Thutmose III - The Military Biography of Egypt's Greatest Warrior King (PDFDrive)
Thutmose III - The Military Biography of Egypt's Greatest Warrior King (PDFDrive)
Thutmose III - The Military Biography of Egypt's Greatest Warrior King (PDFDrive)
Richard A. Gabriel
Published in the United States by Potomac Books, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper that meets the American
National Standards Institute Z39-48 Standard.
First Edition
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For Suzi
who is the sunrise
and the warmth
In Memoriam
Timmy Mahoney
Bill Dorris and Donna Dorris
Frank Hamilton
List of Illustrations ix
1 Warrior Pharaoh 1
The Man 1
Early Years 9
The Rise to Power 14
Strategist 17
The Egyptian Alexander 21
Succession 24
2 Strategic Setting 27
Egypt 27
The Land of Canaan 35
The Mitanni 39
Nubia 43
3 The Antagonists 49
Pharaoh’s Army 49
The Mitannian Army 65
The Armies of the Canaanites 73
Nubian Armies 79
9 Epilogue 199
Final Years 200
Legacy 204
Notes 205
Bibliography 227
Index 233
About the Author 241
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Warrior Pharaoh
The Man
The room is not very large, about the size of a small chapel, and dimly lit
as if the shadows cast by the soft lights are concealing some ancient
secret. The air is chilly, a welcome relief from Cairo’s summer heat. Only
the background hum of the air conditioner disturbs the reverent silence.
This sacred place—a small room set apart in the Museum of Egyptian
Antiquities—is the final resting place of the great kings of imperial Egypt,
the warrior pharaohs.
Here lies Sekenenre, the great Theban prince who first rose against
the Hyksos invaders. His skull is gashed by a penetrating axe, apparently
having suffered hideous wounds. There is Ahmose, the founder of the
magnificent Eighteenth Dynasty and the hero who drove the despised
Hyksos out of Egypt. Thutmose I is here too. This great warrior brought
Nubia to heel and “raged like a panther” against his Asiatic enemies, with
his armies reaching as far east as the Euphrates River. Next to him rests his
son, Thutmose II, who put down the Nubians’ revolt with great slaughter
and taught the Sand People the meaning of fear.
Off to one side in a casket-like glass case half covered with a cloth
of royal purple rests a shrunken corpse, its skin parchment brown and
swathed completely in linen wrappings except for those pulled back to
reveal his face. The face is oval with full lips, smooth cheekbones, and
a prominent brow stretched tightly against the darkened skin. Through
the blackened decay one can recognize the set of the jaw and the nose
h Thutmose III
that bears a strong resemblance to that of his father and grandfather. One
cannot look upon this face without feeling a sense of awe. Here rests
Thutmose III, the greatest warrior pharaoh of the ancient world.
When the king’s mummy was discovered in 1881, Egyptologists were
horrified to learn that grave robbers in antiquity had almost destroyed the
corpse. They had torn all four limbs from the body, and the arms were
separated at the elbows. The feet were missing, most of the nose was gone,
and the head had been severed at the neck. The sight of this great man
desecrated in this manner was so disturbing that the Egyptian government
declared a moratorium on future examinations of royal mummies. The
ban lasted for five years.1
Famed Egyptologist and physician G. Elliot Smith performed the
autopsy of Thutmose’s corpse. Smith measured the body and declared
Thutmose to have been five feet three inches tall. The combination of
Thutmose’s well-known military prowess and his short stature led Egyp-
tologists to call Thutmose III the Napoleon of Egypt, a description that
may have originated with James Henry Breasted, the famous American
Egyptologist.2 It seems, however, that Smith did not account for the corpse’s
missing feet when taking his measurements. A more recent examination
revealed that the king’s height was 1.71 meters, or approximately five feet
six and one-half inches,3 which was taller than the average Egyptian of his
day and taller than all of the pharaohs of the Eighteenth Dynasty except
Amenhotep I.4 It is fitting that Breasted’s description of the great king as
an ancient Napoleon Bonaparte should be abandoned, for in his military
achievements Thutmose III was, to borrow a line from the British historian
B. H. Liddell Hart, “greater than Napoleon.” Indeed, Thutmose III was
ancient Egypt’s Alexander the Great.
He was quite a remarkable fellow, this warrior prince of Thebes and
the greatest of all generals in Egyptian history. Unlike many generals before
and after him, he did not permit his military training and experience in war
to narrow his intellect. He was no military mechanic or a mere technician
of war; instead, he was an integral man who retained his interest in things
botanical, biological, religious, literary, aesthetic, and architectural to the
end of his life. His broad understanding of his world sharpened his already
literate, well-read mind, and his early education and training prepared
Warrior Pharaoh h
after him would know of his achievements, but he did so in a manner that
makes him appear very self-effacing indeed.
The man’s humility is also reflected in his tomb. Thutmose’s tomb
is small and sparsely decorated. Compared to other tombs in the Valley
of the Kings, Thutmose is buried in the funereal equivalent of the simple
military coffin. There are no descriptions of his great military victories
inside his burial chamber. It is as if he wished the gods to remember and
judge him for other things. Still, no other general in antiquity could claim
such a remarkably successful military record as could Thutmose III of
Despite his ferocity on the battlefield, the great general seems to
have been a compassionate man. In all his campaigns, there are no reports
of massacres or atrocities. He often showed mercy to the inhabitants of
captured towns. He shared the spoils of war generously with his officers
and soldiers and seems to have taken great delight in rewarding his men
with decorations for valor in battle. Along with the traditional gold of
honor, the king seems to have introduced a number of other military
decorations for his troops. Thutmose always remained close to his troops,
and they had great trust in him as their commander. One story tells of
common soldiers threatening to report their unit scribe, or commissary
officer, to the pharaoh if they were not provided with adequate food. Only
soldiers who believed their commander to be a fair and just man would
dare make such a threat.
That Thutmose cared for his officers and men is clear from the fact
that his friends and trusted officials were men with whom he had served
in battle and whom he later appointed to administrative positions in the
government. As he approached the time when he would be king in his own
right, Thutmose began to surround himself with his fellow veterans. Many
of these men were of low social origins, but they had proved their mettle
in war. Thutmose gave many of them estates from which to draw a living,
and others rose to high office in the military and civil administrations.12
Thutmose also made sure to pass the lesson of caring for one’s troops and
comrades to his son Amenhotep II. Like his father, Amenhotep was sent to
the army as a young man to endure the hardships and learn the skills of
military life. Once, after he had become pharaoh, Amenhotep recognized
one of the rowers on the royal barge. The rower was Amenemhab, an old
Warrior Pharaoh h
veteran of many battles who had fought under Thutmose in Canaan and
Syria and had fallen on hard times. Amenhotep had the old man brought
before him and said, “I know thy character; I was abiding in the nest [i.e.,
when I was a child] while thou wert in the following of my father [i.e.,
serving with him on campaign].” With that acknowledgment, he also gave
Amenemhab a royal commission and pension.
Thutmose also possessed an inquiring mind, and his intellectual
interests ranged beyond military matters and affairs of state to include
history, religion, architecture, pottery, and even jewelry design. His reign
witnessed a period of prodigious art production of all forms, and he was
one of history’s greatest patrons of the arts.13 He had an abiding interest in
botany and while on campaign took along special scribes whose task was
to find and record any strange flowers and plants they might encounter.
One is reminded of Alexander and Napoleon, for they both took historians,
scientists, and secretaries with them on campaign to record the wondrous
new things they found in the foreign countries. Indeed, one of Napoleon’s
secretaries discovered the Rosetta stone during Napoleon’s Egyptian cam-
paign. Thutmose saw to it that samples of the strange plants were taken
to Egypt and planted there. We know of Thutmose’s interest in botany
because he had portrayals of these plants inscribed on the walls of the
Festival Hall in what has come to be called his Botanical Garden. Animals,
too, interested him. He seems to have been particularly enchanted by
the story of his father having encountered a white rhinoceros in Nubia.
Returning from one of his campaigns, Thutmose spent several days in the
vicinity of the marshes of Niya in Syria, studying and hunting elephants.
Thutmose was one of Egypt’s great builders. With the possible
exception of Ramses II, who enjoyed the longest reign in Egyptian history
(sixty-seven years), Thutmose constructed more temples, shrines, votive
buildings, pylons, and fortresses than any of his predecessors and all of his
successors.14 The Hyksos invaders had pillaged or destroyed much of the
monumental architecture in Middle Egypt, and it was probably not until
Thutmose’s time that events and resources made an attempt at large-scale
rebuilding of the ruined buildings possible. Thutmose also administered
an empire that required the construction of new military garrisons and
fortifications in Canaan and Nubia.15 He had an interest in monumental
architecture as well and paid great attention to his building program. It
h Thutmose III
its garrisons staffed and repaired, and its occasional revolts suppressed.
Further, the great expansion of the Amun priesthood and the remarkable
building program, with all that entailed regarding extracting resources and
conscripting labor, required constant attention. Thutmose also needed to
administer the Egyptian military and economic presence in Canaan while
at the same time attending to the threats from Syria and the Mitanni. Unlike
any of his predecessors, Thutmose had to govern an imperial realm, and
he proved an excellent administrator equal to the task.
The centralization of pharaonic authority permitted a revolution in
agriculture, no small achievement in a country where seven million people
had to be fed and the army in the field or in garrison supplied.20 Key to
increased agricultural production was a device called the shadouf, a long
beam supported by two stakes that is weighted at one end and has a bucket
at the other. After dipping the bucket into a water source, the weighted
beam is used to raise the bucket and empty it into an irrigation channel
higher than the water source. Although the Hyksos first introduced
the shadouf, it does not seem to have come into widespread use until
Thutmose’s reign. At the same time, the old wooden plough made of two
bent handles that were fastened to the horns of oxen was replaced by a
lighter plough with more upright handles that a team of men could draw.
These two innovations resulted in more efficient and extensive agricultural
production during the New Kingdom.
Early Years
The son of Pharaoh Thutmose II by a concubine named Isis, Thutmose
III was probably born in 1504 BCE. Pharaoh’s great wife and half-sister,
Hatshepsut, produced only a daughter, Neferure.21 It is probable that
Thutmose, while still very young, was married to his half-sister, Neferure.
Marriages to sisters and half-sisters were common among the royalty of
Egypt since the bloodline of succession was held to follow the female line.
Marriage to these royal blue-blooded females was sometimes a means of
legitimizing the rule of a nonroyal who had been appointed to succeed a
pharaoh who had died without a male heir. The difficulty was, however,
that it also permitted powerful male cousins outside the normal line of
succession to raise claims to the throne by arranging a royal marriage.
Thutmose I had become pharaoh in exactly this manner by marrying the
10 h Thutmose III
have been placed in the care of the priests to oversee his further education.
Thus, it would not have been unreasonable that the priests should have
encouraged Thutmose to become one of them. Such encouragement may,
perhaps, even have come at the instigation of the queen and her advisers,
who might have reckoned that the priesthood was an ideal place to
imprison her rival for the throne. So much the better if the boy were to truly
follow the religious life. For a few years after his circumcision, Thutmose
served as a priest of Amun at Karnak. The experience made him deeply
devout for the rest of his life.
An Egyptian boy became a man at age twelve or thirteen, a time of
great importance marked by the ceremonies of shaving the Horus lock
and of undergoing circumcision. The origins of the Egyptian practice of
circumcision are quite obscure and very old, perhaps reaching back to the
earliest days of man’s original settlement in Egypt. There seems to have
been no particularly religious significance to the practice, only a strong
social one to mark those men of the nobility as superior to and apart from
the other social classes. Among the lower classes, however, circumcision
may have been part of the military ritual of induction. The ceremony might
have marked the soldier-recruit’s commitment to serve the pharaoh, or
the warrior god.24
One can imagine Egypt’s greatest soldier enduring the rite of cir-
cumcision as a young man. For the usual nobility, Egyptian physicians
operated with the traditional flint knife. But given Thutmose’s royal
blood, the court physician would have used the star knife, a special scalpel
fashioned from nickel steel extracted from meteorites that had fallen to
earth. Portrayals of the procedure show the physician kneeling in front
of the young man, who is standing. Sometimes others grip the boy and
support him should he be rendered unconscious by the pain. One portrait
shows what might have been the manner in which Thutmose, a future
king, dealt with the pain: we see a young man standing rigidly straight
with one hand placed on the physician’s head and the other on his own
hip in a gesture of calm as he endures the pain without complaint. The
ceremony was performed before a gathering of relatives and friends, so
a young man’s performance on that special day might well mark him as
strong and brave or as a weakling for life.
12 h Thutmose III
Come, let me tell you how he goes to Syria, and how he marches
over the mountains. His bread and water are borne upon his
shoulders like the load of an ass; they make his neck that of an
Warrior Pharaoh h 13
ass, and the joints of his back are bowed. When he reaches the
enemy he is like a trapped bird, he has no strength in his limbs. If
he comes home to Egypt he is like wood that is worm-eaten and
becomes bedridden.
If Thutmose’s experience was anything like that of his son, the young
pharaoh trained and became familiar with a range of infantry weapons,
just as ground officers must do today. Perhaps he spent some time training
with the kenyt-nesu, or the King’s Braves. These fellows were the Egyptian
equivalent of the U.S. Rangers, elite special operations units of heavy
infantry used especially for rushing head-on against difficult positions.
Like modern special operations units, the Braves were made up of soldiers
who had distinguished themselves in battle. Hardened veterans all, their
entry was by merit only.
Service with the light infantry would have gained the young prince
an appreciation for the archers—the megau, or “shooters”—and how to
coordinate their employment with infantry and chariots. Experience
with the archers would have also taught the young officer how to use the
composite bow to good effect. Egyptian archers and charioteers carried the
same bow, an instrument of Hyksos design constructed of a central wood
core with thin strips of horn and leather laminated around the belly. The
bow was 1.3 meters long, and when drawn to the ear, it could send a reed
shaft fletched arrow with a bronze arrowhead through an ingot of copper
three fingers thick. Powered by a string of twisted gut, this composite bow
was a formidable weapon in a trained soldier’s hands. For protection,
both archers and spearmen wore textile armor and helmets. The elite
infantry and the charioteers wore body armor fashioned of 2-millimeter-
thin bronze plates sewn in overlapping patterns on a leather jerkin. One
can imagine how uncomfortable and hot the young pharaoh must have
found this equipment. But then again, military life was a long way from
the comforts of the priests’ temple at Karnak or the royal palace.
The chariot corps seems to have been Thutmose’s favorite arm of
battle, and he used it to good effect when he became commander in chief.
But he was still a long way from that day, and before it came he had to
learn to master the chariot and use his weapons while racing over the
ground at combat speed. Chariot training began with learning to drive
14 h Thutmose III
a small cart with thick wooden wheels pulled by a single horse, usually
some retired warhorse that had survived many battles and had a mind of
its own when it came to working with young officers. The cart was very
difficult to steer, and attempting to hit anything with the bow even at low
speed was a challenge. Once having mastered the heavy cart, the trainee
moved to a lighter vehicle and, finally, on to the combat version of this
remarkable fighting machine. Thutmose would have been given his own
chariot and driver, and then, when proficient, he may have moved on to
his first command as a kedjen-tepy, or “first charioteer,” in charge of a troop
of ten machines. Just as his son did after him, Thutmose loved military
life and was a natural born leader of men in war. To the end of his life, his
most trusted confidants and closest friends remained those he made in
military service.
became king in his own right at age twenty-two, there is no evidence that
Thutmose asserted his claim to the throne with any vigor, if at all.
Hatshepsut ruled Egypt with Thutmose for twenty-two years (1504–
1482 BCE), all but seven of which as a king in her own right. Her reign
is noted for constructing a substantial number of public works buildings
and monuments, including her great mortuary temple in the Valley of the
Kings, and for sponsoring the famous trade expedition to the land of Punt
(Somalia), the record of which is preserved on her temple’s walls. She also
contributed to the expansion of the great religious complex at Karnak.
Under her reign, Egypt was well governed and without civil turbulence,
and the general impression from the surviving records is it was a time of
general prosperity and peace.
Early in her reign, however, Hatshepsut ordered a military foray
into southern Canaan either to put down a small revolt or to deal with the
banditry of the Apiru. Later, but still early in her reign, she seems to have
personally led a major military expedition into Nubia. One surviving text
describes the queen herself as present on the battlefield and supervising
the collection of booty.32 These events suggest that Hatshepsut was an
active pharaoh in both the domestic and foreign arenas and that she was
clearly aware of and concerned with events and developments beyond
Egypt’s borders.
While we still ponder Hatshepsut’s motives for serving as king,
the circumstances surrounding Thutmose’s accession to full kingship in
1482 or 1481 BCE remain unclear. It has been suggested that Hatshepsut
had been unwilling to resist the encroachments upon Egyptian influence
fostered by the Canaanite states. This show of weakness only encouraged
additional attempts, including the powerful Mitannian kings’ use of
proxies to weaken Egypt’s hold on the strategic land bridge. Over some
time, these encroachments had forced Egypt to withdraw most of its gar-
risons to the southern fringe of Canaan itself.33 This move placed Egypt’s
strategic position and commerce at risk, and it might have raised the fears
of the powerful Amun priesthood that the royal revenues and gifts that
were the mainstay of its wealth might be diminished.34 Sometime late
in Hatshepsut’s reign, she sent Thutmose in command of an army to
regain Gaza, long the lynchpin to Egypt’s strategic position in Canaan.
Shortly thereafter, Hatshepsut was forced to send another army under
Warrior Pharaoh h 17
Thutmose III’s great achievements on the battlefield inevitably lead one
to think of him mostly in military terms, that is, as a great general who
excelled in the art of war. It is certainly true that few generals of the ancient
world can claim a record of battlefield achievement equal to that of the
great pharaoh. Still, there is more to greatness, even military greatness,
than winning battles. Often an appreciation for the political dimension
of war and the personal dimension of leadership give victories on the
battlefield any meaning beyond the body count and the movement of
boundaries. Thutmose knew and appreciated these dimensions of military
performance and demonstrated them often.
Perhaps the most important and far-reaching of Thutmose’s achieve-
ments was how he changed the psychology of Egyptian national character.
In the same manner that Alexander did for the Greeks, he set forth a new
18 h Thutmose III
paradigm that altered the way Egyptians thought about themselves and
their world. For more than two millennia Egypt had been an isolated
society, almost hermetically sealed by its vast desert borderlands from the
great cultural changes that were occurring in the rest of the Levant. Thus,
Egyptians rarely thought about the world beyond these borders. Strange
and little-known lands were of no concern to the land of the gods, the
land that gave the world the concept of resurrection.38 Throughout their
recorded history, Egyptians had lived as if there were no other lands at
all. In all this time one is hard pressed to find any significant examples
of cultural or technological change within Egypt that occurred as a
consequence of contacts with lands and people beyond its borders.
The Hyksos invasion (circa 1650 BCE) and their subsequent 108 years
of occupation provided a shocking awakening to this peaceful view of
things. But even then, the Egyptian leaders’ goal was simply to rid Kemit,
or the “Black Land,” of the invaders and return to their former ways. It
was Thutmose III who first realized that there was no going back. The
strange lands of the Asiatics could no longer be safely ignored. To return
to the past would achieve nothing and only place Egypt at risk once more.
Thus, Thutmose led a closed society into a new era of awareness and
interaction with other cultures. Those of us who remember the uncertainty
that accompanied the end of the era of American isolation after World War
II and the difficulties the United States confronted in adjusting to its new
international role can only marvel at Thutmose’s achievement. It was one
thing for the barely two-hundred-year-old United States to make such a
significant change in its psychological perception of the world. How much
more traumatic it must have been for the Egyptians to abandon their
two-thousand-year-old history and worldview! Thutmose succeeded in
providing Egypt with a new vision of itself and its place in the world, and
that vision remained unchanged in its essentials for the next five hundred
The new Egypt required a new national security strategy to guide
its policy in the changing and hostile environment in which it was forced
to live. Thutmose developed a strategic vision of Egyptian security that
guided Egyptian diplomatic, commercial, and military policy for half a
millennium. In this view, Egypt had no safe borders. Instead, the nation’s
security lay in Egypt’s ability to control the political and military dev-
Warrior Pharaoh h 19
At the beginning of his third decade of rule, or regnal year 42, Thutmose
was still actively campaigning in Syria, this time against the cities of Kadesh
and Tunip. His program of domestic public works was in full swing, and
the great shipyard at Perunefer north of Memphis was producing the
new seagoing ships to transport Egyptian troops and supplies to Asiatic
battlefields. At the height of his power Thutmose began to think about
the problem of succession. None of the Thutmosids were of Tao blood,
and each had legitimized his rule by marrying a woman of the royal line.
Warrior Pharaoh h 25
Now Thutmose faced the same problem. As a young boy Thutmose was
probably married to Hatshepsut’s daughter, Neferure, but she died soon
after the union. He then married Queen Satiah, probably of royal blood.
She bore him a son, Amenenhet, who would have been a legitimate heir
had the boy not died around age eight. Thutmose then took another wife,
Meryetre-Hatshepsut, who was a commoner. She bore him four girls—
Nefertari, Isis, Baket, and Meryetamun—and a son, Amenhotep II, who
eventually became heir to the throne.
But just as all Thutmosids before him, because Amenhotep II’s
mother was not of royal blood, the legitimacy of his succession was in
question and raised the ambitions of royal cousins and others who had
married royal women. To forestall any challenge to that succession, in
year 42 Thutmose embarked on a systematic campaign to erase the
official memory of Hatshepsut in all Egyptian texts and monuments. He
attempted to rewrite the account of his reign by carrying out history’s first
great political purge of the official record and deleting Hatshepsut.
Thutmose ordered artisans to remove all representations of Hat-
shepsut in reliefs, texts, cartouches, and wherever else they appeared and
to recut the resulting blank spaces with other images, usually those of
offering tables. Where possible, these spaces were replaced with the names
of the first two Thutmosids and in some instances even with Thutmose’s
name itself. All of the freestanding portraits, sphinxes, and statues of
Hatshepsut were smashed and the pieces buried. Thutmose even ordered
Hatshepsut’s tomb opened and had the body of her father, Thutmose
I, which she had moved to a sarcophagus in her tomb, reinterred in his
original tomb in the Valley of the Kings.47 Thutmose I was the first king
to have been buried there and to have his tomb located apart from his
mortuary temple.
At this time Thutmose’s portraiture took on a new form. Many of
his portraits prior to Hatshepsut’s proscription show him with a round,
soft, almost feminine face fashioned in the image of the ruling queen. Now
Thutmose’s portraits took on a more masculine character and began to
reflect his physical features more realistically. The new portraits stressed
the physical features that the king shared with his father and grandfather
as if to say they, and he, were the legitimate heirs to Egypt and not the
women of the Tao bloodline.48 The idea seems to have been to present
26 h Thutmose III
himself and his male forebears as the true royal line and thus remove any
rationale for a challenge to his son’s claim to the throne.
When he was forty-two years old, Thutmose mounted his last
campaign in Syria-Lebanon. In the last years of the king’s life Amenhotep
II was sent at the head of an army to put down a rebellion in Syria. This
time the population was slaughtered, and the rebellious princes hanged
head down over the prow of Amenhotep’s barge as he sailed up the Nile
to present his father with a great victory. Unlike his father, Amenhotep did
not shrink from slaughter.
Thutmose III spent his last years building temples and indulging his
intellectual interests. Two years before his death, to further strengthen his
boy’s claim to the throne, Thutmose made Amenhotep co-regent, probably
when the boy reached his majority at age sixteen and after having seen
to his military education and giving him experience in war.49 Perhaps
Thutmose remembered his own youthful inexperience and wanted
Egypt’s next pharaoh to be more prepared to deal with the dangerous
world of war and international politics. And then one day the greatest of
the warrior pharaohs was gone, dead from natural causes.
He had lived fifty-three years, ten months, and twenty-six days, and in
his time had changed Egypt forever. For his having lived, the world was
never the same again.
Strategic Setting
In order to understand Egyptian national defense strategy on the eve
of Thutmose III’s ascension to power, it is necessary to understand the
evolution of Egyptian foreign policy that preceded it. Egypt is one of the
oldest continuous national entities on the planet. Egyptian society of
4000 BCE was formed around province-like entities that the Greeks later
called nomi and that were ruled by individual nomarchs, or chiefs. Over
time, these nomarchs assembled in loose feudal arrangements into two
clusters of kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt. Sometime around 3200
BCE the king of Upper Egypt, known variously to history as Narmer or
Menes, united the two kingdoms by force into a single Egyptian state.1 His
successor, Hor-Aha, established the first national irrigation control system
and founded the national capital at Memphis. Thus began the reign of
the pharaohs of the Early Dynastic Period, which lasted for almost five
hundred years.
The social order that evolved was similar to the feudal orders of the
early European Middle Ages. Egypt’s national authority, in the person of
the pharaoh, was constantly at odds with rival local barons (nomarchs)
who provided military forces to the national sovereign in exchange for
local privileges and land. Over time, these rival barons represented a
considerable threat to the national state’s integrity, and Egypt’s early
history was punctuated by periods when coalitions of local barons
virtually controlled the national authority.
28 h Thutmose III
The kings from 3100 to 2686 BCE expanded the Egyptian state.
Successful campaigns were launched against Nubia to the south and the
Libyans to the west. Expeditions were also undertaken in the Sinai, and
trade was established with the principalities in Canaan, Lebanon, and
the Jordan Valley. During this period a state bureaucracy was developed,
writing was introduced as a tool of centralized administration, and
political institutions transformed Egypt from an assembly of chiefdoms
into a theocratic state ruled by a pharaoh, who was regarded as divine and
was supported by religious and administrative castes.
Over the centuries, however, the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom Period
(2575–2150 BCE) were able to create a national identity, conscript armies,
fight wars on Egypt’s borders, and develop a national defense policy that
kept Egypt free from foreign invasion and occupation. That geography
isolated Egypt from genuine security threats made this task somewhat
easier. To the west was the vast Libyan desert populated by wandering
nomadic tribes whose occasional forays represented more of a nuisance
than a threat to Egyptian security. To the east were the Sand People of the
Sinai and the Canaanite land bridge whose level of societal organization
and military sophistication were generally low, rendering them incapable
of mounting military operations of sufficient size and strength to challenge
Egyptian security. To the south, the Nubians, or “vile Kush” as they were
known in Egyptian documents for millennia, represented only a limited
military threat. But even here, the cataracts of the Nile helped provide
good defensive terrain from which to resist military incursions. Frequent
conflicts were fought between Egypt and Nubia for thousands of years,
but the Nubian armies’ limited sophistication could not really threaten
Egypt’s existence. To the north the Mediterranean Sea, known to the
Egyptians as the Great Green, presented a strategic barrier to invasion, for
shipbuilding had not yet evolved to build ships that could transport large
numbers of troops across the open sea with any degree of safety. For more
than a thousand years Egypt was under no significant military threat from
outside its borders.
The Egyptian social order was larger, more sophisticated, and more
organized in form and content than almost any other in the region except
the Sumerian civilization of southern Mesopotamia. By 3000 BCE Egypt’s
population was almost 1 million people,2 and its agriculture could support
Strategic Setting h 29
450 people per square mile.3 Egypt’s destruction would have required a
degree of shock far beyond its traditional enemies’ ability to deliver. Safe
behind its natural borders, mesmerized by its unique theology,4 and well
administered by a highly structured governmental system, Egypt was
almost hermetically sealed off from the larger military and technological
developments occurring in the rest of the Near East, most particularly in
Mesopotamia, where military technology and warfare had reached levels
far more advanced than those in Egypt.
During the Old Kingdom, Egypt pursued a national defense policy
of preclusive security. Egypt focused its efforts on the frontiers to the
south and east, the sources of the two most troublesome threats. A series
of fortresses called the Wall of Princes was constructed along the Isthmus
of Suez and permanently garrisoned. These fortifications were the first
30 h Thutmose III
and last line of defense against the hit-and-run raids of the Canaanites.
To the south, along the First Cataract of the Nile, a series of forts were
also constructed to meet the threat of Nubian incursions. Thus, Egyptian
national security policy was both strategically and tactically defensive.
None of this discussion about Egypt’s defensive posturing is meant
to imply that the Egyptians were unaware of the larger world in which
they lived or that Egypt did not, from time to time, conduct military
expeditions beyond its defensive perimeter. Egyptian governmental
functionaries, mostly trade consulates, were stationed in Canaan, Syria,
and Lebanon, where they conducted trade, gathered intelligence, and
carried out diplomatic activities. It was also Egyptian practice to conduct
punitive military raids beyond their line of forts in both directions to
punish any transgressions of its borders. These operations were never
major campaigns or of long duration, however, and they did not result
in the establishment of permanent garrisons in territory beyond Egypt’s
borders. By the end of the Old Kingdom, the traditional defensive strategy
had worked successfully for almost half a millennium to keep Egypt safe
from foreign invaders.
The problem of national authority versus local barons had occa-
sionally resulted in periods of domestic unrest and instability, and civil
wars precipitated the demise of the Old Kingdom. Events were contained,
however, and at the dawn of the second millennium BCE, Egypt entered
the Middle Kingdom Period (1975–1640 BCE). As national authorities
gained more power over local barons, it was possible to raise larger armies
and conduct a more active and aggressive national defense policy. The
Middle Kingdom saw the development of a new national defense strategy
premised on the creation of buffer zones beyond the walls and forts to the
south and east. This strategy also saw more frequent and larger military
operations into hostile areas. No longer did Egypt merely react to military
threats; now it attempted to preempt them.
Along the eastern border Egyptian armies pressed the security
zone farther out from the Wall of Princes and established a major military
garrison in southern Canaan. From this forward base, the Egyptians
conducted search-and-destroy operations into Canaan proper, on one
occasion reaching as far north as Samaria in north-central Canaan to
Strategic Setting h 31
more than a third of the country. This period saw great national humiliation
for the proud Egyptians and was one they never forgot. The Hyksos
invasion and occupation had an enormous impact on the Egyptian
national psyche.9 Egypt had gone from a period of security to invasion,
occupation, and national peril in a few short years. Ejecting the Hyksos
and the Nubians from the country and reestablishing Egyptian national
identity became the primary national security goals of the Theban princes.
Even after achieving these goals, though, the fear of invasion remained
permanently embedded in the Egyptians’ national psyche. The result was
a new national security policy built around the aggressive use of military
force to protect the state.
The struggle against the Hyksos required several generations to
succeed, and it began in earnest sometime in the 1550s BCE as the first
great warrior pharaoh, Kamose, conducted a series of wars against the
Hyksos enemy. The Egyptians’ anger against the occupiers was captured
in Kamose’s words to his council, which opposed hostilities. Kamose
understood the role of power in a statesman when he rebuked his
Having assembled the Egyptian armies under his command at his capital
in the city of Thebes, Kamose began his war of liberation.
Kamose gained some initial success, defeating the Hyksos in a
series of battles, capturing some of the northern towns, and expanding
his control of the Theban ascendancy. He was killed in battle and did
not live to see his dream of expelling the hated Asiatics from Egypt. He
was succeeded by his brother, Ahmose I (1539–1514 BCE), who ruled for
twenty-five years and waged unrelenting war against the occupiers.11
Ahmose succeeded in driving the Hyksos from Egypt and pressed them
back to their strongholds on the Canaanite border. He achieved his goal by
Strategic Setting h 33
redesigning the army and reducing once and for all the power of the local
barons. The new Egyptian army became a national instrument with which
to pursue national objectives.
During the war with the Hyksos, Ahmose also conducted holding
and spoiling operations against the Nubians in the south. With the pri-
mary front secured, he turned his armies southward, driving the Nubians
34 h Thutmose III
back behind the First Cataract. At the end of his life, Ahmose had
restored the territorial integrity of Egypt from the Sinai to the Nubian
border, established Thebes as the new capital, redesigned the army into
an instrument of national military power, and passed his achievements
on to his son, Amenhotep I (1514–1493 BCE). Ahmose also founded
the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egyptian kings. Over the next two centuries
this dynasty produced fifteen kings, eight of which were great warrior
pharaohs. Throughout all of Egyptian history, before or since, there has
never been such a long line of talented rulers to oversee Egypt’s security.
Under the Eighteenth Dynasty, Egyptian power extended beyond the
Sinai into Canaan and Syria. The rulers abandoned the old geographically
based defensive strategy and replaced it with a new national defense
policy wherein Egypt attempted to influence events in Canaan through
diplomacy, treaties, and alliances with various small client states. Egypt
developed a sophisticated strategy in which diplomacy, intelligence, and
trade were used to influence the Canaanite states’ behavior and prevent
the emergence of any rival coalition with sufficient strength to threaten
Egypt itself. Behind the diplomacy and commercial inducements was
Egypt’s new modern army, a powerful and mobile instrument of force
that could be used to coerce rival states, go to their aid to protect them,
and, if need be, to attack any rival coalition of forces that diplomacy failed
to prevent. Although military garrisons and strong points were sometimes
constructed within the client states as a guarantee of the Egyptians’
commitment, for the most part there was less reliance on fortifications and
more on the army’s ability to move and strike quickly with overwhelming
force. Using political, economic, and military assets in the service of clear
national policy goals aimed at preventing the rise of a rival military power
was a masterpiece of policy integration. Later, Thutmose III gave full
expression to this new national defense policy, with the result that he set
in place an Egyptian Empire supported by military power that lasted for
more than five hundred years.
Egypt’s new security strategy was partially dictated by a change in
the nature of the threat the empire faced. The Sand People of the Canaanite
land bridge, whom the Egyptians continued to view as the descendants
of the hated Hyksos, had matured to the point where they constructed
sophisticated and powerful military establishments and fortifications.
Strategic Setting h 35
bank of packed earth called a glacis. The glacis joined an exterior ditch,
or fosse, that obstructed the most likely avenues of approach. During this
time Canaan had extensive contacts with the Mitanni-Hurrians, and likely
they became the predominant influence on the Canaanites’ method of
war. The Mitannian influence on the new architecture, for example, is also
seen in two powerful cities in northern Syria, Carchemish and Ebla, which
used the same fortifications.15
The influence of the Mitanni-Hurrian culture during this period
was strongly reflected in the transformation of Canaanite society itself
into one derived from the Mitannian model. In Canaan a feudal warrior
noble caste based on heredity and land possession came into existence.
As in the land of the Mitanni, these warriors were called maryanna, and
like their Mitannian cousins, they were an elite group of chariot warriors.
This elite ruled over a half-free, Semitic-speaking class of peasants and
farmers (khupshu) without a middle or merchant class in between.16
There is some evidence that the feudal barons were of non-Semitic stock,
another similarity with the Mitannian social order. The transformation of
Canaanite military technology and social organization produced a society
able and willing to fight wars, especially in resistance to the aspirations of
the great powers to the south (the Egyptians) and to the north (the Hittites
and the Mitanni).
The presence of foreign influence did not prohibit the Canaanite
princes from fortifying their important cities and towns. The entire
country was heavily fortified even though an independent king or chief
ruled each city-state. Although there was no Canaanite high king to direct
it, the countrywide Canaanite fortification design was so well integrated
as to suggest at least some degree of cooperation among the princes. The
purpose of these fortifications was to protect the lucrative trade routes
that crisscrossed the country, linking it to Syria and Egypt, and to protect
Canaan from the predations of migrating nomadic tribes. Taken together,
the system of fortifications was designed to permit the Canaanite princes
to mount a mobile defense in depth, using mounted chariot warriors.
Only as a last resort did Canaanites permit themselves to be besieged in
their cities.
Illustration 2.3 portrays the Canaanite strategic defense system. Each
of the major fortified cities served as a base for chariot units to disrupt
38 h Thutmose III
The Mitanni
The people known as the Mitanni appeared on history’s stage for only a
short time, perhaps less than two centuries, before disappearing forever. In
that period the Mitanni built a powerful nation around which swirled the
great power conflicts of the armies of the Near East from the fourteenth to
the twelfth centuries BCE. The Egyptians, Assyrians, and Hittites were all at
one time or another allies or enemies of the Mitanni. The latter’s geographic
position astride the main trade, transportation, and communication routes
of Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt forced it to play the role of balancer
among the great powers in order to preserve its own security. The Mitanni
occupied the area of the northern Euphrates plain, or the steppe between
the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The Assyrians called this area Hanigalbat,
a term that became synonymous with the Mitanni. It encompassed the
area of what is today southeastern Turkey, northern Syria, and northern
40 h Thutmose III
and involve the superimposition of a new warrior caste upon the then
extant Hatti society.
Second, the Mitanni were probably the first to truly exploit the
horse as an instrument of war, most particularly using it with the spoked-
wheel chariot as a combat vehicle. They did not, of course, introduce the
horse to Mesopotamia, where it had been known from at least the Sum-
erian period. During the Akkadian period the animal was known as sisu
in Akkadian.29 It is likely that the Hurrians first used the horse as a draft
animal for agricultural purposes, even before the migrations. What is clear,
however, is that the spoked-wheel war chariot made its first appearance
among the Mitanni sometime soon after the their arrival in the Hurrian
land, or about circa 1600 BCE. Almost simultaneously, the war chariot
appears in Kassite Babylonia, among the Hittites and the Hyksos, and
a short time later among the Egyptians. The validity of the Mitannian
claim as being the first to use this weapon can be deduced from the era’s
Hittite texts, which recount the story of Kikkuli of the Land of the Mitanni
whom the Hittite king hired to instruct his army in the breeding and use
of horses.30 H. M. F. Saags suggests the evidence is sufficient to award the
claim of this chariot’s first use, if not outright invention, to the Mitanni.31
Whatever the case, the war chariot’s appearance as a major weapon of war
in the Near East coincided closely with the arrival and emergence of the
Mitanni in the former Hurri states. While neither the horse nor the chariot
can be attributed to the Mitanni with certainty, it is highly probable that
the Mitanni were the inventors of and first to use the chariot system, an
innovation that changed the face of battle among the armies of the Near
East for the next thousand years.
The land the Egyptians called Ta Nehesy from time immemorial extended
south from the First Cataract of the Nile near modern Aswan to the Fifth
Cataract, some four hundred miles as the crow flies but closer to six
hundred miles by boat. We know almost nothing certain about the ethnic
constitution of the country, its social structure, or its political order.32 All
that we can reasonably discern is that Nubian society seems to have been
made up of various small kingdoms ruled by local chiefdoms. From time
to time a high chief emerged who was able to assemble several of these
44 h Thutmose III
Pharaoh’s Army
A definable military organization first emerged in Egypt during the
period of the Old Kingdom (2575–2150 BCE).1 Although united in a single
kingdom, Egypt’s political order was fragmented, and local nomarchs
remained sufficiently powerful to obstruct pharaonic power. The nomarchs
raised and maintained their own military forces and often controlled
strategic resources and important trade routes. The situation was similar
to feudal Europe, where the power of the king depended on his ability to
control his local barons.2
The national army arose from the pharaohs’ needs to defend the
state against Libyan and Nubian raiders and to deal with the nomarchs’
periodic revolts. Pharaoh’s army consisted of a small standing force of
several thousand regular troops organized in the manner of household
guards. Egypt introduced conscription, levying one man in ten to service
each year, but even then the nomarchs provided these troops.3 The best of
the conscripts went to the army, where the small force of regular officers
organized and trained them. Others were sent to labor battalions. Nubian
auxiliaries in the pay of the king augmented the standing armies.4
The army mostly comprised militia units organized under the local
nomarchs’ command. These barons were required to provide specific
troop levies to the pharaoh during times of emergency. In normal times,
however, the troops were raised, trained, and kept at the local level.
The political relationship between the king and the local rulers largely
50 h Thutmose III
determined if and how many troops would be made available for dealing
with national problems. A large number of conscript troops levied under
the system of national conscription did not go to regular combat units.
Instead, these soldiers received some military training and were used
to garrison the frontier forts and furnish corvée labor for public works
projects. It is unknown how long the term of service for conscript soldiers
was, but apparently soldiers remained with local militia units for some
time after completing their initial period of national service.
The organizational structure of the army of the Old Kingdom is
unclear, but it is evident that distinctions were made between regular
officers and men of other ranks. A number of military titles appear for the
first time, including those of specialists in desert travel, frontier and desert
warfare, garrison troops, frontier troops, quartermaster officers, and scribes
who seem to have functioned as senior noncommissioned officers.5 There
are also titles that refer to “overseers of arsenals,” “overseers of desert
blockhouses and royal fortresses,” and “caravan leaders.”6 The army’s size
remains a mystery. Weni, a commander in the army of the Sixth Dynasty
(2345 BCE), recorded that his army was many tens of thousands strong.7
A string of twenty mud brick fortresses was built around approximately
2200 BCE to guard the southern approaches to Egypt, each requiring up
to three thousand men to garrison. This number suggests an army of at
least sixty thousand in the frontier force alone.8 With Egypt’s population
approaching two million at this time, these force levels could have easily
been achieved.
The Egyptian armies of the Middle Kingdom (1975–1640 BCE)
became more structurally articulated as Egypt struggled through periods
of anarchy and the weakening of its centralized authority, which eventually
emboldened the Hyksos to invade and occupy the territory. This period
saw a constant tug and pull between the pharaohs and the nomarchs who
still controlled their feudal armies. The pharaohs retained their standing
armies, which were augmented by conscription, and still employed Nubian
auxiliaries. Then a clearer command structure emerged with the pharaoh
acting as a field commander on major campaigns and with general officers
in charge of safeguarding the frontiers and managing logistics. There were
also clearer distinctions among junior officer ranks and titles.9 Titles appear
for commanders of shock troops, recruits, instructors, and commanders of
The Antagonists h 51
routes to Canaan and Syria, the Hyksos denied Egypt access to the sources
of strategic raw materials from which the new weapons and machines
were manufactured. Producing bronze weapons required expensive and
rare tin that had to be imported from merchants in Canaan and Syria,
and as long as the Hyksos controlled the Egyptian ports and overland
routes to Canaan, they could deprive the Theban princes of this precious
strategic material. Different woods required to manufacture chariots also
had to be imported. Ash for chariot frames, axles, and felloes; maple for
the floors; elm for the wheel spindles and yokes; and bark from the silver
birch to waterproof the glued joints and leather that held the machine
together all had to be imported from Syria and Anatolia. Composite bows
were also made from imported goods like ash and birch bark, which was
used to waterproof the laminations of the weapon.17 Further, while there
is some evidence that the horse was used in Egypt before the invasion,18
their presence in large numbers and their use as implements of war
resulted after the Hyksos’ invasion.19 With the Hyksos limiting overland
trade, however, they prevented the Egyptians from obtaining horses in
any significant numbers. To modernize its armed forces, Egypt would
first have to break the Hyksos’ stranglehold on Egyptian trade routes and
obtain access to important strategic materials.
The armies of Kamose and Ahmose that drove the Hyksos from
Egypt were not state-of-the-art military machines; instead, they were
the traditional infantry forces armed with the same weapons the armies
of the Middle Kingdom used. The next army, that of Amenhotep I, also
showed little change in its weaponry and no evidence of chariots, except
to mention them as vehicles for transporting the pharaoh. The same held
true for Thutmose I’s army, although he likely was the first pharaoh to
begin seriously reequipping the army with modern weapons and vehicles.
The process of acquiring and adopting new military technologies required
much more than simply gaining access to raw materials. It also required
a knowledge of their manufacturing methods; the availability of suitably
skilled craftsmen, which, in the case of the Egyptians, meant finding and
importing foreign craftsmen; a political or social need for the new tech-
nology; and a suitable strategic context that supported operational plans
and strategies within which the new technologies would be used.20 These
54 h Thutmose III
ations. From this time forward, Egypt had no rival for control of the coastal
Mediterranean region.30
The new Egyptian national army was raised by conscription, with
the levy being one man in ten instead of the traditional one man in a
hundred.31 It was trained by professional officers and noncommissioned
officers, and the pharaoh himself stood as commander in chief and per-
sonally led his troops in battle. The vizier operated as the minister of war,
and an army council served as a general staff. The field army was organ-
ized into divisions, each of which was a complete combined-arms corps
that included infantry, archers, and chariots. These divisions contained
approximately six thousand men, including logistics and support per-
sonnel, and each was named after one of the principle gods of Egypt.
Later Ramses II organized Egypt and the empire into thirty-four military
districts to facilitate conscription, training, and the supply of the army.32
The army’s administrative structure was also improved, with professional
schools established to train and test officers and scribes in the military arts.
The two major combat arms of the Egyptian army were chariotry and
infantry. The chariot corps was organized into squadrons of 25 machines,
each commanded by a charioteer of the residence, who was equal to a
modern company commander. Larger units of 50 and 150 vehicles could
be rapidly assembled and employed in concert with other forces.33 It was
common practice to assemble units whose size depended on the nature of
the mission and terrain, an example of the modern practice of tailoring a
unit to a specific function. Supporting the chariot corps logistically were
staffs to procure and train horses and craftsmen to maintain and repair
the machines. Egyptian divisions also had mobile chariot repair units to
ensure the vehicles’ operability when the army was in the field. That the
pharaoh was often portrayed as leading a chariot charge suggests that the
chariot forces were the status elite of the army, if not its primary combat
striking arm.
It is paradoxical that in an age of bronze the most innovative and
destructive weapons of the day, the chariot and the composite bow, were
made entirely of wood. The Egyptian chariot of the New Kingdom was
constructed of a light wooden frame, covered by stretched fabric or hide,
and weighed about seventy-five pounds.34 Two men could easily carry
the vehicle over streams and rough terrain. On the march, however, it
58 h Thutmose III
was common to remove the wheels and transport them on donkeys, and
human porters carried the much lighter chariot bodies. The chariot’s floor,
which supported the rider and archer, was made of stretched leather
thongs covered with hide or matting and fashioned in the shape of a D. A
surviving example of this floor matting was made from a special kind of
cloth involving a dense layer of long loops. The springiness of the looping
helped cushion the riders in the shaking vehicle.35 The cab was 1 meter
wide, 1.25 meters high, and 0.75 meters deep. Two horses, usually geldings,
pulled the vehicle, which was attached to a central yoke pole attached to
the horses by outer races and reins. The vehicle was capable of reaching
the speed of a galloping horse, or about twenty-five miles per hour, but at
that speed the chariot was an unstable firing platform for the archer. The
combat speed of the chariot was more likely in the range of eight to twelve
miles an hour, which was slow enough to provide the stability the archer
needed. Experiments have shown that at this speed the archer could hit
his targets more than 80 percent of the time.36 Belly bars and leg straps
helped steady the riders at high speed. Arrow and spear quivers and an ax
were attached to each side of the cab for easy access in battle.37
By the reign of Thutmose III the Egyptians had modified the char-
iot into the finest fighting vehicle in the ancient world.38 The chariot
workshop was probably the most complex manufacturing facility in
the ancient world because of the diversity of materials involved and the
wide range of technological skills required.39 Some of the manufacturing
techniques needed for chariot construction were already known in Egypt
before the Hyksos invasion. As far back as the Twelfth Dynasty, Egyptians
had learned how to steam and bend wood to make bows.40 They were
excellent carpenters and expert at lathe turning and using mortise and
tenon joints. Egyptians were also practiced leather-workers and weavers
of weft-loop textiles before the Hyksos arrived. The Egyptians’ familiarity
with these basic techniques may have reduced their learning curve when
constructing chariots and led to innovations in the machine’s design.
Three major innovations in chariot design may be credited to the
Egyptians: the position of the axle, the six-spoked wheel, and the U-joint
connecting the yoke pole to the chariot cab. They were the first to move
the axle to the far rear of the carrying platform, thereby increasing the
vehicle’s speed, stability, and maneuverability.41 They also introduced an
The Antagonists h 59
improved wheel. Hyksos chariot wheels had four spokes. As the wheel
rolled over the ground, the spaces between the rim and the spokes flexed at
the top and bottom-most positions, causing an inherent washboard effect
of up-and-down movement that was quite pronounced even on smooth
ground.42 This flexing increased the wear on the axle and hub that, in turn,
caused the wheel to slant outward. At speed, the four-spoked wheel had
a tendency to break under this side load.43 The chariot with four-spoked
wheels was neither very fast nor very maneuverable and did not provide
a stable platform for the archer when in motion.
We cannot be certain that the six-spoked wheel was an Egyptian in-
vention, but it seems likely.44 The six-spoked wheel reduced the washboard
effect considerably for having more spokes stabilized the wheel rim. Also,
by using spokes that were elliptically shaped (not round) and tapered
from the hub to the wheel rim, they were ideally oriented to resist the
bending movements of side loads, further reducing axle wear.45 A chariot
with six-spoked wheels was thus much more stable at speed and ran less
risk of having side loads collapse its wheel in a turn.46
Egyptian chariots’ U-shaped socket joint can be counted as one of the
great inventions of ancient engineers. The tail of the yoke pole bent under
the chariot body, where it was not firmly attached to anything but loosely
nested in a U-shaped socket joint. The socket permitted the screwdriver
blade–shaped end of the pole to slide back and forth and tip from side to
side. It always kept the pole centered on the axle and smoothed out the
roughness of the chariot’s horizontal motion by allowing the pole to key
the position of the axle to the position of the yoke.47 Thus, the axle was
held closely to the horizontal at all times by the pole’s flat blade even
when bouncing over rough ground. At the same time the U-socket helped
dampen the vehicle’s rotational displacements about its pole, greatly
reducing the machine’s tendency to roll over in a turn.
Taken together, these technical advances produced a vehicle that
was fast, stable, and highly maneuverable, and it required less frequent
repairs than the chariot bequeathed to Egypt by the Hyksos. If, as the
evidence suggests, these advances occurred during Thutmose III’s reign,
then the Egyptian chariots had a significant operational advantage over
the Canaanite-Syrian chariots, which lacked these advances during
Thutmose’s campaigns in Canaan and Syria. Originally the chariot was
60 h Thutmose III
little more than a slow-moving, fragile platform for archers. With the
Egyptian advances in chariot design, the vehicle acquired new tactical
functions. It could be used to engage the enemy with arrows at long range
while closing to deliver shock in massed formations. Once the enemy was
engaged at short range, axes and javelins were brought to bear. After the
enemy force was shattered, the chariot could be used in lethal pursuit,
and its archer could kill with the bow.48 The Egyptian chariot combined
the innovative dimensions of shock, lethality, and mobility, making this
weapon the only one in ancient armies that could participate in all phases
of the battle—the movement to contact, engagement, and pursuit—with
equal killing power.49
Egyptian infantry was organized into 50-man platoons commanded
by a “leader of 50.” A Sa, or company, contained 250 men in five platoons
plus a commander, quartermaster, and scribe. Each company was
identified by the type of weapon it carried: swords and spears, axes, and
bows.50 Units were further identified as being made up of recruits, trained
men, or elite shock troops. The next higher unit in the chain of command
was the regiment, commanded by a standard-bearer, although we are not
certain of its strength. Above the regiment was the Pedjet, or “brigade,”
The Antagonists h 61
Egyptian axman
Egyptian archer
disrupt hostile charges aimed at the chariot units. The infantry, the true
arm of decision in Egyptian tactical thinking, fought in formations five
men deep with a ten-man front in fifty-man platoons. These units could
quickly form marching columns ten men wide, providing a degree of
tactical flexibility in infantry employment. The division contained special
elite infantry units as well. The kenyt-nesu, or King’s Braves, appear to have
been the Egyptian equivalent of elite special operations units of heavy
infantry used especially for overcoming difficult positions. Like modern
special operations forces, the Braves were made up of hardened infantry
veterans who had distinguished themselves in battle. Membership was
by merit only.
Egyptian light infantry comprised mostly archer units called megau,
literally “shooters” and “slingers.”51 Egyptian archers and charioteers
carried the same composite bow. Constructed of a central wood core with
thin strips of horn and leather laminated at the belly and protected by
birch bark covering, the composite bow was 1.3 meters long and came
in two types, recurved and triangular.52 When drawn to the ear, it could
send a reed shaft fletched arrow with a bronze cast arrowhead through an
ingot of copper three fingers thick. The bow was powered by a string of
twisted gut and was a formidable weapon in the hands of trained infantry
or chariot-borne archers. Both archers and spearmen wore textile armor.
Elite infantry and charioteers wore body armor fashioned of 2-millimeter-
thin bronze plates sewn in overlapping patterns on a leather jerkin.53 The
bronze helmet that Canaanite and Mitannian soldiers favored does not
appear to have gained wide use in the Egyptian army probably because of
its weight and its tendency to get unbearably hot. Even Thutmose’s famed
Blue War Crown was not made of bronze.
The addition of 500 chariots organic to the field division brought the
Egyptian division to approximately 5,500 fighting men with a supporting
force of between 700 to 900 technicians, carpenters, quartermasters, scribes,
logisticians, intelligence officers, and so on for a total of more than 6,000
soldiers. To place the logistical burden of the chariot corps in perspective,
one need only consider that 500 chariots require 1,000 horses with 250
in reserve. A horse consumes twelve to fourteen pounds of hard fodder
(grain) and fourteen to sixteen pounds of green (grass) or dry (hay) fodder
a day. In addition, horses need between twenty and thirty-five quarts of
The Antagonists h 63
water per day and more in hot climates.54 The logistical requirement for a
single chariot brigade therefore was 13,000 to 15,000 pounds of grain and
fodder and 2,500 to 4,000 gallons of water a day to keep the animals in
fighting trim.
A royal prince or important retainer commanded a division, but it is
likely that the division’s day-to-day command and operations were in the
hands of a senior general called the lieutenant commander of the army.
This system is analogous to that used by the German army between 1860
and 1918. The organizational structure of an Egyptian division is portrayed
in illustration 3.3.
The Egyptian army’s well-developed tactics were supported by excel-
lent logistical functions. The use of store cities, depots, resupply by ship,
donkey pack trains, and human porters worked in concert to keep the
army well supplied in the field. Its tactical expertise was increased by a
did make use of mounted riders as scouts, but they were not used in
battle.56 With the exception of cavalry, however, the warrior pharaohs’
armies of the Egyptian imperial era were in every respect modern armies
capable of conducting operations in a modern manner and on a modern
scale, including mounting seaborne invasions and using naval forces in
conjunction with ground forces for supply and logistics. In its day the army
of imperial Egypt was the largest, best-equipped, and most successful
fighting force in the world, and it was Thutmose III who developed it and
bequeathed it to his successors.
The term seems also to have been applied to both chariot and nonchariot
warriors and to professional and militia troops.
The organization of the Mitannian army remains unclear. We are cer-
tain that the king possessed a bodyguard of chariotry known as shepi sharri
(literally, the feet of the king), consisting of ten chariots. This bodyguard
originally had its roots in the coterie of the tribal chief’s best warriors
who accompanied him in battle. Later, however, it probably comprised
the country’s leading nobles and advisers rather than necessarily its best
warriors. Much of the army was made up of charioteers, known as alik
seri (campaigners). There must also have been a central force of maryannu
chariotry, for we read of such units being sent to four towns to reinforce
local garrisons. Infantry units (shukuthlu) made up of both spearmen
and archers equipped with swords, daggers, leather armor, and helmets
existed, but we know nothing of their organization or quality except that
the ashshabu were also permitted to serve in their ranks.
Chariot units (emanti) of five or ten vehicles were commanded by an
officer called an emanthuhlu. These units could be grouped into larger units
based on multiples of six (the old Sumerian-Assyrian system) and com-
manded by a “chief” emanthuhlu, who was also responsible for supplying
rations to his men. One of these chiefs is also described as commanding
a garrison, so it is possible that the emanthuhlu applied to infantry com-
manders as well. Other texts refer to officers called rab with the decimal
number of men under their command appearing next to the title. Thus,
rab (5), rab (10), and rab (12) refer to officers in command of units of these
respective sizes. A confusing aspect of the Mitannian military organiza-
tion is that it appears to have used no consistent numerical system as its
base. Thus there are textual references to 3,000 alik ilki (perhaps combined
units of chariots and archers), 536 charioteers, 82 archers, 55 bowmen,
and so on.
There are references to “tablets of the left” and “brothers of the right,”
suggesting that the army had right and left wings, but such a conclusion
is speculation.60 Further compounding the problem of organizational
definition is that estates, towns, and cities were required to raise levies
of militia troops at the king’s request. If the feudal period of later Europe
is any guide, these numbers became meaningless in a practical sense in
that the strength and organization of militia units were rarely standard or
68 h Thutmose III
recorded. That the Mitannian army was well organized can be deduced
from the fact that all its armor, helmets, and weapons were manufactured
in royal arsenals as state industries and issued to the troops in a systematic
manner. When military equipment was worn out or broken, it was turned
in and replaced and repaired at royal expense.61
With the Mitannian army’s chariot corps composed of nobility
and established as the combat arm of decision, it is not surprising that
the Nuzi texts provide more information on this branch of the army than
on any other. Regarding the Mitannian chariot, for instance, the texts say
it was constructed of light wood and hides. One text notes that twelve
goatskins were required to cover a chariot frame and between nine and
eleven sheepskins to cover the floor. This detail suggests, albeit roughly,
that the Mitannian chariot was somewhat larger and heavier than the
Egyptian machine but not as large as the Hittite chariot. Seals depict the
Mitannian chariot with wheels of four, six, and even eight spokes, again
suggesting that some Mitannian machines were quite heavy.62 It was also
regular practice to oil the spokes to prevent the wheels from warping.
A particularly interesting aspect of the Mitannian chariot was that some
of them appear to have been armored with metal scales (sariam). One
inventory mentions a unit of a hundred chariots equipped with scale
armor protection. The depiction of the Mitannian chariots taken from the
cab of Thutmose IV’s war chariot also shows them with armored cabs.
Given that a suit of Mitannian body armor consisting of five hundred
scales weighs approximately thirty-five pounds and calculating the area
of a Mitannian chariot cab to be almost twice the area required to cover
the human torso in scale armor, the cab armor added about seventy-five
to eighty pounds to the chariot’s weight. It was a Mitannian practice to
armor their chariot horses as well. Horse armor (parashshamu) consisted
of a textile coat of thickly woven felt or hair about three centimeters thick
that extended from the withers of the horse to the loins. Sometimes this
textile coat was covered with a leather, copper, or bronze scale overcoat.
A coat of bronze horse armor would easily have weighed more than a
hundred pounds. Add to the cab’s weight the Mitannian chariot warrior’s
usual scale armor suit of approximately thirty-five to forty pounds and his
bronze helmet at another eight to ten pounds, and the load on the Mitan-
The Antagonists h 69
nian chariot was considerable. While the Mitannian chariot was far heavier
than the Egyptian machine, it was still lighter than the Hittite vehicle.
What this point suggests is that the Mitannian machine’s design
might have been a compromise forced by two factors: the variable terrain
in which the machine was required to operate and the multiple tactical
roles it had to play depending on the capabilities of the enemy chariots,
Hittite or Egyptian, it had to engage. The Mitannian Empire encompassed
very different types of terrain. To the east, where the Assyrians and
Kassites had to be dealt with, the ground was flat, open, and grassy—
conditions that placed a premium on speed and maneuverability. To the
north and northwest, in Armenia and Anatolia, the terrain was uneven,
mountainous, and forested—conditions that favored the short-distance
attack from an ambush position. In northern Syria as well as farther
south in the Beqqa Valley and Lebanon, the terrain was mixed, requiring
a machine that could serve either role depending on the circumstances.
With each type of terrain came a different enemy whose own chariots
reflected their respective tactical doctrines. The Hittite machine, for
example, was very heavy, carried a crew of three spearmen, and was
designed for short-distance ambush. The Egyptian chariot, by contrast,
was fast, highly maneuverable, and perfectly suited for flat, open ground.
Chariot horses were prized and expensive military assets, and there
was an organized system for acquiring, breeding, and training horses, a
surmise supported by the fact that the term for reserve horses (matru) has
come down to us. Horses began training with the chariot when they were
a year old and began pulling chariots by their third year. By their fourth
year they became proper chariot horses and served until they were nine
or ten years old.66 Cavalry was unknown, but there is some evidence that
messengers (mar shipri) traveled by horseback. The term for “horseman”
The Antagonists h 73
was rakib susi, suggesting at least that riding horses was not entirely un-
known. There is no evidence, however, of horsemen having been put to
military use.
We know next to nothing about the Mitannian infantry. We can be
fairly certain that there were shukuthlu infantry units and units of archers
and spearmen as well. Beyond that, we can say only that the infantry was
equipped with swords or long dirks for protection and that they wore
leather helmets. We have no idea how they were tactically employed. The
chariot’s primary role in Mitannian tactical doctrine suggests that the
Mitanni may have employed their infantry in a manner similar to that of
the Hittites; that is, they were primarily used as a platform of maneuver
designed to engage the enemy and fix his position until the chariotry
could strike him at a vulnerable point. As in other armies of the period,
archer units provided covering fire for the infantry during its movement
to contact and, once the infantry was engaged, played a supporting role
by directing plunging arrow fire against the enemy’s rear formations or
flanks. Beyond these obvious and general observations, little else is known
about Mitannian infantry tactical doctrine.
Although the Mitannian Empire was short lived, its innovations in
warfare were significant. Most important was its introduction, if not the
invention, of the horse-drawn war chariot to the other armies of the Near
East and, perhaps, the first use of the spoked wheel in war. Mounting an
archer on the chariot gave new flexibility and lethality to a weapon whose
impact to this point had been only marginal. The chariot’s range, mobility,
and speed wrought a revolution in tactical thinking in the Near East.
One has only to recall, for example, the devastating defeats the chariot-
equipped Hyksos had inflicted on the Egyptian army to appreciate the
quantum leap in tactics and lethality that the Mitannian war chariot
generated. Within a few short years, however, every major power of the
region had equipped its armed forces with this latest weapon, and a new
era of mobile warfare commenced.
was no unified national command because no high king ruled over all
Canaan. But in time of war, the city-states were capable of acting in concert
and coordinating the movement and deployment of their forces, as they
did when such a coalition fought Thutmose at Megiddo. The term resuti
(subordinate ally) has come down to us from the Ugarit texts, suggesting
that within the military coalitions, princes permitted their forces to act
under the command of a central commander. The king of the Ugarit city-
state usually took the field as commander in chief, but it was not unusual
for military command to be delegated to trusted generals. Regular, fully
equipped troops (sabu nagib) were distinguished from militia or irregulars,
and the term was applied to both infantry and chariotry, suggesting that
regular infantry units existed. Field commanders were called muru-u, but
we do not know the size of the units they commanded. It is likely, however,
that the decimal system of unit strength was employed just as it commonly
was elsewhere. Ugarit was among the largest, richest, and most powerful
Canaanite states, and its military organization was probably typical of the
other states’ forces.
The primary striking arm of the Canaanite armies was the elite
chariot corps manned by the social elite of feudal nobles called maryanna
(chariot warriors). Each maryannu was a professional warrior who, at
least originally, maintained his chariot, horses, grooms, driver, runners,
and equipment at his own expense. The maryannu’s wealth was derived
from his holding of a fief, which, although the king originally conferred it,
seems over time to have become hereditary.67 Among the general warrior
caste of maryanna was an inner elite of “picked men”(na’arun). These elite
units comprised infantry as well as chariotry, with the latter commanded
by a chief of chariotry (akil narkabti). A smaller battle guard called the
Maryanna of the King also existed.
The Canaanite chariot, much like the Mitannian chariot, was heavier
than the Egyptian vehicle but lighter than the Hittite machine. Yigael
Yadin suggests that this variation was a result of the increased Egyptian
influence in Canaanite affairs,68 but this explanation is unconvincing. Both
the Egyptian chariot’s mission and the terrain upon which it maneuvered
were quite different from what the Canaanites had to consider when
developing their vehicle. Canaan offered few smooth plains, where the
opportunity for wide-ranging maneuver and speed provided dividends.
The Antagonists h 75
Instead, its terrain was similar to that of northern Syria and the land of
the Mitanni and featured rocky ground, hills and mountains, forests and
glens—conditions that put a premium on surprise, ambush, and shock.
The Canaanite chariot was heavier than the Egyptian model because of
its four- or six-spoked wheels. Also, after moving the axle to the center
of the platform to take the weight off the animals, it accommodated a
larger carrying platform whose floor was fashioned of wood for strength.
This increased weight caused the machine to lose a good part of its
maneuverability in a turn and compromised the animals’ endurance to
some degree.69
The Canaanite chariot warrior, like his Mitannian counterpart, was
heavily protected by a mail coat of scale armor. His horse, too, wore a textile
or bronze scale coat. These devices were designed to protect the horse and
crew from the enemies’ arrows as they closed to engage. There is no hard
evidence that the driver wore armor, but given the Mitannian influence
on Canaanite chariotry, it is likely that he did. The primary weapons of
the Canaanite charioteer were the composite bow, a heavy spear, and a
club, the latter to be used only in the direst emergency should the warrior
find himself afoot.70 Depending on the tactical mission, the Canaanite
chariot was capable of carrying a three-man crew, a fact suggested by the
portrayal of the machine with javelin cases. Michael Grant believes that
Canaanite chariots had leather tires and, perhaps, cab armor fashioned of
bronze scales.71
Canaanite infantry (hupshu) was made up of both militia and
regular units. Most of the infantry were semi-trained militia (khepetj) or
conscripted and corvée peasantry, who were lightly armed with bows
and spears. Canaanite tradition dating from tribal days dictated that
the infantrymen supplied their own equipment, but we are uncertain if
this tradition persisted into biblical times. The Amarna letters refer to
different types of infantry distinguished by their weapons, namely, bows
and spears.72 Canaanite regular infantry were probably well-trained pro-
fessionals who were heavily armed. These units wore armored corselets
and helmets and carried a sword, a shield, and the socket ax. The Canaan-
ite infantry’s shield used a Hittite design. Shaped like a figure eight with
a narrow waist, this shield allowed the soldier to have a greater field of
view of his opponent in close combat and to wield the sickle-sword or
ax more flexibly. With the Sea People’s arrival in the twelfth century, the
Canaanites adopted the round shield and outfitted their infantry with
the spear. At the same time, however, the Canaanites replaced the sickle-
sword with the straight sword. Scale armor for the regular infantry also
became commonplace.73
The king chose elite units of heavy infantry for their loyalty and
bravery to serve as the palace guard of the Canaanite kings. The Ugaritic
texts mention these na’arun as composing an inner elite of the general
maryannu warrior caste. Most likely there were special elite chariot units
as well. At the battle of Kadesh in 1274 BCE, Ramses II was rescued in
the nick of time by a unit of these elite shock troops, which fell upon the
Hittite flank and broke the encirclement. These particular na’arun were
Canaanite mercenaries in the service of the Egyptians. A relief of the battle
portrays the Canaanites attacking in phalanx formation—line abreast in
ten rows, ten men deep—and armed with spears and shields, suggesting
that they were elite heavy infantry.74
The Canaanite kings supplemented their forces with hired free-
booters called Apiru. This class of outcasts, debtors, outlaws, and restless
nomads formed wandering groups of raiders and often hired themselves
out to princes and kings as mercenaries. Often called bandits (habbatu) or
The Antagonists h 77
Dusty Ones, these wandering brigands posed a serious threat and often
had to be brought to heel by the Canaanite princes by force of arms. One of
Israel’s great generals, David, was an Apiru whose reputation as a soldier
brought him to the attention of King Saul. When forced to leave Saul’s
court, David returned to his old mercenary occupation by raising a force
of six hundred “discontented men” and hiring his soldiers out to one of
the Philistine kings.75 The size and military sophistication of these brigand
groups could present a considerable threat to public order. A record from
Alalakh tells of a band of Apiru comprising 1,436 men, 80 of which were
charioteers and 1,006 were shananu (probably archers). Another text records
the capture of the town of Allul by a Habiru force of 2,000 Apiru.76
The Canaanites’ military tactics were similar to those of the Mitanni
in that the army relied on its chariot units to strike the enemy from ambush,
catching him while still in column of march or while deploying for battle.
For instance, the Canaanites’ precise plan at the battle of Megiddo was to
set an ambush for Thutmose III’s army along the Aruna road and hit the
Egyptian column as it moved onto the Plain of Esdraelon. If surprise was
78 h Thutmose III
not possible, Canaanite generals used the chariot to deliver shock against
enemy infantry formations. This tactic required that “chariot runners,”
or infantry, accompany the chariots. The Canaanite charioteer engaged
the enemy from close range, firing his bow and hurling javelins, while
relying on his heavy armor to protect him from enemy fire. In this tactical
application, infantry phalanxes of spearmen supported by archers acted
in support or, if on the defensive, held their positions and provided the
chariots with a platform of maneuver.
The primary role of the Canaanite chariot, however, was as a strategic
weapon. They were mobile, sufficiently heavy, and well-armored vehicles
that could range far from their bases to protect the cities from being
besieged. Defending the cities was at the center of Canaanite strategic
thinking, and the chariots were the key element in achieving this mission.
Chariots could intercept armies long before they reached the city walls,
forcing the enemy to fight on terrain and at a time not of its choosing.
Chariots were ideal for ambushing enemy patrols, harassing the enemy’s
route of march, keeping communication lines open, and chasing down
hired mercenary Apiru. No infantry force could achieve such a mix of
tactical and strategic flexibility. Chariots, of course, were expensive, and
their crews required extensive training and permanent maintenance at
royal expense. The expense was worth it, however, for the chariot allowed
the Canaanite kings to erect a strategic defense in depth based on flexible
and mobile tactics.
The system of mobile defense worked well for more than two cen-
turies, but Canaan’s wealth and strategic position made it a tempting
target for the national predators who wished to control the land bridge.
Over time the encroachments, immigrations, settlements, and aggressions
of the Egyptians, Aramaeans, Sea People, and Israelites took their toll,
with the result that by the time of King David of Israel, the Canaanites
had been deprived of three-quarters of their land area and 90 percent
of their grain-growing land.77 All that remained of these proud warrior
people’s land was the central Phoenician coastal strip and its immediate
hinterlands. But at the time of Thutmose III, the Canaanite city-states were
still a formidable military force with which he had to contend frequently.
Canaan’s legacy lived on into the modern era. It was the Canaanites,
for example, who first performed the extraordinary feat of dissecting the
The Antagonists h 79
sounds of human speech into thirty basic sounds, thus giving the world its
first true alphabet.78 They also were the first to set their language to music.
The Canaanites, in turn, taught the Hebrews how to set their poetry to
music, giving the world one of the great gifts of civilization—song.
Nubian Armies
We know very little about the armies of Nubia. From the Middle King-
dom through Kamose’s intervention in Nubia during the Hyksos period,
the weaponry and organization of Nubian military units appear indis-
tinguishable from that found in Egypt at the same time.79 Nubian soldiers
portrayed in tomb models, paintings, and bas reliefs are armed with the
mace and short throwing javelins with either stone or copper tips, and
they carried hide-covered, pointed-top shields, the same weapons
found in contemporary Egyptian armies. The Nubians did not appear to
use the long infantry spear, however. The archers of both armies carried
the same recurved bow and fired arrows with sharpened fire-hardened
tips. There is no evidence that either army had bronze swords, arrow-
heads, or socketed spear blades. While Nubia had copper, it lacked tin
to manufacture bronze weapons and armor. No mention of the horse in
Nubian warfare is found.80
The Egyptian incursions that followed the expulsion of the Hyksos
produced some leakage in Egyptian military technology to Nubia. The
famed Medjay desert tribes had fought on the Egyptians’ side during
the Nubian incursion into Upper Egypt in support of the Hyksos, and
the Medjay became loyal Egyptian allies for years. They were later
constituted into elite units in service to the pharaoh. Reliefs from this
period show the Medjay armed with bronze penetrating axes. Other
loyal Nubian units are shown equipped with the long infantry spear with
socketed, bronze spear blades. Beyond this example, however, there is
no evidence of the widespread use of bronze weapons or their technical
manufacture in Nubia. Having acquired the new bronze weapons from
the Hyksos, the Egyptians seem to have copied the Hyksos policy of
denying bronze technology to others and applied it to Nubia by blocking
the export of tin to the country.81 The result was that the lethal bronze
weaponry never became widely available in Nubia.
80 h Thutmose III
From time to time, Nubian rebels could still raise sufficient man-
power and carry out raids against Egyptian towns and forts using obsolete
weapons. But in a set-piece battle, Nubian rebels always found themselves
at a significant disadvantage. With the Egyptian army’s incorporation
of the chariot and composite bow, the disparity in weapons and their
lethality between the Egyptian occupiers and the Nubian rebels increased.
By Thutmose III’s reign, the occasional rebellions in Upper Nubia ceased
to be a problem. Egyptian troops dealt with them easily.
The Battle of Megiddo
The battle of Megiddo is the first battle in history for which we have a name
and a sufficient account of events from which to reconstruct a portrait
of the strategy and tactics employed by the antagonists. In this sense it
can be said that the battle of Megiddo is the starting point for the study
of military history. Moreover, Megiddo was one of the most important
battles of antiquity. In the same way that Scipio Africanus’s victory at
Zama set Rome on the path to empire, Thutmose III’s victory at Megiddo
was the first step in the creation of an Egyptian empire that lasted for half
a millennium. Thutmose III’s establishment of that empire marks him as
one of the greatest military commanders in history.
The conflict between Egypt and a coalition of Asiatic kingdoms that
occurred at Megiddo in May 1481 BCE had its roots in a strategic power
shift that was taking place further to the north on the Great Bend of the
Euphrates River.1 For a century prior to the battle, Indo-European invaders
had been consolidating their hold on the former territory of Hurri-Land,
transforming it into a new warrior kingdom called Mitanni. The period of
Queen Hatshepsut and Thutmose III’s joint rule in Egypt coincided with
this period of Mitannian consolidation and expansion into northern Syria.
The city-sate of Kadesh on the Orontes River rose rapidly under Mitannian
protection and gained influence over the states of Canaan as far south as
the city of Megiddo that controlled the Esdraelon Plain in the Galilee.2
At the same time another Mitannian ally, the city of Tunip, increased its
power by establishing control of the vital Eleutheros Valley connecting
coastal Syria with the interior.3
82 h Thutmose III
a series of forts that controlled the roads to Canaan and south to Sinai.
These fortresses were rectangular enclosures of mud brick surrounded by
moat ditches. Entry to the forts was through a single narrow gate, and the
high walls were equipped with watchtowers.9 The forts were manned by
archers and spear infantry who were capable of mounting only a static
Under the New Kingdom, perhaps beginning with Thutmose I, the
design of these forts changed. The Egyptians enlarged them, making them
some three hundred meters on a side, with walls sloping backward from
the front toward the interior like a trapezoid. The front and side walls
were nine meters high while the back walls were only about four meters.
They replaced the single narrow front gate with two wider side gates,
each of which was nine meters across. The design of these New Kingdom
fortresses reflected their changed tactical role after the chariot emerged as
an important combat arm in Egyptian armies. The old forts were designed
to ward off infantry attacks while the new ones were large cantonments
containing maneuverable chariot units that could engage in an elastic
defense. The high walls remained a formidable obstacle to infantry assault,
and the large side gates allowed two chariots abreast to rush through
and engage enemy infantry on open ground. The enemy might even be
allowed to commit against the front walls, at which point chariots rushed
from the side gates and crushed the enemy against the wall. It is unknown
if the forts at Taru, for instance, were all of this later type by Thutmose’s
time, but it is probable that at least some of them were.
Thutmose’s Army
Nowhere in the Annals are we told the size of Thutmose’s army when it
left Sile.10 Estimates range from as many as 20,000 to as few as 5,000 or
6,000 troops.11 This said, a fair guess might still be ventured. The Annals
of the battle tell us that as the Egyptian army’s van reached the battlefield
over a narrow road through the Carmel Mountains, its rearguard was still
in camp. The road distance between the camp and the van was 9 miles. If
these facts are true, it is possible to estimate the size of the Egyptian army.
The proportion of troops to animals in the armies of antiquity was about
the same as for a U.S. Army infantry brigade during World War I, or on
average 1 donkey or mule for every 5 men. An American infantry brigade
84 h Thutmose III
comprised 6,310 men and 1,021 animals and occupied a road space of 8,385
yards, or approximately 4.8 miles.12 Thus, an Egyptian army occupying
a road space of 9 miles would have numbered in the neighborhood of
12,000 men.
If the estimate is correct, then the Egyptian army comprised two
combined-arms corps with each having 5,000 infantry and a chariot
brigade of 500 vehicles that could be tailored into units of 10-vehicle
platoons, 25-vehicle companies, or 50-vehicle battalions depending on
their tactical requirements. The references to horses in the Annals make
clear that Thutmose’s army had its chariots at Megiddo. Thutmose would
have known that Asiatic armies possessed large complements of chariots
as a matter of course and that Megiddo was located on the Esdraelon
Plain, ideal chariot country. It is unlikely, then, that Thutmose would have
left his chariots behind, and there is no reason to believe that the Egyptian
chariot brigades were at other than full strength.
The report of an Egyptian officer named Henu, who led an expedi-
tion to Punt (Somalia) during the Middle Kingdom, left us a description
of the Egyptian infantryman’s military kit. Henu says, “I went forth with
an army of 3,000. I made a river and the Red Land a stretch of field, for
I gave a leathern bottle, a carrying pole, jars of water, and twenty loaves
to each among them every day. The asses were laden with sandals.” The
leathern bottles are water canteens, and the carrying pole was a forked
stick carried over the shoulder hobo-style to which other equipment and
weapons were lashed. This military equipment was still in use during the
New Kingdom. The “loaves” were flat unleavened bread similar to naan
or pita bread and common throughout the Middle East. An example of a
military field pack has survived,13 but it is unclear if it was carried over the
shoulder with straps or, like the Roman soldier’s pack, lashed to a carrying
pole. Tents made of linen or leather seemed to have been reserved for
officers,14 while common soldiers slept on reed mats that could be rolled
up and tied atop the field pack. The Egyptian soldier’s spear was lashed to
the carrying pole while his sword was stuck under his broad leather belt.
Reliefs show Egyptian soldiers carrying ox hide shields on their backs that
were strapped over their shoulders. By Thutmose’s day, the old sandals of
woven reed soles appear to have given way to much sturdier leather-soled
sandals. Later, a strap was added that held the heel to the sole, making it
The Battle of Megiddo h 85
possible for the soldier to run without losing his footgear. The importance
of the new footgear to the army’s military capability can be implied from
the fact that Thutmose was the first pharaoh to have himself portrayed
wearing sandals in his statues and reliefs.
Protecting the soldier from heat and sun was vital to keeping the
army in fighting trim. The Egyptian soldier wore a short kilt (shendo’ot) and
a sleeveless upper body shirt to protect him from the sun. Because of the
heat, the bronze helmet the Asiatics and Mitanni favored was never widely
used in Egypt. Instead, soldiers wore nemes, or a folded cloth of heavy
breathable linen that could be soaked with water to cool the head. Other
tighter-fitting caps of leather or cloth were also worn, probably depending
on the climate where the soldiers were stationed. Later, a military-style
wig came into use. The hair beneath all these head coverings was worn
short. The Egyptian soldier used vegetable and animal oil to keep his skin
moist and to prevent sunburn. Just as modern soldiers do, Egyptian troops
used a wet cloth tied around the mouth and nose to protect against dust
inhalation in the desert environment.
The staple of the Egyptian military diet was emmer cereal grain
fashioned into a flat thin bread.15 A ten-day supply of bread, eighty small
loaves, could easily be carried in the soldier’s backpack. It could also be
baked on the march. Flattened into a patty, the moist dough stuck to the
side of a three-foot, heated, cone-shaped stove, which was made of dried
mud, and fell off the stove’s side when fully baked. Supplying an army
with firewood to cook rations was a major logistical problem for all armies
of antiquity,16 but the Egyptians did not use firewood for cooking. Instead,
they used dried animal dung—cow dung for civilian use and horse and
mule dung in the military camp—as their basic fuel.17 The animals in the
baggage train kept the army sufficiently supplied with cooking fuel while
on the march. Egyptian field rations included smoked goose flesh, beef
jerky, and smoked or salted fish. A favorite staple of the Egyptian soldier
was beer, often provided by traveling breweries. Milk was sometimes
provided, and in one account a recruit complains that all he was given
to eat was sour milk, salted fish, and hard bread. Egyptian soldiers ate
onions, cucumbers, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and cabbage, along with
their bread. They also commonly ate radishes since they were believed to
prevent stomach illness.18
86 h Thutmose III
Rations and equipment not carried by the soldier himself were trans-
ported in the logistics train.19 Egyptian armies of the period used mules
and donkeys equipped with panniers to transport food and equipment.
Human porters also provided a significant proportion of the army’s
transport capacity. The four-wheeled cart was unknown in Egypt during
Thutmose’s day. All carts portrayed in reliefs are two-wheeled vehicles,
little more than covered chariots pulled by donkeys and mules. The
Egyptian armies did not use the ox-drawn cart until Ramses II introduced
it. Even then this cart had only two wheels and seems to have been identical
to the large two-wheeled oxcart of the Hittites and Philistines.
Supplying the Egyptian army with water while it crossed the Sinai
presented a problem. The wells along the coastal route of march were
weak and sometimes brackish. While they sufficed for small garrisons,
they were inadequate to supply Thutmose’s large army.20 Thus, the Egyp-
tians had to store water at several points along the route. In the desert
environment, a soldier needs eight to nine pints of water a day to survive,
with the animals requiring considerably more. Once the army reached
Gaza, however, supplying it with water would have been less of a
problem. Gaza and other coastal cities of Canaan depended mostly on
cisterns for their water supply. By mid-May, the winter rains would have
already filled these cisterns to capacity. April and May are also the months
when the harvest is ready in Egypt and southern Canaan, so the granaries
of the cities and towns along Thutmose’s route would also have been full
and able to supply the army’s needs.
Under the best of conditions, however, an ancient army on the
march was a medical disaster. An army of 10,000 men could expect to lose
3 to 4 percent of its force, or about 400 men, to heatstroke, exhaustion,
dust inhalation, and other respiratory problems. Another 1,700 men, or
17 percent of the force, were lost to routine injuries: broken limbs, sprains,
cuts, falls, and accidents.21 As soldiers marched in column, dust choked
their lungs, dried out their sinuses, produced chronic coughing, blinding
headaches, severe nosebleeds, and eye irritations. Many soldiers suffered
injuries to their feet, which were unprotected except for the sole of the
sandal. Without arch or side support, ankle injuries were common. The
animals accompanying the army also caused damage by kicking or
The Battle of Megiddo h 87
Only after Thutmose’s army forced the exits and gained the Esdraelon
Plain could it bring the enemy to battle in phase four.
The logical point of Asiatic resistance to the Egyptian advance would
have been to engage Thutmose south of Gaza, where the terrain favored
the Asiatic chariots and provided no natural defenses for the Egyptians.
At a minimum, medium-size chariot forces could have been used to harass
the Egyptians as they marched from Gaza to Yehem. Had this been done,
the Asiatics could have maintained contact with Thutmose’s army and
remained aware of its location as it moved toward the Carmel Mountains.
Even a small screening force falling back before the Egyptians’ advance
could have accomplished this basic mission. Knowing where the Egyptian
army was at all times would have permitted the Asiatics to deploy forces
at points of resistance south of the Carmel range. Asiatic infantry could
have been easily blocked the entrance to the mountains at Wadi Ara, but
the Asiatic commander undertook none of these operations. Instead, he
The Battle of Megiddo h 89
was needed to feed the invasion force as it moved over the Carmel
Mountains, to the Canaanite plain, and attacked Egypt.
Unlike Egypt and southern Canaan, where the harvest is ready in
mid-April to early May, the harvest at Megiddo is not ready until June.31
Accordingly, the Asiatic invasion force could not assemble at Megiddo
until at least mid-June, when the harvest would be available to feed and
supply the armies for the march across the Carmel Ridge. Until then, the
bulk of the Asiatic army had to remain in their home garrisons within
their respective kingdoms. Harold Nelson walked the ground at Megiddo
at the same time of year that Thutmose arrived and offers a description of
what he, and possibly the Egyptian troops, observed at the plain around
Megiddo: “What they saw before them was the wide expanse of level
land, probably covered with ripening harvests, stretching for half a mile
to the banks of the Kina.” 32 The description of the harvests as “ripening”
confirms that the crops would still have been in the field and not ready for
harvesting for at least another three to four weeks. If so, then the Asiatic
army could not have been already assembled in force at Megiddo when
Thutmose arrived because there would have been no way to feed it.
The terrain in the Esdraelon Valley around Megiddo also made it
unlikely that the Asiatic armies were already assembled at the city when
Thutmose arrived. The Kishon River and its many tributaries crisscross
the valley floor and its environs. From the winter rains the surrounding
mountains give rise to numerous streams that empty upon the valley floor.
Poor drainage further contributes to the swampy conditions in the flat
plain around Megiddo for much of the year. Except for the driest summer
months, beginning in June, the area is a muddy morass that would hinder
troop movement.33 Many of the Asiatic contingents marching to Megiddo
from the north would have been forced to traverse the flood plain of
the Kishon River on the Acco Plain, which would have been almost
impassible for months after the seasonal rains. These conditions would
have made the Asiatic armies’ march to Megiddo and their encampment
there difficult until the ground firmed up sometime in early June. Thus,
the Asiatic armies had not yet assembled around the city when Thutmose
arrived because they were also still waiting for the ground to dry.
Whatever troops were at Megiddo when Thutmose arrived could
not have been the fully assembled Asiatic force of 15,000 to 20,000 men
92 h Thutmose III
and chariots needed to carry out the strategic mission of attacking Egypt.
In the Annals we are told that after the battle Thutmose captured 924
enemy chariots, 340 prisoners of war, and 200 corselets of armor. Enemy
casualties amounted to only 83 dead.34 By contrast, Merneptah’s battle
against the Libyans killed 3,410 men while Ramses III’s later Libyan
campaign inflicted 12,000 dead. The battle at Megiddo seems to have been
little more than a skirmish by comparison.35
This point is controversial for it has been assumed in other accounts
of the battle that the Asiatic coalition was very large and already in place
around Megiddo when the Egyptians arrived. Nelson’s account says, “The
Asiatics certainly did not outnumber the Egyptians, and we therefore
place the contending forces at between 10,000 and 15,000 men each.”36
Written in 1913, Nelson’s version was one of the earliest accounts of the
battle. He based his analysis on having walked the ground, thus lending
his work great import. His description of the battle became a basic source
document that was incorporated into later accounts, often without critical
analysis. No evidence supports Nelson’s or anyone else’s estimate of the
size of the Asiatic force at Megiddo. The only information available to us
is circumstantial, and what appears in the Annals are lists of the numbers
of Asiatic prisoners and dead. The Annals do not give the strength of the
enemy force. If there were 15,000 to 20,000 men in the Asiatic army at
Megiddo, one is entitled to ask where they went after the battle.
The impression taken from the texts that the Asiatic army had
already formed in large numbers at Megiddo may be the result of a textual
mistranslation. Hans Goedicke suggests that the Egyptian word translated
as “armies” in previous accounts should really be translated as “heavy
fighters,” which were the mercenaries or the personal battle guards that
accompanied the chiefs of Asiatic kingdoms.37 Goedicke discerns from
the texts that three types of soldiers accompanied the chiefs to Megiddo:
maryanna, or chariot warriors; “fighters,” which he defines as heavy
infantry; and light infantry, probably including archers.38 What the texts
describe at Megiddo, then, is not an assembling of armies but a gathering
of chiefs accompanied by their personal military retinues in advance of
their armies, which would arrive later, when the harvest was ready and
the ground was dry. Since only the chiefs of Kadesh and Megiddo are
The Battle of Megiddo h 93
while its rearguard was still in camp at Aruna.43 Presumably all parties
to the discussion had access to whatever new information the army’s
reconnaissance units had obtained over the last three days of patrolling.
Citing the new intelligence, the generals note that “it is reported that the
enemy are standing outside [where the Aruna and Ta’anach roads exit the
mountains and run to the plain] and that they have become numerous.”44
96 h Thutmose III
From these reports we may surmise that the Asiatics had discovered the
presence of the Egyptian army and deployed their troops to block the
Ta’anach and Aruna exits leading to the Esdraelon Plain.
It is clear from the Annals that the Egyptian reconnaissance units
had discovered the Asiatic troop dispositions before the army left Yehem.
Thutmose broke camp and left Yehem on May 18. On that day, the annalist
tells us, “Now they [the Asiatics] were already drawn up in numerous
squadrons but the enemy was isolated: their southern flank was at Ta’anach
in the hills, the northern flank was at the southern corner of the valley of
Qina.”45 Nelson suggests that the Asiatic units guarding the Aruna and
Ta’anach exits were detached force components and that the Asiatics had
deployed the bulk of their army as a central reserve between the two
blocking forces.46 This reasonable conclusion is based on the assumption
that the Asiatic army was at full combat strength when it took the field,
but, as I have tried to show, that proposition is questionable. No evidence
supports Nelson’s assertion. Nor does his argument address why the
Asiatic commander failed to cover the exit at Djefty.
The Annals inform us that Thutmose decided to proceed down the
Aruna road but tell us nothing about why he chose that route. It may be
that he decided to keep to the original plan he made before leaving Egypt.
It may also be that his reconnaissance units had discovered another route
leading from the Aruna road to Megiddo that exited the mountains at a
place where his army could avoid the Asiatic force blocking the exit, and
for the time being he may have kept this knowledge to himself. We cannot
know Thutmose’s reasoning, but we can summarize what he knew at the
time he made his decision to cross the Carmel Ridge. Thus, he knew that
both the Ta’anach road and the Aruna road debouched from the mountains
onto the open plains around Megiddo. He understood that the Asiatics
had already moved units to block both roads’ exits. He was aware that
the northern road to Djefty, the longest of the three, joined the road to
Megiddo about five kilometers northwest of the city and that apparently
the Djefty exit was unguarded.47 Thutmose realized that the Aruna road
offered the shortest distance to the objective, but because of its narrow
and winding nature, it would take longer to traverse than the Ta’anach
road. Thutmose also determined that the Asiatic force waiting for him was
of only marginal strength and that the Egyptian army outnumbered it in
The Battle of Megiddo h 97
Thus, if Thutmose had tried to force the Aruna exit, he would have
had to fight without his chariots against a professional force of maryannu
chariot warriors deployed on an open plain that provided no defensive
terrain for the Egyptian infantry to cling to. Otherwise, he would have had
to try to assemble his vehicles and horse teams on the open plain while
under attack from the northern task force. If the southern task force had
rushed to join the battle, it would have caught Thutmose’s army in the rear,
trapping it between the two forces. It was an impossible tactical situation
and one in which the Egyptian army might easily have been destroyed.
Various accounts of the battle have attempted to explain away the
military realities surrounding Thutmose’s exit from the Aruna road and
have offered solutions that are largely unconvincing. It has been argued,
for example, that battles in antiquity were arranged in advance as to time
and place, so the Asiatic chariot units deployed at the road exits were there
only to determine that the Egyptians had arrived on the battlefield and not
to bring them to battle.54 Another argument holds that the Asiatics were
simply “too supine” to attempt an attack, even though they possessed all
the advantages for successfully accomplishing it.55 Still another explanation
asserts the chariot force guarding the Aruna exit had been transferred to
the task force protecting the Ta’anach exit before Thutmose arrived at the
Aruna exit.56 And finally, another claims the Asiatic commander must
have been incompetent in not taking full advantage of his military forces
to attack the Egyptians at the Aruna exit.57 The Annals do not support
any of these explanations, and all violate the most basic rules of tactics.
What these accounts have in common, however, is their failure to consider
the obvious—that is, Thutmose and his army did not exit the Carmel
Mountains through the Aruna road and indeed had taken another route.
The assumption that Thutmose exited at the Aruna pass is not sup-
ported by the texts. The Annals tell us that Thutmose’s army came out of
the mountains not at the Aruna exit, but at a place called the Kina Valley.
We are told, “Lo, the rear of the army of His Majesty had come out from
the mountain of Aruna [the highest elevation on the Aruna road] while
the vanguard had come forth towards the Valley of Kina—and after they
filled the plain of this valley.”58 Referring to the arrival of the Egyptian
army, the texts say that “the vanguard had come forth toward the Valley
100 h Thutmose III
of Kina.”59 The texts also tell us that Thutmose himself “arrived at the
south of Megiddo at the edge of the Kina valley, when the 7th hour was
turning in the day.”60 And finally, “behold, now that his Majesty has come
forth together with his troop of nhtw [elite troops, or probably Pharaoh’s
battle guard] and they have seized the valley.”61 The Kina Valley, therefore,
should be distinguished from the Esdraelon Plain upon which the Aruna
road exits. There does not appear to be a text reference that supports the
assumption that the Egyptian army debouched from the Aruna road on
to the Esdraelon Plain. The evidence points instead to Thutmose and his
army arriving at the Kina Valley.
Illustration 4.3 depicts the important terrain features around Me-
giddo relevant to our understanding of Thutmose’s movements to the
battlefield. The Kina Valley is a narrow strip of flat flood plain approxi-
mately 254 meters at its widest and 82 meters at its narrowest point. It
begins at the mountains’ edge in the south, runs north a little longer than
a mile, and ends in an exit on the plateau sitting about a mile in front
of Megiddo. The area within the valley affords sufficient space to accom-
modate an army of ten thousand men.62 From its source in the mountains
the Kina brook runs the length of the valley to the flat land, where it
crosses the top edge of the Esdraelon Plain and eventually empties into
the Kishon River. Low forested hills run along both sides of the valley,
presenting an obstacle to attack from the flanks. The Asiatic chariot task
force blocking the Aruna exit would have had at least one mile of hills
and forest between them and the Kina Valley route, making it impossible
to see, hear, or intercept the Egyptian army moving toward Megiddo
through the valley.
Approaching the Megiddo plateau along this route, the Egyptian
army could have easily moved straight ahead, crossed the Kina brook,
and deployed on the plateau. When Nelson reconnoitered the terrain, he
found the stream at the Kina bend to be fifteen to twenty feet deep and
enclosed by almost perpendicular banks.63 The Egyptian army did not,
therefore, cross at the Kina bend but at a place a short distance back down
the valley, where the valley floor was separated from the raised plateau
by a shoe-shaped low hill. Crossing over the “instep” of the shoe, the
Egyptian army could have gained the plateau in front of Megiddo with
little effort. Advancing through the Kina Valley, Thutmose would have
The Battle of Megiddo h 101
arrived behind both chariot task forces guarding the road exits at Ta’anach
and Aruna and could have assembled his army on the plateau without
Before outlining Thutmose’s route to the Kina Valley, a word of
caution is in order. The locations of roads in antiquity, especially roads
that traversed plains and agricultural areas, usually cannot be determined
102 h Thutmose III
with any confidence. These roads’ locations shifted over time, mostly in
response to the rise and fall of new towns and changes in commerce. Only
those roads that traversed mountains might be located with some certainty.
Roads that crossed mountains in antiquity followed courses marked
out by nature, and the wadis and passes that existed then still exist.64 In
determining the route Thutmose used to cross the mountains and arrive
at the Kina Valley, we may be fairly certain that he followed the wadis
and paths that may be found today with the aid of aerial and satellite
By rejoining Thutmose at his camp at Aruna in the middle of the
Carmel Mountains, we may trace his route to the Kina Valley. The high-
est point on the Aruna road is at modern Mismus, or about three miles’
distance from the Egyptian camp at Aruna. At Mismus, a wide wadi
branches off to the left and may be followed for less than a mile before
it branches into another wadi that debouches on the banks of the far
southern end of the Kina brook. The distance from this intersection to
the Kina brook is about a half mile. The total distance from Mismus to
the Kina brook is two miles, and when added to the distance from the
Egyptian camp to Mismus, the total distance from the Aruna camp to the
brook is about five miles. The drop in elevation from Mismus (944 feet) to
the Kina brook (650 feet) is such that most of the journey is downhill. The
width of the wadi varies from 18 to 22 feet, sufficient to accommodate a
troop column moving four abreast at route step. The route along the Kina
brook to the Kina Valley’s southern end varies in width from 45 meters to
88 meters, and with the brook running through it, the troops were forced
to march along the flood plain on either side of the stream.66 The distance
from where the army first gained the Kina brook to the valley’s south
end, where Thutmose assembled his army, is just a little more than a mile.
Thus, the total marching distance from the Aruna camp to the assembly
area in the Kina Valley is approximately six miles. At a rate of two miles an
hour downhill, it would have taken the Egyptian army about three hours
to cover the distance.
The texts tell us that Pharaoh was awakened early on the morning
of May 19, suggesting that the army also began its march very early in the
day.67 Sometime around 9:00 a.m., with Thutmose leading it, the Egyp-
tian army’s advanced guard arrived at the Kina Valley’s far southern end.
The Battle of Megiddo h 103
“Behold, now that his Majesty has come forth together with his troop of
nhtw and they have seized the valley.”68 The rest of the army was still
on the road “bound for the path of Aruna while the vanguard had come
forth toward the valley of Kina.”69 The reference to the path of Aruna
seems not to be to the Aruna road but to the path that led from the road
to the Kina brook.
104 h Thutmose III
When the army’s units began arriving at the southern end of the
valley, Thutmose’s generals became concerned that the king might move
precipitously and enter the plateau in front of Megiddo before the entire
army was assembled. They pleaded with him to wait until the rest of the
army arrived.70 Thus, “lo . . . he [Pharaoh] sat on a stool there awaiting the
last of his troops.”71 The texts are precise as to when the army’s rearguard
completed the march and reached the assembly area. The texts tell us, “Lo,
the last of the arrears was coming forth from this path when the shadow
turned.”72 The reference is to the shadow clock the Egyptians used to
tell time, and the reference to the turning of the shadow is to the noon
meridian, or high noon. The rear of the army arrived in the Kina Valley six
hours after the vanguard began its march.
By noon of May 19, Thutmose’s army had reached the Kina Valley
undetected and was only a mile away from the opening leading to the
Megiddo plateau. Thutmose must have begun preparing his army for
battle in case he had to fight his way onto the plateau. The texts are silent
on the details, but certainly he would have assembled his army into their
combat formations. He would also have directed some of his chariot units
to screen the army’s movement onto the plateau. Elite heavy infantry units,
either the King’s Braves or the strong-arm boys, probably led the column
to protect against attack. None of this movement should have taken more
than a few hours, so that by 3:00 p.m. Thutmose would have been ready
to cover the last mile from the assembly area to the plateau upon which he
planned to debouch his army, establish his camp, and fight the battle the
next morning.
That Thutmose gained the plateau without opposition is clear
from the texts: “At the coming forth by His Majesty [against that enemy]
who was readied with numerous battle units, he did not find a single
enemy. Behold, the [Asiatic] southern attack force was [still] at Ta’anach,
while the northern attack force was stationed at the southern shoulder
[corner] of the territory of Megiddo.” Although the northern task force
had anchored its flank on the southern corner of the brook, it failed to
detect Thutmose’s passage onto the plateau. It probably missed him
because when the Egyptians crossed the “instep” of the low hills farther
down the valley from its opening near the brook, the hills and thick forest
screened his route from the Asiatic position. Moreover, the Kina brook ran
The Battle of Megiddo h 105
between the plateau and the Esdraelon Plain. Its depth and steep banks
at the southern corner effectively turned the stream into an obstacle to
chariot movement from the plain to the plateau. Had the Egyptians been
discovered debouching upon the plateau, the northern task force would
not have been able to mount an attack.
Thutmose established his camp on the plateau about a mile from the
city.73 He had more than three hours of daylight to arrange his camp and
make his preparations for the following day.74 The Egyptian armies of the
New Kingdom regularly established a fortified camp on campaign and
especially so on the eve of battle. The Egyptian camp was rectangular in
shape and surrounded by a ditch deep enough to disrupt a chariot attack.
Entry to the camp was over a bridge traversing the ditch and ran through
a single gate. The earth from the ditch was piled up to form a berm upon
which a wall of the infantry’s shields was constructed.75 The shields were
strapped to the soldiers’ spears or held to the spears by passing the shafts
through the shields’ handgrips.76 The spear was then driven into the
ground, holding the shield upright. Since disarmed soldiers are of little
use in warding off an attack, each soldier slept on his reed mat behind his
shield and spear so he could react quickly in the event of an attack. Inside
the wall, the camp was arranged around Pharaoh’s war tent, which was
located in the middle of the compound.77 The tent’s entrance was oriented
to the east, the direction of the rising sun god, Ra. Pharaoh’s chariot and
elite infantry battle guard surrounded the king’s tent. All other units,
animals, tents, and other equipment were positioned for handy access.
The texts do not tell us when the Asiatics became aware of the
Egyptians’ presence, but it must have been shortly after they began to
debouch on the plateau. There is no information concerning the Asiatics’
reaction. One can reasonably imagine, however, that messengers were
dispatched to the units guarding the Ta’anach exit with orders to redeploy
to Megiddo. The units guarding the Aruna exit must have redeployed
as well. There is no evidence of any contact between the opposing
forces; however, it is reasonable to assume that the Asiatics conducted
reconnaissance. The Asiatic forces reassembled at their battle camp
located close to the walls on the city’s south side. It was dark by the time
all the Asiatic forces and commanders could be gathered together in the
camp, and the evening must have been spent deliberating how to deal
106 h Thutmose III
with the formidable Egyptian army that sat on the plateau only a mile
from Megiddo’s gate.
Although he had achieved strategic surprise, Thutmose’s position
was by no means free of danger. His army was tired, and the falling dark-
ness raised the specter of a night attack. Although he held the numerical
advantage, Thutmose had no way of knowing if other Asiatic chiefs and
their armed contingents were closing on Megiddo to join the planned
invasion force. If they were en route and arrived soon, Thutmose would
lose his advantage and be forced to fight against a numerically superior
foe. The only way to reduce this risk was to attack quickly before addi-
tional Asiatic forces arrived. As darkness enveloped the Egyptian camp,
Thutmose ordered his troops to be fed and provided food from his own
stores for his men. The officers were treated to a mess dinner with their
commander. Sentries were posted around the camp and ordered to be
steadfast and watchful. The officers went through the ranks, ordering the
men, “Prepare yourself! Ready your weapons!” They had to be ready to
fight in the morning.78
The Battle
The texts do not provide a complete account of the battle. Thus, the historian
is forced to glean clues from an analysis of the terrain, the nature of the
combatants, and the basic principles of tactics the armies used during the
period. This said, it is still possible to construct a reasonable account of
the battle consistent with all the information available.
The battle took place on May 20, the twenty-eighth day after the
Egyptian army set out from its base at Sile and the day after completing its
crossing of the Carmel Mountains. Thutmose was awakened early, and his
commanders immediately briefed him. Pharaoh was told that “the desert
is well, and that the northern and southern troops are safe also.”79 This
report has led some to suggest that the two wings of the Egyptian army
had already been deployed during the night and had established their
forward battle positions to the north and south of Megiddo. Moving large
bodies of troops in the dark, however, would have been unprecedented
for armies of the period and is not plausible. More probably, Thutmose’s
officers told him that the army had not suffered any attacks during the
The Battle of Megiddo h 107
night and was safe in camp. The phrase “the desert is well” is probably
best rendered as “all is well” or even “we have the good ground.” The
king was assured the army was in good shape and ready to be deployed
for battle.
Thutmose gave “instructions for the entire army to be spread out for
fighting, while His Majesty will proceed on a chariot of fine gold furnished
with his battle-gear, like Horus strong-of-arms.” The army was ordered to
break camp and assemble in two wings, which they called horns, and to
begin moving into position for the attack. “The southern wing of the army
of His Majesty [is deployed] towards the southeastern tower over the
edge of the Kina; the northern wing towards the northeast of Megiddo.”80
Pharaoh himself led the chariot force in the center.81 “And then His Majesty
was entirely powerful at the head of his army.”82 From this point forward,
the Annals offer no further details about the battle.
Thutmose’s goal of capturing Megiddo could not have been achieved
without first defeating the Asiatic army defending it. In antiquity, two
factors largely determined tactical deployment: the relative numbers of
the combatants and the terrain upon which the battle was fought. By
gathering his forces beneath the city’s walls, the Asiatic commander
had already chosen the terrain for the battle. Once his plan to stop the
Egyptians at the Aruna and Ta’anach passes had failed and the Egyptian
army had deployed on the plateau, the Asiatic commander had no choice
but to pull his forces back and assume a defensive position. The Asiatic
armies’ strength and composition also influenced its tactical deployment.
The Asiatic force was chariot heavy and supported by chariot runners
and small contingents of infantry. As noted earlier, this force comprised
some 1,000 chariots, about the same number of chariot runners, and 150
to 300 or so heavy infantrymen. The chariot grooms could also have been
pressed into service, but they would have been largely ineffective in battle.
The Egyptian army numbered between 10,000 and 12,000 trained troops,
including archers, light and heavy infantry, and two 500-vehicle chariot
brigades. Although the chariot forces of both combatants were equal, the
Egyptians possessed an advantage in infantry. Whereas the Asiatic army’s
combat arm of decision was chariotry, the Egyptians’ arm of decision was
infantry. It was to be expected, then, that Thutmose would rely heavily on
his infantry while the Asiatic commander relied on his chariotry.
108 h Thutmose III
Egy an
Inf ptian g y pti y
ant E antr
ry Inf
infantry. The narrowness of the tactical box meant, however, that only one
side could deploy a small number of chariots along the center axis at one
time, giving neither force a numerical advantage. If we assume that a third
of the Asiatic chariot force, or some three hundred vehicles, was deployed
to the front, some six hundred vehicles could be employed against the
The Battle of Megiddo h 111
Egyptian infantry. All things considered, the Egyptian infantry was the
greater menace because of its numbers and position on the flanks, where
it threatened to envelop the Asiatic chariots attacking in the center.
The tactical challenge for the Asiatic commander was how to stop the
Egyptian infantry from moving inward in the battle space and gradually
compressing the area in which the Asiatic chariots could operate. Three
hundred machines in, say, companies of fifty each employed against the
Egyptian infantry on each flank were capable of delivering continuous
withering arrow fire against the enemy only as long as the chariots re-
mained at a safe distance as they rode, company after company, across
the Egyptian front. If the Egyptian infantry advanced too far into the
tactical box, the distance between the infantry and chariots diminished on
both sides of the battle space until the chariots were unable to maneuver
and found themselves awash in a sea of Egyptian spear and ax-carrying
Thutmose sent some squadrons of chariots to support his infantry
wings. The mission of these detached units was to engage the Asiatic
chariots attacking the infantry and disrupt the rhythm of their attack, thus
allowing the Egyptian infantry to advance deeper into the battle space. Like
the Asiatic commander, Thutmose could deploy only a limited number of
chariots along the central front at one time. He could, however, hold some
in reserve, a capability the Asiatic commander did not have because of his
smaller numbers. As the battle space contracted, the Asiatic chariot units
in the center risked being cut off as the infantry closed in behind them.
Unable to contain the infantry advance, the Asiatic charioteers attacking
in the center would have been forced to turn back to save themselves,
creating an opportunity for Thutmose to increase the pressure on the
Asiatic front by committing his reserve chariots to the fight.
It is not difficult to imagine that when the Asiatic charioteers, strug-
gling to hold the flanks, saw their comrades racing to the rear, they
broke contact and attempted to flee to the safety of the city. Goedicke’s
rendering of the texts suggests that the Asiatic force commanders became
overwhelmed and took flight first, abandoning their troops.86 He argues
that the commanders must have panicked because they left such valuable
items as their horses and chariots behind.87
112 h Thutmose III
With the enemy falling back, Thutmose had an opportunity for great
slaughter. The charioteers who fled to the northwest had to make their
way down the steep banks behind the city. This terrain was so steep that
they were forced to abandon their chariots and horses and make their
way on foot. Others fled directly west into the valley and safety. Those
who retreated toward the city were trapped between the Egyptians and
the city walls. The Egyptians might have made quick and deadly work
of them had they not stopped to plunder the Asiatic camp.88 This loot-
ing allowed the fleeing troops time to be lifted to safety by the city’s
inhabitants, who pulled them up on the glacis that protected the city’s
southern approaches. By the time Egyptian troop discipline was restored,
the remnants of the Asiatic army had reached safety, and the chance to
crush the enemy on the battlefield was lost. The small numbers of dead
(83) and captured (340) suggest that the battle, while intense owing to
the disparity in numbers and the small battle space, did not last long and
that most of the charioteers escaped. Many of the dead were probably
infantry, and the 83 killed in action amounted to almost one-third of the
engaged infantry troops.89
The Siege
Thutmose was furious at having been denied a battlefield victory because
his professionally trained and led army suffered a lack of discipline.
Without capturing Megiddo, the strategic situation in Canaan remained
unchanged insofar as Egypt had not established itself as the dominant
power in Canaan. Thutmose knew his failure to bring the rebels to heel
would further lay bare Egypt’s weakness and tempt the Mitanni to
encourage other insurrections among the Canaanite principalities. If the
Egyptian military effort was going to be a strategic success, Megiddo had
to be taken. Thutmose tells us his reasons for wanting to capture the city:
“Lo . . . all the rebellious chiefs of all the northern towns are in it and the
capture of a thousand towns is the capture of Megiddo.”90
Why not storm the city then? The Egyptians had already taken cities
by storm during the wars against the Hyksos and constructed and demol-
ished fortifications in Nubia. Egyptian pry bars and primitive battering
rams worked well enough against mud brick walls, and Egyptian soldiers,
with their shields strapped to their backs like turtle shells for protection,
The Battle of Megiddo h 113
knew how to overcome walls with scaling ladders.91 But Megiddo’s case-
ment walls were faced with stone, rendering the Egyptians’ tools useless.
The city’s geography also made an assault difficult. Megiddo was located
on an elongated ridge that narrowed at its northern end to a point totally
occupied by the city. The west, east, and north sides of the city sat directly
over the steep slopes of the ridge, forming an additional natural defense.
The city could be assaulted only from the open flat plain to the south.
The key to storming a city successfully is having the numerically
superior attacking force mount simultaneous assaults against the city’s
walls at multiple points, making it impossible for the defender to quickly
shift sufficient forces against the many points of attack. Megiddo’s geo-
graphy permitted an assault only against the southern wall, thereby negat-
ing the Egyptian attackers’ numerical advantage. To capture Megiddo,
Thutmose would have to do it by siege.
Laying siege to Megiddo made sense on other grounds as well. First,
Megiddo was a rich city in a strategic location and held several vassal
towns in its orbit. Destroying it would only require the Egyptians to
rebuild it later and would weaken its hold on the vassal towns. Better
to take it intact and thus preserve its political influence along with its
fortifications. Second, Megiddo’s harvest was still in the fields, so the
city’s inhabitants were forced to live off the diminished stores left over
from winter. Thutmose could, therefore, reasonably plan on the siege
being short, as indeed it turned out to last only thirty-seven days.92 Third,
Megiddo’s formidable geography could be turned against it. The city’s
high walls, built closely on the steep drops on three sides, made it unlikely
that the city’s defenders could escape or mount combat sorties from any
direction except through the south gate. There was no need then to waste
the army’s time and hard physical labor in constructing a wall around
the entire city. Thutmose had only to build a wall to seal off the southern
gate. The small effort needed to isolate the city gave the army time to
confiscate the harvest, terrorize nearby towns into submission, and take
sheep, cattle, goats, and horses as war booty from the surrounding vassal
towns. Finally, Thutmose had no way of knowing if an Asiatic relief force
was converging on Megiddo. With only a small part of his army needed
to enforce the siege, he had sufficient manpower remaining to conduct
reconnaissance and deal with any relief force that appeared.
114 h Thutmose III
executed. Thus, just as the other powerful Syrian chiefs, apparently the
chief of Kadesh had not arrived at Megiddo in time to take part in the
Local vassals approached Thutmose before he left Megiddo and
begged him to establish a garrison in the area “to control the nomads.” The
most likely place for a garrison near Megiddo to quell the desert nomads’
raids was at Beth Shean. This town later became the strategic linchpin
to Egypt’s control of the Galilee and the King’s Highway interior road
to Syria. It was probably Thutmose who first established this important
town as an Egyptian garrison.97
The capture of Megiddo placed authority over the key communi-
cations routes from Egypt to Canaan, Syria, and Mesopotamia firmly in
Egyptian hands. The victory also resulted in the submission of other
towns in the Syrian-Canaanite zone. Thus, Kadesh and Tunip had to be
concerned about the presence of Egyptian power within striking range of
their cities. By extending the frontier of the Egyptian sphere of influence
northward and by demonstrating Egypt’s willingness to use force to in-
sure its interests, Thutmose III tied the towns of southern Canaan more
closely to Egyptian security interests, just as they once had been during the
Thutmose I’s reign. There would be no more revolts in Sharuhen or Gaza.
Thutmose’s defeat of the incipient coalition of would-be invaders
at Megiddo was the first step in reversing the serious decline in Egypt’s
influence and prestige that had taken place during the reigns of Thutmose
II and Queen Hatshepsut. The new Egyptian king had served notice to the
Syrian princes and their Mitannian masters that Egypt considered Canaan
to be within its own proper sphere of influence and that it intended to
remain the dominant power on the Canaanite-Syrian land bridge. The
Egyptian hold on Canaan was still tenuous, however, and Egypt had
much to do before it could safely turn its back on its new vassals. The
Mitannian attempt to extend its influence within the Egyptian security
zone had been prevented, but Egypt remained on the strategic defensive
for the time being.
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The Campaign in Canaan
118 h Thutmose III
Thutmose was also weakening the city of Kadesh’s influence in the area.
The towns were within the city’s orbit to the north and had supported the
Syrian adventure at Megiddo. In addition, the narrow, swift branch of the
Litani River that flows west to the sea constitutes a significant obstacle
to troop movement. By controlling the bend of the river, Thutmose also
controlled the river crossings and the axis of advance leading north from
Canaan to Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos.
No account of the battle for the three towns has survived, but the
list of plunder taken includes the chief’s furniture, suggesting that there
was some resistance. The Annals tell us that some “non-combatants who
surrendered because of famine” were also taken, which suggests a siege.4
Perhaps one or two of the less defended towns were overtaken quickly, and
the chief and nobility held out longer in the capital. In all, 2,505 individuals,
including 87 children of the chief and the nobility, were taken.5 In a quick
encore to Megiddo, Thutmose had struck at some of Kadesh’s allies in its
own backyard. Kadesh could not have failed to receive the message.
To make his point even more clearly, Thutmose established a “fortress
in the land of Retjenu . . . which his majesty built in his victories among the
chiefs of Lebanon, the name of which is: Menkeheperre [Thutmose III]-is-
the-Binder-of-the-Barbarians.”6 The Egyptians had regularly applied this
title to the Hyksos. The location of this fortress is uncertain, but it was
probably close to Tyre or Sidon.7 We have no information concerning the
garrisons Thutmose left behind at Beth Shean and Megiddo, but they were
probably similar to those he established later throughout the empire and
patterned after those the Egyptians used to control Nubia. These garrisons
were usually small and sometimes doubled as supply depots. The troops
within them often had commercial representatives, scribes, and, we may be
sure, intelligence officers living among them. The garrisons were primarily
listening posts and symbols of Egypt’s willingness to come to their troops’
aid if attacked, for they lacked the manpower to defend themselves against
a concerted assault. These kinds of permanent garrisons had permitted
Egypt to turn its sphere of influence in Nubia into something resembling
an imperial administrative structure responsible for collecting taxes and
enforcing the loyalty of the local chiefs to Egypt.8
The Egyptians kept a firm grip on the political structure of the oc-
cupied chiefdoms in which the garrisons were located. Some of the local
The Campaign in Canaan h 121
rulers were permitted to retain their title of kings, and others were called
only village chiefs or headmen. Upon the death of a local ruler, a successor
was chosen from the royal house, and Pharaoh sent the oil of anointing
or a ring confirming his investiture of the new chief. A council of elders
hemmed in the local chief’s authority. An Egyptian official called a resident
often played the council off against the chief while keeping all local officials
in check. The resident also fixed the annual tax owed to Pharaoh and acted
as a court of appeal in settling local disputes. His chief duty, however,
was to see to it that the chiefs remained loyal and responsive to Egyptian
wishes.9 The resident had the support of the local Egyptian troop garrison.
With garrisons established on the bend of the Litani River, at Megiddo,
and at Beth Shean, Thutmose had created a trip wire extending from the
sea to the Jordan Valley. Staffed by observers, overseers, military officers,
and messengers, the garrisons’ personnel could keep a close eye on the
danger to the north and provide a warning of any Syrian or Mitannian
It is evident from later events that Thutmose intended to implement
a new strategic doctrine as part of an innovative Egyptian national defense
strategy aimed at securing the Egyptian homeland by controlling political
and military events far to the north in the Syrian zone of operations. In
Thutmose’s view, the defense of the Nile began at least at the Litani River
and, as events developed, even at the west bank of the Euphrates River.
Egypt had pursued commercial interests in the Syrian zone for centuries,
mostly through trade. For most of its history, Egyptian imperialism had
been confined to expansion in Nubia, with Asia remaining only of com-
mercial concern. The Egyptians’ view changed with the Hyksos invasion.
Expelling the Hyksos in the early Eighteenth Dynasty forced Egypt to be
concerned with events in Asia. Thutmose I had expressed this concern in
an aggressive foreign policy of military operations and punitive expedi-
tions into Syria and as far north as the Mitannian border on the Euphrates.
His successors discontinued this policy, however, with almost catastro-
phic results for Egyptian security. Now, Thutmose III had revived and
extended the thrust of his grandfather’s policy in a new national security
His strategic paradigm was rooted in the same assumptions that
underpinned Thutmose I’s strategic doctrine. The first premise was Egypt’s
122 h Thutmose III
a senior officer and a small armed contingent made the rounds. One func-
tion of these tours was also to ensure that Pharaoh’s annual tribute was
paid completely and on time.
One of Thutmose’s more innovative methods of controlling the sub-
dued population was to extend the tax system that the Egyptians had
established in Nubia to Egyptian possessions in Asia. Egyptian accountants
established regular tax payments that had to be delivered to Egyptian
agents on a scheduled basis. Much of this in-kind payment went to sup-
port the army, the administrative structure, and the local garrisons, and
the rest was sent to Egypt. At the height of Egyptian rule, the area of
Retjenu alone paid nearly nine thousand pounds of gold annually into the
Egyptian treasury.17 Metalworkers, shipwrights, artisans, wheelwrights,
carpenters, and other skilled craftsmen were also deported to Egypt,
where they found work in military or temple workshops.
Most onerous for the conquered people was the tribute in men. At
the end of each campaign, large numbers of captives were brought back
to Egypt, where they were set to work as corvée laborers in Thutmose’s
prodigious building programs. Thutmose III carried off more than 7,300
Canaanite captives. It is no coincidence that the peak of Thutmose’s public
works building program coincided with his military victories.18
The Annals do not tell us the size of Pharaoh’s army, but we might
reasonably surmise that it was considerable. Not knowing what he might
find, Thutmose probably erred on the side of caution in order to deal
with any eventuality that might arise. A combined-arms division of five
thousand men and a brigade of five hundred chariots would probably
have been sufficient. There is only scant evidence of fighting. But in at least
one instance Thutmose may have fought a set-piece battle against a people
called the Fenkhu in which he “overthrew the foreigners.”20 Evidence
also shows that Thutmose dismantled some towns’ fortifications.21 The
Egyptians would have destroyed the most formidable fortifications,
particularly those situated in the highlands and those that controlled
strategic passes. There is considerable evidence that this destruction was
widespread and forced the Canaanite population out of the hills and into
the valleys and settlements on the coast.22 This was a traditional method of
rendering a fortified town vulnerable to future punishment. For the most
part, however, it is likely that the Canaanite chiefs saw an opportunity to
switch sides and retain their kingdoms by opening the gates of their cities
and pledging loyalty to Egypt.
The price of Egyptian “protection” did not come cheap, however.
Thutmose levied a heavy burden of tribute upon the chiefs. The campaign’s
records show that “the tribute of the chiefs of Retjenu” amounted to
“103 horses, 5 chariots, wrought with gold with poles of gold; 5 chariots
wrought with electrum, with poles of gold; total 10; 45 bullocks and
calves, 749 bulls, 5,703 small cattle [sheep]; flat dishes of gold; flat dishes
of silver . . . 823 jars of incense; 1,718 jars of honeyed wine.”23 The gold-
and electrum-covered chariots were the prized personal transports of the
chiefs, and taking them was no doubt fraught with symbolism regarding
who was to be master in the future. Thutmose may have left small garrisons
in the larger towns along with scribes and accountants to enforce the new
Egyptian tax system. Some of these towns were turned into supply depots
so that the Egyptian army might draw on them whenever it was required
to take the field in the area.
For each of the following two years Thutmose and an Egyptian mil-
itary contingent marched through Canaan and southern Lebanon, rein-
forcing the Egyptian presence and bringing other chiefs under Egyptian
control. There are no detailed records of his third (regnal year 25) and
126 h Thutmose III
Thutmose could move north with little concern about revolts occurring
across his line of communications. Moreover, the newly established
supply depots made it possible to support the army logistically on its long
march from Egypt to southern Lebanon, a distance of more than three
hundred miles. Troop contingents from the garrisons stationed in Canaan
were added to the army as it marched toward its objective. The size of
Thutmose’s expeditionary force is not recorded, but it must have been
considerable. The expedition took Egyptian forces deep into Retjenu and
engaged allies of the Mitanni—namely, Kadesh and Tunip—that were of
particular concern since they maintained substantial forces and were close
to Thutmose’s zone of operations in Retjenu. It is unlikely that Thutmose
would have risked an operation in such a hostile environment without
substantial forces at his disposal. The Egyptian army may well have
numbered around ten thousand troops.
The immediate cause of the Egyptian incursion was a change in the
status quo in the vicinity of Byblos, a major port on the Lebanon coast.
The Annals portray the events as a revolt against Egypt occurring in Zahi,
the Egyptian name for coastal Lebanon.26 In Egyptian thinking, any sort of
disorder anywhere was considered a revolt against Pharaoh, who, as the
divine son of Amun, was responsible for keeping order in the universe.27
In fact, Egypt did not control the coastal plain, and the revolt was nothing
of the sort. The crisis arose when the city-state of Tunip, located inland
from the coast and just west of the Orontes River, sent troops to establish
garrisons at Wahlia and Ullaza, two towns located at the western mouth
of the Eleutheros Valley north of Tripoli and about thirty miles north of
Byblos. In addition, Tunip concluded an agreement with the local Apiru
to serve as mercenaries in support of these garrisons.28 The result was
that Tunip was now in a position to control the coastal entrance to the
Eleutheros Valley. Its coastal garrisons were daggers pointed at the key
port of Byblos.
Byblos had been an important strategic port for Egypt since at
least the Middle Kingdom and perhaps before. It was an absolutely vital
commercial source of Egypt’s strategic materials. It was through Byblos
that Egypt secured the Lebanese cedar and Syrian pine that it needed for
its ships, chariots, temples, and fortresses, and Byblos was the main source
of imported tin, the all-important strategic metal needed to manufacture
128 h Thutmose III
bronze weapons. The port was also a key diplomatic and commercial
listening post from which Egypt could keep watch on the city-states of
Kadesh, Tunip, Qatna, and the Mitanni to the north.
Also of important strategic and commercial concern was that the
Eleutheros Valley connected the interior trade and military routes along
the Orontes to the Lebanon coast.29 Through this valley ran the Great River
(the modern Nahr al-Kabir, or the Eleutheros River of classical times)
The Campaign in Canaan h 129
that began as a tributary of the Orontes and exited in the sea between
Ullaza and Simyra on the coast. The Great River ran through the Arka
Plain, watering one of the most fertile agricultural areas of Lebanon and
providing an avenue upon which to transport the plain’s agricultural
products to the coastal ports.30 Without access to the Eleutheros Valley,
Egypt was cut off from its supply of cedar, which grew in abundance
in the Lebanon Mountains. Moreover, the valley offered an ideal route
for the armies of Kadesh, Tunip, and Mitanni to quickly reach the coast
from the interior, threatening Egyptian interests in the area.
In the event of war with the Mitanni, Egyptian avenues of advance
through the interior of Lebanon were already hindered by Kadesh, which
controlled the exit from the Beqqa Valley along with the routes leading
north from Canaan to the Euphrates. Before the Egyptian victory at Me-
giddo, Kadesh had controlled this route from its base on the Upper
Orontes as far south as the Esdraelon Valley in Canaan. The Egyptian
victory at Megiddo had reopened the land route through the Beqqa Valley,
but it was blocked farther north by the fortress city of Kadesh itself. This
situation placed a premium on the route that ran along the Lebanon coast
and connected to the Syrian interior via the Eleutheros Valley, whose
eastern exit debouched close to Kadesh. Tunip’s deployment of troops to
Ullaza and Wahlia had effectively blocked access to both the coastal road
and the Eleutheros Valley and brought the Arka Plain and its enormous
agricultural production under Tunip’s influence. The forward deployment
of Tunip’s troops along the coast also threatened Byblos itself. These cir-
cumstances constituted a significant shift in the strategic power equation
on the Lebanon coast, one that Egypt could not accept. In the spring of
Thutmose’s twenty-ninth regnal year, he led his army out of Egypt toward
southern Lebanon with the goal of reversing the situation.
Thutmose’s expedition was fraught with risk. Ullaza and Wahlia
were closely tied to Tunip, and Tunip and Kadesh were allied with the
Mitanni, who had a significant interest in keeping Egypt out of Syria and
Lebanon. Thutmose was forced to gamble that his confrontation with the
Mitannian client-states would not provoke a larger confrontation with the
Mitanni themselves. If he was wrong, the young king would find himself
caught at the end of a long supply line in a battle with a major power.
Thutmose proved to be a gambler and moved to protect Byblos and
130 h Thutmose III
harvesttime, and “behold, there were found [the products] of all Zahi
[coastal Lebanon]. Their gardens were filled with their fruit, their wines
were found remaining in their presses as water flows, their grain on the
terraces [which] was more plentiful than the sand of the shore.”36 For
whatever reason Thutmose decided to punish Ardata. The texts tell us that
he ordered “the cutting down of all its pleasant [fruit-bearing] trees . . .
and the army was overwhelmed with their portions. . . . Behold, the army
of his Majesty was drunk and anointed with oil every day as at a feast in
Egypt.”37 One can only imagine what outrages may have been committed
against the civilian population by the Egyptian army when it was allowed
to run amok in the town. Thutmose could hardly leave Ardata across
his line of communication as he moved north, and perhaps the town’s
punishment and the Egyptian garrison left behind were designed to
ensure that Ardata would present no difficulties once the Egyptian army
moved on.
Thutmose now moved against his primary objective, the two towns
that contained Tunip troop garrisons and controlled the western mouth
of the Eleutheros Valley. The garrisons comprised troops from Tunip
itself (“the infantry of that foe of Tunip”),38 local Apiru who had cast their
lot with Tunip,39 and what the texts describe as T-h-r warriors, or Hittite
mercenaries.40 Thus, the Egyptians encountered largely professional
enemy soldiers. It is difficult to believe that the towns were taken without
fierce resistance, although no account of the fighting is preserved in the
Annals. A. T. Olmstead, relying on a restored lacuna in the inscriptions,
suggests that in the capture of Wahlia, “its chief and 329 inhabitants
[troops?] were taken and sacrifices offered to Amun.”41 Whatever the level
of resistance, Thutmose succeeded in capturing the two towns and their
troops’ garrisons.
The Arka Plain is one of the most productive agricultural areas in all
Lebanon. Thutmose ordered the entire harvest and much of the livestock
seized. Thus, we are told that the loot included “51 slaves, male and female;
30 horses; 10 flat dishes of silver; incense oil, 470 jars of honey, 6,428 jars of
wine, copper, lead, lapis lazuli, green feldspar, 616 large cattle, 3,636 small
cattle [sheep].”42 Most significant was that all the “clean grain in kernel and
ground” (raw cereals and those already milled) was confiscated.43 Once
again, “the army of his Majesty was drunk.” Whatever of the booty the
army did not consume while it sat in Lebanon or was needed for supplies
132 h Thutmose III
on its return march was loaded on ships confiscated in either the port of
Simyra or Byblos and sent back to Egypt. Pharaoh took ship and sailed
for home as well. That Thutmose could entrust his army to a subordinate
to lead it safely back to Egypt reveals how much the Egyptian policy had
pacified southern Lebanon and Canaan. The Egyptians no longer had
anything to fear from disloyal chiefs.
Thutmose’s gamble had paid off. Neither Kadesh nor the Mitanni
had come to Tunip’s aid, and Tunip accepted the defeat of its proxy forces
without any reaction. Thutmose had enjoyed six years of military suc-
cesses; however, he had yet to engage a major military opponent. But the
Egyptian military expeditions were costly, took up much of each year’s
campaign season, and wore the army, its equipment, and its animals to the
nub. Egypt’s most dangerous enemy, the Mitanni, lay behind the Euphrates,
safely beyond the Egyptian army’s operational reach. Even expeditions
against the heavily fortified cities of Kadesh, Tunip, and Qatna could not
be undertaken except at the end of a very long and easily disrupted supply
line. Either Thutmose would have to find some way to extend the range
over which his army could project force without inordinate risk, or he
would have to abandon the strategic objective of weakening the Mitanni
and creating an Egyptian strategic buffer zone in Syria.
Two capabilities were required to increase the Egyptian army’s
operational range. First, it needed a large forward logistics base that could
sustain the army in the field as it conducted operations in the interior zone
of Syria and, eventually, several hundred miles farther northeast against
the Mitanni on the west bank of the Euphrates. The situation was similar
to what the Romans and Scipio Africanus later faced in their campaign
against the Carthaginians in Spain during the Second Punic War (218–201
BCE). Rome easily reduced Carthaginian power north of the Ebro River
but could not strike at Carthage’s center of gravity in Spain without first
obtaining a large logistics base to support Roman operations farther south
and in the interior. Scipio Africanus solved the problem by attacking New
Carthage, the largest Carthaginian logistics base in all Spain. With New
Carthage in his hands, Scipio launched a series of offensives to the south
that eventually drove the Carthaginians from the country.
Thutmose’s coastal campaign had driven Tunip from the mouth of
the Eleutheros Valley, opening the invasion route from the coast to the
The Campaign in Canaan h 133
136 h Thutmose III
Semneh. Thutmose I carried his troops in ships past the Second and Third
cataracts, crushing Nubian resistance as far south as Kerma. With Nubia
once more under control, the Egyptians dug canals to bypass the cataracts
and carry out heavy naval and commercial traffic over long distances on
a regular basis.
The Egyptian navy was an integral branch of the army and not a
separate military service. Its importance, however, was evident in that
many naval officers were drawn from the Egyptian nobility.12 Under
Thutmose I, the focus of Egyptian military operations shifted away from
Nubia toward Asia, and the need for a land warfare capability became
paramount. Then the navy became an independent branch of service and
was relegated to a minor role whose mission was to keep the Nile River’s
traffic open to Nubia. Neither Thutmose II nor Hatshepsut showed any
interest in the Egyptian naval arm, and the construction of naval ships
declined considerably. The once important Egyptian navy fell into decay.
Thutmose III rebuilt the Egyptian navy and ordered the construction
of a large dockyard and military base on the site of the old Hyksos capital at
Avaris, turning it into a major port city on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile.13
Just when Thutmose completed the construction of the Perunefer base is
unclear, but it may have been near the end of his campaigns in Canaan. It
is not impossible, however, that the old dockyards at Memphis remained
the main supplier of ships and the major port of military debarkation
for Thutmose’s earlier campaigns in Syria, and it may have been during
his later campaign against the Mitanni that the new facility became fully
operational. A lord of the Egyptian Admiralty, Nebamun, was appointed
fairly early in Thutmose’s reign, and some high-ranking army officers
were transferred to naval commands, perhaps indicating that the higher
ranks of the old navy had fallen into poor condition.14 The importance
that Thutmose attached to the new naval facility can be judged by his
appointment of his son, Amenhotep II, to command the dockyard and
troops stationed at Perunefer.15
With the Memphis dockyard working overtime to supply the new
navy’s expanded needs, Thutmose had to acquire additional skilled sailors
and craftsmen from outside Egypt. Syria and the ports of Canaan were full
of experienced shipwrights, rope makers, and sailors who could be hired
away with the promise of steady work and Egyptian gold. Most Egyptian
140 h Thutmose III
boat captains only had experience sailing on the Nile, and Thutmose’s
navy intended to sail upon the open sea. Attracting captains with seafaring
experience must have been a priority. Compared to Canaan, life in Egypt
was good. The country was peaceful and food plentiful, and recruiting
people with the necessary skills could not have been much of a problem.
Thutmose’s intention to use the navy in support of his overseas
campaigns in Syria explains why he moved so rapidly in his fifth campaign
in regnal year 29 to stop Tunip’s encroachment on Wahlia and Ullaza and
the threat it presented to Byblos. Control of the Eleutheros Valley was
vital to Byblos’s ability to access the cedars of the Lebanon Mountains.
The straight, long-running lengths of cedar timber were essential in
constructing large Egyptian transport ships. These timbers formed the
long central strakes that replaced the keels of the carvel-built Egyptian
ships. Cedar timbers were also needed for supporting deck beams, tall
masts, and strong steering oars.16 Any threat to Egypt’s ability to obtain
these cedar timber supplies jeopardized Egyptian naval power at its root.
Having already decided he would use the navy to transport his armies for
his next campaign in Syria, Thutmose moved quickly to reverse Tunip’s
encroachment and restore access to the vital timber supplies that flowed
through Byblos.
Thutmose’s revival of Egyptian naval power in the eastern Medi-
terranean reveals the broad sweep of his strategic thinking. Commercial
trade among Egypt, Canaan, and Lebanon required ships to make frequent
stops along the route. In daylight, ships could make between fifty and
seventy miles in ten hours with favorable winds. They did not usually
sail on the open sea at night, so ships put in to the beach every evening.
Thus, whoever controlled the stopping points along the coast could also
control commercial shipping. Thutmose must have realized the coastal
Lebanon ports were vulnerable to an Egyptian assault from the sea. One
of his primary reasons for rebuilding the Egyptian navy was to carry out
these assaults. Once the Lebanon ports were under his control, he knew no
other port cities in Lebanon or Canaan were powerful enough to mount
a serious threat to Egyptian shipping. Thutmose would then be able to
move his troops and supplies by sea without fear of coastal interdiction.
While a brisk commercial sea trade existed between Egypt and Syria,
it is unclear how much of it was actually carried on Egyptian ships. Much
The Campaign for the Lebanon Coast h 141
of the trade seems to have been carried in Syrian hulls. If Egypt could take
over the Lebanon ports, then a great deal of commercial shipping would
have to be carried in Egyptian ships. As soon as Thutmose gained control
of the Lebanon ports, he ordered that all shipping of cedar timber must
be carried on Egyptian ships.17 Thus, the new Egyptian navy provided
commercial as well as security benefits. The major strategic consequence
of Thutmose’s revival of Egyptian naval power was to establish effective
Egyptian control of the eastern Mediterranean coast, which Egypt would
not relinquish for more than two centuries.
The ancient Egyptians were among the oldest civilized societies on
the planet and were perhaps the first people to construct genuine ships.
King Snefru of the Third Dynasty built ships that were 40, 60, and 100
cubits long (58, 102, and 170 feet, respectively) for use on the Nile. The
first example of a seagoing ship, or menesh ship, in Egypt dates from the
reign of King Sahure of the Fifth Dynasty circa 2480 BCE.18 By Thutmose
I’s reign, ships of 100 cubits were commonplace.19 Queen Hatshepsut had
an enormous ship constructed to carry her obelisks from the quarry to
Karnak. According to William Edgerton, “Mr. Francis Elgar, the Director
of Naval Construction to the British Government, calculated that the two
great obelisks of Karnak, each ninety-seven feet, six inches long, could
be carried on a boat about 220 feet long and 69 feet of beam, upon a draft
of water of about 4 feet, 6 inches, or not exceeding 5 feet.”20 Egyptian
ship design, size, speed, and carrying capacity reached their peak during
Hatshepsut’s reign, a development that Thutmose was able to exploit in
his program to expand Egypt’s navy.21
Most ships of antiquity were built on the foundation of a keel to
provide the vessel its longitudinal strength and stability. Ribs or frames
sprang up and outward from the keel at close intervals to support the hull’s
sides, which were further strengthened by deck beams that interlocked
with the ribs. Sometimes deck beams ran through the hull and were
attached to the outside. Modern ships are constructed in much the same
manner. Egyptian ship construction was radically different, however.
Lacking long timbers for keels, ribs, and deck beams forced Egyptian
shipwrights to invent a unique method of shipbuilding. Herodotus re-
corded that Egyptian ships were made of “thorn tree wood,” or acacia, and
were built “brick fashion” in the same way that one would build a wall.22
142 h Thutmose III
Egyptian ships did not have keels and were carvel built as a shell
of planking attached to ribs at comparatively wide intervals. Deck beams
did not interlock with the rib frames in the modern manner but were
secured to the planking of the hull.23 The deck was laid over the beams.
The Egyptians had no nails or screws, so they invented an ingenious
method for joining the planks of the ship’s hull together with dowels
along the edges where one plank joined another. The ends were similarly
held together with dowels. On the inside of the hull, flat double-tongued
mortices overlapped the plank edges, pulling them tightly together and
giving them vertical strength. The planks of the hulls were staggered and
stepped similar to how a mason would build a brick wall so that there
were no continuous seams. The lateral seams of the hull planks were
caulked with papyrus to make them watertight.24
A ship constructed without a keel in the manner described lacked
sufficient longitudinal rigidity to sail upon the open sea. In a rough sea,
the waves would pitch the boat up and down from bow to stern, breaking
the vessel’s back. To prevent this, the Egyptians invented the girt rope
and hog-truss. The girt rope was a papyrus cable wrapped around the
ship’s bow and stern, tightly holding the ends of the hull in place. These
cables also served as anchors for the hog-truss. The hog-truss was a
strong cable that ran longitudinally across the entire length of the hull
and was anchored at each end of the ship. The truss passed over two
“crutches” near each end of the ship, raising the cable off the deck. The
cable was wrapped around a stout pole located between the crutches and
was tightened to maintain tension on the truss cable itself. The hog-truss
provided sufficient longitudinal stability to allow the ship to sail in heavy
seas without risk of breaking in two.25
By Thutmose’s day, Egyptian seagoing ships had evolved stream-
lined hulls; were longer, wider, and deeper than the old Nile ships; 26
and were “comparable to a modern [i.e., present-day] racing craft” in
efficiency.27 At sea, propulsion was by sail, and huge rectangular sails,
wider than they were tall, caught the wind atop masts ranging in height
from six to seventeen meters depending on the size of the ship.28 The mast
was located amidships, was stepped—that is, it could be lowered—and
was held in place with side supports and ropes. The thick linen sails were
controlled by ropes and yards at the base of the sail that allowed the ship
The Campaign for the Lebanon Coast h 143
to reach and tack into the wind.29 Steering was accomplished by two aft
steering oars connected to a steering post attached to the loom of the
oars.30 When entering or departing harbors, the ship’s oarsmen managed
the propulsion. They also augmented the ship’s movement in light wind.
A hundred-foot-long ship might have had as many as forty oarsmen.31
Unlike the Nile boats, seagoing ships did not have deckhouses.
The Egyptians developed a standard design and scale for construct-
ing their seagoing vessels that called for a ship to be three times as long as
its beam. Crew strengths were calculated at one crew member per cubit
of length.32 Egyptian ships were transports of various types and were not
built as naval combatants to fight other ships on the open sea. That concept
did not dawn on the military minds of antiquity until late in the New
Kingdom. The first use of naval combatants to fight other ships occurred
during the reign of Ramses III (1186–1154 BCE), who, in the eighth year
of his reign, fought what appears to have been the world’s first saltwater
naval battle against the marauding Sea People at the mouth of the Nile.33
In the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the best time for sailing is from
the end of May through mid-September, when the seas are undisturbed
by storms and the winds are generally favorable from the north and
west at not more than twenty-five knots.34 Under these conditions a ship
could make between four to six knots, or five to seven miles an hour.35
In unfavorable conditions, the speed dropped to between two and three
miles an hour.36 In antiquity, ships put into shore each night for the crews
to eat and sleep. Ports were little more than stretches of beach protected
to some degree by the natural contour of the shoreline.37 Illustration 6.1
shows the sailing distances between the ports Thutmose’s invasion fleet
used in transporting his army across the 340 miles of open sea between
the Nile Delta and Byblos. Where an overland march would have taken
almost six weeks, the sea journey required slightly more than a week to
complete. A sea voyage also avoided the wear and tear on the army that
inevitably accompanied an overland march, so Thutmose’s army arrived
reasonably rested and ready to fight.
which was shallow enough to permit easy beaching and pushing off.39
These ships could be configured to carry cargo, troops, or horses.40 Using
some basic calculations, we can arrive at a description of Thutmose’s
The average soldier in antiquity weighed about 145 pounds and
was 5 feet 8 inches tall.41 The Egyptian soldier’s equipment, including ten
days’ rations carried in his knapsack, hide shield, spear, sickle-sword, and
thick leather belt, weighed approximately 60 pounds. Thus, a troopship
had to carry about 210 pounds per passenger. A 100-foot-long and 34-foot-
wide ship could accommodate forty-eight benches arranged front to back
like church pews with a 1-foot aisle running lengthwise between the bench
rows. A bench 20 inches deep afforded sufficient room for an average
soldier to sit with 5 inches of legroom to spare. Allowing a shoulder width
of 24 inches left the soldier 2 inches on either side from the man next to
him. Under these conditions, each bench could accommodate fifteen
soldiers in the two aisles of forty-eight rows, or a total of 720 men per
transport. With their knapsacks stowed beneath the benches and their
equipment stored in boxes on deck, the troops and their equipment
weighed 75 tons, easily within the burden capacity of the ship.
If we make allowances for somewhat more commodious accom-
modations and assume that each ship was required to carry only three
companies of 200 men each—the size of a typical Sa, or company of
Egyptian infantry—then each ship would have to carry only 600 men,
leaving sufficient room for the crew, large quantities of food and water,
and equipment. Under these conditions, the ship’s burden would be only
63 tons. Seventeen troop transports would have been required to transport
Thutmose’s army of 10,000 infantrymen.
We do not know if Egyptian troop transports were decked as their
usual cargo ships were or if they were open-decked barge-like boats in
which men and animals were exposed to the elements during the voyage.
By Roman times both types were in evidence, and the Egyptian ships’
design would not have prohibited the construction of open-decked vessels.
Given the short sailing distances required—no more than a day’s sail
between ports—both types of ships offered advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantage of the open-deck barge was that it presented less
difficulty in loading and off-loading horses, donkeys, and mules. While
146 h Thutmose III
aboard ship, the small loaves of bread, beef jerky, smoked goose flesh or
pork, pressed or dried fruit, cheese, onions, and radishes that the soldier
carried in his knapsack were sufficient to sustain him for the seven- to ten-
day voyage. Water in the soldier’s canteen could be regularly replenished
from the ship’s water casks. As in troopships used in modern wars, the
soldiers took turns being allowed on deck for fresh air and sun. In the
evening, the troops had an opportunity to stretch their legs on shore,
eat, and get some sleep on their reed mats. One attraction would have
been plenty of beer, which was dispensed to keep the troops hydrated
and happy during the voyage.42 Military transports were sometimes
accompanied by small onboard breweries to supply the troops’ beverages.
Except for having to use buckets for sanitary needs, the circumstances of
the Egyptian soldier aboard ship were not much different from those of
soldiers on troopships during World War I.
Horse transports were another matter, however. Horses need a
firm, flat surface upon which to stand, so the internal deck of the horse
transport had to be flat. Thus, the carpenters would have constructed an
inner deck platform in the cargo hold. The obvious difficulties involved in
trying to force a horse into the hold of a decked ship suggests either that
the Egyptians used open-decked vessels to transport their horses or that
the animals were enclosed in railed pens on the cargo ships’ decks. An
average horse is approximately 90 to 115 inches long and 34 inches wide
and weighs about 1,000 pounds.43 The deck or cargo space of an open-
decked boat 100 feet long and 34 feet wide permitted the construction of
90 horse stalls, each 9 feet long and 3 feet wide. A rope and linen sling in
each stall supported the animal and kept it from falling as the boat pitched
in the sea. A rope barrier separated each stall from the one in front of it.
Ninety horses weighed some 45 tons.
It is unlikely, however, that the transports carried this many animals at
a time and still had sufficient space and tonnage for the crew and supplies.
If we assume a load of fifty horses, these animals would have consumed
750 pounds of hay or green fodder, 275 pounds of hard fodder (barley or
oats), and 375 gallons of water per day.44 During a ten-day voyage, 7,500
pounds of hay and 2,750 pounds of hard fodder were required to feed the
animals. It is unlikely that the 3,750 gallons of water (or 15 tons!) needed to
sustain the animals for ten days were carried aboard ship. Certainly some
The Campaign for the Lebanon Coast h 147
water was stored aboard to meet the animals’ short-term needs. But when
the ships put into shore each evening, the men had to carry water from an
onshore source to the animals remaining on the boat to ensure that they
were sufficiently watered.
Thutmose could have transported the 1,250 horses needed to outfit
his 500-vehicle chariot brigade in only twenty-five ships and even fewer
if he was willing to load the ships to their full capacity. A chariot brigade
of 500 vehicles included 1,000 soldiers (drivers and charioteers), 500
grooms to handle the horses, and approximately another 400 smiths and
carpenters to keep the brigade fit for combat. Five ships were required to
transport the disassembled chariots and the troops and technicians of the
chariot brigade.45
The greatest danger in transporting horses, mules, and donkeys by
boat was the injury incurred when the animals were being loaded and
unloaded from the boat. A horse’s legs are very fragile and are easily
broken if the animal stumbles. Great care had to be taken, especially so
when unloading the animals from a beached transport or from a transport
swaying in the surf. Equal care had to be taken in off-loading the army’s
2,000 mules and donkeys. The animals required thirty-three ships to
transport them, the largest number of ships for any contingent of the
invasion force. The Egyptians were experienced in transporting animals
by ship, having moved them regularly up and down the Nile. In addition,
the Egyptians’ ability to transport heavy loads, such as limestone and
granite for their construction projects, was unsurpassed.46 It would have
been to Thutmose’s great advantage, however, to be able to assemble large
numbers of these animals in the supply depots once he took possession
of Lebanon’s ports and avoid having to transport them for use in future
Taken together, the invasion force that Thutmose brought against
the Lebanon coast required that approximately 12,000 troops, 500 chariots,
1,250 horses, and 2,000 pack animals be transported by sea. After leaving
Egypt it took some 80 ships, making eight stops along the coasts of Canaan
and Lebanon, a little over a week to reach the port of Byblos 340 miles
distant. Unlike Thutmose’s previous incursion into Lebanon, he undertook
this full-scale invasion to establish the logistics infrastructure to support
further expeditions into the Syrian interior.47
148 h Thutmose III
The previous year Thutmose had marched up the Lebanon coast to re-
move the threat to Byblos after Tunip seized and garrisoned Ullaza and
Wahlia in an attempt to choke off Egypt’s access to the Eleutheros Valley
and the cedar supply. Thutmose captured both towns as well as the
agricultural town of Ardata to the south. Having captured the towns’ troop
garrisons, Thutmose seems to have returned home without establishing
his own garrisons at either Ullaza or Wahlia. This oversight proved to be
a mistake.
In his thirtieth regnal year, Thutmose attacked the Lebanon coast in
earnest, mounting an amphibious invasion. He left Egypt in early June and
arrived in Lebanon a week later. Although the Annals do not tell us where
he landed, the most logical place was the port city of Simyra, located about
thirty miles by sea from the friendly port of Byblos. Lying just south of
Ullaza, Simyra was the closest port to the mouth of the Eleutheros Valley.48
Thutmose had to land his troops in daylight, so the staging area from which
to launch the invasion’s final phase had to be no more than half a day’s
sail from where the invasion force would eventually come ashore. Staging
from Byblos at dawn, the invasion force would reach Simyra around noon
or 1:00 p.m., leaving six to seven hours of daylight to off-load their ships,
move inland, and establish a defensive perimeter around the beachhead.
Satellite photos of the coast around Simyra reveal a long and gradually
inclined coastline that must have been perfect for beaching the shallow-
draft Egyptian transports. Eighty transports separated from one another
by fifty yards required just more than a mile of open beach to land and
discharge their cargoes. Simyra’s beach provided more than the necessary
landing area.
The troops were awakened early at Byblos, fed, and loaded on the
transports where their weapons and equipment were distributed. As the
troopships approached the beach, companies of soldiers left their benches
in the ship’s belly and made their way to the deck, where they could
jump overboard in the surf. Others followed as quickly as they could.
Once the infantry had secured the beach, the ships carrying the chariots
and horses began to unload. Elite chariot units unloaded their vehicles,
assembled their horse teams, and formed their units before moving inland
with the infantry. The mission of these advanced units was to deal with
The Campaign for the Lebanon Coast h 149
any resistance and to locate a suitable site for establishing a field camp.
The Egyptians met no resistance, and the landing and encampment went
smoothly. By dark, the army was ashore and safely established behind
their field camp’s shield wall. The first phase of Thutmose’s campaign had
gone off flawlessly.
If the texts present an accurate chronology, Thutmose’s first combat
operation was to move against the city of Kadesh, the source of much
of the troublemaking in Asia over the years. It took several days for the
army to get organized before Thutmose could begin his march to Arka,
the largest agricultural town in the heart of the Eleutheros Valley. There he
rested and prepared his army for the march to Kadesh, which lay about
five miles to the south of the far eastern end of the valley, or about forty
miles or four days’ march from the coast. As Thutmose’s army marched
through the valley, it was well supplied from the produce of the Arka Plain
and the harvests from the valley’s farms.
According to the Annals, Thutmose “arrived at the city of Kadesh,
overthrew it, cut down its groves, and harvested its grain.”49 The tomb
inscriptions of Amenemhab, an officer who fought in Thutmose’s army
during the Asiatic campaigns, support this account. Regarding the action
around Kadesh, Amenemhab’s inscription tells us, “Again I beheld his
bravery, while I was among his followers. He [Thutmose] captured the
city of Kadesh, I was not absent from the place where he was; I brought off
two men, lords as living prisoners; I set them before the king, the Lord of
the Two Lands, Thutmose [III], living forever. He gave to me gold because
of bravery, before the whole people.”50 Amenemhab’s account certainly
suggests that there was a battle of some magnitude at Kadesh. His
reference to his prisoners as “lords” also implies that chariots took part in
the battle, for the term lord refers to the maryannu nobility who served as
chariot warriors. That Amenemhab performed well in battle is clear from
his being decorated by Pharaoh himself before the entire army (“before
the whole people”). The question remains, however, whether Thutmose
actually “overwhelmed” the city of Kadesh.
It does not seem likely that Kadesh fell to Egyptian arms. The city was
well fortified and had a substantial population and professional warrior
class to defend it. According to Olmstead’s archeological research, Kadesh
was located on “a tongue of land between the Orontes and an affluent, and
150 h Thutmose III
protected on the third side by a ditch.”51 The city walls formed a square
400 yards on a side. The ramparts of the walls were nearly fifty feet high
constructed with the earth taken from the surrounding ditch, which was
fifteen feet deep and sixty-five feet across. Towers protected the corners of
the walls.52 The walls enclosed some thirty-four acres. Using Yadin’s metric
of 240 persons per square urban acre to estimate the population of Bronze
Age cities, we arrive at a population of approximately 8,000 to 9,000 people
for Kadesh.53 Relying upon Yadin once more to calculate the percentage
of the population that could be put to its defense, Kadesh’s population
could muster about 2,200 people to fend off an attack.54 In addition, there
would have been a significant contingent of maryannu chariot warriors
to participate in the city’s defense. Kadesh’s defenders could deploy 1.3
men for every meter of wall, a more-than-adequate number to offer stiff
resistance should Thutmose attempt to storm the city.55
To the northwest of Kadesh, where the Eleutheros Valley exits the
Lebanon range, a broad open plain runs to the foot of the city itself. It
was here that Thutmose’s army debouched from its march. The terrain is
ideal for chariots,56 and it is likely that the battle Amenemhab described
was fought here. It may have been that the enemy was surprised by the
appearance of an Egyptian army almost under the walls of Kadesh itself
and hastily sent forth its chariots to block Thutmose’s advance. If so, it
was a tactical mistake. On open ground, Thutmose’s chariots supported
by his large infantry contingent would have had the advantage over the
maryannu charioteers, who would have had only a small number of
infantry in support. If we are to believe Amenemhab, the Egyptians got
the better of the fight, and several enemy charioteers were taken prisoner.
When the maryanna were driven from the field, they sought refuge
behind Kadesh’s walls. Thutmose was then free to “punish” the city in the
traditional fashion by cutting down its fruit trees and seizing its recently
harvested grain.
The Annals’ reference to Thutmose having “overthrown” Kadesh
is probably to his defeat of Kadesh’s maryanna and not to his having
captured the city itself. Had Kadesh been taken, it could have been taken
only by siege, and there is no mention of one having occurred. If we can
trust Amenemhab once more, Thutmose moved north toward Tunip and
Qatna almost immediately after the skirmish at Kadesh, thereby making
The Campaign for the Lebanon Coast h 151
it very unlikely that he took Kadesh under siege. Moreover, the capture of
Kadesh would have been an enormous victory and would have merited
much more extensive narration in the Annals than it received. The tribute
lists would also have reflected much greater quantities of booty than they
do. The capture of Kadesh would have certainly resulted in the transfer
of its “vile prince” to Egypt amid great fanfare, and some record of his
execution would almost certainly exist. Nevertheless, Thutmose had still
been able to demonstrate that the main perpetrator of Egypt’s troubles in
Syria was no longer beyond the Egyptian army’s operational reach.
What followed suggests that intimidation, not conquest, was the
purpose of Thutmose’s march into the Syrian interior. Having made his
point at Kadesh, Thutmose turned north and marched up the Orontes. The
Annals tell us that he “came to the land of Senzar.”57 Senzar is probably the
Zinzar of the Amarna texts and is located on the Orontes close to modern
Hamah.58 The march took him through the territories of the powerful city-
states of Qatna and Tunip, and Thutmose put on a dramatic demonstration
of Egyptian military might and his willingness to confront the Syrian cities
on their own ground. Thutmose was playing a psychological game.
Marching almost under the city walls of Qatna and Tunip was risky
business indeed. Thutmose must have been prepared to fight if forced to
and settle the issue of who would control southern Syria and the Lebanon
coast then rather than later. But neither city’s army sallied forth to confront
Pharaoh and his army as it passed. To ensure that the Syrians understood
the scope of Egyptian power and Thutmose’s willingness to use it, he fell
upon the town of Senzar. Located only a few miles north of Tunip, Senzar
was close enough to have been one of Tunip’s vassals, and Thutmose’s
attack was a direct challenge to Tunip to come to its aid. Amenemhab
describes the battle at Senzar: “I beheld the royal victories of the King
Menkheperre [Thutmose III], given life, in the country of Senzar when
he made a great slaughter among them. I fought hand to hand before the
king, I brought off a hand there.59 He gave to me the gold of honor.”60 The
town seems to have been destroyed, and the “great slaughter” may have
been a deliberately bloody lesson to Tunip that it might meet a similar fate.
Tunip made no effort to help its vassal.
Thutmose had taken the measure of the rulers of Kadesh, Qatna,
and Tunip, and he found it wanting. The success of his campaign of
152 h Thutmose III
intimidation can be seen in the fact that after the destruction of Senzar,
Thutmose turned his army around and marched back down the Orontes,
once more passing through the territories of the three city-states. He
presented a direct challenge to them to do battle. It had been at least two
weeks since Thutmose’s army had passed through their territory, more
than enough time for the rulers to prepare their militaries to respond. The
rulers of the Syrian cities should have reasonably assumed that Thutmose
would reverse his course and try to move through the Eleutheros Valley
on his way home. Any other route would have required him to cross
the Lebanon Mountains overland or march hundreds of miles around
the mountains to gain the coast. Again the cities offered no resistance to
Thutmose’s return passage through their territories. He turned west into
the Eleutheros Valley and marched back to his base at Simyra.61
The expedition had been a risky venture, but Thutmose showed
a superb strategic and psychological ability to analyze his enemies and
exploit their lack of resolve. The most powerful city-states in southern
Syria now realized that they were no longer invulnerable to Egyptian
attack. This lesson was not likely lost on the Mitanni, either, who were
watching the events from a distance with growing alarm.
The Egyptian army had been on the march or conducting combat
operations for almost a month by the time it returned to Simyra. After a
few weeks’ rest, Thutmose ordered the army back into action. This time the
target was the port of Arvad, twenty-six miles north of Simyra. The Annals
do not tell us why Thutmose moved against Arvad. Clearly Thutmose
intended to control all the Lebanon ports. The ports to the south of Simyra
either were already in Egyptian hands or, like Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre,
had been on friendly terms with Egypt for years. To the north, Egyptian
control stopped at modern Tripoli. Arvad lay north of Tripoli and was the
last remaining major port in Lebanon outside Egyptian control. Sometime
in late July or early August, Thutmose moved to capture Arvad.
Arvad was located in the center of a north-south line of reefs two and
one-half miles offshore opposite the site of modern Tartus. The island was
only a half mile long and a quarter mile wide, and its surface rose only a
few feet above the waves.62 Arvad was well protected by both natural and
man-made defenses. Submerged reefs and rocks that only the local pilots
could navigate surrounded the island on three sides. Walls of natural rock
The Campaign for the Lebanon Coast h 153
that had massive blocks, some as much as fifteen feet in length, enclosed
the perimeter. In some places the rock itself was so large that it had been
hewn to become a part of the wall. To the west and south rose a great
seawall above a natural moat. The island’s water supply was stored in
cisterns. Only on its eastern side, that closest to the mainland coast, was
Arvad vulnerable. Two semicircular harbors separated by a jetty afforded
the only seaborne access to the island.63
Arvad could be approached only by sea, so Thutmose took it by
amphibious assault. His ships and troops were assembled at Simyra, and
it was but half a day’s sail up the coast to Arvad. The city’s small size could
hardly sustain a population of more than a thousand souls, insufficient
to mount significant resistance. A small contingent of five troopships
carrying three thousand men would have been a sufficient force to take
the island. With no other place to land, the Egyptians came ashore at the
island’s two eastern harbors. Resistance would have been futile, and none
was recorded in the texts. The island’s palatine government saw that its
interest now rested with swearing allegiance to Egypt in order to keep its
freedom and maintain its lucrative trade.
After capturing Arvad, Thutmose embarked on an inspection tour
of all the cities and towns from Simyra north to Arvad and west past Arka
and into the Eleutheros Valley to accept oaths of loyalty from the rulers
who now recognized Thutmose as their sovereign and whom he accepted
as vassals. The texts tell us that the rulers of thirty-six principalities swore
oaths of allegiance to their new king.64 But Thutmose was too realistic a
politician to rely upon their oaths alone. As he had done in his earlier
campaigns, Thutmose took some chiefs’ sons as hostages. Thus, the texts
say, “Behold, the children of the chiefs and their brothers were brought
to be in strongholds [castles?] in Egypt.”65 As time passed and the old
rulers died, their sons were returned from Egypt and succeeded them
with the expectation that they would support Egyptian interests. No
doubt Thutmose intended that Egypt would control the Lebanon coast
for a long time.66
The sixth campaign had been a success. Thutmose had shown the
world how to conduct a large-scale amphibious invasion, a military cap-
ability heretofore unknown in antiquity. His invasion of the Lebanon coast
gave Egypt a new military advantage that greatly increased its ability to
154 h Thutmose III
project its power throughout the Levant. The Egyptians could now respond
more rapidly to any rebellion or crisis and deploy large numbers of troops
in ready fighting condition hundreds of miles from Egypt’s shores. He
expanded on the new amphibious capability by demonstrating his ability
to move inland and operate far from his coastal base. He thus overcame
the strategic barrier of distance behind which the powerful city-states of
Tunip, Kadesh, and Qatna had once relied for their protection against
Egyptian retaliation after their mischief in Lebanon and Canaan. With
their Syrian cat’s-paws now vulnerable to Egyptian attack, the Mitanni
must have realized that it was only a matter of time before Egyptian power
would be directed at them.
Capturing the fertile Arka Plain, the western mouth of the Eleutheros
Valley, and the northern port of Arvad and maintaining good relations with
the major ports of Byblos, Tyre, and Sidon made establishing Egyptian
garrisons possible in some of these places. The Egyptians also constructed
storage facilities and filled them with food and other materials that the
army would need to sustain itself during future inland operations. The
tribute list for the sixth campaign is remarkable for its brevity, listing only
181 slaves, 188 horses, and 40 chariots.67 Noticeably absent is any mention
of large quantities of agricultural products to be shipped to Egypt. Instead,
the in-kind tax levied upon Egypt’s new vassals was retained and stored
in military-controlled depots for the army’s future use. A small garrison,
say a typical Egyptian platoon of fifty soldiers, would have been adequate
to the task of overseeing the collection and storage of the supplies for any
one town. Assuming that some forty towns had submitted to Thutmose
during the campaign, a stay-behind force of only two thousand soldiers
would have been needed to insure the Egyptian supply base. Although the
texts are silent, Thutmose would have been wise to also leave behind part
of his animal pack train, which included some two thousand mules and
donkeys, and to supplement their numbers from local sources. With the
army’s logistical capability to support ground operations now in place in
Lebanon, the eighty ships Thutmose had needed to transport his Egyptian
army of twelve thousand men and their equipment could be reduced to
some thirty-eight ships.
Thutmose’s sixth campaign in regnal year 30 was really an effort to
prepare for the future. The successful Egyptian military operations had
The Campaign for the Lebanon Coast h 155
accustomed to the sea, and he would resort to this mode of travel again
and again to transport his troops when dealing with rebellions in Syria
and northern Canaan.75
Not all of Thutmose’s vassal towns were on the coast. Most of
them were inland and were the sources of the supplies that he ordered
stockpiled in the ports. The ports were chosen as storage facilities because
they were the first and easiest towns for the Egyptian army to reach when
coming by sea. Also, the Lebanon coastal ports were not usually attacked.
The major inland states had seen it in their interest to leave them alone
and continued to use them as a source of trade goods. To be sure, they
may have had second thoughts as they watched Thutmose turn the coast
into an enormous Egyptian logistical base, and they had few illusions that
sooner or later Thutmose would use these port facilities and depots to
support his armies in a campaign against them.
The inland towns were thus very important elements in Thutmose’s
plan, and he made a separate inspection tour of these places. He was
pleased to find that “the harvest of the land of Retjenu was reported,
consisting of much clean grain, grain in the kernel, barley, incense, green
oil, wine, fruit, every pleasing thing of the country.”76 That a specified
portion of this harvest went to the Egyptian supply depots as an impost
against each town is clear from the texts.77 During this inspection, the
“princes of Retjenu came to do obeisance to the soul of his majesty in
this year.”78 During this time, taxes and imposts were delivered, oaths
renewed, and gifts exchanged. This visit, however, Thutmose added
another requirement. Perhaps mindful of the rebellion at Ullaza and
fearing future trouble across his line of communications once his armies
were in the field in the interior, Thutmose ordered the vassal towns be
disarmed. Thus, the chiefs of the inland towns were required to relinquish
“the equipment of their weapons of war.”79 This order included “nineteen
chariots wrought with silver,” that is, the expensive personal chariots of
the rulers themselves. Thutmose was taking no chances.
It had required three military expeditions in as many years, but
Thutmose had achieved his strategic objective of controlling the Lebanon
ports and transforming the coast and the immediate hinterlands into a
strategic platform from which he could launch military operations into
the interior of Syria. He was now prepared to confront the Mitanni, the
158 h Thutmose III
160 h Thutmose III
the west outside of Qatna, and taken that city. This northern route avoided
the Eleutheros Valley and the city of Kadesh entirely.9 This explanation
fails on several grounds. First, Arvad’s port was too small to handle such a
large fleet. Second, no evidence exists that Ugarit was within the Egyptian
sphere of influence at this time, and it is not mentioned as one of the port
cities that Thutmose captured and turned into supply depots. Third, no
easy passage runs through the Lebanon Mountains from Arvad to Qatna.
The same texts tell us that the Egyptian army was encumbered by wagons;
therefore, it is unlikely that Thutmose would have chosen a much more
difficult route for his army to follow than the one through the Eleutheros
Valley. Fourth, the theory ignores the fact that Qatna was already within
Egyptian control, if only diplomatically, and did not have to be captured
to gain access to the Orontes River crossing. More likely the phrase “the
northern border of Asia” is only the scribe’s idea of where Lebanon was
located and not the precise geographic location of where the Egyptian
army landed.
Once ashore on the Lebanon coast, the texts say, “My Majesty ordered
that many ships be built from cedar from the mountains of God’s Land
and in the neighborhood of the Mistress of Byblos. They were placed on
chariots and towed by bulls. They traveled ahead of my Majesty to ferry
across the river that is between this foreign land and Naharin.”10 Here is
evidence of Thutmose’s brilliant military mind at work. He ordered the
construction of landing craft to ferry his army across the Euphrates so he
could carry the battle to the Mitanni. It is operational planning at its best.
The Euphrates is a formidable barrier and is almost two miles wide in
some places where it touches northeastern Syria. Without boats to cross
this mighty barrier, the campaign against the Mitanni would not have
been possible.
What kind of boats could be built and transported 270 miles
overland “on chariots towed by bulls”? Obviously a boat of sufficient size
to be useful in ferrying troops would be far too heavy to be transported
overland. Instead, R. O. Faulkner suggests, the boats might have been built
in sections that were then transported to the Euphrates, where they were
reassembled for use.11 How these craft were constructed, disassembled,
and then reassembled is not immediately clear in light of several factors,
not the least of which is that the nail and screw were not in wide use (and
The Euphrates Campaign h 165
not at all in Egypt). More likely, what Thutmose had constructed in Byblos
were rafts and not proper boats as such. It would have been a far easier
task to fell the long cedar logs from the Lebanon Mountains; mill them
flat on one side; notch and drill the holes that would fasten them together
with wooden dowels, pegs, and papyrus rope; load the prepared logs on
wagons; and then assemble them when the army reached the Euphrates.
A raft thirty feet long and twenty feet wide, enough to hold seventy troops
and their equipment, could easily have been constructed and transported
in this manner. They could even have been equipped with steering oars
and small stepped masts and sails, assuming that Thutmose intended to
use them to sail down the Euphrates.
How were the rafts transported overland? When the texts say, “They
were placed on chariots towed by bulls,” it means that the rafts were placed
on wagons towed by oxen.12 This observation is interesting since the four-
wheeled wagon was unknown to the Egyptians at this time. Two-wheeled
carts that resembled chariots with a carrying box where the cab was
usually located were the Egyptian army’s primary means of mechanical
military transport. Given that it is impossible for a two-wheeled cart to
carry twenty- and thirty-foot logs, it is likely that four-wheeled wagons
were used to transport the rafts. Not having seen these contraptions before,
the Egyptians had no word for them and called them by the familiar name
of chariots, which, to some degree, they resembled. The Hittites appear
to have used the four-wheeled wagon at the time, and it probably came
to Syria from the north.13 Thutmose’s use of wagons during his campaign
is the first use of four-wheeled wagons in Egyptian military history. Yet,
Egyptian armies did appear to have adopted the vehicle generally for later
military use. They are not in evidence, for example, in the camp of Ramses
II at the battle of Kadesh a century later.14
The decision to transport the rafts overland using ox-drawn wagons
had significant implications for Thutmose’s rate of march. Mules, horses,
and donkeys can easily march twenty miles a day with full pack loads,
even while towing a two-wheeled cart. The yoke and collar used to tether
oxen in antiquity pressed hard upon the animals’ windpipe, increasing
the rate at which the animals became exhausted.15 Furthermore, oxen
move more slowly than mules do. A mule-drawn wagon can easily make
nineteen miles a day, whereas an ox-drawn wagon can average only eight
166 h Thutmose III
Plain, Thutmose’s army had already been in the field longer than a month
before he reached the Orontes Valley.
The Orontes arises in the east of the Beqqa Valley from natural
springs. From there it runs due north, falling two thousand feet through
a great gorge until emptying in the Lake of Homs. Beyond is a broad
valley of rich farmland upon which stood the cities of Qatna, on the east
bank, and Tunip, on the west bank. Farther to the north, just beyond the
agricultural region of modern Hamah, stood the city of Niya, probably
the Apamea of classical times. The Orontes is largely non-navigable, and
the river’s historical importance lies in the convenient axis of advance it
has provided for armies throughout antiquity. The battles of Kadesh (1275
BCE) and Qarqar (853 BCE) were fought on its banks.
When the van of the Egyptian army approached the plain around
Kadesh, its body stretched back for ten to twelve miles.19 Thutmose
had to consider the possibility that Kadesh would offer resistance to
his passage and probably prepared for an attack by sending his chariot
squadrons forward in considerable strength to clear the valley’s exit.
Only an incompetent enemy commander would not have employed his
reconnaissance units to keep watch on the Egyptians as they approached
the valley exit, and the Egyptian army must have been an impressive
sight as it emerged upon the plain. The size of the Egyptian force was
larger by several orders of magnitude than anything Kadesh could put
in the field, and the silence of the texts is probably an accurate indication
that the prince of Kadesh thought discretion the better part of valor and
kept his main force inside the city walls. Thutmose and the grand army
of Egypt passed through the plain of Kadesh and into the Orontes River
Valley without incident. That night when the army camped downstream,
its rearguard was still in the Eleutheros Valley.
Thutmose’s route of march took him next to the vicinity of Qatna,
where, if we can believe the texts, he remained for two or three days and
toured a workshop that manufactured bows.20 Qatna was located twelve
miles northeast of Homs near the end of the road connecting the middle
Euphrates Valley to the Mediterranean and was some thirty-five miles
from the Eleutheros Valley exit, or four days’ march. Three days after
leaving Qatna, the Egyptian army reached Tunip, which was twenty-
six miles distant from Qatna.21 We might reasonably surmise that it was
The Euphrates Campaign h 169
here that Thutmose returned the son of the king of Tunip whom he had
captured at Ullaza. From there Thutmose marched to Aleppo sixty miles
away, a journey that took eight days.
Thutmose’s route of march through the Orontes Valley shows him
to have been a superb logistician. The route along the river ensured his
army and its large number of animals would have a sufficient supply of
water. All the towns and settlements that the Egyptians passed through
were located in the fertile agricultural belt of the Orontes. It was mid-
June and the harvest was coming in, so the army could replenish its food
stores from the agricultural towns along the route.22 As with most later
armies and those of classical antiquity, the Egyptian army could carry
only enough supplies to last about ten days before the supplies had to be
replenished.23 Thutmose’s line of march was planned so that each location
where he could replenish the army’s supplies was no more than ten days’
march from the previous stop. The longest march across the steppe, from
Aleppo to Carchemish, was only seventy miles or just under ten days.
By a shrewd combination of diplomacy and intimidation, Thutmose
had moved his army from the Lebanon coast to Aleppo’s outskirts
without having to fight a single battle. Along the way his army had been
well supplied with food and water, and except for the wastage of men
and animals that inevitably took its toll on any army on the march, the
Egyptian army was in good fighting condition.24 It fought its first battle of
the campaign at the Height of W’an just west of Aleppo.
Geography, politics, and logistics made some sort of skirmish around
Aleppo inevitable. Aleppo was a key ally of the Mitanni and the last allied
state between the Egyptians and the Mitannian homeland. It was also the
final military obstacle to Thutmose’s advance. Aleppo was on the edge of
the last agricultural region before the barren steppe that separated the city
from the Euphrates. An army seeking to gain the steppe from the Orontes
basin had to pass almost under Aleppo’s walls. Thutmose needed access
to the region’s food supplies to sustain his army while crossing the steppe.
The Egyptians could not bypass the city to the east because close to the
city the ground was marshy and wet. To avoid the marshes by marching
farther east would have forced the Egyptians to march into the rocky
desert and to attempt the steppe’s crossing without replenishing their food
supplies. Moreover, the eastern route left Aleppo on the Egyptians’ flank
170 h Thutmose III
with all the possibilities that implied for an attack. The Egyptian army had
already been on the march for almost eight days since leaving Tunip, and
most of their field rations were already gone. Thutmose ordered his army
to march west of Aleppo, plundering the countryside for the supplies he
needed to cross the steppe and march on Carchemish.
Amenemhab records that he took part in some sort of skirmish
before the battle at the Height of W’an near Aleppo.25 He tells us, “When
his Majesty came to Naharin, I brought off three men from the fight there;
I set them before thy Majesty as living prisoners.”26 Then later he tells us,
“Again I fought hand-to-hand on that expedition in the land of the Height
of W’an on the west of Aleppo. I brought off thirteen Asiatics as living
prisoners; 13 men, 70 living donkeys, 13 bronze spears, the bronze was
wrought with gold.”27 We learn later from Amenemhab’s tomb inscriptions
that he was a member of the King’s Braves, an elite infantry unit.
Amenemhab’s capture of living prisoners and living donkeys
suggests that the action he participated in was not against Aleppo’s regular
forces, or one would have expected him to have produced “hands,” that
is, the severed hands of those he killed. Rather, it is likely that the incident
Amenemhab recorded was one of scores like it that occurred when
Thutmose’s army began to plunder the countryside and confiscate food
supplies and anything else of value the army needed. If so, the fight would
have been against small contingents of militia or coteries of local vassals
defending their farms. The rulers of Aleppo surely knew that the Egyptian
army lacked the siege technology to overcome a city fortified with rock
walls and probably sealed themselves up inside their fortifications until
the Egyptian storm passed. No doubt this situation suited Thutmose well
for he had no interest in attempting to overcome Aleppo. Seizing its food
supply and intimidating its rulers into inaction were sufficient. Thutmose
observed one of the basic principles of the operational art of war by
maintaining the strategic direction of his army.
Crossing the steppe between Aleppo and Carchemish occurred
without incident. Pastoral nomads sparsely settled the area, thus there
were few settlements from which opposition might have been mounted.
The Egyptians’ next engagement occurred outside of Carchemish.
Amenemhab tells us that “again I fought on that expedition in the land
of Carchemish.”28 Thutmose made no attempt to attack Carchemish itself,
The Euphrates Campaign h 171
and as with the other cities that Thutmose passed, the rulers of Carchemish
closed their gates and waited for the Egyptians to pass. The engagement of
which Amenemhab speaks, again, was probably no more than a skirmish,
perhaps with the militia forces of some agricultural manor or town in the
fertile region along the Euphrates’ banks.
The Battle
The army rested a few days and replenished its supplies from the stores
confiscated from the farms on the river’s west bank. The four-mile-wide
area around Carchemish, which the Egyptians called Karakamisha, was
a rich agricultural region stretching three miles north and six miles south
of the city itself on the Euphrates’ west bank. A larger fertile area almost
eight miles wide and running south for thirteen miles occupied the east
bank of the river.29 Carchemish guarded the place where the Euphrates
narrows into two streams and is separated by a number of large islands
that serve to narrow the river’s width and weaken its current as well.
The distance from the west bank to the largest island is only seventy-five
meters. The island itself is about three hundred meters wide. The second
stream on the far side of the island is one hundred meters wide. It was
here, using the islands as a midpoint on the river, that Thutmose probably
crossed the Euphrates.
The texts tell us, however, that Thutmose’s army crossed the Eu-
phrates at the place called the Great Bend: “Thutmose III crossed the
Great Bend of Naharin with might and with victory at the head of his
army.”30 The geography of the area disputes this notion. The Great Bend is
some eighty miles south of Carchemish along a route that passes through
rocky desert for most of the distance. Once at the Great Bend, the river
cuts through limestone cliffs and ledges, creating high banks that make
access to the river’s edge very difficult. At the center point of the Great
Bend, the width of the Euphrates is almost five miles. Most important,
however, is that Thutmose had no good military reason to cross at the
Great Bend. Except for the town of Emar, which seems to have been little
more than a donkey caravan stop, there were insufficient food and water
supplies in the area to restock his army, no agricultural settlements to
draw stores from, and no enemy armies to engage. It is likely that the
texts’ claim that Thutmose crossed at the Great Bend is an exaggeration.
172 h Thutmose III
were possible. Thus, to fight a decisive battle, Thutmose needed his entire
combat army on the east bank.
The Gebel Barkal stela tells of a great battle between the Egyptians
and the Mitanni that took place on the east bank of the Euphrates in which
“the numerous army of the Mitanni was cast down in one hour. They
have disappeared completely as those who never were, like an end of the
Devourer, by act of the arms of the great good god, strong in battle, who
causes slaughter among everyone.”32 Ostensibly the battle was with the
Mitannian king,33 but the list of booty taken from the defeated army belies
the claim that a great battle was fought. The booty consisted of 3 chiefs,
30 of their wives and children, 606 male and female servants and their
children, and 80 men at arms.34 These are hardly the numbers and items
we would expect if a major armed force had met defeat on the plain of the
Euphrates. The texts do not mention any captured arms, armor, chariots,
horses, prisoners, and, above all, enemy hands. At best, the Egyptians seem
to have defeated only a local garrison of Mitannian troops and certainly
not the king’s main army.
There must, however, have been some sort of engagement because
the texts tell of Thutmose chasing an enemy force that fled before him.
The Annals indicate that Thutmose “pursued them after for an iter, and
not one looked behind him, but fled headlong like herds of game, for their
horses bolted.”35 An iter is a measure of length or distance between two
and ten kilometers long.36 The term occurs in the inscription along with
the word Skdwt, which means “as boats travel.” 37 Skdwt is an idiomatic
phrase properly taken to mean something similar to “as the crow flies”
rather than to imply that Thutmose sailed down the Euphrates in pursuit
of his enemy. To have done so would have made no military sense.
Ten miles downstream from Carchemish the land turns to rocky desert
with insufficient arable land to support agriculture or a retreating army.
Whatever force engaged Thutmose on the east bank would have logically
retreated due east toward the capital of Washukkanni about 140 miles
away. The soldiers would have withdrawn farther into the interior of
their homeland, where troops, garrisons, and walled towns could have
come to their aid. It appears unlikely that Thutmose would have sailed
downstream on the Euphrates. More likely he would have marched down
the east bank through the agricultural region for about ten kilometers
174 h Thutmose III
until he met the desert, at which point he would have turned back toward
The texts suggest that is exactly what happened: “Behold, his
Majesty went north capturing the towns and laying waste the settlements
of that foe of wretched Naharin.”38 At some point as Thutmose ravaged
the countryside, a small force of hastily formed militia troops from three
towns turned out to fight the Egyptians but were quickly crushed.39 The
Mitannian regulars were nowhere to be found, “having fled pell-mell,
like herds of wild game.”40 The texts reveal in great detail the destruction
Thutmose wrought on the land of the Mitanni:
I destroyed his cities and his settlements and I set fire to them.
My Majesty turned them into ruins, so that they could not be re-
built. I captured all their people who were carried off as prison-
ers, and the cattle thereof without bound, and likewise their
property. I took their grain, I tore out their barley, I felled their
trees, all their fruit trees. Their region was killed, my Majesty des-
troyed it. It has become a burnt place where there are no trees.41
on the territory of the Mitanni signified that the Mitanni were now a client
state of Egypt and subject to Pharaoh’s rule.43 In reality, of course, it was
not true. Thutmose’s raid had not changed the balance of power between
the antagonists at all, and the Mitanni remained a great power for another
fifty years. But in the Egyptians’ eyes, Thutmose had utterly defeated the
great power to the east.
The Euphrates campaign had an unanticipated political conse-
quence that fell to Egypt’s advantage. After Thutmose returned to Egypt,
the king of the Hittites sent an emissary to Pharaoh bearing gifts of silver,
wood, and precious stone. Presumably the mission’s purpose was to
open diplomatic relations between the two countries. In its march west
of Aleppo on its way to Carchemish, the Egyptian army had passed close
to the Syrian Gates, the mountain pass that led to the Hittites’ territory.
The size of the Egyptian army and its ability to project military force over
such great distances must have caused the Hittites to worry that one day
Egyptian power would be aimed at them. And, indeed, they were right.
Over the next century, the area of northwest Syria and the Syrian Gates,
the area the Hittites called the land of Amaru, became the arena of conflict
between the two powers. Thutmose’s demonstration of Egyptian military
might led the Hittites to conclude that they should open diplomatic contacts
with Egypt. The mention of the Hittite diplomatic mission in Egyptian
texts is the first appearance of the Hittites in the historical record.44
that Thutmose was destroying those settlements in the region that were
allied with Aleppo and the Mitanni.46 Presumably Thutmose had left these
settlements unmolested on his outward march in order to save time and
to conserve his army’s combat power and had planned to deal with them
on his return.
One of the objectives of the Euphrates campaign was to place under
Egyptian control the area south and west of Aleppo and the Orontes
Valley as far south as the river’s headwaters at modern Baalbek. Egyptian
diplomacy had neutralized the power of Tunip and Qatna, if only
temporarily, and the march to the Euphrates had isolated Aleppo. The
Egyptians had demonstrated how the latter’s agricultural regions could be
ravaged at will even though the city itself had not been captured. Kadesh
was now the only remaining obstacle to Egyptian success. The Egyptian
army had been in the field for almost three months, and if Thutmose had
plans to deal with Kadesh he first had to rest and replenish his army. After
a march of more than a hundred miles from the Euphrates’ banks, the
Egyptian army had arrived at Niya, where it rested to regain its strength.
The Annals do not offer any record of Thutmose’s return march;
instead, they jump from setting up the boundary stela directly to marking
the king’s arrival at the town of Niya. “His Majesty arrived at the city of
Niya, going southward, when his Majesty returned [from the Euphrates]
having set up his tablet in Naharin, extending the boundaries of Egypt.”47
Niya was probably located on the west bank of the Orontes overlooking
the Ghab Valley, some thirty miles northwest of modern Hamah, and
between Aleppo to the north and Kadesh to the south. It is probably the
biblical Shepham and the Apamea of classical times. The area affords good
supplies of food and water.
Thutmose rested the army at Niya for only a week or so, during
which time he took part in an elephant hunt. His grandfather had stopped
once at Niya too and had hunted elephants while returning from his
Euphrates campaign. His grandfather’s example seems to have been very
much in Thutmose’s mind. He tells us, “He granted me another brave
deed by the sea of Niya. He made me drive together a herd of elephants.
My Majesty fought them, they being a herd of 120 elephants.”48
Amenemhab’s account of the elephant hunt is more dramatic:
The Euphrates Campaign h 177
them more visible than they would appear in reality.56 In this way, kings
portrayed their gelded war horses as true stallions.
Amenemhab’s tale is questionable on other counts. First, it is unclear
how he would have caught up with the mare on foot. Second, his claim
that “with my sword I ripped open her belly; I cut off her tail” seems
disingenuous. The basic weapon of the Egyptian infantry was the curved
sickle-sword, a weapon completely unsuited for stabbing. Even assuming
Amenemhab could muster the force a somewhat dull bronze blade would
require to bring down a horse, it is unclear how he would have landed
the blow on an animal that was quite a bit taller than he was. Killing a
horse is no easy matter. A thousand-pound horse has some one hundred
pints of blood; it can lose 30 percent of it and live. Horses have excellent
hemostatic systems that cause blood vessels to retract into the tissues and
seal themselves off. Even when an artery is cut, a horse takes hours to
bleed to death.57 The only certain way he could have brought down the
horse was to strike it between the eyes with an ax. Finally, Amenemhab’s
paucity of knowledge of horses is revealed further in that killing the mare
would not have eliminated her scent or its effects on the stallions. Since
the mare’s scent would have affected the horses of Kadesh as well as those
of the Egyptians, presumably the noses of the Canaanite stallions were
swabbed with some potent-smelling salve to mask the mare’s smell.58
Whatever skirmish or battle was fought on the plain of Kadesh,
it must have been inconclusive, with the maryanna retiring behind the
safety of the city’s walls. Thutmose then mounted an attack on the city by
storm. Given the Egyptians’ advantage in manpower, the most appropriate
method of attack was for the archers to lay down heavy covering fire to
keep the defenders off the battlements while assault troops rushed the
walls and tried to reach the top using scaling ladders. Thutmose’s elite
infantry, the King’s Braves, of which Amenemhab was a member, was
renowned for being the first to attack a city’s walls. The Egyptian shield,
with the shoulder strap attached to its inner surface, was well suited to the
task of protecting the soldiers during the assault. Slung over the soldier’s
back in the fashion of a turtle’s shell, it protected his body while leaving
his hands free to make the climb and fight once over the walls.
Simultaneous with the attack on the walls, other troops attacked the
gates. With their shields covering their backs, assault troops armed with
The Euphrates Campaign h 181
axes hacked at the gate’s bolts and hinges in order to bring it down. Both
of these operations required brave and disciplined troops. Amenemhab
numbered himself among them. He tells us, “His Majesty sent forth every
valiant man of his army, in order to pierce the wall for the first time, which
Kadesh had made. I was the one who pierced it, being the first of all the
valiant; no other before me did it. I went forth, I brought off [captured] two
men as prisoners.”59 Amenemhab’s use of the word pierced might suggest
that he was among those attacking the gate rather than those trying to
scale the walls.
Although Thutmose must have repeatedly attempted to storm the
city, in the end Kadesh’s defenses held and the city did not fall.60 The
Annals are ominously silent regarding the outcome of Thutmose’s attack
against Kadesh, and even the boastful Amenemhab does not claim that
they captured the city. If they had, there would have been no need for
Thutmose to attack it again in regnal year 42. That attack, too, failed. The
repeated Egyptian attacks undoubtedly produced high casualties, and
after several failed attempts Thutmose may have thought better of it and
simply withdrew. It is also possible that events elsewhere needed his
Two tomb inscriptions, one from Amenemhab and the other from
one Minmose the Engineer, suggest that some sort of trouble had broken
out in the land of Takhsy and may have forced Thutmose to break off
the attack on Kadesh to quell it. Just southeast of Kadesh, Takhsy lay
between northern Canaan and Damascus, not more than two days’ march
away. In the area of the northern Beqqa Valley, Takhsy was well within
the Egyptians’ sphere of influence in Canaan. It was a land of Asiatic
bedouins and Sashu, who, along with the Apiru, sometimes resorted to
banditry. The texts do not reveal the nature of the problem, but it may be
suspected that some of the towns in the area had fallen prey to bedouin
banditry. With the assault on Kadesh meeting stiff resistance, Thutmose
may have taken the news of the problem in Takhsy as an opportunity to
break off the attack without losing royal prestige. It may also account for
why the Annals are silent regarding the Kadesh operation.
The fighting in Takhsy must have been significant. Amenemhab tells
us, “I fought hand-to-hand therein before the king. I brought off Asiatics,
three men as living prisoners.”61 Minmose’s tomb inscription conveys some
182 h Thutmose III
additional details: “I saw how the arm of His Majesty waxed strong when
he took to fighting, plundering thirty towns within the region of Takhsy
whence their chiefs, chattels, and cattle were brought off.”62 Minmose’s
reference to towns is to be understood as bedouin villages or camps
and, perhaps, small agricultural settlements. The number of settlements
involved, however, suggests that Thutmose’s operations in Takhsy were
extensive. Perhaps they were part of a search-and-destroy campaign to
punish the perpetrators and raze their logistical base.
Assuming operations in Takhsy required two weeks to complete, it
was then late August, and Thutmose turned for home by overland march.
From his position in the northern Beqqa Valley, the Egyptian army could
have easily reached the main base at Megiddo in a few days. From there
Thutmose reversed the route he had taken to Megiddo, marching up the
Aruna road and across the Carmel Range to Yehem. From there it was an
easy march to Gaza, then to the frontier forts at Sile, and on to Perunefer,
where Thutmose boarded a boat and sailed south to Thebes, arriving in
time for the October festival. The journey would have taken a little longer
than a month.
It had been almost two months since Thutmose had arrived on the
coast of Lebanon by sea until he reached the Euphrates. His return march
took him through country that was politically hostile and past city-states
that were sworn allies of the Mitannian king. One would have thought
that Mitannian agents and diplomats assigned to these allies would have
sent their couriers to inform their superiors that Thutmose was on the
move. Why, then, was the king of the Mitanni caught by surprise? Why
did the Egyptians not encounter any opposition to their river crossing?
Why was there no Mitannian army to meet Thutmose in battle after the
Egyptians had crossed?
The answer lies in Thutmose’s brilliant use of strategic deception.
Except for the occupation of the Lebanon ports, Thutmose’s previous cam-
paigns in Syria had only involved raids designed to march into an area,
damage the countryside, take away what booty the Egyptian army could
carry, and force the local chiefs to acknowledge him as their sovereign.
These chevauchée raids were not intended to destroy the Syrian city-states
or occupy their territory.63 No Egyptian garrisons had been left behind in
the Orontes Valley following any of the Egyptian raids. Until the time that
The Euphrates Campaign h 183
goal of bringing the army of the Mitanni to battle and destroying it. For all
the effort, the Egyptians failed to alter the strategic power of the Mitanni
or the strategic balance between the two great powers. The ability of the
Mitanni to use their Syrian cat’s-paws—Aleppo, Alalakh, Tunip, Qatna,
and Kadesh—to foster trouble and instigate revolts in southern Syria was
The Euphrates Campaign h 185
undiminished. It would not be long before Egypt would have to deal with
these rebellions.
Although Qatna and Tunip had been neutralized by diplomacy, in
the absence of Egyptian garrisons none but the most optimistic observers
reasonably expected the peace agreements to hold for very long once
Egyptian troops had withdrawn. Aleppo and Alalakh remained strong and
loyal allies of the Mitanni, and Thutmose’s ravaging of their agricultural
areas only strengthened this alliance. The reality was that Egyptian security
goals in Syria and the concomitant decline in Mitannian influence there
could not be achieved as long as the powerful Syrian city-states could not
be captured and garrisoned with Egyptian troops. Thutmose could launch
one chevauchée after another, ravaging the cities’ agricultural areas as he
went, but in the end Egypt lacked the military technology to successfully
overcome the stone walls and other defenses of the Syrian cities. Without
a siege capability, the Egyptians could make the farmers and vassals of
the Syrian rulers suffer from time to time, but the Syrian rulers themselves
and their military garrisons remained safe behind the city walls, willing
and able to defy the Egyptians’ control once their armies left.
In short, Egypt lacked the national power to bring about a strategic
decision in southern Syria. At the end of the Euphrates campaign, the
sphere of Egyptian influence was pretty much as it had been before the
campaign began, that is, mostly confined to Canaan and coastal Lebanon.
The Euphrates campaign remains, however, a classic example of the
failure, repeated throughout history, to recognize that military force is
effective only when it aims at achievable strategic goals. Otherwise, it
becomes merely an exercise in technique from which little of strategic
value is likely to result. Thutmose’s experience in the Euphrates campaign
is but the first example in history in which we see the truth of Carl von
Clausewitz’s later famous dictum that “war is the continuation of policy
by other means.”
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The Counterinsurgency Campaign
Thutmose had spent more than a decade carving out an Egyptian sphere
of imperial influence in Asia by force of arms. Now he faced the problem
of maintaining it. He clearly intended to annex the area of southern Syria
at least as far north as Niya and to transform it into an area of Egyptian
control, tying it tightly to Egypt perhaps in a manner similar to Nubia.
Integrating Syria into the Egyptian realm presented far more difficulties,
however, than did Nubia. The military capabilities of the Syrian city-states
and principalities were far more formidable than those in Nubia. The key
city-states were ruled by professional maryannu warrior castes that had
imposed themselves upon the locals more than a century earlier during the
Mitannian-Hurrian sweep through Canaan and Egypt. After the warrior
pharaohs drove them out of Egypt, some maryannu warrior castes settled
in northern Canaan and southern Syria.1 These warrior castes were capable
fighters and unwilling to submit to Egyptian rule.
Lacking a powerful ally willing to support the Nubians’ resistance
to Egyptian rule facilitated the Egyptians’ exertion of control over Nubia.
The Syrian city-states and their vassals, however, had the strong support
of the Mitanni, a great power that was also geographically contiguous
with the Syrian arena of conflict and could be relied on to back a Syrian
insurgency. The Mitanni regarded its vassals in Syria as important geo-
political assets to its own national security strategy. These vassal states
were located far forward of the Mitannian homeland and made up a stra-
tegic buffer zone within which the Mitanni could intercept and engage
188 h Thutmose III
any attempts from the west by Egypt, and later by the Hittites, to attack
the homeland itself. The Syrians knew they could rely on the Mitanni to
resist the Egyptians’ efforts to establish a sphere of influence in Syria at
every opportunity, including encouraging revolts and sending troops to
support its Syrian vassals.
Thutmose’s efforts to control Syria were further hampered by
other factors. The Egyptian army does not appear to have made any im-
provements in its siege capability that would permit it to quickly reduce
the defenses of the major Syrian cities. This shortcoming was not unique
among the armies of the day, and not until the Assyrians introduced the
battering ram some six centuries later would armies be able to easily defeat
the stone-faced casement walls characteristic of Syrian cities.2 Egypt’s
ineffectual siege capability meant that the major Syrian city-states were
practically invulnerable to Egyptian attacks. The Egyptians could ravage
the countryside at will, but they could not crack the cities themselves.
Moreover, no matter how many times Thutmose put down a Syrian
revolt or defeated an allied force of the Mitanni in the field, the arena of
conflict remained limited to southern Syria. Egypt was unable to project
sufficient forces over long distances to invade and defeat the Mitanni
in their own homeland. No matter how many expeditions Thutmose
undertook, the insurgents knew that at the end of the campaign season the
Egyptians would leave and the insurgents would remain to fight another
day. Thutmose could fight and defeat the insurgents again and again, but
he lacked the means to bring about a strategic decision by defeating the
fortified cities or the Mitanni in a decisive manner.
Thutmose’s Euphrates campaign did produce some significant
diplomatic results, however. The other major states in the region that had
strategic security concerns with the Mitanni were quick to normalize or
open diplomatic relations with Egypt after its expedition to the Euphrates.
Babylon, Assyria, and the Hittites saw the Euphrates campaign as a
significant projection of force by a new power in the regional political game,
a power that could be used, perhaps, to counter the Mitannian threat. In the
short run at least, these states were of no military consequence to Egyptian
efforts, although their political support helped legitimize Egyptian control
of its possessions in Syria. In the long run, however, the Hittites’ support
of Egyptian ambitions proved decisive in weakening the Mitanni.
The Counterinsurgency Campaign h 189
The Strategy
Unable to deliver a strategic blow to the Mitanni, Thutmose embarked
on a Syrian policy that today we would call a counterinsurgency strategy.
The first goal of Egypt’s operational design was to isolate the Syrian city-
states from their Mitannian allies, a policy intended to deprive them of the
Mitannian political and military support they had been receiving for years.
At the same time, Egypt conducted military expeditions in the Mitanni
border zone that were intended to keep the Mitanni off balance and force
them to guard against the possibility of another military strike at the
Euphrates border and perhaps beyond into the homeland itself. The second
element of Thutmose’s Syrian policy was to conduct frequent military
incursions into Syria to demonstrate the Egyptians’ willingness to retain
their position in the country and to intimidate the Syrian principalities
into a grudging acceptance of Egyptian control. This plan involved formal
meetings with assembled Syrian rulers, who were obliged to present their
tribute to Pharaoh. Whenever a city or town became so reckless as to rise
in open revolt, Thutmose moved quickly to crush it. Thutmose intended to
convince the rulers of the Syrian principalities that they faced the dilemma
of a single alternative; that is, there was no alternative to Egyptian rule.
In 1470 BCE, the year after the Euphrates campaign, Thutmose put
his new policy into effect and led an expeditionary force into Syria. The
texts tell us that “all the harbors of His Majesty were stocked with every
good thing,” suggesting that the Egyptians came by sea and still controlled
the coastal ports. The expedition’s size is not recorded, but it was certainly
much smaller than the army of the Euphrates campaign. Perhaps it
included a single infantry division and a few companies of chariots, or a
force of some five thousand to six thousand men. The Egyptians marched
through the Eleutheros Valley; past Kadesh, which they had attacked the
year before; and down the Orontes River to Qatna, where they crossed the
river and entered the region known as Nukhashshe.
Nukhashshe was a triangle-shaped district formed by a line running
north from Qatna and northeast of Aleppo (92 miles), then directly east to
Emar (which the Egyptians called Donkey-town) on the western edge of
the Great Bend of the Euphrates (46 miles), and back southwest to Qatna
(100 miles).3 The area is mostly a steppe and is inhabited by nomadic
and pastoral people who are organized into clans and tribes with no
190 h Thutmose III
other higher form of political organization. The Egyptians called the area
a district instead of a foreign land, and although the texts refer to the
sheikhs as kings, they were in fact little more than clan or tribal leaders.
Nukhashshe’s value to the Egyptians was purely geographic.
The triangle-shaped steppe served as a barrier to the Mitannian
military’s travel and their diplomatic and commercial intercourse with
the states of southern Syria, especially those along the Orontes River.
Periodically making their military presence felt in the district, the Egyptians
intended to keep the Mitanni off balance and force them to deal with the
possibility of an Egyptian attack on their borderlands. The distance to the
Euphrates through Nukhashshe was much shorter than the western route
around Aleppo that Thutmose had taken during the previous Euphrates
campaign. Part of the Egyptian plan was to assemble a friendly coalition
of tribal sheikhs to serve as Egyptian allies and intelligence sources in the
region. In Nukhashshe, Thutmose sacked three towns and carried off a
small amount of plunder, mostly sheep, cattle, and donkeys.4
Thutmose was back the next year, this time in force. Having met
no opposition to his previous encroachment, it is likely that Thutmose’s
army was larger this time to render his threat of an invasion of the Mitanni
more credible. The Mitanni had once made the mistake of ignoring an
Egyptian army as it marched into northern Syria only to see it continue its
march to the Euphrates and attack the homeland. The size and direction
of Thutmose’s march, to the north and east of Aleppo, along with the
Mitanni intelligence efforts, convinced them that Thutmose intended to
undertake yet another march on their country. They moved quickly to
prevent it.
The two armies met at the town of Ar’anu. The location of this town
is unknown, but it may have been some twenty miles east of Aleppo
and only thirty or so miles from the Euphrates.5 The texts record, “Now
His Majesty arrived at the town of Ar’anu and that vile doomed one of
Naharin had collected horses with their people and . . . their armies . . .
of the ends of the earth. . . . They were more numerous than the sands
of the seashore . . . intent on fighting His Majesty.”6 The texts imply that
the Mitanni were already in position and that some allied units, perhaps
from Aleppo, which was the closest city to the battlefield, had taken the
field with them. The combined force was substantial and comprised
The Counterinsurgency Campaign h 191
infantry and chariots. If the Mitanni had been watching the Egyptians’
advance to the north, as seems likely, they would have known the size and
composition of the Egyptian army and deployed an army of their own of
sufficient size to meet it.
The texts describe the battle at Ar’anu as follows:
Then His Majesty closed with them; and then the army of His
Majesty performed the charging maneuver with the cry, “Let’s go
get ’em!” Then His Majesty overpowered these foreigners through
the power of his father Amun and made a great slaughter among
those doomed ones of Naharin. They proceeded to flee, stumbling
one upon the other, in front of His Majesty.7
This particular text is one of the few Egyptian records that describes a
tactical maneuver.
The list of equipment taken after the battle clearly suggests that
Thutmose got the better of the fight. The captured equipment includes
bronze helmets, suits of mail, composite bows, 180 horses, and 60
chariots. Ten prisoners were also taken.8 The numbers are relatively small,
however, and there is no mention of the number of enemy dead. This
omission suggests that the battle went off quickly and that perhaps the
text is accurate when it suggests that some sort of charge, either infantry
or chariotry, may have shattered elements of the enemy formation and
then touched off a general rout. Under these conditions, it would not be
unusual for the numbers of dead and captured to be small. The horses
and chariots may have been confiscated in the rear areas, having been left
behind as the enemy fled.
Thutmose did not press farther toward the Euphrates. In all likeli-
hood his intention was never to mount an assault on the Mitannian
homeland; instead, he may have wanted to deploy a significantly large
army as a reconnaissance in force to determine if the Mitanni would react.
If they did not, he may have reasonably concluded that he had a free hand
in Nukhashshe, that his policy of isolating the Mitanni was succeeding,
and that geographic control of the Nukhashshe district had driven a wedge
between the Mitanni and its Syrian clients. The reaction of the Mitanni
made it clear, however, that they still had a strong presence in the district.
192 h Thutmose III
Breasted notes that Irkatu is the same town as Irkata of the Amarna texts
and was located twelve miles inland southeast from Sumur, across the
Great River in the Eleutheros Valley on the Arka Plain.18 It was not far
from Simyra, and the texts’ reference to the “coastal road” most likely
refers to Thutmose’s march up the coast from Simyra to the mouth of the
valley before turning inland to attack the towns.
Thutmose attacked Irkata and destroyed it, also laying waste to
the agricultural settlements “in this district” before moving on to attack
another town on the Arka Plain. The name of this second town is lost; only
part of its name, “—kana,” has survived. But the text is clear in noting
that Thutmose “destroyed this town together with its district.”19 The term
destroyed suggests that Thutmose punished the rebel towns by fire and
sword, ravaging their farms, orchards, and crops.
Having regained control of the Arka Plain, Thutmose then moved
against Tunip, one of the two major city-states that had broken into open
revolt. Tunip had been brought under Egyptian influence during the
Euphrates campaign. Thutmose had purchased its loyalty by returning
the ruler’s son, whom Thutmose had captured at Ullaza earlier. Its loyalty
had never been secure, and it is not difficult to imagine the king of Tunip
had waited for the opportunity to slip the humiliating Egyptian leash.
Thutmose’s decision to attack Tunip is interesting. Kadesh was only
four days’ march down the Eleutheros Valley. Why not strike at Kadesh
first? Thutmose had at least two reasons. First, the fortifications of Kadesh
were more substantial than those at Tunip. Thutmose had attempted
but failed to breach Kadesh’s walls a few years earlier upon his return
march from the Euphrates. Moreover, he could hardly afford to get caught
up in a siege of Kadesh while the rest of Syria simmered with rebellion
and resentment. If his campaign of suppression was to succeed, it had
to be done quickly, and Tunip was the easier nut to crack. Second, most
certainly the Egyptian intelligence service had detected the presence of
Mitannian troop garrisons in and around the defenses of Kadesh. Indeed,
it might have been the establishment of these garrisons in the first place
that signaled the Syrian revolt. These professional warriors could be
expected to put up a stout fight, presenting the risk of bogging down the
Egyptian army and inflicting high casualties upon it. For these reasons, if
Thutmose planned to attack Kadesh, he would have to do so at the end of
196 h Thutmose III
the campaign, not at the beginning, and only after the other rebel towns
had been brought to heel.
To attack Tunip and avoid a confrontation with Kadesh and the
Mitannian garrisons near the city, Thutmose could not advance on Tunip
by the usual route of marching through the Eleutheros Valley, turning
north on the Kadesh Plain, and following the Orontes River. Instead, he
had to take the alternative route to Tunip: march north across the Arka
Plain, turn inland to follow the valleys across the mountains, and debouch
on the Orontes flood plain through the gap where the Crusaders would
later build the fortress of Krak des Chevaliers southwest of modern Homs.
It was thirty miles from the Arka Plain to the gap. From there, a march of
thirty-seven miles would bring the Egyptian army outside the walls of
Tunip without having to deal with Kadesh.
The texts say that Thutmose “arrived at Tunip; destroying the town,
uprooting its grain and chopping down its orchards.” The fact that the
grain was still in the ground suggests that the attack came sometime in
mid-June when the harvest was not yet in. On the one hand, if we take
the text literally, we may conclude that the Egyptians had captured Tunip
for the first time. There is some supposition that Thutmose himself even
occupied the city and that he used it as his headquarters while his troops
were ravaging the countryside.20 On the other hand, there is nothing
to suggest the Egyptians had made any improvements in their siege
capabilities, which in turn would lead us to believe that Tunip’s defenses
were overcome and the city itself destroyed. The assertion that Egypt
destroyed Tunip is unaccompanied by a booty list of casualties, prisoners,
and the usual captured war paraphernalia of horses, armor, weapons, and
chariots, suggesting that the claim may be an exaggeration. There is no
doubt, however, that the Egyptians ravaged the countryside, destroying
farms, orchards, and livestock as well as the settlements and towns in the
larger district. One way or another, Tunip was made to pay heavily for its
Thutmose next marched south and upstream along the Orontes River,
destroying any town, settlement, or farm that had dared to join the revolt.
The texts’ tone suggests his attack upon these places demonstrated a level
of ferociousness that is unusual in Egyptian military accounts. The scribe
who composed the accounts used the verb sksk to describe the manner in
The Counterinsurgency Campaign h 197
which the towns were attacked, and the term implies an unusual degree
of ferocity and slaughter.21 Some towns seem to have been turned over
to the army to do with them as it wished. In these instances, the troops
were allowed to keep whatever they could loot and carry. Thutmose was
outraged by the Syrian rebellion. He was determined to subdue it with
a deliberate vengeance both to punish those who had participated in it
and to send a strong message to others that they would suffer a similar
fate should they oppose Egypt’s will. By rendering terrible destruction as
he marched, Thutmose conducted a psychological warfare campaign to
weaken the will of the towns that still lay before him.
Leaving a trail of blood and fire in his wake, Thutmose arrived
outside Kadesh. The garrisons of the Mitanni were deployed in three
towns guarding the approaches to the city. Thutmose immediately attacked
them. The texts say, “Coming in safety; arrival at the district of Kadesh;
plundering three towns therein.”22 The Egyptians stormed the towns
and captured their Mitannian garrisons, or “troops of vile Naharin who
(functioned) as garrison troops.”23 Twenty-nine enemy soldiers were killed
and 691 taken prisoner. They also captured forty-eight horses and sixteen
chariots. It is noteworthy that the texts do not claim that Kadesh itself
was captured, a claim that surely would have been included in the official
Annals and recorded on the walls of Karnak had such an important prize
been taken. Amenemhab’s claim in his tomb inscriptions that Thutmose
captured Kadesh refers to the previous campaign in regnal year 30, if it is
true at all. Again, Redford is probably correct when he asserts that there is
no convincing evidence that Thutmose ever captured Kadesh at any time
during his Syrian campaigns.24
It was probably around the second week of July when the Egyptian
army reached the walls of Kadesh. Thutmose had plenty of time left in the
campaign season to lay siege to the city. Given the importance Kadesh held
in the Egyptians’ eyes as the primary fomenter of their troubles in Syria, it
is curious that the official records make no mention of an Egyptian attempt
to capture the city by storm or siege. Certainly the harvest was already
in, making it unlikely that the city could be starved into submission, and
taking the city by storm, with its defenses and garrisons intact and at full
strength, would be a difficult task. Lacking siege capabilities, Thutmose
had attempted to take the city once before and failed.
198 h Thutmose III
There are no records to tell us why Thutmose did not attack Kadesh,
how long he remained in Syria, and what he did for the remainder of
the campaign season. The record simply ends with the usual notation
that “the harbors were stocked with everything in accordance with their
tax quota and in accordance with their yearly custom, and the labor of
Lebanon in accordance with their yearly custom.”25 Thutmose seems to
have marched away from Kadesh and back through the Eleutheros Valley
to reach the Lebanon coast, where he made his annual inspection of the
supply depots as he had done at the end of every previous expedition.
This work accomplished, he boarded a ship and sailed for home.
200 h Thutmose III
Final Years
Thutmose himself no longer led military expeditions into Canaan and Syria
after regnal year 42 because such expeditions were no longer necessary
to maintain control in these forward areas. It is, however, unrealistic to
think that once Egypt had established its position in southern Syria that it
withdrew and left the area hostage to Mitannian and insurgent intentions.
Rather than Thutmose himself, senior generals led Egyptian military
activities after year 42. The Egyptians continued to follow the same policies
in Syria that they had pursued for two decades with success in Canaan.
As they had done in Canaan, Egyptian military expeditions con-
tinued to destroy any fortifications that might be used against them in
the future or that hindered movement over important terrain. They had
instituted this policy at Ullaza a few years earlier and, if we can believe the
texts, had done significant damage to some temporary walls constructed
outside Kadesh. Certainly the towns attacked during the insurgency
campaign had their fortifications reduced, and perhaps even some of
Tunip’s fortifications were rendered useless. As long as Egyptian sappers
and miners confined their activities to areas under Egyptian control, the
policy of destroying fortifications would have proceeded without much
Thutmose’s practice of securing the loyalty of Syrian chiefs by
taking their sons and brothers hostage also continued, as did the practice
of replacing recalcitrant rulers with Egyptian favorites who, in the normal
course of things, would then witness their own children taken hostage.
In Canaan, Egyptian officers oversaw the collection and transport of the
harvests of the area’s grain-producing lands to Egypt. In Syria, in-kind
taxes, including grain, were levied and collected annually. The collection
Epilogue h 201
That the stela was intended as a warning can be seen from two
elements within its text. First, the text is clearly addressed to the chiefs
of Nubia when it begins, “Listen, people of the southern land, which is
by the Gebel Barkal. . . . Oh, you shall learn of this miracle of Amen-Re.”
Second, the text goes on to tell of a dream that Thutmose had in which
“a star appeared to the south [Nubia]. Never had the like happened. It
shone exactly towards them.” The star’s light is a metaphor for Pharaoh’s
power. The text then describes what happened to the people who had
been exposed to the light: “None withstood there. I killed them like those
who had never been, they lay in their blood, enemies in heaps. . . . Their
horse teams were no more, they had bolted in the desert.” Lest anyone
miss the intent of the violence, the text goes on to say, “[All this I did] in
order to make that all inhabitants of foreign lands see the might of My
Majesty. . . . He [Amun] instilled fear of me among all the inhabitants of
foreign lands. They fled before me. Everything on which the sun shines is
bound under my soles.”5
Thutmose had not visited Nubia for more than twenty years when
he made this visit to Gebel Barkal. The inscriptions at Karnak record
regular tribute payments from Wawat (Lower Nubia) and Kush (Upper
Nubia) during that period, but there is nothing in the records that tells us
what may have prompted Thutmose to return to Nubia after such a long
absence. Perhaps the prolonged absence itself was the reason for the royal
visit. Thutmose may have wanted a tour of inspection to reinvigorate the
local magistrates or to ensure that the Nile canals around the cataracts
were in working order and that the construction projects he had ordered
were proceeding accordingly. Still, the construction of the stela and the
tone of the text lead one to suspect that there may have been difficulties of
some sort in Nubia that required Pharaoh’s attention.
Three years later, in regnal year 50, Thutmose was back in Nubia,
this time at the head of an army. He left Thebes in September, the time
of year when Egyptian armies usually set out for Nubia because it was
the season of the flood and the cataracts were most easily navigable. He
remained in Nubia for eight months before returning to Egypt in April.
On the way back, he found the canal around the First Cataract blocked by
stones and ordered it dredged. “His Majesty ordered the dredging of the
channel, after he had found it blocked up with stones, so that no ship could
Epilogue h 203
sail upon it. He then sailed downstream upon it gladness of heart, having
destroyed his enemies.”6 This last phrase clearly implies that Thutmose
had been engaged in some sort of military campaign during his stay in
Nubia.7 The length of time in the field—eight months—and the fact that the
king had personally led the army suggest a serious military undertaking.
Unfortunately, we have no information as to what it involved.
That the situation in Nubia was unsettled during Thutmose’s
final years seems clear from other evidence. Near the end of his reign,
perhaps in the final two years of his life, Thutmose appointed his son
Amenhotep II co-regent. Amenhotep was born in regnal year 35 and
was probably eighteen years old when he became co-regent.8 Sometime
shortly thereafter, perhaps in Thutmose’s final year of life, a revolt broke
out in northern Canaan, and Amenhotep led an army to suppress it. He
pacified Canaan with great brutality. Then, “after His Majesty came back
from Upper Retenu . . . having slain with his own mace the seven chiefs
who were in the district of Takhsy . . . [he] had the other doomed one
taken south to Nubia and hung on the wall of Napata.”9 He exacted this
punishment no doubt as a warning of what horrors might follow should
events in Nubia become intolerable. A few years after his father’s death,
Amenhotep led an army into Nubia 650 miles upstream from Elephan-
tine, where he put down a rebellion and established Egyptian control as
far south as the Fourth Cataract.10
Thutmose III, Egypt’s greatest warrior pharaoh, died on the thirtieth
day of the seventh month of the year—March 17, 1450 BCE—or one month
and four days short of concluding his fifty-fourth regnal year.11 His death
seems to have precipitated a revolt among some of the Syrian principal-
ities, and Amenhotep again moved quickly and brutally to put it down.
Over the next decade, Amenhotep led other punitive expeditions into
Syria to control the violence. On one of these campaigns, probably in regnal
year 9, Amenhotep tells us that he uprooted and deported 15,070 people
from the district of Nukhashshe alone.12 Whether the Mitanni supported
these revolts as a way of testing the new Egyptian king is not clear. It is
likely, however, that Amenhotep’s speed and fierceness in suppressing the
revolts along with the growing concern regarding the Hittites’ intentions
led the Mitanni to send a delegation to Egypt and offer a peace agreement.
The king of the Mitanni, probably Saussatar, sent a delegation to Egypt
204 h Thutmose III
Thutmose III left behind a legacy of greatness. He had taken an isolated,
defeated, and fearful nation and made it a true imperial power that
continued to play a central role in the politics and wars of the Levant
for more than five centuries. His national defense strategy guided the
foreign policy of Egypt’s rulers for five hundred years after his death. In
this time, no foreign army trod the black earth of the Egyptian homeland.
Thutmose had also constructed a professional and technologically well-
equipped military force from what had been only a militia army, forged
and tempered it in the crucible of war for more than two decades, and
then bequeathed it to his successors to be used as the primary instrument
of Egypt’s defense. He had restored Egyptian national power and prestige,
and he himself became the personification of the nation and its power.
From his time forward, every pharaoh regarded himself as a warrior king
whose primary responsibility, to protect the nation, was bestowed upon
him in trust by his divine father, Amun.
It is no exaggeration to say that Thutmose established the Egyptian
Empire. From the Libyan border in the west, south to the Second Cataract,
and in Syria as far north as the Great River of the Eleutheros Valley and
east to the Beqqa Valley, no foreign power challenged Egyptian control
of its realm for four centuries. It was Thutmose who first established the
rudiments of a genuine imperial administration in the conquered territo-
ries, often appointing old comrades to oversee the operations of govern-
ment in the very lands they had helped subdue. Thus, he opened Egypt
to the world, with the result that new cultural forces from all over the
region began to flow into Egypt, expanding the horizons of its craftsmen,
artists, and architects. Thutmose III was the greatest warrior king that
Egypt had ever known or ever was to know in its long and varied history
on this earth.
1. Warrior Pharaoh
1. Dennis Forbes, “Menkheperre Djehutymes: Thutmose III, a Pharaoh’s
Pharaoh,” KMT 9, no. 4 (Winter 1998–99): 63.
2. Ibid., 62.
3. R. B. Partridge, Faces of Pharaohs: Royal Mummies and Coffins from Ancient Thebes
(London: Rubicon Press, 1994), 77–80.
4. Ibid.
5. David O’Connor, “Thutmose III: An Enigmatic Pharaoh,” in Thutmose III: A
New Biography, ed. Eric Cline and David O’Connor (Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press, 2008), 5–6.
6. Ibid.
7. Donald B. Redford, “The Northern Wars of Thutmose III,” in Cline and
O’Connor, Thutmose III: A New Biography, 325.
8. Arielle P. Kozloff, “The Artistic Production of the Reign of Thutmose III,” in
Cline and O’Connor, Thutmose III: A New Biography, 292.
9. Dimitri Laboury, “Royal Portrait and Ideology: Evolution and Signification
of the Statuary of Thutmose III,” in Cline and O’Connor, Thutmose III: A New
Biography, 261.
10. Kozloff, “The Artistic Production of the Reign of Thutmose III,” 294.
11. Dennis Forbes, “Menkheperure Djehutymes: The Fourth and Final Thutmose,”
KMT 9, no. 2 (Summer 2002): 74.
12. Donald B. Redford, History and Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt:
Seven Studies (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967), 85.
13. Kozloff, “The Artistic Production of the Reign of Thutmose III,” 317.
14. Forbes, “Menkheperre Djehutymes,” 183.
15. Ibid., 54.
16. Piotr Laskowski, “Monumental Architecture and the Royal Building Program
of Thutmose III,” in Cline and O’Connor, Thutmose III: A New Biography, 229.
See also in the same volume, Catharine H. Roehrig, “The Building Activities
of Thutmose III in the Valley of the Kings,” 238–59.
206 h Notes
17. R. J. Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology (Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill, 1964),
18. Betsy M. Bryan, “Administration in the Reign of Thutmose III,” in Cline and
O’Connor, Thutmose III: A New Biography, 69.
19. Ibid., 113.
20. See S. R. Morcos and W. R. Morcos, “Diets in Ancient Egypt,” Progress in Food
and Nutrition Science 2 (1977): 457–71; they give six million to eight million
people as Egypt’s population in antiquity. Both of these researchers are staf-
fers at the National Research Center in the Food Science and Nutrition Depart-
ment in Cairo. O’Connor, citing K. W. Butzer, Early Hydraulic Civilization in
Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976),
83, says the population was between four million and five million people.
21. I have accepted the dates of 1505–1451 BCE as those of Thutmose III’s life,
relying upon Redford even though the issue is far from settled among
Egyptologists. Cline and O’Conner’s book features the most recent research
regarding Thutmose III and place his dates at 1479–1425. Other regnal dates
suggested by other analyses are 1490–1436, 1483–1429, 1479–1425, and 1504–
1450 BCE.
22. See the classic work by Adolf Erman, Life in Ancient Egypt, trans. H. M. Tirard
(New York: Dover Books Reprint, 1971), especially chapter 14, “Learning,”
328–68, for an examination of ancient Egypt’s educational system. Also of
interest in this regard is Barbara Mertz, Red Land, Black Land: Daily Life in
Ancient Egypt (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1990), chapter 7.
23. Some idea as to how extensive the temples’ libraries were can be gained from
the example of Manetho, the high priest of Ptah at Memphis. When Ptolemy
assumed control of Egypt in the wake of Alexander’s conquests, he asked
Manetho to produce a history of Egypt. In a few short months he was able
to produce a comprehensive account of Egyptian history, reaching back to
the third millennium BCE, by drawing on the historical records in the temple
24. See Richard A. Gabriel, The Military History of Ancient Israel (Westport, CT:
Praeger, 2003), 129–31, for circumcision as a military ritual. See also James
B. Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1955), 326, for an Egyptian letter
dating to 2300 BCE that suggests that the ritual was carried out on groups of
recruits entering military service.
25. William Petty, “Hatshepsut and Thutmose III Reconsidered,” KMT 8, no. 1
(Spring 1997): 47.
26. O’Connor, “Thutmose III: An Enigmatic Pharaoh,” 20–21; and Dennis Forbes,
“Akheperenre Djehutymes: The All-But-Forgotten Second Thutmose,” KMT
11, no. 2 (Summer 2000): 75.
27. Peter F. Dorman, “The Early Reign of Thutmose III: An Unorthodox Mantle of
Coregency,” in Cline and O’Connor, Thutmose III: A New Biography, 39–68.
28. O’Connor, “Thutmose III: An Enigmatic Pharaoh,” 5.
29. Petty, “Hatshepsut and Thutmose III Reconsidered,” 46–48.
30. Ibid., 47.
31. Redford, History and Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, 81.
Notes h 207
2. Strategic Setting
1. Robert J. Wenke, Patterns in Prehistory: Mankind’s First Three Million Years (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1980), 468.
2. Yigael Yadin, The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands in Light of Archaeological Study,
trans. M. Pearlman (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963), 2:313–28.
3. Ibid., 1:150–51.
4. For an examination of Egyptian religion from 4000 BCE through the period of
the Greek conquests, see Gabriel, Gods of Our Fathers, 202.
5. See page xx in Eliezer D. Oren, ed., The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological
Perspectives (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, 1997),
for an understanding of the term Hyksos.
6. Ibid., 48, for the date of the Hyksos invasion.
7. Some Egyptologists argue that the Hyksos occupation of the Nile Delta was
accomplished not by armed invasion but by peaceful infiltration. For this
view see ibid., xxii. I agree with Redford that the evidence is overwhelming
in support of a violent invasion. For this view see Donald B. Redford, Egypt,
208 h Notes
Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1992), 101–10.
8. See page 48 of David O’Connor, “The Hyksos Period in Egypt,” in Oren, The
Hyksos, for the length of the Hyksos occupation at 108 years.
9. See ibid., 62, on the psychological impact of the Hyksos occupation.
10. Alan H. Gardiner, “The Defeat of the Hyksos by Kamose: The Carnarvon
Tablet, No. 1,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 3 (1916): 102.
11. A good account of the campaigns of Kamose and Ahmose I in driving out the
Hyksos appears in Omar Zuhdi, “A Tale of Two Ahmoses or How to Begin an
Empire,” KMT 11, no. 4 (Winter 2000–2001): 50–61.
12. Michael Grant, The History of Ancient Israel (New York: Charles Scribner’s
Sons, 1984), 13.
13. Nigel Stillman and Nigel Tallis, Armies of the Ancient Near East, 3000 BC–539
BC (Sussex, UK: Flexiprint Ltd., 1984), 33.
14. Yadin, The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands, 1:79.
15. Grant, The History of Ancient Israel, 16.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid., 17.
18. Georges Roux, Ancient Iraq (New York: Penguin, 1986), 235.
19. Cambridge Ancient History (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,
1973), 2, part 2:3.
20. See Richard A. Gabriel and Donald W. Boose, Jr., “Megiddo,” in Great Battles
of Antiquity: A Strategic and Tactical Guide to Great Battles That Shaped the
Development of War (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994), chapter 2, for an
explanation of Mitannian influence in Syria during the time of Thutmose III.
21. See Betsy M. Bryan, “The Egyptian Perspective on the Mitanni,” in Armana
Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations, ed. Raymond Cohen and
Raymond Westbrook (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002),
71–84, for an overview of Egyptian-Mitannian relations from Thutmose I to
Thutmose III.
22. H. W. F. Saggs, The Might That Was Assyria (London: Sidgwick and Jackson,
1984), 38.
23. Roux, Ancient Iraq, 217.
24. Ibid.
25. Cambridge Ancient History, 2, part 2:1.
26. Ibid., 873; Saggs, The Might That Was Assyria, 39; and Roux, Ancient Iraq, 218.
27. Cambridge Ancient History, 2, part 2:875.
28. Ibid., 874.
29. Roux, Ancient Iraq, 230.
30. O. R. Gurney, The Hittites (London: Penguin, 1990), 86.
31. Saggs, The Might That Was Assyria, 196.
32. Anthony J. Spalinger, “Covetous Eyes South: The Background to Egypt’s
Domination of Nubia by the Reign of Thutmose III,” in Cline and O’Connor,
Thutmose III: A New Biography, 357.
33. David O’Connor, “Thutmose III: An Enigmatic Pharaoh,” 10. See also S. T.
Smith, Askut in Nubia: The Economics and Ideology of Egyptian Imperialism in the
Second Millennium BC (London: Keegan Paul, 1995).
Notes h 209
3. The Antagonists
1. Egyptologists still disagree regarding the proper chronology of events in
ancient Egypt. When all is said and done, one is forced to choose a chronology
and stick to it. Thus, all relevant dates in this chapter are taken from Donald B.
Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III (Boston: Brill, 2003).
2. Much of the historical material in this chapter is drawn from my earlier
research. Rather than clutter up the manuscript with innumerable footnotes,
I have cited those works here so that the reader can refer to the relevant
chapters. The later footnotes in the chapter refer to the most recent research.
See Gabriel and Donald J. Boose, Jr., The Great Battles of Antiquity. Also see
Gabriel, The Great Armies of Antiquity (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2002);
Great Captains of Antiquity (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001); The Military
History of Ancient Israel; and all three volumes of Empires at War.
3. This point should not be understood to mean that one man of every ten men
of military age was conscripted into the army. Rather, one man of every ten
at every farm, temple, or workshop was subject to conscription, resulting
in a rather much smaller number. A parallel system was used in ancient
Israel, where a fixed number of men were conscripted from every eleph, or a
subdivision of the clans within the tribes.
4. Leonard Cottrell, The Warrior Pharaohs (New York: Dutton, 1969), 51.
5. Ibid., 18–19.
6. An excellent work on military titles in the army of ancient Egypt is Alan R.
Schulman, Military Rank, Title, and Organization in the Egyptian New Kingdom
(Berlin: Bruno Hessling Verlag, 1964), 30–86.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Cottrell, The Warrior Pharaohs, 51.
10. R. O. Faulkner, “Egyptian Military Organization,” Journal of Egyptian
Archaeology 39 (1953): 32–47.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Cottrell, The Warrior Pharaohs, 55–56.
14. Cambridge Ancient History, 2, part 1:57.
15. B. I. Sandor, “Tutankhamun’s Chariots: Secret Treasures of Engineering
Mechanics,” in Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 27,
no. 7 (2004): 637–46.
210 h Notes
16. Ian Shaw, “Egyptians, Hyksos, and Military Technology: Causes, Effects, or
Catalysts?” in The Social Context of Technological Change: Egypt and the Near
East, 1650–1550, ed. Andrew J. Shortland (Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books, 2001),
17. Ibid., 63–66.
18. Ibid., 65. See also S. Dalley, “Foreign Chariotry and Cavalry in the Armies of
Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II,” Iraq 47 (1985): 31–48.
19. Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 8–9.
20. Shaw, “Egyptians, Hyksos, and Military Technology,” 62.
21. Hatshepsut claimed that “my troops which were formerly unequipped are now
well paid since I appeared as king,” suggesting that she was still upgrading
the army at this time. Redford, History and Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty
of Egypt, 81.
22. Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 4–5.
23. Ibid., 3.
24. Faulkner, “Egyptian Military Organization,” 42.
25. “Ancient Egyptian Joint Operations in the Lebanon under Thutmose III
(1451–1438 BCE),” Semaphore: Newsletter of the Sea Power Centre of Australia
16 (August 2006): 1. A march from Egypt to the Euphrates would have taken
more than two months to complete.
26. Manfred Bietak, “The Thutmoside Stronghold of Perunefer,” Egyptian
Archaeology 26 (Spring 2005): 13–14.
27. Torgny Save-Soderbergh, The Navy of the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty (Uppsala,
Sweden: Uppsala University Press, 1946), 39.
28. For more on Egyptian ships and shipbuilding see ibid.; R. O. Faulkner,
“Egyptian Seagoing Ships,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 16 (1940): 3–17;
Erman, Life in Ancient Egypt, chapter 19; and John Baines and Jaromir Malek,
Atlas of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, UK: Andromeda Books, 1980), 67–69.
29. Save-Soderbergh, The Navy of the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty, 34.
30. Ibid., 42.
31. Raymond W. Baker, Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., s.v. “History of Egyptian
32. Schulman, Military Rank, Title, and Organization in the Egyptian New Kingdom, 54.
33. Ibid.
34. Sandor, “Tutankhamun’s Chariots,” 639.
35. Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood, “Textiles,” in Ancient Egyptian Materials and
Technology, ed. P. T. Nicholson and Ian Shaw (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 2000), 292.
36. See the experiments with chariots and archers conducted by Richard A.
Gabriel and Karen S. Metz, From Sumer to Rome: The Military Capabilities of
Ancient Armies (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1991), 78–79.
37. Gabriel, Great Captains of Antiquity, 28.
38. For an analysis of the Egyptian modifications of the chariot, see Sandor,
“Tutankhamun’s Chariots,” 637–46.
39. Rosemarie Drenkhahn, Die Handwerker und ihre Tatigkeiten im alten Agypten
(Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz, 1976), 130.
40. Shaw, “Egyptians, Hyksos, and Military Technology,” 64.
Notes h 211
11. Redford estimates the size of the army at ten thousand troops. Spalinger, in
War in Ancient Egypt, 86, says that estimate is too high and suggests a figure
of around five thousand men. Goedicke argues that both sides could not
together have deployed more than a thousand men.
12. Capt. Glen R. Townsend, “The First Battle of History” (thesis, Command
and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 1935), 28. For similar
figures as they relate to the British army of the same period, see Peter Barker,
“Crossing the Hellespont: A Study in Ancient Logistics,” paper delivered at
the VI Classics Colloquium, Classical Association of South Africa (CASA)
Conference, February 2005, 8. See also General F. Maurice, “The Size of the
Army of Xerxes in the Invasion of Greece, 480 BC,” Journal of Hellenic Studies
50, part 2 (1930): 229.
13. Stillman and Tallis, Armies of the Ancient Near East, 100.
14. James K. Hoffmeier, “Tents in Egypt and the Ancient Near East,” Toronto
Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities (SSEA) Journal 7, no. 3 (1977):
13–28, for Egyptian tents. See also Mordechai Gichon, “Military Camps on
Egyptian and Syrian Reliefs,” Assaph: Studies in Honor of Asher Ovadiah (Tel
Aviv: Department of Art History, Tel Aviv University, 2005), 569–93.
15. The Romans brought wheat to Egypt.
16. Barker, “Crossing the Hellespont,” 2.
17. References in Egyptian literature note that the military camp had a particularly
pungent smell from the horse dung used in its cooking fires. I built fires using
horse dung and cow dung, the cooking fuel of Egyptian civilians, and sure
enough, horse dung has an irritating, pungent smell while cow dung has a
pleasant, sweet smell.
18. Radishes were used medicinally in Egypt from ancient times. Public works
crews were fed radishes to ward off illness and infection. In 1948 biochemists
isolated a substance called raphanin from an extract of radish seeds. Raphanin
is an effective antibiotic against a number of bacteria, including cocci and coli.
See Richard A. Gabriel and Karen S. Metz, A History of Military Medicine, vol. 1,
From Ancient Times to the Middle Ages (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992), 82.
19. For more on the rations of ancient armies, see Richard A. Gabriel, “Rations,”
in Soldiers’ Lives through History: Antiquity (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,
2007), chapter 5.
20. A four-gallon bucket lowered into a well and raised every fifteen seconds
for twenty-four hours would remove only 23,040 gallons of water a day,
assuming the well did not play out, or about just enough water to supply
Thutmose’s army for a single day. On average, mules and horses require
about eight times as much water as soldiers do.
21. Gabriel and Metz, From Sumer to Rome, 108.
22. M. Kerstein, M. Mager, R. Hubbard, and J. Connelly “Heat-Related Problems
in the Desert: The Environment Can Be the Enemy,” Military Medicine 149
(December 1984): 650–56.
23. R. O. Faulkner, “The Battle of Megiddo,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 28
(1942): 2.
24. Ibid., 6.
214 h Notes
25. “It is an inescapable fact of equine life that ridden or loaded horses and pack
animals cannot travel more than seven consecutive days without a rest day,
otherwise their backs are damaged.” Barker, “Crossing the Hellespont,” 6.
26. See Redford, Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times, 155; and Helck,
Geschichte des Alten Agypten, 154.
27. Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin, and Baruch Halpern, eds., Megiddo III:
The 1992–1996 Seasons, vol. 2, The Finds (Tel Aviv: Emery and Claire Yass
Publications in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University,
2000), 540.
28. The population estimate of Megiddo is based on Yadin’s calculations of 240
people per urban acre in Canaanite cities during this period. See Yadin, The
Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands, 2:20.
29. Until the New Kingdom, the Egyptians were able to construct walls and
buildings only on flat land. The Canaanites, by contrast, could build walls and
buildings to follow the contour of the land, and the walls did so at Megiddo.
30. Eric H. Cline, The Battles of Armageddon: Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley from
the Bronze Age to the Nuclear Age (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
2000), 22.
31. Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 108.
32. Nelson, The Battle of Megiddo, 38.
33. Cline, The Battles of Armageddon, 10. These conditions are well attested from
Roman times to the present. The biblical story of Deborah’s victory over Sisera
in the Kishon Valley—she tricked him into leaving the heights, and entering
upon the plain, his troops and chariots became stuck in the mud—suggests
that these same conditions obtained in the Late Bronze Age as well.
34. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 34–35.
35. Nelson, The Battle of Megiddo, 53.
36. Ibid., 6; and Townsend, “The First Battle in History,” 18, citing James Henry
37. Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 128.
38. Ibid., 32 and 128.
39. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 15.
40. Faulkner, “Egyptian Military Organization,” 32–47. See also Schulman,
Military Rank, Title, and Organization, 292.
41. Finkelstein, Ussishkin, and Halpern, Megiddo III, 2:535.
42. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 14; Faulkner, “The
Battle of Megiddo,” 3.
43. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 14.
44. Faulkner, “The Battle of Megiddo,” 3.
45. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 22.
46. Faulkner, “The Battle of Megiddo,” 7.
47. The obvious question, then, is why didn’t Thutmose take the Djefty road?
The usual answer is that it was too long and that it would have exposed his
army’s rear to attack. This answer is unconvincing. If the Aruna road was too
narrow to permit Thutmose to move his army on it in anything but single file,
then it is difficult to see how an Asiatic force attacking up the road from the
mountains’ exit could have moved its army in strength up the same road.
Notes h 215
48. The assumption is, of course, that Thutmose’s reconnaissance teams would
have observed the Asiatic task forces on the plain. But even if they did not,
the Egyptians were thoroughly familiar with the organization and equipment
of the Canaanite armies and would surely have known that they were chariot
49. Modern Ar’arah is probably the site of ancient Aruna.
50. Nelson, The Battle of Megiddo, 32. Unfortunately, Nelson offers no details.
51. Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 34.
52. Ibid., 33.
53. This estimate is purely hypothetical but seems reasonable in light of the
assumption that the Asiatics expected the Egyptians to come down the widest
and easiest road through Jenin on to Ta’anach.
54. Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 51–52.
55. Faulkner, “The Battle of Megiddo,” 7.
56. Nelson, The Battle of Megiddo, 43.
57. Townsend, “The First Battle in History,” 26.
58. Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 50.
59. Ibid., 57.
60. Ibid., 50.
61. Ibid., 57.
62. A force of ten thousand men requires just less than two square miles of ground
upon which to encamp. See Maurice, “The Size of the Army of Xerxes,” 214.
63. Nelson, The Battle of Megiddo, 50.
64. Ibid., 26. The early American railway routes also followed the natural course
of rivers and streams through mountainous terrain.
65. Besides using maps and Google Earth satellite photos, I have twice walked
the ground in and around Megiddo.
66. The ground on either side of the stream is flat and bare. During the rainy
season, this wide path serves as the Kina’s flood plain. But by June, the brook
is back in its banks, and the land on either side is firm and dry.
67. Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 49.
68. Ibid., 57.
69. Ibid.
70. Ibid.
71. Ibid.
72. Ibid., 60.
73. Goedicke’s location of the Egyptian camp as being close to the bend of the
Kina brook cannot be correct. The area he identifies as the camp is only 360
feet by 1,340 feet, not nearly large enough to accommodate an army of ten
thousand men, horses, chariots, and so forth. They would require at least two
square miles upon which to encamp.
74. In May, the sun sets in Megiddo around 7:00 p.m.
75. The only portrayals of Egyptian military camps are those of Ramses II at the
battle of Kadesh. There is no good reason to think that Thutmose’s camp was
any different. See Gichon, “Military Camps in Egyptian and Syrian Reliefs.”
76. Egyptian shields of this period appear to have a non-Argive-like grip; that is,
the handle in back of the shield runs horizontally, not vertically. The first reliefs
216 h Notes
97. Since the story of the town’s establishment appears only on the Gebel Barkal
stela it cannot be taken as certain. See ibid., 123. Some sort of town and cultic
center had existed at or near Beth Shean probably for millennia. Thutmose
may have turned the site into a fortified town for the Egyptian military’s use.
Thus, when he assumed the throne in his own right, it was in his twenty-third
regnal year.
20. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 131, 214. The “lands of
Fenkhu” are generally identified with the Phoenician coast, most particularly
the coast north of Carmel.
21. Ibid.
22. T. L. Thompson, The Settlement of Palestine in the Late Bronze Age (Wiesbaden,
Germany, 1979), 59.
23. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, 191–92.
24. Ibid., 193.
25. Ibid.
26. Olmstead, History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian Conquest, 135–36; and
Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, 195.
27. See Gabriel, “The Dawn of Conscience,” in Gods of Our Fathers, chapter 1, for
Pharaoh’s role in maintaining universal order. See also James Henry Breasted,
Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt: Lectures Delivered on the
Morse Foundation at Union Theological Seminary (New York: Charles Scriber’s
Sons, 1912), chapter 6.
28. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 217.
29. The name of Eleutheros Valley is taken from Strabo, Histories, xvi, 2, 12,
and was used throughout classical times. The name appears in the Bible
(Maccabees 11:7 and 12:30), but we do not know by what name it was known
to the Egyptians.
30. Olmstead, History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian Conquest, 73–74.
31. Donald W. Engels, Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978), 155.
32. Two of those rivers, the Crocodile and the Gihon, still flow through the area.
The Crocodile River has provided water to Caesarea since Roman times.
33. The swamp remained a major obstacle until Roman times when it was drained
and turned into farmland. After the Arab conquest, the drainage system was
allowed to decay and the swamp once more covered the land until the Israelis
repaired the drainage system in the 1950s.
34. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, 197–98.
35. “Arvad [is] a bare rock in the center of a north and south line of reefs, two and
a half miles from shore. A half mile long and quarter mile wide, its surface
rose but a few feet above the waves. . . . On all sides but the east were reefs
whose dangers only the local pilots knew. The bare rocks were leveled off
with stones and concrete, and to west and south rose a great seawall above
the moat.” Olmstead, History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian Conquest,
137. It was very close to the modern port of Tartus.
36. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, 196.
37. Ibid., 196–97.
38. Ibid.
39. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 217.
40. Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 57.
41. Olmstead, History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian Conquest, 136.
Notes h 219
9. Epilogue
1. Arthur Weigall, A History of the Pharaohs (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1927), 2:385.
2. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, 2:217.
3. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III, 214.
4. Goedicke, The Battle of Megiddo, 126.
5. Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie, S. 1227-1243, for the complete translation of
the Napata stela.
6. Weigall, A History of the Pharaohs, 2:394.
7. O’Connor, “Thutmose III: An Enigmatic Pharaoh,” 31; and Salinger, “Covetous
Eyes South,” 355, support the contention that Thutmose led an expedition
into Nubia in regnal year 50.
8. Redford, “The Coregency of Thutmose III and Amenophis II,” 122.
9. Ibid., 243.
10. Weigall, A History of the Pharaohs, 2:394.
11. The regnal year of a new pharaoh usually began when the new king assumed
the throne. Thus, a king who assumed the throne at age twenty would mark
226 h Notes
that year as his first regnal year. In the case of Thutmose III, the question of
when to begin his regnal years remains unsettled. If his father died when
Thutmose was still an infant, as seems the case, then his regnal years would
begin then, even though his stepmother-aunt, Hatshepsut, ruled as regent. If,
as some maintain, his father died when Thutmose was age six or seven, then
at his first regnal year he would have been age six or seven. Thus, it is possible
that Thutmose was either fifty-four or sixty years of age when he died.
12. Redford, in Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times, 163, cites Peter der
Manuelian, Studies in the Reign of Amenophis II (Leiden, the Netherlands:
Hildesheim, 1987), 56.
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234 h Index
Orontes River, 41, 118, 127, 128, 129, Retjenu, 118, 120, 123, 124, 125, 127,
135, 137, 151, 161–164, 166, 169, 176, 133, 193
178, 189, 190, 192, 196 ribs, 141, 142
Orontes Valley, 168, 169, 176, 182 Roman Republic, 144
overseers of arsenals, 50 Romans, 132
overseers of desert blockhouses, 50 Rome, 24
ox carts, 166 Rosetta stone, 7
ox-drawn wagons, 165 royal arsenals, 68
oxen, 165
Sa, 60, 145
palatine government, 153 sabu nagib, 74
papyrus, 142; papyrus rope, 165, 172 Saggs, H. M. F., 43
parashshamu, 68 Sahure, King, 138, 141
patru, 71 Salinger, Anthony J., 47
Pedjet, 60 Samaria, 30, 36
Pelusiac branch of the Nile, 56, 139 Sand People, 28, 138
penetrating socket ax, 12, 31, 79 sandals, 126
Persia, 22, 23 sariam, 68
Persian Empire, 24 saryanni, 71
Perunefer, 139, 156, 160, 163, 182 Sashu, 181
Philip of Macedon, 21, 22, 23 Satiah, Queen, 25
Philistines, 77 Saul, King, 77
Phoenicia, 22, 78, 118, 136 Saussatar, 203
Porus, 23 scale armor, 71, 75, 76
Pratarna, 42 Scipio Africanus, 132
Ptolemies of Egypt, 24 Sea People, 19, 143, 76, 78
Punt, 16 seagoing ship, 141
Pydna, battle of, 24 Second Cataract, 31, 46, 138, 139, 204
Second Expedition, 124–125
Qarqar, battle of, 168 Second Punic War, 132
Qatna, 35, 42, 54, 128, 132, 136, 137, Sekenenre, 1
150, 151, 158, 161, 162, 164, 168, 176, Semneh, 139
178, 184, 185, 189, 192 Senzar, 151
Seventeenth Dynasty, 15
rab alik ilki, 67 shadoof, 9
radishes, 146 shakin mati, 66
rakib susi, 73 Sharon Plain, 130
Ramses II, 19, 57, 76, 143, 165 Sharuhen, 124
Ramses III, 19, 143 sharyani, 71
Raphia, battle of, 24 Shasu, 193
recurved bow, 79 Shechem, 39
Redford, Donald B., 178, 197 Shepham, 176
request for breath, 122 shepi sharri, 67
reserve horses, 72 shield wall, 149
resuti, 74 shipyards, 55
Retenu, 114 shiron, 71
Index h 239
shukuthlu, 73 Ta Nehesy, 43
sickle-sword, 4, 12, 36, 51, 52, 145, 180 ta-agsu, 12
Sidon, 120, 152, 154 tablets of the left, 67
Sile, 182 Takhsy, 181, 182
Simyra, 129, 132, 148, 152, 153, 155, Tanis, 31, 52
163, 166, 194 Tao, 15, 25
Sinai, 28, 34 Taurus Mountains, 40
Sinuwe, 36 textile armor, 62
sisu, 43 Thaneni, 199
six-spoked wheel, 58, 59 Theban god of war, 5
Sixth Dynasty, 50, 138 Theban princes, 32, 52
skdwt, 173 Thebes, 5, 2, 31, 34, 118, 124, 202
sksk, 196 theocratic state, 28
Smith, G. Elliot, 2 Third Cataract, 44, 139
Snefru, King, 141 Third Dynasty, 138, 141
socket ax, 36, 51, 52, 76 Third Expedition, 124
socketed spear blades, 79 thorn tree wood, 141
Sodom, 36 T-h-r warriors, 131
Somalia, 16 Thutmose I, 5, 8, 9, 10, 46, 53, 54, 56,
Soviet Union, 122 118, 121, 122, 135, 139, 141, 174
Spain, 132 Thutmose II, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 54, 55,
spoked-wheel chariot, 43 118, 139
springs of Labweh, 118 Thutmose III, 1, 2, 3, 34, 46, 47, 59, 65,
77, 78, 80, 118, 121, 122, 125, 127,
Stable for Military Education, 12
129, 132, 138, 141, 149, 151, 157, 159,
stallions, 179, 180
165, 171, 192, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199,
star knife, 11
202; accession, 16–17; administrative
state bureaucracy, 28
ability, 8–9; builder, 7–8; congenital
steering oar, 140, 143, 165
skin disease, 4–5; early years, 9–12;
steering post, 143
education, 10; final years, 199–204;
stepped mast, 165
intellectual interests, 7, 8; invasion
straight sword, 76
force, 143–147; legacy, 204; military
strategic deception, 182, 183
equipment, 52, 53; military training,
strong-arm boys, 12
12–14; national security vision, 55,
suits of mail, 190 56; personality, 19–21; portraits of, 4,
Sumer, 28, 41 5; as priest of Amun, 5, 11; seventh
Sunusret II, 36 campaign, 115–158; sixth campaign,
supply depots, 127 135; strategic vision, 55–56;strategist,
Swhn m Y p’t, 123 22–26; succession, 24–26; tomb of, 6
Syria, 7, 8, 9, 19, 23, 26, 30, 34–40, 53, Thutmose IV, 41, 65, 68
55, 56, 59, 69, 75, 118, 122, 129, 132, Tigris River, 39, 40, 41
137, 139, 157, tin, 53, 79, 127, 136
159, 164, 165, 174, 184, 187, 188, 190, tiryana, 71
192, 193, 194, 198, 199, 200, 201 Toth, 10
Syrian chiefs, 117 Transjordan, 39
Syrian Gates, 175 Tripoli, 118, 127, 130, 152
Syrian pine, 127 troop transports, 145
240 h Index
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