Strauss PDEch 4 S 1 P 3

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Strauss PDEs 2e: Section 4.

1 - Exercise 3 Page 1 of 4

Exercise 3
A quantum-mechanical particle on the line with an infinite potential outside the interval (0, l)
(“particle in a box”) is given by Schrödinger’s equation ut = iuxx on (0, l) with Dirichlet
conditions at the ends. Separate the variables and use (8) to find its representation as a series.


The PDE we have to solve is the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation.

ut = iuxx , 0<x<l

Its boundary conditions are

u(0, t) = 0
u(l, t) = 0.

Assume an arbitrary initial condition.

u(x, 0) = φ(x)

Since the Schrödinger equation and its boundary conditions are linear and homogeneous, the
method of separation of variables can be applied to solve it. Assume a product solution of the
form, u(x, t) = X(x)T (t), and plug it into the PDE

ut = iuxx → XT 0 = iX 00 T

and the boundary conditions.

u(0, t) = X(0)T (t) = 0 → X(0) = 0

u(l, t) = X(l)T (t) = 0 → X(l) = 0

Separate variables now.

T0 X 00
iT X
Note that i is a constant and can go on either side. The final answer will be the same regardless.
We have a function of t on the left side and a function of x on the right side. The only way both
functions can be equal is if they are equal to a constant.

T0 X 00
= =k
iT X
Values of k for which X(0) = 0 and X(l) = 0 are satisfied are called the eigenvalues, and the
nontrivial functions X(x) associated with them are called the eigenfunctions.
Strauss PDEs 2e: Section 4.1 - Exercise 3 Page 2 of 4

Determination of Positive Eigenvalues: k = µ2

Assuming k is positive, the differential equation for X becomes

X 00
= µ2 .
Multiply both sides by X.
X 00 = µ2 X
The general solution can be written in terms of hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine.

X(x) = C1 cosh µx + C2 sinh µx

Now use the boundary conditions to determine C1 and C2 .

X(0) = C1 = 0
X(l) = C1 cosh µl + C2 sinh µl = 0

We see that C1 = 0 and C2 = 0. Hence, only the trivial solution X(x) = 0 results from
considering positive values for k, and there are no positive eigenvalues.

Determination of the Zero Eigenvalue: k = 0

Assuming k is zero, the differential equation for X becomes

X 00
= 0.
Multiply both sides by X.
X 00 = 0
The general solution is a linear function.

X(x) = C3 x + C4

Now use the boundary conditions to determine C3 and C4 .

X(0) = C4 = 0
X(l) = C3 l + C4 = 0

We see that C3 = 0 and C4 = 0. Hence, only the trivial solution X(x) = 0 results from
considering k = 0, and zero is not an eigenvalue.

Determination of Negative Eigenvalues: k = −λ2

Assuming k is negative, the differential equation for X becomes

X 00
= −λ2 .
Multiply both sides by X.
X 00 = −λ2 X
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The general solution can be written in terms of sine and cosine.

X(x) = C5 cos λx + C6 sin λx
Now use the boundary conditions to determine C5 and C6 .
X(0) = C5 = 0
X(l) = C5 cos λl + C6 sin λl = 0
The second equation simplifies to C6 sin λl = 0. To avoid getting the trivial solution, we insist
that C6 6= 0. Doing so yields an equation for the eigenvalues.
sin λl = 0
Solve for λl.
λl = nπ, n = 1, 2, . . .
So then

λ = λn = , n = 1, 2, . . . .
The eigenfunctions associated with these eigenvalues are
X(x) = C6 sin λx → Xn (x) = sin λn x, n = 1, 2, . . . .
Now solve the differential equation for T (t).
= −λ2
Multiply both sides by i.
= −iλ2
The left side is just the derivative of ln T .
(ln T ) = −iλ2
Integrate both sides with respect to t.
ln T = −iλ2 t + C7
Exponentiate both sides.
2 t+C 2
T (t) = e−iλ 7
= e−iλ t eC7
Use a new constant of integration.
2t 2
T (t) = C8 e−iλ → Tn (t) = e−iλn t
According to the principle of linear superposition, the solution to the PDE for u(x, t) is a linear
combination of all products Tn (t)Xn (x) over all the eigenvalues.

u(x, t) = An Tn (t)Xn (x)

= An e−iλn t sin λn x

An e−i(
nπ 2
) sin nπx
= l
Strauss PDEs 2e: Section 4.1 - Exercise 3 Page 4 of 4


n2 π 2 nπx
An e−i t
u(x, t) = l2 sin .

The final task is to use Fourier’s method and the initial condition to determine An .

X nπx
u(x, 0) = An sin = φ(x)

Multiply both sides by sin λm x, where m is a positive integer.

X nπx mπx mπx
u(x, 0) = An sin sin = φ(x) sin
l l l

Integrate both sides with respect to x over the domain the PDE is defined.
ˆ lX
∞ ˆ l
nπx mπx mπx
An sin sin dx = φ(x) sin dx
0 n=1 l l 0 l

Bring the integral inside the sum on the left.

∞ ˆ l ˆ l
X nπx mπx mπx
An sin sin dx = φ(x) sin dx
0 l l 0 l

Since n and m are integers,

ˆ l
nπx mπx 2 n=m
sin sin dx = ,
0 l l 0 n 6= m

as can be verified with trigonometric identities. This implies that every term in the infinite series
vanishes except for the n = m term.
ˆ l
l nπx
An · = φ(x) sin dx
2 0 l

Therefore, the coefficient is

ˆ l
2 nπx
An = φ(x) sin dx.
l 0 l

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