Unilap 100 E: Installation Tester

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Installation Tester


· Multi-functional installation tester according to

DIN VDE 0100
· All test functions in one device
· Automatic test sequences
· Protection against incorrect operation
· Standard internal memory and IrDaâ interface
· Many accessories
· Application software for protocol creation and
device configuration

Description occur within the system, the user is prompted by means of symbols
appearing on the display.
Everybody, who nowadays installs and operates electrical systems, To follow the latest trends, the most recent technologies were
must comply with extensive regulations. The main objective of these incorporated in the design and development of the device. SMD
regulations and their safety measures is our protection, but also technology, an internal memory for more than 250 data records, as
reliable system operation. Therefore, it is paramount to check the well as a standard infrared interface (optional: RS232) for automatic
perfect functionality of the safety measures within the system logging, just to name a few, are now integral parts of the device.
continuously and with appropriate measuring instruments. For professional users, LEM NORMA additionally also offers
WINSAT100, a device-related user software. Client data bases,
Necessary test performances after the installation of electrical
project management, measurement data management, and
systems, prior to their start-up, or subsequent to any maintenance
automatic creation of the latest, internationally recognized measure-
and/or upgrades are specified in DIN VDE 0100, Section 610.
ment protocols are only a few facts describing WINSAT100.

Since LEM NORMA is constantly analyzing the needs of measure-

The most important features and properties of UNILAP 100E:
ment technicians, combined with accurate consideration of the
latest regulations, we are able to offer a complete, efficient solution FI safety measures test according to IEC 61557-6:
- Testing special configurations like G, S, FIK
to problems related to installation and system testing.
- Varied test currents IDn x 1, x2, x5, S, 150mA, 250mA, etc.
- AC/DC, pos., or neg. full- & half-waves, pulse, ramp
The UNILAP 100 E is the answer to all questions concerning the - with/without FI tripping
science of measurement with respect to installation and system
testing. It offers all measurement functions according to DIN Insulation tests according to IEC 61557-2:
- Measurement voltages: 100/250/500V DC
VDE 0100, and many more.
- Range up to 300 MOhm
- AUTO: freely programmable test sequence
The multi-functionality of the UNILAP 100 E and its properties with
regard to matching all limit values and settings to any application Line/Loop resistance & impedance according to IEC 61557-3:
purpose, enables the set-up of any device as required by both the - Zs: Line/Loop resistance or impedance
- Ik: Short-circuit current, display range up to 40 kA
system, and the regionally applicable regulations.
Despite a variety of measurement functions, and comprehensive, Earth measurements according to IEC 61557-5:
individual set-up features, we were able to provide easy and clear - with line voltage and probe
operation. Short instructions located directly on the device, right in
Low-resistance measurements according to IEC 61557-4
the user’s field of view, provide optimum support when performing
measurements. And if forbidden connection conditions or errors Direction of rotating field according to IEC 61557-7


Residual current operated device check
Technical Data
(FI-RCD / IEC 61557-6)
Display: 3-1/2 digit (1999 ), 7-Segment-Liquid-Crys- Measuring functions: RCD-test without tripping
tal-Display, 17 mm high, with illumination Tripping test with pulses or ramp
(tripping time, tripping current)
Operating temperature
Fault voltage
range: 0° C … + 35° C Loop impedance, short-circuit current
Working temperature (without tripping)
range: - 10° C … + 50° C Earth resistance (with probe)
Storage temperature Standard/ selective RCDs
range: - 20° C … + 60° C Test currents: IDN x1, x2, x5
positive, negative phase position
Reference temperature
positive, negative pulsating DC current
range: 23° C ±2° C
pulses, current steps
Intrinsic error: Refers to the reference temperature Voltage range: 95 ... 145 V, 175 ... 300 V
Temperature coefficient: ± 0.1 % of m.v. / K Frequency range: 15.3...17.5 Hz, 45...65 Hz
Operating error: Refers to the operating temperature range Admissible overload: Max. Ueff = 600 V
IEC 61557-1 Function Intrinsic error of Remark*)
Climatic class: JWG as per DIN 40040 and IEC 654-1; test current
Relative humidity 65 % annual mean, 85 % Ramp +/- 10 % 18 steps, 28...125 of IDN
max., no damp. Pulse,
tripping test 0...+10 % x1/x2/x5 IDN, 150 mA, 250 mA
Protection: IP 40 as per DIN 40050 and IEC 529-2
Safety class: class II ( ) 300 V, install. category III non tripping test -10 ... 0 % 0.3 (0.5) IDN
as per IEC 1010-1 / EN 61010-1,
pollution degree 2. *) Rated residual current IDN = 10, 30, 100, 300, 500 or
var 6 ... 1000 mA. For function "halfwave/DC" and / or x1/x2/x5
Test voltage: 3700 V as per IEC 1010-1 / EN 61010-1
there are some restrictions due to the increased peak current for
Input protection: By software and varistors against voltages higher rated residual currents.
Ueff > 600 V and quick-acting fuses
Fault voltage range (UF) Resolution Operating error
(6.3 A / 500 V)
0.5 … 99.9 V 0.1 V 0…± 8 % of mv. + 2 digit)
Max. voltage to earth: Ueff = 300 V
Automatic test stop: UF >50 V complies with IEC 1010
Clearance / creepage
distances: Correspond to IEC 1010-1 / EN 61010-1 Tripping time (tA) Resolution Operating error
Emission: Class B as per EN 50081-1 and IEC 61326-1 0 … 500 ms (300 ms) 1 ms ± 2 ms
Immunity: Class A as per EN 50082-1 and IEC 61326-1 Loop- Resolution Operating error
Quality standard: as per DIN ISO 9001 impedance ZS (W)
resp. earth resistance RA
Auxiliary power: 6 pcs. 1.5 V alkaline manganese batteries
(IEC LR 6) or accu 7.2V / 1500 mAh 0.2 W…9.99 kW 0.01 W…10 W ± (10% of mv. + 4 digit)
(option). Test current period as per IEC 1010-1. Limitation of duration
Internal battery for date / time - life 5 period taking into account the fault voltage as per IEC 61557-6
years. and IEC 1010-1.
Dimensions: 265 x 265 x 90 mm (L x W x H) incl. lid
Positive or negative pulsating direct current:
and compartment for accessories
Weight: approx. 2.3 kg w/o batteries and w/o Tripping test - corresponding to the applicable standards which
accessories admit 0.35 ... 1.4 IDN as tripping current. For ramp function the
approx. 5.7 kg in carrying case tripping current is displayed as TRMS of the half-wave current.

IrDA® Interface (Infrared Data Association) as standard. For easy Earthing resistance (RA) IEC 61557-5
PC-communication (remote control, data acquisition, reading of Measuring method: Current / voltage measurement with probe
stored data). RS 232 interface possible as option. Voltage ranges: 95 ... 145 V, 175 ... 300 V, outside
Integrated data memory for 255 data records (approx. 6000 these ranges will not be started.
measurement values). Frequency ranges: 15.3 ... 17.5 Hz, 45 ... 65 Hz
Integrated real time clock with date. Barcode-reader for up to 18 Admiss overload: Max. Ueff = 600 V before start,
characters useable (option RS 232 interface necessary). (for > 5 V no start), termination of
The limits prescribed by the standards can be adapted individually. measurement for Ueff > 50 V
A limit infringement is indicated by audible and optical warnings. Measuring time: max. as per IEC 1010, 2 ... 26 periods
Automatic compensation for standard accessories.
Compensation for line extensions up to 5 W possible. Automatic compensation for standard accessories.
Compensation for line extensions up to 5 W possible.
Protective conductor check
Probe voltage Resolution Operating error
Nominal voltage: 50 V … 300 V AC / 15.3 ... 100 Hz
between contact electrode and PE-line 1 ... 70 V 1V ± (2 % of m.v. + 1 digit)
Internal resistance: Approx. 1.5 MW Measuring range Resolution Operating error
Phase indication 0.01 W...0,15 W...10 kW 0.1 W ... 10 W ± (10% of m.v. + 3 digit)
Nominal voltage: 20 V … 300 V AC / 15.3…420 Hz Test current: 1 A for < 20 W
Internal resistance: Approx. 400 kW Max. interference voltage: When US-PE > 20V no measurement
Admiss. overload: Max. Ueff = 600 V Max. probe resistance: 10 kW, for (RA + Rprobe) > 20 kW no start
Note: The voltage of the "L“ and "N“ wire is Programmable limits: 0.01 W ... 9.99 kW
measured to "PE“, evaluated and a
symbol indicates the live contact. Insulation resistance (RISO) IEC 61557-2
Measuring method: Current / voltage measurement
Voltage (DC/ AC), Frequency Nominal output voltage: 100 / 250 / 500 V DC
Range Resolution Frequency Range Operating error Open-circuit voltage: Approx. 105 / 260 / 520 V DC
0..50..440…550V 1V DC, 15.3…420 Hz ±(1% of mv +1dig) Nominal current: > 1 mA DC (>2.5 mA DC at 250 V)
15.3..99.9..420Hz 0.1…1Hz 5…440 V ±(0.1% of mv +1dig) Short-circuit current: < 7 mA DC
Admiss. overload: Max. Ueff = 600 V AC; (test is locked)
Internal resistance: 300…400 kW (L – N – PE)
Measuring range Resolution Operating error Measuring range Resolution Operating error
man: 3 kW...300 MW 1 kW ...1 MW 0.12 ... 2.99...19.9 W...1 kW 0.01...0.1...1 W ± (5 % of m.v. + 3 digits)
± (8% of m.v. + 1 digit)
auto: 3 kW ... 10 MW 1 kW ...100 kW Measuring time: Approx. 2 s incl. voltage polarity reversal.
Measuring time: As long as the "START“ button is pressed; Continous measurement:With depressed START button
Subsequent automatic discharge of the Admissible inductance: Max. 5 H
test piece via 400 kW Programmable limit: RLIMIT = 0.01 W ... 999 W
Programmable limit: RISO Limit: 1 kW ... 299 MW (man) Series-mode
1 kW ... 9.9 MW (auto) interference voltage: Max. 40 Veff AC, in case of higher voltage
AUTO: Test sequence N - PE, L - PE, L - N, measurement is terminated.
programmable Measuring protocol-print in format A4:
Display of the actual measuring voltage:
Measuring range Resolution Operating error
1 ... 520 V DC 1V ± (8 % of m.v. + 5 Digit)
Internal resistance: Approx. 400 kW (L/N-PE); serves as
discharge resistance for any capacitors in
the measuring circuit.
Max. interference
voltage: Ueff = 1/10 of nominal output.
No measurement is started at higher
Loop impedance (ZS/R) L-PE or L-N (L) IEC 61557-3
Measuring method: Voltage drop
Nominal voltage: 95...145V, 175...300V,
330...440V (only L-N (L))
Reference voltage: 110/230/400 V or 127/220/380 V AC or WinSAT 100
measured voltage
the complete system for measured data archiving and protocol tool
Frequency range: 15.3 ... 17.5 Hz, 45 ... 65 Hz
for professional electricians.
Test current: Application software for UNILAP 100 E and UNILAP 100 XE.
Multilingual, integrated project management and data export.
L-PE L-N(L) Voltage range Test current
Can run under Microsoft Windows® 98 and Windows® NT.
Zs = 0 W Zs = 200 W
X X 55...145 V 1.4...3.61 A 0.4...0.61 A Functions
X X 175...300 V 1.75...3.0 A 0.58...1 A ● Code-programming of the UNILAP 100 (X)E
X 330...440 V 2.75...3.67 A 1...1.4 A Using tabs, WINSAT100 provides for easy and clear set-up of all
limit values and settings stored inside the device, as well as the
Measuring range Resolution Operating error device’s individual configuration with regard to any application
0.07 ... 199 W 0.01 W ...1 W ± (5% of m.v. + 3 digit) purpose, and to applicable regional regulations.
Measuring time: Approx. 4 - 50 periods;
Duration as per IEC 1010
Mains imped. angle: cos j > 0.5
Max. inductance: 5 mH in voltage range > 175 V
Programmable limit: ZS LIMIT: 0.01 ... 199 W
Admiss overload: Max. Ueff = 600 V AC
(measurement is not started outside the
admissible voltage and frequency ranges)
Short-circuit current
Range Display Resolution Operating error
1 A…10 kA 1…40kA 1…10…100 A results from IK =UN
UN as selected: 1: 110V, 230V, 400V. 2: 127V, 220V, 380V
resp. 3: measured voltage
Valid ranges for UN: 95…145V, 175…300V, 330…440V
(only at ZS L-N)
Valid ranges for frequency: 15.3Hz…17.5Hz, 45Hz … 65Hz
Earthelectrode fault voltage (SEV 3569)
Earthelectrode voltage, with probe only ● Installation descriptions in a tree structure with additional
information can be printed out together with bar codes and used as
Range Resolution Measuring method
a check plan. Same manipulation as Windows® explorer,
0…UN 0.1 V UF = RA . IK
Detection of rotary field direction IEC 61557-7
Voltage range: 20 ... 440 V AC, 15.3 ... 65 Hz
Admiss. overload: Max. Ueff = 600 V AC
Max. current to earth: < 3.5 mA
Rotary direction display: Symbol for right- / left-handed
Internal resistance: 200 kW ... 400 kW
"Elliptic rotary fields" with two L-conductors and the neutral conduc-
tor can also be tested.
Low resistance measurements (R1kW) IEC 61557-4
Measuring method: Current / voltage measurement with
automatic pole reversal.
Open-circuit voltage: Approx. 20 V DC
Short-circuit current: > 200 mA DC
Admiss. overload: Max. Ueff = 600 V (before START),
no START for > 5 V
● Transfer of measured data from the test instrument to the PC ● Strictly hierarchic structure:
via RS232 or IrDA® (Important: At the moment, Windows® NT 4.0 Project
does not support, IrDA® communications! For Windows® NT PCs, Customer (name)
UNILAP 100 XE an RS 232 interface is required) Order number
Description of the installation
(tree, unlimited number of sub-levels)
Measuring objects with measured values

● Compatible with Microsoft® Office 97

- User-defined logging via MS-Word®.
- Direct access to WIN SAT data base via MS-ACCESS®.

Order Code
Description Order no.
UNILAP 100 E incl. carrying case A 1855 06111 AT, CH, GB
● Archiving of the measured data – Maintenance management Contents:
● Data administration via SQL data base, Installation data, 1 cable (3-pole plug/3 safety plugs),
measured data, customers, customer orders 1 cable (3-pole plug/mains plug country specific),
3 alligator clips,
● Test protocols with measured values and information on the 3 test tips,
installation 1 cable (plug / test tip),
The user can select between a standard test protocol, a new 1 carrying belt,
internationally recognized form with inspection results, or export 2 belt securing devices,
of all data. The respective template is automatically loaded and 1 earth stakes,
1 cable reel (50 m wire),
linked to the data contained in the tree structure. 6 batteries,
The inspection results form was created in Microsoft Word, 1 battery compartment
providing for unlimited editing possibilities. Only the measurement Operating instructions in E, G or F
values entered by the user are write-protected. UNILAP 100 E as above
incl. RS 232 interface*) A 1855 06113 AT, CH, GB
Barcode-reader A 6914 40300
Test probe with START and illumination function A 6914 06110
Accuset with quick-charging (1.5 Ah) A 6403 04111
PC software WinSAT 100 A 6899 00182
IrDA® adapter for PCs A 6412 07000
IrDA® printer HP Deskjet 340 CBi A 6413 06211 AT
3 alligator clips A 6009 17103
3 test tips A 6009 54300
Earth stake A 6045 10350
Cable reel with 25 m wire A 6045 05102
Cable reel with 50 m wire A 6045 05103
Measuring cable with mains plug A 6002 89136
Measuring cable with 3 safety plugs A 6002 09017
Demo case protective measures A 1899 06211
Carrying case A 6030 10101
Adapter RS 232-Centronics A 6045 00600
Mains plug adapter F (NFC61303) - AT (Schuko) A 6045 06112
Adapter for 3-phase outlets, 3 pcs. A 6009 17200
*) Option RS 232 interface can only be installed at one of our service partners.


● Very simple attribution of measured values to the

measuring objects by using a bar-code reader

Printed in Austria.
Technical modifications reserved.
Publication A 99438 E (03.99 · 5 · GD)

LEM NORMA GmbH LEM UK LTD LEM Instruments Inc.

Palmersstraße 2 Geneva Court, 1 Penketh Place, West Pimbo 23822 Hawthorne Boulevard #100
A-2351 Wiener Neudorf Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 9QX Torrance, CA 90505
PHONE: +43(0)2236 691-0 PHONE: 01695 - 720 777 PHONE: 1-310-373-0966
FAX: +43(0)2236 63 080 FAX: 01695 - 507 04 FAX: 1-310-373-9056
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

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