C2 Grammar Syllabus and Exercises For The LRN (Revised)

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C2 Grammar Syllabus

and Exercises
Tenses ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Exercises on Tenses and Unreal Past ...................................................................................................... 5
Modals .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Exercises on Modals ............................................................................................................................... 8
Infinitive.................................................................................................................................................. 9
Gerund .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Exercises on Infinitives and Gerund ..................................................................................................... 12
Participles.............................................................................................................................................. 13
Exercises on Participles ........................................................................................................................ 14
Passive Voice ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Causative ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Exercises on Passive Voice – Causative – Have Structures ................................................................. 16
Conditionals .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Exercises on Conditionals ..................................................................................................................... 18
Adjectives and Adverbs ........................................................................................................................ 19
Exercises on Adjectives – Adverbs....................................................................................................... 21
Reported Speech ................................................................................................................................... 22
Exercises on Reported Speech – Indirect Questions – Subjunctive ...................................................... 24
Clauses .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Exercises on Clauses ............................................................................................................................. 27
Emphasis – Inversion ............................................................................................................................ 28
Exercises on Emphasis – Inversion....................................................................................................... 29
Questions .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Exercises on Question Tags – Wh-Questions – Indirect Questions...................................................... 31
There is – It is -It ................................................................................................................................... 32
Articles .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Nouns .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Pronouns and Determiners .................................................................................................................... 34
Exercises on There is – Articles -Nouns – Pronouns ............................................................................ 35
Phrasal Verbs ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Exercises on Phrasal Verbs ................................................................................................................... 38
Revision Exercises 1 ............................................................................................................................. 39
Revision Exercises 2 ............................................................................................................................. 40
Revision Exercises 3 ............................................................................................................................. 41
Revision Exercises 4 ............................................................................................................................. 42
Revision Exercises 5 ............................................................................................................................. 43
Answer Key .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2


Simple Present Present Perfect

In case more guests come, I will cook more. He has done two exercises so far/up to now.
When/As soon as/The moment/The minute he finishes He has been here since 2010.
work, he will go out. He has been here since he graduated.
He won’t go out before he does his homework. She has worked in London for ten years.
No matter what he says, I won’t do it. She hasn’t talked to him in two months.
Wherever he goes, I will find him. It is/has been ten years since I (last) saw him.
The bus leaves at 10 tomorrow. How long is it/has it been since he left?
Whatever he says, I trust him. I have seen him recently/lately.
She has called him several times this week.
Present Continuous
This is the first time he has (ever) travelled.
They are flying tomorrow. This is the best film he has (ever) seen.
He is working hard these days. He has never seen such a good film before.
She is forever/always shouting at the students. He hasn’t finished his work yet.
He is getting taller and taller. Have you cooked yet?
Simple Past He has yet to finish his work.
He still hasn’t done his homework.
How long ago did he leave?
How long is it since you went to the cinema? I have been to Italy before.
He has been here since he graduated. I have been in Italy for ten years.
While he was watching TV, the phone rang. He has gone to Italy. He is coming back next week.
As soon as/When/The moment/The minute he came in, I I have been here for ten days vs I am here for ten days.
told him the news.
Present Perfect Continuous
He no sooner came in than I told him the news.
He has been talking on the phone for hours/ages.
Used to do/ would do
She has been living in London since 2010.
She used to go the gym, but now she prefers to go jogging. She has been living in London since she finished college.
Whenever he visited me, he would bring/brought flowers. He looks tired. He has been working hard.
She would always have / always had breakfast. How long have you been reading this book?
Used to do / be used/be accustomed to doing Simple Future
When I was in college, I used to wake up early. I think/believe/assume/expect/doubt/ hope that he will
I was used/accustomed to waking up early. = I was in the find a job.
habit of waking up early. I doubt it whether she will come tomorrow.
Be used to / haven’t got used to I’m sure that she will pass.
It is likely/possible that she will retire.
I am used to living in the city. = I have got used to living “There’s no bread.” “I will go to the bakery.”
in the city. Don’t talk or she will hear you.
Was to do / was to have done If you do this again, I will tell your parents.
Shall I carry this box for you?
I was to leave work earlier than usual.
Shall we go out?
I was to have done my homework, but something came
Where shall I entertain my friends?
Get good marks and I will buy you a phone.
Past Continuous Will you drive me to the centre?
No matter what he says, I won’t do it.
He was having dinner at 8 o’clock yesterday/at this time
Wherever he goes, I will find him.
She was forever fighting with her brother. am going to do
She was getting better and better.
She is pregnant. She is going to give birth in
I was wondering if I could come later.
three months.

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Other forms to express the future have, own, possess, contain, cost, measure, weigh, look,
believe, understand, think that, consider, regard as,
He is about to leave.
doubt, expect that, forget, remember, imagine, know,
She is on the point of starting her own business.
prefer, realize, recognise, guess, suppose, suspect,
He is on the brink/verge of having a nervous breakdown.
appear, seem, consist, depend, deserve, fit, matter, mean,
The president is to give a speech at 10 o’clock.
owe, trust, be
The bus is due (to arrive) in an hour.
He is bound to find out the truth. But
Future Continuous She is not feeling well today.
The soup tastes/smells nice.
He will be studying for ten hours tomorrow.
She is seeing her friends tonight.
At this time tomorrow, he will be swimming.
She is having a great time.
Will you be working tomorrow?
She is measuring the table.
As usual, she will be meeting her friends on Saturday.
He is weighing the potatoes.
He isn’t answering the phone. He will be sleeping.
She is looking at him.
Future Perfect He is thinking of moving.
She will have done all the work by 7 tomorrow. She is considering buying a car.
By the time/ When he comes, I will have finished. I am expecting an answer.
She will have prepared dinner before the guests arrive. He is appearing on a television show.
She is depending on him to help her.
Future Perfect Continuous He is fitting new cupboards.
By next year, he will have been playing tennis for 10 He is being naughty today.
years. Unreal Past
By the time mum comes, she will have been doing the
housework for 4 hours. Present

Past Perfect I wish he were here today.

*I wish he would stop talking. (complaint)
She didn’t talk to me until I had apologised. I’d rather/sooner she visited me than called me.
After she had retired, she travelled a lot.
By lunchtime yesterday, he had finished painting the She treats me as if/though I were her son.
house. If I had more money, I would travel.
By the time I called, he had left.
It is time for him to find a job=It’s time he found a job.
This was the best book I had read.
It is high time/about time he found a job.
It was the first time he had lied to me.
He said that she had seen him a month before. Past
No sooner had we come than he left.
I wish she had come to my party yesterday.
Past Perfect Continuous
I wish he had been paying more attention during
By lunchtime yesterday, he had been painting the room yesterday’s lesson.
for three hours.
I’d rather/sooner she had visited me yesterday than had
By the time I arrived home, he had been working in the
called me.
garden for three hours.
His hands were dirty because he had been working in the I would rather she had been behaving better.
garden. She treated me as if / though I had been her son.
He told me that she had been studying all night.
If I had had more money, I would have travelled.
Stative Verbs: No continuous tenses
If he had been paying attention to the lesson, he would
hear, feel, see, taste, smell, sound, desire, adore, like, have understood it.
dislike, hate, loathe, detest, need, want, wish, belong,

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises TENSES and UNREAL PAST

1. I can’t stand him anymore. He ………. about the 11. By 2020, he ………. as a lawyer for 15 years.
food I make. A. is working
A. had complained B. will work
B. is forever complaining C. will have been working
C. would be complaining 12. Whenever he visited her, he ………. her flowers.
2. Take some more money with you in case you A. would bring
………. it. B. was bringing
A. need C. had brought
B. will need 13. ‘Have you done all the exercises?’ ‘No, I ……….
C. are needed two of them.
3. How long ………. since you last went to the A. have yet to do
cinema? B. haven’t still done
A. is it C. was only doing
B. would it 14. It is two years since he ……… by plane.
C. ago was it A. has travelled
4. Our neighbours ……….. this old make of a car for B. travelled
ages. C. had travelled
A. are having 15. She hasn’t visited her parents ………. .
B. have had A. in weeks
C. have been having B. since weeks
5. My students are usually well-behaved, but today C. for ten weeks ago
they ………. very naughty. 16. Although I was 22, he still treated me as if I ……….
A. will have been a child.
B. are being A. had been
C. are to being B. am
6. Your train …… at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. C. were
A. leaves 17. Don’t you talk to me as though you ……. my boss!
B. will have left A. are
C. is due to leaving B. were
7. She wishes she ………. to the party last night. C. had been
A. went 18. No sooner had they arrived than they ………. in for
B. had gone a pleasant surprise.
C. would have gone A. were
8. May I borrow your car today or ………. it? B. had been
A. do you use C. were being
B. you will use 19. At this time tomorrow, they ………. for the party.
C. will you be using A. will prepare
9. The film is ………. . Get off the phone and let’s go B. will be preparing
inside. C. will have prepared
A. about to start 20. He’d rather his children studied more than ……….
B. bound to starting computer games.
C. sure started A. played
10. He’d sooner his friends………. him late at night. B. be playing
A. not call C. play
B. not to call
C. didn’t call

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Ability It’s advisable to exercise.
It’s advisable / essential that you (should) study.
She can speak two foreign languages.
It is essential for there to be silence.
She is able/unable to run fast.
She has got the ability to draw portraits. Criticism
She can help me tomorrow. You should/ought to have prepared for the test.
She will be able to finish the project soon. You should / ought to have been listening to him.
It would have been better to follow/ if you had followed
When he was young, he could run fast.
her advice.
When he was young, he had the ability to run fast.
You would have been better off following / if you had
Could do vs was able to do followed her advice.
He could write fast. Necessity
He was able to drive after 20 driving lessons. = He
You needn’t answer the phone.
managed to drive after 20 driving lessons=He succeeded
Need he come for an interview?
in driving after 20 driving lessons.
You didn’t need to pick her up.
He couldn’t speak English. =He wasn’t able to speak
You needn’t have picked her up.
They must obey the rules.
She may/might/could come later.
I must stop smoking.
She may be sleeping now.
He has to do a lot of homework.
She may have lied yesterday.
She is/was to write an essay.
She may have been working since morning/for hours.
She was to have written an essay, but she didn’t.
There may be a problem.
He had to save money for the trip.
There may have been problems.
She may have been deceived. Prohibition
Roads at this time of the year can be slippery. You mustn’t / can’t talk loudly.
He is not to smoke here.
Perhaps/maybe, she will come later.
It’s forbidden/prohibited / not allowed to park here.
It is possible/likely that she will come later.
It’s against the law/the rules to exceed the limit.
She is likely to come later.
Smoking in public places is forbidden/prohibited/ not
There is a (every, no) possibility/likelihood/chance that
she will come later.
There is a possibility/likelihood/chance of her coming Suggestions
Shall we watch a film?
In all probability/likelihood, she will come later.
What/how about watching a film?
The chances are that she will come later.
Why don’t we watch a film?
Assumption Why not watch a film?
He must have been working hard. Permission /Concession
She can’t/couldn’t have been studying.
Can/May/Could/Might I turn on the radio?
I (don’t) suppose/ think/ believe / assume/am sure he Do you mind my turning/ if I turn on the radio?
left. Would you mind my turning/if I turned on the radio?
I was wondering if I could turn on the radio.
Yes, you may/can/could do it.
You had better drive slowly. No, you may/can/could not do it.
It would be better (for you) to take the train.
It would be better if you went to the dentist.
You would be better off wearing a coat. Can I carry the suitcase for you?
You would be better off if you told the truth. Shall I carry the suitcase for you?
It is time/high time/about time you relaxed. I will carry the suitcase for you.

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Requests Refusal
Can/Could/ Will/Would you open the door? I won’t accept the offer.
He wouldn’t listen to me.
Acceptance with complaint
May you live in happiness.
As there is nothing better to do, we may/might as well
Annoyance/ Surprise
watch this thriller.
How should I know where he is?
Repetition of an action in the past
Why should I do what he says?
Who should visit me late at night but Mary! He would wake up early in the morning every day last
Habits/Typical behaviour
He will always do his homework.
He daren’t call me at night.
Criticism of typical behaviour
Dare you ignore your boss?
He will always arrive late. Don’t you dare speak to me like this again.
He would always talk a lot.
He should know better than lie.
He should have known better than to arrive late.

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Modals and Infinitives

1. He is likely ………. by a policeman who was near 11. Who ………. call me late last night but George!
the lake. A. must
A. he was rescued B. should
B. to have been rescued C. could
C. he might be rescued 12. ‘His parents punished him.’
2. ‘I think my brother saw Mary on Thursday.’ ‘He ‘Well, he ………. than to lie to them.’
………. . She has been abroad since Monday. A. would sooner
A. mustn’t B. should know better
B. shouldn’t have C. had better
C. couldn’t have 13. He …………… any homework so he watched TV.
3. The children came home late. They ………. a great A. didn’t need to do
time at the party. B. needn’t have done
A. should have C. didn’t need doing
B. must have had 14. ‘Where is your brother?’
C. might be having ‘How ………. I know?’
4. The plane departed on time so it should ………. by A. will
now. B. should
A. have landed C. must
B. land 15. Why were you driving so fast? You ………. .
C. be landing A. may be killed
5. There is a likelihood ………. a disagreement B. could have been killed
between them. C. can have been killed
A. of there being 16. If he applies in person, he ……. have more chances
B. to be of getting the job.
C. it was A. may
6. She’d ………. not defy her parents. B. should
A. be better C. ought
B. be better off 17. ‘Are you going on the trip on Saturday?
C. better ‘I ………., but nothing is definite.’
A. may
7. It is essential ………. silence during the test.
B. will
A. it is
C. must
B. to be
C. for there to be 18. They decided not to drive in the snow for fear that
they ………. an accident.
8. It is advisable he ………. a suit for the interview.
A. can’t have
A. wears
B. needn’t have
B. must wear
C. might have
C. should wear
19. ‘Did you like the way I talked her out of travelling
9. ………. call before they drop by?
A. Need they
‘Yes, you ………. more persuasive.’
B. Do they need
A. would have been
C. Ought they
B. couldn’t have been
10. She was supposed ………. a 300-word essay, but C. had to be
she didn’t. 20. He ………. call me while I’m working as he knows
A. she wrote I’d get angry.
B. to have written A. daren’t
C. that she had written B. doesn’t need
C. shouldn’t have called

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Active Voice The teacher commanded them to sit down.
She encouraged him to keep trying.
(to) do She forbade them to leave the building.
(to) be doing He instructed them to take nothing for the trip.
(to) have done He declined to make any comments.
(to) have been doing She warned him not to drive in the storm.
She invited them to come to dinner.
Passive Voice First she talked about the trip and then she went on to
talk about her new job.
(to) be done He ordered them to be quiet.
(to) have been done She reminded him to post the letter.
She urged them to revise the notes.
Verbs + Infinitive
She recommended him to read this book.
She wanted them to wear warm clothes.
He agreed to help me.
She wanted there to be silence.
He needed to work.
She prefers to stay home.
She attempted/tried to jump.
She would like/love/hate/prefer to go out.
She can’t afford to buy a car.
He is bound to get the job.
She has decided to move.
He demanded to know the questions.
She was made to wash the car.
She expected to get a job.
They were seen to enter the building.
She happened to know the answer.
She was heard to call his name.
He offered to drive me to work.
She got him to wash her car.
She is planning to go on holidays.
She pretends to be innocent.
Adjectives + infinitive
She promised to come on time.
She hesitated to answer the question.
I am afraid to walk alone at night.
She refused to lend her car to him.
He was happy/delighted to meet them.
She hopes to succeed.
She was glad to participate in the project.
She remembered to lock the door.
She was pleased to hear that she passed.
She forgot to lock the door.
The exercise was difficult/easy to solve.
She intends to travel abroad.
He was proud to be a good student.
She seems/appears to be upset.
She was eager/willing to help out.
She is learning to drive.
She was surprised to hear the news.
She used to be an athlete.
He was fortunate/lucky to have met her.
She managed to climb up the mountain.
She felt ready to live on her own.
She didn’t mean to hurt you.
He was satisfied to have applied for the job.
He wanted to retire.
He was prepared to fight for his rights.
He wishes to see the manager.
She will be disappointed to hear you’re leaving.
She threatened to expel them.
She was amazed to hear he had won.
I am sorry to tell you that you are not hired.
He was the first/last to leave the party.
I regret to tell you that you are not hired.
She is likely to resign soon.
On the way home, he stopped to buy bread.
She is obliged to finish all the work today.
He was compelled to work overtime.
She was sad to turn 60.
He proceeded to tell them the whole story.
He is able/unable to drive.
He tends to forget.
He deserves to be told the truth.
It is Adjective to do
She advised him to practise more.
She allowed/permitted him to go out.
It is nice to see you.
She asked him to cook.
It is dangerous to be talking to strangers.
He begged her to forgive her.

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Adjective/Adverb enough to do He may/could/should do his homework.

enough Noun to do They had better eat at home.
Rather than watch a film, he chose to play.
She is old enough to travel on her own.
Why not play computer games?
She speaks loudly enough to hear her.
Why argue with your parents?
She’s got enough patience to be a teacher.
She helped me (to) carry my shopping.
He does nothing all day but/except sleep.
too Adjective / Adverb to do
They only thing he can do is (to) resign.
He is too young to drive. The only thing to do is (to) resign.
She talks too fast to understand her. All he can do is (to) resign.
What he can do is (to) resign.
only to do
He went to the office only to find nobody. Full infinitive
She dared/ challenged me to join the Marathon.
Question Words to do She was seen to open your bag.
He doesn’t know what to do. He was heard to call your name.
She didn’t know who to talk to. They were made to stay after class.
He got them to tidy up their room.
so Adjective as to do They were allowed to leave the room.

He was so kind as to help me with homework. Short Infinitive forms

To tell you the truth, I didn’t go to work today. Would you like to join me? I’d love to.
To cut a long story short, she disappeared. Does he have free time? – If he didn’t work long hours,
To be honest, I can’t reveal her secret. he would.
Might he have helped her? – He might have.
It Noun to do
It was a pleasure to be with you.
It was my honour to work with you. We left earlier in order not to/so as not to/not to miss the
Bare Infinitive
She dared not talk to the teacher rudely.
I saw her open your bag.
I heard him call your name.
She made them stay after class.
He had them tidy up their room.
She let them leave the room.
He watched her open the door.
She noticed him lift the briefcase.
She observed him steal the money.
She would rather/sooner go to the theatre.

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Active Voice He was /got accustomed to flying.
He anticipated having a holiday.
The old man was reported missing.
having done
She deferred doing her project.
She couldn’t endure walking in the cold.
Passive Voice
His job entails/means/involves working long hours.
She evaded answering my questions.
being done He fancies listening to rock music.
having been done Can you imagine living alone?
He never forgave her insulting him.
Order of gerund: (one’s) (not) + ing He never mentioned being fired.
Having finished his work, he rested. He kept trying despite the problems.
After his coming home, we will eat. I can’t recall/recollect ever seeing him.
His not having done his homework, his teacher scolded She reported being bullied.
him. Being a technology lover, he risks being cut off from his
Verbs + doing I don’t understand her being so rude.
He envisages travelling to space.
She likes/loves/enjoys painting. She regrets telling him her secrets.
He hates/dislikes/detests/loathes/resents washing the He went on talking about his trip for hours.
dishes. She tried eating fish for the first time.
She resisted being arrested. I am sorry for having made you wait.
He admitted (to) cheating. My hair needs/requires/wants cutting/to be cut.
She accused him of stealing her money. She intends leaving soon.
She doesn’t mind working late. She continued explaining the problem.
He avoided talking to her. He ceased to write/writing novels.
She misses going to parties. She started/began to complain/complaining.
He can’t help laughing. She can’t stand/bear listening/to listen to loud music.
She appreciated his helping her. He couldn’t help laughing.
It is (not) worth/It’s no use/It’s no good/There is no
point in crying. Gerunds as nouns
She doesn’t feel like going out.
She practised playing the piano. Drinking alcohol is bad for you.
Excuse my saying that, but you’re wrong. Driving in the snow is dangerous.
He postponed/put off meeting with her.
Prepositions + gerunds
He delayed answering her phone call.
She denied bullying her classmates. He has no intention of apologising to her.
I can’t tolerate working in this heat. He is keen on playing football.
He is considering changing jobs. Her parents object to her living alone.
She remembers locking the door. She confessed/admitted to cheating.
She forgot putting out her cigarette. Apart from/Besides/In addition to/As well as singing, he
He finished cooking. dances.
She proposed/suggested/recommend travelling by plane. He was in favour of going to the cinema.
He dreads walking back home at night. She has difficulty (in) talking to people.
He allows looking up words on the Internet. Your smoking will prevent you from being an athlete.
He advised revising. She looks forward to having a summer holiday.
She will stop/quit drinking. I am sorry for having made you wait.
I was/got used to living in a flat. He is interested in playing tennis.

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Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Infinitives and Gerunds

1. Why did she ………. them do her exercises? She 11. She seems ………. about her whereabouts.
could have done them herself. A. she lied
A. get B. to have been lying
B. have C. that she was lying
C. ask 12. On the way to work, he stopped ………. a cup of
2. The last exercise in the exam was too difficult for coffee.
me ………. . A. buying
A. to be solved B. to have bought
B. to solve it C. to buy
C. to solve 13. I regret ………. you that the position has already
3. The students were eager ………. in sports activities. been filled.
A. participating A. to inform
B. to participate B. being informing
C. having participated C. to be informed
4. He ………. having been involved in the riots 14. Who was the last ………. the office?
yesterday. A. leaving
A. refused B. to leave
B. denied C. that he was leaving
C. declined 15. She went to the cinema only ………. that there were
5. He moved to the city just a month ago so he no available tickets.
………. living here yet. A. to find
A. didn’t used to B. if she found
B. doesn’t get used to C. in finding
C. hasn’t been used to 16. She is too inexperienced a lawyer ………. for a
6. The teacher ………. all the students to retake the well-known law company.
exam yesterday. A. to work
A. got B. that she can’t work
B. has had C. working
C. would make 17. Ten dogs have been reported ………. in the last
7. I’d prefer them ………. more attention while I was month.
talking. A. missing
A. to be paying B. to have missed
B. that they paid C. of being missed
C. to have been paying 18. Her jokes were so funny that we ………. laughing.
8. ………. the main ideas of his proposal, the manager A. were unable to
asked him for more details. B. couldn’t help
A. Presenting C. didn’t help
B. His having presented 19. They have no intention ………. their holiday plans.
C. After presenting A. to change
9. Mary’s parents objected to ………. abroad all alone. B. of changing
A. her to travel C. changing
B. being travelling 20. They ran to the bus stop ………. the bus.
C. her travelling A. to not miss
10. After the first email ……….. to prospective B. for not missing
customers, he was asked to send two more. C. so as not to miss
A. having sent
B. to have been sent
C. having been sent

12 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2


Active Voice Passive Voice

All the students taking the test are nervous. The criminal arrested was charged with robbery.
She saw a child crossing the road. George, overwhelmed by anxiety, remained silent.
He heard a woman calling for help. Punished by his teacher, John went home crying.
She watched/observed/noticed him painting. The letter written in a foreign language, he couldn’t
I listened to him singing. read it.
She smelled something burning. The letter not written in his native language, he
He came home running. couldn’t read it.
She caught him cheating. Vegetables taste better when eaten raw.
She found him crying in his room. The work done, he’ll go out.
She left/kept him waiting outside. His being chosen president gave him joy.
She is busy doing the housework.
They spend their free time reading books.
He wasted his time watching television.
Did you feel the bed shaking?
Having used a pen, he couldn’t erase his mistakes.
Flying over lake, they saw a lot of people fishing.
Having punished the student, the teacher felt bad.
Her having punished him, he cried.
Not knowing all the answers, he didn’t finish the test.
His not knowing the answer to the question, his friend
helped him.
It being cold, I stayed home.
There being so many problems, he asked for help.
His coming to the party surprised me.
Being tired, he went to bed early.

13 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Participles

1. He was supposed to be at school, but his mum found 11. ……….. at the view, he took a lot of pictures.
him ………. in his room. A. Being amazed
A. to cry B. Amazing
B. crying C. Been amazed
C. to have been crying 12. ……….. by her teacher, Mary left the class crying.
2. All the participants ……… part in the race were A. Being reprimanded
exhausted. B. Reprimanded
A. being taken C. Since reprimanded
B. having been taking 13. ………. to be the leader of the team made him feel
C. taking very proud of himself.
3. My roommate heard a woman ………. for help in A. That he was chosen
the middle of the night. B. His choosing
A. to have called C. Been chosen
B. having called 14. ………. by the rules of the game, they disqualified
C. calling her.
4. The guests were noticed ……….. all the dishes. A. Not her abiding
A. to be trying B. Not having abided
B. trying C. Her not having abided
C. being trying 15. The work ………, she will have a break.
5. During the earthquake, they felt the bed ………. . A. doing
A. shaking B. having done
B. shaken C. done
C. shook 16. It………. freezing cold, they decided to stay at
6. The young man ……….. with the award was an home.
upcoming artist. A. was so
A. presenting B. having being
B. being presenting C. being
C. presented 17. ………. no consensus on the financial issues of the
7. ……… with responsibilities, the new manager felt company, the meeting was rescheduled.
stressed. A. As it was
A. Being overburdened B. There being
B. Overburdening C. Having there been
C. That he was overburdened 18. Two passengers………. to London got to the gate
8. The accused, ………. with remorse and shame, too late and missed their flight.
remained silent. A. flown
A. filling B. being flying
B. felt C. flying
C. filled 19. Could you please not talk ………. .?
9. After ………. his dissertation, his professor asked A. while you eat
him some questions. B. while eating
A. presenting C. while are you eating
B. being presented 20. Chicken soup is more delicious when ………. hot.
C. his having presented A. eating
10. The email ……….in his native language, he B. its eaten
couldn’t understand it. C. eaten
A. wasn’t written D.
B. not written
C. besides writing

14 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Transitive Verbs (all tenses, infinitives, gerunds) Impersonal/Personal Structures
The police arrested the thief. They say/It is said that she disappeared.
The thief was/got arrested (by the police). She is said to have disappeared.
They believe/It is believed that there was a mistake.
He is going to/may fix the car.
There is believed to have been a mistake.
The car is going to/may be fixed by him.
They think/It is thought there were mistakes.
What did they steal? There are thought to have been mistakes.
What was stolen?
see, hear, let, watch, notice, observe, help, make
Everybody talked about the film.
I saw her leave/leaving.
The film was talked about (by everyone).
She was seen to leave/leaving.
Snow covered the garden. He heard her shout/shouting.
The garden was covered with snow. She was heard to shout/shouting.
He used glass to make this statue. She let them play in the room.
The statue was made of glass. Don’t let them deceive you.
Don’t let yourself be deceived.
She likes people telling her the truth. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived.
She likes being told the truth. They were allowed to play in the room.
Wash this jacket. They watched/noticed/observed them enter/entering the
The jacket must / should be washed. room.
They were watched/noticed/observed entering the room.
He proposed/His proposal was that the plan be
She helped me (to) carry my shopping.
submitted in time.
I was helped to carry my shopping.
It’s imperative/vital that the plan be submitted in time.
I made them clean the house.
Ergative Verbs They were made to clean the house.
They finished the project. The store sells books. need, want, require
The project finished. His new book sells well.
The car needs/wants/requires fixing.
They increased the prices. The car needs/wants/requires to be fixed.
The prices increased.
The pilot landed the plane.
There is something to do/to be done.
The plane landed.
She baked the cake.
The cake baked for two hours.

have sm do / get sm to do *Somebody stole his phone.
*He had his phone stolen.
He had them redo the exercises.
He got them to redo the exercises. *She got her finger cut while cutting the bread.
He may have the mechanic fix his car.
She should get him to cook lunch. Other have structures
They are interested in having someone decorate their She told a joke and had them laughing.
house. The mechanic will soon have your car going.
have/get sth done She won’t have them talking in class.
She had a dog barking all night.
He had/got the car washed. She had a robbery happen.
They may have their house decorated. You won’t have any problem/difficulty (in) seeing the
They are interested in having their house painted. manager.

15 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Passive Voice –Causative – Have Structures

1. My car still ………. so I’m taking the bus to work. 11. She’s a very strict teacher. She won’t ………. her
A. hasn’t been fixed students talking in class.
B. needs being fixed A. allow
C. wasn’t fixed B. get
2. His new book will certainly ………. well. C. have
A. be sold 12. I think your house requires ………. .
B. sell A. being painted
C. have been sold B. painting
3. Her new film ……….. favourable reviews. C. to have painted
A. has received 13. While she was shopping, she ………. her bag
B. has been received stolen.
C. is to be received A. got
4. Her English class ………. of 13 students. B. had
A. is consisted C. may have
B. consists 14. Her proposal was that no employee ………. .
C. is consisting A. is fired
5. He hardly slept last night as he had a dog ………. B. have been fired
all night long. C. be fired
A. barking 15. Do you know how ……….. her arm bruised?
B. bark A. she had
C. barked B. did she have
6. I had an accident ………. while I was going to C. she got
work. 16. While lunch ………., the alarm went off.
A. to be happening A. got prepared
B. happen B. was preparing
C. happened C. was being prepared
7. The garden, ………. with snow, looked beautiful. 17. Security measures are ………. at all airports.
A. covering A. introducing
B. which covered B. to be introduced
C. covered C. have introduced
8. There ………. to have been problems after he had 18. Why were they ………. to call the police?
retired. A. suggested
A. is said B. prevented
B. are thought C. made
C. are considering 19. She doesn’t remember ………. about their
9. The workers were observed ………. while working. engagement.
A. to be talking A. to tell
B. they were talking B. being told
C. talking C. having told
10. They’re interested ………. their office designed by 20. It is imperative that safety precautions ………..
a local architect. when travelling abroad.
A. having A. be taken
B. they’re having B. must be taken
C. in having C. are taken

16 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Zero Conditional could/might/should have been promoted.
Provided/Providing he had found a job, he’d have
If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils.
bought a new car.
1st Conditional Suppose/Supposing he had had enough money, he’d
If she works hard, she will/may/can be promoted. have gone on holidays.
If he calls, tell him to meet me at 7. Suppose/What if /Imagine you had won the lottery, what
As/So long as he studies, he will pass. would you have done?
Provided/Providing he finds a job, he’ll buy a new car. Assuming he had left, what would you have done?
Suppose/Supposing he has enough money, he’ll go on Only if she had studied, would she have passed.
holidays. Even if he had apologised, I wouldn’t have forgiven him.
Suppose/What if /Imagine you win the lottery, what will You worked hard; otherwise/or/or else you would have
you do? been fired.
Assuming he leaves, what will you do? If he had exercised, he would have lost weight.
On condition you hand in your paper in time, you’ll pass Had he exercised, he would have lost weight.
the course. Had he not exercised, he wouldn’t have lost weight.
Unless she studies, she won’t pass.
Only if she studies, will she pass. If he hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t have done it.
Even if he apologises, I won’t forgive him. If it hadn’t been for his help/his helping me, I couldn’t
You’d better work harder; otherwise/or/or else you will have done it.
be fired. But for/Without his help/his helping me/having helped
If he should exercise, he will lose weight. me, I couldn’t have done it.
Should he exercise, he will lose weight. Conditionals - Short forms
Should he not exercise, he won’t lose weight.
He doesn’t study, but if he did, he would pass.
2nd Conditional He didn’t study, but if he had, he would have passed.
If she worked hard, she would/could/might/should be “Do you think he’ll pass?” “If he studies, he will.”
promoted. “Can he buy a car?” “If he had money, he could.”
As/So long as he studied, he would pass.
“Did he buy a car?” “If he had had money, he would have.”
Provided/Providing he found a job, he’d buy a new car.
If you are tired, you can leave.
Suppose/Supposing he had enough money, he’d go on
If tired, you can leave.
Suppose/What if /Imagine you won the lottery, what Are you coming to the party? If so/If not, let me know.
would you do? Mixed Conditionals
Assuming he left, what would you do?
On condition you handed in your paper in time, you’d If he had prepared for the test, he would be able to
pass the course. perform well today.
Unless she studied, she wouldn’t pass. If he weren’t a liar, I would have trusted him.
Only if she studied, would she pass. in the event of/in case of
Even if he apologised, I wouldn’t forgive him. Evacuate the building in the event of fire.
You don’t work hard; otherwise/or/or else you wouldn’t These are the instructions you must follow in case of fire.
be fired. in that event = if that happens
If he were to exercise, he would lose weight. In that event, we will the call police.
Were he to exercise, he would lose weight. Other if- structures
Were he not to exercise, he wouldn’t lose weight.
I was wondering if/whether you could help me. (asking
If he didn’t help me, I couldn’t do it.
sm to do sth)
If it weren’t for his help/his helping me, I couldn’t do it.
I don’t know/doubt/wonder if/whether he is coming.
But for/Without his help/his helping me, I couldn’t do it.
3rd Conditional If you would like to call me, please do so. (desire)
He asked me if/whether he would leave. (reported
If she had worked hard, she would/

17 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Conditionals

1. ………. he lend me some money, I will buy a new 11. Without ………. to help me, I wouldn’t have
dress. finished my work in time.
A. If A. having offered
B. Provided B. being offered
C. Should C. her offering
2. If all the senior employees ………., the company 12. He doesn’t have a lot of free time, but if he ……….,
would have to hire more staff. he would travel more.
A. were to retire A. had
B. have retired B. had had
C. would be retiring C. did
3. Unless he ………. to the project, we won’t be able 13. ‘Did you have difficulty finding my house?’
to finish it on time. ‘No, but I ………. had I not asked for directions.’
A. contributed A. would
B. doesn’t contribute B. would have had
C. contributes C. would have
4. If he ………. an honest person. I would have trusted 14. The secretary asked him if she ………. the day off.
him. A. could take
A. isn’t B. would have taken
B. were C. may take
C. would be 15. Is John coming to the graduation ceremony? If
5. ………. pay the fine now, he could pay half the ………., I can give him a ride.
amount. A. he did
A. Had he to B. so
B. Should he C. he might
C. Were he to 16. She is wondering if her parents …....... her to go to
6. On ………. that he changes his mind, we will go on the rock concert.
the trip. A. shall allow
A. a condition B. would have allowed
B. condition C. will allow
C. the condition 17. We will reschedule our trip to the countryside
7. ……. helping her, she would never have managed. …....... bad weather.
A. Without A. if it were for
B. But for his B. but for
C. On condition his C. in the event of

8. ………. all the work is done, you may leave earlier. 18. If they.......... make any unfavourable comments
A. In case about my work, I'll be upset.
B. In the event of A. might
C. As long as B. should
C. will
9. ………. up his room in the morning, he would be in
great trouble now. 19. Would you like another sandwich? …......, I'll put
A. If he didn’t tidy the cheese in the fridge.
B. Had he not tidied A. Suppose you may
C. Shouldn’t he have tidied B. If not
C. Unless you don’t
10. If it………. his courage, he wouldn’t try to save the
child from drowning. 20. What if …....... half of the exam questions?
A. wasn’t A. didn't they answer
B. shouldn’t be B. they hadn't answered
C. weren’t for C. they wouldn't answer

18 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2


Adjectives + noun He is pleased.
He is content.
He is a smart girl.
She is glad.
*He painted the walls red.
Adjectives only before nouns
Verb + adverb
the only /chief/ principal reason
He talked loudly. the former president
Linking verbs + adjective the upper classes
the indoor/outdoor court
He became/was angry.
Comparisons/Adjectives and Adverbs
She remained calm.
She appears/seems/looks friendly. His new book is more interesting than his other books.
The song sounds familiar. His new book is the most interesting of all his books.
The food tastes/smells good. He drives more carefully than I do.
Her hair feels soft. He drives the most carefully of all.
He got disappointed. She is the smarter of the two.
He grew tall. He is less interested in maths than she is.
He is the least interested in maths.
Adverbs of degree + Adj/Adv Is this the best you can do?
She is entirely wrong. Her house is as big as mine.
He is extremely intelligent. Her house isn’t as/so big as mine.
He studies very hard. He is as good a singer as I am.
He was a fairly good student. He is becoming taller and taller.
He plays fairly well. He plays as well as the others.
He was rather impolite. He doesn’t play so/as well as the others.
He was rather taller than me. The film was getting more and more boring.
They sang rather badly. She is much/far/a bit/ a little/slightly/a lot taller than I am.
She is rather like/unlike me. He arrived much earlier than I had expected.
He is quite a good player. She is the tallest of all by far.
He dances quite well. She is by far the tallest of all.
Of all the students, he is the best.
Verbs +Manner –Place- Time
The older he gets, the wiser he becomes.
He spoke to me rudely in class yesterday. You aren’t any taller than she is.
Yesterday, he spoke to me rudely in class. He isn’t any better than I am.
You are no taller than she is.
Verbs of movement +Place-Manner-Time
This is the hardest exercise I have ever done.
He came into class quickly yesterday.
I haven’t done such a difficult exercise before.
Frequency Adverbs + verb His interests are the same as/similar to mine.
He is twice as tall as I am.
He never yells at me.
He paid twice as much as I did.
He doesn’t always do his homework.
I prefer/would prefer to stay home rather than go out.
*He is always late to class. I prefer walking to driving. /I prefer tea to coffee.
He will never be satisfied. I’d rather/sooner go out than stay home.
Adverbs +Sentence He eats much too much.
It’s much too cold today.
Fortunately/Apparently, he won. He drank too much juice.
There is no comparison between you and him.
Adjective only after linking verbs
She became ill. older / elder, oldest / eldest
She fell asleep. He is my older/elder brother.
He looked embarrassed. He is my oldest/eldest brother.
She is alive. He is older than I am./He is the oldest of all.

19 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

As Confusing Adverbs
He works as a teacher. We flew direct to Paris.
He is known as a creative person. She talked directly to her boss.
She is regarded as a patient teacher. She always works hard.
She is described/characterised as a friendlyemployee. She hardly goes out.
He did things as usual. The water level remained high.
He accepted me as a friend. He thinks highly of her.
She treats me as an enemy. They ran short of supplies.
He referred to her new book as the best of all. He will come shortly.
He is thought of as a tolerant employer. He answered everything right.
He used the table as a desk. She was rightly angry with him.
He plays the guitar and sings as well. They walked deep in the forest.
She was deeply in love.
Adjectives –ing /–ed
You can visit the monument free.
The excited children cheered.
She freely gave me her ticket.
I had a frightening experience.
She kept her mouth wide open.
Like It is widely believed that he will win.
I last saw him three months ago.
He works like a dog.
Lastly, I would like to thank my parents.
She looks/is like her father.
The book was pretty interesting.
What is your city like?
Her room was prettily decorated.
Please, don’t talk about him like that.
He did everything wrong.
I don’t feel like going out.
He wrongly thought I was the thief.
It smells like burnt food.
I can’t tell what it tastes like. Collocations
Players, particularly like the ones in my team, try to do
Her speech was absolutely ridiculous/brilliant/fantastic.
their best.
She is bitterly disappointed.
I know him and his like.
It is bitterly cold.
He studies art and the like.
It’s boiling hot.
Like/Unlike me, she loves walking.
It is freezing cold.
further vs farther He was deeply moved/offended.
She is fully aware of the effects.
further (adjective)
He was greatly impressed/mistaken by her appearance.
Do you need any further information?
He was highly qualified/trained.
farther (adverb) Children can be incredibly naïve.
I can’t walk any farther. Don’t change it. It is just perfect.
The host was most kind.
especially vs specially
It is quite possible that he’ll leave.
He liked all the songs in the album, He is seriously ill.
especially/particularly the last one. She is being totally unreasonable.
This is a specially designed car. She is utterly/completely hopeless.
It is simply wonderful/marvelous.
Ungradable Adjectives:
No comparative or superlative Only
unique, final, perfect, utmost, ultimate, last Only John came to the party. = Nobody else but John
came to the party.
not at all/ not in the least
He gave me only money. = He didn’t give me anything
She wasn’t at all/in the least surprised. else but money.
She is the only child. = She has no brothers or sisters.
Nouns as Adjectives
She gave money only to me. = She didn’t give money to
Put the letter in the desk drawer. anyone else but me.

Order of Adjectives

Opinion size age shape colour origin material use Noun

nice small old round black English wooden dining tables

20 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Adjectives – Adverbs

1. All the candidates remained ………. throughout the 11. We may have a new president, but other than that,
interview. it’s business ………. at the company.
A. calm A. usually
B. calmly B. more usually
C. in a calm C. as usual
2. As the twins grow older, they are becoming 12. There is ………. between a professional player and
……….. . an amateur one.
A. too much naughty A. hardly resemblance
B. more and more naughtier B. no comparison
C. naughtier and naughtier C. none likeness
3. Her work done in time, she was ………. satisfied. 13. The ………. customers wrote favourable reviews on
A. such the restaurant’s website.
B. entirely A. content
C. too B. satisfied
4. Although he was ………. rude to her, she gave him C. pleasing
another chance. 14. He arrived ………. than we had expected.
A. fairly A. much more earlier
B. much B. much earlier
C. rather C. too earlier
5. Despite being ………. the tallest of all, he hasn’t 15. ………. her parents, she doesn’t like watching
joined the basketball team. television.
A. slightly A. Compared
B. a bit B. Unlike
C. by far C. In respect to
6. He isn’t ………. better at Physics than I am. 16. Students, ………. the hard-working ones, try to do
A. any their best.
B. more A. particularly
C. by far B. specially
7. Of the two proposals, this is ………. one. C. barely
A. the best 17. It smells ………. burnt meat. Have you forgotten to
B. the more better turn off the oven?
C. the better A. as
8. She’d ………. cycle to school today than walk. B. though
A. prefer C. like
B. sooner 18. She bought ………. table at a low price.
C. like A. a wooden Italian
9. In spite of their interests not being ………., they B. an old Italian
really suit each other. C. an Italian brown
A. same as each other’s 19. For any ……….. information, please contact the
B. similar with them administration office.
C. the same A. farther
10. He is ………. the shrewdest businessman. B. far
A. regarded to be C. further
B. considered 20. She isn’t ………. interested in sports. She prefers
C. is thought like reading in her free time.
A. the less
B. at least
C. in the least

21 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Statements Statements: sb said that…/sb told sm that

“She plays well,” he said (to me) He said that she played well.
“She is playing well,” he said. He said that she was playing well.
“She will play well,” he said. He said that she would play well.
“She will be playing well,” he said. He said that she would be playing well.
“She played well,” he said. He said that she had played well.
“She has played well,” he said. He said that she had played well.
“She has been playing well,” he said. He said that she had been playing well.
“She had played well,” he said. He said that she had played well.
“She had been playing well,” he said. He said that she had been playing well.
“She will have played well,” he said. He said that she would have played well.
“She will have been playing well,” he said. He said that she would have been playing well.

“She may/can play well,” he said. He said that she might/could play well.
“She must play well,” he said. She said that she must/had to play well.

Yes/No Questions Yes/No Questions

“Did she play well?” he asked (me). He asked (me) if/whether he played well.

Wh-Questions Wh-Questions
“How did she play?” he asked. He asked (me) how he had played.

Imperatives Imperatives
“Play well,” he said (to me). He told me/asked me to play well.
“Don’t play,” he said. He told me/asked me not to play.

Time + Place Expressions, Pronouns No changes in tenses

 now - then, at that time He said that water boils at 100 degrees.
 yesterday - the day before/the previous day He has said/says that she can help me.
 today – that day He said that he would rather play.
 tomorrow – the following day/the next day/the day He said that if he played well, she would win.
He said that he wishes he had more time.
He said that while he was playing, he fell.
 tonight – that night
 next week – the following week/the next week/the Indirect Questions
week after
 a year ago – a year before/the previous year/a year Do you know where he went?
earlier/the year before I have no idea what she likes.
 last year – the previous year/the year before I don’t know what time it is.
 here – there I am wondering how he did it.
 this – that/it these – those I can’t tell you why she is angry.
 I – he/she
 me – him/her
 my – his/her
 mine – his/hers

22 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Reported Speech-Other introductory verbs Subjunctive

He is said / rumoured to have resigned. He suggested/proposed/recommended that she

He offered to help me. travel by plane.
He agreed to come early. He advised that she revise the notes.
He demanded to know where she was. He urged that she not panic.
She promised to come /that she would come on time. She ordered/commanded that they sit down.
She refused to answer the question. She asked/required/requested/demanded that the
He threatened to expel him. paper be handed in on time.
She claimed to be/that she was innocent. He insisted that there be silence.
She advised them to study more. He decided that they should stop working.
He allowed / permitted/forbade him to leave. He will prepare in case he should give them a
He asked them to clean the room. test.
She begged him to help her.
He commanded/ordered them to sit down. It is important/significant/essential that he be
She encouraged them to go on. taken to hospital.
She instructed him to follow/how to follow the rules. It is vital that she apply in person.
She invited him to attend the lecture. It is imperative that there be a meeting.
She reminded him to mail the letter. It is urgent that he visit the doctor.
She warned him not to go out. It is necessary that he do all the work.
She accused him of cheating. It is advisable that she not smoke.
She blamed him for breaking the vase.
She denied cheating/that she had cheated. Her suggestion/proposal/recommendation/
She admitted (to) cheating/that she had cheated. advice was that he be patient.
She apologised to him for coming late. His decision was that they should travel by plane.
He insisted on paying the bills.
He suggested/proposed/recommended taking the bus. He practises hard in order that he might win.
He exclaimed that it was a fantastic view. He locked all the doors for fear that somebody
She explained to him that he had to do it/how he might break into the house.
should do it. However hard he might work, he doesn’t earn a
She informed them that the meeting was cancelled. lot.
She wondered if/whether /how they were coming Try as he might, he doesn’t earn a lot.
She urged them not to panic.
She complained to the manager about the food/that
the food was bad.

Reported Speech -Changes in modals

“She must be tired,” he said. He said that she must be tired. (assumption)
“She needn’t revise,” he said. He said that she /needn’t /didn’t have/need to revise.
“She needn’t wake up early tomorrow,” he said. He said that she wouldn’t have to wake up early the
following day. (future)
“She can come later,” he said. He said that she would be able to come later. (future)

23 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Reported Speech – Indirect Questions - Subjunctive

1. She asked me where ………. , but I had no idea. 11. Do you know why ……… his travelling plans?
A. would they meet A. did he change
B. they had met B. might he have changed
C. they will meet C. he changed
2. He said that if he ………. the job, he would accept 12. He has no idea ………. staying.
it. A. which hotel they are
A. had been offered B. where they are
B. is offered C. which hotel are they
C. were offered 13. He said he’d rather she ………. books than watched
3. They denied ………. , but the teacher didn’t believe television.
them. A. read
A. having cheated B. had read
B. to have cheating C. was reading
C. they are cheating 14. The doctor insisted that he ………. down on
4. The policeman asked the suspect what ………. at 10 smoking.
o’clock the previous night. A. must cut
A. did he do B. cut
B. was he doing C. had to cut
C. he had been doing 15. Although she wasn’t busy, she ………. to help me
5. They promised ……….. that again. with the housework.
A. not doing A. denied
B. they wouldn’t have done B. refused
C. never to do C. forbade
6. Mother ………. not to return home after midnight. 16. Father advised ………. our seat belts throughout the
A. said to me trip tomorrow.
B. urged A. us wearing
C. told me B. we wear
7. The students were advised ………. the day before a C. we had worn
test. 17. The coach ………. us to follow the rules.
A. to not cram A. instructed
B. never cramming B. suggested
C. to avoid cramming C. insisted
8. She is rumoured ………. submitted her resignation 18. It is vital that ………. balance in nature.
yesterday. A. it should be
A. for her to have B. there be
B. that she C. it be
C. to have 19. I’m really sorry ………. made you wait; it won’t
9. His teacher told him that he ………. do any more happen again.
homework. A. having
A. needn’t B. to have
B. won’t have to C. for me to have
C. may not 20. Her proposal was that the old Town Hall ……….
10. He said that he ………. pick me up from the airport down.
the next day as he will be working. A. not be pulled
A. wouldn’t be able to B. is to pull
B. will not C. may be pulled
C. couldn’t have been able

24 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Relative Clauses Concession Clauses

This is the man who/that threatened me. Although/Even though/Though he works hard, he
This is the cat which/that scratched me. doesn’t make much.
This is the man whose car was stolen. Although/Even though/Though he is tired, he will go
This is the dog whose owners abandoned it. out.
This is the man whom/who/that I met. Although/Though tired, he will go out.
This is the book which/that I bought.
Despite/In spite of the fact that he works hard, he
The woman to whom I talked is a doctor. doesn’t make much.
The woman who/that I talked to is a doctor. Despite/In spite of working hard, he doesn’t make
The woman I talked to is a doctor. much.
The hotel at which we stayed was big. Despite /In spite of his working hard, his boss doesn’t
The hotel which/that we stayed at was big. appreciate him.
The hotel where we stayed was big. Despite/In spite of his hard work, he doesn’t make
The hour at which the show begins is 10. much.
The hour which/that the show begins at is 10. Despite/In spite of what he does, his boss doesn’t
The hour when the show begins is 10. appreciate him.
The reason for which he left is unknown.
The reason which he left for is unknown. No matter how well he speaks/what he says,
The reason why he left is unknown. I don’t believe him.
The reason for his leaving is unknown.
Hard though/as he works, he doesn’t make much.
My father, who is a teacher, is strict. Hard as he may/might work, he doesn’t make much.
My house, whose garden is big, has got three rooms. As hard as he works, he doesn’t make much.
My dog, which is a puppy, is cute. I told him not to go out, but he went all the same.

He helped me, which was nice of him. However hard he works, he doesn’t make much.
Try as he might, he doesn’t make much.
She’s got a lot of friends, some/none/all of whom
have the same interests as her. Regardless/Irrespective of the dangers, he does
He visited many countries, two/several of which are in extreme sports.
South America.
Whatever colour you paint the wall, it won’t look
The man who is sitting there is my teacher. good.
The man sitting there is my teacher. Come out, whoever you are.
The man who was arrested is a robber.
The man arrested is a robber. He works hard. However, he doesn’t make much.
He works hard. Yet/Still/Nonetheless/
It was John who helped me. Nevertheless, he doesn’t make much.
It was yesterday that I saw him. He works hard. He doesn’t make much,
It was at the restaurant that I met them. however/though.

Whoever wins will get a prize. Even if it should rain, I will go out.
I’ll talk to whomever I like.
I’ll do whatever I want. He likes coffee while/whereas she likes tea.

25 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Clauses of Reason Clauses of Result

Since/As/Because he was late, his mum got angry. It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice.
His being late, his mum got angry. Such an interesting film was it that I saw it twice.
He didn’t hire her, for she was not qualified. Such was her fear that she couldn’t stop shaking.
Seeing that he was late, he called her. It was such bad weather that we stayed in.
Due to/Because of /Owing to the storm, we drove They were such heavy boxes that I couldn’t lift them.
slowly. There was such a lot of noise that he was extremely
There is unemployment in view of there being a annoyed.
financial crisis. The film was so interesting that I saw it twice.
He was found guilty on the grounds of new evidence.
He was found guilty on the grounds that there was It was so interesting a film that I saw it twice.
new evidence. So interesting was the film that I saw it twice.
So interesting a film was it that I saw it twice.
The reason why he was found guilty was that there There were so many people that I couldn’t breathe.
was new evidence. There were so few people that the room looked empty.
The reason for his being found guilty was that there There was so little time left that we panicked.
was new evidence. He had so much free time that he could do anything he
The reason for his dismissal was that he was always wanted.
coming late.
Considering the new evidence, he was found guilty. The book was too boring to read.
It was too boring a book to read.
Clauses of Purpose
He hadn’t studied and as a result, he failed.
She woke up early so as to/in order to/to catch the bus. He has got a big family and therefore, he needs to
He talked loudly so that/in order that everybody work harder.
could/would hear him.
He locked all the doors for fear that somebody might Time Clauses
break in/for fear of someone breaking in.
They built the shelter with the aim of/with a view to Wherever he goes, I will find him.
protecting stray dogs. When he is angry, he yells.
Take more money with you in case you (should) need Once/When/As soon as/The moment/After he settles
it. down, he’ll feel fine.
Upon/On /After settling, he’ll be fine.
This knife is for cutting fruit. By the time he comes, I will have eaten.
By the time he came, I had left.
Place Clauses When he saw me, he started laughing.
After he had eaten, he studied.
Wherever you go, he will find you. (After) having eaten, he studied.
Where there is a will, there is a way. While/As he was working, she visited him.
Everywhere he went, he had fun. While he was working, she was playing.
She met him while walking in the park.
Whenever he came, he would bring flowers.
Whenever he comes, he brings flowers.

Exclamations Noun Clauses

What a nice dress this is! It pleased me that she visited me.
What good kids they are! That he visited me pleased me.
What bad weather this is! His visiting me pleased me.
How polite he is! What he did surprised me.
How polite a man he is! I was surprised by what he did.
How well he talks! What he did was surprising.
She is such a beautiful girl!
She is so nice!

26 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Clauses

1. The woman ………. was a former teacher of mine. 11. She always locks all the doors .......... burglars might
A. whom I was talking break in.
B. who I was talking A. for fear that
C. I was talking to B. to prevent that
2. My older brother, ………, is an eminent scientist. C. in order that
A. that I respect a lot 12. They were .......... cooperative people that they all
B. whom I have respect wanted to work with them.
C. who I respect greatly A. so
3. ………. much she likes him, she doesn’t want to B. such
date him. C. really
A. However 13. So much .......... that he bored everyone to death.
B. As A. did he talk
C. Though B. he talked
4. The restaurant ………. they celebrated their C. can he talk
anniversary at is very popular. 14. .........., he used the stairs.
A. in which A. The lift not worked
B. where B. Not working the lift
C. which C. The lift not working
5. ………. clever, some of her classmates are bullying 15. The burglar left his fingerprints all over,
her. ……………gave him away.
A. In spite of being A. that was what
B. Despite her being B. which was what
C. No matter her being C. what was that
6. ………. the test results, he quit smoking. 16. Clever .........., he can’t solve these simple exercises.
A. Having received A. as he might be
B. As receiving B. however he is
C. Being received C. as if he is
7. Clair, ……….. in charge of the department, is 17. What .......... ! I don’t want to go anywhere.
highly qualified. A. a bad weather
A. who’s B. bad weather is this
B. that is C. bad weather
C. been 18. .......... father coming home, we laid the table.
8. The letter of complaint ………. to the director was A. No sooner
very impolite. B. Upon
A. being sent C. As
B. which sent 19. How .......... this is! Who took it?
C. sent A. a nice picture
9. ………. she received no answer, she decided to see B. nice a picture
him in person. C. nice the picture
A. However 20. The court found him innocent ………… new
B. Nonetheless evidence.
C. Since A. in case of
10. He tried not to make any noise .......... the baby B. on the grounds of
wouldn’t wake up. C. with the aim of
A. in order that
B. so as
C. so as to

27 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Emphasis Inversion
I do/did like the film. Never have I seen him before.
Barely/Seldom does he understand her.
Why she said that is a mystery.
No sooner had he come home than she called him.
It’s a mystery why she said that.
Hardly had he come home when she called him.
What/All she wants is (to) study abroad.
So polite is he that she really likes him.
What she did was stupid.
Such a nice present was it that she felt touched.
It’s Mary who kissed him. So much did she work that she was tired.
It is her bag that he stole. To such an extent did he talk that the audience felt
It was yesterday that she retired. bored.
What is it that he wants?
Only if/when you try, will you succeed.
That’s how she did it.
Only by trying, will you succeed.
He talked to me the very same way. Not until she talked to him did she realise her mistake.
The very John brought me these flowers.
In vain did she try to change his mind.
He was not at all interested in her.
Little did she know about history.
He was not interested in her at all.
Here comes the train
He was not interested in her in the least/in the slightest.
On the bench sat the old woman.
He was not in the least/in the slightest interested in her.
On the beach was lying the boy.
There is no money whatsoever/at all.
She likes meat and so does her brother.
Whoever told you that? She is interested in the job as is her friend.
Whatever made you believe that? She won’t go out and neither will he.
You don’t mean George, do you? Should she retire, she will travel a lot.
Were she to retire, she would travel a lot.
Had she retired, she’d have travelled a lot.

28 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercise Emphasis – Inversion

1. That she lied to me ……….. quite a disappointment. 11. So slowly ………. that everyone was bored.
A. there was A. he talked
B. was B. did he talk
C. that was C. he was talking
2. All they want to do during the weekend is ………. 12. She was not ………. at what he had done.
to music. A. surprising at all
A. listen B. least surprised
B. to have listening C. at all surprised
C. having listened 13. He will not manage to finish his work ……….
3. No sooner ………. them the news than they started harder.
celebrating. A. weren’t he to try
A. he told B. but for try
B. was he to tell C. should he not try
C. had he told 14. Not until ………. her the good news did she feel
4. ………. the leading actress to play better, the film relieved.
would get better reviews. A. did he tell
A. Should B. he told
B. In case C. had he told
C. Were 15. I have no doubt ………. that he will succeed.
5. Hardly had the plane departed ………. turbulence A. whatsoever
began. B. the slightest
A. when C. as long
B. that 16. She is used to living alone ………. her brother.
C. than A. and as is
6. From what she said, I felt that she ………. enjoy her B. so is
stay in the countryside. C. as is
A. didn’t hardly 17. They can be at the station in time only if ……….
B. did the tube.
C. mustn’t A. do they use
7. It was yesterday ………. they booked the table at B. they use
the restaurant. C. used
A. when 18. On the chair ………. . It looked so cute.
B. on which A. was the cat sleeping
C. that B. was sleeping the cat
8. Whose bag ………. that he found? C. did the cat sleep
A. was there 19. In vain ………. for her letter.
B. was it A. did he wait
C. it was B. he has been waiting
9. Barely ………. what the speaker was saying. C. he waited
A. did they understand 20. She hasn’t had time to rest and ………. .
B. they understood A. he hasn’t, too
C. was their understanding B. he didn’t either
10. ‘Who brought you these flowers?’ ‘The ………. .’ C. nor has he
A. very himself John
B. very John
C. John himself

29 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Question Tags Wh-Questions
He likes exercising, doesn’t he? Who did/didn’t you invite to dinner?
She didn’t love him, did she? Who was/wasn’t invited to dinner?
Everyone/Everyone was present, weren’t they? Who invited you to dinner?
Somebody/Someone helped you, didn’t they? Who were you invited by?
Nobody/No one will accept his offer, will they? To whom were you talking?
Nothing was right, was it? Who were you talking to?
Nowhere was relaxing, was it? Whose bag was stolen?
She hardly ever studies, does she? Which car will you buy?
I am pretty, aren’t I? Which of you knows him?
Let’s watch a film, shall we? What/Which country are you from?
Let me play, will you/won’t you? What does he look like?
Turn down the radio, will you/won’t you? What is he like?
Don’t touch this cable, will you? What books do you like reading?
Have some pie, won’t you? What happened?
This/That is Mary, isn’t it? Where will you go?
There’s a serious problem, isn’t there? To which restaurant will you go?
There weren’t any problems, were there? Which restaurant will you go to?
He has a big car, hasn’t he/doesn’t he?
Indirect Questions
He has got two children, hasn’t he?
He had better move, hadn’t he? Do you know where he went?
She used to go to the gym, didn’t she? I have no idea what she likes.
He would prefer to leave, wouldn’t he? I don’t know what time it is.
She can ride a bike, can’t she? I am wondering how he did it.
I can’t tell you why she is angry.

30 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises Question Tags – Wh-Questions – Indirect Questions

1. Everyone attended the meeting, ………. ? 11. ………. invited to their wedding?
A. didn’t he A. Who wasn’t it
B. did he B. Who’s it not
C. didn’t they C. Who was not
2. No one has complained about the food, ……….? 12. That is his wife, ……….?
A. has he A. is she
B. haven’t they B. isn’t it
C. have they C. aren’t she
3. Nowhere she went was relaxing, ……….? 13. He didn’t tell her ………….
A. did she A. what did it happen.
B. was it B. when would he leave.
C. were there C. why he was upset.
4. He hardly ever plays computer games, ……….? 14. Let him support you, ……….?
A. don’t he A. will he
B. does he B. will you
C. will he C. doesn’t he
5. I am qualified, ……….? 15. She used to be an athlete when she was in high
A. aren’t I school, ………?
B. am I A. wasn’t she
C. I’m not B. was she
6. Nothing she does is ever inappropriate, ………..? C. didn’t she
A. does she 16. ………. have you chosen to wear at the graduation?
B. is it A. Which suit
C. aren’t they B. Is this the suit
7. What do you think ………. at the party? C. Whatever the suit
A. did it happen 17. Does she know where …………. ?
B. it was happening A. did they go
C. happened B. they will go
8. Let’s find a quieter place to talk, ……….? C. have they gone
A. will we 18. She barely speaks English, ……….?
B. won’t we A. doesn’t she
C. shall we B. isn’t she
9. She’d better concentrate on her studies, ………? C. does she
A. wouldn’t she 19. ………. were you talking about?
B. shouldn’t she A. Whichever
C. hadn’t she B. Which
10. Who ……….. belong to? C. What
A. this car doesn’t 20. Somebody will be there for you, ……….?
B. did this car A. won’t he
C. is this car B. will they
C. wont’ they

31 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

There is – There are It appears/seems that she is busy.
There is nothing interesting to watch. It is a long time since I saw him.
There is nothing to do/to be done. How long is it since you stopped smoking?
There is something that annoys me. It occurred to me that she knew him.
There is someone at the door. It struck me that she deceived me.
There is a John on the phone. It takes two hours to drive to London.
There is time for him to do the project. It took me an hour to finish the exercise.
There is likely to be a problem. I find it difficult to concentrate.
There are said to have been protests. I would prefer it if you didn’t leave.
I want there to be silence. I like it that he trusts me.
It is important for there to be an agreement. I take it that you believe him.
There is a likelihood of there being riots. I would appreciate it if you could help me.
She always makes it difficult for me to choose.
It is – They are - It
It looks/sounds as if he were lying.
It’s time she made a decision. It is George who was here.
It is likely that she found a job. It was yesterday that she flew to Paris.
It is said that he wrote many books. It was what he said that made me upset.

The Definite Article He took a picture of London Bridge.
Diabetes is a serious illness.
While in Rome, they visited the Vatican.
Is there life on Mars (on the planet Mars)?
She always listens to the news on the BBC.
She went to school by bus.
Greece is a member of the European Union.
He is working from home.
The British enjoy drinking tea.
What time do you go to bed?
The lion is a wild animal.
He has been in prison for two years now.
She travelled to the United States of America.
He goes to church every Sunday.
I’d like to go the Bahamas.
She has already read Chapter ten.
The Browns live next door.
They are waiting at gate two.
The young have a lot of dreams.
The English language is not very difficult. The Indefinite Article
The news was shocking.
A John came to see you.
They joined the army/the Navy.
It was such a nice day that we went out.
Life in the past was different.
It was so nice a day that we went out.
Life will be better in the future.
What a nice day!
What’s life like in the present?
How nice a day!
His mum went to the school to see his teacher.
It was too heavy a box to lift.
The lawyer went to the prison to see his client.
He is as good a singer as I am.
Who are these people outside the church?
He has a good knowledge of physics.
No Definite Article She wished me a Merry Christmas.
A lot of people tried to climb Mount Everest. No Indefinite Article
Have you ever been to Lake Victoria?
He is reading Newsweek. She gave me advice.
We are going to Rhodes. There was serious damage to the car.
Young people have a lot of dreams. She left at midnight/dawn/dusk/sunrise/
There are a lot of shops on Oxford Street. noon.
They met at Syntagma Square. They arrived on time/in time.
Central Park is a big park. She travelled from north to south.
The plane landed at Gatwick Airport. The film was boring from beginning to end.
She lost consciousness.

32 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2


Countable Nouns/ Plurals The lab equipment has been ordered.

Is there any evidence for his guilt?
I don’t want these books, but the other ones. They are making great progress.
Both scarves are beautiful. Has all the research been done?
Which cities have you visited? Accommodation is expensive on the island.
There are some/a few/ few/a lot of/enough/some/ no I am done with all my shopping.
boxes in the kitchen. Billiards is thought to be exciting.
A great number of customers complained. It is gymnastics that the young like.
There aren’t any/many potatoes. Physics/Mathematics is a difficult subject.
Both cliffs are dangerous. The news is bad.
There is a great number of reefs. Is the measles contagious?
None of the chiefs came to the meeting. Athletics/Politics is what she is interested in.
The Eskimos are used to cold weather.
The flashes of lightning frightened me.
The police are looking for the robbers. *What a shame!
The media influence public opinion. *He’s got a good knowledge of history.
Financial crises affect all of us.
Which criteria are important?
Where are your belongings? Collective Nouns
The army needs plenty of arms.
She paid for all the car damages. The audience is/were laughing.
She likes wearing earrings. The police is/are chasing the robbers.
There is more green in the outskirts. The enemy is/are approaching.
You can’t trespass the company’s premises.
The surroundings are magnificent. Compound Nouns-Plural
I saw him on the stairs.
She has a two-year-old-son. She bought a rocking chair.
Computer screens are sensitive.
Fathers-in- law and mothers-in-law should treat their
Uncountable Nouns sons-in-law and daughters-in-law like their own
That furniture is old. All the passers-by tried to help the victim.
She wanted some advice. Sometimes children behave like grown-ups.
All the information was useful.
No luggage is allowed on the plane. Possessive form of Nouns
She has got plenty of free time.
She puts a lot of/a little/little/enough/ Men’s and women’s rights should be respected.
some/ no sugar in her coffee. John and Mary’s father is a doctor.
Not all of the rubbish has been collected. John’s and Mary’s parents are teachers.
How much money have you spent? Paris is the capital of France.
There isn’t any/much bread left. The roof of the house/The house roof is red.
It was such bad weather that we stayed in. Mum has gone to the florist’s.
What nice hair she’s got! The course deals with Socrates’ philosophy.
There is a great amount/deal of traffic. A friend of John’s sent me an email.
Show respect to the old. Her parents-in-law’s house is near theirs.
Their behaviour was terrible.

33 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2


Pronouns Determiners

Their friends are mine, too. Some people believe in ghosts, but other people/others
He cut himself. don’t.
Who called you? She hasn’t got any money.
What did you do? He has no free time at all.
Which book did you buy? Have you got any good ideas?
What else can I say? There are many people waiting.
I don’t want this dress. I want the other one. There isn’t much furniture in the house.
These books are his, but those ones are hers. A few/Very few students answered this question.
Anyone can solve this exercise. Only a few people attended the lecture.
Is there anything you want? He spent a little/very little money on clothes.
There is nothing interesting. All the customers were pleased.
These notes aren’t mine. They are somebody else’s. They all/All of them like skiing.
They have been sending messages to each other/one Both drivers were given a fine.
another. They both/Both of them are lawyers.
They looked into each other’s/one another’s eyes. They are both lawyers.
Some like coffee bitter. Others like it sweet. None/Not one of the employees was happy.
Whoever is this man? Neither of the two girls wants to play.
Do whatever you want. Either play is fine.
Choose whichever you like. Either of the plays/them is fine.
Each student/one was given a copy of the test.
Every student was present.
Buses run every (other) thirty minutes.
You have every reason to complain.
Every last one came to the celebration.
Each and everyone (of the students) is present.
The whole story was unbelievable.
I met him the other day.
No other student solved this exercise but John./None
other than John solved this exercise.
Have you got another pen I can use?
She bought one too many magazines.
Choose whichever/whatever brand you like.

34 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercises There is - Articles -Nouns – Pronouns

1. ………. has sent you these flowers. Do you know 11. None of ………. tried to help the victim.
him? A. the passer-bys
A. A John B. the passers-by
B. The John C. passers-by
C. Someone John 12. Caffeine may not be very dangerous if taken in
2. Last summer, she travelled from ………. . small ………. .
A. the north to the south A. numbers
B. a north to a south B. amounts
C. north to south C. percentages
3. ………. my cousin who repaired the kitchen table. 13. Her ………. house is just two blocks off theirs.
A. She was A. parents’-in-law
B. It was B. parents-in-law
C. He was C. parents-in-law’s
4. The food was awful. You have ……….. to 14. It is such an easy game that ………. child can play
complain. it.
A. all the reason A. any
B. the good reason B. some
C. every reason C. whoever
5. She bought ………. unnecessary things and wasted 15. You could tell they were in love from the way they
all her money. looked at ………. eyes.
A. too much many A. each another’s
B. much too many B. one other’s
C. one too many C. one another’s
6. ………. to me that she knew the answer to the 16. Since he’s got ………. knowledge of physics, he’ll
question. help me with my homework.
A. There occurring A. good
B. It was occurring B. much good
C. It occurred C. a good
7. There is a likelihood ………. a compromise soon. 17. It was ………. Peter that was voted best journalist
A. it being of the year.
B. of there being A. none as well as
C. it will be B. no one except from
8. I’m studying. I’d really like ………. silence. C. none other than
A. it to be 18. The train to the centre runs ………. hour in the
B. there being mornings.
C. there to be A. every half
9. Despite what he did to you, I ………. that you still B. each half
trust him. C. in a half
A. take it 19. She hid the letter in the ……… so that nobody
B. make it would find it.
C. am thinking A. drawer of desk
10. Each and every one of the workers ………. in the B. desk’s drawer
strike. C. desk drawer
A. has participated 20. ‘Which gate do we have to go to?’ - ‘…………….’
B. are participating A. The second gate
C. have participated B. The gate two
C. Gate two

35 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

I can’t account for his behaviour. He came into a fortune.
The children are acting up again. The students came up with an answer.
Unemployment amounts to 23 percent. She is not cut out to be a teacher.
What you’re saying doesn’t add up. We should count on our friends.
He’s been off work for days Please, cross out this piece of information.
You have a lot to answer for. He cried out for help.
He asked her out to dinner. You should cut down on smoking.
I asked around but nobody saw my book. We shouldn’t cut down trees.
My brothers always back me up. They cut off our phone because we hadn’t paid it.
He backed out of the agreement. I cut this picture out of a magazine.
She is about to leave. She can’t deal with the problems.
She is after a big dream. I did away with everything old.
He has been off work for days. He is doing up his room.
After the crash, the car blew up. I can’t do without a mobile phone.
He blew up 20 balloons. I don’t understand what you are driving at.
The car broke down and I called the Road Service. Some friends dropped in unexpectedly.
The subject was brought up during the meeting. Some students dropped out of school.
Please bear with him. They dressed up to go to the wedding.
What has become of our teacher? My friends dropped by to see me.
They booked up at table for three. They entered into a competition.
What has brought about such change? He likes eating out.
You should build up good relationships. The poster fell down.
A burglar broke into our house last night. My money fell out of my pocket.
She broke up with her boyfriend. You faced up to their problems.
The prisoner broke out of jail. They are falling behind with their lessons.
He was brought up by his grandparents. Luckily, the plan didn’t fall through.
Guess who I bumped into the other day! He is filling in for the physics teacher.
She burst into tears. Fill in your name in this box.
I called my friend back. He couldn’t find out where she lives.
This calls for a drink. He doesn’t get along with his sister.
She couldn’t carry off the task. We were lucky to get away for the weekend.
He carried on working. The victim got back at him.
The students couldn’t catch on. They get by on very little money.
Calm down before you talk to her. Get on with your work!
He really doesn’t care for her. They got nothing out of the lesson.
She ran fast to catch up with her friend. They got back from their holidays yesterday.
When they checked in at the hotel, they got their keys. She got on/off the bus.
They checked out of the hotel before 12. She got in/out of the car.
Their boss checks out all the employees. It is difficult for him to get over his problems.
Check out/Look at this crazy haircut! Let’s get together tonight.
He brought me sweets to cheer me up. He always gets up early.
They cleaned up their room before going out. They got up and gave their seat to him.
He came across these old photographs. I gave away my old clothes.
His health is coming along. The teacher gave out the tests.
The flowers have come out. She gave up all her bad habits.
Some of my friends came round/by. She gave away my secret.
She came down with the flu. It gives off a bad smell.
The flowers have come out. You should not give up trying.

36 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

The police went after the thieves. They finally managed to pull the project through.
You should go after your dreams. The speaker managed to put his ideas across.
Time went by fast. Have you put any money aside for the holidays?
The food has gone off. Our teacher can’t put up with noise.
You should go over all the details. The match was put off due to bad weather.
Go ahead and eat anything you want. She put on a lot of weight.
Are you going out for lunch? The firemen put out the fire.
Go over your answers before giving your test to the The director put on a new play.
teacher. We have ruled out all possibilities.
When he grows up, he’ll become a teacher. He was run over by a car.
My friends usually hang out at the café. She ran into him the other day.
He hung up without saying goodbye. They set about early in the morning.
Traditions are handed down. Once they settle down, they will be happy.
We were held up due to the traffic. Some people like shopping around before buying
Hold on. I’ll be with you in a second. something.
He joined up the army. The guests showed up at 8.
She jumped at the offer. What does NATO stand for?
She kept on talking for hours. We should all stand up for our rights.
They can’t keep up with such a big house. They started off their journey.
He can’t keep up with the good students. They set up their business last year.
They knocked down the old building. The students sat for their final exam.
His friend let him down. Can you switch/turn on/off the light?
They live on their parents. What he did took me aback.
You shouldn’t look down on other people. He has taken after his father.
The police are looking into the crime. I couldn’t take in what he was saying.
She is looking after her little sister. He took on a difficult task.
I’ve been looking for my keys. He took up a new hobby.
I looked up the meaning of this word on the Internet. I didn’t take to him right away.
Children look up to their parents. I talked him into buying a small car.
Look out! There is a car coming. The plane takes off in an hour.
They made for the forest. Can you take off your shoes?
I can’t make out what he is saying. He took me out for dinner.
You have to make up for the damages. He teamed up with his enemy.
He likes making up stories. I can’t tell the twins apart.
They made up after their fight. His parents told him off for his bad marks.
I always mix up their names. We are thinking of buying a new car.
You have to narrow down your choices. We threw away all our old furniture.
He will pay me back in a month. She tried out/on her new dress.
The old man passed away. The kids usually turn in early at night.
Grandparents pass down traditions. She turned the thief in to the police.
She was so weak that she passed out. She has turned into a horrible person.
You have to pay off the money you took. How many people turned up?
I picked out a nice present for him. He turned down the job because he didn’t like it.
Please, put down your bag. Can you turn up/down the music?
They put off their trip to London. Think about all your problems.
Put on a warm coat. They washed up the dishes.
Our teacher can’t put up with noise. They wiped out the whole city.
Their son ran away from home. She woke up late this morning.
We have run out of petrol. They work out at the gym three days a week.
They set up their own business. Can you work out this problem?

37 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Practice Exercise Phrasal Verbs

1. Good friends will always ………. when you 11. Due to the postal strike, my application was …. .
need it. A. held up
A. back you up B. handed down
B. turn you down C. set about
C. take you in 12. She didn’t put the food in the refrigerator and it
2. They sued him because he ………. of the deal. ………. .
A. blew A. was put out
B. backed out B. went off
C. broke out C. gave off
3. The school needs funding. We should ………. 13. While she was cleaning the attic, she ……….
the issue up at the next meeting. her old diary.
A. build A. went after
B. bring B. got on
C. book C. came across
4. If you know who the robbers are, you’d better 14. He is usually a well-behaved child but today he
………. to the police. is ………. .
A. turn them in A. acting up
B. wipe them out B. dropping in
C. tell them off C. giving away
5. She saw him leave the school and ………. the 15. Although their plan ………., they were not
café. discouraged.
A. make for A. caught on
B. stood up for B. was brought about
C. do up C. fell through
6. She was sad and he told her jokes to ………. . 16. It was so hot that he couldn’t ………. working.
A. put her off A. carry on
B. set her up B. settle down
C. cheer her up C. cut off
7. She could no longer ………. with his hot- 17. While she was shopping at the mall, she
temper. ………. an old friend of hers.
A. cut out A. went over
B. do away B. ran into
C. put up C. showed up
8. My son is so used to his mobile phone that he 18. They look so much alike that I can never
can’t ………. it. ……….. .
A. do without A. narrow them down
B. bump into B. pick them out
C. keep up with C. tell them apart
9. As he likes challenges, he ………. a difficult 19. He used so much jargon in his speech that I
task. couldn’t ……….. what he was saying.
A. took on A. take in
B. put on B. make up
C. passed down C. count on
10. Their teacher asked them to ………. all the 20. Classical buildings should be preserved, not
unknown words in the dictionary. ………. .
A. look after A. ruled out
B. look up B. knocked down
C. look at C. put down

38 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Revision Exercises 1

1. When the interview ………., she will call him. 11. He went into the room quietly .......... his mum
A. is finishing wouldn’t wake up.
B. will finish A. in order that
C. finishes B. so as
2. She was so tired that she could do nothing else C. so as to
………. sleep. 12. This dress is ………. old-fashioned for my liking.
A. except from A. too much
B. in addition to B. much too much
C. but C. much too
3. She’s been working hard lately. That’s why she 13. She prefers walking to work ………. taking the bus.
………. so tired now. A. rather than
A. is looking B. than
B. has looked C. to
C. looks 14. If only the air-conditioner would run ……….! It’s
4. ………. the participants, she is the wittiest. really annoying.
A. From all A. little quieter
B. Of all B. a little more quieter
C. In comparing all C. a bit more quietly
5. He ………. moving to the suburbs. 15. Do you know who ………. ?
A. considers A. did write this book
B. is considering B. written this book
C. ought to considering C. wrote this book
6. He’d sooner his friends………. him late at night. 16. She can’t tolerate ………. to her.
A. not call A. him to lie
B. not to call B. being lied
C. didn’t call C. his lying
7. By 2020, they ………. in this house for thirty years. 17. She was rejected again. ………. she was not
A. would live discouraged.
B. will live A. Although
C. will have been living B. Yet
8. They were .......... efficient employees that they were C. At last
soon given a rise. 18. Her being ………. as he is, the students don’t like
A. so her.
B. such A. as strict a teacher
C. really B. so a strict teacher
9. She ………. have prepared so much food for the C. a such strict teacher
party after all. Only 10 people showed up. 19. A lot of businesses are ………. going bankrupt.
A. didn’t need to A. on the brink of
B. needn’t B. about to
C. needn’t to C. certain to
10. Being an employee in the private sector means 20. Such ………. in art that the teacher organised a trip
………. long hours. to the Art Museum.
A. to work A. their interest was
B. to be working B. was their interest
C. working C. it was their interest

39 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Revision Exercises 2

1. Had he not participated in the Reality Show, he 11. There were ………. people in the centre that it
………. famous now. looked deserted.
A. wouldn’t be A. such few
B. couldn’t have been B. so little
C. might not have been C. so few
2. It’s about time something ……….. about their 12. She seems ………. through some difficult times.
constant arguments. A. she goes
A. to be done B. has been
B. they should do C. to be going
C. was done 13. It’s a difficult exercise. ………. I help you solve it?
3. When she worked, she ………. wake up early in the A. Shall
morning. Now, she doesn’t. B. Will
A. was used to C. Would
B. used to 14. She’s ………. an interior decorator design her
C. were to living room.
4. He’d better practise more for the game; ………. his A. getting
team will lose. B. having
A. otherwise C. asking
B. shouldn’t he 15. Did anyone see the stranger ………. the building?
C. as long as A. to have entered
5. He ………. his homework, but he didn’t. B. enter
A. was to do C. to be entering
B. was to have done 16. The students were eager ………. in sports activities.
C. would do A. participating
6. Because of ………. a terrible storm, we drove B. to participate
slowly. C. having participated
A. being 17. ………. well-behaved children they are!
B. it being A. What
C. there being B. How
7. You would be better off ………. your parents’ C. So
advice. 18. She would have done better ………. her.
A. to follow A. if he helped
B. to have followed B. had he helped
C. following C. were he to help
8. The next time you ………. late, I will call your 19. As well as ……… in a band, she is a member of a
parents. dance club.
A. will be A. to be singing
B. are being B. singing
C. are C. being singing
9. Only if he apologises to her, ………. him for what 20. This is the first time they ………. Chinese food.
he has done. A. are having
A. she will forgive B. have had
B. ought she forgive C. have
C. will she forgive
10. Did he decide who ………. about his problem?
A. should he talk
B. to talk to
C. he must talk

40 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Revision Exercises 3

1. She hates ………. by people who are inferior to her. 11. For security reasons, they ………. anyone about
A. being rejected what happened.
B. rejecting A. don’t have to tell
C. been rejected B. are not to tell
2. She’s pregnant. She ………. a baby in six months. C. ought to not tell
A. will have 12. Whenever he asked her out, she ………. him down.
B. is having A. should turn
C. is going to have B. may have turned
3. ‘Did you find the way to the museum?’ C. would turn
‘Had I not had a map, I ………. .’ 13. They attributed his success ………. hard.
A. couldn’t A. due to working
B. may not find it B. in working
C. wouldn’t have C. to his working
4. She regrets ………. her plans to him. 14. Unfortunately, she was hit ………. a stick while she
A. for revealing was walking in the park.
B. having revealed A. by
C. to have revealed B. from
5. There is nothing interesting on TV so we ………. C. with
go to bed. 15. He doesn’t believe her, ………. an honest person.
A. might as well A. because of being
B. would be better off B. due to she isn’t
C. would be better to C. for she isn’t
6. Do you know if this knife is ………. bread? 16. Their boss threatened ………. if they came to work
A. for cutting late again.
B. to cut A. them firing
C. so as to cut B. them to be fired
7. She would rather ………. fun with her friends than C. to fire them
be watching TV. 17. A solution not………. to their problem, they
A. have had decided to see a counselor.
B. be having A. finding
C. have B. having found
8. Try ………., she can’t persuade him to change his C. found
mind. 18. She said he ………. a job two weeks before.
A. as she might A. may have found
B. hard though B. would find
C. despite of trying C. had found
9. .......... me at the weekend pleased me. 19. She likes it ………. .
A. To have visited A. being flirted
B. His visiting B. when men flirt with her
C. He to visiting C. men flirting her
10. I appreciate ………. my parents about my problem. 20. Were they ………. to organise the party at home?
A. not to have told A. let
B. not being told B. got them
C. your not telling C. allowed

41 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Revision Exercises 4

1. No sooner ………. his work than she called him. 11. By which student were you ……….?
A. he finished A. been bullied
B. was he to finish B. being bullied from
C. had he finished C. bullied
2. Believing in her abilities, her trainer ………. her to 12. So well .......... that they are bound to win.
try harder. A. they are playing
A. complimented B. do they play
B. urged C. they have played
C. persisted 13. They flew ………. to London and the trip took only
3. The residents are worrying because the sea level 3 hours.
remained ………. . A. indirectly
A. high B. directly
B. highly C. direct
C. much high 14. It’s not ………. crying over spilt milk. What’s done
4. It’s ………… today. You’d better stay in. is done.
A. frozen cold A. worth
B. a freezing weather B. good
C. freezing cold C. use
5. She’d rather ………. her hair dyed brown. 15. Her friend ………. she visit the History Museum
A. have had while in London.
B. to get A. encouraged
C. having B. suggested
6. She lets herself ………. fun of by her classmates. C. said
A. made 16. The president is rumoured ………. after last week’s
B. be made scandal.
C. to being made A. he resigned
7. The motorcyclist admitted ………. the speed limit. B. to be resigning
A. to exceeding C. to have resigned
B. to have exceeded 17. She bought ………. dresses. But that’s typical of
C. he will exceed her.
8. ………. he was pretending to be ill, she got angry. A. too much many
A. Make sure B. much too many
B. Considered that C. one too many
C. Seeing that 18. She knew she was being ………. unreasonable, but
9. The case was dismissed ………. there was not continued arguing with him.
enough evidence. A. totally
A. owing to B. bitterly
B. on the grounds that C. greatly
C. nonetheless 19. The teacher threatened ………. if he talked rudely
10. He is having his first job interview in an hour. He to her again.
………. very anxious. A. him to expel
A. must be feeling B. to expel him
B. ought to have felt C. expelling him
C. would have felt 20. .........., he called Road Assistance.
A. The car broke down
B. Breaking down the car
C. The car breaking down

42 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus and Exercises C2

Revision Exercises 5

1. Not until ………. off his glasses did she recognise 11. She ………. me at the party, or she would have
him. talked to me.
A. did he take A. shouldn’t see
B. he took B. can’t have seen
C. had he taken C. might have seen
2. She was delighted with the menu as ………. . 12. ………. to have been considerable disagreement
A. were all the guests over the safety of the treatment.
B. the guests too A. There seem
C. did the guests B. It ought
3. Nothing she said was right, ………? C. There appears
A. did she 13. The interview didn’t go ……….. I had expected.
B. were they A. so good as
C. was it? B. that good
4. It was so boring a party that ………. people stayed C. as well as
after midnight. 14. I have never heard her ………. during the lesson.
A. a very little A. yell
B. few B. yelled
C. hardly some C. being yelling
5. She gave him ………. as he didn’t know what to do. 15. The country is facing ………. economic problems
A. an advice that measures must be taken.
B. advises A. too serious
C. advice B. so serious
6. Sometimes children behave ………. . C. such serious
A. as the adults 16. She bought ………. piece of furniture in an auction.
B. as if they are older A. a two-century old
C. like grown-ups B. two centuries old
7. I think that measles ………. contagious so don’t go C. two centuries
too close to her. 17. The money she spent during holidays ______ more
A. is than she could afford.
B. are A. are
C. are likely to be B. would be
8. I can’t stand ………. of noise. C. was
A. so least 18. ………. about the meeting, I would have attended it.
B. too more A. Should I know
C. such a lot B. Were I to know
9. ………. told you this story is a terrible liar. C. Had I known
A. Who 19. They ………. over trivial matters for two hours
B. Whomever now.
C. Whoever A. were fighting
10. ………. she practises, the less stress she will feel. B. are fighting
A. The most C. have been fighting
B. As much as 20. Their involvement in the scandal resulted ………. .
C. The more A. at being dismissed
B. from dismissing
C. in their dismissal

43 | P a g e Esolnet Hellas
Grammar Syllabus C2


Tenses and Unreal Modals and Infinitives and Participles Passive Voice -
Past Infinitives Gerunds Causative
1. B 1. B 1. B 1. B 1. A
2. A 2. C 2. C 2. C 2. B
3. A 3. B 3. B 3. C 3. A
4. B 4. A 4. B 4. B 4. B
5. B 5. A 5. C 5. A 5. A
6. A 6. C 6. A 6. C 6. B
7. B 7. C 7. C 7. A 7. C
8. C 8. C 8. B 8. C 8. B
9. A 9. A 9. C 9. C 9. C
10. C 10. B 10. C 10. B 10. C
11. C 11. B 11. B 11. A 11. C
12. A 12. B 12. C 12. B 12. B
13. A 13. A 13. A 13. A 13. B
14. B 14. B 14. B 14. C 14. C
15. A 15. B 15. A 15. C 15. C
16. A 16. A 16. A 16. C 16. C
17. B 17. A 17. A 17. B 17. B
18. A 18. C 18. B 18. C 18. C
19. B 19. B 19. B 19. B 19. B
20. A 20. A 20. C 20. C 20. A

Conditionals Adjectives – Reported Speech – Clauses Emphasis – Inversion

Adverbs Indirect questions –
1. C 1. A 1. B 1. C 1. B
2. A 2. C 2. C 2. C 2. A
3. C 3. B 3. A 3. A 3. C
4. B 4. C 4. C 4. C 4. C
5. C 5. C 5. C 5. B 5. A
6. B 6. A 6. C 6. A 6. B
7. B 7. C 7. C 7. A 7. C
8. C 8. B 8. C 8. C 8. B
9. B 9. C 9. A 9. C 9. A
10. C 10. B 10. A 10. A 10. B
11. C 11. C 11. C 11. A 11. B
12. C 12. B 12. B 12. B 12. C
13. C 13. B 13. A 13. A 13. C
14. A 14. B 14. B 14. C 14. B
15. B 15. B 15. B 15. B 15. A
16. C 16. A 16. B 16. A 16. C
17. C 17. C 17. A 17. C 17. B
18. B 18. B 18. B 18. B 18. B
19. B 19. C 19. B 19. B 19. A
20. B 20. C 20. A 20. B 20. C
Grammar Syllabus C2

Question Tags – There is – Articles – Phrasal Verbs Revision Exercise 1 Revision Exercise 2
Wh-questions – Nouns – Pronouns
Indirect Questions
1. C 1. A 1. A 1. C 1. A
2. C 2. C 2. B 2. C 2. C
3. B 3. B 3. B 3. C 3. B
4. B 4. C 4. A 4. B 4. A
5. A 5. C 5. A 5. B 5. B
6. B 6. C 6. C 6. C 6. C
7. C 7. B 7. C 7. C 7. C
8. C 8. C 8. A 8. B 8. C
9. C 9. A 9. A 9. B 9. C
10. B 10. A 10. B 10. C 10. B
11. C 11. B 11. A 11. A 11. C
12. B 12. B 12. B 12. C 12. C
13. C 13. C 13. C 13. C 13. A
14. B 14. A 14. A 14. C 14. B
15. C 15. C 15. C 15. C 15. B
16. A 16. C 16. A 16. C 16. B
17. B 17. C 17. B 17. B 17. A
18. C 18. A 18. C 18. A 18. B
19. C 19. C 19. A 19. A 19. B
20. C 20. C 20. B 20. B 20. B

Revision Exercise 3 Revision Exercise 4 Revision Exercise 5

1. A 1. C 1. B
2. C 2. B 2. A
3. C 3. A 3. C
4. B 4. C 4. B
5. A 5. A 5. C
6. A 6. B 6. C
7. B 7. A 7. A
8. A 8. C 8. C
9. B 9. B 9. C
10. C 10. A 10. C
11. B 11. C 11. B
12. C 12. B 12. C
13. C 13. C 13. C
14. C 14. A 14. A
15. C 15. B 15. C
16. C 16. C 16. A
17. C 17. C 17. C
18. C 18. A 18. C
19. B 19. B 19. C
20. C 20. C 20. C

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