Chanrobles Virtual Law Library
Chanrobles Virtual Law Library
Chanrobles Virtual Law Library
Art. 263. Serious physical injuries. — Any person who shall wound,
beat, or assault another, shall be guilty of the crime of serious
physical injuries and shall suffer:
If the offense shall have been committed against any of the persons
enumerated in Article 246, or with attendance of any of the circumstances
mentioned in Article 248, the case covered by subdivision number 1 of this
Article shall be punished by reclusion temporal in its medium and maximum
periods; the case covered by subdivision number 2 by prision correccional in
its maximum period to prision mayor in its minimum period; the case
covered by subdivision number 3 by prision correccional in its medium and
maximum periods; and the case covered by subdivision number 4 by prision
correccional in its minimum and medium periods.
Art. 265. Less serious physical injuries. — Any person who shall
inflict upon another physical injuries not described in the preceding
articles, but which shall incapacitate the offended party for labor for
ten days or more, or shall require medical assistance for the same
period, shall be guilty of less serious physical injuries and shall
suffer the penalty of arresto mayor. chanrobles virtual law library