MCQ On Financial Management

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MCQ on Financial Management

1. "Shareholder wealth" in a firm is representedby:

a) the number of people employed in thefirm.

b) the book value of the firm's assets less the book value of itsliabilities
c) the amount of salary paid to itsemployees.
d) the market price per share of the firm's commonstock.

2. The long-run objective of financial management isto:

a) maximize earnings pershare.
b) maximize the value of the firm's commonstock.
c) maximize return oninvestment.
d) maximize marketshare.

3. What are the earnings per share (EPS) for a company that earned Rs. 100,000 last year in
after-tax profits, has 200,000 common shares outstanding and Rs. 1.2 million in
retainedearning at the yearend?
a) Rs. 100,000
b) Rs.6.00
c) Rs.0.50
d) Rs.6.50

4. A(n) would be an example of a principal,whilea(n) would be an exampleof

an agent.
a) shareholder;manager
b) manager;owner
c) accountant;bondholder
d) shareholder;bondholder

1| P a g e
5. The market price of a share of common stock is determinedby:

a) the board of directors of thefirm.

b) the stock exchange on which the stock islisted.
c) the president of the company.
d) individuals buying and selling the stock.

6. The focal point of financial management in a firmis:

a) the number and types of products or services provided by thefirm.

b) the minimization of the amount of taxes paid by thefirm.
c) the creation of value forshareholders.
d) the dollars profits earned by thefirm.

7. of a firm refers to the composition of its long-term funds and its capitalstructure.

a) Capitalisation
b) Over-capitalisation
c) Under-capitalisation
d) Marketcapitalization

8. Inthe , the future value of all cash inflow at the end of time horizon at
a particular rate of interest iscalculated.

a) Risk-freerate
b) Compoundingtechnique
c) Discountingtechnique
d) Risk Premium
9. is the price at which the bond is traded in the stockexchange.
a) Redemptionvalue
b) Facevalue
c) Marketvalue
d) Maturityvalue

10. enhance the market value of shares and therefore equity capital is not free ofcost.
a) Facevalue
b) Dividends
c) Redemptionvalue
d) Book value

11. In approach, the capital structure decision is relevant to the valuation

of thefirm.
a) Netincome
b) Net operatingincome
c) Traditional
d) Miller andModigliani

12. When is greater than zero the project should beaccepted.

a) Internal rate ofreturn
b) Profitabilityindex
c) Net presentvalue
d) Modified internal rate ofreturn

13. is defined as the length of time required to recover the initial cashout-lay.
a) Payback-period
b) Inventory conversionperiod
c) Discountedpayback-period
d) Budgetperiod
14. refers to the amount invested in various components of currentassets.

a) Temporary workingcapital
b) Net workingcapital
c) Gross workingcapital
d) Permanent workingcapital

15. is the length of time between the firm’s actual cash expenditure and its own cashreceipt.
a) Net operatingcycle
b) Cash conversioncycle
c) Working capitalcycle
d) Gross operatingcycle

16. refers to a firm holding some cash to meet its routine expenses that are incurred in the
ordinary course ofbusiness.
a) Speculativemotive
b) Transactionmotive
c) Precautionarymotive
d) Compensatingmotive

17. refers to the length of time allowed by a firm for its customers to make payment for
a) Holdingperiod
b) Pay-backperiod
c) Average collectionperiod
d) Creditperiod
18. Amounts due from customers when goods are sold on creditarecalled .
a) Tradebalance
b) Tradedebits
c) Tradediscount
d) Tradeoff

19. and are the two versions of goals of the financial management of

a) Profit maximisation, Wealthmaximization

b) Production maximisation, Salesmaximisation
c) Sales maximisation, Profitmaximization
d) Value maximisation, Wealth maximisation

20. Consider the below mentioned statements: 1. A company is considered to be over-

capitalised when its actual capitalisation is lower than the proper capitalisation as
warranted by the earning capacity 2. Both over-capitalisation and under-capitalisation are
detrimental to the interests of the society. State True orFalse:
a) 1-True,2-True
b) 1-False,2-True
c) 1-False,2-False
d) 1-True,2-False

21. Consider the below mentioned statements: 1. The dividends are not cumulative for equity
shareholders, that is, they cannot be accumulated and distributed in the later years. 2.
Dividends are taxable. State True orFalse:

a) 1-True,2-True
b) 1-False,2-True
c) 1-False,2-False
d) 1-True,2-False
22. and carry a fixed rate of interest and are to be paid off irrespective of the
a) Debentures,Dividends
b) Debentures,Bonds
c) Dividends, Bonds
d) Dividends, Treasurynotes

23. Consider the below mentioned statements: 1. A debt-equity ratio of 2:1 indicates that for
every 1 unit of equity, the company can raise 2 units of debt. 2. The cost of floating a
debt is greater than the cost of floating an equity issue. State True orFalse:
a) 1-True,2-True
b) 1-False,2-True
c) 1-False,2-False
d) 1-True,2-False

24. Credit policy of every company is largely influenced by and

a) Liquidity,accountability
b) Liquidity,profitability
c) Liability,profitability
d) Liability,liquidity

25. XYZ is an oil based business company, which does not have adequate working capital. It
fails to meet its current obligation, which leads to bankruptcy. Identify the type of
decision involved to prevent risk ofbankruptcy.
a) Investmentdecision
b) Dividenddecision
c) Liquiditydecision
d) Financedecision
26. The rate of interest offered by the fixed deposit scheme of a bank for 365 days and above
is 12%. What will be the status of Rs. 20000, after two years if it is invested at this point
a) Rs.28032
b) Rs.24048
c) Rs.22056
d) Rs.25088

27. How are earnings per sharecalculated?

a) Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by
the previous period's earnings after taxes. Then subtract 1 from the previously calculated

b) Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by
the number of common sharesoutstanding.

c) Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by
the number of common and preferred sharesoutstanding.

d) Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by
the forecasted period's earnings after taxes. Then subtract 1 from the previously

28. Which of the following wouldNOT improve the currentratio?

a) Borrow short term to finance additional fixedassets.
b) Issue long-term debt to buyinventory.
c) Sell common stock to reduce current liabilities.
d) Sell fixed assets to reduce accountspayable.
29. The gross profit margin is unchanged, but the net profit margin declined over the same
period. This could have happenedif

a) cost of goods sold increased relative tosales.

b) sales increased relative toexpenses.
c) Govt. increased the taxrate.
d) dividends weredecreased.

30. Palo Alto Industries has a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.6 compared with the industry average
of 1.4. This means that thecompany
a) will not experience any difficulty with itscreditors.
b) has less liquidity than other firms in theindustry.
c) will be viewed as having high creditworthiness.
d) has greater than average financial risk when compared to other firms in itsindustry.

31. Kanji Company had sales last year of Rs. 265 million, including cash sales of Rs. 25
million. If its average collection period was 36 days, its ending accountsreceivable
balance is closest to . (Assume a 365-day year.)

a) Rs. 26.1million
b) Rs. 23.7million
c) Rs. 7.4 million
d) Rs. 18.7 million

32. A company can improve (lower) its debt-to-total assets ratio by doing which of the
a) Borrowmore.
b) Shift short-term to long-termdebt.
c) Shift long-term to short-termdebt.
d) Sell commonstock.
33. Which of the following statements (in general) iscorrect?

a) A low receivables turnover isdesirable.

b) The lower the total debt-to-equity ratio, the lower the financial risk for afirm.
c) An increase in net profit margin with no change in sales or assets means a poorROI.
d) The higher the tax rate for a firm, the lower the interest coverageratio.

34. Debt-to-total assets (D/TA) ratio is .4. What is its debt-to-equity (D/E)ratio?
a) .2
b) .6
c) .667
d) .333

35. A firm's operating cycle is equal to its inventory turnover in days(ITD)

a) plus its receivable turnover in days(RTD).
b) minus its RTD.
c) plus its RTD minus its payable turnover in days(PTD).
d) minus its RTD minus itsPTD.

36. If the following are balance sheet changes:

Rs. 5,005 decrease in accountsreceivable
Rs. 7,000 decrease incash
Rs. 12,012 decrease in notespayable
Rs. 10,001 increase in accountspayable
a "use" of funds would be the:

a) Rs. 7,000 decrease incash.

b) Rs. 5,005 decrease in accountsreceivable.
c) Rs. 10,001 increase in accountspayable.
d) Rs. 12,012 decrease in notespayable.
37. Uses of funds include a(an):
a) decrease incash.
b) increase in anyliability.
c) increase in fixedassets.
d) taxrefund.

38. Which of the following would be included in a cash estimation/budget?

a) depreciationcharges.
b) dividends.
c) goodwill.
d) patentamortization.

39. Which of the following is NOT a cash outflow for thefirm?

a) depreciation.
b) dividends.
c) interestpayments.
d) taxes.

40. Which of the following would be considered a application offunds?

a) a decrease in accountsreceivable.
b) a decrease incash.
c) an increase in accountpayable.
d) an increase incash.

41. All of the following influence capital budgeting cash flows EXCEPT:
a) accelerateddepreciation.
b) salvagevalue.
c) tax ratechanges.
d) method of project financingused.
42. The estimated benefits from a project are expressed as cash flows instead of income
a) it is simpler to calculate cash flows than incomeflows.
b) it is cash, not accounting income, that is central to the firm's capital budgetingdecision.
c) this is required by the Internal RevenueService.
d) this is required by the Securities and ExchangeCommission.

43. A capital investment is onethat

a) has the prospect of long-termbenefits.
b) has the prospect of short-termbenefits.
c) is only undertaken by largecorporations.
d) applies only to investment in fixedassets.

44. A profitability index of .85 for a project meansthat:

a) the present value of benefits is 85% greater than the project'scosts.
b) the project's NPV is greater thanzero.
c) the project returns 85 cents in present value for each current dollarinvested.
d) the payback period is less than oneyear.

45. Which of the following statements iscorrect?

a) If the NPV of a project is greater than 0, its PI will equal0.
b) If the IRR of a project is 0%, its NPV, using a discount rate, k, greater than 0, will be0.
c) If the PI of a project is less than 1, its NPV should be less than0.
d) If the IRR of a project is greater than the discount rate, k, its PI will be less than 1 and its
NPV will be greater than 0.
46. Aproject's profitabilityindexisequaltotheratioofthe of a project's future cash
flows totheproject's .
a) present value; initial cashoutlay
b) net present value; initial cashoutlay
c) present value; depreciablebasis
d) net present value; depreciablebasis

47. Thediscountrateatwhichtwoprojectshaveidentical is referred to asFisher's rate of


a) presentvalues
b) net presentvalues
c) IRRs
d) profitabilityindexes

48. Two mutually exclusive investment proposals have "scale differences" (i.e., the cost of
the projects differ). Ranking these projects on the basis of IRR, NPV, and PI
methods give contradictory results.
a) willnever
b) willalways
c) may
d) will generally

49. Preferred shareholders' claims on assets and income of a firm come thoseof
creditors those of common shareholders.
a) before; and alsobefore
b) after; butbefore
c) after; and alsoafter
d) equal to; and equalto
50. Youareconsideringtwomutuallyexclusiveinvestmentproposals,projectAandproject
B. B's expected value of net present value is $1,000 less than that for A and A has less
dispersion. On the basis of risk and return, you would say that
a) Project A dominates projectB.
b) Project B dominates projectA.
c) Project A is more risky and should offer greater expectedvalue.
d) Each project is high on one variable, so the two are basicallyequal.

51. To increase a given present value, the discount rate should beadjusted
a) upward.
b) downward.
c) Nochange.
d) constant

52. In finance, "working capital" means the same thingas

a) totalassets.
b) fixedassets.
c) currentassets.
d) current assets minus currentliabilities.

53. Which of the following would be consistent with a more aggressive approachto
financing workingcapital?
a) Financing short-term needs with short-termfunds.
b) Financing permanent inventory buildup with long-termdebt.
c) Financing seasonal needs with short-termfunds.
d) Financing some long-term needs with short-termfunds.
54. Which asset-liability combination would most likely result in the firm's havingthe
greatest risk of technicalinsolvency?
a) Increasing current assets while lowering current liabilities.
b) Increasing current assets while incurring more current liabilities.
c) Reducing current assets, increasing current liabilities, and reducing long-termdebt.
d) Replacing short-term debt withequity.

55. Which of the following illustrates the use of a hedging (or matching)
a) Short-term assets financed with long-termliabilities.
b) Permanent working capital financed with long-term liabilities.
c) Short-term assets financed withequity.
d) All assets financed with 50 percent equity, 50 percent long-term debtmixture.

56. In deciding the appropriate level of current assets for the firm, management isconfronted
a) a trade-off between profitability andrisk.
b) a trade-off between liquidity andmarketability.
c) a trade-off between equity anddebt.
d) a trade-off between short-term versus long-termborrowing.

57. varies inversely withprofitability.

a) Liquidity.
b) Risk.
c) Financing.
d) Liabilities.
58. Spontaneous financing includes
a) accountsreceivable.
b) accountspayable.
c) short-termloans.
d) a line ofcredit.

59. Permanent workingcapital

a) varies with seasonalneeds.
b) includes fixedassets.
c) is the amount of current assets required to meet a firm's long-term minimumneeds.
d) includes accountspayable

60. Financing a long-lived asset with short-term financing wouldbe

a) an example of "moderate risk -- moderate (potential) profitability" assetfinancing.
b) an example of "low risk -- low (potential) profitability" assetfinancing.
c) an example of "high risk -- high (potential) profitability" assetfinancing.
d) an example of the "hedging approach" tofinancing.

61. Net working capitalrefersto

a) total assets minus fixedassets.
b) current assets minus currentliabilities.
c) current assets minusinventories.
d) currentassets.

62. Marketable securities areprimarily

a) short-term debtinstruments.
b) short-term equitysecurities.
c) long-term debtinstruments.
d) long-term equitysecurities.
63. Which would be an appropriate investment for temporarily idle corporate cash thatwill
be used to pay quarterly dividends three months fromnow?
a) A long-term AAA-rated corporate bond with a current annual yield of 9.4percent.
b) A 30-year Treasury bond with a current annual yield of 8.7percent.
c) Ninety-day commercial paper with a current annual yield of 6.2percent.
d) Common stock that has been appreciating in price 8 percent annually, on average,and
paying a quarterly dividend that is the equivalent of a 5 percent annualyield.

64. Which of the following marketable securities is the obligation of a commercialbank?

a) Commercialpaper
b) Negotiable certificate of deposit
c) Repurchase agreement
d) T-bills

65. The basic requirement for a firm's marketablesecurities.

a) Safety
b) Yield
c) Marketability
d) All of theabove.

66. A firm's inventory turnover (IT) is 5 times on a cost of goods sold (COGS) of $800,000.
If the IT is improved to 8 times while the COGS remains the same, a substantial
amountof funds is released from or additionally invested in inventory. Infact,
a) $160,000 isreleased.
b) $100,000 is additionallyinvested.
c) $60,000 is additionallyinvested.
d) $60,000 isreleased.
67. Ninety-percent of X company's total sales of $600,000 is on credit. If its year-end
receivables turnover is 5, the average collection period (based on a 365-day year) andthe
year-end receivables are,respectively:
a) 365 days and $108,000.
b) 73 days and$120,000.
c) 73 days and$108,000.
d) 81 days and$108,000.

68. Costs of not carrying enough inventoryinclude:

a) lostsales.
b) customerdisappointment.
c) possible workerlayoffs.
d) all ofthese.

69. Which of the following relationships hold true for safetystock?

a) the greater the risk of running out of stock, the smaller the safety ofstock.
b) the larger the opportunity cost of the funds invested in inventory, the larger thesafety
c) the greater the uncertainty associated with forecasted demand, the smaller the safety
d) the higher the profit margin per unit, the higher the safety stocknecessary.

70. Increasing the credit period from 30 to 60 days, in response to a similar action taken by
all of our competitors, would likely resultin:

a) an increase in the average collectionperiod.

b) a decrease in bad debtlosses.
c) an increase insales.
d) higherprofits.
71. The credit policy of Spurling Products is "1.5/10, net 35." At present 30% of the
customers take the discount, 62% pay within the net period, and the rest pay within 45
days of invoice. What would receivables be if all customers took the cashdiscount?

a) Lower than the presentlevel.

b) No change from the presentlevel.
c) Higher than the presentlevel.
d) Unable to determine without moreinformation.

72. An increase in the firm's receivable turnover ratio meansthat:

a) it is collecting credit sales more quickly thanbefore.

b) cash sales havedecreased.
c) it has initiated more liberal creditterms.
d) inventories haveincreased.

73. A single, overall cost of capital is often used to evaluate projectsbecause:

a) it avoids the problem of computing the required rate of return foreach
b) it is the only way to measure a firm's requiredreturn.
c) it acknowledges that most new investment projects have about the same degree ofrisk.
d) it acknowledges that most new investment projects offer about the same expectedreturn.

74. The cost of equity capital is all of the followingEXCEPT:

a) the minimum rate that a firm should earn on the equity-financed part of aninvestment.
b) a return on the equity-financed portion of an investment that, at worst, leaves the
market price of the stockunchanged.
c) by far the most difficult component cost toestimate.
d) generally lower than the before-tax cost ofdebt.
75. In calculating the proportional amount of equity financing employed by a firm, weshould
a) the common stock equity account on the firm's balancesheet.
b) the sum of common stock and preferred stock on the balancesheet.
c) the book value of thefirm.
d) the current market price per share of common stock times the number ofshares

76. In calculating the costs of the individual components of a firm's financing, the
corporatetax rate is important to which of the following component costformulas?
a) commonstock.
b) debt.
c) preferredstock.
d) none of theabove.

77. The common stock of a company must provide a higher expected return than the
debtofthe same companybecause

a) there is less demand for stock than forbonds.

b) there is greater demand for stock than forbonds.
c) there is more systematic risk involved for the commonstock.
d) there is a market premium required forbonds.

78. A quick approximation of the typical firm's cost of equity may be calculatedby
a) adding a 5 percent risk premium to the firm's before-tax cost ofdebt.
b) adding a 5 percent risk premium to the firm's after-tax cost ofdebt.
c) subtracting a 5 percent risk discount from the firm's before-tax cost ofdebt.
d) subtracting a 5 percent risk discount from the firm's after-tax cost ofdebt.
79. Market values are often used in computing the weighted average cost of capitalbecause

a) this is the simplest way to do thecalculation.

b) this is consistent with the goal of maximizing shareholdervalue.
c) this is required in the U.S. by the Securities and ExchangeCommission.
d) this is a very commonmistake.

80. Rank in ascending order (i.e., 1 = lowest, while 3 = highest) the likely after-
taxcomponent costs of a Company's long-termfinancing.

a) 1 = bonds; 2 = common stock; 3 = preferredstock.

b) 1 = bonds; 2 = preferred stock; 3 = commonstock.
c) 1 = common stock; 2 = preferred stock; 3 =bonds.
d) 1 = preferred stock; 2 = common stock; 3 =bonds.

81. Lei-Feng, Inc.'s $100 par value preferred stock just paid its $10 per share annual
dividend. The preferred stock has a current market price of $96 a share. Thefirm's
marginal tax rate (combined federal and state) is 40 percent, and the firm plans to
maintain its current capital structure relationship into the future. The component costof
preferred stock to Lei-Feng, Inc. would beclosestto .

a) 6percent
b) 6.25percent
c) 10percent
d) 10.4percent
82. The term "capital structure" refersto:
a) long-term debt, preferred stock, and common stock equity.
b) current assets and currentliabilities.
c) total assets minusliabilities.
d) shareholders'equity.

83. A critical assumption of the net operating income (NOI) approach to valuationis:
a) that debt and equity levels remainunchanged.
b) that dividends increase at a constantrate.
c) that koremains constant regardless of changes inleverage.
d) that interest expense and taxes are included in thecalculation.

84. The traditional approach towards the valuation of a companyassumes:

a) that the overall capitalization rate holds constant with changes in financialleverage.
b) that there is an optimum capitalstructure.
c) that total risk is not altered by changes in the capitalstructure.
d) that markets areperfect.

85. Two firms that are virtually identical except for their capital structure are selling
inthemarket at different values. According toM&M
a) one will be at greater risk ofbankruptcy.
b) the firm with greater financial leverage will have the highervalue.
c) this proves that markets cannot beefficient.
d) this will not continue because arbitrage will eventually cause the firms to sell atthe
86. What is the value of the tax shield if the value of the firm is $5 million, its value if
unlevered would be $4.78 million, and the present value of bankruptcy and agency costs
a) $140,000
b) $220,000
c) $360,000
d) $580,000

87. Reserves & Surplus are which form offinancing?

a) SecurityFinancing
b) InternalFinancing
c) LoansFinancing
d) InternationalFinancing

88. What are the different options other than cash used for distributing profits to
a) Bonusshares
b) Stock split
c) Stockpurchase
d) All ofthese

89. In Walter model formula D stands for

a) Dividend pershare
b) DirectDividend
c) DividendEarning
d) None ofthese

90. In MM model MM standsfor...

a. M.Khan andModigiliani
b. Miller andM.Khan
c. Modigiliani andM.Khan
d. Miller andModigliani

91. The addition of all current assets investment is knownas...

a. Net WorkingCapital
b. Gross Workingcapital
c. Temporary WorkingCapital
d. All ofthese

92. When total current assets exceeds total current liabilities it refersto.
a. Gross WorkingCapital
b. Temporary WorkingCapital
c. Both a andb
d. Net WorkingCapital

93. If the weighting of equity in total capital is 1/3, that of debt is 2/3, the return on equity is
15% that of debt is 10% and the corporate tax rate is 32%, what is the Weighted Average
Cost of Capital(WACC)?
b) 7.533%
c) 9.533%
d) 11.350%

94. Which of the following would not be financed from workingcapital?

a) Cashfloat.
b) Accountsreceivable.
c) Creditsales.
d) A new personal computer for theoffice.
95. What is the difference between the current ratio and the quickratio?
a) The current ratio includes inventories and the quick ratio doesnot.
b) The current ratio does not include inventories and the quick ratiodoes.
c) The current ratio includes physical capital and the quick ratio doesnot.
d) The current ratio does not include physical capital and the quick ratiodoes.

96. Which of the following working capital strategies is the mostaggressive?

a) Making greater use of short term finance and maximizing net short termasset.
b) Making greater use of long term finance and minimizing net short termasset.
c) Making greater use of short term finance and minimizing net short termasset.
d) Making greater use of long term finance and maximizing net short termasset.

97. Which of the following is not a metric to use for measuring the length of the cashcycle?
a) Acid testdays.
b) Accounts receivabledays.
c) Accounts payabledays.
d) Inventorydays.

98. Which of the following is not the responsibility of financialmanagement?

a) allocation of funds to current and capitalassets
b) obtaining the best mix of financingalternatives
c) preparation of the firm's accountingstatements
d) development of an appropriate dividendpolicy

99. Which of the following are not among the daily activities of financialmanagement?
a) sale of shares andbonds
b) creditmanagement
c) inventorycontrol
d) the receipt and disbursement offunds
100. Debt Equity Ratio is 3:1,the amount of total assets Rs.20 lac,current ratio is1.5:1
and owned funds Rs.3 lac.What is the amount of currentasset?

a) Rs.5lac
b) Rs.3lac
c) Rs.12 lac
d) d) none of theabove.

101. Banks generally prefer Debt Equity Ratio at :

b) 1:3
c) 2:1
d) 3:1

102. An asset isa-

a. Source offund
b. Use offund
c. Inflow offunds
d. none of theabove.

103. If a company issues bonus shares the debt equity ratiowill

a) Remainunaffected

b) Will beaffected

c) Will improve

d) none of theabove.
104. In the balance sheet amount of total assets is Rs.10 lac, current liabilities Rs.5 lac
& capital & reserves are Rs.2 lac .What is the debt equityratio?

a) a)1;1
b) 1.5:1
c) c)2:1
d) none of the above.

105. In last year the current ratio was 3:1 and quick ratio was 2:1.Presently current
ratio is 3:1 but quick ratio is 1:1.This indicatescomparably
a. high liquidity
b. higherstock
c. lowerstock
d. low liquidity

106. Authorised capital of a company is Rs.5 lac, 40% of it is paid up. Loss incurred
during the year is Rs.50,000. Accumulated loss carried from last year is Rs.2 lac. The
company has a Tangible Net Worthof
a. Nil
b. Rs.2.50 lac
c. (-)Rs.50,000
d. Rs.1 lac.

107. Proprietary ratio is calculatedby

a. Total assets/Total outsideliability
b. Total outside liability/Total tangibleassets
c. Fixed assets/Long term source offund
d. Proprietors’’Funds/Total
108. Current ratio of a concern is 1,its net working capital willbe
a) Positive

b) Negative

c) Nil

d) None of theabove

109. Current ratio is 4:1.Net Working Capital is Rs.30,000.Find the amount of current


c) Rs.24,000

d) Rs.6,000

110. Current ratio is 2:5.Current liability is Rs.30000.The Net working capital is

a) Rs.18,000

b) Rs.45,000

c) Rs.(-) 45,000

d) Rs.(-)18000

111. Quick assets do notinclude


b) Book debts

c) Advance for supply of rawmaterials

d) Inventories.
112. The ideal quick ratio is



d) None of the above

Answer Keys
1 d 21 d 41 d 61 b 81 d 101 c
2 b 22 b 42 b 62 a 82 a 102 b
3 c 23 d 43 a 63 c 83 c 103 c
4 a 24 b 44 c 64 b 84 b 104 d
5 d 25 c 45 c 65 d 85 d 105 b
6 c 26 d 46 a 66 d 86 d 106 c
7 a 27 b 47 b 67 c 87 b 107 d
8 c 28 a 48 c 68 d 88 d 108 c
9 c 29 c 49 b 69 d 89 a 109 b
10 b 30 d 50 a 70 a 90 d 110 d
11 a 31 b 51 b 71 a 91 b 111 d
12 c 32 d 52 c 72 a 92 d 112 b
13 a 33 b 53 d 73 a 93 c
14 c 34 c 54 c 74 d 94 d
15 a 35 a 55 b 75 d 95 a
16 b 36 d 56 a 76 b 96 c
17 d 37 c 57 a 77 c 97 a
18 b 38 b 58 b 78 a 98 c
19 a 39 a 59 c 79 b 99 a
20 b 40 d 60 c 80 b 100 c

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