Cost-Minimization Analysis of Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens Given To Patients With Colorectal Cancer in Japan

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Takata et al.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30

DOI 10.1186/s40780-016-0064-5


Cost-minimization analysis of adjuvant

chemotherapy regimens given to patients
with colorectal cancer in Japan
Kosuke Takata1, Ken-ichi Fujita2*, Yutaro Kubota3, Hiroo Ishida3, Wataru Ichikawa4, Ken Shimada5,
Takashi Sekikawa6,4, Iori Taki-Takemoto1, Daisuke Kamei1, Shinichi Iwai1 and Yasutsuna Sasaki2,3

Background: Consideration of medical costs as well as effectiveness and adverse events is rapidly been
becoming an important factor in the selection of chemotherapy regimens. However, practical data on the costs
of chemotherapy are scarce. We clinically estimated the medical costs of 6 adjuvant chemotherapy regimens for
colorectal cancer on the basis of clinical and cost-related data and compared their cost-effectiveness by cost-
minimization analyses.
Methods: All patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer between April 2012 and May
2015 at four hospitals affiliated with Showa University were studied retrospectively. Clinical and cost data related
to adjuvant chemotherapy were collected from medical records and medical fee receipt data, respectively. Six
adjuvant chemotherapy regimens were studied: capecitabine and oxaliplatin (CapeOX); 5-fluorouracil (5-FU),
ℓ-leucovorin (LV), and oxaliplatin (modified FOLFOX6 [mFOLFOX6]); 5-FU and LV (5-FU/LV); tegafur and uracil
(UFT), and LV (UFT/LV); capecitabine; and tegafur, gimeracil and oteracil (S-1). The regimens were divided into
2 groups according to whether or not they contained oxaliplatin because of the difference in effectiveness.
Cost-minimization analyses, where relative costs of regimens showing equivalent effectiveness were simply
compared, were performed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the regimens in each group.
Results: A total of 154 patients with colorectal cancer received adjuvant chemotherapy during the study period.
Fifty-seven patients were treated with CapeOX, 10 with mFOLFOX6, 38 with UFT/LV, 20 with capecitabine, and 29
with S-1. No patient received 5-FU/LV. The total costs of oxaliplatin-containing regimens were significantly higher
than those of oxaliplatin non-containing regimens. The high cost of oxaliplatin, but not the costs of drugs or
various tests for the treatment of adverse events, was the primary reason for the higher costs of the oxaliplatin-
containing regimens. The cost-effectiveness of the oxaliplatin-containing regimens CapeOX and mFOLFOX6 were
comparable. Among the oxaliplatin non-containing regimens, the cost-effectiveness of S-1 and capecitabine was
superior to that of UFT/LV.
Conclusion: Thus, we provided the cost-effectiveness data of 5 adjuvant chemotherapy regimens for colorectal
cancer based on practical clinical and cost data from Japanese patients. The results can be included as a factor in
regimen selection because these results would represent the real world.
Trial registration: This study is a retrospective observational study and does not include any health care
interventions. Therefore, we did not register the protocol of this study.
Keywords: Cost-minimization analysis, Cost-effectiveness, Colorectal cancer, Adjuvant chemotherapy, Regimen selection

* Correspondence: [email protected]
Institute of Molecular Oncology, Showa University, 1-5-8, Hatanodai,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-8555, Japan
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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Takata et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30 Page 2 of 9

Background Several economic studies have examined the cost-

Cancer therapy has rapidly evolved over the past two effectiveness of adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal
decades, contributing to improvements in the survival cancer in Japan [15–17]. The clinical data used in these
and quality of life of cancer patients. However, the studies were derived from international phase 3 trials,
costs of the cancer therapy have also rapidly increased but not based on clinical practice. The cost of a drug or
in parallel to progress in cancer therapy [1]. A previous a test was calculated by multiplying the pre-determined
study reported that 30.6 % or more of patients with numbers of drug doses or tests by their respective unit
cancer are complaining about the rising costs of cancer prices. These methods have the advantage that cost cal-
therapy [2]. Another study found that the frequency of culation is straightforward and simple. However, the
bankruptcy was 2.65-fold higher among patients with costs related to adjuvant chemotherapy thus obtained
cancer than those without the disease [3]. Many highly might differ from those obtained by using patient data
effective anticancer drugs have recently been devel- in the real world, because patients’ backgrounds are dif-
oped and are now used in clinical practice. However, ferent between international phase 3 trials and clinical
the costs of these drugs are generally high. For ex- practice. In clinical practice, subpopulations of patients
ample, the cost of one intravenous dose of the cyto- with advanced age, comorbidities, organ dysfunctions,
toxic anticancer drug oxaliplatin is higher than 80,000 or lower performance status who generally cannot par-
yen (800 US dollars, assuming that 100 yen is equiva- ticipate in international phase 3 trials are given adju-
lent to 1 dollar) when the drug is given to a Japanese vant chemotherapy. Given that patients who receive
patient with an average body surface area (BSA) of adjuvant chemotherapy in clinical practice might re-
1.69 m2 [4]. As for molecularly targeted drugs, the cost ceive a lower dose intensity and suffer more severe ad-
of one dose of bevacizumab or cetuximab is higher verse events than patients enrolled in international
than 100,000 yen (1000 dollars). In the case of the im- phase 3 trials, considerable differences in the medical
mune checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab, which was very costs from the phase 3-based approach are plausible.
recently launched, the cost of a single intravenous dose When selecting regimens for patients in clinical prac-
of the drug exceeds 1,000,000 yen (10,000 dollars). tice, the use of the medical costs reflecting the actual
Given the remarkable increase in the costs of antican- situation is desirable.
cer drug therapies, oncologists can no longer ignore or Based on these backgrounds, we calculated the total
blindly accept that costs have no place in medical deci- costs of 6 regimens of adjuvant chemotherapy for colorec-
sion making [5]. Therefore, it has been widely recom- tal cancer by using data from Japanese patients treated in
mended that costs related to cancer chemotherapy clinical practice. Based on the costs thus obtained, we
should be considered in addition to effectiveness and compared the cost-effectiveness of these regimens.
adverse events in the selection of treatment regimens
[5, 6]. However, cost data on cancer medications in
Japan are extremely limited; patients and oncologists Methods
generally choose treatment regimens on the basis of This was a retrospective study of all patients who re-
only effectiveness and adverse events, without consid- ceived adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer in
ering costs. Showa University Hospital, Showa University Fujigaoka
For patients who have pathological stage II colorectal Hospital, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital, or
cancer with a high risk of recurrence or patients who Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital be-
have stage III disease, adjuvant chemotherapy is rec- tween April 2012 and May 2015. The present study
ommended after potentially curative resection [7]. Six was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Showa
adjuvant chemotherapy regimens are used to treat University (approved number; Showa University Hospital,
colorectal cancer in Japan: 1) CapeOX, consisting of 1824; Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital, 2015023;
capecitabine and oxaliplatin [8]; 2) FOLFOX4, com- Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital, 15T7006; Showa
prising 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), ℓ-leucovorin (LV), and University Northern Yokohama Hospital, 1505-07).
oxaliplatin [9], which is usually replaced by modified
FOLFOX6 (mFOLFOX6), comprising the same agents
as FOLFOX4, in Japan, because mFLOFOX6 is simpler Selection of patients
to handle than FOLFOX4, while the effectiveness and All patients who received either CapeOX, mFOLFOX6,
safety of these regimens are nearly equivalent [10]; 3) 5-FU/LV, UFT/LV, capecitabine, or S-1 at the aforemen-
5-FU/LV, consisting of 5-FU plus LV [11]; 4) UFT/LV, tioned hospitals and completed all scheduled cycles were
comprising UFT (a fixed combination of tegafur and studied. Patients were required to undergo potentially
uracil) and oral LV [12]; 5) capecitabine [13]; and 6) S-1 curative resection for colorectal cancer before receiving
(tegafur, gimeracil, and oteracil) [14]. adjuvant chemotherapy.
Takata et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30 Page 3 of 9

Chemotherapeutic regimens cost according to the DPC. This analysis was performed
CapeOX consisted of a 2-h intravenous infusion of oxali- from the perspective of the health care payer. We
platin (130 mg/m2) on day 1 and oral capecitabine described the unit of all costs by Japanese yen and US
(1000 mg/m2) twice daily on days 1 to 14, repeated every dollars, assuming that 1 US dollar was equivalent to
3 weeks for 8 cycles [8]. mFOLFOX6 consisted of LV 100 Japanese yen.
(200 mg/m2) given as a 2-h infusion and oxaliplatin
(85 mg/m2) given as a 2-h infusion, followed by a bolus Cost-minimization analyses
infusion of 5-FU (400 mg/m2) and a 46-h continuous Cost-minimization analysis is one of methods to evalu-
infusion of 5-FU (2400 mg/m2). This regimen was re- ate cost-effectiveness of therapeutic options [19], in
peated every 2 weeks for 12 cycles [10]. Brand-name which relative costs of therapeutic options showing
oxaliplatin was used in CapeOX and mFOLFOX6. 5-FU/ equivalent outcomes of interventions are simply com-
LV comprised a 2-h infusion of LV (250 mg/m2) and a pared. We performed cost-minimization analyses for the
bolus infusion of 5-FU (500 mg/m2) given 1 h after start- oxaliplatin-containing regimens (CapeOX and mFOL-
ing the LV infusion, repeated weekly for 6 weeks followed FOX6) and the oxaliplatin non-containing regimens
by a 2-week rest [11]. This regimen was given for 3 cycles. (5-FU/LV, UFT/LV, capecitabine, and S-1) because of
UFT/LV consisted of oral UFT (300 mg/m2) and LV the following reasons:
(75 mg/patient) given 3 times daily on days 1 to 28 1) Because there was no direct comparison between
followed by a 7-day rest, repeated for 5 cycles [12]. Cape- CapeOX and mFOLFOX6, we compared the effective-
citabine was given orally in a dose of 1250 mg/m2 twice ness of these regimens based on the following consider-
daily on days 1 to 14, followed by a 7-day rest, repeated ations. As demonstrated by 2 international phase 3
for 8 cycles [13]. S-1 was administered orally twice daily trials, 16968 [8] and MOSAIC [9], the effectiveness of
for 28 consecutive days, followed by a 2-week rest. S-1 CapeOX and FOLFOX4 was significantly superior to
was given in a fixed dose based on the patient’s BSA that of 5-FU/LV and LV5FU2, respectively (Table 1 and
according to the dose recommendations of the manufac- Fig. 1a)). Because the effectiveness of LV5FU2 and 5-
turer’s package insert in Japan. The dose was 80 mg/day FU/LV [20, 21] and that of FOLFOX4 and mFOLFOX6
for patients with a BSA of less than 1.25 m2, 100 mg/day were comparable [10] (Table 1), the 3-year disease-free
for those with a BSA of 1.25 to 1.5 m2, and 120 mg/day survival (DFS) rates of both CapeOX and mFOLFOX6
for those with a BSA of more than 1.5 m2. This regimen were comparable and approximately 5 % higher than
was given for 4 cycles [14]. that of 5-FU/LV. 2) Two international phase 3 trials,
NSABP C-06 [12] and X-ACT [13] (Table 1), showed
Data collection that UFT/LV and capecitabine were noninferior to 5-FU/
Patient background data, such as age and disease stage, LV in terms of 5-year overall survival (OS). In addition,
as well as data during adjuvant chemotherapy, including the ACTS-CC international phase 3 trial demonstrated
laboratory tests, prescribed drugs, and adverse events, that S-1 was noninferior to UFT/LV with respect to the 3-
were collected from the patients’ medical records. year DFS rate [14] (Table 1 and Fig. 1a)). On the basis of
Cost data related to adjuvant chemotherapy were these results, we assumed that the effectiveness of these 3
extracted from medical fee receipt data. Costs for out- regimens was comparable and nearly equivalent to the
patient visits, laboratory tests, imaging tests for tumor effectiveness of 5-FU/LV.
diagnosis, and prescription fees for administered drugs
were collected. The cost of each administered drug was Statistical analyses
calculated by multiplying the drug dose prescribed by its Differences in quantitative variables, including cost data,
unit price according to the Japanese National Health were tested using the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-
Insurance fee-for-service system in 2014. The summa- sum test. Differences in qualitative variables were tested
tion of these costs was defined as total cost. Since all hos- using the χ2 test. Two-tailed P values of less than 0.05
pitals in Showa University have adopted the diagnosis were considered to indicate statistical significance. All
procedure combination (DPC) system [18], hospitalization analyses were carried out with the use of JMP version
costs were constant regardless of the number of drugs ad- 12.0 software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
ministered and laboratory tests performed. When the total
hospitalization costs calculated by the DPC included the Results
cost of drugs related to adjuvant chemotherapy, the drug Patient characteristics
costs were calculated by the method described above From April 2012 through May 2015, a total of 154 pa-
(the drug dose prescribed x its unit price), and the tients with colorectal cancer received adjuvant chemo-
hospitalization cost was calculated by subtracting the cost therapy in hospitals affiliated with Showa University.
of chemotherapy-related drugs from the hospitalization Fifty-seven patients were treated with CapeOX, 10 with
Takata et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30 Page 4 of 9

Table 1 Phase 3 trials of adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer

Trials Race Regimens Primary endpoint Result of the trials Conclusion of the trials Reference
16968 Whites 5-FU/LV vs. CapeOX 3-Year DFS rate 66.5 vs. 70.9 % Superiority of CapeOX to 5-FU/LV [8]
MOSAIC Whites LV5FU2 vs. FOLFOX4 3-Year DFS rate 65.3 vs. 72.2 % Superiority of FOLFOX4 to LV5FU2 [9]
INT 0089 Whites 5-FU/LV (RPMI) vs. 5-FU/LV 5-Year OS rate 66.0 vs. 66.0 % Non-inferiority of 5-FU/LV (RPMI) to [20]
(Mayo) 5-FU/LV (Mayo)
GERCOR C96.1 Whites 5-FU/LV (Mayo) vs. LV5FU2 6-Year DFS rate 65.0 vs. 66.0 % Non-inferiority of 5-FU/LV (Mayo) to [21]
Japanese FOLFOX4 vs. mFOLFOX6 Response rate 53.7 vs. 46.6 % Non-inferiority of mFOLFOX6 to FOLFOX4 [10]a
NSABP C-06 Whites 5-FU/LV vs. UFT/LV 5-Year OS rate 71.5 vs. 69.6 % Non-inferiority of UFT/LV to 5-FU/LV [12]
X-ACT Whites 5-FU/LV vs. capecitabine 3-Year DFS rate 60.6 vs. 64.2 % Non-inferiority of capecitabine to [13]
ACTS-CC Japanese UFT/LV vs. S-1 3-Year DFS rate 72.5 vs. 75.5 % Non-inferiority of S-1 to UFT/LV [14]
RPMI Roswell Park Memorial Institute regimen
Phase 2 trial

mFOLFOX6, 38 with UFT/LV, 20 with capecitabine, Cost analyses

and 29 with S-1 (Table 2). No patient was given 5-FU/ Total costs calculated for each regimen are shown in
LV during the study period. The distributions of gen- Fig. 1b). The costs of oxaliplatin-containing regimens
der, age, site of cancer, and performance status were were approximately 1,860,000 yen (18,600 dollars) for
similar among the 5 regimens. The stage of cancer sig- CapeOX and 1,970,000 yen (19,700 dollars) for mFOL-
nificantly differed among these regimens (P < 0.001). FOX6. The total costs of oxaliplatin-containing regi-
Ratios of patients with stage III in CapeOX and mFOL- mens were significantly higher than those of oxaliplatin
FOX6 were higher than those in UFT/LV, capecitabine, non-containing regimens (P < 0.001) (CapeOX vs. UFT/LV,
and S-1. P < 0.001; CapeOX vs. capecitabine, P < 0.001; CapeOX vs.



Fig. 1 Comparisons of a) effectiveness and b) total costs among adjuvant chemotherapy regimens for colorectal cancer. a Three-year DFS rates
of CapeOX and FOLFOX4 were superior to that of 5-FU containing regimens [8, 9], whereas those of UFT/LV and capecitabine showed non-
inferiority to 5-FU containing regimens [12, 13] (see Methods session). S-1 was non-inferior to UFT/LV [14] (see Methods session). b The total costs
included anticancer drug costs, hospitalization costs, laboratory and imaging test costs, prescription fees for administered drugs, supportive care
drug costs, and other costs. The total costs of oxaliplatin-containing regimens were significantly higher than those of oxaliplatin non-containing
regimens (P < 0.001). Mean ± standard deviation, n = 57 for CapeOX, n = 10 for mFOLFOX6, n = 38 for UFT/LV, n = 20 for capecitabine, n = 29
for S-1
Takata et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30 Page 5 of 9

Table 2 Patient characteristics

CapeOX mFOLFOX6 UFT/LV Capecitabine S-1 P
Male/female 32/25 5/5 20/18 10/10 18/11 0.909a
Age‡ 65.0 (79-40) 55.5 (73-41) 67.0 (79-40) 60.0 (78-40) 63.0 (80-42) 0.309b
Tumor type
Colon cancer/rectal cancer† 35/22 9/1 27/11 15/5 17/12 0.372a
I / II / III 0/3/54 0/0/10 0/11/27 0/2/18 4/11/14 <0.001a
Performance status†
0/1 57/0 10/0 35/3 18/2 29/0 0.0680a
†Number; ‡Median (range)
χ test; bAnalysis of variance
a 2

S-1, P < 0.001; mFOLFOX6 vs. UFT/LV, P < 0.001; mFOL- cost of oxaliplatin was about 900,000 yen (9000 dollars),
FOX6 vs. capecitabine, P < 0.001; mFOLFOX6 vs. S-1, P < which was equivalent to approximately 40 % of the total
0.001) (Fig. 1b). The total costs of CapeOX and mFOL- cost. The total cost of mFOLFOX6 also included
FOX6 did not differ significantly (P = 0.374). hospitalization costs (400,000 yen [4000 dollars]), such
Among the oxaliplatin non-containing regimens, the as the fee required to prepare a central venous port for
total cost of UFT/LV was significantly higher than that administration of 5-FU, LV, and oxaliplatin. Thus, the
of capecitabine (P < 0.001). The cost of capecitabine was hospitalization costs required for mFOLFOX6 increased
significantly higher than that of S-1 (P = 0.003). the total cost of this regimen to a level comparable to
the cost of CapeOX. The costs of drugs for supportive
Factors causing the higher costs of oxaliplatin-containing care required to administer CapeOX and mFOLFOX6
regimens were approximately equivalent to 10 % of the total costs.
To address the causes of the higher total costs of The breakdown of the costs of supportive care drugs is
oxaliplatin-containing regimens, the breakdown of the shown in Fig. 3. The costs of the drugs prescribed to
costs for each regimen was calculated (Fig. 2). The cost treat peripheral sensory neuropathy, which is frequently
of oxaliplatin in CapeOX was about 1,150,000 yen associated with oxaliplatin-related chemotherapy, were
(11,500 dollars), which was equivalent to approximately approximately 7500 yen (75 dollars) for CapeOX and
60 % of the total cost. In the case of mFOLFOX6, the 4300 yen (43 dollars) for mFOLFOX6, which comprised

Fig. 2 Breakdown of the total costs for each regimen. Supportive care drugs included drugs used as premedication to prevent nausea and vomiting,
drugs used to treat adverse events, and infusion solutions (see Fig. 3)
Takata et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30 Page 6 of 9

Fig. 3 Breakdown of the costs for drugs prescribed for supportive care in each regimen. Representative therapeutic drugs included in Others for
CapeOX were ELENTAL®, KRESTIN®, levofloxacin, loxoprofen, and Posterisan® forte

only 0.4 and 0.2 % of the total costs of CapeOX and Cost-minimization analyses
mFOLFOX6, respectively. We considered the possibility Because the effectiveness (Methods session and Fig. 1a))
that a lower frequency of peripheral sensory neuropathy and the total costs (Fig. 1b)) of CapeOX and mFOL-
in the present study than in previous studies led to the FOX6 were comparable, the cost-effectiveness of these
lower cost of prescriptions for this adverse event. The regimens was judged to be similar (Table 4). As described
frequency of peripheral sensory neuropathy of CapeOX in the Methods session and Fig. 1a), the effectiveness of
in the present study was lower than the results of previ- the oxaliplatin non-containing regimens was comparable.
ous study (Table 3). However, in the case of mFOL- Therefore, on the basis of the total costs of these regimens
FOX6, the frequency and grade of peripheral sensory (Fig. 1b)), the cost-effectiveness of S-1 was superior to that
neuropathy in the present study were not necessarily of UFT/LV, and the cost-effectiveness of capecitabine was
lower than those of previous studies (Table 3). On the superior to that of UFT/LV, which were caused by the
other hand, the costs of antiemetics were approximately high cost of LV.
118,000 yen (1180 dollars) for CapeOX and 116,000
yen (1160 dollars) for mFOLFOX6, accounting for Discussion
about 6 % of the total costs. Antiemetics such as aprepi- The present study compared the cost effectiveness of 5
tant, azasetron, domperidone, granisetron, metoclopra- regimens of adjuvant chemotherapy given to patients
mide, ondansetron, palonosetron, prochlorperazine and with colorectal cancer. The total costs were calculated
ramosetron were prescribed in CapeOX and mFOLFOX6 with the use of clinical and cost data obtained from Jap-
regimens. The parentages of patients who used palonose- anese patients who received each regimen of adjuvant
tron and aprepitant were 100 and 26 % in CapeOX, and chemotherapy in clinical practice. This is in contrast to
60 and 40 % in mFOLFOX6, respectively. most previous studies assessing the costs of adjuvant
chemotherapy for colorectal cancer in Japan, which
based the costs of treatment on clinical data obtained
Table 3 Comparison of the frequency of peripheral sensory from large phase 3 clinical trials [15–17].
neuropathy between present study and phase 3 trials To date, three studies of cost-effectiveness employ-
Regimen Grade Present study Phase 3 trials ing clinical data from phase 3 clinical trials have been
CapeOX All Grade 54.4 % 78.0 %a performed: Hisashige et al. [15] analyzed the cost-
effectiveness of UFT by comparing clinical and cost
≥ Grade 3 1.80 % 11.0 %a
data between patients who received or did not receive
mFOLFOX6 All Grade 90.0 % 92.0 %b
UFT in the NSAS CC trial [22]. In other Japanese
≥ Grade 3 40.0 % 12.5 %b studies, the cost-effectiveness of 5-FU/LV and capecit-
Grade of neuropathy was evaluated according to the Common Terminology abine [16] was evaluated with the use of clinical data
Criteria for Adverse Events version 3.0.
Data from reference [8]; bResult of FOLFOX4 [9]. Effectiveness and safety of
from X-ACT trial [13], and that of 5-FU/LV and FOL-
mFOLFOX6 were comparable to those of FOLFOX4 [10]. FOX4 [17] was evaluated with the use of data from the
Takata et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30 Page 7 of 9

Table 4 Cost-minimization analyses

Regimen Comparison of cost Comparison of effectiveness Cost-minimization analyses
CapeOX vs. mFOLFOX6 Comparable Comparable Comparable
UFT/LV vs. S-1 Higher in UFT/LV than S-1 Comparable S-1 superior to UFT/LV
UFT/LV vs. capecitabine Higher in UFT/LV than capecitabine Comparable Capecitabine superior to UFT/LV

MOSAIC trial [9]. We compared the costs required for estimated cost of laboratory tests for UFT regimens in a
the following 3 categories between the present study and previous study (about 180,100 yen [1801 dollars]) [15] was
previous studies based on large international phase 3 tri- approximately 3 times higher than that calculated in our
als: 1) anticancer drugs, 2) drugs used for supportive care, practical study (about 65,500 yen [655 dollars]). On the
and 3) laboratory tests. 1) The previously estimated cost other hand, the laboratory test costs in patients who re-
of 1 year of treatment with UFT (about 393,700 yen [3937 ceived FOLFOX4 regimens in a previously reported study
dollars]) [15] was generally similar to the cost calculated (76,800 yen [768 dollars]) [17] was lower than that in our
by us (i.e., about 360,200 yen [3602 dollars], equivalent to present study (about 106,500 yen [1065 dollars]). These
twice the cost of 6 months’ treatment with UFT in our findings indicate that the costs of 1) anticancer drugs, 2)
study). However, the cost of capecitabine calculated in drugs prescribed for supportive care, and 3) laboratory
a previous study (540,000 yen [5400 dollars]) [16] was tests calculated on the basis of clinical data from phase 3
higher than that estimated by us (about 420,500 yen trials differ from those calculated on the basis of data from
[4205 dollars]). The reason for the higher cost of cape- actual clinical practice. Because the costs calculated from
citabine in the previous study is considered to be the patient data in clinical practice would precisely represent
difference in relative dose intensity (RDI) of capecita- the actual situation, cost-effectiveness data thus obtained
bine between the two studies. The previous study used can be used for regimen selection.
a theoretical RDI of 100.0 %, whereas our study used In Japan, a system of the public health insurance for
the clinically observed RDI of 75.4 %. The cost of cape- the entire nation has been adopted. Patients have to
citabine estimated by Shiroiwa et al. [16] would have pay for medical costs according to their age and in-
been about 407,200 yen (4072 dollars) if an RDI of come. The cost borne by the patient ranges from 10.0
75.4 % had been adopted, which is nearly comparable to 30.0 % of total medical costs. In addition, the pa-
to our estimated cost. 2) The costs of agents prescribed tient’s financial burden is maintained below specified
for supportive care in previous studies of UFT and cap- limits under the high-cost medical care benefit system.
ecitabine [15, 16] were about 300 yen (3 dollars) and The specified limits are determined by the patient’s in-
7000 yen (70 dollars), respectively, while those in the come. If this system is applied, the costs for adjuvant
present study were about 8400 yen (84 dollars) for chemotherapy that would be actually paid by the pa-
UFT/LV and about 17,500 yen (175 dollars) for capecit- tient could be lower. Data from Showa University Hos-
abine, demonstrating clearly higher costs for supportive pital indicate when the public health insurance was
care in our study. The primary reason first considered applied to a patient, the cost of oxaliplatin-containing
for the higher supportive care costs in our study was a regimens was approximately 550,000 yen (5500 dollars),
higher incidence of adverse events in the present study and that of UFT/LV was 263,000 yen (2630 dollars).
than in previous studies. However, the incidence of bili- The difference was 287,000 yen (2870 dollars). How-
rubin increase in the NSAS CC trial was 60.0 % [22], as ever, when the specified limits were applied, the cost of
compared with 10.5 % in the present study. The inci- oxaliplatin-containing regimens was approximately
dence of hand-foot syndrome associated with capecita- 448,000 yen (4480 dollars), and that of UFT/LV was
bine regimens was 60.0 % in the X-ACT trial [13] and approximately 262,000 yen (2620 dollars), leading to a
30.0 % in our study. Thus, the incidences of adverse events difference of 186,000 yen (1860 dollars). Thus, the speci-
were not necessarily higher in our study as compared with fied limits might lower the medical costs of oxaliplatin-
previous phase 3 trials. As shown in Fig. 3, patients given containing regimens to a greater extent than the costs of
UFT/LV were mainly prescribed drugs to manage gastro- UFT/LV, although the specified limits system is not neces-
intestinal symptoms, such as proton pump inhibitors sarily applicable to all patients because application of this
and histamine-2 blockers. In patients who received cap- system depends on the income of each patient. It is plaus-
ecitabine, Chinese herbal drugs such as Juzentaihoto ible that patients who derive an economic benefit tend to
and Hochuekkito were predominantly prescribed. The select oxaliplatin-containing regimens over other regi-
costs of these drugs might have contributed to the higher mens. The medical costs are supplemented with taxes
costs for supportive care drugs in our study. 3) The from Japanese citizens. To maintain the patient’s financial
Takata et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (2016) 2:30 Page 8 of 9

burden below specified limits, Japanese citizens have to Abbreviations

pay higher taxes. This is an important issue to be dis- 5-FU: 5-Fluorouracil; 5-FU/LV: 5-FU and LV; BSA: Body surface area;
CapeOX: Capecitabine and oxaliplatin; DFS: Disease-free survival;
cussed by health care payer. DPC: Diagnosis procedure combination; FOLFOX4 or FOLFOX6: 5-FU, LV,
An analysis of patient characteristics showed the stage and oxaliplatin; LV: ℓ-Leucovorin; mFOLFOX6: Modified FOLFOX6;
of cancer significantly differed among the regimens OS: Overall survival; RDI: Relative dose intensity; S-1: Tegafur, gimeracil,
and oteracil; UFT: Tegafur and uracil; UFT/LV: UFT, and oral LV
(Table 2). However, the total costs of the CapeOX, UFT/
LV, and S-1 regimens did not differ significantly between Acknowledgements
stage II and stage III. (P = 0.668, P = 0.711, and P = 0.743, The authors thank the staffs of the patient billing offices of Showa University
Hospital, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital, Showa University Koto Toyosu
respectively). Therefore, there might be no relation be- Hospital, and Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital for providing
tween the stage of cancer and total costs. the patient billing data.
Our study had several limitations. 1) Direct comparisons
of effectiveness are not available for some of the regimens. This study was supported by a research grant in Department of Healthcare
For example, no phase 3 trials have compared effective- and Regulatory Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Showa University.
ness between CapeOX and mFOLFOX6 or between UFT/
LV and capecitabine. We therefore compared the effect- Availability of data and materials
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this
iveness of CapeOX and mFOLFOX6 by the indirect published article.
comparisons of independent phase 3 trials (see Methods
session). 2) The phase 3 trials that we referred to when Authors’ contributions
KT, KF, and YS contributed to the study conception and design. KT, WI, KS,
comparing the effectiveness of the regimens were not and TS were involved in data acquisition. KT, and KF were involved in data
necessarily performed in Japan. Theoretically, the effect- analyses, interpretation, and manuscript writing. YK, HI, ITT, DK, SI, and YS
iveness of the regimens should have been compared on revised the drafted manuscript critically. All authors have read and approved
the final manuscript.
the basis of data from phase 3 trials performed in Japan;
however, we used data from clinical trials performed in Competing interests
whites because suitable Japanese trials were unavailable. It The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
is well known that the survival advantage of a specific Consent for publication
regimen in Japanese trials is generally better than that in Not applicable.
clinical trials performed in other countries. For example,
Ethics approval and consent to participate
trials conducted in only Japanese patients tend to have
The present study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Showa
better 3-year DFS rates and 5-year OS rates than those University.
performed in whites [23]. One of the reasons is thought to
Author details
be the better operation quality in Japan. For example, the 1
Department of Healthcare and Regulatory Sciences, School of Pharmacy,
extent of lymph-node resection during cancer surgery is Showa University, 1-5-8, Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-8555, Japan.
greater in Japan than in other countries. 3) Some of the Institute of Molecular Oncology, Showa University, 1-5-8, Hatanodai,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-8555, Japan. 3Division of Medical Oncology,
phase 3 trials that we referred to when comparing the ef-
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Showa University,
fectiveness of the regimens included patients with stage 1-5-8 Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-8555, Japan. 4Division of Medical
III, but others included those with stage II and stage III. Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University Fujigaoka
Hospital, 1-30 Fujigaoka, Aoba-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-8501, Japan.
The effectiveness of these phase 3 trials might be affected 5
Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital,
by the difference in stage of patients enrolled. Taken to- 5-1-38 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8577, Japan. 6Department of Internal
gether, our comparisons of the effectiveness of different Medicine, Showa University Yokohama Northern Hospital, 35-1
Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-8503, Japan.
regimens might have been biased by such factors.
Received: 14 September 2016 Accepted: 2 November 2016
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