Unit7 L2 Coral Reefs (Lesson Plan)
Unit7 L2 Coral Reefs (Lesson Plan)
Unit7 L2 Coral Reefs (Lesson Plan)
English Classroom Lesson: The coral reefs Grade & Section: 8/4 Date: February 22nd , 2021
Resources: a video, coursebook , Quizziz, Nearpod , :No. of Students in class
LMS and Alef Two SEN students )33(
Key vocabulary: coral reefs, starfish, sea snail , storm , polluted
Key expressions/structures: less vs. fewer
Link to Emirati culture Real-life Connection/ Cross – Curricular Links:
Students discuss some information about coral -Reinforce learning to articulate thoughts and ideas in
reefs in the UAE. English using oral, written and non-verbal communications
Suggest solutions to protect the coral reefs skills.
-Discuss some critical thinking questions.
- Discuss questions related to social studies.
- Discuss questions related to science.