PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key: Chapter 2 Answers

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key

Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition

Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

Chapter 2 Answers
1) d) They are all of equal importance unless otherwise stated
The Triple Constraint of Project Management is that Scope, Time, and Cost are all equal
unless otherwise defined as such. Quality is often confused in place of Scope with the Triple
Constraint. Quality is actually achieved when Scope, Time, and Cost goals have been met.

2) a) Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, Closing

Per the 3rd edition PMBOK Guide, the process groups that make up the PMI methodology
or "Project Management Life Cycle" are Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and
Controlling, and Closing.

3) a) To control resources
The Functional Manager runs the day-to-day business and is responsible for resources.
Project Managers do not always report to Functional Managers. The Functional Manager
runs a department or area of business, not the Project Manager. Defining business processes
is noise.

4) a) Managing of related or similar projects in a coordinated way

Program Management utilizes a coordinated management of related projects. Done for a
purpose is a characteristic of a project. The other two answers are noise in this question.

5) b) Optimization for a single focus on the project

Optimization for a single focus on the project means that the team can focus on what the
work of the project is and usually only that. The other answers are associated with
Functional Organizations.

Chapter 3 Answers
1) a) Conflicting goals of the Sponsors
If there were conflicting goals of the Sponsors this could significantly impact the project as the
attempt to build what would work for all involved could radically alter the plan. The creation of the
WBS would be a challenge as well, but not as big as the best answer. The other two answers are

2) a) Stakeholder management
Stakeholder management involves determining the needs and expectations of the Stakeholders and
management of those needs and expectations Stakeholder identification involves determining the
impacted Stakeholders. The other two answers are noise.

3) b) Project Manager and team

The Project Manager and team are the best selection to create the project management plan and the
estimates that feed into it. They are the people doing the work, so they should have the opportunity to
estimate and plan it as well as possible. The Sponsor pays for the project. The Project Manager or
the team only wouldn't be a good choice as both are needed for a realistic plan.

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key
Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition
Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

4) d) Meet with the Sponsor and find out what their concerns are
Meeting with the Sponsor to figure out their concerns is the best solution; it is the most proactive and
can provide either an immediate fix or clearest information you can use to identify a concern or
problem. The answers involving Senior Management are noise; they don't deal with addressing the
problem. The Triple Constraint answer is noise as well.

5) b) Evaluate the impact to the project and let the customer know the options and impact of the change.
The Project Manager needs to evaluate the impact to the project and let the customer know the
options. The Project Manager is there to do what the customer needs according to the plan or
modified plan. Telling the customer the project is too close to being complete to integrate the change
wouldn't be the Project Manager's decision to make, neither would defining the work as a new
project. Ignoring the customer and hoping things disappear is professionally irresponsible.

Chapter 4 Answers

1) d) Verify that all key Stakeholders have provided their input

Verifying that all key Stakeholders have provided their input is the most important item. If this
doesn't happen, the project could be delayed or derailed. The WBS isn't addressed in Scope Planning.
The other two answers are noise.

2) b) Confusion on who is responsible for doing what

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix shows who is responsible for what areas on the project. The
Network diagram would provide guidance on what order the tasks occur. The organizational
structure would confirm who is on the team, and what the reporting structure is. The Gantt chart or
schedule will show how long the tasks are.

3) b) Communication Management Plan

The Communication Management Plan helps define what the communication needs of the project are
for the project team members and Stakeholders. The team list would tell who is on the team. The
staffing plan would help define how to get people on the team, and Information Distribution Plan is

4) c) Assumptions
Assumptions are created when there is an absence of certain information on a project. It's an
educated guess. As the project evolves, the assumptions should be fewer. Constraints are items that
limit a project environment. Team development and staff acquisition are noise.

5) d) Project Management Information System (PMIS)

The Project Management Information System (PMIS) is a system that is used to store and distribute
information on a project. This can be a low tech or high tech system. The other three answers are

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key
Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition
Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

Chapter 5 Answers

1) b) Risk Response Planning

Risk Response Planning documents who should do what if risk events occur. Risk identification is
the process of figuring out what risks and triggers could occur on the project. Qualitative analysis
involves assigning probability and impact ratings to the risk. Secondary response planning is noise.

2) b) Risk Seeker
A Risk Seeker mentality is that of looking for the big reward and being prepared to pay significantly
if it is missed. The risk averse mentality is a very conservative approach to risk. A risk neutral
mentality is somewhere between that of a Risk Seeker and risk averse mentality. The other answer is

3) c) Either a negative or positive event

Risk can be of negative or positive consequence on a project. It is something that can happen but
hasn't yet. Risk involves uncertainty that is why it involves what could happen, not what has

4) b) Unknown unknowns
Management Reserves are created for unknown unknowns. These are things that wouldn't be
expected to happen. Contingency Reserves are created for known unknowns. These are things that
we know will happen, we just don't know how much of it will happen. Risk Management is noise.

5) b) Insurable risk
Insurable risk is risk that you can buy insurance for, which in this case is an insurance policy that
ensures what the company will have to pay if the machine breaks. Business Risk comes from simply
operating the business. There is no guarantee that an idea will work as you hope. Conformance to
quality is part of the Definition of Quality. ISO9000 is a quality standard.

Chapter 6 Answers

1 d) All of the answers

A WBS includes all of the work in the project. If it is not listed in the WBS, it's not part of the
project. A WBS should be decomposed to a realistic level of detail. Not breaking it down far enough
can have work slipping through the cracks and breaking it down into too much detail can turn the
project into micro-management. Adding up the work in the WBS should equal the work that is in the

2) d) All of the answers

The WBS serves as a primary input for determining what types of resources, and their durations are
needed on the project, what the high level costs should be for the project, and what shape the schedule
will take when complete.

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key
Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition
Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

3) c) The Activity sequencing of the WBS can be done only in parallel.

The Activity Sequencing of the WBS can be done only in parallel is a noise answer because it makes
no logical sense. The other three answers are characteristic of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

4) c) Work package
The work package is the smallest level that the WBS is broken into. The next level of Decomposition
is to create Activity Definitions, which are sometimes known as task lists. A to-do list is noise in this

5) a) The Decomposition of the work of the project

The WBS represents the Decomposition of the work of the project. If the work is shown in the WBS,
it is in the project; if it's not shown there, it's not in the project. The task list is Activity Definition,
and the schedule is created after the WBS.

Chapter 7 Answers

1) a) Resource Leveling
Resource leveling takes peaks and valleys and levels them off for a consistent utilization of resources.
Fast tracking and crashing are schedule compression techniques; those techniques solve a different
type of problem. PERT analysis is noise in this question.

2) c) BFG
The Critical Path is the longest in the diagram. Of the four paths, BFG is the longest at 13 days.
ACE is nine days long. BDE is 11 days. BDG is 12 days.

3) c) Float
Slack and Float are interchangeable terminology. Lag is a delay between tasks on a Network
diagram. GERT and PERT are noise.

4) d) Resource Histogram
The Resource Histogram displays how resources are utilized on the project. It can be displayed a
number of ways, but the general view shows some criteria of resources on the project over a time
scale. The Control chart shows output over time. The Pareto diagram shows frequency of defects.
The staffing management plan addresses how to deal with staffing related items on the project.

5) a) You can have more than one Critical Path, but they are the longest paths on the project, and more
than one Critical Path will increase your project risk.
The Critical Path is the longest path on the project. If you have more than one path that is the same
length, you have multiple Critical Paths. The more of them you have, the riskier the project is.

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key
Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition
Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

Chapter 8 Answers

1) a) Parametric
The parametric estimate involves using a parameter of an amount per unit. In this case, $85 per
square foot is the parameter. The analogous estimate is a top down estimate. The bottom up estimate
is the detail that is created by the team. Gut feel is noise.

2) a) Bottom-up estimating
Bottom-up estimating involves created a very detailed, time consuming and accurate estimate as a
result of working at the lowest level of the details of the work to create an estimate and rolling them
up into a total overall estimate. Parametric estimating involves using a parameter such as $5.00 a
square yard for material. Fast tracking involves re-sequencing already defined tasks to compress the
overall duration of the schedule. Analogous estimating involves creating a relatively quick, high level

3) c) -25% to +75%
The range of an order of magnitude (OOM) estimate is -25% to +75%. The Definitive Estimate has a
range of -5% to +10%. The other two answers are noise in this question.

4) a) Variable indirect
This type of cost would typically increase for every user and will not likely be associated with a
project. Therefore, Variable Indirect is the best description. Variable is not the best answer. Fixed
and fixed direct cost descriptions don't fit this type of cost.

5) a) $5,000 US
To calculate this, there are a few things to determine. What is the value of the asset at the end of the
schedule? What is the amount of the asset to begin with? What is the number of years of the
depreciation schedule? First, subtract the ending value of the asset from the beginning value of the
asset ($25K-$0=$25K). The $25K is then divided by the years (5) of the depreciation schedule. This
results in $5K per year of depreciation.

Chapter 9 Answers

1) d) Fast tracking
Fast tracking involves re-sequencing of activities on the Network diagram to attain compression of
the schedule. Crashing involves putting more resources on the Critical Path. Mandatory
Dependencies involve a required predecessor before something can begin. Lag is a delay between
tasks on the Network diagram.

2) a) Rolling wave planning

In an environment where there is a great degree of flexibility or instability it's good to use a rolling
wave planning approach. This allows the team to plan out as much as reasonably possible, and as they

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key
Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition
Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

are executing that part of the plan, they continue to plan future work as they learn more about it.
Crashing involves putting more resources on the critical path tasks. Fast tracking involves re-
sequencing already defined tasks to compress the overall duration of the schedule. Precedence
diagramming is a network diagramming technique.

3) a) Crashing
Crashing is the process of putting more resources on the critical items. Fast Tracking is re-
sequencing the Critical Path activities to achieve schedule compression. Staff Acquisition doesn't fit
here. Re-planning is noise.

4) b) Sunk cost
Sunk costs are those that have already been spent on the project. They shouldn't be taken into
consideration when determining whether to continue on the project. There is nothing in the situation
about phasing the project. The budgeted cost of work performed is the Earned Value (EV).
Opportunity cost doesn't apply here.

Chapter 10 Answers

1) c) Create and publish an agenda, and establish the leader of the meeting
Creating and publishing an agenda, and knowing who is in charge of a meeting are two ways to have
a highly organized effective meeting.

2) d) Receiver
The receiver has the responsibility to receive the message, decode it and (if necessary) request
additional information from the sender for clarification, and (ideally) let the sender know that the
message was understood. The sender is responsible for verifying that the message was received and
interpreted correctly. This typically comes from feedback that is provided by the receiver.

3) b) Problem solving
Problem solving is the most proactive and lasting solution. Reward really wouldn't fit here.
Compromise could water down the solution. Withdrawing would be professionally irresponsible.

4) b) Formal
Once the Charter is signed, the Project Manager has formal authority. The level of authority is defined
in the Charter. Reward involves providing incentives to people on the project. Referent involves
whom you are connected to on the project or in the organization. The other answer is noise.

5) b) Organizational chart
The Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) is also known as an organizational chart. The
staffing management plan defines the staffing rules as it relates to the project. The Responsibility
Assignment Matrix shows who is responsible for what on the project. The Resource Histogram
shows what quantities of resources are utilized over time.

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key
Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition
Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

Chapter 11 Answers

1) a) Gantt chart
The Gantt chart shows the people doing the work where the project is working to the plan. The
Milestone chart is used for executive reporting. The Network diagram is used to show the sequencing
of activities on the project. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is used to show the work that is
in the project.

2) c) Language
The Communication Model includes the sender to deliver the message, the receiver to get the
message, and the message as the information being exchanged.

3) c) Forecast Report
The Forecast Report shows what is expected to happen on the project. The Status Report shows
where the project is to date. The Earned Valued Report shows Earned Value data. The Project
Report shows what has been completed since the last reporting period.

4) d) Work Breakdown Structure

The team is creating the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This will allow them to see what the
work of the project is. The schedule shows sequencing and timelines as well as the work of the
project. The Gantt chart shows bars indicating when the tasks happen. The Responsibility
Assignment Matrix shows who is responsible for what areas on the project.

5) b) Approximately 90%
Approximately 90% of a Project Manager's time is spent communicating. This could be via e-mail,
meetings, listening, speaking, web conference, etc.

Chapter 12 Answers

1) a) $417.50
To calculate the Earned Value (EV), multiply the percent complete of each task by its Planned Value
(PV); that will provide the EV for each task. The next step is to add the Earned Value for each task to
determine the total Earned Value for the project. This amount is $417.50 US.

2) d) To Complete Performance Index

The To Complete Performance Index or TCPI shows the efficiency needed of the remaining resources
to come in on budget. Cost variance shows the difference between work done and what was paid for
it. Cost Performance Index shows the ratio between the work done and what was paid for it. Estimate
to complete shows the amount remaining to be spent based on the current spending efficiency (CPI).

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PMP Exam Preparation Answer Key
Reference the Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, 3rd edition
Chapter 18, By Tony Johnson

3) b) Estimate to Complete
Estimate to Complete shows the remaining amount of money needed based on current (to date)
spending efficiency. Cost Variance is the difference between the amount of work done and the
amount paid for it. Estimate at Completion is the total amount of money the project is expected to
cost based on current spending efficiency. Budget remaining is a noise answer.

4) a) Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

The Schedule Performance Index will tell you if you are ahead, on, or behind schedule. Less than 1.0
means you are having schedule problems. 1.0 means you are doing exactly as planned on the
schedule. Greater than 1.0 means you are progressing faster than planned. The Cost Performance
Index will show the spending efficiency of the project. The Budget at Completion is the overall
budget estimate for the project. The Cost Variance shows the amount that the project is over or under

5) c) -$77.50
To calculate this, the Earned Value (EV) and Actual Cost (AC) need to be calculated first. To do this,
multiply the percent complete of each task by its Planned Value (PV); that will provide the EV for
each task Sum the Earned Value of each task to determine the total Earned Value. Sum the Actual
Cost of each task to determine the total Actual Cost. The Earned Value of $417.50 is then subtracted
from the Actual Cost of $495.00. This provides a CV of -$77.50. This means that the project is
$77.50 over budget.

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