Personal Narrative Unit Plan

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Unit Title: Personal Narrative

Teacher: Sophie Kimmel

Focus Class Description: 9th grade ELA 5th hour.

Common Core State Standards and Objectives

Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple
plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid
picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Objectives/Goals of the Unit:
SWBAT use and punctuate dialogue correctly in their writing.
SWBAT use adjectives, verbs, and sensory details to describe a moment in great detail.
SWBAT understand grammatical errors, such as inconsistent tense and run-on sentences,
and avoid them in their writing.
Summative Assessment: Personal Narrative Rubric

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

SWBAT use SWBAT understand Wolf-Time SWBAT understand SWBAT understand
describing words in the elements that Wednesday Half the elements that the elements that
their writing. make up a personal Day make up a personal make up a personal
● Following narrative, specifically ● Read narrative, narrative,
directions point of view, individual specifically specifically
activity timeshifts, and book colloquialism, symbolism, and
setting. conflict, and the themes.
● Introduce
● Discuss writer’s reflection. ● Discuss
notebook personal ● Discuss personal
write and narrative personal narrative
using elements in narrative elements in
adjectives. Simon elements in Simon
● Students work Birch/Personal Simon Birch/Perso
on Notebook Narrative Birch/Perso nal
Graphic nal Narrative
Write #1 Organizer for Narrative Graphic
that day. Graphic Organizer
● Watch Simon Organizer for that day.
Birch for that day. ● Watch
● Watch Simon Birch
Simon Birch
SWBAT Students will SWBAT punctuate Wolf-Time SWBAT understand SWBAT write
be able to use dialogue correctly. Wednesday Half the importance of descriptive
concrete and sensory ● Rules of Day timeshifts and paragraphs.
details in their punctuating ● Read indicators for time ● Read
writing. dialogue individual shifts. Sample
● Introduce book ● Read It's a Descriptive
● Punctuating
story and Boy Paragraphs
Dialogue ● Discuss ● Work on
Worksheet Dialogue in Answer
ory details
● Go over the stories Document
● Read My 8
answers and ● Discuss time for Week 2
Cow Bracelet
notebook write shifts in the
● Discuss
in Answer stories
concrete and
Document for ● Work on
Week 2 Answer
● Work on Document
Answer for Week 2
Document for
Week 2
SWBAT understand SWBAT give examples No School SWBAT use strong SWBAT begin to
internal and external of internal/external verbs in their own understand how to
conflict. conflict in their own writing. explode a moment.
● Go over life. ● Write ● Explain and
Internal/exter Asynchronous Paragraph watch
nal conflict ● Tuesday about a time Exploding a
handout Google Form moment
they got
● Discuss video
Strong/Vivid hurt ● Decide topic
Verbs ● Watch for personal
Handout Strong verbs narrative
● Introduce and video and
read The Boy ● Revise brainstorm
with Chris Paragraph in
Pine Blue Eyes Replacing
sheet for
● Work on basic verbs Week 3
Assignment with strong
sheet for verbs.
Week 3
SWBAT “explode a SWBAT understand Wolf-Time SWBAT begin to SWBAT complete a
moment” in their what run-on Wednesday Half see how each page of their
writing, using sentences are and Day element is personal narrative
sensory/concrete how to fix them. ● Read incorporated into a ● Students
details and inner ● Fixing individual personal narrative. work on a
thoughts Fragments/Ru book ● Read My page of their
● Introduce n-ons Slides Desperate, personal
Exploding Stupid, narrative.
● Students will
Moments Emotional
example fix the run-ons Hunt for the
● Explain the ● Work on Week Perfect
elements 4 Answer Pants
exploded Sheet ● Go over
moments have highlighted
● Work on elements
Week 4 ● Work on
Answer Sheet Week 4
SWBAT use the SWBAT use the SWBAT finish their SWBAT understand SWBAT understand
correct homophones, correct tense in their first draft of their the rubric and the the rubric and the
as well as understand writing. personal narrative. elements they will elements they will
capitalization rules. ● Find ● Work on be graded on. be graded on.
● Find seats/take Draft ● Explain ● Explain
seats/take attendance
attendance ● Past/Present m m
● Watch Video Tense Slides ● Go over ● Go over
on ● Work on Week
Homophones Grading Grading
5 Assignment Rubric for Rubric for
● Watch Video
on Sheet Personal Personal
Capitalization Narrative Narrative
Rules ● Work on ● Work on
● Work on
Week 5 Week 5
Week 5
Assignment Assignment Assignment
Sheet Sheet Sheet
● (if not in ● (if not in
class work class work
on Draft) on Draft)

SWBAT edit their SWBAT edit their Half-Day! ------------------------ ------------------------

papers as well as papers as well as their
their peers’ papers. peers’ papers. SWBAT turn in their
● Explain ● Students at papers.
assignment home will do ● Remind
● Read partner’s the same as students to
personal what the turn it into
narrative and students at both google
work on Week home did the classroom
6 Assignment day before. and
Sheet ● Students at
● Students at school will do ● Remind them
home will the same as to highlight
have someone what the the specific
at home read students at areas.
their draft and home did the
then they will day before.
work on
Week 6

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