Streptococcus Agalactiae - A Practical Summary For Controlling Mastitis - VirginiaAg DASC-6P (2012)

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Streptococcus agalactiae:
A Practical Summary for Controlling Mastitis
Christina S. Petersson-Wolfe, Assistant Professor, Dairy Science, Virginia Tech
John Currin, Clinical Instructor, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

The incidence of Streptococcus agalactiae (S. agalac- single-use towels and milking infected cows last. Fur-
tiae) mastitis in the United States has been significantly thermore, a backflush system may help reduce bacterial
reduced in recent decades. However, some farms con- numbers within the liners, but rinsing units by hand is
tinue to struggle with the control of this contagious not recommended. Testing new herdmates will help to
pathogen. Similarly, this pathogen still plagues other identify reservoirs of these contagious bacteria. Finally,
countries of the world that lack proper control pro- dry cow therapy should be administered to all quar-
grams. A successful control program includes prompt ters of all cows at the time of milk cessation.
treatment of cases, the use of proper milking proce-
dures, and dry cow therapy. All streptococci bacteria
are Gram-positive and similar in structure to Staphylo- When Are Strep. agalactiae Mastitis
coccus spp. Milk culturing laboratories can distinguish Infections Most Likely to Occur?
Strep. agalactiae from other streptococci using stan- Due to the contagious nature of these bacteria, new
dard biochemical tests. infections are likely to occur during lactation. Cows in
early lactation are at increased risk for new infec-
tions due to the increased stress and immune suppres-
Where Are These Organisms Found?
sion associated with the postpartum period. Cows with
The reservoir for Strep. agalactiae is infected udders. high milk production are not at greater risk than cows
This pathogen is an obligate parasite of the udder in with low milk production.
dairy cows. Unlike S. aureus, Strep. agalactiae does
not readily colonize damaged teat skin or teat lesions.
How Likely Is Strep. agalactiae to Cure?
Successful treatment of Strep. agalactiae is easily
How Does Strep. agalactiae Spread to
achieved with the use a broad-spectrum intramam-
the Mammary Gland? mary antibiotic preparation. New clinical infections
The spread of Strep. agalactiae can occur through should be treated promptly and appropriately. In
washcloths and teat cup liners. During milking, irreg- some instances, herd outbreaks of Strep. agalactiae
ular vacuum fluctuations can force bacteria up into the have been reported. In these situations, treatment of all
teat canal, leading to the potential for new infection. culture-positive animals at one time is recommended,
followed with bacteriologic testing to confirm success.
Retreatment may be necessary, as well as monitoring
How Can You Prevent and Control culture-negative cows to make sure they remain unin-
Mastitis Caused by Strep. agalactiae? fected. This process is repeated until all animals are
Proper milking procedures, including the use of effica- culture-negative for Strep. agalactiae. During a whole-
cious pre- and post-milking teat disinfectants, will herd treatment, those administering the treatment must
help to reduce the number of new infections. Important be diligent about cleaning the teat ends prior to antibi-
milking-time considerations that will help reduce the otic infusion. Improper cleaning prior to administration
spread to uninfected cows include the use of gloves and can yield the introduction of a new pathogen into the
Produced by Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2012
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion,
age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University,
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Edwin J. Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg; Jewel E. Hairston, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State, Petersburg.
gland. In general, use of a strip cup or similar device
is strongly recommended for detecting abnormal milk.
The use of Dairy Herd Improvement somatic cell count
records in addition to visual observation of forestripped
milk and milk culture results will indicate effectiveness
of treatment.

Quick Notes
• S trep. agalactiae is a contagious mastitis pathogen
spread from cow to cow at milking.

• New herdmates should be tested prior to entering the

milking string; they should be separated from other
cows until their tests are culture-negative.

• Use of gloves, efficacious pre- and post-milking teat

disinfectants, single-use towels, and dry cow therapy
will help control this pathogen.

• Strep. agalactiae responds well to antibiotic therapy.

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