Scie-Chapter 2 Theories, Approaches, Guiding Principles and Methods Act.

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NAME: DELIZO, Swarchzen P


Lesson 2 Individual Activity: (15 points)

Explain at least three (3) guiding principles in the teaching of science. Support your
explanation by giving examples of situations based on your observation or experiences.
1. Constructivist principles- Constructivism emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, giving rise
to the idea that learners are not passive recipients of information, but that they actively
construct their knowledge in interaction with the environment and through the
reorganization of their mental structures. Learners are therefore viewed as sense-
makers, not simply recording given information but interpreting it. This view of
learning led to the shift from the “knowledge-acquisition” to “knowledge-construction”
metaphor. The growing evidence in support of the constructive nature of learning was
also in line with and backed by the earlier work of influential theorists such as Jean
Piaget and Jerome Bruner. While there are different versions of constructivism, what is
found in common is the learner-centred approach whereby the teacher becomes a
cognitive guide of learner’s learning and not a knowledge transmitter.

2. Discovery Principle - Discovery Learning was introduced by Jerome Bruner, and is a

method of Inquiry-Based Instruction. This popular theory encourages learners to build
on past experiences and knowledge, use their intuition, imagination and creativity, and
search for new information to discover facts, correlations and new truths. Learning
does not equal absorbing what was said or read, but actively seeking for answers and

3. Collaborative Principle – It is rooted in Lev Vygotsky’s idea, Zone of Proximal

Development. Here, learners rely on one another to accomplish tasks that they
otherwise wouldn’t be able to complete individually. Collaborative learning is key for
developing critical thinking skills, with it suggested that students retain more
information when working in groups. Collaborative learning theory involves peer-to-
peer learning that fosters deeper thinking in the classroom. Collaborative learning
theory suggests that group learning helps students develop their higher-level thinking,
oral communication, self-management and leadership skills. Students also have the
opportunity to build upon their leadership and organizational skills.

Lesson 3: Evaluation Activity:

A. Let us check what you have learned from this lesson. Answer each item with either YES
or NO. Mark X that corresponds to your chosen answer. If your answer is YES, explain why
yes. If NO, justify your answer.
1. In teaching science, is it appropriate to make learners master
and practice the basic science processes first?

- They need to master first the basics in order for learners X

to learn the more complex topics. It will be easier if they
learn first the basics before the more complex lesons.

2. Does teaching the basic science processes require

sophisticated laboratory equipment?

- It doesn’t require sophisticated equipment for learning X

the basics. These equipment are used in teaching more
advanced lessons that can’t be tough without it.

3. Are higher order thinking skills developed if one teaches the

integrated science skills?

- Integrating science skills is an example of applying higher

order thinking skills.

B. Give examples of at least two (2) competencies that can be taught with the 6 Basic
Science Process skills and at least one (1) competency with the 6 Integrated Science
Process Skills
1. Basic Science Process skills
- observe the changes in the weather before, during and after a typhoon
- show which constellations may be observed at different times of the year using
models (S9ES-IIIj35)

2. Integrated Science Process Skills

- create and interpret visual representation of the motion of objects such as tape
charts and motion graphs )S7FE-IIIb3)

C. Exit Ticket Question (post or upload your answer at 5 points

Question: Will learning the content and the processes of science make you prepared
teachers in the future?

- Yes, learning these gives teachers a better comprehension about science as well
as in other subjects. It is best for teachers to have a deeper understanding about
the subject the teacher will teach to be able to deliver the lessons wisely.

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