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Acute Exacerbations and Respiratory Failure in Chronic

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Neil MacIntyre1 and Yuh Chin Huang1
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 10% of these episodes require hospitalization (5). The av-
(AECOPD) describe the phenomenon of sudden worsening in airway erage duration of an episode is 7 days, although it may take
function and respiratory symptoms in patients with COPD. These several months for the patient to return to baseline functional
exacerbations can range from self-limited diseases to episodes of status (2, 3, 6). More recent data from the National Emphysema
florid respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. The Treatment Trial show that patients with severe emphysema and
average patient with COPD experiences two such episodes annually, who are eligible for lung volume reduction surgery have 6.1 days/
and they account for significant consumption of health care resour- year of hospitalization if they remain on medical therapy but only
ces. Although bacterial infections are the most common causes of 3.2 days/year if given lung volume reduction surgery (P 5 0.005)
AECOPD, viral infections and environmental stresses are also impli-
cated. AECOPD episodes can be triggered or complicated by other
comorbidities, such as heart disease, other lung diseases (e.g., pul-
monary emboli, aspiration, pneumothorax), or systemic processes. ETIOLOGY AND CONFOUNDING FACTORS
Pharmacologic management includes bronchodilators, corticoste-
Bacterial infections are implicated in the majority of AECOPD
roids, and antibiotics in most patients. Oxygen, physical therapy,
episodes (2, 8–12). This is not surprising because the patient with
mucolytics, and airway clearance devices may be useful in selected
COPD has airways that are prone to infections, with impaired
patients. In hypercapneic respiratory failure, noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation may allow time for other therapies to work and
local defenses and frequent bacterial colonization. Sputum and
thus avoid endotracheal intubation. If the patient requires invasive bronchoscopy data have shown that Moraxella catarrhalis, Hae-
mechanical ventilation, the focus should be on avoiding ventilator- mophilus influenza, and Streptococcus pneumonia are the most
induced lung injury and minimizing intrinsic positive end-expiratory common organisms associated with AECOPD episodes (8–11).
pressure. These may require limiting ventilation and ‘‘permissive Other bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus) have also
hypercapnia.’’ Although mild episodes of AECOPD are generally been implicated. Many of these bacteria may be chronic airway
reversible, more severe forms of respiratory failure are associated colonizers that progress to infection after a simple viral upper
with a substantial mortality and a prolonged period of disability in respiratory infection or an environmental stress. On the other
survivors. hand, a significant number of AECOPD infections may come
from bacterial strains that are new to the patient (8–11).
Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; pulmonary infections; Infectious AECOPD can be caused by other agents. Rhinovirus
respiratory failure; mechanical ventilation and respiratory syncytial virus have been implicated as causes
for AECOPD in several studies (13–17). During the influenza
season, the prevalent strain of influenza virus may also be an im-
DEFINITION AND IMPACT portant viral cause, especially in the elderly. Other viruses, such
An acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, and picornavirus, may be im-
(AECOPD) is a clinical diagnosis made when a patient with portant, but their role in AECOPD is less clear. Atypical micro-
COPD experiences a sustained (e.g., 24–48 h) increase in cough, organisms such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia have
sputum production, and/or dyspnea. AECOPD has clinical con- been implicated in 5–15% and 5–10% of AECOPD cases, re-
sequences ranging from a self-limited illness to progressive res- spectively (12, 16, 17). Patients with infectious exacerbations
piratory failure (1–4). AECOPD was responsible for 1.5 million have longer hospitalizations and greater impairment of several
emergency department visits, 726,000 hospitalizations, and ap- measures of lung function than those with noninfectious exac-
proximately 119,000 deaths in 2000 (5, 6). The annual hospital- erbations (8).
ization rate for COPD in the United States increased from 9.7 to Air pollution is another important factor in AECOPD (18–
24.5 per 10,000 population between 1988 and 1998, and the vast 23). Epidemiological research has linked increases in respiratory
majority of these were due to AECOPD (5, 6). The average pa- symptoms, admissions for exacerbations, and COPD-associated
tient with COPD experiences two episodes of AECOPD per year, mortality with air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur
dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen oxides. It has been estimated that up
to 9% of admissions with AECOPD may be due to atmospheric
(Received in original form July 5, 2007; accepted in final form August 8, 2007)
pollution, especially during the summer months (23).
Cardiac dysfunction may be another important factor in
The National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT) is supported by contracts with
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (N01HR76101, N01HR76102, AECOPD (24). Acute left heart dysfunction was present in 25–
N01HR76103, N01HR76104, N01HR76105, N01HR76106, N01HR76107, 30% of patients with AECOPD (25–27). Congestive heart failure
N01HR76108, N01HR76109, N01HR76110, N01HR76111, N01HR76112, is an independent risk factor for survival in patients with COPD
N01HR76113, N01HR76114, N01HR76115, N01HR76116, N01HR76118, and who had acute exacerbations requiring hospitalization (28). De-
N01HR76119), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the compensation of cardiac function may present as right heart
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
failure (cor pulmonale) precipitated by hypoxia-induced pulmo-
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Neil MacIntyre, nary hypertension, pulmonary embolism, or pneumonia (29, 30).
M.D., Box 3911, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710. E-mail:
Left heart failure is common because many patients with COPD
[email protected]
have coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease as
Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 5. pp 530–535, 2008
DOI: 10.1513/pats.200707-088ET comorbid conditions (24). Decreased cardiac output reduces oxy-
Internet address: gen delivery to respiratory muscles, contributing to respiratory
MacIntyre and Huang: Exacerbations and Respiratory Failure 531

decompensation in patients with COPD (1, 24). Pulmonary ment of cor pulmonale is a particularly ominous sign in COPD
embolism is an uncommon trigger for acute exacerbation (31), and is a major cause of mortality (40, 41). In severe cases of
although in patients with acute exacerbation of unknown origin, acute exacerbation, muscle overload may occur, and hypercap-
the prevalence may be as high as 25% (32). Other conditions, such nic respiratory failure may develop.
as nonpulmonary infections and pneumothorax, can mimic an Central nervous system symptoms may be present, ranging
acute exacerbation or possibly act as triggers (1–3). from irritability to decreased responsiveness secondary to wors-
In about 30% of cases of AECOPD, no specific etiology could ening hypoxemia, hypercapnea, or both. Central nervous system
be identified. Many of these episodes may represent the fluctu- symptoms may precede respiratory symptoms or be the only
ating natural progression of COPD or noncompliance to main- recognizable clinical manifestation, especially in elderly patients
tenance treatment. It is possible that some of these episodes were with baseline hypercapnea.
triggered by infection, but the microorganisms are not identified
due to the lack of sensitive technology.
Recent development in plasma biomarkers may help assess STAGING AECOPD
AECOPD and provide prognosis. For example, elevation of
troponins was associated with increased severity of the exacer- The severity of AECOPD without respiratory failure can be
bation (25). Troponin T and amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic classified according to several staging systems. The traditional
peptide are elevated in patients with acute left heart failure and system uses the Winnipeg criteria, which were derived from
may be used to exclude left ventricular dysfunction as the cause of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that evaluated the role of
AECOPD (26, 27). Elevation of C-reactive protein, an acute- antibiotics in patients with COPD with acute exacerbations (42).
phase reactant, may help confirm the diagnosis of AECOPD, but The three-stage system is based on three principal symptoms:
it is nonspecific and cannot differentiate between infectious and increase in sputum volume, increase in sputum purulence, and
noninfectious causes of AECOPD (33–35). D-dimer may also assist increase in shortness of breath (Table 1). This staging system
in diagnosing pulmonary embolism associated with AECOPD correlates well with the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment for
(31, 36). AECOPD. In type 1 exacerbations, antibiotics reduce the risk of
treatment failure, whereas the effects of antibiotics are virtually
CLINICAL PICTURE absent in type 3. The Canadian Medical Association recently
published guidelines for the management of AECOPD based on
The clinical manifestations of exacerbations of COPD are highly a five-stage severity system (43). The system grades the severity
variable. Patients with AECOPD may present with symptoms based on the classic Winnipeg criteria and some of the factors
and signs similar to those at baseline except with greater severity. known to correlate with poorer response to therapy, including age
Orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea that are usually greater than 65 years, significant comorbid illness, FEV1 less than
not present at baseline may become evident when congestive heart 50% of predicted, and number of exacerbations per year. The
failure coexists. On physical examination, there may be increased antibiotic therapy is adjusted according to the severity of the
expiratory wheezes and rhonchi. Breath sounds or wheezing may exacerbation. Another three-level staging system for AECOPD
decrease if the airway obstruction is severe. There is usually more has been proposed that incorporates symptoms criteria and
prominent use of accessory muscle. Signs of muscle fatigue, such history of the disease and comorbidity (44).
as paradoxical breathing (an inward motion of the upper ab- Although these more comprehensive severity-scoring systems
dominal wall with inspiration) and respiratory alternans (a cyclic may allow a more rational choice of antibiotics for AECOPD,
alternation between abdominal and rib cage breathing), may be they provide little guidance for nonantimicrobial therapies. In
present and should raise suspicion of impending respiratory failure. addition, none of these systems has been validated prospectively.
With AECOPD, cough may become more severe and stren- Because of the array of different therapies aimed at different
uous. Sputum volume may increase, and the color of the sputum physiological derangements in acute exacerbations of COPD, no
may change from whitish to yellow or green. Hemoptysis is not single severity scale will likely be sufficient to guide treatment
uncommon during AECOPD and may consist of streaks or specks decisions in an acute exacerbation of COPD. It may be necessary
of blood mixed in purulent sputum. Occasionally, hemoptysis to have one scale related to likely microbial pathogens to guide
may be of larger quantity. In this case, other causes, including lung antibiotic treatment, another to assess airway reactivity and likely
cancer, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, and heart failure, should be response to different bronchodilator treatments, and another to
considered. assess ventilatory function and the need for mechanical ventila-
There may be signs of worsening right ventricular failure tory support and intensive care unit (ICU) care. Theoretically,
during AECOPD, including jugular venous distension, hepatic these measures could be combined into one severity score system
congestion, and lower extremity edema, especially in patients for the initial assessment of patients with AECOPD. Any such
with advanced COPD and chronic hypoxemia. Many factors scoring systems would have to be tested formally before they
that trigger acute exacerbations typically increase ventilation– could be used in clinical decision making.
perfusion (V/ _ mismatch and hypoxemia (37, 38). This wor-
_ Q) It is important in the initial assessment of AECOPD to de-
sens pulmonary hypertension and produces right ventricular termine the need for hospitalization. Patients with more severe
overload and, eventually, cor pulmonale (30, 39). The develop- baseline disease are more likely to require hospital admission dur-


Type of Exacerbations Criteria

Type 1 All three of the following symptoms: increase in sputum volume, increase in sputum purulence, increase in shortness of breath
Type 2 Any two of the following symptoms: increase in sputum volume, increase in sputum purulence, increase in shortness of breath
Type 3 Any one of the following symptoms: increase in sputum volume, increase in sputum purulence, increase in shortness of breath,
plus at least one of the following: upper respiratory tract infection lasting 5 d, fever; increase in wheezes, increase in cough, increase
in heart rate > 20%

TABLE 2. INDICATORS OF NEED FOR HOSPITALIZATION Many studies have shown that routine antibiotics
IN ACUTE EXACERBATION OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE shortened the severity and/or the duration of an AECOPD epi-
PULMONARY DISEASE sode, but this finding is not universal. A meta-analysis in 1995
Older age demonstrated a statistically significant effect in favor of giving
Severe underlying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/already receiving routine antibiotics (50). The choice of antibiotics depends on the
long-term oxygen therapy likely organism. Treating an AECOPD episode early improves
Marked increase in breathlessness the speed of functional recovery.
Poor or deteriorating general condition with little activity
Cyanosis or worsening peripheral edema
Impaired level of consciousness or confusion Other Therapies
Difficulty in coping at home During an AECOPD episode, other modalities that are useful
Significant comorbidities (particularly arrhythmias, heart failure, and
include mucolytics/chest physical therapy in selected patients
insulin-dependent diabetes)
Failure to respond to initial medical treatment
who have copious retained secretions (51, 52). Supplemental
Oxygen saturation , 90% oxygen may be helpful, but because oxygen therapy can be
associated with worsening hypercapnia from combinations of
ventilatory drive blunting, the Haldane effect in the red blood
ing acute exacerbations. Some indicators of the need for hospi- cell, and derangements in V/ _ Q_ relationships, oxygen therapy
talization are shown in Table 2 (45). Patients with AECOPD who should be targeted to provide the minimal amount to maintain
have at least a few of these indicators should be admitted to the acceptable oxygenation (e.g., SpO2 values of .89%) (37, 38). Air-
hospital for further management. When signs of respiratory fail- way clearance devices for patients with significant airway secre-
ure or impaired consciousness occur, management in the ICU is tions range from simple airway vibratory/expiratory pressure
needed. devices to sophisticated airway or external percussors. Although
these devices have been shown to increase sputum clearance,
PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT OF AECOPD their effects on outcome have not been evaluated in clinical trials
The use of short-acting b-agonists, theophylline, and anticho-
linergic bronchodilators is based on the concept that the smooth MECHANICAL VENTILATION ISSUES FOR HYPERCAPNIC
muscle reactivity, airway inflammation, and mucus production RESPIRATORY FAILURE
characteristics of AECOPD episodes should respond to these Respiratory failure from airflow obstruction is a direct conse-
drugs. Numerous clinical trials have supported the use of these quence of acute airway narrowing and critical increases in airway
drugs (2, 46). In comparing b-agonists, albuterol given every resistance. These lead to two important mechanical changes.
20 minutes seemed to provide an equal effect on FEV1 as albu- First, the increased pressures required for airflow may overload
terol given every hour, and nebulized albuterol seemed com- respiratory muscles, producing a ‘‘ventilatory pump failure’’ with
parable to subcutaneous terbutaline (46). Extrapolating from the spontaneous minute ventilation inadequate for gas exchange
asthma literature, a number of observational trials have shown (hypercapneic respiratory failure). Second, the narrowed airways
efficacy for continuous albuterol nebulization (47). In a large create regions of lung that cannot properly empty and return to
meta-analysis of administration techniques, no difference was their normal resting volume. This sometimes is called air trapping
found in bronchodilator effect if the drugs were given in a and produces elevated end-expiratory pressures (intrinsic posi-
metered dose inhaler or in a small-volume nebulizer (48). tive end-expiratory pressure [PEEPi] or auto-PEEP). These re-
gions of overinflation put inspiratory muscles at a substantial
Antiinflammatory (Corticosteroid) Therapy
mechanical disadvantage, which further worsens respiratory muscle
The chronic airway inflammation in COPD becomes an acute function (53). Overinflated regions may compress more healthy
airway inflammation during an AECOPD episode. As in an acute regions of the lung, impairing V/ _ matching. The high intratho-
_ Q
asthma flare, there is a rationale for corticosteroid (CS) therapy. racic pressures may impair cardiac filling and contribute to over-
Supporting this concept are a number of randomized clinical trials distention lung injury (54). During spontaneous efforts, regions of
in AECOPD that showed that CS therapy improved pulmonary air trapping and PEEPi can function as a threshold load to trigger
function testing more rapidly and shortened the length of the assisted breaths, which can further overload ventilatory muscles
exacerbation period compared with placebo (49) (Table 3). Not (53, 55).
all these studies were positive. In the largest of the positive If short-term muscle rest could be achieved with noninvasive
studies, a regimen of 125 mg methylprednisolone every 6 hours positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) through a nasal or oral
for 72 hours followed by 60 mg prednisone daily tapered for mask, the pharmacologic agents given for AECOPD might be
2 weeks was found to be most cost-effective. given time to work and thus avert a need for invasive mechanical
The data supporting CS therapy in AECOPD episodes used ventilation. Evaluating this concept are a number of randomized
oral or parenteral CS preparations. Whether inhaled cortico- and/or crossover studies using NPPV in the initial phases of
steroids (ICS) could provide a similar benefit is less clear. The severe AECOPD (56). Although there are mixed results, the two
effectiveness of ICS therapy depends heavily upon the patient’s largest studies of NPPV in AECOPD (56) showed that NPPV
ability to properly perform the aerosol delivery maneuvers, some- reduced the need for invasive mechanical ventilatory support.
thing that may be difficult in the dyspneic patient with an The decision to discontinue NPPV and proceed to invasive me-
AECOPD episode. chanical ventilatory support is a clinical one usually driven by
progressive respiratory acidosis and signs of patient fatigue/
Antibiotics discomfort during NPPV.
Because of the importance of bacterial infection in most In general, the overall goals of invasive mechanical ventila-
AECOPD episodes, the Global Obstructive Lung Disease and tory support in respiratory failure due to airflow obstruction are
American Thoracic Society COPD guidelines recommend anti- similar to the overall goals in other forms of respiratory failure,
biotic use during these episodes (, www. providing adequate gas exchange while minimizing lung injury.
MacIntyre and Huang: Exacerbations and Respiratory Failure 533


Study (yr) Number of Patients Design Results

Albert (1980)* 44 RCT Steroids improved FEV1

Emmerman (1989)† 100 RCT Steroids had no effect
Bullard (1996)‡ 138 RCT Steroids improved FEV1, not hospitalization rates
Thompson (1996)x 27 RCT Steroids improved FEV1
Davies (1999)k 56 RCT Steroids improved FEV1, not subsequent walk test or FEV1
Niewoehner (1999){ 271 RCT Steroids reduced treatment failures, not long-term outcome

Definition of abbreviation: RCT 5 randomized controlled trial.

Data from Reference 40.
* Albert RK, Martin TR, Lewis SW. Controlled clinical trial of methylprednisolone in patients with chronic bronchitis and acute
respiratory insufficiency. Ann Intern Med 1980;92:753–758.

Emerman CL, Connors AF, Lukens TW, May ME, Effron D. A randomized controlled trial of methylprednisolone in the
emergency treatment of acute exacerbations of COPD. Chest 1989;95:563–567.

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COPD exacerbation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;154:407–412.
Davies L, Angus RM, Calverley PMA. Oral corticosteroids in patients admitted to hospital with exacerbations of chronic
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Two particularly important considerations in respiratory failure (permissive hypercapnia), a shorter I/E that lengthens the ex-
from AECOPD are minimizing regional overdistention and piratory time, or reductions in airway resistance using pharma-
managing PEEPi. Overdistention injury occurs when excessive cologic agents. If the PEEPi is causing a significant ventilator
end-inspiratory alveolar ‘‘stretch’’ physically damages alveo- breath–triggering load on the patient, judicious amounts of ap-
lar structures and produces local and systemic inflammation plied circuit PEEP can equilibrate expiratory pressures and thereby
(ventilator-induced lung injury [VILI]) (54). Clinically this oc- reduce this triggering work (55, 65, 66). An esophageal balloon
curs when the end-inspiratory stretching pressure (often esti- often can be helpful in detecting and managing this phenomenon.
mated by the end-inspiratory airway plateau pressure) exceeds In severe airway obstruction, uses of low-density gases (e.g.,
the normal physiological maximum of 30 cm H2O (54). This 80:20, 70:30, or 60:40 helium/oxygen or heliox) can help reduce
stretch injury may be a consequence of excessive tidal volumes, patient inspiratory work and facilitate lung emptying (driving
even when the plateau pressure is less than 30 cm H2O (57, 58). pressure decreases and/or flow increases through a tube as gas
These effects have been most studied in patients with parenchy- density decreases) (67). If a helium/oxygen gas mixture is used,
mal lung injury, but protecting alveolar structures would seem to many flow sensors must be recalibrated to account for the change
be a mechanical ventilation goal in virtually all forms of re- in gas density. Some ventilators cannot function in the presence of
spiratory failure (59). This has led to recommendations to reduce heliox.
tidal volumes (e.g., 5–7 ml/kg) to protect the lung in AECOPD. Withdrawing mechanical ventilatory support after improve-
To avoid intrinsic PEEP buildup from resulting in patient ment in AECOPD respiratory failure should follow evidence-
tachypnea, moderate sedation may be required. The resulting based guidelines for other forms of respiratory failure (68). In
reduction in minute ventilation may produce progressive hyper- general, daily spontaneous breathing trials should be performed
capnia (so-called permissive hypercapnia). However, accepting as patients recover, and patients should be managed with com-
pH values in the 7.0–7.1 range may have little clinical effect on the fortable forms of assisted ventilation (e.g., pressure support, pres-
patient and may be beneficial if the reduced volumes and sure assist, or proportional assist) in between the spontaneous
pressures reduce the risk of VILI (60, 61). There is emerging breathing trials. There is some evidence that earlier extubations
evidence (although not universal) that a modest respiratory in patients with AECOPD might be facilitated with conversion to
acidosis may ameliorate cellular injury (62, 63). NPPV (69, 70). However, these trials are too small and insuf-
Narrowed airways produce a high resistance to flow that can ficient to support broad recommendations for practice changes.
result in very high peak airway pressures. Much of this pressure In managing patients with airflow obstruction on a ventilator,
is dissipated in providing gas flow through obstructed airways techniques to deliver bronchodilator aerosols through the venti-
and therefore does not overdistend distal alveoli. However, the lator circuitry must be used. This generally involves in-line circuit
heterogeneous distribution of airflow obstruction seen in most nebulizers, although metered dose inhalers with inspiratory circuit-
airway diseases means that less obstructed alveolar regions may holding chambers are also effective (71, 72). Because endotra-
transiently be exposed to these high peak pressures and thus cheal tubes significantly reduce aerosol delivery, doses usually are
may be at risk for overdistention injury. Because of this, a high increased three- to fourfold (or aerosolized continuously) to
peak pressure, even in the presence of acceptable plateau pres- ensure adequate drug effectiveness. Assessment of airway pres-
sures, should be avoided. sures (peak to plateau gradients) or flow–volume patterns can be
The second important consideration in managing the patient used to monitor bronchodilator effectiveness.
with AECOPD who has respiratory failure involves PEEPi. PEEPi
is a function of three variables: minute ventilation, inspiratory/
expiratory (I/E) time ratios, and expiratory time constants (re-
sistance 3 compliance) (64). An increase in any of these values Most exacerbations in patients with COPD are relatively mild,
increases the risk of PEEPi. Reducing PEEPi thus requires requiring only outpatient care, but 3–16% of these require
reductions in any or all of these—reducing minute ventilation hospital admission, and some cases are severe enough to result

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