SMART Scaffolder 2016 Check IT TG20 13 User Guide

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Check IT TG20:13

User Guide

Version: 2016.0 Copyright 2016 © Computer and Design Services Ltd

Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Benefits of SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 .................................................................................... 2
Introducing TG20:13 ............................................................................................................................... 3
Checking TG20:13 compliance ................................................................................................................ 4
Wind factor ............................................................................................................................................. 5
A: Using a UK site address with a UK postcode ................................................................................ 6
B: Using a UK postcode ................................................................................................................... 6
C: Using a map – with internet........................................................................................................ 7
D: Using a map – without internet .................................................................................................. 8
Choosing the façade type ................................................................................................................... 9
Specifying the scaffold loading ......................................................................................................... 10
Checking for TG20:13 Compliance .................................................................................................... 11
Correcting non-compliance............................................................................................................... 12
FAQ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Using the other SMART Scaffolder products ........................................................................................ 14
Model IT ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Schedule IT ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Report IT............................................................................................................................................ 14
Price IT............................................................................................................................................... 14
Quote IT ............................................................................................................................................ 14
BIM Toolbox ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Feedback ............................................................................................................................................... 15

Copyright 2016 © Computer and Design Services Limited

Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Please read the Getting Started Guide which will help you customise SMART Scaffolder before
continuing to read this guide.

 Thank you for choosing CADS SMART Scaffolder.

 This user guide explains how to use the Check IT TG20:13 features of SMART Scaffolder.
SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 supports your work within TG20:13, published by the
National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC). TG20:13 is a guide to good practice for
tube-and-fitting and system scaffolding.
 SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 simplifies the design process by automatically checking
your scaffold against TG20 criteria while you work. SMART Scaffolder conforms to TG20:13
by creating drawings and load lists that comply with the TG20:13 bracing patterns, and by
using the TG20:13 tie rules to estimate the number of ties required for a scaffold.

“Any proposed modification or alteration that takes a scaffold outside the scope of a generally recognised
standard configuration should be designed by a competent person and proven by calculation.”
“Our mission is to prevent death, injury, and ill-health in Great Britain’s working places.”

The Check IT TG20:13 module

summarises, in a printable and
exportable format, which of your
project scaffolds are compliant
scaffolds, which are not and thus
may require design, and it offers
suggestions and guidance on how
to make your project compliant
prior to producing your TG20:13
NASC compliance sheet (available
through the NASC eGuide

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Benefits of SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13

SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 has been designed to help your business adopt TG20:13 and cost-
effectively meet the requirements of the HSE.

SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 will summarise whether your scaffolds are
 TG20:13 compliant and are therefore exempt from a structural design

Quickly generates a printable and exportable TG20:13 summary report that can
 be used to confirm that you will be able to obtain a NASC TG20:13 compliance
sheet (available from the NASC TG20:13 eGuide or Operational Guide)

Helps you to learn TG20:13 as you work, bringing the text of TG20:13 to life with
 graphics and easy-to-understand compliance summaries and guidance

SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 helps you to adopt TG20:13 as easily as

 possible, get the most value from it, and save you time and money by avoiding
the need for an engineering design for everyday scaffolding

SMART Scaffolder keeps up with the latest changes to TG20, helping you to
 understand the impact of the changes and to ensure that you continue to
conform to the requirements of the HSE

SMART Scaffolder offers easy to follow suggestions and guidance for non-
 compliant scaffolds avoiding accidental non-compliance

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Introducing TG20:13
TG20:13 is a Technical Guidance document published by
the NASC – the National Access and Scaffolding
Confederation – who are the UK national trade body for
access scaffolding.
It was developed by the NASC in response to changing
European legislation, which requires every scaffold to be
designed by calculation. It would not be practical for every
scaffold to be individually designed by an engineer, so
TG20:13 aims to solve this problem with its standard
scaffold system.
TG20:13 contains a set of definitions for standard
scaffolds that have been designed by the NASC: if a scaffold matches one of the standard scaffold
definitions then the design from TG20:13 can be reused; if the scaffold does not match any of the
standard scaffold definitions then it may require design advice from a structural engineer.
TG20:13 is supplied in four volumes:
 Operational Guide: gives guidance on TG20:13 to scaffolding operatives;
 User Guide: a quick pocket size reference guide to TG20:13 for a scaffolding operative;
 Design Guide: gives guidance on TG20:13 for scaffold designers, with greater detail on
 E-Guide: a digital version of the guide which can check individual scaffolds for compliance.

SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 helps you to get the most from TG20:

 It will summarise TG20:13 compliance for multiple scaffold models

simultaneously, showing whether your scaffolds are compliant;

 It produces a printable report summarising which of your scaffolds need a design;

 It will help you to learn how TG20:13 works;

 It will help you identify and resolve non-compliant scaffolds, by offering guidance
and suggestions.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Checking TG20:13 compliance

To activate the TG20:13 compliance check features, select the check IT tab.

This module helps you to summarise TG20:13 compliance in four simple steps:

Set the Wind Factor;

This tool determines the effect of the wind on your scaffold.

If you already chose a site address with a UK postcode when you first
created the project, this will already be set for you.

Set the Façade Type;

Specify whether your scaffold is Permeable or Impermeable (tied to a façade with
openings or not).

Set the Loading;

Specify how much load your scaffold needs to support.

Run the final summary report to review your scaffolds TG20:13 compliance.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Wind factor
The site Wind Factor is essential to determine the maximum safe height of the scaffold, particularly
where sheeting or debris netting are used.

There are four methods for setting the Wind Factor, dependent on your internet connection
availability. Choose one of the below:

A. You can enter the site address including a UK postcode;

B. You can enter the UK postcode of the site where the scaffold will be erected;

If you already chose a site address with a UK postcode when you first
created the project, this will already be set for you. You can move to the
next step.

C. With internet connectivity, you can select a map location and Check IT TG20:13 will
calculate the Wind Factor and Topography automatically;
D. Without internet connectivity, you can select a map location and manually enter the
Topography and Seasonal Factors.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide
Choose ONE of the following to set the Wind Factor:

A: Using a UK site address with a UK postcode

 Click the arrow located beneath the Wind Factor image, avoiding selecting the top half (which
has an image, but no text);
 Select the Set the Site Address button;

 Enter the site address, including a valid UK postcode and click the green Apply tick button;

B: Using a UK postcode
 Click the arrow located beneath the Wind Factor image, avoiding selecting the top half (which
has an image, but no text);
 Type the postcode into the text box which appears;
 Click the Lookup button or press Enter;
 If the postcode is successfully recognised a tick will be displayed and the Wind Factor will be

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

C: Using a map – with internet

 Click the Wind Factor image;

 Using the mouse, left click the red marker and hold down the mouse button
whilst you drag the marker to your location;
 TG20 Wind Factor and TG20 Topography will automatically update;
 Update the Seasonal Factor by left clicking the mouse in the centre of the
Seasonal Factor dial;
 Click the green OK button when finished.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

D: Using a map – without internet

 Click the Wind Factor image;

 Using the mouse, left click the red marker and hold down the mouse button
whilst you drag the marker to your location;
 Click on the image in the centre dial, ‘TG20 Topography’ to change your
landscape (for details, see the NASC TG20:13 Operational Guide);
 For non-flat topography, move the small marker to your site location on the
topography feature;

 Update the Seasonal Factor by left clicking the mouse in the centre of the
Seasonal Factor dial (for details, see the NASC TG20:13 Operational Guide);
 Click the green OK button when finished.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Choosing the façade type

You can specify whether your scaffold is tied to a permeable façade (an open structure or a façade
with a high percentage of openings) or an impermeable façade (a solid building with few openings).

 Click on the Façade Type button;

 Choose the façade type that you require by clicking on your choice from the drop-down list;
 If you choose the permeable type (with openings) the façade will be drawn transparently to
remind you that this option has been selected;
 Select each scaffold by hovering the burgundy square over the scaffold and then pressing the
left mouse button to apply the façade to all your structures.

It is essential to use this option if your scaffold is tied to a building with a high percentage of
openings, to ensure that your scaffold is built with sufficient ties.
Note that sheeted and debris-netted scaffolds must be designed if tied to a permeable façade.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Specifying the scaffold loading

The TG20:13 check is greatly affected by the loading that your scaffold is required to support.
By default, Check IT TG20:13 assumes that your scaffold will be a General Purpose scaffold used for
most types of building work. This is represented in Check IT TG20:13 by scaffolders on the loaded lifts:

A General Purpose TG20:13 scaffold is loaded with 2.0 kN/m2

on one lift.

You can change the working loads, to do this:

 Click the Loading button;
 Click on the load class that you require;
 Move and drop the scaffolder and weight icon that appears, using the mouse left hand
button, onto a lift. In most cases you will drop the load onto the top lift of each elevation.

If you change the loading on the top lift, the 50% loaded lift is updated automatically.

This is now a Heavy Duty TG20 scaffold, loaded with 3.0 kN/m .

The scaffold load class has a great effect on the TG20:13 check, so be careful to select the correct one,
especially if you need heavy-duty loading. In particular the load class can determine the maximum
safe height of the scaffold, its maximum width, and the maximum distance between the standards.

Note that, regardless of the load class, TG20:13 requires that inside boards are only very lightly loaded
with a maximum load of 0.75 kN/m2.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Checking for TG20:13 Compliance

After completing the above steps, you will be able to summarise your project for compliance.
 Click on the TG20:13 Check
 The TG20:13 summary
report is displayed;
 To return to your model,
press the TG20:13 Check
button again;

 To print the report, click on

the Print or Quick Print

An example of a TG20:13 non-compliant scaffold report will look like this:

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide
An example of TG20:13 compliant scaffold report will look like this:

Correcting non-compliance
If your scaffold is not compliant with TG20:13, you will (if possible) be given advice about what you
could change to make your scaffold compliant.

Here, I can see that I have two choices. I can change the maximum bay spacing to 1.5m, or I can switch
to tie pattern D (or E).
See the Model IT User Guide which was shipped with your DVD, for details of how to make either of
these changes.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Why is the Dead plus imposed leg load the same with double standards?
The Dead plus imposed leg load is the combined load for scaffolds with double standards.

Why does the TG20:13 summary report suggest reducing the maximum bay spacing for my non-
compliant scaffold when I already have double standards?
SMART Scaffolder assumes that a lower bay spacing is preferred to double standards, because this
usually requires fewer total standards.
 If you reduce the bay spacing as suggested, you can also remove the double standards. Your
scaffold will usually remain TG20:13 compliant.
 If you choose not to remove the double standards, following the remaining advice is usually
sufficient to achieve TG20:13 compliance.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Using the other SMART Scaffolder products

The best way to use the SMART Scaffolder products is to use them together. Every product is designed
to enhance the rest of the suite.
SMART Scaffolder Check IT TG20:13 can be used with the rest of the SMART Scaffolder products:

Model IT
SMART Scaffolder Model IT is a powerful 3D modelling tool. Use it to create scaffolds to exactly meet
your project-specific needs. It is recommended that Model IT is used alongside Check IT TG20:13,
since you can use it to adjust the scaffold design so it passes TG20.

Schedule IT
As a rapid way of creating large, multi-scaffold projects, Schedule IT can be used to rapidly create
scaffolding projects which can then be checked for TG20:13 compliance.

Report IT
Produce material lists and technical drawings alongside the TG20:13 compliance reports.

Price IT
Produce a fast and highly customisable pricing report for your scaffolding project.

Quote IT
Generate quotations for the project, to send to the customer.

BIM Toolbox
Create scaffolds more quickly, using information from an existing model, or export data from SMART
Scaffolder to be used in other design software.

For more information about the other SMART Scaffolder products, please refer to their
user guides, which were also supplied with your SMART Scaffolder DVD.

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Check IT TG20:13 user guide

Thank you for choosing CADS SMART Scaffolder.
We are always striving to improve the product so please contact us with your feedback. We are always
keen to hear new ideas and if you experience any problems with the software we want to hear about
them so that they can be resolved.

You can contact us via:

 Our website support centre at;

 Email on [email protected];

 Telephone on +44 (0)1202 603733 from Monday to Friday between 09:30 and 17:00.

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