Research Proposal

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Energy is one of the most fundamental elements of our universe. Especially for developing
countries like Ethiopia, the significance of energy is vital. Energy in the form of electricity and
modern fuels is the life blood of modern civilization and is critical factor for economic
development and employment. It amplifies human efforts enables humans to produce more,
travel farther and faster, communicate more broadly and quickly, and live at a higher standard of
living than is possible through human efforts alone. Hence it can be said that like the other basic
needs for human beings, energy is the basic inevitability for survival.

Even if Ethiopia has a huge potential of renewable energy (hydro, wind, solar, geothermal), it is
suffering from energy crisis throughout characterized by frequent blackouts and interruption.
This is because of the unbalance between the increasing energy demands versus energy
production in the country. Even due to the limited energy production, there are places; especially
remote areas, where energy is not available/ accessed and the people around are living in
darkness. In addition to this limited production, the country was concentrating in large energy
production systems. But it is difficult to use most of the potentials that the country had and to
make all people access to this modern energy without small energy production systems.
The oil price volatility, growing concerns of global warming, and depleting oil/gas reserves and
due to the contradiction between gradual growth of the global energy demand, renewable energy
such as solar energy, wind energy, bio-energy, and hydropower might become a new manner in
which we produce energy for sustainable development. Photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy
systems are the most promising candidates of the future energy technologies, and it has been
widely noticed that stand alone and grid connected PV and wind energy markets have grown
rapidly. Energy generation system reliability has been considered as one of the most important
issues in any system design process. However, natural energy resources are unpredictable,
irregular, and seasonally unbalanced. Therefore, a combination of two renewable energy sources
may satisfy bigger share of electricity demand and offer reliable and consistent energy supply.
The Hybrid PV and Wind Electricity System is well suited to conditions where sun light and
wind have seasonal shifts, for example, in summer the sun light is abundant but windless, while
in winter wind resource increased that can complement the solar resource. The reliability of the
stand-alone hybrid PV-wind system in producing energy has been proven by earlier studies. In

the last two decades solar energy and wind energy has become an alternative to traditional
energy sources. These alternative energy sources are non-polluting, free in their availability and
renewable. But high capital cost, especially for photovoltaic, made its growth a slow one. The
best way to attempt to decrease the cost of these systems is by making use of hybrid designs that
uses both wind/photovoltaic.

Statement of the Problem

Most of the people of Ethiopia (around 85 % of the population) lives in rural areas where energy
access is almost negligible, <1% . A possible reason is that these areas are either farther away
from the national grid or the people living there are sparsely populated. Extending the national
grid to these areas is not up to the economic capacity of the country because of the high cost of
transmission and the very low load factor in these areas. But electrification of the rural
communities is very essential especially to ensure the socio economic development of the
community and hence of the country. To satisfy their energy needs, these people are using
kerosene which is becoming difficult to afford because of the high and day-by-day increasing
price of kerosene; and fire wood, cow dung and other traditional biomass resources which are
causing deforestation and soil degradation.
The main problem in rural area lack of Electricity which results in the following problem:
 Greenhouse effect from the smoke of the diesel generator

 The price of conventional energy sources in remote areas such as paraffin, candle, is
often more expensive than in urbanized areas due to the remoteness of the retailers.

 Peoples pay high cost for mobile charge and travel long distance to charge their battery.

 Lack of pure education quality and good health care in ruraldue to electricity shortage.

Literature Review
According to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the annual market of wind energy grew
a staggering 41.5% in 2009 compared to 2008. More than 38 GW of new Wind power capacity
was installed around the world in 2009, bringing the totalInstalled capacity up to 158.5 GW. This
represents a year-on-year growth of 31.7%[Global Wind Energy Council, "Global wind 2009
report", Brussels, Belgium, 2009.]. A third of theseAdditions were made in China, whichreports

100% growth for the fifth year in a row, and now has more than 12GW installed. That makes
China the world’s fourth-biggestWind market, after the U.S., Germany, and Spain [Keith
Johnson, "Wind Jammers: U.S.,China, Fight out Global Wind Leadership", The Wall Street
Journal, 2 Feb. 2009.].

Hybrid systems are the main subject in this study. The earlier studies showed the
rapidDevelopment of renewable energy systems around the world, both in the developedAnd
developing nations. Energy schemes in both of standalone and hybrid systemsare badly depend
on weather conditions, causing a lack in power continuity due to theIntermittent nature of wind
and sun. However, solar parks and wind farms generationSystems are usually accompanied with
storage system to coat any energy shortage.
The high cost of storage system provides an additional cost to the total generationSchemes, and
introduces a hindrance in the employment and exploitation of renewable energy system

Goal of the project

The aimof this project to solve lack of electricity in rural area and amplifies human efforts
enables humans to produce more, travel farther and faster, communicate more broadly and
quickly, and live at a higher standard of living than is possible through human efforts alone.

General objective
The main objective of this project is to generate solar-wind hybrid power system in rural area to
improve the sustainable power supply.
Specific objective
 Economic evaluation of the systems and compare their feasibilities of solar, wind
hybrid system.
 System design for each energy source at the selected site using analytical methods.

 To create a hybrid energy source from wind and solar.

 To provide electrical energy for rural areas with solar-wind hybrid system.

 To supply sufficient electric energy for the peoples living in those who are far from

 To solve the socio-economic problems of the society living in rural areas by providing
solar-wind hybrid power system.

 To study the socio-economic impact of the solar-wind power system in the


 To characterize and quantify electrical loads for rural facilities/homes.

 To reduce the fuel consumption in rural area and to make environmental friendly.

 To identify appropriate renewable energy technologies to meet community needs.

 To develop and analyze cost estimates and long term economic benefits for renewable
energy technologies (economic analysis).

Scope of the project

The scope of this project is to assess the technical and economic feasibility, design and
simulation solar-wind power system to provide the access of electricity the rural dwellers’ by
naturally owned resources of solar and wind. The study will investigate different renewable
energy option to incorporate the existing diesel-only system. This project collect and analyze the
data and information, examine and select the most suitable Power Generation and Supply
Systems, recommend necessary measures that configure a system to accommodate electrical
energy demand for the Rural Area. The project only focuses on solar energy and wind energy
resource assessment in the Rural. It compares and estimates the cost of electricity generated from
hybrid solar-wind energy system with the grid system.

The methodologies to accomplish this project work will be as follows:-

1. Problem Identification
The problem identification involved a literature survey in collecting general information about
Rural Areas such as geography, climate, and population, current electricity status of the Rural
and future demand and cost of energy (COE) is collected. The main focus of the survey is on the
renewable energy resources availability, electricity supply crisis in the selected rural come from
absence of electricity in the Rural Area.

2. Renewable Energy Resource Assessment
The potential solar resource and wind power resource for Rural area is assessed. The wind speed,
solar isolation and clearness index for a yearlong period is obtained from the NASA Surface
Meteorology and Solar Energy database (SMSE). Wind and solar map of Ethiopian is collected
from SWERA.

3. Power supply Options Identification

Feasible options of generating electricity in the selected Rural were proposed based on available
power generating technologies and local energy resource potentials. The paramount feature of
this task was power extraction from renewable resources. The available technologies were
identified through a literature survey based on best practices in off-grid power systems

4. Overall System Design and Analysis

The following steps are the sequence of system design used in this project.
Step 1: Wind power system design
Detail wind power energy generation design conducted on the part including wind resource
assessment, estimation of the frequency distribution and long term average wind speed as well as
synthesis of wind speed daily profiles. Computed wind Power density distributions and
predication monthly and annual mean power density, analyzed different power curves of wind
turbines and optimization annual wind energy output of single turbine for the selection of
appropriate wind turbine types of this area.
Step 2: Photovoltaic power system design
Solar power design including detail solar resource assessment of the rural area, calculation,
estimation of design of PV installation, Synthesize hourly solar data and calculates global
radiation incident on the PV array from monthly average radiation, Calculates the global
radiation incident on the PV array with tracing system to maximizing the power generation from
solar PV modules, analyze the PV Cell temperature and PV array power output for the area.
Step 3: Component sizing and design

Conducted on batteries design, selection maximum point tracker, Inverters design as well as
Energy Consumption and load estimation of this area. In this step which includes Battery design
and modeling, better converter design, PV controller design and analyzed

Step 4: Hybrid energy systems

Detail analysis and design of a combination of renewable energy sources such as solar
photovoltaic and wind energy. We use diesel generator for comparing with hybrid system. A
hybrid system uses a combination of energy producing components that provide a constant flow
of uninterrupted power, Standalone hybrid system, Economic Evaluation of the Hybrid system.
daily energy profiles along with annual energy consumption.
Step 5: Hybrid energy systems
Detail analysis and design of a combination of renewable energy sources such as solar
photovoltaic and wind energy. A hybrid system uses a combination of energy producing
components that provide a constant flow of uninterrupted power, Standalone hybrid system,
Economic Evaluation of the Hybrid system.
Step 6: Optimization of the model using MATLAB software
Validation of the model is accomplished by comparing modeled results with data collected in
rural area municipality for the existing energy system. For the hybrid energy systems, a literature
review highlighting the use of MATLAB for hybrid system feasibility and sizing is conducted.
The input data are wind speed, solar radiation, clearness index, fuel price, wind turbines cost,
converter cost, PV panel cost, wind power curve, efficiency of solar panel, generator fuel cost,
nominal operating cell temperature, and primary load . In order to simulate and sense the
behavior of chosen power sources, all sources will be simulated in conjunction with each other.
This will be done using the simulation tool MATLAB provided by NREL (National Renewable
Energy Laboratory). A simulation tool can never reflect the true results of a project, it is however
a useful tool when comparing different system arrangements in terms of economic and technical
feasibility. A deeper presentation of the MATLAB simulation tool will be provided in
connection to the simulation. The result of the simulations will then form a basis where
conclusions and proposals can be drawn concerning system performance and reliability.

Work plan

Activities May June

Number of Weeks 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Preparing of proposal
Submitting the proposal
Presenting the proposal
Work on project and
Finish final paper and

Table 1: activities takes place in our project

Cost estimation
component capital replacement fuel total
($) ($) ($) ($)
PV 600.00 0 0 600.00

Generator 500.00 200.00 30.00 730.00

converter 105.00 58.00 0 163.00

Battery 300.00 200.00 0 500.00

Other 2000.00 500.00 2500.00

Total cost 3505.00 958.00 30.00 4493.00

Table 2: cost of the proposal

[1]. Hadagu A., 2006 “Status and trends of Ethiopian rural Electrification Fund”, Ethiopian
[2]. AyeleNigussie “Development Of A Dual Mode Frequency Controller for Standalone, Micro
and Mini Hydropower Systems”, A thesis Submitted to the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology,
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science In Electrical Power
Engineering, July 2010
[3]. AkliluDalelo, “Rural Electrification in Ethiopia”: opportunities and bottlenecks, Addis
Ababa University, College of Education
[4]. Eng. AmareHadgu “Status and Trends of Ethiopian Rural Electrification Fund”, November
[5]. Dipl.-Geogr. HediFeibel, “An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Dissemination of Mini and
Micro Hydropower - the Case of Ethiopia”, December 2003.
[6]., Energy and Resources—Ethiopia

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