Axiata Iar-Statement and Analysis

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and Analysis
Axiata Integ rated Repor t 2018 | Ou r Bu s i ness
Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

Chairman’s Statement


Chairman The year 2018 marked Axiata’s tenth anniversary as a regional mobile telecommunications
provider delivering on our promise of Advancing Asia. Having commenced with an operational
footprint spanning 10 countries providing pure-play mobile services, the Group today is present
in 11 countries in ASEAN and South Asia. Our services portfolio in tandem, has expanded to
include Digital Telco, Digital Businesses and Tower Infrastructure in line with our aspirations to
become a New Generation Digital Champion by 2022.


The year 2018 can be described as pivotal for Axiata as the Group responded to volatile
macroeconomic conditions, technological and market disruptions, demand shifts and regulatory
uncertainties across the region.

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution inspires a continuous cycle of technological breakthroughs,

the demand for digital services is exploding across developed and developing economies.
Advancements in cloud technology, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are
creating new waves of opportunities. There have also been commercial deployments of 5G
technologies in developed markets such as the United States, Australia and Korea, and it will
only be a matter of time before our markets are ready for 5G deployment. Telecommunications
players are naturally placed to backbone infrastructure and connectivity needs but it is also
imperative to move swiftly to address business model and industry structure issues to take
advantage of this technological revolution.

Hypercompetition is pervasive within the industry, as mobile network operators struggle

to retain or capture growth. Disruptive competition from Over-The-Top (OTT) providers is
increasingly encroaching spaces traditionally occupied by telcos. Adjusting to this new norm
requires more than just competing on price, coverage and customer relationship management.
In Axiata’s case, future-proofing the Group calls for a paradigm shift in talent management,
portfolio optimisation as well as actively implementing digitisation initiatives across the
businesses in order to capitalise on new growth opportunities.

Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 9
Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 10

Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

Chairman’s Statement


In building resilience for the long-term, Axiata will continue with We bid farewell to Tan Sri Datuk Wira Azman Hj. Mokhtar after
its portfolio rebalancing and rationalisation exercise to prioritise 10 years of service as Chairman of the Board. Tan Sri Azman
capital allocation to core businesses and markets in supporting has been an inspiring leader for many and I can only hope to do
Group-wide digital transformation. This will include transforming justice in continuing to carry this torch that I have accepted in
mobile telco-centric Operating Companies (OpCo) into ensuring Axiata remains relevant and at the forefront at all times.
converged solutions providers, modernising the Group’s IT and We are deeply indebted to him for his guidance and insights in
network infrastructure, digitising operations across all functions, steering Axiata forward through the years and we wish him well
producing “unicorns” from amidst our digital businesses and with his future endeavours.
becoming one of the top five global tower companies by 2022.
Our gratitude also to Datuk Azzat Kamaludin who retired
At the same time, in staying grounded with the realities of our as Board member on 23 May 2018 after serving as its Senior
current operating environment, the Group is keeping a very Independent Non-Executive Director for over 10 years. We
close eye on maintaining a robust balance sheet that supports are grateful for his invaluable contributions to the Group and
our ambitious digital transformation by embarking on profitable unwavering commitment to the highest standards of governance
growth and cash focus initiatives for the short-term. and performance.

OUR COMMITMENT TO THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF It also gives me great pleasure to announce we now have
RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PRACTICES 30% female representation on the Board, having appointed
Ms Khoo Gaik Bee as Independent Non-Executive Director on
Axiata has consistently upheld the highest principles of 1 January 2019. Ms Khoo joins Dato Dr Nik Ramlah Nik Mahmood
transparency and accountability within a robust governance and Dr Lisa Lim Poh Lin who were appointed to the Board on
framework. Efforts within this sphere involves ensuring our 21 March 2017 and 8 June 2018 respectively.
OpCos aspire to the best global standards pertaining to
corporate governance, including tax licensing and data privacy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
On behalf of the Board, I wish to thank all our stakeholders for
Our leadership position across the region provides an excellent their continued support towards Axiata. Our gratitude goes to
opportunity for Axiata to contribute towards socioeconomic governments and regulators of our OpCos for their support and
development initiatives in our markets. As much as we are a the opportunity to continue to serve in their markets and partner
Malaysian company at heart, we partner governments as a in their developmental efforts. We also extend our appreciation
National Champion committed to strengthening the digital to our employees across the Group for their exemplary work
ecosystem, nurturing the next generation of digital innovators, and efforts. Lastly, we thank our shareholders for their continued
and building local communities. Axiata will also continue to drive support and belief in Axiata.
best practices and sustainability principles in line with the United
Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) framework
and Global Compact principles in addition to our very own TAN SRI GHAZZALI SHEIKH ABDUL KHALID
Sustainability Framework. Chairman
In Conversation with the President & Group CEO

Axiata Integ rated Repor t 2018 | Ou r Bu s i ness

Shifts Gear to
Realise Digital
The global telecommunications industry
is confronting some of its toughest hours
as massive technological, competitive and
consumer changes occur in response to the
demands and trends of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution (IR 4.0).

Having begun its journey in 2008, and as it

marked its tenth anniversary, Axiata Group
Berhad (Axiata or the Group) has become
one of the leading telecommunications groups
in Asia. Since 2016, the Group embarked on
an ambitious Axiata 3.0 roadmap aimed at
transforming itself into a New Generation Digital
Champion by 2022. The aim as highlighted
by Tan Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim, is for Axiata to
continue its growth story to remain successful
and sustainable.

2018 appeared to be, by any measurement,

a watershed year for Axiata. In this interview,
Tan Sri Jamaludin shares about the Group’s
performance in 2018, and how all the work
done in that year helped position Axiata very
well for the future and its long-term plans.

To read the interview, please flip this page outwards.

In Conversation with the President & Group CEO

Axiata President

c. Apigate, our digital enablement platform
& GCEO shares expanded its global reach in 2018 through
partnerships with telco groups such as Zain and
What are your 2019/2020 plans? Will they be
any different from the past?
the highlights and Etisalat, Tencent and Gameloft, giving it access
to 3.5 billion consumers and over 110 MNOs, TSJI: Firstly, the operational progress and momentum
lowlights of 2018 compared to 350 million consumers and eight
MNOs in 2017. It is a truly global player, with future
gathered from the Group’s 2018 performance will
provide us with a significant boost to pave the way
and the Group’s ready APIs on one seamless platform allowing
businesses to scale globally for SMS, location
for a “promising” 2019. In fact, some of the very issues
that made the headlines in 2018 will help us materially in
future plans services, e-wallet and operator billing. Having
consolidated the business, we have seen a rapid
2019 especially in the following aspects:
1. With all OpCos growing market share and delivering
rise in YoY gross transaction value at 3.1x and net the best revenue performance in their respective
TAN SRI JAMALUDIN revenue at 4.8x markets, we exited 2018 with a strong market
d. Additionally, we have also signed up to transfer position to meet our 2019 targets. Following two very
IBRAHIM our non-core digital ventures investment portfolio successful years in delivering operating expenditure
Managing Director/ at a value of USD140 million to a private equity (opex) and capex savings through our internal cost
President & Group Chief firm, which we are targeting to conclude within optimisation programme, we are on track in our
Executive Officer Q2 2019 journey to continue improving our cost base, and
4. edotco has secured a robust position as a strong meet our RM5 billion cumulative savings target by
challenger in the global towerco market, now the 2021
third fastest growing towerco among global peers. 2. Our OpCos had delivered significant progress in
It has also expanded its footprint to cover six digitising critical areas including Products and
countries including a recent expansion in to Pakistan, Services, Internal Processes, Infrastructure and
with more than 29,800 towers Platform, as well as Organisation and Culture. With
each of our OpCos now outperforming their in-
Our Digital Transformation Strategy focuses on driving market peers in terms of digital maturity, we are
improvements through the adoption of IR 4.0 principles. optimistic our continuous improvements in this area
We conduct both external and internal validation to will serve as a competitive advantage in our markets

track our progress. While acknowledging we have 3. With the efforts and progress made in 2018, each of
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) YoY – validating
a lot more to do, I am happy to report that we have the new growth areas we identified in our Triple Core
the successful execution of its strategy. Furthermore,
progressed significantly from where we started in 2017: Strategy are now expected to generate double-digit
cost optimisation initiatives at Celcom led to a
2018 RESULTS commendable trend with Quarter on Quarter (QoQ)
EBITDA growth of 6%2 and an EBITDA margin uplift
1. Digital Products and Services
This involves transforming our product and service
growth in 2019:
a. Digital Telco: In addition to Dialog, in 2018 we
of 2 ppt2 in the fourth quarter (4Q) of 2018, allowing portfolio to include a rich suite of digital offerings, launched Home/Converged offerings in Celcom,

Celcom to kickstart 2019 with a healthier cost base. with a focus on simplicity of use. We currently XL and Smart – predominantly via fixed wireless
Having said that, this is still an area that requires a lot estimate improvements in this area by approximately access (FWA). This allows us to leverage on our
How would you describe Axiata’s more work. 70% existing mobile network for further upsides through
performance in 2018? cross-selling to existing customers. In capturing the
Due to the concerted efforts to improve its network 2. Transforming our External Interface and Internal Enterprise segment, we have built a strong sales
TSJI: It certainly was a noteworthy year at many in the past three years, Celcom has since achieved Processes funnel for actualisation in 2019 and refined our
levels. A watershed year, to say the least! major progress in network availability and quality The transformation of external interfaces through strategy through our 2018 key learnings
– LTE and LTE-A coverage are now at 91% and 78% which the above products and services are b. New Digital Businesses: Boost, ada and Apigate
On one hand, the headline numbers may come across respectively, delivering better video experience to its delivered to our customers and partners ranges from exited 2018 with exponential top-line growth and
as alarming, on the other, the underlying performance customers. Identified as a key turnaround area back in customer touchpoints to digital engagements with are expected to maintain this exciting momentum
was excellent, and all the groundwork done has 2016, Celcom has now shown significant improvement channel partners, suppliers and external networks. in 2019 and beyond. Each of these core digital
positioned us very well for our future. in its distribution, achieving the number one position In addition to that, we have also worked hard to businesses are now on an encouraging path
in Dealer Satisfaction nationwide in 2018. Since 2016, radically simplify and digitise our internal processes. towards profitability by 2020/2021
Let me start with a short financial summary. On constant its relentless focus on driving organisational and digital Since 2017, we have recorded between 45% and c. Infrastructure: With a consistent track record of
currency basis, adjusting for one-offs and excluding transformation has also produced encouraging results. 50% progress on both these fronts double-digit growth across all financial metrics
Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard (MFRS) 15 and 9, In parallel, Celcom continues to be recognised for its since its inception, we expect edotco to continue
revenue grew by 3.7% to RM25.3 billion whilst Earnings customer centricity, taking the top spot in Net Promoter 3. Transforming our Infrastructure & Platforms its “towering” growth story in 2019 and beyond
Before Interest, Tax Depreciation and Amortisation Score and being recognised by Forbes as one of the Complete modernisation and digitisation of our 4. The cash proceeds from the divestment of our stake
(EBITDA) rose 2%. Underlying Profit After Tax and “Top 10 Most Customer-Focused Companies in Asia”. network, IT and platforms involves new architecture, in M1 will strengthen our balance sheet, putting Axiata
Minority Interest (PATAMI) stood at RM1.2 billion. Axiata making them all Internet Protocol (IP), virtualisation in a more robust position to fund future growth
ended the year with a solid cash position of RM5.1 billion Meanwhile, XL is a great example of the competition and mostly software-driven, ensuring we pre-empt opportunities
and a very comfortable gross debt/EBITDA at 2.3x. punching above its weight. Despite the industry the demands of IR 4.0 as well as of advanced forms 5. The reclassification of our Indian asset as a pure
being mired by hyper competitive pressures from of video communications to include Augmented investment into the balance sheet means Idea’s
Now we peel through the numbers. I must say, one the mandatory prepaid SIM registration in 2018, XL’s Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Today we have performance will no longer drag our profitability. In
of our proudest achievements in 2018 is the excellent consistent strategy execution delivered exceptional enhanced the digitisation of our infrastructure and fact, there are now more upsides given our belief in
operational performance recorded by our six OpCos results. In a market which saw 84 million subscribers platforms by 30% the long-term future of the merged company
where all of them grew fastest in revenue relative to 6. The strategic investments we secured for ada in
wiped out in 2018, XL managed to beat all its peers in
all industry players. Not just better than the average, 4. Organisation, Culture and Mindset Transformation 2018 acted as an external validation of our digital
Indonesia as the only MNO to have grown subscribers,

but the best! Furthermore, four of them performed Right at the core of an organisation is its people Acknowledgements
investments, which may translate to further upsides in
revenue and EBITDA by 2.6%, 0.4% and 2.3%
the best in EBITDA in their respective markets. This is a and culture. Digital Transformation would not be Axiata’s valuation. Additionally, this cash investment
stellar achievement and must be commended. successful without a completely modern workforce, Allwillour
help stakeholders
to fund the futurehavegrowth of our digital
We also took the decision in 2018 to significantly
The continued investment in XL’s 4G network
significantly improved both the user experience as well
organisation culture and mindset. We call it a
Modern, Agile and Digital, or a M.A.D. organisation.
with by
lendontoa our
onward moving
ability path
‘clean-up’ our balance sheet through the most massive as the economics of providing mobile data services, We have achieved good momentum, improving by journey. On behalf of the Management
non-cash write-off exercise ever to date, mainly 40% in our internal metrics for an Agile workforce While maintaining our long-term strategy and vision,
especially in ex-Java. Its 4G coverage has now expanded at2019/2020
Axiata, Ithe would
Group like to express our

involving 2G and legacy assets in XL and Celcom, so in will focus more on profitable
to around 400 cities and areas, leading to double- collective gratitude torelative
our toBoard
that we could have a nice start from 2019 onwards. growth and cash generation revenueof growth
digit growth in subscribers and revenue for ex-Java. Directors,
to strengthen in fulfillingsheet
our balance their fiduciary
and prepare for the
2018Looking Unsurprisingly, XL endedandthe year as the sincemost data-
was alsoback howwe
the year dosignificantly
you think reshaped
Axiata has ourperformed financially operationally
centric operator with 80% smartphone penetration and
its inception? responsibilities,
years ahead through and ourin providing strategic
“Shifting Gear” initiatives
portfolio, with the future in mind in six key areas: which
directioncovers tothese eight measures:
the company by observing the
82% data revenue contribution (4Q 2018).
1. Supported
TSJI: Generally, theAxiata’s
merger operational
of our associate, Idea, within all of our operating markets has been favourable. From 2008 to 2018, Compounded Annual Growth
performance 1. While expected
highest standards to still
of deliver the industry
governance, ethicsrevenue
(CAGR) for India, to make
revenue wastheat combined
8.4%, EBITDAcompany
at 7.2%Atand growth in their respective
and integrity at all times. To markets,
our more our OpCos
than will
same time, PATAMI
XL’s Dualat 4.2%.
Brand However,
Strategy Total Shareholder Returns (TSR) since 28 April 2008 to
the largest operator in India and one of the largest in target to grow their EBITDA and profit relatively
31 December to track well with both XL and Axis brands recording 12,000 employees throughout our regional
the world 2018 recorded at -1.5%. all-time high Net Promoter Scores in 2018. At the
faster than revenue and therefore, improve their
2. Reclassified our investment in Idea from associate to footprint,
respectivewe thank you
profitability for your
margins dedicated
compared to 2018
Frost & Sullivan 2018 Asia Pacific ICT Awards, XL was contributions towards enabling
that, Axiata’s
as a performance can behelping
result of the above, examinedevenfromrecognised
two lenses: time-period and portfolio. 2. Since the unveiling of the Group’sour New Cost
as the “Best Asia-Pacific Mobile Data Generation Digital Champion
to insulate our future profits while the merged Optimisation initiative back in vision.
2017, close to RM3
Service Provider of the Year”.
For company worksyears,
the first seven on its integration
the Group performed extremely well. From 2008 to 2015, CAGR for revenue was 8.8%, EBITDA 8.0% and normalised PATAMI 20.7%. billion worth of savings have been delivered over the
3. Announced that our investment in M1 was no Ourlast two
deepestyears. In 2019, our OpCos
gratitude also goeswill continue
to to
TSR from 28 April 2008 to 31 December 2015 was 50.3%. Moving forward, Celcom, XL, as well as our remaining
longer strategic, leading to the sale in 2019 and ourdrive opex and capex
investors, partners,efficiency
mediain eachandmarketall with
OpCos will be placing additional emphasis on improving
strengthening of our balance sheet the long-term goal
stakeholders. As offor achieving a cumulative savings
the governments
4. Executed majorourshifts
strategyhave to occurred across
focus on three industryprofitability
by delivering
globally since then. Our ambitious
further affected by numerous external macroeconomic of RM5 billion by 2021
and “sweating” their network to extract maximum value and regulators in our markets of
factors especially regulatory uncertainties and forex from volatility, compounded by weak 3. To improve profitability over the next two years, the
businesses and the recategorisation of the rest existing sites. Additionally, we performances
have identifiedat Celcom (2015-2016) and XL (2013-2016) and operation,
of ourafter
recently, digital ventures
years as non-core,
of exceptional leading to the
performance, at Idea (2016-2018). This waswhich
also the Group will thankhave toyou for your
reprioritise new continuing
investments with
three New Growth Areas are period
expected where the Group boosted capital investments with additional
to deliver faith, and allowing uscan to find
contribute to
long payback unless we ways to moderate
billion tooperational
RM2 billionperformance to date Digital
per year in Axiata in 2018Services, Robi, XL,
double-digit edotco
growth and
for our evenTelco
Digital Celcom,
pillar thus
over increasing
the our D&A and reducing our PATAMI. Hence, your
and the monetisation of non-core assets in 2019 any communities,
short-term negative and profit
the digital
due to the
from 2015edotco
to 2018, while next7.2%
few years. This includes
5. Grew further to Axiata’s CAGR
be a material for revenue
component of grew and EBITDA was down by 21.0%. TSR from 31 December 2014 to economies of your countries. Most of all,
upfront Investment
31 December
the Group, 2018 was down
positioning well for 38.3%.dividends and Home segment, expanding our reach in the Enterprise
by future 4. To
we would lower likeourtorisk and our
thank exposure, we will
subscribers and explore
segment and growing the high-margin digital value-
monetisation if these
users across investment
our ASEAN opportunities
and South can Asian
be funded
added services revenue stream.
6. Embarked on new segments, which are Enterprise and
If we exclude OpCos that require intensive short-term capital deployments but with long-terms returns, like Axiata Digital Services, Robi, XL, as well as through strategic
footprint for their partnerships
continued or financial
loyalty investors
Home, which will be the source of our future
Idea, performance was reasonable especially given all the growth external I challenges. From 2015 5. Following ada’s success in securing a valuation
In summary, am confident that all the to 2018,
stars haveCAGR
finally for revenue grew 8.5%, EBITDA was up 13.4% and support.
and the M1 divestment, we will continue to review
normalised PATAMI remained aligned for both Celcom and XL to return to their peak
Despite the headlines, I am flat.
happy with 2018 even performances and stake a much stronger position in
the prospects of monetising some of our existing
though we could have done even better. investments for cash and validation without
their respective markets.
Generally, from inception to 2018, our OpCos have done very well, with all OpCos recording increased market share, growing revenue and EBITDA higher than compromising our long-term growth aspiration.
the market and in most cases, performing the best in their respective markets. However, there is much room for improvement in Profit After Tax (PAT) as we Additionally, a key priority for all OpCos is to focus on
believe this could have been better. Needless to say, this issue is being addressed. TAN“sweating”
to extract more value from
each dollar of capital already deployed
Managing Director/President
6. While we deliver further operational & improvements in
Another way to look at our performance over the last 10 years is through the following positive outcomes: Group 2019,Chief Executive
the changes in our Officer
industry landscape urgently
1. Delivered total dividends of RM12.9 billion to shareholders, out of which RM10.6 billion was in cash. This excludes RM4.1 billion paid to TM in 2009 as part of necessitate structural changes over the long-run such
the demerger deal which had indirectly benefited our shareholders as most have shares in TM as part of the demerger formula as in-market consolidation and network sharing to
2. Recorded a cumulative PAT of RM14.3 billion preserve industry sustainability and at the same time,
meet customers’ satisfaction. We will continue to
3. Paid total taxes of RM9.2 billion in the countries we operate in
actively evaluate such opportunities
4. Invested total capex and opex amounting to USD87.2 billion5 in the countries where we operate, supporting approximately one million direct and indirect jobs 7. We undertook a major impairment in 2018
annually in our footprint markets by sunsetting legacy assets which will give us
Depreciation and Amortisation (D&A) savings of
On hindsight, we could have done better in some areas, but given all the external challenges that we had to navigate, we are happy with our overall performance approximately RM150 million per year
so far. 8. Correspondingly, the 2019 scorecard/KPIs for the
Group as well as our OpCos have been aligned to
reflect the 2019/2020 “Shifting Gear” priorities
Source: Independent Third-Party Assessment of Axiata’s National Contribution, 2018
In Conversation with the President & Group CEO

Axiata President
& GCEO shares
the highlights and
lowlights of 2018
c. Apigate, our digital enablement platform
expanded its global reach in 2018 through
partnerships with telco groups such as Zain and
Etisalat, Tencent and Gameloft, giving it access
to 3.5 billion consumers and over 110 MNOs,
compared to 350 million consumers and eight
7 What are your 2019/2020 plans? Will they be
any different from the past?

TSJI: Firstly, the operational progress and momentum

gathered from the Group’s 2018 performance will
MNOs in 2017. It is a truly global player, with future provide us with a significant boost to pave the way
and the Group’s ready APIs on one seamless platform allowing
businesses to scale globally for SMS, location
for a “promising” 2019. In fact, some of the very issues
that made the headlines in 2018 will help us materially in
future plans services, e-wallet and operator billing. Having
consolidated the business, we have seen a rapid
2019 especially in the following aspects:
1. With all OpCos growing market share and delivering
rise in YoY gross transaction value at 3.1x and net the best revenue performance in their respective
TAN SRI JAMALUDIN revenue at 4.8x markets, we exited 2018 with a strong market
d. Additionally, we have also signed up to transfer position to meet our 2019 targets. Following two very
IBRAHIM our non-core digital ventures investment portfolio successful years in delivering operating expenditure
Managing Director/ at a value of USD140 million to a private equity (opex) and capex savings through our internal cost
President & Group Chief firm, which we are targeting to conclude within optimisation programme, we are on track in our
Executive Officer Q2 2019 journey to continue improving our cost base, and
4. edotco has secured a robust position as a strong meet our RM5 billion cumulative savings target by
challenger in the global towerco market, now the 2021
third fastest growing towerco among global peers. 2. Our OpCos had delivered significant progress in
It has also expanded its footprint to cover six digitising critical areas including Products and
countries including a recent expansion in to Pakistan, Services, Internal Processes, Infrastructure and
with more than 29,800 towers Platform, as well as Organisation and Culture. With
each of our OpCos now outperforming their in-
Our Digital Transformation Strategy focuses on driving market peers in terms of digital maturity, we are
improvements through the adoption of IR 4.0 principles. optimistic our continuous improvements in this area
We conduct both external and internal validation to will serve as a competitive advantage in our markets

track our progress. While acknowledging we have 3. With the efforts and progress made in 2018, each of
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) YoY – validating
a lot more to do, I am happy to report that we have the new growth areas we identified in our Triple Core
the successful execution of its strategy. Furthermore,
progressed significantly from where we started in 2017: Strategy are now expected to generate double-digit
cost optimisation initiatives at Celcom led to a
2018 RESULTS commendable trend with Quarter on Quarter (QoQ)
EBITDA growth of 6%2 and an EBITDA margin uplift
1. Digital Products and Services
This involves transforming our product and service
growth in 2019:
a. Digital Telco: In addition to Dialog, in 2018 we
of 2 ppt2 in the fourth quarter (4Q) of 2018, allowing portfolio to include a rich suite of digital offerings, launched Home/Converged offerings in Celcom,

Celcom to kickstart 2019 with a healthier cost base. with a focus on simplicity of use. We currently XL and Smart – predominantly via fixed wireless
Having said that, this is still an area that requires a lot estimate improvements in this area by approximately access (FWA). This allows us to leverage on our
How would you describe Axiata’s more work. 70% existing mobile network for further upsides through
performance in 2018? cross-selling to existing customers. In capturing the
Due to the concerted efforts to improve its network 2. Transforming our External Interface and Internal Enterprise segment, we have built a strong sales
TSJI: It certainly was a noteworthy year at many in the past three years, Celcom has since achieved Processes funnel for actualisation in 2019 and refined our
levels. A watershed year, to say the least! major progress in network availability and quality The transformation of external interfaces through strategy through our 2018 key learnings
– LTE and LTE-A coverage are now at 91% and 78% which the above products and services are b. New Digital Businesses: Boost, ada and Apigate
On one hand, the headline numbers may come across respectively, delivering better video experience to its delivered to our customers and partners ranges from exited 2018 with exponential top-line growth and
as alarming, on the other, the underlying performance customers. Identified as a key turnaround area back in customer touchpoints to digital engagements with are expected to maintain this exciting momentum
was excellent, and all the groundwork done has 2016, Celcom has now shown significant improvement channel partners, suppliers and external networks. in 2019 and beyond. Each of these core digital
positioned us very well for our future. in its distribution, achieving the number one position In addition to that, we have also worked hard to businesses are now on an encouraging path
in Dealer Satisfaction nationwide in 2018. Since 2016, radically simplify and digitise our internal processes. towards profitability by 2020/2021
Let me start with a short financial summary. On constant its relentless focus on driving organisational and digital Since 2017, we have recorded between 45% and c. Infrastructure: With a consistent track record of
currency basis, adjusting for one-offs and excluding transformation has also produced encouraging results. 50% progress on both these fronts double-digit growth across all financial metrics
Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard (MFRS) 15 and 9, In parallel, Celcom continues to be recognised for its since its inception, we expect edotco to continue
revenue grew by 3.7% to RM25.3 billion whilst Earnings customer centricity, taking the top spot in Net Promoter 3. Transforming our Infrastructure & Platforms its “towering” growth story in 2019 and beyond
Before Interest, Tax Depreciation and Amortisation Score and being recognised by Forbes as one of the Complete modernisation and digitisation of our 4. The cash proceeds from the divestment of our stake
(EBITDA) rose 2%. Underlying Profit After Tax and “Top 10 Most Customer-Focused Companies in Asia”. network, IT and platforms involves new architecture, in M1 will strengthen our balance sheet, putting Axiata
Minority Interest (PATAMI) stood at RM1.2 billion. Axiata making them all Internet Protocol (IP), virtualisation in a more robust position to fund future growth
ended the year with a solid cash position of RM5.1 billion Meanwhile, XL is a great example of the competition and mostly software-driven, ensuring we pre-empt opportunities
and a very comfortable gross debt/EBITDA at 2.3x. punching above its weight. Despite the industry the demands of IR 4.0 as well as of advanced forms 5. The reclassification of our Indian asset as a pure
being mired by hyper competitive pressures from of video communications to include Augmented investment into the balance sheet means Idea’s
Now we peel through the numbers. I must say, one the mandatory prepaid SIM registration in 2018, XL’s Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Today we have performance will no longer drag our profitability. In
of our proudest achievements in 2018 is the excellent consistent strategy execution delivered exceptional enhanced the digitisation of our infrastructure and fact, there are now more upsides given our belief in
operational performance recorded by our six OpCos results. In a market which saw 84 million subscribers platforms by 30% the long-term future of the merged company
where all of them grew fastest in revenue relative to wiped out in 2018, XL managed to beat all its peers in 6. The strategic investments we secured for ada in
all industry players. Not just better than the average, Indonesia as the only MNO to have grown subscribers, 4. Organisation, Culture and Mindset Transformation 2018 acted as an external validation of our digital
but the best! Furthermore, four of them performed revenue and EBITDA by 2.6%, 0.4% and 2.3% Right at the core of an organisation is its people investments, which may translate to further upsides in
the best in EBITDA in their respective markets. This is a respectively. and culture. Digital Transformation would not be Axiata’s valuation. Additionally, this cash investment
stellar achievement and must be commended. successful without a completely modern workforce, will help to fund the future growth of our digital
The continued investment in XL’s 4G network organisation culture and mindset. We call it a businesses and prepare them on a self-funded path
We also took the decision in 2018 to significantly significantly improved both the user experience as well Modern, Agile and Digital, or a M.A.D. organisation. towards profitability by 2020/2021
‘clean-up’ our balance sheet through the most massive as the economics of providing mobile data services, We have achieved good momentum, improving by
non-cash write-off exercise ever to date, mainly especially in ex-Java. Its 4G coverage has now expanded 40% in our internal metrics for an Agile workforce While maintaining our long-term strategy and vision,
involving 2G and legacy assets in XL and Celcom, so in 2019/2020 the Group will focus more on profitable

to around 400 cities and areas, leading to double-
that we could have a nice start from 2019 onwards. digit growth in subscribers and revenue for ex-Java. growth and cash generation relative to revenue growth
With the disposal of M1 and the to strengthen our balance sheet and prepare for the
Unsurprisingly, XL ended the year as the most data- reclassification of your investment in
2018 was also the year we significantly reshaped our centric operator with 80% smartphone penetration and years ahead through our “Shifting Gear” initiatives
Vodafone Idea as non-strategic, what is which covers these eight measures:
portfolio, with the future in mind in six key areas: 82% data revenue contribution (4Q 2018). the effect to Axiata’s regional ambitions? 1. While expected to still deliver the industry revenue
1. Supported the merger of our associate, Idea, with
Are you looking for more footprint growth in their respective markets, our OpCos will
Vodafone India, to make the combined company At the same time, XL’s Dual Brand Strategy continues expansion? target to grow their EBITDA and profit relatively
the largest operator in India and one of the largest in to track well with both XL and Axis brands recording
the world all-time high Net Promoter Scores in 2018. At the faster than revenue and therefore, improve their
TSJI: Whilst we recognise the importance of respective profitability margins compared to 2018
2. Reclassified our investment in Idea from associate to Frost & Sullivan 2018 Asia Pacific ICT Awards, XL was footprint, we do not measure ourselves purely from a 2. Since the unveiling of the Group’s five-year Cost
simple investment as a result of the above, helping even recognised as the “Best Asia-Pacific Mobile Data footprint perspective. Having said that, despite the M1 Optimisation initiative back in 2017, close to RM3
to insulate our future profits while the merged Service Provider of the Year”. divestment, Axiata today still operates in 11 countries billion worth of savings have been delivered over the
company works on its integration
across ASEAN and South Asia, more than when we last two years. In 2019, our OpCos will continue to
3. Announced that our investment in M1 was no Moving forward, Celcom, XL, as well as our remaining first started. drive opex and capex efficiency in each market with
longer strategic, leading to the sale in 2019 and OpCos will be placing additional emphasis on improving
strengthening of our balance sheet profitability by delivering ambitious cost savings targets the long-term goal of achieving a cumulative savings
In terms of scope, we have also expanded significantly of RM5 billion by 2021
4. Executed our strategy to focus on three core digital and “sweating” their network to extract maximum value from the days of offering pure-play mobile 3. To improve profitability over the next two years, the
businesses and the recategorisation of the rest from existing sites. Additionally, we have identified communications services as our businesses have Group will have to reprioritise new investments with
of our digital ventures as non-core, leading to the three New Growth Areas which are expected to deliver transcended beyond mobile services to now include long payback unless we can find ways to moderate
strongest operational performance to date in 2018 double-digit growth for our Digital Telco pillar over the digital and infrastructure businesses. any short-term negative profit impact due to the
and the monetisation of non-core assets in 2019 next few years. This includes aggressively capturing the
5. Grew edotco further to be a material component of Home segment, expanding our reach in the Enterprise upfront Investment
In terms of size, we have in fact grown 2.4 times 4. To lower our risk and exposure, we will explore
the Group, positioning well for future dividends and segment and growing the high-margin digital value- compared to 10 years ago and in terms of reputation, if these investment opportunities can be funded
monetisation added services revenue stream. Axiata at present is a far more accomplished through strategic partnerships or financial investors
6. Embarked on new segments, which are Enterprise and
multinational company respected by global peers and 5. Following ada’s success in securing a valuation
Home, which will be the source of our future growth In summary, I am confident that all the stars have finally a recipient of numerous regional and global awards. and the M1 divestment, we will continue to review
aligned for both Celcom and XL to return to their peak
Despite the headlines, I am happy with 2018 even performances and stake a much stronger position in the prospects of monetising some of our existing
On future plans for footprint expansion, it all depends. investments for cash and validation without
though we could have done even better. their respective markets. We are not looking into new footprint expansion for compromising our long-term growth aspiration.

our core mobile services. However, for edotco, we are

Can you explain the cause for losses in 2018. Additionally, a key priority for all OpCos is to focus on
aggressively exploring organic and inorganic growth “sweating” existing assets to extract more value from
Are you worried? Will there be further write- opportunities, but within ASEAN and South Asia. For
offs, impairments or for that matter, potential each dollar of capital already deployed
DFS, we will restrict to our existing footprint but for 6. While we deliver further operational improvements in
surprises in the future?
FUTURE PLANS Digital Advertising and Digital Platform businesses,
we plan to be Pan-Asia regional and global players
2019, the changes in our industry landscape urgently
TSJI: The losses were overwhelmingly due to non-cash necessitate structural changes over the long-run such

accounting treatments, namely: as in-market consolidation and network sharing to

1. Idea related losses of RM3.9 billion which comprised preserve industry sustainability and at the same time,
Can you elaborate on Axiata’s vision and Axiata is known for its focus on people meet customers’ satisfaction. We will continue to
the following: strategy to be the New Generation Digital
a. RM358 million non-cash loss on dilution due to management. What are your plans to actively evaluate such opportunities
Champion, and how have you progressed? ready the organisation for the challenging 7. We undertook a major impairment in 2018
Axiata’s non-participation in Idea’s issuance of
new shares environment? by sunsetting legacy assets which will give us
TSJI: I am going to give a long answer to this as we have Depreciation and Amortisation (D&A) savings of
b. RM186 million share of losses from Idea prior to progressed quite a lot over the last 12 to 18 months.
Axiata’s derecognition of Idea as an associate TSJI: We are absolutely focused on people management approximately RM150 million per year
c. RM3.3 billion technical impairment from the and very proud of “putting our money where our 8. Correspondingly, the 2019 scorecard/KPIs for the
Our foundational response to the challenge was to mouth is”. In fact, more than just money, we spend Group as well as our OpCos have been aligned to
Idea reclassification exercise from associate to define our Triple Core Strategy, supplemented by
simple investment due to the merger of Idea with considerable management time and effort in this area. reflect the 2019/2020 “Shifting Gear” priorities
a Digital Transformation across all our businesses I personally invest a huge amount of my time in this

Vodafone India and operations. Let me first address the Triple Core
2. Non-cash asset write-off, impairment and area and have made ‘people development’ a priority in
Strategy: my role at Axiata. With the challenging industry landscape,
accelerated depreciation totalling RM1.8 billion, for 1. Transformation of our predominantly mobile what can Axiata do to increase its
2G and legacy assets operations into converged digital operators with By year end 2018, we had a pool of 174 top management shareholders’ value?
3. An impact of RM60 million purely due to change in leadership positions across Consumer, Home and
accounting standards talent and 513 middle management talent. From a
Enterprise segments mere 22% of our top leadership positions being filled TSJI: Volatilities in the current industry landscape and
4. Fair value of options and derivatives at RM298 million 2. Transformation of our three core digital business – internally during our first year of operations, by end macroeconomic environment have certainly made
5. Unfavourable forex translation impacted Normalised Digital Financial Services (DFS), Digital Advertising 2018, we grew this to 83%. Seven out of nine CEOs it more difficult to strike a balance between short-
PATAMI by RM120 million as the Ringgit Malaysia and Digital Platform to be candidates for “Unicorns” of our major OpCos have been internal appointments. term profitability and long-term growth. Nevertheless,
strengthened against several OpCo currencies by an 3. Transformation of our tower business, edotco, to be Since 2009, we have spent RM178 million purely on Axiata is confident we can achieve this balance and
average of 8% in 2018 a world-class player and one of the top five globally talent development programmes, to support what I increase shareholders’ value with our 2022 vision,
call, our “Talent Factory”. strategy and execution capabilities.
The cash impact came from realised foreign exchange I am proud to say we have made significant progress:
(forex) losses on borrowings, capital expenditure 1. In four of six markets, we have moved our operations However, as good as we are in people management, Basically, to increase our shareholders’ value, we must
(capex) and working capital amounting to RM213 million. from being MNO-focused to becoming converged we need to revamp almost everything that we have execute our Vision and Triple Core Strategy diligently
That is the only pain for us, but it is beyond our control. multi-play services providers across fixed services done before. While we started work as far back as in and in a timely manner. Effectively, these are our eight
delivery combined with video and content services. 2015/16, in 2018, we formalised the concept of M.A.D. strategic initiatives:
All things considered, the losses are worrying if Some are ahead of their plans, but some are a bit 1. First and foremost, in addition to strong operational
our investors are concerned solely by the headline behind This requires modernising our performance performance in all OpCos, we must step-up profitability
numbers, but not if they studied the excellent 2. Our focus on Enterprise Business has accelerated management systems and compensation structure, and return on investment. Cost optimisation is going
underlying performance of all our OpCos in 2018 and and we are elevating competencies across all reshaping our leadership competencies, talent to be key, hence, our aim to reduce costs by RM2
our strong balance sheet with a healthy gross debt/ markets. Similarly, some are ahead of their plans and management and development programmes, and, billion the next three years is critical. Our Return on
EBITDA level at 2.3x and cash balance of RM5.1 billion. others, a bit behind revamping our organisation and many others. Invested Capital (ROIC) in all our OpCos must be
3. Our three digital businesses have grown exponentially higher than their respective Weighted Average Cost
Obviously, we cannot rule out any future write-off or over the last few years: By 2018, we did all the above. We experimented of Capital (WACC) by 2021/2022
impairment, as accounting standards require us to a. Our Digital Advertising business, ada4, is today with a new performance management system called 2. Strong growth momentum must be retained across
regularly test the need for it. But barring any major one of the largest independent digital marketing “IGNITE” where we relooked our short and long- existing businesses with tangible contributions
external factors, we do not expect the magnitude to agencies across Asia, servicing over 200 large term compensation incentives and structures to be from new growth areas to our top-line – Home
be anything close to 2018. For the last 10 years, the accounts globally. The investment from Sumitomo implemented in 2019. We also enhanced our four Broadband, Enterprise Segments and Digital
average write-offs and accelerated depreciation were Corporation and ensuing valuation provided leadership competency quadrants, modified our Businesses. Fortunately, by 2018, our infrastructure/
around 1% of capex1 and an average of RM150 million further momentum in its ambition to become talent and development programmes, launched Axiata tower business has already been a sizeable
per year. the leading integrated digital advertising firm in Academy with a pilot in Celcom involving intelligent contributor to our revenue and profitability

Southeast Asia by 2022 learning technology platform, and changed the 3. All our operational drivers such as Network, IT,
Celcom and XL as the Group’s biggest b. Boost, our flagship DFS business is by far the organisation structure at many OpCos. Distribution, Products and Services, and Customer
contributors to revenue have had more largest e-wallet in Malaysia, in terms of users Services should be superior or at least at par to
than their share of challenges the last and merchant base. It continues to record We also implemented the Axiata Analytics Centre our nearest competitor but the digitisation of our
few years. Like their industry peers, healthy uptrends in both areas, recording 6x and and Axiata Digital Labs with the aim of attracting operations and organisations should clearly be
both companies have gone through a 24x growth respectively. By end 2018, it had and developing digitally-skilled talents to support our better than others
tumultuous period in that period. Are you 3.5 million users, and over 61,500 merchants. growth areas across the region. 4. Our business model and competitive difference
confident they have come around and Transaction value per user has grown 11x since it should be very clear for each OpCo to ensure
have what it takes to strengthen their first started. Boost is also available in Indonesia, sustainable market performance
positions? where it is focused on merchant services, and has 5. While operational performance is very important,
grown its base to more than 458,000 merchants it might not be sufficient. Some degree of industry
TSJI: Looking at the strategy, operational performance as at end 2018 consolidation and rationalisation in most markets is
and momentum gathered in the past year by both required and not just within the mobile industry, but
Celcom and XL, the answer is a yes. also within the broader converged industry – with or
without us
In the case of Celcom, it is now back on track as the 6. Our corporate portfolio will be restructured for
disciplined execution of its operational transformation optimum capital allocation for both sustainable and
yielded solid results in 2018. Amidst a saturated We are confident of retaining our leadership moderate growth and dividends
market, Celcom managed to outperform all its mobile 7. For long-term success, we must ensure strong
network operator (MNO) peers with a service revenue position in ASEAN and South Asia, in addition commitment to sustainability and exemplary
growth of 1.1%2 Year on Year (YoY) and a market share corporate citizenry
gain of 0.5 percentage point (ppt)3. It was also the to seeing promising growth and definitive 8. Lastly, we must evolve our whole organisation from
only MNO to have grown both prepaid and postpaid being a traditional telco to a Modern, Agile and
profit improvement moving into 2019 Digital (M.A.D.) organisation
Notes: I am confident if we do all the above, we will enhance
Capex base= Property, plant and equipment (PPE) carrying value
our shareholder value in a healthy, sustainable and
Growth numbers exclude MFRS 9 and 15 impact for 2018
Based on internal estimates responsible manner.
Axiata’s integrated digital marketing business, Axiata Digital Advertising Sdn. Bhd
Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 14

Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

In Conversation with the President & Group CEO

Axiata Integ rated Repor t 2018 | Ou r Bu s i ness


“Shifting Gear” towards

Profitability and Cash Focus
1 Focus on profit growth relatively more than revenue market 5 Monetise existing investments for cash and validation; and
share growth ‘sweat’ existing assets

Spotlight on opex and capex efficiency - RM5 billion savings Accelerate structural changes through industry consolidation,
2 6 network sharing and productivity initiatives
over five years

Reprioritise or re-scope some investments with long Aggressive Network and IT Modernisation to drive data
3 payback (unless short-term financial impact from upfront 7 leadership and improve its economics
investment requirement can be mitigated)

4 Fund investments in new growth areas mostly through 8 Reflect the above in 2019 KPIs for the Group and all OpCos
strategic partnerships or financial investors
Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis


During the year, Axiata successfully concluded its most massive portfolio rationalisation of M1 from an associate to assets held-for-sale and one-off non-cash asset write-off,
with reclassification of Idea from an associate to simple investment, reclassification impairment and accelerated depreciation as a result of network modernisation.

Revenue PATAMI

• In 2018, Ringgit Malaysia strengthened against all regional currencies leading to • Group’s PATAMI dropped to a loss position of RM5.0 billion as it absorbed the
an adverse forex translation impact for the Group. Group revenue declined 2.1% to one-off, non-cash, technical items mainly Idea-related losses of RM3.9 billion, the
RM23.9 billion RM1.8 billion assets write-off, impairment and accelerated depreciation as a result of
• At constant currency, Group revenue grew 6.2% for the year on the back of growth network modernisation primarily at XL and Celcom, and forex and derivatives losses of
from most of its subsidiaries RM0.5 billion
• All six OpCos delivered highest revenue growth in their respective markets. • Adjusting for one-off items, Group normalised PATAMI stood at net profit of RM1.0 billion
edotco and Dialog, in particular, achieved double digit growth of 13.3% and 15.9% • The diagram below depicts the bridging of 2018 PATAMI results to normalised
respectively at constant currency PATAMI and underlying PATAMI:
• Data continued to register a strong growth and contributed 51.8% of service Assets
revenue which increased 6.4 percentage points (ppt) from 45.4% in 2017 write-off,
impairment & Forex &
Idea-related accelerated derivatives Normalised MFRS Forex Underlying
PATAMI losses depreciation losses Others PATAMI 15 & 9 translation PATAMI

0.5 0.2 0.06 0.1 1.2
• As consequence of the strengthening Ringgit Malaysia, Group EBITDA declined 1.0
RM billion
9.7% from RM9.2 billion to RM8.3 billion, while EBITDA margin retracted 2.9 ppt
from 37.8% to 34.9%
• Excluding foreign currency translation impact, drop in EBITDA narrowed
to 1.0% 1.8
• Four OpCos recorded the highest EBITDA growth in their respective markets

-5.0 3.9

Cost Optimisation

• In 2018, the Cost Optimisation programme incrementally delivered RM1.5 billion of savings and avoidance across the Group, aided by over 175 distinct initiatives
• The programme has been carefully balanced between capital expenditure (capex) and operating expenditure (opex), with each contributing nearly 50% of overall savings delivery
• While most of these savings originated from the Network domain (capex and opex), traction is building up from digitisation, IT and sales and marketing, reflecting well for the future
• On profit and loss impact for 2018, the programme has helped expand (underlying) EBIT by 2.7%, which in turn, has mitigated the impact of the Group’s network and other
investments (on a constant currency basis)
• The Group continues to progress well on the RM5 billion goal by 2021, having achieved more than half the target within the first two of five years

Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 15
Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 16

Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis


As at 31 December 2018, the Group’s balance sheet held up steadily against the barrage of external challenges to maintain its strong investment grade rating with gross debt/
EBITDA of 2.3x, and a solid cash position of RM5.1 billion.
Key Highlights of Group Balance Sheet

Total equity decreased by RM7.3 billion • Associates decreased by RM7.7 billion to Capital Investments Capital Structure and Capital Resources
RM266.5 million due to:
• Total equity stood at RM23.2 billion - reclassification of Idea from associate to • The Group has spent RM6.1 billion, or 26% of • The Group’s debt to equity gearing ratio
• The decrease in equity balance in 2018 was Financial assets at fair value through other revenue in capital asset investment for the (gross Group borrowings over Group’s
caused by: comprehensive income; and year to support its continuous growth. These total equity) recorded at 0.82x as at
- Loss for the financial year of RM5.2 billion - reclassification of M1 from associate to investments were sourced from internal 31 December 2018 compared to 0.63x the
- Negative impact to reserve from: Assets Held-for-sale generated funds previous year
- Dividend of RM0.9 billion; • As a result of adoption of MFRS 15, the Group • In line with the vision to be the New
- Negative translation impact of recorded contract assets of RM0.2 billion Generation Digital Champion, the Group is Capital Allocation and Balanced Portfolio
investment in subsidiaries and associates • Deposits, cash and bank balances decreased continuing with the execution of the Axiata
amounting to RM1.4 billion; by RM1.7 billion to RM5.1 billion mainly due to 3.0 Triple Core Strategy comprising of three • Axiata continually strives to maximise
- Revaluation of Idea post reclassification cash outflow from investing activities pillars, namely Digital Telco, Digital Business shareholders return, with an approach of
as simple investment of RM0.6 billion; and Infrastructure balancing portfolio within the Triple Core
- RM101.7 million adjustment arising from Gross liabilities increased by RM1.2 billion • In the short-term, the Group is placing an Strategy
the adoption of MFRS 15 and MFRS 9; and immediate emphasis on “Shifting Gear” • Capital is allocated in line with the strategy,
- Partially negated by gain on partial • Total liabilities stood at RM40.6 billion towards profitable growth and cash focus which in 2018 predominantly focused on
disposal and dilution of subsidiaries of • Gross borrowing reduced by RM54.2 million to • Axiata’s focus will be on the following: portfolio rationalisation
RM0.8 billion close at RM19.1 billion due to loan repayments - Capex and opex efficiencies; • The Group follows a balanced approach
and foreign exchange translation, partly - Reprioritisation and monetisation of towards moderate growth and moderate
Total assets decreased by RM6.1 billion offset against new loan investments; dividend
• Trade and other payables increased by - Acceleration of structural changes to
• Total assets balance stood at RM63.9 billion RM1.2 billion arising from network investment achieve an optimal portfolio spanning the
• Intangible assets decreased by RM1.2 billion • As a result of adoption of MFRS 15, the Group core business, Enterprise, Home, digital
due to: recorded contract liabilities of RM1.3 billion business and infrastructure;
- Amortisation of intangible assets of which include deferred revenue reported - Higher profit growth relative to top-line,
RM836.8 million and further diminished by previously reflecting the rigorous cost optimisation
RM839.1 million from translation; programme to exceed the RM5 billion cost
- Adjustment of RM192.5 million from Cash Position and Dividends target for the period spanning 2017 till
adoption of MFRS 15; and 2021; and
- Partly offset with intangible asset from • The Group cash balance remained healthy - Continue legacy objective to win the
newly acquired subsidiary and additions and stable at RM5.1 billion market whilst sweating its assets
during the year amounting to RM132.5 • As compared to 2017, the decrease in cash • In the meantime, the Group remains cautious
million and RM502.8 million respectively balance by RM1.7 billion was the result of: of challenges in the telco industry and macro
• Property, plant and equipment increased by - cash dividend payment landscape, with heightened regulatory,
RM380.5 million driven by: - capital investment in network political and competitive environments
- New capital investments on - repayment of loans expected in some of the Group markets
telecommunication network; and • Based on normalised performance, the of operation, in addition to the prolonged
- Partially netted off with depreciation, Board of Directors had, on 22 February 2019 uncertainties on global and regional
impairment, written off and foreign declared dividend of 4.5 sen per ordinary economic outlooks
exchange translation losses during the share making total dividend of 9.5 sen, which
financial year which include RM1.8 billion of represents dividend payout ratio of 85%
one-off assets written off, impairment and
accelerated depreciation
Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis


On 22 February 2018, the Group announced its Headline Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) guidance for the financial year ended 31 December 2018. The Group’s 2018 Headline
KPIs announced were as follows:

FY 2018 FY2018 FY2018 FY2018 FY2018

Statutory Headline KPIs Achievement Headline KPIs Achievement
Headline KPIs
Post MFRS 15 & 9
Pre MFRS 15 & 9 @ Bloomberg rate Pre MFRS 15 & 9 @ constant currency
@ actual currency
Revenue Growth (%) -2.1% Flat -4.4% 6.3% 3.7%
EBITDA Growth (%) -9.7% Flat -6.1% 5.8% 2.0%
Return on Invested Capital (“ROIC”) (%) 1.3% 4.8% - 5.2% 5.4% 5.0% - 5.5% 5.6%
Return on Capital Employed (“ROCE”) (%) 1.2% 4.1% - 4.6% 4.7% 4.5% - 5.0% 4.9%

Constant rate is based on the FY17 Average Forex Rate (e.g. 1 USD = RM4.30), Bloomberg rate is based on 2018 Forex Forecast as at 24th January 2018 (e.g. 1 USD = RM3.90)

2018 has been a challenging year for the Group. On a Statutory basis, the Group posted Revenue From August 2018, the Group has guided the market based on Adjusted Headline KPIs, which
and EBITDA growth of -2.1% and -9.7% Year on Year (YoY), while ROIC and ROCE stood at 1.3% excludes the impact from Deodar (acquisition in Pakistan) uplift and Idea related losses. On a like
and 1.2% respectively. for like basis, the Group’s FY2018 underlying achievement is above the Adjusted Headline KPIs
(post normalisation from forex translation losses, MFRS 15 and 9, all Idea related losses, assets
Externally, the Group was materially affected by the strengthening of the Ringgit Malaysia which write-off and restructuring costs i.e. Celcom Employee Life Plan (ELP)).
resulted in lower translated results, as well as from the adoption of Malaysian Financial Reporting
Standards 15 and 9 (MFRS 15 and 9). The Group also recorded losses from Idea investments and
one-off assets write-off due to modernisation and technical obsolescence.

On the back of a declining industry in Malaysia, Celcom gained revenue market share in FY2018.
FY2018 FY2018
Meanwhile, XL weathered the SIM registration impact significantly better than peers, with top-line
Adjusted Headline KPIs Adjusted Headline KPIs Underlying Achievement
growth in a contracting Indonesian market, demonstrating its successful transformation agenda
(Pre MFRS 15 & 9 @ constant currency) and uplift from its expansion outside Java. Dialog and Robi recorded impressive Revenue and
EBITDA growth, whilst Ncell, Smart and edotco continued to deliver excellent performance. Digital
Revenue Growth (%) 2.8% 3.7%
Businesses however, impacted the Group’s profitability, but tracked better than expected.
EBITDA Growth (%) 1.7% 2.0%
ROIC (%) 5.0% - 5.5% 5.6%* Overall, Axiata recorded good underlying performance, pushed by its Group-wide cost initiatives
ROCE (%) 4.3% - 4.8% 4.9%* which delivered RM1.5 billion optimisation, well ahead of 2018 target of RM1.4 billion, in this difficult
Capex** RM7.2 billion RM6.7 billion

* Achievement based on exclusion of all Idea related losses
** Capex is not a headline KPI

Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 17
Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 18

Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis


Axiata Axiata closed 2018 as the tenth largest company on the

FBMKLCI FBMKLCI in terms of market capitalisation at RM35.6 billion.
From 2009 to 2018, Axiata’s share price had increased 59%
6.00 1,950
while the FBMKLCI had increased 93%.
5.00 In 2018, Axiata’s share price dropped 28% to close at RM3.93
1,850 on 31 December 2018, underperforming the FBMKLCI which
decreased by 6%.
4.00 1,800

1,750 Foreign shareholdings increased marginally to 10.5% as at end

3.00 2018, compared to 10.0% in the preceding year.
Axiata’s share price performance during the year was largely
2.00 1,650 impacted by external headwinds. A challenging operating
environment for telecommunications players in the region also
1.00 weighed on Axiata’s share price performance in 2018.
Axiata FBMKLCI 1,550

0.00 1,500
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


8.00 2,000


4.00 1,000

1.00 200
0.00 0
Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13 Jan-14 Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18
Integ rated Annua l Repor t 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis


Axiata declared a 9.5 sen per share single tier dividend (including interim dividend of 5 sen per share The Board remains committed to our:
paid last year) in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2018, implying a Dividend Payout Dividend policy: The Company intends to pay dividends of at least 30% of its consolidated
Ratio (DPR) of 85%. 2018 Dividend Per Share (DPS) of 9.5 sen is modest but higher than 2016 of 8.0 normalised PATAMI and endeavours to progressively increase the payout ratio over a period
sen and 2017 of 8.5 sen. of time, subject to a number of factors including business prospects, capital requirements and
surplus, growth/expansion strategy, considerations for non-recurring items and other factors
considered relevant by the Board
Investor proposition: Our value proposition to investors of “moderate growth and moderate

One-off Special
Step increase in DPR Dividend, on top of Increase in DPR, in Increase in DPR, in Increase in DPR, in Decrease in DPR for Increase in DPR, in Increase in DPR,
Inaugural dividend with the growth in increased ordinary line with progressive line with progressive line with progressive prudent and strategic tandem with strong back to 2015 level as
announcement Group Net FCF DPR dividend policy dividend policy dividend policy reasons overall performance committed

Dividend Yield = 2.1% Dividend Yield = 3.9% Dividend Yield = 5.5% Dividend Yield = 3.3% Dividend Yield = 3.2% Dividend Yield = 3.1% Dividend Yield = 1.5% Dividend Yield = 1.7% Dividend Yield = 2.1%
Total Dividend = Total Dividend = Ordinary Dividend = Total Dividend = Total Dividend = Total Dividend = Total Dividend = Total Dividend = Total Dividend =
RM0.9bn RM1.5bn RM1.9bn RM1.9bn RM1.9bn RM1.8bn RM0.7bn RM0.8bn RM0.9bn
DPS2 = 10 sen DPS = 19 sen Ordinary DPS = 23 sen DPS = 22 sen DPS = 22 sen DPS = 20 sen DPS = 8 sen DPS = 8.5 sen DPS = 9.5 sen
Special Dividend =
Special DPS = 12 sen
Total DPS = 35 sen

84% 85% 85%

70% 64%


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

¹ DPR - Dividend payout ratio

DPS - Dividend per share

Our Business Statements and Analysis Our Strategy The Value We Create Our Performance Our Governance Other Information 19

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