UNCC 100 1 Assessment Essay: Name: Spandan Dahal Student ID:-S00256084 Lecturer: Kate Robinson

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UNCC 100 1st Assessment


Name: Spandan Dahal

Student ID:- S00256084

Lecturer: Kate Robinson

As well all know that each and every individual is a part of this modern society. The activities
that takes place in the society is directly or indirectly affected to one another. We all believe
that we were born free in this small world. This believe is done when each and every
individual is has the right to live in freedom and enjoy and handle their rights along with
freedom with no interference. As in the bible it is written that “It is for freedom that Christ
has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of
slavery” (Galatians 5:1,Books, Beliefs and Author, 2018). From this we can learn that we
have freedom but we should not misuse the freedom that we have given. People tend to judge
others by their living standard and their financial situations. This is not the way of judging
people as in the fact that they must be looked from the same eyes of equality. As the golden
rule states that “we must treat others the way you wanted to be treated” (Australian Catholic
University, 2016, section. 1.3.2). This rule makes a greater instinct in the similar perspective
that we must be in the same position that we are not before disrespecting to someone else.

Happiness is the key that leads a person to a prosperous life. It is not that everyone is happy,
some may not be happy as they are not treated as in equal level of respect and other financial,
health, family and many other problems. Human beings cannot help themselves to be in the
state of happiness on their own. It is hard to survive. We all need a matched environment in
which we can survive the way of happiness. The datum is kept into an account and is
perfectly highlighted with an African word “Ubuntu” which means “I am who I am because
of who we all are”. Getting involved in relationships make you be called as a human being as
a person is only a person through other person (Australian Catholic University, 2016, section.
2.2.1). We lack the potential of survival in loneliness, we need someone around to support us
in our life when we are in the happy situation as well as the harsher situation.

Catholic Social Thought has significantly affected growing more tranquil and caring social
orders throughout the hundreds of years. This grasps something other than Catholic Social
educating. We must “Acknowledge that the standards and concerns communicated in this
educating are not exceptional to Catholics or Christians. Despite the fact that they may not
utilize similar terms, for all intents and purposes the majority of the world's significant
religions, confidence conventions, conviction frameworks and indigenous individuals are
worried about issues of social equity. This can be found in the 'Brilliant Rule': that we should
regard others as we would wish to be dealt with. This all-inclusive rule attests the
significance of compassion, correspondence and solidarity” (Australian Catholic University,
2016, section. 3.1.1).
There are a list of catholic social thought principles that explains us the way of life, people
and the community. The catholic social thought principles helps us to deal with day to day
activities, communication, people and many other things that happen during our life period.
Some of the catholic social thought principles are; “Dignity of Human Person”, “The
universal purpose of goods”, “Stewardship of creation”, “Participation” and others in hand

People believe that every single person is created as the image of God. All the people are
invaluable and we must respect all of the equally as all are the member of the human family.
Human beings have the dignity that grants them all the rights that may be political, legal,
social or economic. This is the most vital standard since it is from our pride as human people
that every other right and obligations stream. Human dignity helps us to know the main
theme of our responsibilities that we must take. The responsibilities such as our rights to
handle them correctly without misusing it. These leads to helps ourselves in the right path
that we take without causing any conflict in the social environment. There is a deep
relationship between a single person and the community. Holding human dignity by a single
person will lead us on not causing any harm in the community. The dignity of the human
person is defended and promoted by the God.

Well the all-inclusive motivation behind products is the far reaching objective of stock is an
idea in Catholic religious reasoning, by which the Catholic Church articulates that the results
of creation are destined for humanity all things considered, yet furthermore sees the
individual perfect to private property. Besides, political master has the benefit and
commitment to deal with the genuine exercise of the benefit to proprietorship for the
advantage of all. Which means that even if there are rights to property and free trade, the
ultimate universal destination of goods is ultimately for the welfare and service of the
community. The best way to clarify this statement is people paying taxes for their goods. The
taxes in the end is used for the service of the community itself. Basically, all that nature
provides during our existence is intended to serve all of mankind. People might get private
ownership on some things but they also have a duty towards the people and a dignity to
maintain. If people have goods in an excessive order than their needs, it is their spiritual duty
to provide it to people who are in need and serve them.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says: “2403 The right to private property, acquired or
received in a just way, does not do away with the original gift of the earth to the whole of
mankind. The universal destination of goods remains primordial, even if the promotion of the
common good requires respect for the right to private property and its exercise....”
(En.wikipedia.org, 2018).

Stewardship of creation is a philosophical conviction that people are in charge of the world,
and should deal with it. Adherents to stewardship are generally individuals who have faith in
one God who made the universe and all that is inside it, additionally trusting that they should
deal with creation and care for it. Creation incorporates creatures and the earth. Numerous
religions and groups have different degrees of help for natural stewardship. Whatever the
world is and whatever will be is in the ownership of god but whatever changes and whatever
makes the earth into what it will be is the people's responsibility. Many people from different
religions trust this conviction because it is true and doesn't make excuses for the bad things
that happen to the world but hold the people themselves responsible. There are many biblical
references about stewardship of creation.

Stewardship begins and ends with the understanding of God's ownership of all:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
“(Revelation 22:13)” (En.wikipedia.org, 2018).

Amidst the creation fantasy in Genesis, God says "it isn't right that man ought to be distant
from everyone else". We don't thrive as individuals by being secluded and living without
anyone else, yet by connecting as full individuals from our locale. We have a commitment to
help and support everyone around us while in the meantime enabling ourselves to be
bolstered. The place the majority of us first experience a network in our lives is in the family,
thus it is here that the subjects of Community and Participation have their underlying
foundations, and with regards to the family that these standards have created. Past the family
we're called to take an interest completely in the life of more extensive society. For the vast
majority of us this implies a commitment to take an interest completely in common society
and the political and financial existence of the network. This could incorporate contribution
in developments for equity, volunteering with nearby local gatherings or dynamic
participation of work affiliations or exchange associations.

Inside the subject of Participation, Catholic Social Teaching advocates political contribution,
yet this has dependably been condemning of, and separate from political belief systems like
socialism and neo-progressivism. Because of the gigantically uncommon states of culture and
condition Catholic Social Teaching in like manner tends not to get into a lot of very certain
game plan purposes of intrigue, however rather revolves around the points with the goal that
empowers people to fathom them in their own particular social and political setting. What
Catholic Social Teaching says here is around the run of subsidiarity; that commitment in
regards to social and political decisions should be held that minimum and most fitting
neighbourhood level so to allow everyone in systems to be locked in with essential authority.

"Just as each of our bodies has several parts and each part has a separate function, so all of us,
in union with Christ, form one body, and as parts of it we belong to each other." “Paul's
Letter to the Romans” (Catholic Social Teaching, 2018).

1. Australian Catholic University. (2016). 1.3.2 Individual and Society UNCC100 Unit
Materials. Retrieved from https://leocontent.acu.edu.au/file/8e8cfd0c-0c07-4862-
2. Australian Catholic University. (2016). 2.2.1 Individual and Society UNCC100 Unit
Materials. Retrieved from https://leocontent.acu.edu.au/file/8e8cfd0c-0c07-4862-
3. Australian Catholic University. (2016). 3.1.1 Individual and Society UNCC100 Unit
Materials. Retrieved from https://leocontent.acu.edu.au/file/8e8cfd0c-0c07-4862-
4. Books, H., Beliefs, R. and Author, T. (2018). The Highlighted Freedom Bible CEV |
World of Books. [online] Worldofbooks.com. Available at:
cev/GOR003565099?utm_source [Accessed 2 Sep. 2018].
5. Catholic Social Teaching. (2018). Community & Participation. [online] Available at:
http://www.catholicsocialteaching.org.uk/themes/community-participation/ [Accessed
2 Sep. 2018].
6. En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Stewardship (theology). [online] Available at:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewardship_(theology) [Accessed 2 Sep. 2018].
7. En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Universal destination of goods. [online] Available at:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_destination_of_goods [Accessed 2 Sep.

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