Guía Iadt 2020
Guía Iadt 2020
Guía Iadt 2020
Accepted Article
traumatic dental injuries: 1. Fractures and luxations.
Cecilia Bourguignon1, Nestor Cohenca2, Eva Lauridsen3, Marie Therese Flores4, Anne O'Connell5,
Peter Day6, Georgios Tsilingaridis7, Paul V. Abbott8, Ashraf F. Fouad9, Lamar Hicks10, Jens Ove
Andreasen11, Zafer C. Cehreli12, Stephen Harlamb13, Bill Kahler14, Adeleke Oginni15, Marc
Semper16, Liran Levin17.
2Department of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital. Seattle, WA
3Resource Center for Rare Oral Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.
5Paediatric Dentitsry, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Ireland.
6School of Dentistry at the University of Leeds and Community Dental Service Bradford District Care NHS Trust.
7 Karolinska Institutet, Department of Dental Medicine, Division of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Huddinge &
9Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
10Division of Endodontics, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, UMB, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
11Resource Centre for Rare Oral Diseases, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital in
13 Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
15 Faculty of Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
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Keywords: Trauma, avulsion, tooth fracture, prevention, luxation
Accepted Article
Short title: IADT traumatic dental injuries guidelines: Fractures and luxations
Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of permanent teeth occur frequently in children and young
adults. Crown fractures and luxations of these teeth are the most commonly occurring of all
dental injuries. Proper diagnosis, treatment planning and follow up are important for achieving
a favorable outcome. Guidelines should assist dentists and patients in decision making and in
providing the best care possible, both effectively and efficiently. The International Association
of Dental Traumatology (IADT) has developed these Guidelines as a consensus statement after
a comprehensive review of the dental literature and working group discussions. Experienced
researchers and clinicians from various specialties and the general dentistry community were
included in the working group. In cases where the published data did not appear conclusive,
recommendations were based on the consensus opinions of the working group. They were then
Clinical examination
Trauma involving the dento-alveolar region is a frequent occurrence which can result in the
fracture and displacement of teeth, crushing and/or fracturing of bone, and soft tissue injuries including
contusions, abrasions and lacerations. Available current literature provides protocols, methods and
documentation for the clinical assessment of Traumatic Dental Injuries (TDI), trauma first aid, patient
examination, factors that affect treatment planning decisions and the importance of communicating
treatment options and prognosis to traumatized patients.1-3
The combination of two different types of injuries occurring concurrently to the same tooth will
be more detrimental than a single injury, creating a negative synergistic effect. Concurrent crown
fractures significantly increase the risk of pulp necrosis and infection in teeth with concussion or
subluxation injuries and mature root development.4 Similarly, crown fractures with or without pulp
exposure significantly increase the risk of pulp necrosis and infection in teeth with lateral luxation.5, 6
Kenny et al. have developed a core outcome set (COS) for TDIs in children and adults.7
Outcomes were identified as recurring throughout the different injury types. These outcomes were then
identified as “generic” or “Injury-specific”. “Generic outcomes are relevant to all TDIs while “Injury-
specific outcomes” are related to only one or more specific TDIs. Additionally, the core outcome set also
established what, how, when and by whom these outcomes should be measured.
Radiographic examination
Several conventional two-dimensional imaging projections and angulations are recommended.2,9,10
The clinician should evaluate each case and determine which radiographs are required for the specific
case involved. A clear justification for taking a radiograph is essential. There needs to be a strong
likelihood that a radiograph will provide the information that will positively influence the selection of
Since maxillary central incisors are the most frequently affected teeth, the radiographs listed below
are recommended to thoroughly examine the injured area:
1. One parallel periapical radiograph aimed through the midline to show the two maxillary
central incisors
2. One parallel periapical radiograph aimed at the maxillary right lateral incisors (should also
show the right canine and central incisor)
3. One parallel periapical radiograph aimed at the maxillary left lateral incisor (should also show
the left canine and central incisor)
4. One maxillary occlusal radiograph
5. At least one parallel periapical radiograph of the lower incisors centered on the two
mandibular centrals. However, other radiographs may be indicated if there are obvious
injuries of the mandibular teeth (e.g. similar periapical radiographs as above for the maxillary
teeth, mandibular occlusal radiograph).
The radiographs aimed at the maxillary lateral incisors provide different horizontal (mesial and distal)
views of each incisor, as well as showing the canine teeth. The occlusal radiograph provides a different
vertical view of the injured teeth and the surrounding tissues, which is particularly helpful in the
detection of lateral luxations, root fractures and alveolar bone fractures.2,9,10
The above radopgraphic series is provided as an example. If other teeth are injured, then the series
can be modified to focus on the relevant tooth/teeth. Simple injuries, such as enamel infractions,
uncomplicated crown fractures and complicated crown fractures, may not require all of these
Radiographs are necessary to make a thorough diagnosis of dental injuries. Tooth root and bone
fractures, for instance, may occur without any clinical signs or symptoms and are frequently undetected
when only one radiographic view is used. Additionally, patients sometimes seek treatment several
weeks after the trauma occurred when clinical signs of a more serious injury have subsided. Thus,
Cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) provides enhanced visualization of TDIs, particularly
root fractures, crown/root fractures and lateral luxations. CBCT helps to determine the location, extent
and direction of a fracture. In these specific injuries, 3D imaging can be useful and should be considered,
if available.10-12 A guiding principle when considering exposing a patient to ionizing radiations (e.g. either
2D or 3D radiographs) is whether the image is likely to change the management of the injury.
Photographic documentation
The use of clinical photographs is strongly recommended for the initial documentation of the
injury and for follow-up examinations. Photographic documentation allows monitoring of soft tissue
healing, assessment of tooth discoloration, the re-eruption of an intruded tooth, and the development
of infra-positioning of an ankylosed tooth. In addition, photographs provide medico-legal
documentation that could be used in litigation cases.
Sensibility tests
Sensibility testing refers to tests (cold test and electric pulp test) used to determine the
condition of the pulp. It is important to understand that sensibility testing assesses neural activity and
not vascular supply. Thus, this testing might be unreliable due to a transient lack of neural response or
undifferentiation of A-delta nerve fibres in young teeth. 13-15 The temporary loss of sensibility is a
frequent finding during post-traumatic pulp healing, especially after luxation injuries.16 Thus, the lack of
a response to pulp sensibility testing is not conclusive for pulp necrosis in traumatized teeth.17-20 Despite
this limitation, pulp sensibility testing should be performed initially and at each follow up appointment
in order to determine if changes occur over time. It is generally accepted that pulp sensibility testing
should be done as soon as practical to establish a baseline for future comparison testing and follow up.
Initial testing is also a good predictor for the long-term prognosis of the pulp.13-16, 21
Use of antibiotics
There is limited evidence for the use of systemic antibiotics in the emergency management of
luxation injuries and no evidence that antibiotics improve the outcomes for root fractured teeth.
Antibiotic use remains at the discretion of the clinician as TDIs are often accompanied by soft tissue and
other associated injuries, which may require other surgical intervention. In addition, the patient’s
medical status may warrant antibiotic coverage.27, 28
Patient instructions
Stage of root development - Immature (open apex) versus Mature (closed apex)
permanent teeth
Every effort should be made to preserve the pulp, in both mature and immature teeth.
In immature permanent teeth this is of utmost importance in order to allow continued root
development and apex formation. The vast majority of TDIs occur in children and teenagers,
where loss of a tooth has lifetime consequences. The pulp of an immature permanent tooth
has considerable capacity for healing after a traumatic pulp exposure, luxation injury or root
fracture. Pulp exposures secondary to TDIs are amenable to conservative pulp therapies, such
as pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, shallow or partial pulpotomy and cervical pulpotomy, which
aim to maintain the pulp and allow for continued root development.29-32 In addition, emerging
therapies have demonstrated the ability to revascularize/revitalize teeth by attempting to
create conditions allowing for tissue in-growth into the root canals of immature permanent
teeth with necrotic pulps.33-38
Other useful references include textbooks and other scientific publications for
information pertaining to treatment delay,50 intrusive luxations,51-53 root fractures,26, 54-57 pulp
management of fractured and luxated teeth,1, 38, 42, 58-63 splinting,23, 24, 64, 65 and antibiotics.27, 28
2. Andreasen FM, Andreasen JO, Tsukiboshi M, Cohenca N. Examaination and diagnosis of dental
injuries. In: Andreasen, JO, Andreasen FM, Andersson L. eds, Textbook and Color Atlas of
Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth, 5th Edn.Wiley Blackwell, Oxford 2019; 295-326.
3. Andreasen JO, Bakland L, Flores MT, Andreasen FM, Andersson L. Traumatic dental injuries. A
manual. 3rd edn. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. 2011.
4. Lauridsen E, Hermann NV, Gerds TA, Ahrensburg SS, Kreiborg S, Andreasen JO. Combination
injuries 1. The risk of pulp necrosis in permanent teeth with concussion injuries and concomitant
crown fractures. Dent Traumatol. 2012;28:364-70.
5. Lauridsen E, Hermann NV, Gerds TA, Ahrensburg SS, Kreiborg S, Andreasen JO. Combination
injuries 2. The risk of pulp necrosis in permanent teeth with subluxation injuries and concomitant
crown fractures. Dent Traumatol. 2012;28:371-8.
6. Lauridsen E, Hermann NV, Gerds TA, Ahrensburg SS, Kreiborg S, Andreasen JO. Combination
injuries 3. The risk of pulp necrosis in permanent teeth with extrusion or lateral luxation and
concomitant crown fractures without pulp exposure. Dent Traumatol. 2012;28:379-85.
7. Kenny KP, Day PF, Sharif MO, Parashos P, Lauridsen E, Feldens CA, et al. What are the important
outcomes in traumatic dental injuries? An international approach to the development of a core
outcome set. Dent Traumatol. 2018;34:4-11.
9. Molina JR, Vann WF Jr, McIntyre JD, Trope M, Lee JY. Root fractures in children and adolescents:
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10. Cohenca N, Silberman A. Contemporary imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic
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12. Cohenca N, Simon JH, Roges R, Morag Y, Malfaz JM. Clinical indications for digital imaging in
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13. Fulling HJ, Andreasen JO. Influence of maturation status and tooth type of permanent teeth upon
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14. Fuss Z, Trowbridge H, Bender IB, Rickoff B, Sorin S. Assessment of reliability of electrical and
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15. Gopikrishna V, Tinagupta K, Kandaswamy D. Comparison of electrical, thermal, and pulse oximetry
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16. Bastos JV, Goulart EM, de Souza Cortes MI. Pulpal response to sensibility tests after traumatic
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17. Dummer PM, Hicks R, Huws D. Clinical signs and symptoms in pulp disease. Int Endod J.
18. Kaletsky T, Furedi A. Reliability of various types of pulp testers as a diagnostic aid. J Am Dent
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19. Teitler D, Tzadik D, Eidelman E, Chosack A. A clinical evaluation of vitality tests in anterior teeth
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24. Kahler B, Heithersay GS. An evidence-based appraisal of splinting luxated, avulsed and root-
fractured teeth. Dent Traumatol. 2008;24:2-10.
25. Oikarinen K, Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM. Rigidity of various fixation methods used as dental
splints. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1992;8:113-9.
26. Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM, Mejare I, Cvek M. Healing of 400 intra-alveolar root fractures. 2.
Effect of treatment factors such as treatment delay, repositioning, splinting type and period and
antibiotics. Dental Traumatol. 2004;20:203-11.
27. Hammarstrom L, Blomlof L, Feiglin B, Andersson L, Lindskog S. Replantation of teeth and antibiotic
treatment. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1986;2:51-7.
28. Andreasen JO, Storgaard Jensen S, Sae-Lim V. The role of antibiotics in presenting healing
complications after traumatic dental injuries: a literature review. Endod Topics. 2006;14:80-92.
29. Cvek M. A clinical report on partial pulpotomy and capping with calcium hydroxide in permanent
incisors with complicated crown fracture. J Endod. 1978;4:232-7.
30. Fuks AB, Cosack A, Klein H, Eidelman E. Partial pulpotomy as a treatment alternative for exposed
pulps in crown- fractured permanent incisors. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1987;3:100-2.
31. Fuks AB, Gavra S, Chosack A. Long-term followup of traumatized incisors treated by partial
pulpotomy. Pediatr Dent. 1993;15:334-6.
33. Chueh LH, Ho YC, Kuo TC, Lai WH, Chen YH, Chiang CP. Regenerative endodontic treatment for
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34. Hagglund M, Walden M, Bahr R, Ekstrand J. Methods for epidemiological study of injuries to
professional football players: developing the UEFA model. Br J Sports Med. 2005;39:340-6.
36. Jung IY, Lee SJ, Hargreaves KM. Biologically based treatment of immature permanent teeth with
pulpal necrosis: a case series. J Endod. 2008;34:876-87.
37. Thibodeau B, Teixeira F, Yamauchi M, Caplan DJ, Trope M. Pulp revascularization of immature dog
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38. Trope M. Treatment of the immature tooth with a non-vital pulp and apical periodontitis. Dent
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39. Robertson A, Andreasen FM, Andreasen JO, Noren JG. Long-term prognosis of crown-fractured
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40. Holcomb JB, Gregory WB, Jr. Calcific metamorphosis of the pulp: its incidence and treatment. Oral
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42. Robertson A. A retrospective evaluation of patients with uncomplicated crown fractures and
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Imaging, Radiographic
ENAMEL INFRACTION Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
Assessment and Findings
No sensitivity to No radiographic abnormalities In case of severe infractions, No follow-up is needed if Asymptomatic Symptomatic
percussion or palpation etching and sealing with it is certain that the
Recommended radiographs: Positive response Pulp necrosis and
bonding resin should be tooth suffered an
Evaluate the tooth for a to pulp sensibility infection
- One parallel periapical considered to prevent infraction injury only
possible associated testing
radiograph discoloration and bacterial Apical periodontitis
luxation injury or root If there is an associated
contamination of the Continued root
fracture, especially if - Additional radiographs are injury such as a luxation Lack of further root
infractions. development in
tenderness is observed indicated if signs or injury, that injury- development in
immature teeth
symptoms of other immature teeth
An incomplete fracture Otherwise, no treatment is specific follow-up
Normal mobility
potential injuries are necessary regimen prevails*
(crack or crazing) of the
Pulp sensibility tests present
enamel, without loss of
usually positive
tooth structure
* = For teeth with infractions plus a concomitant luxation injury, use the luxation injury follow-up schedule
Imaging, Radiographic
FRACTURE Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
Assessment and Findings
(Enamel-Only Fracture)
Loss of enamel Enamel loss is visible If the tooth fragment is available, Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
it can be bonded back on to the evaluations are
No visible sign of Missing fragments should be Positive response to Pulp necrosis and
tooth necessary:
exposed dentin accounted for: pulp sensibility infection
Alternatively, depending on the after 6-8 weeks testing
Evaluate the tooth for a - If fragment is missing and Apical periodontitis
extent and location of the
possible associated there are soft tissue after 1 year Good quality
fracture, the tooth edges can be Loss of restoration
luxation injury or root injuries, radiographs of restoration
smoothed, or a composite resin If there is an
fracture, especially if the lip and/or cheek are Breakdown of the
restoration placed associated luxation or Continued root
A coronal fracture involving tenderness is present indicated to search for restoration
root fracture, or the development in
enamel only, with loss of tooth fragments and/or
Normal mobility suspicion of an immature teeth Lack of further root
tooth structure foreign materials
associated luxation development in
Pulp sensibility tests
Recommended radiographs: injury, the luxation immature teeth
usually positive
follow-up regimen
- One parallel periapical
prevails and should be
used* Longer follow-
- Additional radiographs ups will be needed
are indicated if signs or
symptoms of other
potential injuries are
* = For crown fractured teeth with concomitant luxation injury, use the luxation follow-up schedule
Imaging, Radiographic
FRACTURE Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
Assessment and Findings
(Enamel-Dentin Fracture)
Normal mobility Enamel-dentin loss is visible. If the tooth fragment is available Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
and intact, it can be bonded back evaluations are necessary:
Pulp sensibility tests Missing fragments should be Positive response to Pulp necrosis and
on to the tooth. If dry, the
usually positive accounted for: after 6-8 weeks pulp sensibility infection
fragment should be rehydrated by
No sensitivity to - If fragment is missing and soaking in water or saline for 20 after 1 year Apical periodontitis.
percussion or palpation there are soft tissue minutes before bonding Good quality
If there is an associated Lack of further root
injuries, radiographs of restoration
Evaluate the tooth for a Cover the exposed dentin with luxation, root fracture development in
the lip and/or cheek are Continued root
possible associated glass-ionomer or use a bonding or the suspicion of an immature teeth
A fracture confined to indicated to search for development in
luxation injury or root agent and composite resin associated luxation
enamel and dentin tooth fragments and/or immature teeth Loss of restoration
fracture, especially if injury, the luxation
without pulp exposure foreign materials If the exposed dentin is within
tenderness is present follow-up regimen Breakdown of the
0.5mm of the pulp (pink but no restoration
Recommended radiographs: prevails and should be
bleeding), place a calcium
used* Longer follow-
- One parallel periapical hydroxide lining and cover with a
ups will be needed
material such as glass ionomer
- Additional radiographs
Replace the temporary restoration
are indicated if signs or
with accepted dental restorative
symptoms of other
materials as soon as possible
potential injuries are
* = For crown fractured teeth with concomitant luxation injury, use the luxation follow-up schedule
FRACTURE Imaging, Radiographic
Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
(Enamel-Dentin Fracture Assessment and Findings
with Pulp Exposure)
* = For crown fractured teeth with concomitant luxation injury, use the luxation follow-up schedule
Imaging, Radiographic
(Crown-Root Fracture Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
Assessment and Findings
Without Pulp Exposure)
Pulp sensibility tests Apical extension of fracture Until a treatment plan is finalized, Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
usually positive usually not visible temporary stabilization of the loose evaluations are
Positive response to Discoloration
fragment to the adjacent tooth/teeth necessary:
Tender to percussion. Missing fragments should pulp sensibility
or to the non-mobile fragment should Pulp necrosis and
be accounted for: after 1 week testing
Coronal, or mesial or be attempted infection
distal, fragment is usually - If fragment is missing after 6-8 weeks Continued root
If the pulp is not exposed, removal of Apical periodontitis
present and mobile and there are soft tissue development in
the coronal or mobile fragment and after 3 months
injuries, radiographs of immature teeth Lack of further root
The extent of the fracture subsequent restoration should be
A fracture involving enamel, the lip and/or cheek are after 6 months development in
(sub- or supra-alveolar) considered Good quality
dentin and cementum indicated to search for immature teeth
should be evaluated after 1 year restoration
(Note: Crown-root fractures tooth fragments or Cover the exposed dentin with glass- Loss of restoration
then yearly for at least
typically extend below the foreign debris ionomer or use a bonding agent and
gingival margin)
5 years Breakdown of the
composite resin
Recommended radiographs: restoration
Imaging, Radiographic
(Crown-Root Fracture Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
Assessment and Findings
With Pulp Exposure)
Pulp sensibility tests Apical extension of fracture Until a treatment plan is finalized, Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
usually positive usually not visible temporary stabilization of the loose evaluations are
Continued root Pulp necrosis and
fragment to the adjacent tooth/teeth or to necessary:
Tender to percussion. Missing fragments should be development in infection
the non-mobile fragment should be
accounted for: after 1 week immature teeth
Coronal, or mesial or attempted Apical periodontitis
distal, fragment is - If fragment is missing and after 6-8 weeks Good quality
In immature teeth with incomplete root Lack of further root
usually present and there are soft tissue restoration
formation, it is advantageous to preserve after 3 months development in
mobile injuries, radiographs of
the pulp by performing a partial immature teeth
the lip and/or cheek are after 6 months
The extent of the pulpotomy. Rubber dam isolation is
indicated to search for Loss of restoration
fracture (sub- or after 1 year
challenging but should be tried.
tooth fragments or Breakdown of the
A fracture involving enamel, supra-alveolar) then yearly for at least
foreign debris - Non-setting calcium hydroxide or restoration
dentin, cementum and the should be evaluated 5 years
non-staining calcium silicate
pulp Recommended radiographs: Marginal bone loss and
cements are suitable materials to be
(Note: Crown-root fractures - One parallel periapical periodontal
placed on the pulp wound
typically extend below the radiograph inflammation
gingival margin) In mature teeth with complete root
- Two additional
formation, removal of the pulp is usually
radiographs of the tooth indicated
taken with different
Surgical extrusion
Root submergence
Imaging, Radiographic
ROOT FRACTURE Clinical Findings Treatment Follow up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
Assessment and Findings
The coronal segment The fracture may be If displaced, the coronal fragment should be Clinical and radiographic Positive response Symptomatic
may be mobile and may located at any level of the repositioned as soon as possible. evaluations are necessary: to pulp sensibility
Extrusion and/or
be displaced root + testing; however, a
A Check repositioning radiographically after 4 weeks S excessive mobility of
false negative
The tooth may be Recommended the coronal segment
Stabilize the mobile coronal segment with a passive after 6-8 weeks response is
tender to percussion radiographs:
and flexible splint for 4 weeks. If the fracture is ++ possible for several Radiolucency at the
after 4 months S
fracture of the root Bleeding from the - One parallel periapical located cervically, stabilization for a longer period of fracture line
involving dentin, pulp and gingival sulcus may be radiograph time (up to 4 months) may be needed after 6 months
Endodontic Pulp necrosis and
cementum. seen
- Two additional Cervical fractures have the potential to heal. Thus, after 1 year treatment should infection with
The fracture may be
Pulp sensibility testing radiographs of the the coronal fragment, especially if not mobile, not be started inflammation in the
then yearly for at least 5
horizontal, oblique or a
may be negative tooth taken with should not be removed at the emergency visit solely on the basis fracture line
combination of both.
initially, indicating different vertical of no response to
No endodontic treatment should be started at the
transient or permanent and/or horizontal pulp sensibility
emergency visit
neural damage angulations testing
It is advisable to monitor healing of the fracture for
- Occlusal radiograph Signs of repair
at least one year. Pulp status should also be
between the
Root fractures may be monitored
undetected without
Pulp necrosis and infection may develop later. It segments
additional imaging
usually occurs in the coronal fragment only. Hence,
Normal or slightly
In cases where the above endodontic treatment of the coronal segment only
more than
radiographs provide will be indicated. As root fracture lines are
insufficient information for
+ ++
S = splint removal (for mid-root and apical third fractures); S = splint removal (for cervical third fractures)
Imaging, Radiographic
ALVEOLAR FRACTURE Clinical Findings Treatment Follow up Favorable Outcomes Unfavorable Outcomes
Assessment and Findings
The alveolar fracture is Fracture lines may be Reposition any displaced segment Clinical and radiographic Positive response Symptomatic
complete and extends located at any level, from evaluations are necessary: to pulp sensibility
Stabilize the segment by splinting the teeth with a Pulp necrosis and
all the way from the the marginal bone to the + testing. (A false
passive and flexible splint for 4 weeks after 4 weeks S infection
buccal to the palatal root apex negative response
bone in the maxilla and Suture gingival lacerations if present after 6-8 weeks is possible for Apical periodontitis
from the buccal to the Root canal treatment is contraindicated at the after 4 months several months) Inadequate soft
fracture involves the radiographs:
lingual bony surface in emergency visit tissue healing
alveolar bone and may after 6 months No signs of pulp
the mandible - One parallel periapical
extend to adjacent bones. Monitor the pulp condition of all teeth involved, necrosis and Non-healing of the
radiograph after 1 year
Segment mobility and both initially and at follow-ups, to determine if or infection bone fracture
displacement with - Two additional then yearly for at least 5
when endodontic treatment becomes necessary Soft tissue healing
radiographs of the External
several teeth moving years
tooth taken with Radiographic signs inflammatory
together are common
Bone and soft tissue
different vertical of bone repair (infection-related)
healing must also be resorption
and/or horizontal
Occlusal disturbances monitored Slight tenderness
due to displacement of the bone to
- Occlusal radiograph palpation may
and misalignment of the
remain at the
fractured alveolar In cases where the above
segment are often seen fracture line
radiographs provide
and/or on
insufficient information for
Teeth in the fractured
S = splint removal
Imaging, Radiographic
CONCUSSION Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcome Unfavorable Outcome
Assessment and Findings
Normal mobility No radiographic No treatment is needed. Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
abnormalities evaluations are
The tooth is tender to Monitor pulp condition for at Positive response to pulp Pulp necrosis and
percussion and touch Recommended least one year, but preferably sensibility testing; infection
radiographs: longer after 4 weeks however, a false negative
The tooth will likely Apical periodontitis
response is possible for
respond to pulp - One parallel periapical after 1 year
several months. No further root
sensibility testing radiograph
Endodontic treatment development in
- Additional radiographs immature teeth
should not be started
An injury to the tooth- are indicated if signs solely on the basis of no
supporting structures or symptoms of other response to pulp
without abnormal potential injuries are
sensibility testing
loosening or present
Continued root
displacement of the
development in
tooth, but with marked
immature teeth
tenderness to
percussion Intact lamina dura
Imaging, Radiographic
SUBLUXATION Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcome Unfavorable Outcome
Assessment and Findings
The tooth is tender to Radiographic appearance Normally no treatment is Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
touch or light tapping is usually normal needed evaluations are
Positive response to pulp Pulp necrosis and
Tooth has increased Recommended A passive and flexible splint to sensibility testing; infection
mobility but is not radiographs: stabilize the tooth for up to 2 after 2 weeks S however, a false negative
Apical periodontitis
displaced weeks may be used but only if response is possible for
- One parallel after 12 weeks
there is excessive mobility or several months. No further root
Bleeding from the periapical radiograph
tenderness when biting on the after 6 months Endodontic treatment development in
gingival crevice may be
- Two additional tooth should not be started immature teeth
present after 1 year
radiographs of the
An injury to the tooth- solely on the basis of no External inflammatory
Monitor the pulp condition for
The tooth may not tooth taken with response to pulp
supporting structures at least one year, but (infection-related)
respond to pulp different vertical sensibility testing
with abnormal preferably longer resorption – if this type
sensibility testing and/or horizontal
loosening, but without Continued root of resorption develops,
initially indicating angulations
displacement of the development in root canal treatment
transient pulp damage.
tooth - Occlusal radiograph should be initiated
immature teeth
immediately, with the
Intact lamina dura
use of a
medicament initially,
S = splint removal
Imaging, Radiographic
EXTRUSIVE LUXATION Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcome Unfavorable Outcome
Assessment and Findings
The tooth appears Increased periodontal Reposition the tooth by gently pushing It Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
elongated ligament space both back into the tooth socket under local evaluations are necessary:
Clinical and Pulp necrosis and
apically and laterally anesthesia +
The tooth has after 2 weeks S radiographic signs of infection
increased mobility Tooth will not be seated Stabilize the tooth for 2 weeks using a normal or healed
after 4 weeks Apical periodontitis
in its socket and will passive and flexible splint. If periodontium.
The tooth will appear
appear elongated breakdown/fracture of the marginal after 8 weeks Breakdown of marginal
elongated incisally Positive response to
incisally bone, splint for an additional 4 weeks bone
after 12 weeks pulp sensibility
Likely to have no
Displacement of the Recommended Monitor the pulp condition with pulp testing; however, a External inflammatory
response to pulp after 6 months
tooth out of its socket radiographs: sensibility tests false negative (infection-related)
sensibility tests after 1 year
in an incisal/axial response is possible resorption – if this type
- One parallel If the pulp becomes necrotic and
direction then yearly for at least 5 for several months. of resorption develops,
periapical radiograph infected, endodontic treatment
years Endodontic root canal treatment
appropriate to the tooth’s stage of root
- Two additional should be initiated
treatment should not
development is indicated
radiographs of the be started solely on immediately, with the
tooth taken with Patients (and parents, where use of a
the basis of no
different vertical relevant) should be informed corticosteroid/antibiotic
response to pulp
and/or horizontal to watch for any unfavorable medicament initially,
sensibility testing
angulations outcomes and the need to which is then followed
S = splint removal
The tooth is displaced, A widened periodontal Reposition the tooth digitally by disengaging it Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
usually in a ligament space which is from its locked position and gently reposition it evaluations are
Clinical and Breakdown of
palatal/lingual or labial best seen on into its original location under local anesthesia. necessary:
radiographic signs marginal bone
direction radiographs taken with
- Method: Palpate the gingiva to feel the apex after 2 weeks of normal or healed
horizontal angle shifts Pulp necrosis and
There is usually an of the tooth. Use one finger to push + periodontium
or occlusal exposures after 4 weeks S infection
associated fracture of downwards over the apical end of the tooth,
Positive response
the alveolar bone Recommended then use another finger or thumb to push after 8 weeks Apical periodontitis
Displacement of the to pulp sensibility
tooth in any lateral radiographs: the tooth back into its socket after 12 weeks Ankylosis
The tooth is frequently testing; however, a
direction, usually immobile as the apex - One parallel Stabilize the tooth for 4 weeks using a passive false negative
after 6 months External
associated with a of the root is “locked” periapical and flexible splint. If breakdown/fracture of the response is replacement
after 1 year
fracture or in by the bone fracture radiograph marginal bone or alveolar socket wall, splint for possible for several resorption
compression of the an additional 4 weeks then yearly for at least months.
Percussion will give a - Two additional External
alveolar socket wall or 5 years Endodontic
high metallic radiographs of the Monitor the pulp condition with pulp sensibility inflammatory
facial cortical bone treatment should
(ankylotic) sound tooth taken with tests at the follow-up appointments (infection-related)
not be started
different vertical resorption
Likely to have no At about 2 weeks post-injury, make an Patients (and parents,
solely on the basis
and/or horizontal
response to pulp endodontic evaluation: where relevant) should
of no response to
sensibility tests be informed to watch for
Teeth with incomplete root formation: pulp sensibility
- Occlusal any unfavorable
radiograph - Spontaneous revascularization may occur. outcomes and the need
S = splint removal
Imaging, Radiographic
INTRUSIVE LUXATION Clinical Findings Treatment Follow-Up Favorable Outcome Unfavorable
Assessment and Findings
The tooth is displaced The periodontal ligament Teeth with incomplete root formation Clinical and radiographic Asymptomatic Symptomatic
axially into the alveolar space may not be visible (immature teeth): evaluations are
Tooth in place or is Tooth locked in
bone for all or part of the root necessary:
Allow re-eruption without intervention re-erupting place/ankylotic tone to
(especially apically)
The tooth is immobile (spontaneous repositioning) for all intruded after 2 weeks percussion
Intact lamina dura
Displacement of the The cemento-enamel teeth independent of the degree of intrusion +
Percussion will give a after 4 weeks S Pulp necrosis and
junction is located more Positive response to
tooth in an apical high metallic If no re-eruption within 8 weeks, initiate infection
apically in the intruded after 8 weeks pulp sensibility
direction into the (ankylotic) sound orthodontic repositioning
tooth than in adjacent testing; however, a Apical periodontitis
alveolar bone after 12 weeks
Likely to have no non-injured teeth Monitor the pulp condition false negative
response to pulp after 6 months response is possible
Recommended In teeth with incomplete root formation
sensibility tests for several months. External replacement
spontaneous pulp revascularization may after 1 year
radiographs: resorption
occur. However, if it is noted that the pulp then yearly for at least
- One parallel treatment should not External inflammatory
becomes necrotic and infected or that there 5 years
periapical radiograph be started solely on (infection-related)
are signs of inflammatory (infection-related)
the basis of no resorption – if this type
- Two additional external resorption at follow-up
response to pulp of resorption develops,
radiographs of the appointments, root canal treatment is Patients (and parents,
where relevant) should sensibility testing root canal treatment
tooth taken with indicated and should be started as soon as
different vertical possible when the position of the tooth be informed to watch for No signs of root should be initiated