Aleksandr Dugin - Esoteric Initiatory and Metaphysical Iinterpretation of Orthodox Faith

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Esoteric initiatory and metaphysical INTERPRETATION OF ORTHODOX faith.

The text of the Creed:

1. "I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and

2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages
rozhdenennogo; Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with
the Father, by Whom all things were made;

3. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy
Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man;

4. crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.

5. And He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.

6. vozshedshago to heaven at the right hand of the Father and sedyascha.

7. packs graduschago with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end.

8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the
Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, Who spoke by the prophets.

9. In One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

10. I acknowledge is one baptism for the remission of sins.

11. I look for the resurrection of the dead,

12. And the life of the world. Amen."

Paragraph 1. "I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all things
visible and invisible."

One God. The transcendental principle. The original Absolut.

Creation - the first-division: Heaven - Earth. Between them - a host of existing cases of overt and
covert, visible and invisible, "all". Total and absolute reason. The main postulate, able to be
interpreted in such a way as it is convenient at this stage of theological assertions and how Creation
(alienation) and as a manifestation of (self-discovery). From the first interpretation (creation) is
displayed dualistically-creationist-exoteric perspective. From the second interpretation
(Manifestations) - Perspective srodnennosti first principles and his revelation in the form of Being.
(This corresponds to the doctrine of Islam, "Wahdat al-wujud", ie immanentist-esoteric approach).
Orthodox contemplation tends to ensure that even the principle of Creation attributed to the
"manifestations", but the main line and the eastern and western theology insists nevertheless on
"Creation" as alienation, following the Jewish theory. Otherwise, theological set of "functions"
incarnation of the Holy Trinity - Creation, Birth, The procession - in the sense of "nesliyannosti"
simply would not make sense (it has no sense this division in the Islamic esotericism, where God
never appears as a distant Creator, but always as a close and the inner, hidden subject, "friend", in
the terminology of some Sufi schools.)

Christian hierarchization three terms: Creation of the Father, The birth of the Son, procession of the
Holy Spirit, (obviously, that the Father is the active principle in all senses, and the Son and the Holy
Spirit is passive in relation to the Father - so especially in Orthodoxy) gives three stage possible
relations cause - effect, principle - its implementation, from the most alienated relationship Creator-
creation (pure dualism of exoteric), through a partial exclusion, but at the same time, the "blood"
relationship Birthday Son (Son, and the one with the Father, " by him all things were made, "and
separated from him, that he - an independent entity that - is equivalent to the statement in
paragraph Creation rejection of intimacy with the Creator, which is broken exclusion Act) and, finally,
to the pure manifestation, the procession of the Spirit ie to the outpouring of the very substance of
the Creator, Creation organizing parallel manifestation, ie, Holy, Light Space, not lost due to the
reason, the Cosmos reasons (pure esotericism, the approval of Divine Unity and Oneness, the
mystery of "tawhid" in Sufism). Thus Christian dogma establishes three steps way from distant to
near and discovers his abundant fullness of initiation and its main stages.

The first stage - the first point of the "Formula of Faith" - is a postulation on the other side of Being
organized its reasons. Adoption of the Transcendent Principle. Yet in a totally apophatic (negative)
terms - is the Creator of Creation. Next follows logically towards the coveted uncreated center of
Creation - the Son, and finally complete srastvorenie with the Father in the vastness of the Holy Spirit
- in this sense we must understand the words of St. John the Divine, "God is Spirit." This is the basic
logic of the Orthodox Christian initiation. And all of this is concentrated in the first paragraph
"Creed." Other items explain its more specific aspects.

Paragraph 2. "And in one Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, begotten, begotten of the Father before all
ages; Light of Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father, by
Whom all things were made;"

Father - God is transcendent. Christ - the Word, Lord, Lord, Lord, and immanent center. He -
uncreated and born "before all ages", because it has no common measure with the alienated
Creation: He was always with the Father as the Father of the Logos. He - the order of creation. He -
the essence of Heaven, Earth Organizer, oduhotvoritel visible and invisible. He - uncreated axis
running through the Creation from the very top to the very bottom. Above It - the Word, the Son. In
the middle - the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah. Below - Jesus the Man, the Son of Man.
Therefore, in principle, and the description of the birth predvremennom Light of Light, the Son is
called not only "Christ", but also "Jesus". Vnetvarnaya World Axis timeless applies to the land where
her secret name - "Jesus." This name exists before the Incarnation. It is given to the Word
immediately upon off-time of birth. Middle World, where shines the name of Christ - a world of
"visible and invisible", especially "invisible" spirits, the subtle essences, shower.

At this stage, "Creed," we have the Creator and the Creation of the first paragraph, and arranged, but
now alienated Creation permeated the uncreated Axis, Axis Salvation. Inside Creation paved beyond.
Jesus said: "I - am the Way and the Truth." Son - is a way beyond the creation. It is quite obvious that
in the first paragraph, as soon as the second follows him, Creation meant alienation, but then given
and the way to overcome this alienation. Father - it is only God the Almighty. Son - is also God and
Lord. The first purely transcendental, and the second - transcendent-immanent, or, more precisely,
the immanent transcendent.

Item 3: "for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy
Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man;"

There is a third person of the Trinity - the Holy Spirit, even though it continues to go about his Son.
(Specially Holy Spirit is dedicated to the 8th paragraph). The dogma of the Incarnation. Logic: the Son
comes down from heaven, where it is called "the Son," the Word. But he incarnates on Earth not
directly, but by the Holy Spirit. So, the average world - including "invisible", where the name "Christ"
was a fusion, a combination with the Holy Spirit, the light cosmos. Here the mystery. On the one
hand, initiatory and contemplative Christianity, discarding the "Filioque," says that the Holy Spirit
comes only and directly from the Father, that exactly corresponds to the logic of initiation (as seen
above), its final stage, where he "God is a Spirit." On the other hand, the Holy Spirit often replaces
Son in Genesis, Genesis consolation ( "Comforter", "Paraclete"), when the Son of hiding or heralds his
arrival, when the Son has not yet finds himself (ie "verb prophets"). So the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the
Living, and remains "on" and the Son "under" him. Their relationships are constantly changing,
depending on what kind of plan of Genesis is at stake. That He is the celestial conductor of His
Incarnation, that is, It replaces it with "the Father," that, on the contrary, "replaces" He himself
through the flames, snisshedshie on the apostles after the Ascension, ie "Down" when the Son
"lifted", etc. Initiatory one can say that the Holy Spirit is and between the Father and the Son, and of
the Son and Creation. Inside the Creation He always is "invisible" to "visible". Therefore, in the
Incarnation of the Son, the Holy Spirit supersedes all invisible in its essential dimension. - On average,
the world of the Son-Christ clothed in the "dress" of the Holy Spirit as He moved here to the
discovery of the very "creaturely" of the Creation, in the "visibility" of the worlds.

Here in the 3rd paragraph is referred to, and Virgin. So, It should also be linked with the Holy Spirit.
And there is. Firstly, in Hebrew the word "spirit," "Ruach" - feminine. Secondly, the Virgin Mary is
"predstatelnitsey mainly" like the Holy Spirit fills "intermediate" features "comforting, BE,
predicting". Thirdly, the Virgin Mary - this is a light Space. To apply it troparia many definitions of the
Holy Spirit. Fourth, the Virgin becomes the matriarch of the Assumption after the Angels in place of
the fallen Lucifer and the angelic realms - the invisible worlds - the traditional patrimony of the Holy

In addition, the Virgin Mary - is the Earth, the human substance, the lower limit of Creation. Here
Jesus first, chelovechivaetsya. Flesh becomes the Word and Christ, as well as pre-existing "earthly"
name of Jesus. This act finally approved and, most importantly, it is found, it becomes "visible" the
whole axis of the world, and this means that the possibility of salvation is given to all, and even the
lowest stages of Creation - "The Man". "I came to save the lost."

The first three items, "the Creed" provide an absolute and complete image of Metaphysics, as well as
indicate the essence of initiation in its fundamental stages. Salvation (initiatory understood as "the
liberation of Creation" as "supernaturally Deification") men carried out in three stages:
- Involvement in the uncreated incarnate Axis for Peace through the Holy Spirit (remember that it
is between the Creation - in this case between people, creatures, and the Son, Jesus, perfect man,
the New Adam). This is - the mystery of the Eucharist, which should be the material (since we are
talking about the lower world and the manifestation of the Son in that world) and intangible
(because there are laws parallel Cosmos of Light invisible world, the forces of the Holy Spirit );

- Through the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ there is srastvorenie, with a pure and over-the
material of the Holy Spirit in itself, rather than its manifestations. This second phase can be called
"investment in the cover of the Holy Spirit," "spiritualization of the flesh." This is - the actual
identification of the Son of God in all its Fullness and light, it's - "Birth" over the transition from state
to state createdness birth;

- The absolute fusion with the Father through the Holy Spirit shall come forth (that is "between"
the Father and the Son), inwardly, "included", this time back to the Father, that is not available or the
created, nor born, but only "gone out". Creation can not be uncreated, can not be born of the
unborn is gone can also get back. That is why Catholicism, entering the filioque, had lost the key to
the mystery of the supreme Christian initiation and the foundation of its apophatic Metaphysics,
topped with the prospect of "ascent" of the Holy Spirit to the Father after the procession. Dionysius
called it "a circular movement of the Spirit." This - the absolute return to the first point, "Creed"
because here there is nothing but one God, the Father Almighty, in his home, and only a single

Item 4. "crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried."

Here ends the chain of indulgence. 4 - the number of end. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10, i.e. 1 again, because 1 +
0 = 1. From father to son, from the Son-Light through the Holy Spirit upon the Son of Man-and,
finally, the Son of man reaches the lowest point of the lowest of all worlds: the suffering of the cross
and "burial". Heaven descends to Earth, in the Upper Lower, first to last. God is not only a man, but
the victims and the deceased person. Of the 7 items, "the Creed", dedicated to the Second Person,
the Son, it is - the third point. He was born before all ages (first paragraph of the Son), was
incarnated (2nd para son), died and was buried (the third item of the Son). If the first three items,
"the Creed" as a whole - is the fullness of Metaphysics as such, the first three points of the Son, that
is, 2nd, 3rd and 4th - Metaphysics is the fullness of the Word, the World Axis. If the logic of the
general Metaphysics Father the mere fact of "Incarnation" is the attainment of the lower limit, then
this limit in the logic of the Metaphysics of the Son is the "burial". Triad Creation and the Father
Creator - Heaven - Earth. Son Triad: Heaven - Earth life - earthly death. For proper initiation Cross of
Christ with the dead Jesus Christ is the key point, since here reached the lower limit cycle of the
Word. Earthly death - is the foundation for the realization of the Christian, so it is often referred to as
prayer texts. Pain generally becomes imperative for the initiatory spiritual Christians. It is important
to understand suffering is not moral, but "technically", as a requirement realizable spiritual practices
associated with a particular metaphysics Son. (The same initiatory meaning is "suffering" in the Shiite
gnosis associated with the martyrdom of Imam Hasan and Husayn, where, in particular, mysterial rite
"Shakhs-Wachs"). Burial Descent from the Cross the body of Jesus Christ is the turning point, starting
from which the initiatory elevation begins.

In the same place, "Creed" in accord with the metaphysical logic to place the story of "the descent of
Christ into hell" that the canonical "Prayer of the Holy Cross" says in the following terms: "Jesus
Christ, without defilement in hell came down, and trampled force the devil, and hath given to us (...)
His Cross Fair ". The crucifixion and burial is clearly linked with indulgence to hell, ie the achievement
of the Axis of the World, the Word of the bottom of the last Creation. Hell is a continuation of the
human world down, although the location of hell under the human world as a lower plane of
existence makes sense only for "man." For Word, and he has the essential human world hell, and
what appears to be hell for people, for the Son is none other than the horizontal (rather than
vertical!) The limit of the human world. For this reason, the theme of indulgence Son hell not
embodied especially in the "Articles of Faith". Burial of Jesus in human reality is metaphysically
achievement center of hell.

Item 5. "And He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures."
Item 6. "And the heavens and vozshedshago sedyascha right hand of God."

5th and 6th paragraphs reflect the two phases on the initiatory ascension of Christ cycle after
reaching a low point. In total this cycle takes 5 points: the first two describe the leniency stage, 3rd --
- a turning point, and the last two speak of the ascent to the original state. The Resurrection of Christ
- is to overcome the earthly death and absolutization of life as well as the connection of Man forever
with Jesus Christ. Here, the name "Jesus" is opened not only as a pre-existed, detect and remember
to continue on earth, but as the timeless saving sacral formula ( "Mantra" in Hinduism). Anyone who
says this name has potentially saved. Now the World Axis actualized throughout the world (around
the extremely lower world) and all invisible, because at the moment of Jesus' death "veil of the
temple (separating the visible from the invisible) exploded." 5th place is the fourth in a purely Christ

Second paragraph refers to a compound of the risen Jesus not only with Christ, but also with the
Word-Son. So finally updated all the Oneness and Uniqueness of the second incarnation, and
"previous" the eternal and timeless condition "collapses" during and creation and pulls Creation in
the grace of Christ, the sons of homebuilding, "having adopted" creation through the Son, and of
putting an end to the division between the Creator and creatures. The fullness of the Christian cycle
actually destroys Creation (alienation): "I have overcome the world." Now there or "adoption" and
"its" ( "Lord knows his"), or earthly death. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, "sits at the right hand" is not
one, but absorbed all that could have been saved, all Hosea earthly name "Jesus", the angelic name
"Christ" and the name of heaven, "the Word." This - the crown of Christian initiation and completion
of Christian metaphysics.

Item 7. "And graduschago packs with glory to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have
no end."

The mystery of the delay between the initiatory effected by Christ and macrocosmic, vsebytiynoy
demonstration of this. Why "packs", "once again"? The kingdom has no end has been reached and
has already come "inside" after the full implementation of the Word initiatory cycle. But here in
Metaphysics entered time considerations, postulates a special eon, lasting from the historic moment,
"under Pontius Pilate" to the eschatological moment, when Christ "packs come in glory to judge."
This creates a new group of sacred theses consisting of 4 points "Creed" - the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th.
"Crucified, who suffered, was buried - resurrected - ascended to heaven - packs coming." It - eon
historic Christian tradition, the Church eon. Initially, impairing its passive, "poslednest", up to the
disappearance. Then a weak revival (it does not believe even some of the Apostles), the
Resurrection. After the Ascension, invisible triumph. And finally, threatening to collapse Grace Court
Righteous, began to implement since Pentecost, since the indulgence to the Apostles the Holy Spirit.
These tongues of fire - harbingers of the Last Judgement living and the dead, the Court Fire and
Sword. Christian historical cycle - predugotovlenie Court, when diminished and suffer and will show
the greatest activity, save-the Almighty, the Judge in glory.

Christian initiatory cycle ends at point 6. The historic Christian aeon transition in the weak strong and
the subsequent "proof of power" phenomenon "of the Savior-in-power", takes place from point 4 to
paragraph 7. It - also the initiation, only to have the third order - - not metaphysical initiation of the
Father, (paragraphs 1-3), Christ is not pure, "Christic" initiation Son (paragraphs 2-6), but the "cyclic"
initiation, initiation of a church-fulfillment of the promise, test-fee, based on a belief in non-obvious
metaphysical reality, starting with faith in the "historicity" of the Incarnation (paragraphs 4-7).

To explain this third initiation can result in some esoteric concepts. Some initiatory doctrine of the
Incarnation of Jesus Christ is associated with the symbolism of the planet Mercury, known in
Hinduism Bodhi, which means Heavenly Intellect, the Logos. In particular, such a correlation Christ
Mercury is present in the Islamic esotericism. But, on the other hand, it is clear and sunny symbolism
of Jesus Christ. Added to this is the fact that the Jewish tradition often swaps Mercury angel
(Raphael, "Healer of God") and the Sun (Michael, "who is like God"). Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun, and therefore it is symbolically Mercury serves as a "mediator" between the Sun and other
planets. On the basis of these considerations, it can be said that the Incarnation of Jesus Christ,
Christmas, his first appearance was "mercurial," "preliminary," "salvation, warning". His second
coming in glory will be the final and "sunny", "decisive." The whole cycle of historical Christianity, the
whole aeon from the First to the Second Coming of Christ, can be likened to "Great Work", that is,
the preparation of the "Mercury", "Gold" as it corresponds to the planet Mercury, "Mercury" and the
Sun - "gold". This is the mystery of the Church, Orthodox, liturgical and spiritual alchemy.

Item 8. "And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with
the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, Who spoke by the prophets."

The Holy Spirit completes the Trinity paradigmatic and intra-Trinitarian dogma. 8 - the number of
perfection, the number of Paradise, a symbol of the Burning Bush. The Holy Spirit is referred to in the
third paragraph, where I'm ending the transfer of incarnation in the future metaphysical initiation,
and here he draws a line under all the cycles. He appears in three forms: 1) the proceeds from the
Father (and the most mysterious inner trait); 2) spoklonyaemy and glorified with the other persons of
the Trinity - is characterized by its external status in respect of Creation, and, finally, 3) the prophets
spake, then in charge of contacts with e kinds of otherworldly with sidedness (compare his role in the
Incarnation), t .e. most immanent aspect of divinity ( "ilk everywhere sy and fulfilling all"), the
external aspect, which coincides with the manifestation of himself in his symbolic quality, essential
side, up to the historical coherence of the prophets. Position 8, the latter being among the
incarnation in the "Creed", the Holy Spirit binds with eschatology, the end. Item 8 is also just behind
the mention of the Last Judgment and gryadushego Kingdom. In addition, the essence of the
prophecies of the prophets, especially in the Christian perspective - a warning about the future
coming of Christ and the grace of full detection "birth" of the natural world, its light Salvation
alienated from creatureliness. Therefore, the final kingdom, which "packs is coming," the kingdom of
the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit era. And at the time of the Last Judgment the cleansing fire of the
LORD is the Flame of the Holy Spirit. He and descend to the reality of the heavenly Jerusalem.

And besides, the eschatological function of the Holy Spirit in the fact that he is gone, should enter
into the Father.
Paragraph 9. "In One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church."

From start-Trinitarian dogma is related to the cycle of historical and ritual of the Christian aeon. They
develop the 4 points of Christ cycle, but not from the perspective of Christ himself, as the subject -
buried, vokresshego, ascended, packs of the future, but about the "people" for the sake of which he
embodied, and even with the positions of all saved beings and creatures. Church - a cathedral,
because its meaning is to collect a light elements of Creation, which can and should be "adopted",
"born from above." Church - is "visible", "invisible", earthly and heavenly, uncreated participates in
the relationship between the Son and the Father. It is one like the Son is one and holy as the Holy
Spirit, which is the fabric of all "shall come forth and uncreated", which leads to the "birth" and that
the returns from birth parents. Apostolic does it in the sense of "poslannicheskoy" mission in brief
(by divine standards) period of the Christian aeon, but also because it is "angelic" ( "Angel" and
"apostle" in Greek equally mean "messenger").

In addition, with the apostles of the Church historically it started cycle, therefore the epithet of
"apostolic" is used in fourth place. Historical Meaning - the last in a series of other more important.

Paragraph 10. "I confess one baptism for the remission of sins."

Baptism is the first stage of the resurrection from the dead. This - Second Birth. The church has
sprung up around the Cross (paragraph 4 "Creed" is similar to paragraph 9). The resurrection of
Christ from the dead like a baptism of men (similar to paragraph 5, paragraph 10). Baptism - it is also
the basic realization of initiatory transition from state to creation of "adoption". This ritual is the only
time in my life (not including optional for all marriage and wedding) the believer is introduced into
the altar in the Holy of Holies. Baptism - is first and foremost an initiatory step into the church, to its
center, and historically - is the first step of the Church in relation to the nations.

Paragraph 11. "I look for the resurrection of the dead,"

The resurrection of the dead men is similar to the Ascension of Christ. It's - the last step of the cycle
of the church. The church exists from the apostles to the resurrection from the dead. With the
achievement of this moment of history is deleted and another initiation and Metaphysics.
Resurrected watch Heaven, at the right hand of the Father, and dwelleth between his. Explicit
connection point 11, paragraph 6.

Item 12: "And the life of the world. Amen."

"The life of the world to come" - a quality inherent in the category of the kingdom without end (item
12 - item 7). This is a complete and definitive "drawing" in the history of the Spirit. It is also the end
of the Church as a "transition" between the reality of "beasts" and "children" of God. The life of the
world to come - not just a new cycle. This - the absolute end of Creation, is the triumph of the Spirit,
outgoing and "returning", and furthermore, doing "all children" ( "Be like children") One Son, and the
Son - a mysterious way, exalts the Father, whom he once "all things were made." This Christian
metaphysical "future age" is the transcendental kingdom, so something he "really" not "will end",
which is not understood by those who believe that Christianity is simply forgot about the cycles of
doctrine and identify the end of a cycle to the end of the world . Someone like, but "our" orthodox
"of the next century," there is no end, and "time", in the words of St. John the Divine, then also "will
not".harbingers of the Last Judgement living and the dead, the Court Fire and Sword. Christian
historical cycle - predugotovlenie Court, when diminished and suffer and will show the greatest
activity, save-the Almighty, the Judge in glory.

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