10 La Campana Coffee Factory Inc. v. Kaisahan

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[G.R. No. L-5677. May 25, 1953.]


business under the trade name "LA CAMPANA GAUGAU PACKING" ,

Ceferino de los Santos, R., Ceferino de los Santos, Jr. and Manuel V. Roxas for
Carlos E. Santiago for respondent union.



Coffee Factory, Inc., and C Gaugau Packing are operating as one business though with
two trade names. The owner of the latter is T; and the former, though an incorporated
business, is in reality owned exclusively by T and his family. The two factories had but
one office, one management and one payroll until July 17, the day the case was certified
to the Court of Industrial Relations, when the person who was discharging the o ce of
cashier for both branches of the business began preparing separate payrolls for the
two. And the laborers of the gaugau factory and the coffee factory were
interchangeable, that is, the laborers from the gaugau factory were sometimes
transferred to the coffee factory and vice-versa. Held: The attempt to make the two
factories appear as two separate businesses, when in reality they are but one, is but a
device to defeat the ends of the law (the Act governing capital and labor relations) and
should not be permitted to prevail. Although the coffee factory is a corporation and, by
legal ction, an entity existing separate and apart from the persons composing it, that
is, T and his family, it is settled that this ction of law, which has been introduced as a
matter of convenience and to subserve the ends of justice cannot be invoked to further
an end subversive of that purpose. (13 Am. Jur., 160-162; Annotation 1 A. L. R. 612, s.
34 A. L. R. 599.)
SUE IN THEIR BEHALF. — Although the coffee factory has only 14 laborers and only ve
of these are members of the labor union, yet as the gaugau factory has more than the
jurisdiction number (31) required by law and the two factories are operating under one
single management, the industrial court has jurisdiction to try the case as against C
Coffee Factory, Inc.
LABOR UNION IS SUSPENDED. — Once the Court of Industrial Relations has duly
acquired jurisdiction over a case, such jurisdiction is not lost even after the Department
of Labor has suspended the permit of the petitioning labor union.

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REYES , J : p

Tan Tong, one of the herein petitioners, has since 1932 been engaged in the
business of buying and selling gaugau under the trade name La Campana Gaugau
Packing with an establishment in Binondo, Manila, which was later transferred to
España Extension, Quezon City. But on July 6, 1950, Tan Tong, with himself and
members of his family as sole incorporators and stockholders, organized a family
corporation known as La Campana Coffee Factory Co., Inc., with its principal o ce
located in the same place as that of La Campana Gaugau Packing.
About a year before the formation of the corporation, or on July 11, 1949, Tan
Tong had entered into a collective bargaining agreement with the Philippine Legion of
Organized Workers, known as PLOW for short, to which the union of Tan Tong's
employees headed by Manuel E. Sadde was then a liated. Seceding, however, from the
PLOW, Tan Tong's employees later formed their own organization known as Kaisahan
Ng Mga Manggagawa Sa La Campana, one of the herein respondents, and applied for
registration in the Department of Labor as an independent entity. Pending
consideration of this application, the Department gave the new organization legal
standing by issuing it a permit as an a liate to the Kalipunan Ng Mga Kaisahang
On July 19, 1951, the Kaisahan Ng Mga Manggagawa Sa La Campana, hereinafter
to be referred to as the respondent Kaisahan, which, as of that date, counted with 66
members — workers all of them of both La Campana Gaugau Packing and La Campana
Coffee Factory Co., Inc. — presented a demand for higher wages and more privileges,
the demand being addressed to La Campana Starch and Coffee Factory, by which name
they sought to designate, so it appears, the La Campana Gaugau Packing and the La
Campana Coffee Factory Co., Inc. As the demand was not granted and an attempt at
settlement through the mediation of the Conciliation Service of the Department of
Labor had given no result, the said Department certi ed the dispute to the Court of
Industrial Relations on July 17, 1951, the case being there docketed as Case No. 584-V.
With the case already pending in the industrial court, the Secretary of Labor, on
September 5, 1951, revoked the Kalipunan Ng Mga Kaisahang Manggagawa's permit
as a labor union on the strength of information received that it was dominated by
subversive elements, and, in consequence, on the 20th of the same month, also
suspended the permit of its affiliate, the respondent Kaisahan.
We have it from the court's order of January 15, 1952 which forms one of the
annexes to the present petition, that following the revocation of the Kaisahan's permit,
"La Campana Gaugau and Coffee Factory" (obviously the combined name of La
Campana Gaugau Packing and La Campana Coffee Factory Co., Inc.) and the PLOW,
which had been allowed to intervene as a party having an interest in the dispute, led
separate motions for the dismissal of the case on the following grounds:
"1. That the action is directed against two different entities with
distinct personalities, with "La Campana Starch Factory" and the "La Campana
Coffee Factory, Inc."
"2. That the workers of the "La Campana Coffee Factory, Inc." are less
than thirty-one;
"3. That the petitioning union has no legal capacity to sue, because its
registration as an organized union has been revoked by the Department of Labor
on September 5, 1951, and
"4. That there is an existing valid contract between the respondent "La
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Campana Gaugau Packing" and the intervenor PLOW, wherein the petitioner's
members are contracting parties bound by said contract."
Several hearings were held on the above motions, in the course of which ocular
inspections were also made, and on the basis of the evidence received and the facts
observed in the ocular inspections, the Court of Industrial Relations denied the said
motions in its order of January 14, 1952, because it found as a fact that:
"A. While the coffee corporation is a family corporation with Mr. Tan
Tong, his wife, and children as the incorporators and stockholders (Exhibit 1), the
La Campana Gaugau Packing is merely a business name (Exhibit 4).
"B. According to the contract of lease (Exhibit 23), Mr. Tan Tong,
proprietor and manager of the La Campana Gaugau Factory, leased a space of
200 square meters in the bodega housing the gaugau factory to his son Tan Keng
Lim, manager of the La Campana Coffee Factory. But the lease was executed
only on September 1, 1951, while the dispute between the parties was pending
before the Court.
"C. There is only one entity La Campana Starch and Coffee Factory, as
shown by the signboard (Exhibit 1), the advertisement in the delivery trucks
(Exhibit I-1), the packages of gaugau (Exhibit K), and delivery forms (Exhibits J, J-
1, and J-2).
"D. All the laborers working in the gaugau or in the coffee factory
receive their pay from the same person, the cashier, Miss Natividad Garcia,
secretary of Mr. Tan Tong; and they are transferred from the gaugau to the coffee
and vice-versa as the management so requires.
"E. There has been only one payroll for the entire La Campana
personnel and only one person preparing the same — Miss Natividad Garcia,
secretary of Mr. Tan Tong. But after the case at bar was certi ed to this Court on
July 17, 1951, the company began making separate payrolls for the coffee
factory (Exhibits M-2 and M-3, and for the gaugau factory (Exhibits O-2, O-3, and
O-4). It is to be noted that before July 21, 1951, the coffee payrolls all began with
number "41-Maria Villanueva" with 24 or more laborers (Exhibits M and M-1),
whereas beginning July 21, 1951, the payrolls for the coffee factory began with
No. 1-Loreta Bernabe with only 14 laborers (Exhibits M-2 and M-3).
"F. During the ocular inspection made in the factory on August 26,
1951, the Court has found the following:
'In the ground oor and second oor of the gau-gau factory there
were hundreds of bags of raw coffee behind the pile of gaugau sacks.
There were also women employees working paper wrappers for gaugau,
and, in the same place there were about 3,000 cans to be used as
containers for coffee.
'The Court found out also that there were 16 trucks used both for the
delivery of coffee and gaugau. To show that those trucks carried both
coffee and gaugau, the union president invited the Court to examine the
contents of delivery truck No. T-582 parked in a garage between the
gaugau building and the coffee factory, and upon examination, there were
found inside the said truck boxes of gaugau and cans of coffee,'"
and held that:
". . . there is only one management for the business of gau-gau and coffee with
whom the laborers are dealing regarding their work. Hence, the ling of action
against the La Campana Starch and Coffee Factory is proper and justified.
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With regards to the alleged lack of personality, it is to be noted that before
the certi cation of the case to this Court on July 17, 1951, the petitioner Kaisahan
ng Mga Manggagawa sa La Campana, had a separate permit from the
Department of Labor. This permit was suspended on September 30, 1951.
(Exhibit M-Intervenor, page 55, of the record). It is not true that, on July 17, 1951,
when this case was forwarded to this Court, the petitioner's permit, as an
independent union, had not yet been issued, for the very Exhibit MM-Intervenor
regarding the permit, conclusively shows the preexistence of said permit." (Annex

Their motion for reconsideration of the above order having been denied, Tan
Tong and La Campana Coffee Factory, Inc. (same as La Campana Coffee Factory Co.,
Inc.), later joined by the PLOW, led the present petition for certiorari on the grounds
that the Court of Industrial Relations had no jurisdiction to take cognizance of the case,
for the reason, according to them, "(1) that the petitioner La Campana Coffee Factory,
Inc. has only 14 employees, only 5 of whom are members of the respondent union and
therefore the absence of the jurisdictional number (30) as provided by sections 1 and 4
of Commonwealth Act No. 103; and, (2) that the suspension of respondent union's
permit by the Secretary of Labor has the effect of taking away the union's right to
collective bargaining under section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 213 and, consequently,
its personality to sue for and in behalf of its members."
As to the rst ground, petitioners obviously do not question the fact that the
number of employees of the La Campana Gaugau Packing involved in the case is more
than the jurisdictional number (31) required by law, but they do contend that the
industrial court has no jurisdiction to try the case as against La Campana Coffee
Factory, Inc. because the latter has allegedly only 14 laborers and only ve of these are
members of the respondent Kaisahan. This contention loses force when it is noted that,
as found by the industrial court — and this nding is conclusive upon us — La Campana
Gaugau Packing and La Campana Coffee Factory Co. Inc., are operating under one
single management, that is, as one business though with two trade names. True, the
coffee factory is a corporation and, by legal fiction, an entity existing separate and apart
from the persons composing it, that is, Tan Tong and his family. But it is settled that
this ction of law, which has been introduced as a matter of convenience and to
subserve the ends of justice cannot be invoked to further an end subversive of that
"Disregarding Corporate Entity . — The doctrine that a corporation is a legal
entity existing separate and apart from the persons composing it is a legal theory
introduced for purposes of convenience and to subserve the ends of justice. The
concept cannot, therefore, be extended to a point beyond its reason and policy,
and when invoked in support of an end subversive of this policy, will be
disregarded by the courts. Thus, in an appropriate case and in furtherance of the
ends of justice, a corporation and the individual or individuals owning all its
stocks and assets will be treated as identical, the corporate entity being
disregarded where used as a cloak or cover for fraud or illegality. (13 Am. Jur.,
" . . . A subsidiary or auxiliary corporation which is created by a parent
corporation merely as an agency for the latter may sometimes be regarded as
identical with the parent corporation, especially if the stockholders or o cers of
the two corporations are substantially the same or their system of operation
unified." (Ibid. 162; see Annotation 1 A. L. R. 612, s. 34 A. L. R. 599.)
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In the present case Tan Tong appears to be the owner of the gaugau factory. And
the coffee factory, though an incorporated business, is in reality owned exclusively by
Tan Tong and his family. As found by the Court of Industrial Relations, the two factories
have but one o ce, one management and one payroll, except after July 17, the day the
case was certi ed to the Court of Industrial Relations, when the person who was
discharging the o ce of cashier for both branches of the business began preparing
separate payrolls for the two. And above all, it should not be overlooked that, as also
found by the industrial court, the laborers of the gaugau factory and the coffee factory
were interchangeable, that is, the laborers from the gaugau factory were sometimes
transferred to the coffee factory and vice-versa. In view of all these, the attempt to
make the two factories appear as two separate businesses, when in reality they are but
one, is but a device to defeat the ends of the law (the Act governing capital and labor
relations) and should not be permitted to prevail.
The second point raised by petitioner is likewise without merit. In the rst place,
there being more than 30 laborers involved and the Secretary of Labor having certi ed
the dispute to the Court of Industrial Relations, that court duly acquired jurisdiction over
the case (International Oil Factory vs. NLU, Inc. 73 Phil., 401; section 4, C. A. 108). This
jurisdiction was not lost when the Department of Labor suspended the permit of the
respondent Kaisahan as a Labor organization. For once jurisdiction is acquired by the
Court of Industrial Relations it is retained until the case is completely decided. (Manila
Hotel Employees Association vs. Manila Hotel Co. et al., 73 Phil., 374.)
In view of the foregoing, the petition is denied, with costs against the petitioner.
Paras, C.J., Feria, Pablo, Bengzon, Tuason, Montemayor, Jugo, Bautista Angelo
and Labrador, JJ., concur.

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