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Sona Global Management Review

Vol 11, Issue 1, January - June 2017


East West University
East West University
University of Chittagong

The study endeavors to explore the factors that arise due to job stress in
the private banking sector of Bangladesh. A total of 300 questionnaires
was distributed out of which 246 were returned back after filling. In data
collection, this study used convenience sampling technique. Data were
collected using both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were
analyzed using the sophisticated statistical technique “Factor Analysis”
(Principal Component Analysis). The study has revealed five dimensions
of the impact of job stress based on the factor loadings named as: burn-
out, job satisfaction, turnover intention, organizational commitment,
and job pressure. An important implication of the study is that burnout
is the most significant outcome of job stress in the banking sector. The
theoretical implication of this study will be beneficial for the banking
sector for understanding the factors that are causing the stress among
employees and how to get rid from this evil of stress to improve employee
satisfaction, performance and commitment. Recommendations and
future research directions were also discussed.
Key words: Stress, Stress management, Work life conflict.

INTRODUCTION level of work and productivity as those

Human resources are the employees with low stress and high job
indispensable part that affects the satisfaction.
performance of an organization. In
this modern era of rapid change and The frontiers of knowledge on the
complexities, employees are the concept of stress and its effects are
competitive edge of any organization. expanding in all directions. Stress has
But employees face various problems been defined by different people in
in their work environment due to different ways for instance, Ismail, Yao
these changes. Stressful, depressed &Yunus (2009) stated that stress has
and dissatisfied employees would been originally derived from the Latin
not be able to obtain the same quality word stingere which refers to hardships.
2 Sona Global Management Review January - June

According to Hans Selye (1976), Stress results into role ambiguity which arises
is the non-specific response of the body when there is conceptual discrepancy
to any demands made upon it. It is an in the required job tasks and the
internal response where continued and content performed, employees are not
prolonged stress may result in fatigue awaked about their role requirements,
and tension leading to depression and lack sound direction, may not have
anxiety (Selye, 1946). Robbins (2001) enough information to full fill the role
defines stress as a dynamic condition in requirements due to which employees
which the individual is confronted with misadjust in the organization‘s complex
an opportunity, constraint or demand structure (Moncrief et al., 1997;
related to what he or she desires and Shropshire&Kadlec, 2012; Michael,
for which the outcome is perceived to Court & Petal, 2009).
be both uncertain and important. The
factors causing stress in a person are Stress often decrease the
called stressors. Stress can be caused bankers’ performance, due to a lack
by environmental, organizational and of administrative support from the
individual variables (Matteson and manager, work overload and time
Ivancevich, 1999). constrictions, the increased risk factor
of the job, poor relations with the
Previous studies have established customers as well as co-workers, and
the turnover, absenteeism, indifference the balance between their work and
or sickness would follow from their family- all of these being important
experienced tension and adjustment on factors which determine a decrease in
the job (Kahn et. al, 1964). The effects of employee performance (Shakid, M. et
occupational demands become manifest al, 2012, 38). Bank managers often fail to
in such forms like job dissatisfaction, realize the impact of stress on employee
anxiety, depression, and in some cases performance which ultimately results
even serious mental and physical in critical managerial dilemmas (Subha
disabilities ranging all the way to heart I. & Ahmad, S., 2009, 468), particularly
diseases (Jagadish,1987). Felt Stress since “with excessive pressures, the
and low organizational commitment job demands cannot be met, relaxation
contributed to voluntary turnover turns to exhaustion and a sense of
(Parameswaran S. & Alutto J. A., 1984). satisfaction replaces with the feelings of
It is also found that stress reduces one’s stress, motivation sheds away and the
potentiality to perform and Stressors workers start losing interest in the work
in the work environment are much and hence performance chart shows a
less potent than those encountered in negative trend.” (Babak M., Shabbir H.
personal life (Sayeed O.B., 1985;Paykel & Niaz M., 2010, 68).This research can
E.S, Prusoff B. A. & Uhlenhuth, be a significant implication for retaining
M.1971). The state of Role conflict and maintaining the performance of the
2017 Sharmin Akther, Silvia Akter, Md. Kafil Uddin 3

banking sector‘s employees in today‘s people in the organization. Certainly

impulsive environment. many organizations have found that
the use of business psychology is “good
people management” and that has also
reduced both financial or emotional cost
Stress has been experienced since and improved performance (Greenberg
ancient times, but it has never been and Baron, 2003).
worse than it is here in the early 21st
century. Job stress is defined generally For the occupational health
as “the harmful physical and emotional community job stress has been proven
responses that occur when the to be a difficult issue (Wu, 2011).
requirements of the job do not match According to Michailidis & Georgiou
the capabilities, resources, or needs of (2005) “stress has been called the ‘wear
the worker. Job stress can lead to poor and tear’ of our body as we adjust to the
health and even injury” (NIOSH, 1999). continually changing environment; it
Nowadays stress is responsible for more has physical and emotional effects on
than fifty percent of all illness (Wu, us and can create positive or negative
2011 and Shaikh et al., 2013). Despite feelings”. Stressors are known as causes
this fact, the phenomenon of stress still of stress. Moreover stressors can be
was not been that deeply studied. Stress externally or internally generated or can
is considered as an unmanageable be physical or emotional or can be events
adverse work practice where there or situations. Among them the most
is no conformance between the state common stressor is change (change
perceived and the state actually desired in career, illness or injury, change in
(Moncrief et al.,1997; Rizwan et al.,2010). personal life). The distinguished causes
The right or suitable (person-job fit) of job stress are numerous. As Materson
individuals is necessary for the vigorous (1980) has identified “causes of job stress
success of an organization. Finding the are many like workload, cuts in staff,
most suitable individual is not just a work practices, long work hours, shift
question of searching someone with work, lack of supervision, inadequate
the obliged skills and abilities, but the training, inappropriate working
individual personality is also considered conditions, too heavy responsibilities
as a key component (Michailidis & and poor relations with colleagues”.
Georgiou, 2005). Employing a wrong
or inappropriate individual may cost An individual faces stress, especially
high for the organization or even may in the workplace across all spheres of life.
produce an over-stressed workforce. As Khattak K. J., (2011) has found “The
As David (1998) suggested both workplace is potentially an important
psychological and physical assessments source of stress for bankers because of
are necessary to select the appropriate the amount of time they spent in their
4 Sona Global Management Review January - June

respective banks.” The reason behind (1998) considered in his study “it can
the less performance is often stress. also be labeled as the harmful physical
Therefore, in the given circumstances, and emotional responses that occur
the employment of an individual could when the requirements of the job do
be a major source of stress (Anderson et not match the capabilities, resources, or
al., 2002). Therefore, when individuals needs of the workers. Job stress can lead
fail to cope with stress and face pressure to poor health and even injury”. However
as a result of various states of their Physiological stress is viewed in the
occupation, it results into burnout. form of Muscle cramps, migraine, back
pain, head ache, disturbance of sleep,
Although stress is always being heart palpitations, routine disorder
discussed in a negative perspective, of drinking and eating, insomnia,
it also has some positive influence. gastrointestinal disorders, coronary
According to Golembiewski et al., (1986) heart failure, fatigue and exhaustion
positive stress or healthy stress is known (Gaither et al., 2008, Lawrence and
as ‘eustress’. Moderate stresses (healthy) Kacmar, 2012,Brief and Weis,2002).
offers employee new awareness,
opportunity and new perspective to gain Burnout, identified by Michailidis
or complete the task (Xie and Johns, and Georgiou (2005) as “these happen
1995). At times stress can also be act as when we are faced with constant stress
motivators for employees for achieving (due to the enduring features of our
their best. Conversely, according to social, personal and organizational life
Quick et al., (1986) and Xie and Johns circumstances), with no escape and
(1995) negative stress is known as can lead to exhaustion”. Burnout may
‘distress’ and it occurs when one is be injurious or even dangerous both
lagging or stagnated or feel depressed, physically and mentally.
distrust and unable to cope up with
the overwhelming work demand and People try to cope up with stress in
pressure. As increasing evidence (Jick a different way in a different situation.
and Mitz, 1985; Lazarus, 1991; Ismail An interesting view was expressed by
et al., 2009) suggests high levels of Michailidis and Georgiou (2005) that
stress adversely affect physical as well “coping with stress is multidimensional,
as psychological health of an employee and depends not only on situational
which eventually comes up with some factors, but also on the appraisal of
negative results like absenteeism, the situation by the individual under
high turnover, low commitment, low stress”. According to Krumm (2001)
performance, emotional frustration both organizational and individual
and even a career change. For the job circumstances should take into
environment, occupational stress is consideration for stress management.
considered as harmful factor. As David
2017 Sharmin Akther, Silvia Akter, Md. Kafil Uddin 5

Competent and committed and future research directions for

employees can enhance the productivity. limiting job stress in the banking
On the other hand, frequently employee sector.
turnover can deteriorate the dedicated
emotions along with skills in the
concern area. Some employees can stay
physically a prolong time in the disliked Rizwan et al. (2012) cited Creswell
job than venture into the unknown. (1994) to illustrate the concept of
Often employees leave mentally, even descriptive studies; such studies
though they show up to work regularly are mostly conducted to explain a
(Bluedorn, 1982; Lee & Maurer, 1997; phenomenon of interest rather than
RahmanS.,Uddin M.K. &Akther making interpretations and judgments.
S.,2008). The volunteer turnover of a The current study is descriptive in
competent employee is a huge loss to nature. Rizwan et al. (2012) further
the organization monetarily (sustained that descriptive research is carried out
sales loss, training and recruitment to prove all the developed hypotheses
cost loss and cost of selecting the new regarding the observable fact. This
profile). This propensity to leave is also research is explanatory in nature and
a result of reduced job satisfaction and provides useful information about the
low organizational commitment. Lower impact of stress management of bankers
stress results in eventually meeting of job in Bangladesh.
expectations and higher organizational
commitment which ultimately lowers Sample design
the propensity to leave(Shaikh A.A., The concerned population for
Akram M., Rizwan M., Kousar S.& Malik this research included the banking
M. (2013). personnel from different private
commercial banks in Bangladesh. A
convenience sampling technique was
used to select the organizations as well
The prime purpose of the study as employees of those organizations.
is to locate the impact of job stress in Simply this sampling technique focuses
privatized banks of Bangladesh. In the on obtaining relevant data from the
light of the main purpose, the specific people who are conveniently available
purposes of the study were as follows: (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010). Both married
1. To explain the impact of job stress in and unmarried employees have taken
privatized banks of Bangladesh. into consideration to understand their
2. To generate the dimensions of job stress level at workplace. The positions
stress of bankers in Bangladesh. of the employees were categorized into
3. To provide managerial implications top level, mid level, and lower level. The
respondents were all either graduate
6 Sona Global Management Review January - June

or post graduate employees who were name of the bank, and the level of
considered as icons in the concerned management. All of these constructs
positions of those organizations. in the questionnaire survey were
Respondents were assured that measured against 7 point Likert-type
information will be kept confidential scale (1= strongly agree to 7= strongly
and used only for academic purpose. disagree).In this study, “Factor Analysis”
(Principal Component Varimax Rotated
Data Collection Factor Analysis Method) was used to
Primary and secondary data were reveal the major dimensions of job
used for the study. Primary data were stress.
collected through the printed survey
questionnaires followed by direct Research Procedure
personal visit. Around 246 usable As per the convenience sampling
responses (82%) were received from technique, 300 respondents were
300 respondents who were working selected from Dhaka and Chittagong
at different private commercial banks city in Bangladesh. The questionnaire
in Bangladesh. The secondary data was circulated among the respondents;
were collected from journals, books, who were also told about the intent and
magazines, websites, and so on. scope of the study so that they appear
confident and logical while solving the
Survey Instrument questions. A sum of 246 respondents
The survey instrument was observed as authentic while the
(questionnaire) was administered among rest were discarded due to incomplete
the respondents in the different private responses. SPSS software, version 17,
commercial banks of Bangladesh. A was used for further necessary analysis.
38-item questionnaire was designed by
the researchers to gather primary data Reliability Analysis
in the present study. The questionnaire
Reliability reflects the consistency
had two different parts whereby 1st part
of a set of items in measuring the study
comprised of variables like- job demand,
variables/concepts (Cooper & Schinder,
work life conflict, job performance,
2001). It illustrates the individual
burnout, turnover intention, job
differences concerning the amount
satisfaction and job; while the 2nd part
of agreement or disagreement of the
of the questionnaire included the
concepts or variables studies (Malhotra,
information of respondents like gender,
2002). Cronbach’salpais most widely
age, education, status, children, number
used method to measure the reliability
of children, years of experience, years
of the scale (Cooper & Schinder, 2001;
worked at the present organization,
Malhotra, 2002). It may be mentioned
highest educational attainment,
that Cronbach’s alpha value ranges
2017 Sharmin Akther, Silvia Akter, Md. Kafil Uddin 7

from 0 to 1, but satisfactory value is Validity

required to be more than 0.60 for the
Validity refers to the appropriateness,
scale to be reliable (Malhotra, 2002;
meaningfulness, and usefulness of
Cronbach, 1951).Thus, the data were
the specific inferences made from test
tested for using Cronbach’s alpha to
scores (American Educational Research
assess reliability.
Association, American Psychological
Association, & National Council on
The job stress questionnaire depicts
Measurement in Education, 1985).
the Cronbach‘s alpha of 0.78 which is
Cronbach (1971) also described validity
more than the standard recommended
as the process by which a test developer
value of 0.50 as stated by Nunnally (1970)
or test user collects evidence to support
and 0.60 by Moss et al. (1998) cited by
the types of inferences that are to be
Rizwan et al. (2012). This clearly states
drawn from test scores. Validity also
that all of the 38 items were reliable to
refers to the degree to which evidence
monitor the job stress perceived by the
and theory support the interpretations
banking sector employees.
of test scores entailed by proposed uses
of tests.
Table 1: Reliability of the scale

No. of Cronbach’s However, given that in this study the

Items Alpha() instrument is designed to examine the
Impact impact of job stress in privatized banks
of job 38 0.78 of Bangladesh., the validity estimation is
stress manily focused on content and construct
Source: Self-prepared validity. Content validity evidence is
collected and examined carefully by
authors to determine if the content
Mode of Data Analysis
and objectives measured by the test are
The present study has used a representative of those that constitute
sophisticated method of statistics – the content domain. Construct validity
Factor Analysis using varimax rotation study uses correlational approach on
analyzing the collected data. In order the basis of factor analysis, which is a
to obtain the interpretable dimensions, statistical procedure for studying the
researchers have subjected the initial intercorrelation among a set of test
factor matrices to varimax rotation scores with the purpose of determine the
procedures (Kaiser, 1958). Varimax number of factors or constructs required
rotated factors matrix provides to account for the intercorrelations, and
orthogonal common factors. Finally, the percentage of variance accounted
dimensions of the turnover have been for by the factors. Results from
made on the basis of factor scores. factor analysis studies contribute to
8 Sona Global Management Review January - June

demonstrate evidence for the construct Impact of Job Stress in Privatized Banks
validity of an instrument. Factor of Bangladesh
analysis is a method of reducing a large
Thirty eight items (Annexure-1)
number of variables (tests, scales, items,
of job stress identified were taken into
persons, and so on) to a smaller number
consideration for generating more
of presumed underlying hypothetical
effective dimensions of job stress in
entities called factor (Fruchter, 1967).
banking sector employees’ in Bangladesh.
Factor analysis has two major objectives
A principal component factor analysis
such as data reduction and substantive
with varimax rotation was performed
interpretation. In the present study,
for items/reasons indicating employee
‘Principal Components Varimax Rotated
job stress. To determine how many
Method’ of factor analysis has been used
dimensions of turnover influence the
to identify the major dimensions of job
intention to leave, the 38 items/reasons
stress of employees in privatized banks
were subjected to principal component
in Bangladesh.
analysis. After deleting items/reasons
those have cross loadings, a clear factor
Findings and Analysis structured was prepared. After grouping
Description of sample respondents the items/reasons with a factor loading
of higher than 0.5 under a factor, the
Respondents ranged in age from
result of the factor analysis generated
20 to 60 years, and 178 (72.4%) were
five dimensions those affect job stress
male, while 68 (27.6%) were female.
of employees in privatized banks of
Their average work experience was
Bangladesh. From the output, five factor
1.17 (SD= 4.43) years. There were 28
solutions emerge with eigen values
(11.4%), 178 (72.4%), and 40 (16.3%)
exceeding 1 (Table 3). Total variance
representation by the top, middle, and
accounted for by all the five dimensions
lower-level participants respectively.
was 45.79% and the remaining variance
The respondents were well educated,
was explained by other items/reasons.
as 37 (15%) had completed bachelor
The five dimensions of job stress were
degrees, 199 (80.9%) had a masters
named accordingly and discussed as
degree while 10 (4%) had other degrees.
In terms of marital status, 164 (66.7%)
were married, and 81 (33.3%) were
single. Out of 246 respondents, 139
(56.5%) respondents have children and
107 (43.5%) were without children. In
terms of the number of children, 134
(54.5%) respondents have 1-4 children,
while 10 (4%) people have 5-8 children,
and 102 (41.5) have no children.
2017 Sharmin Akther, Silvia Akter, Md. Kafil Uddin 9

Table 2: Principal Component Analysis with Rotated Component Matrix and Communalities

Dimensions Variables Communality
1 2 3 4 5

st8 0.614 0.475

st9 0.578 0.512
st13 0.630 0.557
st14 0.617 0.464
st15 0.650 0.510
st16 0.563 0.496
st19 0.617 0.533
st20 0.536 0.498
Job st32 0.812 0.716
satisfaction st33 0.790 0.692
st11 0.513 0.593
Turnover st36 0.549 0.522
intention st37 0.780 0.597
st38 0.759 0.558
Organizational st25 0.698 0.595
commitment st26 0.709 0.609
st2 0.521 0.410
Work pressure
St6 0.510 0.350
Eigenvalues 7.760 3.316 2.490 2.144 1.687 17.397
% of Variance
20.421 8.736 6.552 5.641 4.440 45.79

Source: Compiled by authors from field survey.

Dimension I: Burnout (Nervous and stressed at the job) with

factor loadings .614, .578, .630, .617,
This dimension has eight items/
.650, .563, .617, and .536 respectively.
variables such as st8 (Support from
This component accounted for 20%
family), st9 (Support from supervisor),
(20.42~21%) variation with eigen
st13 (Physical and emotional
values 7.760(see Table 2).
depression), st14 (Resistance to
illness), st15(Feeling nervous during
communication), st16 (Quality of work),
st19 (Decision making ability), st20
10 Sona Global Management Review January - June

Dimension II: Job satisfaction Findings and Discussion

This dimension comprises two The Banking sector of Bangladesh
items/variables such as st32 (Pleased is one of the most evolving and stable
with work), and st33 (Satisfaction sector, which contributes substantially
with current practices) with factor towards Bangladesh’s economy. The
loadings .812, and .790 respectively. prime purpose of this study was to
This component accounted for 9% explore the relationship of stress causing
(8.76~9%) variation with eigen values factors for the heavy, demanding working
3.316(see Table 2). practices of all private commercial
banks, which hinder or contribute to
Dimension III: Turnover intention an employee’s progress one way or the
This dimension includes four items/ other; in contrast to vast researches
variables such as st11 (Frustrated with conducted for other institutions. The
job responsibility), st36 (Emotionally obtained results establish different
callous), st37 (Intention to quit), factor of job stress arising from the
and st38 (Searching a new job) with heavy job duties, work-life imbalance,
factor loadings .513, .549, .780, and varying satisfaction level towards the
.759 respectively. This component employment organization and these
accounted for 7% (6.55~7%) variation factors altogether emulsifying the
with eigenvalues 2.490 (see Table 2). pressure puff of stress were discovered
to be affecting the organizational
Dimension IV: Organizational commitment, performance and
commitment eventually resulting in burnout and
intention to leave the banking field.
This dimension consists of two
items/variables such as st25 (Job Previous studies confirm the impact
loyalty), and st26 (Feel proud as an of job stress on work life conflict,
employee) with factor loadings .698, job satisfaction (Fairbrother& Warn,
and .709 respectively. This component 2003; Ismail, Yao &Yunus , 2009; Kim,
accounted for 6% (5.6~6%) variation Murrmann& lee, 2009), job performance
with eigenvalues 2.144 (see Table 2). ,burnout and turnover intention
(Shropshire&Kadlec, 2012; Wu 2011;
Dimension V: Work pressure Chiang, Birtch& Kwan, 2010) which
This dimension includes two items/ is familiar with this research results.
variables such as st2 (Excessive work These findings also declare that these
pressure), and st6 (Miss quality time factors to be the strongest predictors of
with family) with factor loadings .521, job stress.Even if private sector banking
and .510 respectively. This component employees are provided with resources
accounted for 4% (4.40~5%) variation to accomplish their hectic jobs, but still
with eigen values 1.687 (see Table 2). Lawrence &Kacmar (2012) implied that
2017 Sharmin Akther, Silvia Akter, Md. Kafil Uddin 11

the overwhelmed work demand and  Employee Assistance Programs: An

expectations from multiple roles result Employee Assistance Programme
in job dissatisfaction and psychological (EAP) is a systematic, ongoing and
stress. With reference to Social organized service, funded by the
exchange theory; it is observed that high employer and providing counselling,
quality exchange association from the advice, and help to employees and
supervisor to the subordinate (resource their families with problems arising
provision, career development, etc.) from both work related and external
influences the employees to reciprocate sources. The degree of benefit
equally and effectively with a sense of gained by the organization will be in
obligation. All of these factors are found direct correlation with the extent to
to physically and emotionally deplete an which the EAP is integrated into the
employee‘s motivation, lower down the organizational structure (Grimshaw,
satisfaction due to which performance 1999; Canadian Mental Health
is affected and due to these stresses Association, 2004). Managers in
causing factors mostly the unhappy commercial banks can implement
employees of such banks suffer a lot employee assistance programs to
and are in search of alternative options help employees with stress related
where they get rewarded for their efforts emotional problems.
which results in high turnover among all
private and public commercial banks.  Stress Management Training: Bank
managers can also offer training in
Managerial Implications stress management techniques at
workplace. Individual level stress
From the invesitagion it has been
management training helps to
obsereved that burnout is the most
educate employees about job stress
important factor affecting job stress of
and its associated health effects, and
employees in banking sector. Burnout
to teach coping and stress reduction
is not simply excessive stress rather
skills. Stress management training
it is a complex physical, mental, and
may include different types of
emotional reaction to constant levels of
relaxation exercise in combination
high stress. Employees’ mental health is
with cognitive techniques borrowed
a crucial tool for increasing productivity
from the fields of counselling and
and profits. Managers in different
psychotherapy to develop mental
organizations may have different reasons
health of employees.
for implementing stress management
initiatives. There are some managerial
 Stressor Reduction Interventions:
implications given below:
Another managerial implication
is to focus on different job
characteristics of employees that
12 Sona Global Management Review January - June

can be related with poor levels Suggestions for Future Research

of mental and physical health
The limitations of the research may
which includes - role ambiguity,
open up the opportunities for studies of
role conflict, job insecurity, low
the additional arenas. Future research
involvement in decision making,
should include the extended coverage
and work overload among others
of sample size, focus on inclusion
in the organization. Though these
of diverse geographical areas (other
factor are very much common in
organizations but little attention metropolitan cities and countries) and
has been focused on organizational sample selection must be expanded
change as a way of improving health across public sector banks and other
and wellbeing of employees in diverse institutions like health services
banking sector. Stressor reduction sector, IT industry, hotel and catering
requires an identification of the industry, education sector etc. It will
stress agents followed by planned enhance the applicability and generalize
changes in organizational structure ability of the findings for fruitful results.
and function, which are potentially
expensive and disruptive to ongoing Conclusion and Recommendations
work. It is therefore more financially
The primary objective of this study
feasible for organizations to
was to study the impact of job stress on
concentrate on cheaper individual
all level of bank employees in private
centred approaches, than to tackle
commercial banks located in Dhaka and
the root of the problems inherent
in the work environment (Canadian Chittagong. It is anticipated that research
Mental Health Association, 2005). information provided by the current
study will prove useful to the banking
 Formulation of job stress committee: industry to reduce the stress level of
Managers can help to form a their employees. The results of the
committee that may help to formulate factor analysis revealed five dimensions
a strategy for improving the work of the impact of job stress based on
environment in organizations. factor loadings such as - burnout,
This committee should include job satisfaction, turnover intention,
both employees and management organizational commitment, and job
participation. Employees from pressure where burnout plays a vital role
different departments, divisions, affected by job stress of employees in
shifts, and work groups should be privatized banks of Bangladesh. If these
included as well as management stress factors are addressed positively at
representatives should include the work place, overall stress level may
persons with real authority in the be reduced significantly. To get more
organization to help employees in accurate results, one should consider
this regard. the total process with a large number of
2017 Sharmin Akther, Silvia Akter, Md. Kafil Uddin 13

samples. These limitations pave the way Brief A. P. & Weiss H. (2002)
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for future research could be a detailed the workplace. Annual Review of
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public banks in Bangladesh. In addition,
a comparative study on causes of stress Canadian Mental Health Association
among different professionals can also (2004). Employee assistance
be executed. programs. Retreived February
10, 2017 from http://cmhanl.ca/
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SHARMIN AKTHER is a Senior Lecturer of Management discipline the

Department of Business Administration at the East West University,
Bangladesh. [email protected].

SILVIA AKTER is a Senior Lecturer of HRM at East West University,

Department of Business Administration, Bangladesh.
[email protected].

Md. KAFIL UDDIN is an Assistant Professor at University of Chittagong,

Department of Human Resource Management. [email protected].

Article received on 3.1.2017 | Article Accepted on 12.2.17

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