of one culture are more easily diffused to the others.

Chapter IV How McDonaldization relate to accounting or business concept?

First, Accountability, being accountable means standing by decisions, actions, and the overall
well-being of projects. Accountability is also a management process that ensures employees answer to
their superior for their actions and that supervisors behave responsibly as well. It also to ensure that
there is a reliable and relevant information includes in financial statements of a business.

Second, Transparency, with transparency and trust, comes higher levels of performance.
When leaders and teams focus on transparent and frequent communications, authentic relationships
develop naturally. With a foundation of trust, people work better together and develop faster as a
team–making it much easier to build momentum, retain high performing employees and attract new

Third, Responsibility, or the primary role of a manager is to ensure the daily functioning of a
department or group of employees. Staffing: Most employers expect their managers to interview, hire,
and train new employees. Set Goals: A manager articulates both short and long-term goals to ensure a
company's longevity.

Why do we have to throw left overs?

In the concept of McDonaldization, there is calculability were a management choose to

quantified rather than qualified, this does not mean lower quality but instead means that controlling
the numbers of products to be consumed. We may think of it, as in the standards of inventorial FIFO,
First in, First Out, a management must meet its objectives that it is why they have to decide
(predictability) and be updated from all its transactions.

Chapter V Other Sectors related to McDonaldization

McDonaldization in Food and Medicine

Fast food is not great food.

It is often not even good food. And by good food, the meaning applies to both flavor and
function, both taste and nutrition. This is hardly "stop the presses," breaking news. In fact, it is
arguable that it is really even news at all.

So given that the average person realizes that the processed and ultra-processed offerings of
the standard American diet available at the chains and fast food joints are neither delicious nor
nutritious; the question remains.

Government Agency

Federal agencies are special government organizations set up for a specific purpose such as
the management of resources, financial oversight of industries, or national security issues. These
organizations are typically created by legislative action, but may initially be set up by presidential
order as well.

Government Budget

In general, a government budget is the financial plan of a government for a given period,
usually for a fiscal year, which shows what its resources are, and how they will be generated and used
over the fiscal period. The budget is the government's key instrument for promoting its socio-
economic objectives. The government budget also refers to the income, expenditures and sources of
borrowings of the National Government (NG) that are used to achieve national objectives, strategies
and programs. Section 22, Article VII of the Constitution states that: "The President shall submit to
the Congress within 30 days from the opening of every regular session, as the basis of the general
appropriation bill (GAB), a budget of expenditures and sources of financing including receipts from
existing and proposed revenue measures."

How are government funds appropriated?

Funds for the use of government entities are appropriated or authorized following a process with the
following major steps:

1) individual agencies prepare their estimates of expenditures or proposed budgets for the succeeding
year and submit these estimates or proposals contained in required budget forms to the DBM
following baseline figures, guidelines and timetable earlier set;

2) agencies justify details of their proposed budgets before DBM technical review panels;

3) DBM reviews and consolidates proposed budgets of all agencies for inclusion in the President's
proposed budget for submission to Congress;

4) agencies explain the details of their proposed budgets in separate hearings called by the House of
Representatives and the Senate for inclusion in the General Appropriation Bill; and

5) the President signs the General Appropriation Bill into law or what is known as the General
Appropriations Act (GAA).

Expenditure Program

The expenditure program is that portion of the national budget that refers to the current
operating expenditures and capital outlays necessary for the operation of the programs, projects and
activities of the various government departments and agencies.

Financing Program

The financing program includes the projected revenues from both existing and new measures,
the planned borrowings to finance budgetary transactions and the payment of debt principal failing

Is there a relation between the management and culture of corruption?

Yes, according to what I have read basically like Ramon Revilla Jr. and Janet Lim Napoles
issue the plunder accusations proved them guilty but somehow, the other one was released. In the
poor process of managing the Government Budget resulted to corruption. Therefore, there is a need
for relating adapting the concept of McDonaldization in terms of efficiency, calculability, control and
predictability. Efficiency could be adapted for the government to know and decide what possible costs
for government project and to use its resources not too much. Calculability has a counterpart to
efficiency for the cost may incur. Control, each official must be chosen because they deserve the trust
and hope of their people, and we have the power to elect them. Predictability, as we know and do for
the future the data and information must be condensed do that we would discover for the country’s
condition, and development to have.


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