DLL Math Grade2 Quarter1 Week1

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K to 12 School Grade Level Two

Teacher Learning Area Mathematics

Daily Lesson
Teaching Dates and
L0g Quarter/Week 1st Quarter/ 1st Week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 1000, ordinal numbers up to 20th, and money up to PhP100.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to recognize, represent, compare, and order whole numbers up to 1000, ordinal numbers up to 20th, and money up to PhP100 in various
forms and contexts
C. Learning The learner visualizes and represents numbers from 0-1000 with emphasis on numbers 101 – 1000 using a variety of materials.
Competencies/Objectives M2NS-Ia-1.2
Visualizes and represents Visualizes and represents Visualizes and represents Visualizes and represents Visualizes and represents
numbers from 0-200 with numbers from 201-400 numbers from 401-600 with numbers from 601-800 with numbers from 801-1000 with
emphasis on numbers 101 – with emphasis on numbers emphasis on numbers 401 – emphasis on numbers 601 – emphasis on numbers 801 – 1
200 using a variety of 201 – 400 using a variety 600 using a variety of 800 using a variety of 000 using a variety of
materials. of materials. materials materials materials.

Numbers and Number Numbers and Number Numbers and Number Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
Sense Sense Sense Visualizes and identifies
II. CONTENT Visualizes and identifies Visualizes and identifies Visualizes and identifies numbers from 601 through Visualizes and identifies
numbers from 0 through numbers from 201 through numbers from 401 through 800. numbers from 801 through 1
200. 400. 600. 000.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Lesson 1-pages 1-5 Lesson 1-pages 1-5 Lesson 1-pages 1-5 Lesson 1-pages 1-5 Lesson 1-pages 1-5
2. Learner’s Materials LM in Mathematics 2 LM in Mathematics 2 LM in Mathematics 2 LM in Mathematics 2 LM in Mathematics 2
pages Lesson 1-Pages 1-4 Lesson 1-Pages 1-4 Lesson 1-Pages 1-4 Lesson 2-pages 5-7 Lesson 2-pages 5-7
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning

A. Review previous lesson Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities
or presenting the new lesson 1. DRILL 1. DRILL 1. Drill 1. Drill 1. Drill
A. Using flash cards A. Using flash cards Ask the pupils to orally Give the next number. Ask the pupils to count
complete each item. Write complete each item. Write count numbers from 401 to Ask the pupils to “give the backwards numbers 800 to 1
your answer on your show your answer on your show 600. number before” each given 000
me board. me board. 2.Review number written in the flash
Refer TG-pages 1-2 Refer TG-pages 1-2 Count and write the correct card. (nos. up to 800)
B. Let the pupils give the (Note:Change the nos. up numeral for each illustration Example: 647 648
correct number. to 400 only Refer to TG 786 800 789 745
1. 5 tens + 7 ones =_______ B. Let the pupils give the page5(pictures)
2. 9 tens + 4 ones = _______ correct number.
3. 7 tens + 3 ones = 1.3 hundreds, 5 tens + 7
_______ ones = _______
4. 9 tens + 9 ones = _______ 2. 2 hundreds,9 tens + 4
5. 8 tens + 6 ones = _______ ones = _______
3.2 hundreds, 7 tens + 3
C. Give the correct answer. ones = _______
Write your answer on your 4.3 hundreds, 9 tens + 9
Show Me Board ones = _______
1. 6 tens and 3 ones is 5.2 hundreds, 8 tens + 6
_____ ones = _______
2. 5 tens and 8 ones is
____ C. Give the correct
3. 9 tens and 9 ones is answer. Write your answer
_____ on your Show Me Board
4. 7 tens and 5 ones is _____ 1. 3 hundreds,8 tens and 2
5. 8 tens and 8 ones is is ______
_____ 2.2 hundreds, 5 tens and 8
ones is _____
3.3 hundreds, 7 tens and 9
ones is _____
4.3 hundreds, 4 tens and 5
ones is _____
5.4 hundreds, 0 tens and 0
ones is ____

B. Establishing a purpose Motivation Motivation Motivation Motivation Motivation

for the lesson Show a mango tree with Show a mango tree with Using number cards the Using number cards the Using number cards the
numbered fruits in it. Call numbered fruits in it. Call teacher will show numbers teacher will show numbers 6, 8 teacher will show numbers 8, 7
the pupils to pick the fruit the pupils to pick the 5, 7 and 5. Then ask the and 5. Then ask the pupils to and 5. Then ask the pupils to
from the mango tree and fruit from the mango tree pupils to form three digit form three digit numbers using form three digit numbers using
read the number written on and read the number numbers using these these numbers. Then ask- these numbers. Then ask- what
it.(Be sure nos. up 1 to 200 written on it.(Be sure nos. numbers. Then ask- what is what is the biggest and is the biggest and smallest
only) up to 400 only) the biggest and smallest smallest numbers formed. numbers formed.
(Picture of a Mango Tree) (Picture of a Mango Tree) numbers formed.
Ask: Ask:
1. Can you eat the number 1. Can you eat the number
of fruits shown at the back? of fruits shown at the
2. Is it too many? Or is it back?
few? 2. Is it too many? Or is it
3. Can you explain how few?
many is the number you are 3. Can you explain how
holding? many is the number you
are holding?
C. Presenting 2. Presentation 2. Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
examples/instances of the A. Concrete A. Concrete  Divide the class into  Divide the class into  Divide the class into
new lesson Group the pupils by five Group the pupils groups. Provide each group groups. Provide each group groups. Provide each group
depending on the number of by five depending on the with counters such as with peebles as counters. with seeds as counters such as
pupils in a class. Make sure number of pupils in a popsicle sticks or drinking  Let the pupils group the  Let the pupils group the
that each pupil has objects class. Make sure that each straws. peebles into 100. seeds into 100.
bundled or grouped into pupil has objects bundled  Let the pupils bundle 5
100s in trays or bags. Using or grouped into 100s in sets of 100 popsicle sticks. Ask: How many peebles do Ask: How many seeds do you
the straws, the teacher will trays or bags. Using the you have? If you add another have? If you add another 100
show groupings by 1s, 10s, straws, the teacher will Ask: How many popsicle group of100 peebles, how group of seeds, how many are
and 100s. Let the pupils show groupings by 1s, sticks do you have? If you many are there? there?
count the number of straws 10s, and 100s. Let the add another one bundle of
they have. pupils count the number of 100, how many are there?
. straws they have until they
reached the required
D. Discussing new concepts B. Pictorial B. Pictorial Let the pupils write the Let the pupils write the
and practicing new skills #1 Using the play money- ask Using the play money- ask Let the pupils write the number symbols on their Show number symbols on their Show
the pupils to count the value the pupils to count the number symbols on their Me Board.  Do these lines Me Board.  Do these lines
of the following: value of the following: Show Me Board.  Do of questioning until the pupil of questioning until the pupil
(Present play money with (Present play money with these lines of questioning reach 800? reach 1000?
different amount up to P200) different amount up to until the pupil reach 600?
Ask P400)
: How many hundreds are Ask
there? : How many hundreds are
How many tens? there?
How many ones? How many tens?
What is the total value of How many ones?
the money? What is the total value of
the money?

E. Discussing new concepts C. Abstract C. Abstract At these points, the teacher At these points, the teacher At these points, the teacher will
and practicing new skills #2 - Let the pupils write the - Let the pupils write the will use the flats, longs and will use the flats, longs and use the flats, longs and ones.
number symbols that number symbols that ones. ones.  Show a chart as shown
represent the value of represent the value of  Show a chart as shown  Show a chart as shown below, ask the pupils to
money. - Ask money. - Ask below, ask the pupils to below, ask the pupils to complete the table numbers up
What if P 5 added to P100? What if P 5 added to complete the table numbers complete the table numbers up to 1000.
- How will you describe the P300? up to 600. to 800. Refer TG page 7 (chart)
value? - How will you describe Refer TG page 7 (chart) Refer TG page 7 (chart)
- What is the number? the value?
- Ask them to write the - What is the number?
number symbols. - Ask them to write the
- Give another illustrative number symbols.
example such as 145, 256, - Give another illustrative
175 and 152. example such as 275, 356,
- Ask the pupils to describe 275 and 352.
and write the number - Ask the pupils to
symbols describe and write the
number symbols
F. Developing mastery Reinforcement Activity Reinforcement Activity Refer to LM Refer to LM Refer to LM
Refer to LM Gawain 1-2 Refer to LM Gawain 3 –Gawain 1 –Gawain 2 Make an exercises based from
Note:Nos. up to 600 Note:Nos. up to 600 previous but changed the nos.
- The teacher will call for up to 1 000.
pupils to share their answers - The teacher will call for -The teacher will call for pupils
to the questions in LM pupils to share their answers to to share their answers to the
Gawain 1. the questions in LM Gawain 2. questions.
Call at least 3 pupils for Call individual pupils. The
every item. The variation in variation in answers will
answers will deepen deepen students’ concepts
students’ concepts.

G. Finding practical Application Refer to the Application Application Application Application
applications of concepts and LM page 1-Gawain 1 Refer to the LM page 1- Refer to LM - Gawain 3 Refer to LM - Gawain 3 Refer to LM - Gawain 3
skills in daily living Gawain 1(Make the same Make another exercises Make another exercises based Make another exercises based
exercises but change the based from Gawain 3 in from Gawain 3 in LM-nos.up from Gawain 3 in LM-nos.up to
nos.up to 400 LM-nos.up to 600 only to 800 only 1 000 only

H. Making generalizations Generalization Generalization Generalization Generalization Generalization

and abstractions about the Ask the following questions Ask the following How do you visualize How do you visualize How do you visualize
lesson – What have you learned questions – What have you numbers from 401 through numbers from 601 through numbers from 801 through
today? learned today? 600? How do you identify 800? How do you identify 1000? How do you identify
- How do you identify the - How do you identify the the number of each set of the number of each set of the number of each set of
number of each set of number of each set of objects from 400 to 600. objects from 600 to 800. objects from 800 to 1 000.
objects from 101 to 200? objects from 201 to
-How do drawings of objects 400?
in bundles or packs help you -How do drawings of
count numbers from 101- objects in bundles or packs
200? help you count numbers
from 201- 400?
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Give the correct Directions Directions: Count and write Directions: Count and write Directions: Count and write the
number for each set. (Note: A.Write the correct the correct numeral for each the correct numeral for each correct numeral for each
change the no. up to 200 number. illustration. illustration. illustration.
only) 1. 2 hundreds + 7 tens + 8 Refer TG page 8 Refer TG page 8 Refer TG page 8
Refer TG p.4-5 ones = ( Note:Nos.up to 600 only ) ( Note:Nos.up to 800 only ) ( Note:Nos.up to 1 000 only )
LM page 3 (Gawain 3) 2. 3 hundreds + 4 tens + 9
0nes =
3. 2 hundreds + 3 tens + 0
ones =
4. 4 hundreds + 0 tens +
7 ones = _______
5. 3 hundreds + 9 tens +
9 ones = ______

B. Fill in the blanks with

the correct number.
1. 352 = _____hundreds
_____tens _____ones

2. 276 = _____hundreds
_____tens _____ones
3. 398 = _____hundreds
_____tens _____ones
4. 307 = _____hundreds
_____tens _____ ones
5. 250 = _____hundreds
_____tens ------- Ones
J. Additional activities for HOME ACTIVITY HOME ACTIVITY HOME ACTIVITY Refer to HOME ACTIVITY Refer to Gawaing Bahay
application or remediation Refer to LM-page 4 Refer to LM-page 4 LM 2 - Gawaing Bahay LM 2 - Gawaing Bahay Iguhit ang sumusunod na bilang
(Gawain-bahay) (Gawain-bahay)Note: (Note:Change given nos. up (Note:Change given nos. up to sa iyong papel. Maaring
Note:Change the given Make another assignment to 600 ) 800 ) gumamit ng kahit anong
nos.up to 200 only same as day 1 but change larawan.
the nos. up to 400 Halimbawa:

910= 500 400 10

1. 991=
2. 972=
2. 872=
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I wish
to share with other


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