Electronic Circuits Ii Unit 1

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• Feedback is one of the fundamental processes in electronics. It is defined as the process

whereby a portion of the output signal is fed to the input signal in order to form a part of
the system-output control.

• Feedback is used to make the operating point of a transistor insensitive to both

manufacturing variations in as well as temperature.

• There is another type of feedback called positive or regenerative feedback in which the
overall gain of the amplifier is increased. Positive feedback is useful in oscillators and while
establishing the two stable states of flip-flop.
Advantage of Feedback System:

• The feedback system has many advantages especially in the

control of impedance levels, bandwidth improvement, and in rendering the
circuit performance relatively insensitive to manufacturing as well as to
environmental changes.

• These are the advantages of negative or degenerative feedback

in which the signal feedback from output to input is 180 out of phase with the
applied excitation. It increases bandwidth and input impedance, and lowers
the output impedance.
• The block diagram of a basic feedback
amplifier consists of five basic elements.
These are:
1. Input signals
2. Output signals
3. Sampling Network
4. Comparison or Summing Network.
5. Basic Amplifier
Block diagram of a basic feedback
Basic elements of feedback amplifier:
Input Signal:
The signal source is modeled either by a voltage source Vs in
series with a resistance Rs , or by a current source Is in parallel
with a resistance Rs.
Output Signal:
The output can either be the voltage across the load
resistance or the current through it. It is the output signal that is
desired to be independent of the load and insensitive to
parameter variations in the basic amplifier.
Sampling Network:
The function of the sampling network is to provide a
measure of the output signal, i.e., a signal that is proportional to
the output. This configuration is called shunt connection.
In Fig. 9-2(b) the output current is sampled and the
output port of the feedback network is connected in series with
the load. This is a series connection.
Measurement of the output voltage &
Basic elements of feedback amplifier:
• Comparison or Summing Network:
The two very common networks used for the summing of the input and
feedback signals are displayed in Fig. 9-3.
• The circuit shown in Fig. 9-3(a) is a series connection and it is used to compare
the signal voltage Vs and feedback signal Vf .

• The amplifier input signal Vi is proportional to the voltage difference Vs -Vf that
results from the comparison. A differential amplifier is used for comparison as its output
voltage is proportional to the difference between the signals at the two inputs.
• A shunt connection is shown in Fig. 9-3(b) in which the source current Is and
feedback current If are compared. The amplifier input current Ii is proportional to the
difference Is If .
Basic elements of feedback amplifier:
• Basic Amplifier:

The basic amplifier is one of the important parts of the feedback

• The circuit amplifies the difference signal that results from
comparison and this process is responsible for de-sensitivity and control of the
output in a feedback system.
A comparative study of the advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback illustrates the basic
properties of negative feedback.

Negative feedback has the following advantages:

(i) Negative feedback increases the input impedance of the voltage amplifier.
(ii) The output impedance of the voltage amplifier can be further lowered by negative
(iii) The transfer gain Af of the amplifier with a feedback can be stabilized against the
variations of h or hybrid parameters of the transistors, or the parameters of the other active
devices used in the amplifier.
(iv) Negative feedback increases the frequency response and the bandwidth of the amplifier.
(v) Negative feedback increases the linear range of operation of the
(vi) Negative feedback causes reduction in noise.
(vii) Phase distortion is reduced.
Block diagram of ideal feedback amplifier:
Table of Signals and transfer ratios in
feedback amplifiers:
• The input signal Xs , the output signal Xo , the feedback
signal Xf and the difference signal Xi each represent either a voltage or a
• The symbol indicated by the circle with the summation sign enclosed
within (see Fig. 9-4), represents the summing network whose output is
the algebraic sum of inputs.
• Thus, for a positive feedback, we get:
Xi = Xs + Xf ………………………………(9-1)
• The signal Xi , representing the output of the summing network is the
amplifier input Xi . If the feedback signal Xf is 180 out of phase with the
input Xs—as is true in negative feedback systems—then Xi is a difference
signal. Therefore, Xi decreases as | Xf | increases.
The reverse transmission of the feedback network is defined by:
β =Xf / Xa …………….(9-2)
 The transfer function is a real number, but in general it is a function of
frequency. The gain of the basic amplifier A is defined as:
A=Xo /Xi …………..(9-3)
 Now, from Eq. (9-1), we get: Xi =Xs / Xf
 Substituting the value of Xf from Eq. (9-2) as Xf Xo in Eq. (9-1), we get:
Xi =Xs+ Xf = Xs+β Xo .............(9-3a)
 From Eq. (9-3) we get:: Xo= A*Xi …………….(9-3b)
 Substituting the value of Xi from Eq. (9-3a), we get:
Xo = A*Xi = A(Xs+ Xo) = AXs+AβXo
or, Xo (1-Aβ) = AXs
Or, Xo /X s=A/(1-Aβ) …………….(9-3c)
 The feedback gain Af is obtained from Eq. (9-3c) as:
Af = Xo /Xs = A/(1-Aβ) ……………….(9-4)
 we can represent the feedback gain as:
Loop Gain or Return Ratio:
• The signal ˆXi in Fig. 9-4 is multiplied by gain A when passing through the
amplifier and by in transmission through the feedback network. Such a path takes us
from the amplifier input around the loop consisting of the amplifier and the feedback
network. The product, A, is called the loop gain or return ratio T.
• Equation (9-4) can be written in terms of AOL and T as:

• For negative feedback, –A β= T > 0,We can give a physical interpretation for the return
ratio by considering the input signal Xs = 0, and keeping
the path between Xi and Xˆi open. If a signal Xˆi is now applied to the amplifier input,
then Xi =Xf = Aβ.

• The return ratio is then the negative of the ratio of the feedback signal to the
amplifier input. Often the quantity F= 1+Aβ= 1+T is referred to as the return difference.
If negative feedback is considered then both F and T are greater than zero.
There are four basic amplifier types. Each of these is being approximated by the
characteristics of an ideal controlled source. The four feedback topologies are as
1. Series-shunt feedback
2. Series-series feedback
3. Shunt-series feedback
4. Shunt-shunt feedback

The alternative nomenclature used is as follows:

1. Voltage-series or series-shunt feedback
2. Current-series or series-series feedback
3. Current-shunt or shunt-series feedback
4. Voltage-shunt or shunt-shunt feedback
Voltage amplifiers with voltage-series
• The input voltage Vi of the basic amplifier is the algebraic sum of
input signal Vs and the feedback signal Vo , where Vo is the output voltage.
Current-Series or Series-Series
• Trans-conductance feedback amplifier provides an output current
Io which is proportional to the input voltage Vs . The feedback signal is the voltage
Vf , which is added to Vs at the input of the basic amplifier.
Current amplifi ers with current-shunt
• The current-shunt feedback amplifier, supplies an output current Io
which is proportional to the input current Ii . This makes it a current amplifier.
• The feedback signal is the current if the input current of the basic
amplifier is Ii = Is + If and the output current is Io = I L.
Voltage-Shunt or Shunt-Shunt
• The voltage-shunt or shunt-shunt feedback amplifier provides an
output voltage Vo in proportion to the input current Is. The input current Ii of the
basic amplifier is the algebraic sum of Is and the feedback current If .
• Feedback is applied with the objective of improving the
performance of an amplifier. The operation of an amplifier is regulated by
controlling the gain and impedance.
• The effect of feedback on gain and impedance for the different
topologies—voltage-series, current-series, current-shunt, voltage-shunt—are
discussed in the following sections.
Effect of Feedback on Input Impedance
• Voltage-series feedback:
• Input Impedance with the feedback is:
Z if = VS / Ii
and VS = Ii Z i +Vf = I i Z i +βVo
• Using voltage divider rule, we get:
Vo =AVVi ZL /Z0 ZL = AV Ii ZL
• Where, Ii =Vi /Z0 +ZL
Now, Vo = AV Ii ZL=AV Vi
• Or AV =Vo /Ii
• The input impedance without feedback is:
Zi =Vi /Ii.
Effect of Feedback on Input Impedance
 Current-series feedback:
 In a similar manner as for voltage series, for current series feedback
we obtain:
Zif = Zi (1+β YM ) ……….(9-11a)
 where, YM is the short-circuit trans-admittance without feedback
considering the load impedance, and is given by:
 YM = Io /Vi
 Ym Zo /(Z0+ ZL) …………(9-11b)
 where, Y m is the short-circuit trans-admittance without feedback.
 From Eq. (9-11a) it is clear that for series mixing
 Z if >Z i.
Current-shunt feedback circuit:
Current-shunt feedback to calculate input
and output resistance:
• Current-shunt feedback:
• Figure 9-10 shows the current-shunt feedback in which the amplifier
is replaced by its Norton equivalent circuit. If Ai is the short-circuit current gain
then from Fig. 9-10:
• Is = Ii + If =Ii +βI0 …………….…..(9-12)
• And Io = AiIi /Z 0 ZL =AI Ii ………………...(9-13)
• Where, Ai= Io /II = AiZo / Z 0 + ZL ………………. (9-14)
• From Eqs. (9-12) and (9-13) we have: IS = Ii(1+βAI ) ………….. (9-15)
• Z if =Vi/ I S
• and Zi =Vi /I i
• Using Eq. (9-15) we obtain:
• Z if = Vi / Ii (1 +β AI ) = Zi /(1+βAI) ………………….(9-16)
• where, Ai represents the short-circuit current gain.
Voltage-shunt feedback to calculate input
and output resistance:
• Voltage-shunt feedback:
• For voltage-shunt feedback, proceeding in a similar way as we have
done in the previous sections, we obtain:
• Zif =Zi /(1+βZ M ) …………….(9-17a)
• where, Z M is the trans-impedance without feedback considering the load, and is
given by: Z M = Vo / I I = Z M Z L /(Z 0 +Z L )
• (9-17b)
• where, Z M is the open-circuit trans-impedance without feedback.
• From Eq. (9-17 b) it is clear that for shunt comparison Z if < Z I .
Effects of Feedback on Output
Effects of Feedback on Output
Effects of Feedback on Output
Effects of Feedback on Output
Effects of Feedback on Output
Effects of Feedback on Output
• 1) Voltage-series Feedback
Using Transistor:
• The emitter-
follower circuit, as shown
in Fig. 9-11 is an example
of voltage-series feedback.
The feedback signal Vf and
the output signal Vo are
both voltage quantities.
Hybrid equivalent circuit of practical
voltage-series feedback amplifier:
• To determine the gain of the basic
amplifier without feedback we should consider Vo = 0
for the input loop and Ib = 0 for the output loop so
that we obtain the approximate hybrid equivalent
circuit, as given in Fig. 9-12.
Current-Series Feedback using
Voltage-Shunt Feedback Using
• In the circuit given in Fig. 9-15, the input
current is proportional to the output voltage Vo.
Voltage-Shunt Feedback Using
• To determine the gain of the basic
amplifier we consider that Rf is open-circuited and we
can draw the approximate h-parameter equivalent
circuit as shown in Fig. 9-16.
Voltage-Shunt Feedback Using
Current-Shunt Feedback Using
A simple current-shunt feedback amplifier is shown in Fig. 9-17.
Current-Shunt Feedback Using
• The sensitivity of transfer gain of the feedback
amplifier AF with respect to the variations in the internal amplifier
gain A is defined as the ratio of the fractional change in gain with
the feedback to the fractional change in gain without the feedback.

• The gain sensitivity S of the feedback amplifier is given by:

where, dAf /Af = fractional change in gain with the

feedback; dA/A = fractional change in gain without the feedback.

The inverse or reciprocal of sensitivity is called De-Sensitivity.

De-Sensitivity (D)
indicates the fraction by
which the voltage gain has
been reduced due to

From Eq. (9-37) we can directly conclude that the transfer gain can
be made dependent entirely on the feedback network . The gain A is not
constant and depends on the frequency. This means that at certain high or low
frequencies |A| will be much larger than unity. The gain A of single-pole
transfer function is given by:

A0 is the mid-band gain without the feedback and fH is the high

frequency (where A0 is decreased by 3 dB).
The gain A of the single pole amplifier with the feedback is obtained from Eq. (9-4) and (9-38)
Instability and Oscillation:
• If an amplifier is designed to have negative feedback in a
particular frequency range but breaks into oscillation at some high or low
frequency, it is useless as an amplifier.
• While designing the amplifier, it must be ensured that the circuit
is stable at all frequencies and not merely over the frequency range of

• The stability of a circuit lies in the pole of the transfer function of

the circuit, which also determines the transient response of the circuit .
• A pole existing with a positive real part will result in a signal
disturbance increasing with time.
• So the condition to be satisfied, if a system is to be stable, is that
the poles of the transfer function must all lie in the left-hand half of the
complex-frequency plane.
Nyquist Criterion:
Condition of Oscillation:
Barkhausen Criterion:
Barkhausen Criterion:

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