System Verilog: Program Block & Interface

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System Verilog


Program Block

 Verilog module works well for design but when used for Test
benches may lead to race-around condition between design and
Test bench.

 System Verilog adds program block which is used meant for

writing Test Bench.

 program and endprogram keywords are used to define a

program block.

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Program Block

 program block has following features:

o They separate test benches from design unit.
o Statements are executed in Reactive Region.
o always blocks are not allowed in program block.
o They can be instantiated inside other modules.
o Instance of module or program block is not allowed inside
program block.
o They have access to variables present inside a module where they
are instantiated but vice versa is not true.
o Implicit system task $exit is called when program block terminates.

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Program Block Region

Preponed Active

Test Bench runs once

From Current Time Slot all design related
NBA activities are over.

Program Block
To Next Time Slot
Re-Inactive Runs Here

Postponed Re-NBA

System Verilog Program Block and Interface


module tb;
reg clk=0, t=1;
module tff (q, clk, t);
wire q=0;
input clk, t;
output reg q=0; always #5 clk=~clk;

tff u0 (q, clk, t);

always @ (posedge clk)
if(t) q<= ~ q; always @ (posedge clk)
endmodule $display($time, “q=%d”, q);


System Verilog Program Block and Interface


5 q= 0
15 q= 1
25 q= 0
35 q= 1
45 q= 0
55 q= 1

System Verilog Program Block and Interface


program tb (input clk);

input clk, t; initial //always not allowed
output reg q=0; begin
forever @ (posedge clk)
always @ (posedge clk) $display($time, “q=%d”, q);
if(t) q<= ~ q; end
endmodule initial t=1;


System Verilog Program Block and Interface


module top;
reg clk=0, t;
wire q;

always #5 clk=~clk;

tff u0 (q, clk, t);

tb u1 (clk); //program has access to t and q


System Verilog Program Block and Interface


5 q= 1
15 q= 0
25 q= 1
35 q= 0
45 q= 1
55 q= 0

System Verilog Program Block and Interface


program tb;
int a;
initial $monitor(“result is %d”, a);
Result : result is 2
initial begin a=5
#3 a= a + 2;
#4 a= a + 3; $monitor does not execute for
end a=5 because of implicit $exit


System Verilog Program Block and Interface


program tb;
int a;
initial $monitor(“result is %d”, a);

initial begin
#3 a= a + 2; Result :
#4 a= a + 3; result is 2
#1 ; result is 5


System Verilog Program Block and Interface


 Interface is used to encapsulate communication between design

blocks, and between design and verification blocks.

 Encapsulating communication between blocks facilitates design

reuse. Interfaces can be accessed through ports as a single item.

 Signals can be added to and remove easily from an interface

without modifying any port list.

 Interface can contain the connectivity, synchronization, and

optionally, the functionality of the communication between two or
more blocks.

System Verilog Program Block and Interface


module adder (input bit clk,

input logic [3:0] a, b,
output logic [4:0] sum);

always @ (posedge clk)

sum= a + b;


System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Test Bench

program tb (input bit clk,

input logic [4:0] sum,
output logic [3:0] a, b);

$monitor (“a=%0d b=%0d sum=%0d”, a, b, sum);
forever begin a=$random; b=$random; #10; end


System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Top Level

module top ();

bit clk=0;
Now in case you have to add one
logic [3:0] a, b; more input c, you have to define c
logic [4:0] sum; at three place adder, tb and top.

always #5 clk=~clk;

adder a0 (.*); //connect variables to ports that have

tb t0 (.*); // same name and same data type

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Defining Interface

interface intf (input bit clk);

logic [3:0] a, b;
logic [4:0] sum;

endinterface : inf

System Verilog Program Block and Interface


module adder (intf inf);

always @ (posedge inf.clk)

inf.sum= inf.a + inf.b;

endmodule : adder

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Test Bench

program tb (inft inf);

initial begin
$monitor (“a=%0d b=%0d sum=%0d”, inf.a, inf.b, inf.sum);
forever begin
#10; end

endprogram : tb

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Top Level

module top ();

bit clk=0;

always #5 clk=~clk;

intf inf(clk); //inf is interface instance

adder a0 (inf);
tb t0 (inf);


System Verilog Program Block and Interface


 modport construct is to used to provide direction information for

module ports.
interface intf (input bit clk);

logic [3:0] a, b;
logic [4:0] sum;
//incase of inout port use wire
modport DUT (input clk, a, b, output sum);
modport TB (input clk, sum, output a, b);

endinterface : intf
System Verilog Program Block and Interface

module adder (intf.DUT inf);

always @ (posedge inf.clk)

inf.sum= inf.a + inf.b;

endmodule : adder

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Test Bench

program tb (intf.TB inf);

initial begin
$monitor (“a=%0d b=%0d sum=%0d”, inf.a, inf.b, inf.sum);
forever begin
#10; end

endprogram : tb

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Top Level

module top ();

bit clk=0;

always #5 clk=~clk;

intf i0 (.*);
adder a0 (.*);
tb t0 (.*);


System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Clocking Block

 Clocking block construct identifies clock signals and captures the

timing and synchronization requirements of the blocks being

 Clocking block assembles signals that are synchronous to a

particular clock and makes their timing explicit.

 Clocking block separates the timing and synchronization details

from the structural, functional, and procedural elements of a test

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Clocking Block

 In case of synchronous circuits, input should be sampled just before

the clock and output should be driven just after the clock.

 So from test bench point of view, design outputs should be

sampled just before the clock and design inputs should be driven
just after the clock.

 By default design outputs are sampled at #1step (Prepone

Region) and design inputs are driven at #0 (Inactive /Re-Inactive

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Clocking Block

interface intf(input bit clk);

modport TB (input clk, clocking cb);
clocking cb @ (posedge clk); //specifying active clock edge
input sum; //sampled in prepone region
output a, b; //driven in inactive region
endclocking : cb //Directions w.r.t Test Bench

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Clocking Block


Output of Test Bench


Output of Clocking Block / Input to DUT

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Clocking Block


count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Output of DUT/ Input to Clocking Block

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Input to Test Bench

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Clocking Block

clocking cb @ (posedge clk); //specifying active clock edge
default input #3ns output #2ns;
//Specifying user default for sampling and driving

input sum, reset; //sampled 3ns before active clock edge

output a, b; //driven 2ns after active clock edge
endclocking : cb

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Clocking Block

clocking cb @ (posedge clk); //specifying active clock edge
default input #3ns output #2ns;
//Specifying user default for sampling and driving

input sum; //sampled 3ns before active clock edge

output a, b; //driven 2ns after active clock edge
input negedge reset; //Overriding default sampling for reset
endclocking : cb

System Verilog Program Block and Interface


interface intf(input bit clk);

logic [3:0] count; logic en;

modport DUT (input clk, en, output count); //DUT

modport TB (input clk, clocking cb); //Test Bench

clocking cb @ (posedge clk); //Clocking Block

input count;
output en;

System Verilog Program Block and Interface


module counter (intf.DUT inf);

always @ (posedge inf.clk)


endmodule : counter

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Test Bench

program tb (intf.TB inf);

initial begin
@inf.cb; //continue on active edge in cb
#3 inf.cb.en<=1; // use NBA for signals in cb
##8 inf.cb.en<=0; //wait for 8 active edges in cb
repeat(2) @inf.cb; //wait for 2 active edges in cb
wait (inf.cb.count==3) inf.cb.en<=0; //wait for count to become 3
endprogram : tb
System Verilog Program Block and Interface
Parameterized Interface

interface intf #(size=3, type typ=logic) (input bit clk);

typ [size-1:0] count;
typ en;

modport DUT (input clk, en, output count); //DUT

modport TB (input clk, count, output en); //Test Bench


System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Virtual Interface

 A virtual interface is a variable that represents an interface

instance. This interface is not use to represent physical connections.

 Virtual interface variables can be passed as arguments to tasks,

and functions.

 Tasks and functions can modify variables present in a virtual

interface which has the same effect as accessing physical

 A virtual interface can be declared as class property, should be

initialize before usage.

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Virtual Interface

interface intf (input bit clk);

logic req, gnt;

always @(posedge clk); //functionality inside interface

if(req) begin
repeat(2) @(posedge clk);
gnt<=1; end
else gnt<=0;

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Virtual Interface

task gen_req(virtual intf a);

module test;
@(posedge a.clk) a.req<=1;
bit clk=0;
@(posedge a.clk) a.req<=0;
always #5 clk=~clk;
repeat (5) @(posedge a.clk); a.req<=1;
intf inf(clk);
@(posedge a.clk) a.req<=0; endtask
fork task rec_gnt(virtual intf b);
gen_req(inf); forever begin
rec_gnt(inf); @(posedge b.gnt)
join $display($time, “ grant asserted ”); end
endmodule endtask

System Verilog Program Block and Interface

Virtual Interface

class test; module top;

virtual intf t1 ; bit clk=0;
always #5 clk=~clk;
function new(virtual intf t2); intf inf(clk);
t1=t2; //initializing virtual test c1= new(inf);
initial fork
//task gen_req(virtual intf a); c1.rec_gnt(inf);
//task rec_gnt(virtual intf b); join
System Verilog Program Block and Interface

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