QL 110 Series Area Lighting Brochure 1984

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of Your
Vinyl clad, project for the most effective and
heavy gauge aluminum interlocked economical solution to your
at the corners, with no visible outdoor parking lighting needs.
fasteners for a smooth, sleek look To
The entire provide you the ultimate value in
lens assembly is gasketed with outdoor parking lighting through
silicone impregnated Dacron advanced design, superior quality
gasketing which permits the and the minimum in operating and
luminaire to breath, cooling critical maintenance costs.
operating components.
piano-type hinge on the lens door
provides quick access for lamp and
reflector replacement. The lamp
socklet assembly is hinged to pro-
vide fast access to the ballast and
f ilter compartment.

Available in Mercury Vapor,

Symmetrical, asym metrical or Metal Halide or High Pressure
f loodlighting with rear cutoff give Sodium for the right illumination for
you the precise light distribution for your needs.
any location. Standard exterior f in ish is
No wasted light dark bronze color vinyl clad
above 90', no glare, no need for a aluminum with a clear sealer coat
"glare shield". to prevent u.v. discoloration.
Available in one to
four fixture per pole conf igurations
to give you the illumination you
need to light any area totally.
The Design 1 1O QL Luminaire is
constructed of heavy-gauge aluminum,
interlocked at the corners, and
retained with reinforced corner braces
for exceptional strength and rigidity.
This ingenious construction is
achieved with no visible fasteners
The reflector with lamp socket
assembly is hinged, to provide access
to ballast and fitter compartment for
fast, easy service. The exterior finish is
vinyl-clad on aluminum and flnished
with a clear sealer coat to prevent
deterioration. The internal main
support system is fastened to two side
panels, for additional strength. The
standard color is Bronze 313.

Same quality construction. The answer

for many larqe-area lighting applications

You can choose from three.10dlfferent

ref lector types in the QL 1 Serieq
depending upon your specific lighting
Ref lector Type 24V- Sym metrical.
Computer designed 1 4-gauge
aluminurn with an Alzak finish.
Ref lector Type 2 4m- Asym metrical.
Made of heat- resistant polysulfane.
plated with aiuminum and protected by
a coating of silicone oxide.
Ref lector Type 24 F- Floodlight
cutoff. Made of one-piece hydroformed
specular aluminum.

Made of an optically clear tempered

glass that is heat and impact resistant.
Flat or convex styles are available
depending upon photometric
requirements Lens doors are formed
aluminum sheeting, vinyl-finished,
same as f ixture housing.

Type 24Il
110 luminaires come equipped with a
cast aluminum slip fitter for easy
mounting to a pole tenon. A 3-degree
..1 i: leveling adjustment is incorporated
:'i into the slip fitter design.
.!-1.: Lamp Support-A socket and
mounting bracket assembly is moun-
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ted on an adjustable bracket, so lamp
"fype 24F
can be adjusted for peak candlepower
angles and cutotf control.
I MIO)lliE il t. iTI6 lll7-nrrdllc I

The OL 1 1O Design Outdoor

Luminaire uses three reflectors, to
produce different light patterns, in
order to meet your specific lighting
requirements. The drff erent patterns
allow your architect or design
engineer to "design with light," so he
can achieve the optimum lighting
layout with the fewest number of
lu m inaires.

Reflector 24V is made of heavy- Type 24I

gauge, one-piece aluminum sheeting
with a highly specular finish. The lamp
is in the vertical position. lt gives you
uniform, direct-down illumimation with
no hot spot under the luminaire. Peak
candlepower is reached at 62.5 with
no light at 90'. A symmetrical light
pattern allows for the widest possible
spacing of luminaires for the most
economical installation.

Ref lector24III is also made of heavy-

gauge, one-piece aluminum sheeting Type 24ltr.
with a highly specular finish. The lamp
is mou nted in the horizontal position,
should you prefer this light pattern for
your particu lar installation.

Ref lector 24 F has the same

construction specif ications with the
lamp also mounted in the horizontal
position. But. the lamp design gives
you a floodlight effect. providing a
forward throw of light with an effective
rear cutoff ldeal for installations
where f loodlighting is required.
Type 24F
't10-24y zlOO Watt Lamp MH 110-24-v 4Oo Watt Lamp HPS
One Fixture 2738 (4OOOO Lumens) One Fi)dure 2694 (5oooo Lumens)
35', 30', 25' 20', lnit F.C. Units in Mts. Hsts. 35', 30' 2s', 20' lnit. F.C. Units in Mtg. Hgt3.

1.7 2.3 3.3 5.1 3.O 4,1 5.9 9.O

1.3 1.7 2.s 3.4 1.9 2.6 3-8 5.7

.95 1.3 1.4 2.9 1.O 1.4 2.O 3.O
.58 .a 1.1 1.a .6 .al 1.2 1.8
.35 .5 .70 1.1 .39 ,52 .75 '1.2
.2 .27 .34 .6 .22 .29 ,42 .66
.'t .14 .20 .32 .13 .17 .25 .39
.o7 .o9 .13 .2 .oa .10 .15 .24

-110-24-fr 4oo Watt Lamp HPS
110-24-fr. 4OO Watt Lamp MH
One Fixture LST-3379 (4OOOO Lumens) One Fixture LSI-3329 (5oooo Lumens)
35', 30' 25', 20' lnlt. F.C. Unib in Mts. HEts. 35', 30', 25', 20' lnit. F.C. Units in Mts. Hsts.

3,4 4.7 6.7 10.6 4.1 5.7 4.2 12.4

'1.2 t.6 2.3 3.6 1.4 1.9 2.7 4.3

.33 .45 .65 1,O .41 .57 .a2 1.3

.11 .r 5 .21 .34 .14 .'t9 .27 .43

.o5 .o7 .10 .16 .o5 .o7 .10 .16

.o2 .o3 .o4 .o7 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o7


110-24-F zlOOWatt bmp MH 1'lO-24-F 4OO Watt tamp HPS

OneFixture lTL.2a485 (4OOOO Lumens) One Filiture ITL-28484 (5OOOO Lumens)
35' 30' 25' 20' lnll FC UnitsinMts tlsts' 35, 30, 25, 20 tn . F.C. Units in Mtg. Hgts.

3.6 5.O 7.2 1',1 .2 7.9 10.8 15.5

2.O 2.7 3.9 6.0 3.6 5.O 7.2 11.2

'1.8 2.5 3.6 5.6 3.1 4.3 6.2 9.7

1.1 1.6 2.3 3.6 2.9 4.O 5.8 9.O

.5a .a 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.a 2.6 4.O

,29 .4 .57 .9 .49 .64 .9a 1.5

For a FREE computer analysis of your requirements call QL at 312/498-6540.

We'll provide a complete analysis ln 24 hours.
sw 24-V Bef lector lOOOW H. P.S. Avg. Max.
All values initia I F.C. F. C. to
A D Min.

160', r r.9 2.5 3.6 1.7 5.9 9.7

180', 11.8 2.5 2.5 1.4 11.9

200' 1 1.8 1.1 4.8 14.6

160', b.9 1.4 4.3 6.9

180' 6.8 1.2 .1.6 7.8

200' 6.7 1.0 8.9

2OO' 4.4 1.9 3.0 t.5 3.4 4.3

220', 4.4 1.9 2.4 1.3 3.0 4.9

240', 4.4 1.8 1.8 1.1 2.8 5.6

Two per pole All values initial

Each ballast shall be capable of pro
Each QL, lnc., design 1 10 Luminaire viding reliable lamp starting down to
shall be a square sharp cutoff -20'F, shall have power factor better
luminaire for high intensity discharge than 0.90 and shall be one of the
lamps. Totally enclosed with an inter- following:
nal cast aluminum 2" slipfitter. MERCURY VAPOR
Raintight, dust-tight, CWA units shall provide *50/o lamp
corrosion- resistant constructed of power regulation with *1Oo/o
heavy- gauge vinyl-clad aluminum. variation from rated input voltage.
Optical reflectors shall be integrated METAL HALIDE
providing a type ! type III or a CWA units shall provide *10o/o lamp
forward throw distribution. Ref lector power regulation with *100/o
and lens frames shall be hinged. variation from rated input voltage.
H. P.S. ballasts shall operate lamps
Sides shall be.05O vinyl-clad on within ANSI trapezoidal limits All
aluminum. All vinyl shall have a clear wiring within the luminaire shall carry
sealer to prevent U.V. degradation. no more than 8oo/o of rated current
lnternal supports shall be provided to and shall be listed by U.L for use at
allow the use of an internal 2" cast 600 VAC at 150'C or higher.
aluminum slipf itter with +3"
adjustments The fitter shall have a
neoprene flat rubber gasket to Standard exterior finish is vinyl-clad
enclose any openings aluminum with clear sealer coat to
prevent U.V. degradation. 3.13 Bronze
color. Optional Duracron P.P.G. finish
The one-piece.O8O aluminum door available on request
shall have vinyl-clad on aluminum,
and retain the optically clean convex
heat and impact resistant tempered All fixtures shall bear the UL wet location,
flat glass in a sealed manner using an luminaire approved, and l.BE.W. labels.
extruded butyl gasket. The door shall
have a full length stainless steel
piano-type hinge with two % turn Each QL, lnc. 1 10 Design
latches. Dacron gasket shall be used luminaire shall be sharp cutoff
between f rame and gasket design with a 2" internal cast
aluminum slipf itter with a +3' adjust-
ment. Housing shall be heavy-gauge
Each optical system shall be of vinyl-clad aluminum 313 Bronze
homogeneous sheet aluminum color. Door and ref lector shall have a
electro-chemically brightened, full piano type hinge. Dacron gasket
anodized and sealed. Optional reflec- shall be used between lens and
tors shall produce a Type q housing. The 2" slipfitter shall have a
Type III or a forward throw distribu- flat neoprene rubber gasket. Optical
tion. All reflector assemblies shall be systems shall provide a TypeE
hinged for ease of service. All Type III or a forward th row Type F
reflector and lamp combinations shall distribution. Each d istribution shall
be tested for proper voltage rise. All be provided with an ITL report. Clear
photometrics shall be provided by an heat and impact convex lens shall
independent testing laboratory be provided.
W6rnlns:Thsf xiuremustbearoLnded naccordancewih ocal
codesorlheNalona EectrcCode Fa lure lo do so may reslll
Lamp, ballast type and line voltage in serous persona niury Some nterprelatlons ol lhe Naliona
shall be as indicated on drawings i \'.ie\oie rooc Jsadj..e.. xrr o.dl odo oo'o-r€ \pd, !:rs.
Design 1 1O
Primary Ballast
- Optional


Weight Data Proiected Area

60 lbs. 3.52 sq. ft

Symmetrical Asymmetrical Floodlight Cutoif

24y. 24fr 24F

Primary Ballast Voltage

120, 20A, 240, 27 7 , 480
Dimensional Data
Lamp Wattage 110-24U
1 75-250-400- 1 00o MV -MercuryVapor A 231h"
1 75-250-400- 1000 MH -Metal Halide B 18"
17 5-25O-4OO-1O00 HPS -High Pressure Sodium C 2.375" pipe O.D.574" insert

Optional Equipment Suffix

Photo Cell PC+ Noie: All dimensions are nominaland
Fusing FD are subject to change.
The Quality Lighting People
3535 Commercial Avenue
Northbrook, lL 60062
TWX91O 686 s946 (OL, lNC., NBRK)

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