Paper Employee Satisfaction

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A descriptive study looking at the relationship

between Employee Job Satisfaction and Employee

Job Performance of the College of Information and
Communications Technology Faculty
Alcantara Gloria M, Gragasin Mike Cristian , Tambio Christian Noli

Abstract— The study of Job Satisfaction has always been a curious topic for both employees and employers. The effects of Job
Satisfaction especially in terms of their performance is especially valuable to both. This study aimed to discover the correlation between Job
Satisfaction and Employee Job Performance. Using a cognitive survey (Job Satisfaction index) and affective survey(Minnesota) the
research compared the results from standard Job Satisfaction Instruments and correlated them to the Employees Performance using their
Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form. The study showed no provable correlation in between both cognitive and affective
job satisfaction, and job performance.

Keywords—rice grain, computer vision, agriculture Networks as the base classification technique to identify
whether a grain of rice is chalky, broken or regular.
This research aims to improve upon these technologies
Rice is an important crop in the Philippines. The Food by increasing the accuracy of the computer-vision based
and Agriculture organization reported that the 106.5 million classifiers. The developed technology is then intended to be
population of Filipinos consumed 110 kg of rice per year in made accessible to traders, millers, and eventually to the
2018 [1]. Because of the importance of rice crops, the farmers and consumers.
Philippine Government has established the National
Standard for rice [2]. Rice grains will be evaluated and II. METHODOLOGY
categorized in terms of the degree of milling, frequency of A. Gathering Data
broken grains, chalky grains, and the presence of foreign
matter [2]. The sample images needed for this research are currently
not available in any online database. Thus, data was first
In the conventional process, a human classifier evaluates gathered by collecting appropriate images that can be used
two sets of 30g milled rice using his or her naked eyes [3] for developing the algorithm and then testing its
[7]. This is a tedious and time-consuming process. A effectiveness. Towards this end, 100 regular grains (non-
classifier takes 45-90 minutes to evaluate the sample [7]. broken and non-chalky) were first collected and their lengths
Different analysts often give different scores to a sample, were carefully measured using a digital caliper. This is to
and even on the same sample may give a wide range of ensure that none of them were broken based on the standard
dispersion per grain [3]. defining broken grains to be having length less than 70% of
Different technologies have been developed that try to the average grain length [2] Afterwards, 10 broken grains
programmatically classify rice grains through computer were added, and all were placed on a red surface. The
vision techniques [4][5][6][7][8]. Most studies use a position of the grains was changed by shuffling them across
controlled set up with a camera capturing images of rice the surface, and 10 images were obtained. Afterwards, 10
with a black background in well-lit box. A variety of chalky grains were added to the grains, and the process was
machine learning techniques are typically used [4][5]. repeated. All images were captured using a mid-range priced
Though some of the technologies have high accuracies, most smart phone
of the classification and categories used do not fit the B. Using Image Processing to Identify broken and chalky
Philippine setting. grains
At least two projects in the Philippines have attempted to A combination of Ohtsu’s binary thresholding and in
address this. The first project, done in Philmech [8], was range thresholding was used to separate the rice grains from
comparable with its human assessors counterpart, although it the red surface that serves as the background. A smallest
differed significantly in some categories. The second project bounding rectangle was then used to estimate the length of
in PhilRice [7] was able to cut down the time to classify rice each individual rice grain. Based on the rectangle lengths,
grains from 45-90 minutes[7] to just less than 5 minutes[8]. grains with lengths less than 70% of the average length were
The technology, however, has not yet been made available classified as broken.
to farmers and traders as is still in the early stages of The chalky grains were identified by generating a
development. These two systems both used Neural histogram of the pixel values, and then sorting the rice
grains by the mode of their whiteness level and finding the 3 121 10 6
point where there was a great change in the slope of the
4 121 10 7
5 121 10 8
The program was calibrated to identify properly broken 6 121 10 5
and chalky grains (see Figure 1).
7 121 10 6

8 121 10 6

9 121 10 7

10* 121 10 6

In this study we developed a technique for automatically
detecting broken and chalky grains from an image of grains.
In the experiments, the broken grains were perfectly
detected all the time, while the f-measure on the chalky
grains detection was at 76.5. These results indicate the
Fig. 1. Initial Test and Calibration for Broken(blue) and Chalky potential for reliably automating the rice grain quality
(pink) assessment. The method to determine broken grains also
enables the use of phones to capture the images instead of a
C. Evaluation fixed distance image capture device like a scanner.
The image processing method was tested against the Currently the system requires individual rice grains to be
actual count of broken and chalky grains on a different set of separate or not touching each other to properly identify the
10 images each, and the correctness on each test was rice grains. Future studies could look into properly
recorded. segmenting touching grains and adding classification
III. RESULTS methods for other features like degree of milling, and
detecting foreign matter in the sample
The program was able to perfectly identify broken grains
on all test cases (see Table I). In the first 9 images, the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
program was able to identify all 10 broken grains. In the last
image it found 12 broken grains because one rice grain was REFERENCES
actually split into two due to the shuffling. Overall, the
program performance was 100% for precision, recall and f- [1] The Philippines Rice Industry Roadmap 2030: "Towards a
measure. rice-secure Philippines". (2018). 1st ed. Quezon City:
Department of Agriculture 1998.
TABLE I. BROKEN GRAINS RESULTS [2] Philippine National Standard. Grains – Grading and
classification – Paddy and milled rice. 2019
Number of Grains
Trials [3] Philippine Rice R&D Highlights 2013: Rice Chemistry and
Good Grains Actual Broken Counted Broken
Food Science Division. 2019
1 to 9 100 10 10 [4] Zareiforoush, H., Minaei, S., Alizadeh, M. and Banakar, A.
10* 99 12 12 Qualitative classification of milled rice grains using computer
vision and metaheuristic techniques. Journal of Food Science
A rice grain broke i to two and became two broken grains
and Technology 53, 1 (2015), 118-131.
Fig. 1. Example of a figure caption. (figure caption) [5] Birla, R. and Chauhan, A. An Efficient Method for Quality
Analysis of Rice Using Machine Vision System. Journal of
For chalky grains, the program was able to perfectly Advances in Information Technology 6, 3 (2015), 140-145.
identify all of the grains whenever a portion of the grain's [6] Yao, Q., Chen, J., Guan, Z., Sun, C. and Zhu, Z. (2009).
chalky side was visible (this was established through manual Inspection of Rice Appearance Quality Using Machine
inspection of each given image). Refer to Table II for the Vision. 2009 WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems.
detection rate details. Overall, the program had a 62% recall, [7] SAROL, J. PhilRice develops software for grain quality
100% precision, and 76.5% f-measure. evaluation. PhilRice, 2019.
TABLE I. BROKEN GRAINS RESULTS quality-evaluation/
Total Number of [8] Tuates jr, A. and Ligisan, A. (2016). Development of
Trial Actual Chalky Detected Chalky
PHilMech Computer Vision System (CVS) for Quality
1 121 10 4 Analysis of Rice and Corn. International Journal on Advanced
Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 6(6),
2 121 10 7 p.1060.

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