Hotel Industry

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Appendix C

2005/06 Manpower Survey on the Hotel Industry

Hotel Industry (Job Description for Principal Jobs)

(Some of the job titles may not be identical to those used in

your establishment. But if the job nature is similar, please
treat them as the same and supply the required information
in the questionnaire.)


No. Job Title Job Description


Managerial and Professional Level

101 General Manager Assumes the total responsibility of managing a

hospitality establishment, usually with other
managers/executives as direct subordinates.
Implements the company’s policies with a view to
achieving their objectives.

102 Resident Manager/ Takes charge of the daily operations and

Executive Assistant management of the hotel.
Manager/Director of

Supervisory and Technician Level

248 Flower Shop Manager or In charge of the operation of the Flower Shop,
Supervisor/Kiosk Shop and/or Kiosk, Cake Shop and Gift Shop.
Manager or Supervisor/Cake
Shop Manager or
Supervisor/Gift Shop
Manager or Supervisor

250 Health Club or Spa Manager In Charge of the operation of the Health Club and
or Supervisor Spa.
No. Job Title Job Description

Operative Level

418 Staff of Kiosk Shop/Flower Supporting staff to the operations of kiosk, flower
Shop Staff/Cake Shop shop, and cake shop.
Staff/Minor Supporting Staff

419 Health Club/Spa/Gym Supporting staff to the operations of health club,

Attendant, Beauty Therapist, gym and spa.
Masseur or masseuse,
Swimming Pool Attendant/
Life Guard and related
supporting Staff

Administrative and Others Level

501 Executive Secretary/ Takes dictation and transcribes letters, reports and
Secretary/Personal memos; answers telephone, screens calls and takes
Assistant/Admin. Assistant/ messages; prepares replies to routine enquiries,
Admin. Officer/Executive maintains daily calendar and appointment
Assistant schedules and receives personal callers, takes
meeting minutes and maintain filing system;
provides administrative supports.

503 Typist/Office Assistant/ Performs stenographic and related secretarial

Messenger/Runner duties; handles odd jobs and despatch errands for
the general office.
No. Job Title Job Description


Managerial and Professional Level

103 Director of Personnel and Establishes general personnel policies and adheres
Training/Director of Human to labour laws; oversees staff recruitment,
Resources/Personnel and selection and replacement; assists Department
Training Manager/Human Heads in scheduling staff vacation; strengthens
Resources Manager employee relations with special incentive and
activity programmes; handles staff grievances;
prepares staff magazine; works with operation
analyst in staff control, involve in staff
development, assist Department Heads on
scheduling staff vacation; plans and implements
effective personnel management and training
procedures for all levels of staff; co-ordinates and
controls internal and external training; advises
management on personnel/training and
management development trends; acts as course
leader in specific training programmes; provides
counselling for employees; determines the
effectiveness of personnel and training activities.

104 Personnel Manager/Training Duties include employment, training and

Manager development, performance appraisal, salary
administration, employee relations, safety
procedures, medical and other benefits;
co-ordinates and controls internal and external
training; advises management on training and
management development trends; acts as course
leader in specific training programmes.

Supervisory and Technician Level

No. Job Title Job Description

201 Personnel Officer/Human Recruits, interviews and hires employees for the
Resources Officer/Training hotels; counsels, transfers and dismisses
Officer/Compensation and employees based on supervisors' appraisal;
Benefits Officer/Employee counsels and advises Department Heads regarding
Relations Officer personnel problems; trains new or existing
employees; performs periodic reviews on trainees'
progress and recommends actions based on
appraisals; maintains supplies of training
materials; participates in discussions regarding the
adoption of new or improved training methods
and/or materials, co-ordinates and controls
internal and external training, advises
management on training and management
development trends, acts as course leader in
specific training programs.

Administrative and Others Level

504 Personnel Assistant/Training Supporting staff to the operations of the

Assistant/Personnel Clerk/ Personnel, Training and Human Resources
Training Clerk/Human Departments; provides clerical supports to these
Resources Assistant departments on day-to-day basis.


Managerial and Professional Level

105 Financial Controller/ Controls budgets and expenditure, company

Chief Accountant/ financial policies and procedures, contracts and
Director of Finance licences, senior executive personnel records and
fringe benefits; manages cash flow, loan and
money charger; supervises the credit department,
general accounting, cashier, income audit, costing
sections and hotel kiosk; co-ordinates with
purchasing department.

106 Materials Manager/ Manages and directs the souring and procurement
Procurement Manager/ activities of the hotel; liaise with clients and other
Purchasing Manager departments in developing procurement
specifications; negotiates and takes quotations
from selective purveyors; makes budget-approved
requisitions; submits monthly operation reports to
senior management.

107 EDP Manager/Computer Responsible for all the computer processing

No. Job Title Job Description

Systems Manager/ including functions such as office automation,

Information Systems information resources and telecommunication.
Service Manager Takes charge of long range planning and
operations. Analyses how EDP can be applied to
specific user problems, and designs EDP

108 Food and Beverage Cost Supervises cost control and inventory taking;
Controller/Cost Controller reviews purchase requests for food and beverage;
provides management with information regarding
operational costs; prepares forecasts and analysis
on all cost reports; makes random inspections on
all supplies to the hotel.

Supervisory and Technician Level

202 Accounts Supervisors Accounting duties which include the following:

(e.g. accounts payable, Audit and process the payments of all of the
receivable, inventory, hotel’s disbursements; prepare expense analysis
audit, credit, paymaster, and other reports on suppliers’ invoices and
general cashier, head cashier, monthly statements; keep proper record of all
food and beverage cashier amounts due to the hotel on a timely basis;
supervisor, food and beverage compute all travel agents commissions payable;
cashier, front office cashier control and balance all advance deposits; response
supervisor) to account disputes and queries; prepare the
monthly accounts receivable report; keep all
records relating to payroll; prepares and remits
payroll reports; compiles all tax returns; trains all
food and beverage/front office cashiers; issues
guest checks daily to all F & B/front office
cashiers and follows-up on missing checks, picks
up cashiers’ daily reports at the close of each shift;
arranges cashiers for other special functions;
records all food and beverage sales at the time of
meal and remits charges timely to the front office
for posting to the ledge by the front office cashier;
prepares cashier’s daily report.
No. Job Title Job Description

203 Credit Manager Follows up overdue accounts; controls the credit

card system of the hotel; liaises with accounts
receivable supervisor on account disputes; liaises
with credit managers of other hotels on bad
account and skipper lists; conducts credit
investigation and justifies extension of credit to
hotel guests, travel agents and their customers.

204 Assistant Controller/ Assist controller on daily financial operations;

Assistant Purchasing assists the purchasing manager in the controls of
Manager purchase and stock of commodities for sale or
internal consumption according to the demand of
various departments in the hotel.

205 Chief Store Supervisor/ Performs routine store-keeping; supervises

Store Supervisor storeporters; be responsible for record routines in
storerooms; maintains a stock and places purchase
requests for regular replenishment.

206 Income Auditor/Night Performs checking on hotel’s total income revenue

Auditor and other checking related to revenue; summarizes
checking on daily basis; produces daily revenue

207 EDP Supervisor/ Defines problems; reviews methods and evaluates

System Analyst alternative solutions to business problems;
constructs information and logic flow-charts;
prepares procedural block diagrams; designs input
forms and reports specifications; makes
comparative cost analyses when necessary, and
recommends required organizational

Operative Level
No. Job Title Job Description

401 Systems Support Operator/ Operates and controls data processing equipment;
EDP Operator/ enters prepared data source into data entry
Computer Operator/ machine; records data on card, magnetic tape and
Web Designer disk; despatches computer print-outs to users;
helps design/update company web site and
supports all on-line services to customers, if

Administrative and Others Level

502 Accounting Clerk (payroll, Performs a variety of routine calculating, posting,

receivable, payable, night recording, filing and typing duties in Accounts
auditing, cost control, department; assists in cost control and inventory
Purchasing, store and taking; makes random inspections on all supplies
receiving, costing) for the outlet; checks all merchandise entering the
hotel and their proper documentation, maintains
per stocks in storeroom.


Managerial and Professional Level

109 Director of Marketing/ Compiles marketing plan; establishes policy on

Director of Sales/ rates, discounts; submits annual sales and
Director of Promotions marketing budget; co-ordinates public relations
activities relating to special promotions; decides
on targets for business solicitation; plans,
organises, directs and controls the hotel’s sales
promotion and sales rates, develops local and
overseas sales contacts regarding group and
convention activities.

110 Director of Public Relations/ Responsible for publicity campaigns of special

Public Relations Manager/ events and promotion in the hotel; liaises with the
Director of Communications press and entertainment media; writes and edits all
materials for in-house promotions; handles photo
captions, news stories and magazine features of
the hotel for press release locally and
internationally; work closely with food and
beverage manager regarding special promotion;
liaises with in-house guests and writes daily guest
letters; prepares annual advertising budget.
No. Job Title Job Description

111 Marketing Manager/ Plans, organizes, directs and controls the hotel’s
Sales Manager/ marketing functions; reviews market and sales
Convention Manager/ analysis to determine local and overseas market
Catering Sales Manager/ requirements; co-ordinates public relations
Event Manager activities relating to sales promotion; chairs the
daily briefing of Sales Department, controls the
Sales/Clients System. Submits a monthly sales
report, solicits for group and convention business;
conducts sales campaign and contacts all visiting
travel trade and business personnel; co-ordinates
with Front Office Manager on short-term

Supervisory and Technician Level

208 Account Executive/ Develops new accounts and additional business by

Sales Executive/ regularly calling on potential clients, obtains
Marketing Officer/ marketing information, follows referrals from
Group Sales Co-ordinator clients and competition; follows up on future
booking and attends to complaints; completes
weekly call reports.

209 Public Relations Officer Helps implement publicity campaigns of special

events and promotions in the hotel; co-ordinates
with the press and entertainment media and all PR
related functions as instructed by PRM or the PR
management team.

210 Printshop Supervisor/Art Supervises printing room staff; familiar with the
Director/Designer/Layout operation of duplicating machines for printing
Artist office memos and in-house publications; manages
and administers the planning of art and
photographic budgets on the hotel’s promotional
publication; designs creative works to meet the
marketing objectives of the hotel.
Operative Level

402 Draftsman/Photographer/ Prepares artworks for in-house promotions and

Printshop Staff special events according to directions of
management; takes social pictures for hotel
functions; provides limited photographic services
for guests and management; produces hard and
photographic screen stencils and prepares and
operates printing equipment and machinery; sets
up and operates letterpress machines for the
hotels’ publications and promotional materials.
No. Job Title Job Description


Managerial and Professional Level

112 Director of Security/Security Monitors the Security Department on all security

Manager/Chief Security aspects to ensure a safe environment for both
Officer internal staff and hotel guests; informs Department
Heads concerned of any necessary procedures on
internal security matters; liaises with the police,
arranges staff safety training, fire drill tests, and
security screening of new employees; investigates
all incidents and thefts within the hotel.

113 Director of Front Office/ Monitors room occupancy forecasts on 3-days,

Front Office Manager weekly and monthly basis; advises with
management and sales staff on reservation status,
forecasts and tariffs; determines rate structure for
daily pick-up; supervises room rates offered; spot
checks VIP guest rooms; ensures and supervises
all departments, housekeeping, accounts, security,
engineering, and F & B work cohesively together.

114 Director of Rooms Division/ Supervises the front office, concierge, telephone,
Rooms Division Manager housekeeping, laundry, flower shop and kiosk
shop operations and those other duties assigned by
the management; co-ordinates with the Sales and
Marketing Division regarding reservation status;
liaises with Housekeeping and Engineering
Departments on renovation programmes and room
blockage for repair and maintenance; conducts
training for staff.
Supervisory and Technician Level

211 Airport Manager/Chief Supervises the hotel’s airport representatives,

Airport Representative liaises with other hotels’ representatives at the
airport, keeps close contact with the Concierge
Department regarding VIP and group arrivals;
liaises with airline staff and the hotel reservation
centre at the airport.
No. Job Title Job Description

212 Assistant Front Office Spot checks VIP guest rooms; greets and
Manager/Front Desk entertains VIP guests; co-ordinates with the Sales
Manager/Reception and Marketing Division regarding reservation
Manager/Assistant status; acceptance of personal cheque and travel
Manager/Duty Manager/ vouchers; records all unusual incidents or
Guest Service Manager/ complaints in duty logbook; greets and assists all
Business Centre Manager/ VIPs during their stay; receives and screens guests
Executive Services for management; maintains close liaison with
Manager/Executive Floor security department to investigate incidents or
Manager/Service Apartment thefts in hotel; supervises guest relation officers;
Manager/Night Manager carries master key of hotel and pager while on
duty; solves any problems and complaints from
guests regarding room reservations; checks
arrival/departure list especially VIP bookings;
informs the management on special hotel guests’
arrival/departure and upgrades; creates more
personalized contact with executive accounts and
entertains occasionally hotel guests; arranges for
the general manager to meet or contact special
guests upon arrival to hotel for functions and
events; carries out inspection on the special
attention rooms; responsible and manages the
daily operation within the hotel’s Business Center;
up-dates master booking chart for space allocation
and forecast; prepares monthly group reservations
lists for sales office follow up; assists front office
manager in preparing room occupancy forecasts;
approves all reservation confirmation slips before
they are sent out; prepares duty roster of all
reservations staff; supervises handling of guest
history records; informs all departments of
close-out dates.

213 Chief Concierge/Concierge/ Supervises all guest baggage handling; keeps

Bell Superintendent control of all items in the baggage rooms;
co-ordinates with Engineering Department for
proper functioning of all elevators when required;
compiles duty roster of bell boys according to
occupancy; co-ordinates with security and
housekeeping department; arranges car services
for guests.
No. Job Title Job Description

214 Bell Captain/ Supervises guest services in the lobby area and by
Bell Supervisor/ bell boys, assists guests with parcel
Baggage Master/ packing/delivery requirement; co-ordinates with
Transportation Supervisor/ front office cashiers for collection of unpaid
Assistant Chief Concierge/ accounts from departing guests before their
Valet Services Supervisor baggage leaves the hotel; arranges newspaper/
guest letter distribution to guests rooms; set up
signage boards according to daily event orders and
group orders.

215 Reception Supervisor/ Compiles duty roster for receptionists; makes

Chief Receptionist/ appropriate room assignments for arriving guests;
Chief Room Clerk/ provides daily departure information to
Front Office Supervisor/ reservations; maintains daily room availability
Reservations Supervisor/ control by checking housekeeping reports and
Mail and Information reports room discrepancy to duty assistant
Supervisor/Lobby manager; advises reservations and airport
Services Supervisor representatives on current space availability;
maintains updated local and hotel information for
guests; handles guest enquiries; oversees the
distribution of guests’ mail and telex messages.

216 Reservations Manager Updates master booking chart for space allocation
and forecast; prepares monthly group reservations
lists for sales office follow up; assists front office
manager in preparing room occupancy forecasts;
approves all reservation confirmation slips before
they are sent out; prepares duty roster of all
reservations staff; supervises handling of guest
history records; informs all departments of
close-out dates.

249 Security Supervisor Assists in monitoring the Security Department on

all security aspects to ensure a safe environment
for both internal staff and hotel guests; reports to
the Security Manager and supervises the operative
security staff on all security related maters.

Operative Level

403 Airport Representative/ Meets all arriving guests and arranges their
Tour Co-ordinator/ transfer to the hotel, liaises with bell captain and
Group Co-ordinator chief room clerk regarding baggage handling and
No. Job Title Job Description

informs about flight arrival/departure changes;

liaises with all airline staff at airport and hotel
reservation centre; completes group reservations
and space request for approval by Director of
Sales; issue group orders; provides in-house
co-ordination of group arrival/departure; works
closely with front office.

404 Bell Attendant/ Picks up and delivers guests' baggage in and out of
Baggage Porter/ the hotel; escorts guests from front desk to their
Door Attendant rooms and introduces room facilities; runs errands
for executive office; delivers newspaper/guest
letter; operates guest elevators for VIP arrival,
ensures flags are flying in the right position.
Directs traffic and parking of vehicles at main
entrance; provides door service to guests arriving
and departing; orders taxis or hires car for guests
upon request; summons bell boys to assist arriving

405 Front Office Clerk/ Greets and checks in all FITs and commercial
Guest Service Agent/ accounts and airline crews; promotes hotel
Guest Service Officer/ facilities to guests; processes all arrival and
Front Desk Agent/ departure records; reconfirms all local billing
Front Office Clerk/ instructions for FIT guests; informs assistant
Guest Relations Officer/ manager of doubtful billing instructions; hands out
Business Centre Officer/ room keys to guests; provides local information
Reservation Clerk for guests; promotes in-house functions, assists
front desk staff when they are busy and assists
guests to check out; handles reservation requests;
prepares room daily arrival lists and daily special
attention/VIP lists; updates guest history records;
prepares reservation/confirmation slips; prepares
group arrival lists.

406 Security Officer/ Patrols hotel premises; conducts full enquiry on

Uniform Guard/ incidents occurred; ensures all items found in the
House Officer hotel premises are properly recorded and kept;
checks all exists and back staircases. Carries out
guard duty in the shopping arcade, hotel entrances
and passageway in the rear service area; provides
protection to VIP guests.
No. Job Title Job Description


Supervisory and Technician Level

217 Telephone Service Manager/ Keeps an up-to-date information list on all

Telephone Supervisor in-house guests; operates the paging system;
screen calls as requested by guests; supervises and
compiles staff schedule according to hotel
occupancy; logs daily long distance call charges
and checks for billings.

Operative Level

407 Telephone Operator Processes local and overseas calls, provides

wake-up service; keeps close communication
between departments after office hours; provides
directory service to guests; knows all hotel
services and service hours; follows management
instructions on emergency procedures.


Managerial and Professional Level

115 Director of Housekeeping/ Monitors the overall departmental-related matters;

Executive Housekeeper/ submits a yearly budget for the departmental
Housekeeping Manager expenses on house linen, uniform and cleaning
equipment; monitors and supervises on all
day-to-day housekeeping activities.

Supervisory and Technician Level

218 Assistant Executive Reports to Director of Housekeeping or Executive

Housekeeper/Housekeeping Housekeeper on day-to-day operations; conducts
Manager/Head Housekeeper inventory taking and tight control of guest room
and service apartment items; co-ordinates with
engineering department on guest room
maintenance; co-ordinates with purchasing
department on market price comparison and
testing of new products; liaises with front office on
daily arrival/departure pattern for proper staff
allocation. Supervises all laundry and valet
attendants; provides training to staff.
No. Job Title Job Description

219 Housekeeping Supervisor/ Chairs daily briefing with all morning and
Floor Supervisor/Assistant afternoon duty supervisors and assign daily work
Housekeeper/ Assistant schedules; spot-checks occupied and vacant guest
Housekeeper (Public Area)/ rooms after cleaning; ensures that all public and
Public Area Supervisor/ back of the house areas are regularly sprayed by
Public Area Housekeeper/ outside pest control contractor; inspects all room
General Area Housekeeper/ blocked for VIP arrivals; maintains records and
General Service Supervisor storage of all lost and found items.

220 Laundry Manager/Laundry Provides valet service to guests; distributes linen

and Valet Manager/Laundry and uniforms to other departments as required and
Supervisor/Dry Clean/Wash minimizes the costs incurred in cleaning;
Supervisor supervises washers, pressers, linen sorters and
valet attendants, provides training to junior staff to
maintain quality of service to guests.

Operative Level

408 Cloakroom Attendant/ Monitor cloakroom for hotel guests; cleans office
Lobby Attendant/Public Area areas, public areas and F & B outlets, cleans guest
Cleaners/Upholsterer/ toilets; makes requisition for cleaning materials,
Houseman/Toilet Attendant linen, tissue rolls etc.

409 Uniform and Linen Room Checks uniform supply; stores and controls
Attendant/Runner/Tailor/ replacement of household supplies; controls
Seamstress supply and distribution of all house linen; keeps
up-to-date stock records; checks and repairs staff
uniforms/house linen, provides service to guests
when required; repairs curtains and drapes.
No. Job Title Job Description

410 Laundry and Valet Operates all linen finishing equipments and
Attendant/Laundry and Valet laundry machinery; reports to laundry manager of
Clerk/Order Taker (Laundry) any machinery’s malfunction; handles the daily
distribution requirements for all bed and bathroom
linen and monitors that linen is loaded onto bins
for the housekeeping departments; maintains
adequate supplies of food and beverage linen on
shelves for distribution; fills requisitions after
proper authorization, makes regular inspections of
the quality of laundering; sorts out laundry
garments from the dry clean garments; makes sure
of proper identification by use of tags and tickets;
checks and bags the order to be distributed by
runner. Maintain records on all guest items;
prepares laundry and valet bills and other routine
office duties.

411 Sorter/Washer/Ironer/Presser/ Presses clothes with iron and pressing machines.

Checker/Dry Cleaner/Marker Loads, cycles and unloading of all washer
extractors; undertakes regular inspections of the
wash cycle and keeps all equipment clean. Sorts
out all bathroom and bed linen and food and
beverage linen.

412 Room Attendant/Room Cleans guest rooms; provides services to guests;

Services Butler/Floor replenishes supplies in guest rooms. Maintains
Attendant/Housekeeping records on all items such as extra linen, hair dryers
Clerk/Order-taker/ required by in-house guests, prepares laundry and
Co-ordinator (Housekeeping) valet bills and other routine office duties.


Managerial and Professional Level

116 Executive Chef Establishes standards of food quality and

preparation; develops new menus; co-ordinates
with other departments on food selection and
storage; supervises performance and discipline of
kitchen staff; carries out inspection and
maintenance of the kitchen set-up; prepares cost
lists and requisitions on market times.

118 Executive Assistant Plans, organises, directs and controls operation of

No. Job Title Job Description

Manager (Food and food and beverage facilities; analyses operation

Beverage)/Director costs and liaises with purchasing manager;
of Food and Beverage/ determines payroll and operating costs so as to
Food and Beverage establish food and beverage prices; makes
Manager improvements in service procedures and guest
relations; organises special food and beverage
promotions and festivals; makes contacts with
clients regarding functions; co-ordinates with
executive chef in menu planning and staffing,
studies market trends by visiting other

119 Director of Catering/ Analyses operation costs and liaises with

Assistant Food and purchasing manager; determines payroll and
Beverage Manager operating costs so as to establish food and
beverage prices; makes improvements in service
procedures and guest relations; organises special
food and beverage promotions and festivals;
makes contacts with clients regarding functions;
co-ordinates with executive chef in menu planning
and staffing, studies market trends by visiting
other establishments; assist the food and beverage
manager to ensure high standards of food and
service of all the food and beverage outlets.

Supervisory and Technician Level

221 Catering Manager/ Supervises all catering, food and beverage

Banquet Manager/ functions and banquet personnel; arranges
Banquet Services Manager necessary details in carrying out transactions for
functions and other special events and negotiates
terms for sales of hotel’s catering services;
evaluates plan for banquet sales programmes;
updates banquet function log book.

222 Catering or Banquet Sales Responsible for generating food and beverage
Executive/Catering or revenue for the Banquet Department and Food and
Banquet Co-ordinator Beverage outlets through creative selling and
successful event co-ordinations from start to
No. Job Title Job Description

223 Banquet Headwaiter/ Supervises and co-ordinates the work of restaurant

Headwaiter/Maître staff; arranges table reservations; greets and
d’Hotel escorts guests; handles complaints on food and
service; may take guests’ order and pass to
waiters; assists in preparing menu. Follows
instructions of event orders; makes necessary
adjustments according to guest; schedules banquet
staff for different functions.

224 Beverage Manager/ Ensures bar is equipped with supplies and that
Bar Manager/Head Barman correct liquor brands are served; maintains
prescribed profit margin; supervises maintenance
of bar and service equipment; prepares work
schedules and checks on staff performance.

225 Restaurant Manager/ Provides overall supervision of the restaurant and

Outlet Manager/Outlet Heads service; advises management on all guest
(coffee shop, lobby lounge, comments and complaints; schedules staff duties
etc.)/Room Service Manager according to forecasts and special events; trains
staff; maintains personalized service to guests,
liaises with the executive chef in menu
preparation; supervises operation of room
services, makes requisitions for room services

226 Captain (Food and Takes orders from guests and delivers orders to
Beverage Department) kitchen; may carve meats and prepare flamble
dishes at table; advises on the selection of wines
and serves them.

227 Chief Steward/ Co-operates with accounting department during

Stewarding Manager quarterly stock-taking; ensures proper hygiene and
sanitation in all areas; prepares staff work
schedules; supervises requisition and storage of
silver/china/glass/copper ware; checks on all
kitchen equipment and utensils for cleanliness.

228 Executive Sous Chef/ Develops new menus; co-ordinates with other
Sous Chef departments on food selection and storage;
prepares cost lists and requisitions on market
times; assists executive chef on standards of food
quality and preparation; Supervises presentation
No. Job Title Job Description

and preparation of food items for daily banquet

functions; conducts staff training classes; prepares
weekly work schedule; controls food and
storeroom requisitions and inter-kitchen transfer.

Remark: These posts may also be the designated

certified hygiene managers/supervisor for their
respective organizations.

230 Gardemanger/Chef de Partie Supervises preparation of all cold foods;

(Cold Production)/Pastry responsible for table and food decorations; checks
Chef/Chef de Patissier/ function sheets and menus daily for distribution of
Rotisseur/Chef de Partie work loads to helpers; ensures that all required
(Grill)/Saucier/Chef de Partie food items for each outlets are ready in time; keeps
(Sauce) professional records of recipes and working
methods; Supervises the bakery cooks in the
preparation of all doughs, pastries, cakes, sweats
petit fours, sugar decorations and butter carvings;
operates all machinery in pastry and bakery room;
maintains quality standard set by executive chef;
Supervises the cookery of grilled and roasted
meat, poultry and games, deep-fried foods and
fish, garnishing of the grills and roasts; Supervises
presentation of all meats, poultry and seafood for
main courses and appetizers by means of cooking;
braising and panfrying; prepares sauces of all food
items and sets up daily ‘mis-en-place’; checks
condition of cold room and refrigerator daily.

Remark: These posts may also be the designated

certified hygiene managers/supervisor for their
respective organizations.

231 Specialist Cook Chefs in charge of special authentic cuisines other

than Chinese or Western (e.g. Italian, Indian, Thai,
Japanese, Korean, South East Asian (SEA)

232 Staff Canteen Manager/Staff Supervises the operations and activities of the staff
Canteen Supervisor/ Cafeteria/Canteen and the maintenance of men’s
Staff Facilities Supervisor/ and ladies’ locker room.
Employee Restaurant

233 Wine Steward/ Pushes for beverage sales; takes care of the wine
No. Job Title Job Description

Sommelier and liquor stocks in the restaurant; has good

knowledge of wine and advises guests on
selection; serves wine at the required

Craftsman Level

301 Baker/Pastry Cook Prepares and designs bread and loaf for the hotel;
supervises work of apprentice cook; Prepares
cakes, pastry confectionery and desserts for hotel,
supervises the work of apprentice cook.

302 Cook (Western)/Junior Cook Checks daily and weekly menus; operates utensils
(Western) and crockery used in kitchen; performs different
types of cookery and meal preparation; checks
stocks in his location in kitchen area; may
specialize in sauce, soup, roast, butchery, fish,
cold cut and vegetable; assist cook, and senior
cook from food preparations to food orders.

Operative Level

413 Restaurant Receptionist/ Welcomes and greets guests to their seats; takes
Hostess reservations, reports guests comments to
restaurant manager; keeps trace on guests history;
serves guests in assigned station under a captain’s
supervision, prepares table setting and removes
dishes; knows all menu items; keeps good guests
relations and extends personalized service.

414 Junior Waiter/Junior Collects food from kitchen, cleans up table and
Waitress/Bar Attendant/ changes linen, knows all items on menu; good
Bar Porter/Service Attendant understanding of the common menu items.

415 Cleaner/Dishwasher/ Washes crockeries by hand and by machine,

Kitchen Helper/Steward/ sweeps the floor and wipes stainless counters in
Pantry Helper/Houseman/ kitchen; disposes garbage; cleans stove and top of
Yardman/General Staff exhaust fans; delivers dishes from the kitchen to
(kitchen/restaurant) the food and beverage outlets.
No. Job Title Job Description

416 Bartender/Soda Fountain Follows specified drink and cocktail by free

Server pouring jigger quantities; checks on supplies of
wines and spirits; prepares daily supply requisition
for bar manager’s approval.

No. Job Title Job Description

Managerial and Professional Level

117 Executive Chinese Chef/ Establishes standards of food quality and

Chief Chef preparation for the hotel’s Chinese Restaurant;
develops new menus; co-ordinates with other
departments on food selection and storage;
supervises performance and discipline of kitchen
staff; carries out inspection and maintenance of the
kitchen set-up; prepares cost lists and requisitions
on market times.

Remark: These posts may also be the designated

certified hygiene managers/supervisor for their
respective organizations.

120 Chinese Restaurant Manager Plans and prepares Chinese menus for the Chinese
Restaurant within a hotel; supervises both
front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house staff of
the Chinese Restaurant; liaises with other
departments on all Chinese Restaurant related

Supervisory and Technician Level

229 Executive Chinese Sous Assists Executive Chinese Chef or Chief Chef on
Chef all kitchen or food related matters; ensures food
quality standards; develops new menus and works
with other departments on food selection and
storage; provides training to staff.

Remark: These posts may also be the designated

certified hygiene managers/supervisor for their
respective organizations.
No. Job Title Job Description

234 Assistant Chinese Manages and co-ordinates the activities of the

Restaurant Manager/ restaurant and trains staff to ensure prompt and
Chinese Food Services courteous services; recommends menus and dishes
Manager/Sales Manager to clients; assists in coordinating the activities of
(Chinese Restaurant) the restaurant, sales promotion, services and
keeping good rapport with clients; liaises with
suppliers on special food promotions.

235 Captain (Chinese Assists the headwaiter in supervising and assigning

Restaurant)/Headwaiter waiters/waitresses to their work station; prepares
(Chinese Restaurant) and checks table set-up; liaises with clients; assists
the restaurant manager in table planning, staffing
training, menu recommendations and arrangement
of duty rosters for staff.

236 Pantry Captain Supervises pantry helpers and arranges their duty
roster according to workload of the kitchen; liaises
with cashiers regarding the billing of each dining
party; supervises serving schedule of the ordered

237 * Senior Cook Handles preparation of sauces, sharks; fin soup,

fried crispy chicken and trimming of pan-fried
dishes; responsible for steaming, broiling and

238 * Service Cook/Kitchen Supervises the sequence and timing of serving;

Supervisor/General Cook assigns duties to junior cooks.

239 * Barbecue Cook Prepares assorted barbecue meat platter; assists

butchers in the portioning of meat before serving;
preserves and roasts barbecue dishes.

* = Remark: These posts may also be the designated certified hygiene managers/supervisor for
their respective organizations.

No. Job Title Job Description

240 * Chief Butcher Assists the executive Chinese chef in kitchen

administration; prepares portion standards of meat,
poultry and seafood for various usages and

241 * Chief Cook Supervises the preparation of sauces, sharks’ fin

soup and the seasoning of food and pan-fry duties.

242 * Chief Dim Sum Cook Supervises the preparation of dim sum, pan fried
glutinous rice, sweetened soup and Chinese petit

243 * No. 2 Cooks(barbecue, Assists the chief cooks and senior cooks in
dim sum, vegetable, carrying out specific duties of the kitchen;
butchery) performs assignments in food preparation.

244 * No. 3 Cooks(barbecue, Works under the supervision of the senior cooks in
dim sum, vegetable, food preparations and specific duties of different
butchery) sections of the kitchen.

245 * Second Butcher Handles the preparation of fresh seafood; prepares

vegetables, poultry and ingredients for soup base.

Craftsman Level

303 Junior Cook(Chinese)/No. 4 Assists cooks in preparing the different varieties of

Cooks or below (barbecue, dishes and carries out general duties in the kitchen.
dim sum, vegetable,

* = Remark: These posts may also be the designated certified hygiene managers/supervisor for
their respective organizations.

No. Job Title Job Description
Operative Level

417 Dim Sum Cook/Steamer/ Prepares the stuffings and dough for dim sum and
Trimmer/Vegetable Cook noodle products; attends to the timing of frying
dim sum and its presentation; attends to the timing
of steaming dim sum; prepares the seasoning of
dried seafood, abalone, sharks’ fins and salt-baked
dishes; prepares vegetable carving and garnishes;
supervises vegetable cook helpers in assembling
the proper portions.

Remark: These posts may also be the designated

certified hygiene managers/supervisor for their
respective organizations.


Managerial and Professional Level

121 Director of Engineering/ Monitors and responsible for the overall

Chief Engineer/Technical engineering division. Ensure smooth day-to-day
Manager/Property operations within the premises; compiles regular
Maintenance Manager budget reports on repair and maintenance; contacts
outside contractors for hotel projects; conducts
thorough inspection of entire hotel premises,
supervises staff performance; assists in
renovations, supervises and liaises with

Supervisory and Technician Level

246 Duty Engineer/Building Supervises duty crew; enters all data as specified in
Maintenance Supervisor/ the engineers’ log book and all specific events
Building Supervisor relevant to engineering.

247 Foreman/Technical Inspects hotel’s air-conditioning, sound and

Supervisor/Assistant lighting systems; contacts outside contractors for
Engineer/Audio-visual maintenance and repair works.

No. Job Title Job Description
Craftsman Level

304 Engineering Craftsman Maintains and repairs all necessary mechanical and
(e.g. air-conditioning electrical engineering works of a hotel including
mechanic, boilerman, restaurant outlets guestrooms, and public areas.
carpenter, electrician fitter,
general mechanic,
mason/(plasterer) painter,


159 Managerial and Professional Should there be job titles that cannot be found
Level from the Job Code List provided, and these jobs
were considered as principle jobs within your
259 Supervisory and Technician organization, kindly state the job titles and provide
Level the brief job descriptions of the said jobs according
to theirs job levels. Also, please fill in the job
359 Craftsman Level details at Part I to III of the survey questionnaire.

459 Operative Level

559 Administrative and Others


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