Grosvenor Prints Catalogue 100

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Catalogue 100

Item 65: Saturn in his chariot by Raphael.


Cover: Detail of item 126

Back: Detail of Item 9

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1. La Beneficenza All' Autore delle Notti
Romane e della Italiana Saffo Antonio
A. Canova inv. e scolpi. Tognoli dis. Dom Marchetti
inc. Gruppo in marino nel Mausoleo dell' Arciduchessa
Maria Cristina in Vienna. [n.d. c. 1805].
Etching and engraving. 550 x 410mm (21¾ x 16"),
with large margins. Mint. £260
Sculpture of a woman, Charity, leading a stooped old
man and praying child behind her. Part of Maria
Christina's (1742-1798) impressive funerary
monument, commissioned by her husband Albert, the
Duke of Teschen (1738-1822), of Antonio Canova
(1757-1822). The print is dedicated, somewhat
cryptically, to the 'author of the Roman Nights' and
'Italian Sappho'. The monument itself has been
relocated and acquired by the Museo Antonia Canova,
Possagno. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley
Stock: 55025

2. Sibyllae Quatuor a Raphaele Sancio

Urbinate Romae in Ecclesia S. Mariae Pacis
Depictae. Cumana Persica Phygia Tiburtina.
Sal. Cardelli Alexandri I pensionaris sculp. [n.d.,
Engraving. 355 x 665mm (14 x 26¼"), with very large 5. [Leaf from a breviary, use of Sarum.]
margins. Stains and creasing in margins. £260 [London: John Kingston & Henry Sutton, 1556.]
An engraving of Raphael's fresco above the spandrel in Latin letterpress in black and red, printed on both sides.
the church of Santa Maria della Pace, showing the four Sheet 225 x 165mm. £60
sybylls. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park. A leaf from ''Portiforium Seu Breuiarium, Ad Insiguis
Stock: 54978 Sarisburiensis Ecclesie Vsum'', a Catholic liturgical
book for praying the canonical hours according to the
3. To Thomas Brand Hollis Esq.r These Sarum Rite, printed during the reign of Catholic queen
Memoirs of his Friend Thomas Hollis Esq.r are Mary I. From a copy held at Egton Bridge Chapel,
North Yorkshire. See Ref: 54956, 54990, 54991.
Inscribed by the Compilers. MDCCLXXX. Stock: 54992
J.B. Cipriani del. F. Bartolozzi sculp.t. Publish'd March
20th 1780.
Stipple and etching. 310 x 235mm (12¼ x 9¼"), with
6. [Leaf from a breviary, use of Sarum.]
margins. £280 [London: John Kingston & Henry Sutton, 1556.]
The dedication to the 'Memoirs of Thomas Hollis' by Latin letterpress in black and red, printed on both sides.
Francis Blackburne, featuring an female allegorical Sheets 225 x 165mm (8¾ x 6½). Taped into mount.
figure of Fame, with trumpet, shield and owl. De £65
Vesme 1736. A leaf from ''Portiforium Seu Breuiarium, Ad Insiguis
Stock: 53330 Sarisburiensis Ecclesie Vsum'', a Catholic liturgical
book for praying the canonical hours according to the
Sarum Rite, printed during the reign of Catholic queen
4. [Berlin Woolwork pattern of the Virgin
Mary I. From a copy held at Egton Bridge Chapel,
and Child.] 25. North Yorkshire. See Ref: 54990, 54991 & 54992
Berlin bei L.W. Wittich, Oberweill u. Jeïgerstr Eehs Stock: 54956
No 13 [n.d., c.1860].
Scarce coloured engraving. 605 x 340mm (23¾ x
7. [Leaf from a breviary, use of Sarum.]
13½") very large margins. Backed and edged with
[London: John Kingston & Henry Sutton, 1556.]
linen, as issued. £380
Latin letterpress in black and red, printed on both sides.
An unusually large Berlin woolwork pattern, with the
Sheet 225 x 165mm. £60
Virgin Mary standing on a cloud holding the Christ
A leaf from ''Portiforium Seu Breuiarium, Ad Insiguis
Child. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54970
Sarisburiensis Ecclesie Vsum'', a Catholic liturgical
book for praying the canonical hours according to the
Sarum Rite, printed during the reign of Catholic queen
Mary I. From a copy held at Egton Bridge Chapel,
North Yorkshire. See Ref: 54956, 54991 & 54992
Stock: 54990
8. [Leaf from a breviary, use of Sarum.] Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942) was an English
[London: John Kingston & Henry Sutton, 1556.] painter who specialised in paintings of dogs and
Latin letterpress in black and red, printed on both sides. animals. He studied at the Slade School of Art and his
Sheet 225 x 165mm. £60 first painting was exhibited in 1881. His paintings were
A leaf from ''Portiforium Seu Breuiarium, Ad Insiguis usually done from life; he kept numerous dogs as pets
Sarisburiensis Ecclesie Vsum'', a Catholic liturgical and frequented London Zoo. His daughter, Dorothy
book for praying the canonical hours according to the was the executor of his will, which directed her to
Sarum Rite, printed during the reign of Catholic queen destroy most of the plates for his etchings. From the
Mary I. From a copy held at Egton Bridge Chapel, celebrated collection of Bryan & Valerie Steele.
North Yorkshire. See Ref: 54956, 54990 & 54992 Stock: 54839
Stock: 54991
12. [A Pekinese asleep.]
9. Physic. HD. Herbert Dicksee [Signed in pencil.] Copyright
G.B. Cipriani Inv.t. J.M. Lelattre Sculp.t. London, 1924 by Frost & Reed Ltd. (of Bristol, England) in the
Published March 31st 1788 for the Proprietor, by United States of America.
Palmer & Fielding, No 163 Strand. Etching, signed by the artist. 125 x 260mm (5 x 10¼"),
Rare stipple, printed in brown. 180 x 165mm (7 x with publisher's blind stamps. Limited edition 100,
6½"), with large margins. Uncut. £180 plate destroyed. Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
A winged cherub sitting on a cloud, holding the Rod of £980
Asclepius in his right hand, a bowl in his left. A lyre Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942) was an English
rests behind him. painter who specialised in paintings of dogs and
Stock: 55074 animals. He studied at the Slade School of Art and his
first painting was exhibited in 1881. His paintings were
10. [A Cocker Spaniel.] usually done from life; he kept numerous dogs as pets
H.D. Herbert Dickee [pencil signature]. [Frost & Reed, and frequented London Zoo. His daughter, Dorothy
c.1930.] was the executor of his will, which directed her to
Rare etching, signed by the artist in pencil, Frost & destroy most of the plates for his etchings. From the
Reed blindstamp, limited edition 28/200. 325 x 240mm celebrated collection of Bryan & Valerie Steele.
Stock: 54840
(12¾ x 9½"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame. £850
A black and white Cocker Spaniel head. Herbert
Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942) was an English painter 13. Harrow __ ''Footer Field''.
who specialised in paintings of dogs and animals. He Tom H Hemy 1887. W.A. Cox Sc. Painted by T.M.
studied at the Slade School of Art and his first painting Hemy. Etched by Walter A. Cox. London, Published,
was exhibited in 1881. His paintings were usually done Sept.r 1888, by Dickinson, Publishers to
from life; he kept numerous dogs as pets and The Queen. 114, New Bond St, W. Copyright
frequented London Zoo. His daughter, Dorothy was the registered.
executor of his will, which directed her to destroy most Etching. 350 x 660mm (13¾ x 26"). Trimmed close to
of the plates for his etchings. From the celebrated plate. £420
collection of Bryan & Valerie Steele. Harrow schoolboys playing 'footer' or 'Harrow
Stock: 54914 Football', a unique variant of Association Football.
Stock: 54699

14. View of Reading School & Playground.

Dedicated by Permission To the Rev.d R.
Valpy, D.D. F.A.S. and the Gentlemen of
Reading School, by their very humble and
respectful Servant Edmund Havell. Virginibus
Sedes Fuit Haec Monialibus Aedes Hospitium
Henricus Musis Donavit Amicus.
Drawn by E. Havell. Engraved by R. Havell & Son. 3,
Chapel Street, Tottenham Court Road. Published Oct.r
1816, by E. Havell, Frier Street, Reading.
Very scarce aquatint, printed in colours and hand
finished. 443 x 604mm (17½ x 25¼"). A few repairs at
top. Slightly time stained. £950
A view of Reading Grammar School, in what had been
11. [Shaver, A French Bulldog Asleep.] Reading Abbey’s guest house or Hospitium, with the
H.D. Herbert Dicksee [pencil signature]. [n.d., c.1920.] scholars at play ouside. The pastimes include cricket,
Etching, Restricted edition of 325 proofs, plate rounders, hoops, reading and driving other boys like
destroyed. 70 x 155mm (2¾ x 6"). Framed with horses, with whips. Bottom right an old woman sells
publisher's title label on backboard. Slight pastries.
discolouration at edges. Unexamined out of frame. Edmund Havell (1785-1864) succeeded has father
£1200 Luke (b.1752) as drawing-master at the school and as
owner of the family print shop in Reading. His older 18. [King's College, Cambridge.]
brother was the landscape artist William (1782-1857); Sydney R. Jones. [n.d. c.1920.]
the engravers of this plate were his uncle Robert (1769- Drypoint etching, final trial proof on white paper,
1832) and his son, also Robert (1793-1878), engraver signed by the artist in pencil. 305 x 200mm (12 x 8"),
of most of the Audubon bird plates. with very largee margins. £260
Stock: 54916 A view of King's College Cambridge, with the portico
of the Gibbs' Building and the side of the Chapel. An
outline of a scholar is etched in the foreground.
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
English countryside and provided illustrations for
several publications including The Times, Illustrated
London News and The Studio.
Stock: 54646

19. [King's College, Cambridge.]

Sydney R. Jones. [n.d. c.1920.]
Drypoint etching, signed by the artist in pencil. 305 x
200mm (12 x 8"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
A view of King's College Cambridge, with the portico
of the Gibbs Building and the side of the Chapel. An
15. The Catholic College of Stonyhurst, outline of a scholar is etched in the foreground.
Lancashire. Inscribed to Tho.s Weld Esq.r of Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
Lullworth Castle. notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
Drawn by T. Stanton. Engraved by S. Middiman. [n.d., architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
c.1800.] English countryside and provided illustrations for
Fine etching and engraving, open letter proof. 430 x several publications including The Times, Illustrated
540mm (17 x 21¼) Several small nicks along the top London News and The Studio.
margin. Some minor creasing and faint marks. £480 Stock: 54632
A view of the Jesuit college, based in a Grade I listed
building in Lancashire. Founded in France in 1593, it 20. [King's College Cambridge.]
moved to this site in 1794, when Thomas Weld (1750- Sydney R. Jones. [n.d., c.1920.]
1810) of Lulworth Castle (to whom this print is Drypoint etching, signed by the artist. 225 x 300mm (9
dedicated) donated the building and 30 acres to the x 11¾"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame. £320
Jesuits fleeing the French Revolution. From the A view of King's College Chapel and the Gibbs
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park. Building, from the Cam.
Stock: 55094
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
16. [Clare College, Cambridge.] architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
Sydney R. Jones. [signed in pencil.] [n.d., c.1930.] English countryside and provided illustrations for
Etching. 325 x 210mm (12 x 8¼''), with margins. £320 several publications including The Times, Illustrated
One of the few images of Clare College, Cambridge, London News and The Studio.
taken from the bridge over the Cam. Stock: 54629
Stock: 54645

21. [Cambridge Pembroke College.]

17. [Jesus College, Cambridge.] Sydney R. Jones. [n.d. c.1920.]
Sydney R. Jones. [n.d. c.1925.] Drypoint etching, edition 100 on white paper, signed
Drypoint etching, signed by the artist in pencil. 200 x by the artist in pencil. 350 x 220mm (13¾ x 8¾") with
255mm (8 x 10"), with very large margins. £260 very large margins. £280
The gatehouse of Jesus College from the walled A view of Pembroke College Cambridge, showing the
passage known as the 'Chimney'. public street outside the building. Pedestrians walk the
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a cobbled streets and cyclists ride past an open top car.
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
English countryside and provided illustrations for architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
several publications including The Times, Illustrated English countryside and provided illustrations for
London News and The Studio. several publications including The Times, Illustrated
Stock: 54643
London News and The Studio.
Stock: 55000
22. [President's Lodge, Queens' College, England until 1784 when he travelled to Naples at the
Cambridge.] invitation of Sir William Hamilton. De Vesme: 1929,
Sydney R. Jones. [n.d. c.1924.] state ii of iv.
Stock: 53435
Drypoint etching, signed by the artist in pencil, in
pencil at top Final Trial No. 3;. 225 x 175mm (9 x 7"),
with very large margins Creases in margins top &
bottom. £260
The President's Lodge, dating from the 1460s, is the
only substantial half-timbered building remaining in
Cambridge and is Grade 1 listed.
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
English countryside and provided illustrations for
several publications including The Times, Illustrated
London News and The Studio.
Stock: 54644

23. Amberley & Houghton Almanack. 1885. 26. [For the Benefit of Mr Salpietro.]
Printed by Bemrose & Sons, 23 Old Bailey, London; [F. Bartolozzi inv: et sculp. 1773]
and Derby. Very fine stipple with etching, proof before letters,
Wood engraving and letterpress, printed in black and printed in brown. 140 x 180mm (5½ x 7"), with very
red. Sheet 760 x 500mm (30 x 19¾"). Some large margins. £520
restoration, laid on archival paper. £280 Three putti on clouds decorated with laurel branches,
A religious broadsheet, tailored for use in Amberley & holding music scores.
Houghton, near Arundel in West Sussex. Around a The design was first used as a billhead for the benefit
wood engraving illustrating a scene from Exodus, are of the Italian violinist Giovanni Salpietro, who came to
various notes about local customs and rules, for London with his wife (a singer) c.1779. He was
example what days baptisms are held and Post Office portrayed in 'A Sunday Concert at Dr Burney's',
regulations. Underneath is a calendar, with days engraved by Bretherton after C.L. Smith.
marked with a biblical quotation. Later it was used as the trade card of William
Stock: 53999
Humphrey, brother of Hannah Humphrey, James
Gillray's publisher and partner. De Vesme 1939, state i
24. Royal Assent to the Bill for the Repeal of of iv.
the Sacramental Test. May 9th 1828. Stock: 53404
Commemoration Dinner at the Freemason's
Hall, Wednesday June 18th 1828, his Royal 27. History of England.
Highness the Duke of Sussex in the Chair, W.m Publish'd Oc.bre 29 1771 by J. Farrell Printer , at No 7
Smith Esq.r M.P. Deputy Chairman. PaterNosterRow Cheapside London.
[1828] Engraving with old ink mms. Sheet 440 x 355mm
Engraving with letterpress, signed at bottom Rob (17¼ x 14"). Trimmed within plate, folds split with
Winter No 53. Sheet 440 x 300mm (17¼ x 11¾"). Laid loss, repaired tears, bottom left corner ripped off but
on album paper, glue stains and browning. £280 present, mounted on card. Damaged. £180
A dinner celebrating the repeal of the requirement that A writing sheet with six scenes from Collier's 'History
governmental officials take communion in the Church of England' and a maritime scene.
of England, a step towards the Catholic Relief Act of Stock: 55060
Stock: 54938 28. Venatio.
Joan: Stradā. Academic. Fiorentin. figurauit. Raphael
25. For the Benefit of Mr Giardini. Sadeler scalp. et excud. [Venice, c.1579.]
G.B. Cipriani inv. F. Bartolozzi sculp 1778. Engraving. Sheet 220 x 280mm (8¾ x 11"). Trimmed
Etching and engraving. Sheet 135 x 115mm (5¼ x into plate top right, affecting title. Creasing. £380
4½"), with large margins. £230 'The Hunt'. The goddess Diana sits under a tree, a
Venus Anadyomene naked and seated on a conch shell, falcon in her left hand, surrounded by hunting
accompanied by Cupid (drawing his bow), with other equipment, including bows, crossbows, an arquebus
cherubs holding a torch and the drapery around Venus. (musket), fishing nets and hunting dogs. In the
Felice Giardini (1716 - 1796), an Italian composer and background riders are chasing deer and boars,
violinist, came to London in 1751, where he was crossbowmen are shooting birds and fishermen are
highly successful as a performer and society music using nets and line. Tennis racket on ground. Very
teacher. For many years he served as the concertmaster early real tennis image.
and director of the Italian Opera and gave solo concerts From the series 'Schema, Seu Speculum Principum'.
under the auspices of close friend Johann Christian BM: 1874,0110.447.
Bach (son of Johann Sebastian). He remained in Stock: 54794
29. [Landscape with Abraham and Isaac]. A Finely hand coloured etching. Sheet 535 x 410mm (21
Sua Eccellenza Il Guiseppe Maria De x 16¼"), on card, as issued. Dusty. £350
Gerando. Barone dell' Impero, Referendario, A scarce and decorative view of the coronation
Segretario Genereale del Ministro dell' ceremony with 12 numbers depicting the orders.
Whitman: 798; this state with key below not seen by
Interno, Membro del Instituto e della Legione
d'onore. Pietro Parboni D. D. D. Stock: 55055
Gasparo Pussino dipinse. Pietro Parboni incise. Nicola
de Antoni impresse. [Rome, n.d. c.1810-1815].
Engraving. 490 x 610mm (19¼ x 24"), with large
margins. Crease in bottom left corner. £350
A pastoral landscape with for figures; in the right hand
of the foreground Abraham and Isaac walk up the path
carrying kindling. Beyond, in the centre, are two seated
figures with a donkey. After 'Landscape with Abraham
and Isaac' (1665) by Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675), a
student of Poussin. Dughet's successful career as a
landscape artist saw him become one of the best known
painters in Rome, alonside Poussin and Claude
Lorrain. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55089

30. [The Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca]. A.

S. A la Sig.ra Principessa Alessandrina di
Dietrichstein Proshau, Lesley &. &. &. Nata 33. Receptie van S.K.H den H.Prince van
Contessa di Schouvaloff Accademica di S. Orange. op zyn intrede tot London. The
Luca. Pietro Parboni D. D. D. Reception of His Royal Highness the Prince of
Claudio di Lorena inv. e dip. Pietro Parboni incise.
Orange at his entring London.
Nicola de Antoni impresse e vende in Roma N. 35 Via Hooge fecit. [n.d., c.1690.]
del Corso. Rome, [n.d. c.1800-1841].
Engraving. 440 x 535mm (17¼ x 21"). Trimmed and
Engraving. 480 x 600mm (19 x 23¾"), with large
laid on archiving paper. £680
margins. Mint. £520
A scene showing the arrival of William of Orange in
A pastoral scene of people dancing and playing
London, following his invasion of England. Ref:
instruments by the edge of a river. Also known as 'The
Landwehr 147.
Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca' after the oil painting by Stock: 55123
Claude Lorrain (c.1800-1882) completed in 1648.
From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55088 34. Whoever engages in writing against
national Prejudices should think of CÆSAR,
31. La Présentation de la S.te Vierge au swimming from the Pharos, saving his
Temple. Tableau de la Galerie impériale de St. Commentaries with one Hand, and his Life
Pétersbourg. Dédié à sa Majestié Catherine II. with the other. Religion and the Liberal Arts
Impératrice de toutes les Russies, Par son très are worth this Hazard: Even Envy and other
.humble très obeissant et très Soumis J. Trible. Affections of Mankind should not intimidate a
Peint par Pietro Testa. et Dessiné par B.N. Le Sieur. Person who means well: Success is not in every
Gravé par G.F. Schmidt, Graveur du Roy à Berlin Person's Power; yet to attempt it in things
1771. deserving Praise is Praise-worthy.
Engraving. 600 x 404mm (23½ x 16"). Creasing in title See Dedication prefixt to A Dialogue concerning some
area, small tears in small margins. £240 things of importance to Ireland. Dublin MDCCLI.
40 days after giving birth to Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Engraving 140 x 180mm (5½ x 7). Some creasing.
presented herself in the Temple in Jerusalem to be Tears to margins one of which runs into the plate mark.
ritually cleansed after childbirth. £160
Stock: 54677 While chasing Pompey the Great during the Roman
civil war, Caesar had entered Alexandria, Egypt and
32. Choir of Westminster Abbey during the interfered in the dispute between Ptolemy and
coronation of His Most Gracious Majesty Cleopatra which resulted in the Alexandrian wars. In
George the IV, July 10 1821. an attempt to seize Pharos Island Caesar lost to the
Painted by Frederick Nash. Engraved by Charles Alexandrians and his boat was sunk forcing him to
Turner. London Published Jan.y 1 1822 by F. Nash, No swim to safety. This print depicts the moment of
40 Mary Street, Fitzroy Square, Colnaghi & Caesar swimming to safety, he holds a letter with one
Co, Cockspur Street, Hurst & Robinson, Cheapside, & hand and makes his way through the water with the
Moltano, Pall Mall. other. Two of his ships are sinking while presumably
the ones still floating belong to the Alexandrians. The
lighthouse of Alexandria can be seen amoung the playing cards, while one on the right holds a lute while
mountainous background. a man sings to her. A dog barks at a servant to the far
Stock: 55018 left of the scene. After Dutch printmaker and painter
Jan Verkolje (1650 - 1693).
35. Germanicus. C.Taciti Annal. Lib. II. Stock: 55136
Cap. 71.
H. Füger pinx. J. Pichler inc. Vindobonae 1795.
[Vienna, Tranquillo Mollo?, c.1795.]
A very large mezzotint. 640 x 880mm (25¼ x 34¾").
Trimmed close to plate top and bottom, some wear in
inscription area, small tear in right margin. Rubbed top
right. £550
Germanicus Julius Caesar (15 BC - AD 19) on his
deathbed. The nephew and adopted son of Tiberius as
well as a successful and popular general, his early
death caused rumours of poisoning. He was the father
of Caligula, grandfather of Nero and brother to
Claudius, the three emperors after Tiberius.
Vindobona was the camp of the Roman army at
Vienna. Tranquillo Mollo published a smaller
mezzotint of the same painting in Vienna c. 1800 (BM 39. You can't Write. [&] You can't Spell.
1877,0609.1566). W. Miller pinx.t. R. Cooper sculp.t. London, Published
Stock: 55085
as the Act directs, 1st July 1801, by G. Testolini, 73,
36. The Address to George 2.nd on Death of Pair of fine and rare stipples with aquatint, printed in
Fredrick Prince of Wales [ink mss]. His colours and hand-finished. Each 520 x 350mm (20½ x
Majesty's most Gracious Answer. 13¾"). 'Spell' bit messy. Trimmed close to plate, a little
Dickinson ex. Published according to Act of wear to edges. £750
Parliament. [n.d. c1751]. Rare pair of education images showing two scenes of
Extremely rare engraving and printed broadside, sheet children wearing dresses.
305 x 240mm (12 x 9½"). Laid down on backing sheet. Stock: 54708
Stain across the ministers. Some foxing. £350
Ministers tell a throne seated George II (1683–1760) of 40. Angelica e Medoro in varj modi legati
the death of his son Frederick, Prince of Wales (1707– indieme di diversi nodi.- Orl. Fur. C. XIX. S.
1751). In the past his death has been attributed to a 36. All' Ornatissimo Sig.r Conte Girio
burst lung abscess caused by a blow from a cricket or a Caradori.
real tennis ball, but it is now thought to have been from Teodoro Matteini inventi. Gio. Folo Veneto inc. e
a pulmonary embolism. vende in Roma. Giovanni Folo D. D. D. Rome, [n.d.
Stock: 55015
after 1795].
Engraving. 495 x 395mm (19½ x 15"), with large
37. [A monk carrying a skull.] margins, Uncut. Creasing in the centre of the image.
[n.d., c.1780.] Some nicks and creasing around the edges. Minor
Mezzotint. 175 x 140mm (6¾ x 5½"), with small foxing. £280
margins. Worm hole repaired. £260 The famous scene of Angelica, who has been nursing
A shaven-headed monk holding a scull on his arm, the wounded Medoro, already besotted with her,
pointing into an eye socket. carving their names into the trunk of a tree after she
Stock: 54692
realises she has fallen in love with him. Cupid lurks
behind a tree, having ignited the Angelica's love for
38. To her Imperial Majesty Catherine the Medoro. Engraving by Giovanni Folo after Teodor
Second this print from the Original Picture by Matteini from the Italian epic 'Orlando Furioso' (1532).
Verkoyelle in the Imperial Collection is From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
humbly Inscribed by her most devoted servant, Stock: 55002

James Walker.
Engraver to her Imperial Majesty and Member of the 41. [The Sorrows of the Young Werter]
Imperial Academy of Arts St. Petersburg. July 1st 1789 Charlotte. The Shade of my Mother hovers
published by James Walker St. Petersburg and John round me, when in a still evening I sit in the
Dean London. midst of her Children, I wish that she could
Very rare mezzotint. 505 x 695mm (20 x 27¼") large look down upon us, and see that I fulfil the
margins. A few small markings. Repaired tear made up promise I made her to be a Mother to them.
in top right margin. £650 Sorrows of Werter. To the Hon.ble Miss
An interior scene depicting a musical party of men and
women in costume, seated around a table on which lies
Grenville. This Print after an Original
a patterned Turkish carpet. Two women at the left are Drawing by H. Bunbury Esq.r is with the
greatest respect Dedicated by Her most Very fine etching with stipple, proof before title,
obedient humble Servant W. Dickinson. printed in brown. 265 x 355mm (10½ x 14"), with
H. Bunbury Esq.r Delin.t. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi. large margins. £450
London, Publish'd August 1783 by W. Dickinson A scene from William Shakespeare's 'Cymbeline':
Engraver & Printseller No.158 New Bond Street. Imogen sleeps in her bed while Iachimo leans over her
Etching with stipple. 400 x 361mm (15¾ x 14¼"), with writing a letter suggesting he has seduced her.
large margins. Paper toned. £260 After William Martin (1753 - c.1831), historical
A woman seated in profile to right, holding a painter who was pupil and assistant to Cipriani until
handkerchief on her laps with both hands; a little girl c.1784. De Vesme 1840, state ii of iii.
Stock: 53335
standing next to her, almost in profile to left, putting
both hands on the woman's lap and looking up towards
her; to right, an older girl seated, holding a book open 44. Evelina Surprising M.r Macartney
on her lap with both hands, looking up to the sky; to preparing to load his Pistols.
left, a boy seated, in profile to left, blowing a small N. Colibert Delin.t. Engraved by N. Colibert. London,
trumpet. Publish'd March 20th 1786 by W. Dickinson Engraver
A scene from 'Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers (The & Printseller No.158 Bond Street.
Sorrows of the Young Werter)' by Johann Wolfgang Stipple. 245 x 170mm (9¾ x 6¾"), watermarked
von Goethe (1749 - 1832). De Vesme: 1415. '178[?]', with large margins. £190
Stock: 55054 The heroine of Fanny Burney's 'Evelina' stops the
impoverished Scottish poet from loading his pistols,
she believes to commit suicide. He later admits that he
had been unable to decide between that and armed
First published 1778, 'Evelina' is a significant precursor
to the romanticism of Jane Austen.
Stock: 54745

45. [Macbeth] The Banquet. _ Prithee, see

there. Behold! look! loe! How say you!
Shakespeare's Macbeth Act III Scene 3.d.
S. Harding delin.t. J. Baldrey Fecit. London, Publish'd
Oct.r 10th 1786, by W. Dickinson, Bond Street.
Fine stipple, printed in brown. 385 x 330mm (15¼ x
42. Cupid and Cephisa, [One Day as I was 13") with margins. Title bit messy on right. £320
walking in the Woods...] From the Original As Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost sitting in his chair he
Picture, in the possession of George Bowles, starts to rave and is retrained by his wife.
Stock: 53327
Esqr. [&] Cupid and Cephisa, [Cephisa says,
we ought to cut the Wings of Love...] From the
46. [Orlando Furioso] [Angelica & Madora.]
Original Picture, in the possession of George
G.B. Cipriani inc.t. Tho.s Burke sculp.t. London
Bowles, Esqr. Publish'd Oct/r 1783, by G. Durand, No 8 Catherine
Angelica Kauffman pinx.t. Thomas Burke Fecit. Street, Strand.
London, Publish'd July 10th. 1789 by T Burke, No. 5, Stipple, proof before title, printed in brown. 135 x
Great College Street, Westminster. [&] Publish'd Feb.y 170mm (5¼ x 6¾"), with very large margins. Uncut.
1st. 1789 by T Burke No 5 Great College Street, £260
Westminster. A scene from Italian epic 'Orlando Furioso' by
Very fine matching pair of stipples with etching, proof Ludovico Ariosto. Having been nursed back to health
states before lines of verse, one with publisher's by Angelica, the Saracen knight Medora carves their
inscription scratched. Each 470 x 335mm (18½ x names into a tree, before they elope to China. See BM
13¼"), with large margins. £850 1931,0618.56 for a 1790 edition published by Read.
Two scenes from Montesquieu's 'Céphise et l'Amour'. Stock: 54744
In the first Cupid is discovered by Cephisa and a male
companion (intended to be the author), lying asleep in
47. Le Portrait de Dorian Gray.
a bush of flowers; in the second Cephisa raises one of
[by Fernand Simeon.] [Paris, Mornay, 1920.]
his wings, preparing to cut it off, as her companion
Wood engraving, presentation copy signed in pencil by
leans forward to stop her.
Stock: 53336 the artist. Printed area 125 x 85mm (5 x 3¼"). £180
A separate issue of the woodcut used as a frontispiece
to a French edition of Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture of
43. [Cymbeline] [Imogen's Chamber. On Dorian Grey', one of the 'Beau Livres' collection, a
her left breast a mole, cinque spotted...] series of fine-art books. The dedication, 'A l'ami Coq
W. Martin inv. et pinx. F. Bartolozzi sculps. 1786. Editeur sympathetique, F Simeon', appears to be to the
London, Publish'd June 21st; 1786 by W. Dickinson famous Parisian publisher André Coq.
Engraver Bond Street. Stock: 54910
51. Alle Grazie ed al Gusto elegante delli
Illma Sig.ra Leoniloa Bottoni ... Merito
hamatis manus est armata sagittis, Et phareta
ex humero Gnosia utroque jacet; Ante ferit,
quoniam tuti quam cernimus hostem, Nec
quisquam ex illo vulnere sanus abit. - Propert.
Lib. II. Egl. I.
Stephanus Tofanelli invenit et delineavit. Joannes Folo
Venetus sculp. et vendit Romae. Giovanni Folo D. D.
D. Rome, [n.d.].
Etching. 390 x 440mm (15½ x 17¼"), with large
margins Uncut. Horizontal crease down the centre of
the image. Some nicks and creases to the edges.
Foxing. £360
Cupid with his bow strung and quiver of arrows by his
48. Apollo A Sua Eccellenza il Sig.r: Conte side. Quoted beneath the image is an excerpt from
di Talbot Amatore e conoscitore delle Belle Propertius Lib II Elg. XII, not from II.I; the poet muses
Arti. on the cultural and mythic personification of Love as
Raffaele Sanzio d'Urb. inv. Franco Staccoli disegno. he nurses his own heart, struck by Cupid's arrow. After
Pietro Bonato Veneto incise. In Roma presso Venanzio Stefano Tofanelli's 'Amor Frecciante', part of a pair
Monaldini Mercante de Libri e Stampe in Piazza di with 'Amor Pugente' (see Ref: 54995). From the
Spagne a N.o 79. Rome, [n.d. c.1780-1820]. Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54998
Engraving and etching. 345 x 420mm (13½ x 16½"),
with large margins, Uncut. Light foxing in margins.
£450 52. Amore e Psiche. Alla Maesta di
Apollo driving a chariot drawn by four horses. After a Guiseppina Imperatrice. - Antonio Canova D.
design by Raphael in the Sala dei Pontefici. From the D. D.
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park. A. Canova inv e scolpi. Tognoli dis. Dom. Marchetti
Stock: 55080 inc. Gruppo in marmo di grandezza naturale esistente
nella Galleria della M. S. a Malmaison. [n.d.]
49. Marchande de Cupidons. Engraving and etching. 540 x 410mm (21¼ x 16¼"),
F. Bartolozzi pinx. J. Ogbourne sculp. Pub. May 1 with large margins. Mint. £320
1783 by J. Thane, Rupoert Street, Hay Market. A sculpture of Cupid and Psyche, standing with
Oval stipple, printed in dark sanguine. 200 x 225mm (8 Cupid's right arm draped over Psyche shoulders.
x 9"). Top left corner restored. Slight damage below Psyche delicately places a butterfly in Cupid's palm,
image. £280 symbolising that Psyche wholly and innocently trusts
A woman in classical dress holds a winged cherub on Cupid with her soul. This visual metaphor and
her lap as a another looks admiringly over her arresting symbolic gesture illustrates more broadly the
shoulder. A third woman grasps another cherub by the Neo-Platonic philosophy of the wandering soul, of
base of his wings to lift him out of a basket in which a which the sculptor Antonio Canova was a big believer.
third cherub sits. The sculpture was commissioned by Colonel John
Stock: 54755 Campbell in 1878, along with the famous 'Cupid
reviving Psyche with a kiss' (see also Ref 55010). This
50. Al Genio, a all'Eleganza dell' Alma. Sig.a engraving has been dedicated to Empress Josephine
Emerenziana Fratini Pentini. ... ille per (1763-1814), the first wife of Napolean Bonaparte.
From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Caelum volans, Proterra tenera tela molitur Stock: 55013
mana; Regnumque tantum minimus in Saperos
habero. Seneca in Hip. 53. Amore e Psiche. Sogetto tratto dalla
Stephanus Tofanelli invenit et delineavit. Johannes
favola di Apulejo. / Gruppo in mamo posseduto
Folo Venetus sculp. et vendet Romae. Giovanni Folo
D. D. Rome, [n.d.] dal Principe Yousouppoff/ quasi in tutto simile
Etching. 390 x 440mm (15½ x 17¼"), with large all'altro esistente nell' I. Pallazo di Compiegne.
margins. Uncut. Some nicks and creases to the edges. A. Canova inv e scolpi. P. Fontana inc. [n.d. c.1812]
Some cockling. Foxing in margins. £260 Etching and engraving. 290 x 375mm (11½ x 14¾"),
A boyish Cupid holding one of his arrows and tests the with large margins. £160
point. Quoted beneath the image is the Nurse from Sculpture of Cupid reviving Psyche with a kiss, from
Seneca the Younger's 'Phaedra', warning Phaedra of the the story in Apuleius' 'Metamorphoses'. The description
destructive power of Venus' son, a warning she does suggests that this engraving by Pietro Fontana is after
not heed which ultimately leads to her suicide. After the second version of Antonio Canova's 'Cupid e
Stefano Tofanelli's 'Amor Pungente', part of a pair with Psiche', accquired by the Russian Prince Yusupov in
'Amor Frecciante' (see Ref 54998). From the Berkeley 1796. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55010
Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54995
54. Diana. All' Illmo e Rmo Monsig.r garment, though hewn in dense stone, drew much
Marini Canonico della Basilica Lateranense praise and admiration. From the Berkeley Collection,
Prefetto degl'Archivy di Castel S. Angelo e del Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55039
Vaticano, Prelato Domestico di N. S.
Raffaele Sanzio d'Urb. inv. Stefano Tofanelli delin.
Pietro Fontana incise. In Roma presso Venanzio 58. Iride A Monsieur Arland.
Monaldini Mercante de Libri e Stampe in Piazza di Guido Head inv. e dipinse. Giovanni Folo incise e
Spagne a N.o 79. Rome, [n.d. c.1782-1822]. vende in Roma. Rome [n.d. 1801]
Engraving and etching. 340 x 410mm (13¼ x 16), with Etching open letter proof, 420 x 290mm (16¼ x 11½"),
large margins. Uncut. Near mint. Faint markings in the with large margins. Uncut. Foxing in the margins.
margins. £420 £320
The goddess Diana driving a chariot pulled by two The nereid Iris carrying a ewer of water from the River
young girls. After a design by Raphael in the Sala dei Styx to the Gods of Olympus. In Greek mythology Iris
Pontefici. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley was the anthropomorphisation of the rainbow and
Park. messenger to the Gods. In Hesiod's Theogany she has
Stock: 55081 the additional duty of carrying water from the Styx to
the Gods when the gods took an oath. From the
55. Eco A Madame Stamaty Son Fior Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54994
Narciso Eco sonora io sono: To la bellezza, io
l'armonia to dono.
Guido Head inv. e dipin. Agostino Tofanelli delin. Gio
Folo incis. e vende in Roma. In segno di rispetto
Giovanni Folo dedica. Rome, [n.d. 1801].
Etching, open letter proof. 415 x 290mm (16¼ x
11½"), very large margins. Uncut. Foxing and creasing
in the margins. £320
The nymph Echo by Agostino Tofanelli (1770-1834)
and Giovanni Folo (1764-1836), after the oil painting
'Echo Flying from Narcissus' (1798) by Guy Head
(1753-1800). As told by Ovid in Met III, Echo flees
Narcissus' presence, humiliated and distraught, after he
rejects her. The engravers have embellished Head's
original composition with the addition of a figure in the
background on the far bank on the water's edge, which
is perhaps Narcissus. From the Berkeley Collection,
Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54993 59. Giove Agli Amatori e Promotori delle
Scienze Belle Arti.
56. Elysium or Cupid Punish'd. ... Vide Raffaele Sanzio d'Urb. inv. Steffano Tofanelli delin.
Parnell's Poems. Peitro Bonato Veneto incise. In Roma presso
Stothard Pinx.t. Ogborne sculp.t. London, publish'd Venanzio Monaldini Mercante de Libri e Stampe in
Aug.t 1 1787, by T Macklin No. 19 Fleet Street. Piazza di Spagne a N.o 79. Rome, [n.d.
Fine stipple, printed in colours. 270 x 305mm (10¾ x Engraving and etching. 340 x 410mm (13¼ x 16),
12"). Narrow margins, repair in unprinted area top with large margins. Uncut. Near mint. Some light
right. £280 foxing in margins and title area. £450
Cupid tied to a tree by a group of nymphs. Jupiter, holding a thunder bolt, driving his chariot
Stock: 54743 pulled by a pair of eagles. The exterior of the chariot is
embellished in high relief with eagles and what looks
57. Ebe con aureo serto incornata, Di nettare to be a harpy. After a design by Raphael in the Sala dei
Pontefici. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley
e d'ambrosia in Ciel ministra.
A. Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tognoli dis. D. Marchetti Stock: 55084
incise. Statua in marmo di grandezza naturale
appatenente a Lord Cowder. [n.d. c.1814].
Engraving and etching. 455 x 325mm (18 x 12¾"), 60. Leda. Tiré du Cabinet de M.r Watelet.
with large margins. Mint. £320 Dediée à Monsieur Pierre. Chevalier de l'Orde
Sculpture of Hebe tilting the mouth of the jug she du Roy, Professeur de l'Academie Royal de
carries above her head to the goblet she holds below. Peinture et de Sculpture, et premier Peintre de
Hebe, the goddess of youth and daughter of Zeus, was Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans. Par son très
a chief serving maid to the gods of Olympus and humble et très obeissant Serviteur et Ami
provided her patrons liberally with ambrosia. The Lempereur.
original sculpture, commissioned by Lord Cowder, was J.B.M. Pierre pinx. N. Delaunay sculp. A Paris, chez
completed in 1805 and was a marvel of marble Lempereur, Graveur du Roy, rue et porte St Jacques, au
sculpting. The weightless appearance of the goddesses dessus du petit Marché [n.d., c.1763.]
Engraving with etching. 18th century watermark, 320 x Engraving and etching. 400 x 545mm (15¾ x 21½"),
370mm (12½ x 14½"), Small margins. £260 with large margins. Creasing and marking in top
An oval scene of Leda lying naked and looking at the margin. Repaired tear in top margin. £350
swan. A pair with 'Endymion'. Sculpture of a naiad, reclining on a lion skin while a
Stock: 55071 young winged cupid plays the lyre at her feet, seen
from behind. Embedded in the naiad's rocky couch is
an over turned jar, from which flows a spring of water;
while Canova (1757-1822) was content to call his
subject a nymph, his friend and biographer Leopoldo
Cicognara more accurately calls her a naiad, a type of
nymph that presides in fresh water, prompted by the
carved detail of flowing water. Antonio Canova's
original sculpture, commissioned by Lord Cawdor in
1814, is a variant of Guido Reni's painting 'Venus
reclining with Cupid' (c.1639); the sculpture is
currently part of the Royal Collection at Buckingham
Palace. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55020

64. [Three putti with a garland of fruit.]

[Engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi after Guercino.]
[London: John Boydell, 1780.]
61. Marte All'Emo e Revmo Principe D. Fine stipple, printed in sanguine; Proof before all
Fabrizio Ruffo Car.le Dianoco del Sitolo di S. letters, 18th century watermark 195 x 330mm (7¾ x
M.a in Cosmedin Car.e delli Ord.i di S. M. 13"), with very large margins. £280
Siciliana di S. Ferdinando, e s Gennaro, e di A half-length composition, with Venus holding one
quelli di S. M. l'Imp.redelle Russie S. Andrea arrow and Cupid's quiver while he reaches to draw
Alessandro Newski &c. &c. &c. Amatroe e another arrow from it.
Engraved from a red chalk in the Royal Collection,
Protettore delle belle Arti.
which was probably an early sketch for the painting in
Raffaele Sanzio d'Urb. inv. Steffano Tofanelli delin.
Apsley House, home of the Duke of Wellington. De
Peitro Bettelini incise in Roma. In Roma presso
Vesme 2196.
Venanzio Monaldini Mercante de Libri e Stampe in Stock: 53328
Piazza di Spagne a N.o 79. Rome, [n.d. c.1800-1821].
Engraving and etching. 340 x 410mm (13¼ x 16), with
large margins. Uncut. Mint. £450 65. Saturno Alla cognizone e transporto per
Mars, the god of war, driving a chariot pulled by a pair le Belle Arti di S. il Sig.r D. Mario dei
of horses. After a design by Raphael in the Sala dei Principi Gabrielli degnissimo Presidente delle
Pontefici. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Ripe ed Acque de questa Citta de Roma.
Park. Raffaele Sanzio d'Urb. inv. Stefano Tofanelli delin.
Stock: 55083 Pietro Bonato Veneto incise. In Roma presso Venanzio
Monaldini Mercante de Libri e Stampe in Piazza di
62. Mercurio. Algi Amatori, e Promotori / Spagne a N.o 79. Rome, [n.d. c.1800-1820].
delle Scienze e Belle Arti. Engraving and etching. 340 x 410mm (13¼ x 16), large
Raffaele Sanzio d'Urb. inv. Stefano Tofanelli delin. margins Uncut. Foxing around the edges. £450
Pietro Bonato Veneto incise. In Roma presso Venanzio A depiction of Saturn holding a scythe in his chariot
Monaldini Mercante de Libri e Stampe in Piazza di pulled by two winged serpent-monsters. After a design
Spagne a N.o 79. Rome, [n.d. c.1780-1820]. by Raphael in the Sala dei Pontefici. From the Berkeley
Engraving and etching. 350 x 420mm (13¾ x 16½"), Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55079
with large margins, Uncut. Mint. £450
A depiction of Mercury being pulled in a chariot by
two roosters. The god can be identified by his 66. [The Temple of Apollo]. Al Sig.r Luigi
headpiece and winged shoes, and he carries the Pavon Amatore delle elle Arti. Pietro Parboni
caduceus, the staff carried by messengers and heralds D. D. D.
of Greek mythology. After a design by Raphael in the Claudio di Lorena inv. e dip. Nicola de Antoni
Sala dei Pontefici. From the Berkeley Collection, impresse. Pietro Parboni incise. Nicola de Antoni
Spetchley Park. vende in Roma, in Via del Corso No. 35. Rome, [n.d.
Stock: 55077 c.1800-1841].
Etching. 480 x 600mm (19 x 23¾"), with large
63. Dorme Clori: coll' arpa Amor la desta: margins. Near mint. £380
Sorge sul fianco, e ad ascoltar s'arresta. A scene from the myth of Cupid and Psyche; Psyche's
Ant. Canova inv. e marmo di grandezza naturale. G. father prays at the Temple of Apollo that she will find
Toignoli dis. Dom. Marchetti incise. [n.d. c.1817]. a suitable husband. After Claude Lorrain's (c.1600-
1682) original painting 'The Father of Psyche
sacrificing at the Temple of Apollo' (1662), painted for 69. Eufrosine - Aglaia - Talia Alla maesta de
Angelo Albertoni, a Roman nobleman. From the Elisabetta Alexiewna imperatrice di tutte le
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park. Russie. - Ant. Canova D. D. D.
Stock: 55087
A. Canova inv. e scolpi in marmo. G. Tognoli dis. D.
Marchetti incise. [Italy, n.d. 1815].
Etching and engraving. 490 x 340mm (19¼ x 13¼"),
with large margins. Mint. Creases in left margin and
top left corner. £380
Sculpture of the Three Graces embracing, seen from
the front. The original sculpture by Antonio Canova is
at Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire. The engraving is
dedicated to Elizabeth Alexeievna of Russia (1779-
1826), wife of Emperor Alexander I of Russia. With
measurement scale. See also Ref 55007. From the
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55008

70. Talia - Aglaia - Eufrosine Alla maesta de

Elisabetta Alexiewna imperatrice di tutte le
Russie. - Ant. Canova D. D. D.
67. Tempio di Venere All' Egregio Sig.r A. Canova inv. e scolpi in marmo. G. Tognoli dis. D.
Luigi Magrelli Ingegnere, Nobile Estimatore Marchetti incise. [Italy, n.d. 1815].
delle Belle Arti. Celebre Quandro di Claudio Etching and engraving. 490 x 340mm (19¼ x 13¼"),
Lorenese, esistente, nella Galleria di S. E. il with large margins. £380
Sig.r Contestabile Colonna in Roma. Pietro Sculpture of the Three Graces embracing in front of a
pedestal decorated with garlands, seen from the back.
Parboni The original sculpture by Antonio Canova is at
Claudio di Lorena inv. e dip. Pietro Parboni dis. e inc.
Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire. The engraving is
Nicola de Antoni impresse. In Roma presso Nicola de
dedicated to Elizabeth Alexeievna of Russia (1779-
Antoni Neg.te di Stampe in Piazza di Spgna N.o 83.
1826), wife of Emperor Alexander I of Russia. With
Rome, [n.d. after 1800].
measurement scale. See also Ref 55008. From the
Etching and engraving. 480 x 600mm (19 x 23¾"),
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
with large margins. Extreme edges bit rough. £420 Stock: 55007
A scene of worshippers bringing offerings to the
temple of Venus; many of the worshippers are
garlanded and playing instruments. An engraving by
71. Venere.
Ant. Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tognoli dis. Damonico
Pietro Parboni after Claude Lorrain (c.1800-1882).
Marchetti inc. Statua in marmo di grandezza al naturale
From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55092 esistente nell'Imperiale Galleria di Firenze. [n.d. after
Engraving. 545 x 405mm (21½ x 16"), with large
68. Tersicore Aloisiae. E. Principibus. margins. Mint. £320
Stolbergis / Albaniae. Comitissae. / Antonius Sculpture of Venus trying to modestly cover herself
Canova. with a drape, from the back. The original sculpture,
[n.d. after 1808]. A. Canova inv. e scolpi in marmo. Venus Italica, was commisioned by Napoleon
Gio. Tognoli dis. Piet. Fontana incise. Bonaparte of Antonio Canova (1757-1822) to replace
Mint engraving. 455 x 330mm (17¾ x 13"), with large the Medici Venus which was taken to the Musee
margins. £320 Napoleon in France. It was completed in 1802 and is
Sculpture of Terpsychore, the muse of dance and considered to be one of his greatest masterpieces.
choral singing, holding a lyre. The Greek inscription on Canova made two further variants of this Venus,
the colomn reads 'Terpsychore Lyran'. The statue was completed by 1819, one of which was purchased by the
commisioned by Lucien Bonaparte (1775-1840), third Marquess of Londonderry, where it remained
originally intended to portray his wife Alexandrine de until 1962. See also Ref 55028. From the Berkeley
Bleschamp (1778-1855), however, for reasons that Collection, Spetchley Park.
remain unknown, the completed work was acquired by Stock: 55029
Giovanni Battista Sommariva, who also bought the
plaster cast to ensure no copies could be made. 72. Venere Vincitrice. All' Illustre, Mylord
Sommariva, who was bessotted with the statue, Cawdor, che ad esempio della presenta Statua
referred to the sculpture as '[his] bride' and placed at
the foot of his bed in his Parisian house. From the
incoraggi l'Autore alla Scultura di una Ninfa
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park. giacente in diversa attidudine. - Antonio
Stock: 55030 Canova.
Ant. Canova inv. e scolpi in marme. Luigi Durantini
dis. Ang. Bertini incise. Statua di grandezza naturale
nel Palazzo Borghese in Roma. Rome, [n.d. c. 1815]
Engraving and etching. 390 x 540mm (15½ x 21¼"), 74. Venere A Sua Eccelenza il Sig.r Virginio
with large margins. Mint. £360 Cenci de Conti Bolognetti Amatore e geniale
A sculpture of Pauline Bonaparte, portrayed as Venus, delle Belle Arti.
reclining in a triclinium, seen from the back. Pauline Raffaele Sanzio d'Urb inv. Augustino Tofanelli delin.
Bonaparte (1780-1825) was the second sister of Guiseppe Bortignoni Veneto incise. In Roma presso
Napoleon Bonaparte. After her first marriage ended Venanzio Monaldini Mercante de Libri e Stampe in
with the death of her husband, she married Camillo Piazza di Spagne a N.o 79. Rome [n.d. c.1800-1834].
Borghese. Anotnio Canova's sculpture was Engraving and etching. 340 x 410mm (13¼ x 16), with
commissioned by Camillo in 1805 for his wife, who large margins. Uncut. Mint. £450
was originally to be portrayed as the chaste goddess Venus driving her chariot through the clouds pulled by
Diana. Aware of her promiscuous reputation, but also four doves. After a design by Raphael in the Sala dei
tastefully drawing on the mythic ancestry of the Pontefici. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley
Borghese family, Pauline had the subject changed to Park.
'Venus'. The original sculpture is in the Galleria Stock: 55082
Borghese, Italy. See also Ref 55027. From the
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park. 75. Venere Vincitrice. All' Illustre, Mylord
Stock: 55012
Cawdor, che ad esempio della presenta Statua
incoraggi l'Autore alla Scultura di una Ninfa
giacente in diversa attidudine. - Antonio
Ant. Canova inv. e scolpi in marme. Luigi Durantini
dis. Ang. Bertini incise. Statua di grandezza naturale
nel Palazzo Borghese in Roma. Rome, [n.d. c. 1815]
Engraving and etching. 390 x 540mm (15½ x 21¼"),
with large margins. Creasing top right corner. £350
A sculpture of Pauline Bonaparte, portrayed as Venus,
reclining in a triclinium, seen from the front. Pauline
Bonaparte (1780-1825) was the second sister of
Napoleon Bonaparte. After her first marriage ended
with the death of her husband, she married Camillo
Borghese. Anotnio Canova's sculpture was
commissioned by Camillo in 1805 for his wife, who
was originally to be portrayed as the chaste goddess
Diana. Aware of her promiscuous reputation, but also
tastefully drawing on the mythic ancestry of the
Borghese family, Pauline had the subject changed to
'Venus'. Her sculpted figure also holds an apple,
invoking Venus' victory in the Judgement of Paris. The
original sculpture is in the Galleria Borghese, Italy. See
also Ref 55012. From the Berkeley Collection,
Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55027
73. Venere.
Ant. Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tognoli dis. Damonico
76. [Venus & Adonis] Qui Tramontando do
Marchetti inc. Statua in marmo di grandezza al naturale
esistente nell'Imperiale Galleria di Firenze. [n.d. after
il Sol Venere si Tolse d'Adon piú Volte il Bel
1802] Posseso in Tutto. Mar. Can. VII. Al buon
Engraving. 545 x 405mm (21½ x 16"), with large gusto dell' Sir.r Luigi Marconi.
margins. Mint. £350 Luca Cangiassi depin. Gio. Folo Veneto incise, e vende
Sculpture of Venus trying to modestly cover herself in Roma. Giovanni Folo D.D.D. [n.d., c.1790].
with a drape, from the back. The original sculpture, Engraving. 495 x 390mm (19½ x 15½), with very large
Venus Italica, was commisioned by Napoleon margins. Uncut. £230
Bonaparte of Antonio Canova (1757-1822) to replace Venus and Adonis, with Cupid above, after an oil
the Medici Venus which was taken to the Musee painting by Cambiaso Luca (1527-1585) now in the
Napoleon in France. It was completed in 1802 and is Galleria Borghese. The title text is from Giovani
considered to be one of his greatest masterpieces. Battista Marino's 'Adone' (1623). From the Berkeley
Canova made two further variants of this Venus, Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54968
completed by 1819, one of which was purchased by the
third Marquess of Londonderry, where it remained
until 1962. See also Ref 55029. From the Berkeley
Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55028
77. [Venus and Cupid.] completed in 1637 for Pope Urban VIII. It was the first
[Engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi after Guercino.] in a series of four. Given the prestige of its
[London: John Boydell, 1780.] commissioner, the series was the first great success in
Crayon-manner stipple, printed in brown, 18th century Lorrain's career. From the Berkeley Collection,
watermark. 185 x 255mm (7¼ x 10"), with large Spetchley Park.
margins. £320 Stock: 55086
A half-length composition, with Venus holding one
arrow and Cupid's quiver while he reaches to draw 80. Al Sig. G. Guillon Le Thiere Pittore
another arrow from it. celeberrimo e Direttore della Imperiale e Reale
Engraved from a red chalk in the Royal Collection, Accademia di Francia in Roma. Dal Quadro
which was probably an early sketch for the painting in originale presso il S. Cav. Gio. Gherardo De
Apsley House, home of the Duke of Wellington. De Rossi. Pietro Parboni D. D. D.
Vesme 2196. Gasparo Pussino dipinse. Niccola de Antoni impresse.
Stock: 53326
Pietro Parboni disegno e incise. [Rome, n.d. c.1807-
Etching with engraving. 465 x 610mm (18¼ x 24"),
with wide margins. Mint. £350
A rustic scene of two shepherds quiding their sheep
and cattle through a wood. After Gaspard Dughet
(1615-1675), a student of Poussin. Dughet's successful
career as a landscape artist saw him become one of the
best known painters in Rome, alonside Poussin and
Claude Lorrain. From the Berkeley Collection,
Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55091

81. Al Sig.r Edoardo Dodwell Amatore e

Protettore delle Belle Arti. Celebre Quandro
Originale de Gaspare Pussino, nella collezione
del Signor Tomasso Anson in Londra. Pietro
78. [Landscape with Hunter Shooting Parboni D. D. D.
Ducks]. A Sua Eccellenza la Sig.ra Elisabetta Gaspare Pussino invento e dipinse. Pietro Parboni
Duchessa di Devonshire Amatrice e Protellrice disegno e incise. Nicola de Antoni impresse. Si vende
delle Belle Arti. L'Originale esiste presso il in Roma presso Nicola de Antoni in Piazza di Spagna
Sig.r Giovanni Maldura Pittore Paesista in N.o 84. Rome, [n.d. c.1810-1832]
Etching and engraving. 480 x 600mm (19 x 23¾"),
Piazza di Spagna N.o 26. Pietro Parboni D. D.
with large margins. Extreme edges bit rough. £420
D. Pastoral scene in a wooded glade. Two figures stand by
Nicolo Pussino invento e dipinse. Pietro Parboni the riverside looking at a woman emerging from the
disegno e incise. Nicola de Antoni impresse. In Roma water. An engraving by Pietro Parboni after Gaspardo
presso Nicola de Antoni, Neg.te in Piazza di Spagna Dughet (1615-1675), a student of Poussin. Dughet's
N.o 84. Rome, [n.d. after 1800] successful career as a landscape artist saw him become
Engraving. 490 x 600mm (19¼ x 23½"), with large one of the best known painters in Rome, alonside
margins. Mint. £450 Poussin and Claude Lorrain. From the Berkeley
A rustic landscape with two hunters shooting ducks Collection, Spetchley Park.
with spears by the riverside. Two other figures lounge Stock: 55093
on the far bank. Engraved by Pietro Parboni (1783-
1841) after Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665). From the
82. An Ecclesiastical Map of England and
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55090 Wales Shewing the Position of the Catholic
Churches, Chapels, Colleges, Missions, &
79. La Cuccagna Celebre Quadro Original Relgious Houses, With the Boundaries of the
di Claudio Lorenese, esistent in Parigi. Archdiocese and the Diocese, With a Plan of
Claudio di Lorena inv. e dip. Pietro Parboni dis. e inc. London Shewing the Position of the Catholic
Si vende in Roma presso Nicola de Antoni Neg.a in Churches &c. Together With a List of the
Piazza di Spagna No. 84. Nicola de Antoni impresse. Towns in which Catholic Churches are
Rome, [n.d. c.1800-1841]. Established. 1851.
Etching. 480 x 600mm (19 x 23¾"), with large Designed by Daniel Grant. Lithographed by Daniel
margins. Mint. £380 Grant & Co, 75, Fleet Street. Sold by Charles Dolman,
A pastoral scene of gathered villagers or 'contadini in 61 New Bond St & 48a Paternoster Row.
festa', dancing and playing music at the edge of a Scarce lithographic map. Sheet 750 x 570mm (29½ x
forest. Cattle and other livestock graze nearby. The 22½"). Creasing and surface soiling, pinholes in
original painting by Claude Lorrain (c.1600-1682) was corners, laid on linen. £500
A map of the Catholic churches and chapels in England 85. [Battle of Cap-Français] The Glorious
and Wales. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Action off Cape Francois 21 1757,
Park. between Three English, & Seven French Ships
Stock: 54974
of Warr wherein the latter were entirely
83. Pavillons et Cocardes des Principales Francis Swaine Pinx. Printed for Jn.o Bowles at No. 13
Puissance du Globe d'apres des Documens in Cornhill, [blank] & Hen. Parker opposite Brickin
Officiels. Lane in Cornhill, Rob. Sayer at the Golden Buck in
Atlas Universel N.o 50. Paris. Chardon Fleet Street, & Carington Bowles No 69, in St Pauls
Fils. Rue Racine 3. Publie a Paris par E. Andriveau- Church Yard [n.d., c.1760.]
Goujon Rue du Bac. N.o 21. 1860. Engraving. 335 x 470mm (13¼ x 18½"), with large
Hand coloured engraving. 455 x 600mm (17½ x 23½"). margins. £380
Small losses to left and bottom right corners. Small tear The Battle of Cap-Français (present day Cap-Haïtien,
through the publication line. £320 Haiti), during the Seven Years' War, in which
Global maritime ensigns as of 1860, which most Commodore Forrest was commanded to intercept a
notably includes the US Great Star flag. French convoy in the Caribbean, bound for France. By
Stock: 55126
the time of the British attack, the French convoy had
been reinforced. The outcome was tactically indecisive
(contrary to the legend beneath this print), but the
bravery of the British in fighting against heavy odds
saw the battle remembered as a 'glorious action'.
Plate 1 of a series of naval battles by marine painter
Francis Swain (c.1719-82). Parker 59a.
Stock: 54808

86. [Battle of Cartagena] The Monmouth of

64 Guns taking the Foudroyant a French Man
of War of 84 Guns, on the 28th of Feb. 1758 in
the Mediterranean. In this Action the English
had 30 kill'd (including the Gallant
Commander) & 80 wounded, the French 50
84. [Bishops Court] The Gallant Action (off kill'd & 150 wounded [...]
the Isle of Man) where the Brave Cap.t Elliot Francis Swaine Pinx. Printed for Jn.o Bowles at No. 13
in Cornhill, Carington Bowles No 69, in St Pauls
Defeated & took the Marshall Belleisle,
Church Yard, Rob. Sayer at the Golden Buck in Fleet
Commanded by the Famous Thurot, and two Street, and Hen. Parker opposite Brickin Lane in
other French Ships of War the 28th. of Cornhill, [n.d., c.1760.]
February 1760. Engraving. 335 x 470mm (13¼ x 18½"), with large
Fran.s Swaine Pinx.t. P.C. Canot Sculp. Printed for margins. Small tears in bottom margins repaired. £380
Carington Bowles, No 69 in St Pauls Chiurch Yard, & The interception of the French flagship Foudroyant by Bowles No 13 Cornhill, Rob.t Sayer at the Golden three British ships of the line, the Monmouth (firing at
Buck in Fleet Street [n.d., c.1760s]. the Foudroyant in the centre), Swiftsure, and Hampton
Engraving. 335 x 465mm (12¾ x 18¼"), with large Court (both of which are on the right). The action took
margins. £380 place during the Battle of Cartagena during the Seven
The Battle of Bishops Court, in which privateer Years' War in which a British fleet blockaded a French
François Thurot's ships, the ships Maréchal de Belle- fleet off the Spanish port.
Isle, Terpsichore and Blonde, were brought to battle off Plate 2 of a series of naval battles by marine painter
the Isle of Man. After a close-fought action, Thurot's Francis Swain (c.1719-82). The original painting is in
force was battered into submission, with his ships the National Maritime Museum (BHC0383) .
dismasted and reduced to a sinking condition. Thurot Stock: 54809
was hit by a musket ball and died during the action,
with his body being thrown overboard. Around 300 of 87. [Dogger Bank] This Representation of
the French had been killed or wounded, while British the Action between the British Fleet under the
losses amounted to four killed and 15 wounded on
Command of Vice Admiral Parker and the
Aeolus, one killed and five wounded on Pallas and 11
wounded on Brilliant. Thurot's body was washed Dutch Fleet under the Command of Vice
ashore at Port William and was buried with full Admiral Zouten on the Dogger Bank the 5th of
military honours at Kirkmaiden, Galloway, Scotland. 1781...
Plate 6 of a series of naval battles by marine painter Painted by D. Serres Esq.r R.A. Marine Painter to his
Francis Swain (c.1719-82). Parker 1256. Majesty, and Engraved by R. Pollard. London,
Stock: 54810 Published the 1st May, 1782 by R. Wilkinson, No 58.
Cornhill, and R. Pollard, Braynes Row, Spa Fields.
Rare engraving. 485 x 615mm (19 x 24¼"). Thread Rare mezzotint, printed in blue and black, finished by
margins. £680 hand. 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"), with anrrow
The Battle of Dogger Bank was fought during the margins. A little surface wear in title area, losing 'or',
Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, started because the Dutch repaired tear in bottom margin. £380
were supplying the Americans during the Revolution. Horatio Nelson on the foredeck of 'Vanguard', being
It was fought between two fleets escorting convoys supported by two crewmen after being hit on the
and, despite both sides claiming victory, it forced the forehead by a piece of French shot. His Flag Captain,
Dutch fleet back into harbour where it remained for the Edward Berry (named under the image), stands to one
rest of the war. side.
Stock: 54647 The publisher, John Fairburn, published a number of
broadsheet plans of Nelson's victories.
88. [Battle of La Hogue] To the Right Stock: 54664
Honourable the Lord Grosvenor, This Plate
engraved from a Picture of The Battle of La
Hogue in his Lordship's Collection is
dedicated By His Lordship's much obliged and
most obedient humble Servants - Benjamin
West and William Woollett.
Painted by B. West, Historical Painter to His Majesty.
Engraved by W. Woollett, Engraver to His Majesty.
Published as the Act directs, 18 Oct.r 1781 by B. West,
W. Woollett & J. Hall, London.
Etching, fine impression. 490 x 615mm (19¼ x 24¼").
Repaired tears in title area, margins with folds and
chips. £420
The Battle of La Hogue, 3-4th June 1692, during the
Nine Years' War, in which the remains of a French
fleet transporting an invasion force to England was 91. The Monarch Steam Ship. The London
attacked by an Anglo-Dutch force in longboats. All & Edinburgh Company's Steam Ship
twelve French ships were destroyed. This plate shows Monarch, W.m Bain R.N. Commander,
the bitter hand to hand fighting. BM S,1.58, second passing the Bass Rock on her Voyage ro
published state, with the addition of 'Historical Painter Edinburgh 21st July 1834. A Voyage
to His Majesty'; Fagen 114. performed in 37 Hours.
Stock: 54701 Engraved by Edw.d Duncan. Painted by W.J. Huggins,
Marine Painter to His Majesty, & Published by Him, at
89. The Brave Captain Tyrill in the 105, Leadenhall Street, Feb.y 9th 1835.
Buckingham of 66 Guns & 472 Men Defeating Fine and rare aquatint, printed in blue and hand
the Florissant, Aigrette & Atlante, three finished. 440 x 600mm (17¼ x 23½"). Trimmed within
French Ships of War, 3d. of Nov.r 1758... plate, paper cracks in image repaired, some creasing
Fran.s. Swaine Pinx.t. P. Benarzech Sculp. Printed for lower left. £790
Robert Sayer, at the Golden Buck in Fleet Street, Hen.y The Monarch paddle steamer, owned by the London &
Parker at No.82 opposite Birchin Lane in Cornhill, Edinburgh Steam Packet Company, in the Firth of
Carington Bowles No.69 in St. Pauls Church Yard. Forth.
Stock: 54703
[n.d., c.1775.]
Engraving with etching, 18th century watermark. 335 x
465mm (13¼ x 18¼"), with large margins. £380 92. To his Royal Highness George Prince of
Captain Richard Tyrrell of the Buckingham fights a Wales, This Plate of his Maj.ties Ship the Royal
duel with the French Florissant and two frigates off George is most humbly Inscribed.
Monserrat on 3rd November 1758. Eventually, the T. Baston delin: J. Cole Sculp. [n.d., c.1714.]
French ship escaped, but with many casualties. Engraving. Sheet 335 x 485mm (13¼ x 19"). Mss
Plate 3 of a series of naval battles by marine painter borders added through image from a print screen. £680
Francis Swain (c.1719-82). The original painting is in 'Royal George' was a short-lived name for the Royal
the National Maritime Museum (BHC0383) . Parker: Navy 100-gun ship of the line launched in 1675 as
62, b. 'Royal James'. After the Glorious Revolution she was
Stock: 54811 renamed 'Victory', then 'Royal George' in 1714, on the
Hanoverian accession, but reverted to 'Victory' the
90. [Battle of the Nile] The Hazards of War following year. She burned to the waterline in 1721
[or], Nelson Wounded. The Courageous and was broken up.
Stock: 55056
Nelson received a Wound in the memorable
Engagement of the 1st Aug.t 1798...
Published 24th. Nov.r 1798, by J. Fairburn, 146,
Minories, London.
93. Lee View and Weather Bow View under Scarce engraving. 420 x 310mm (16½ x 12¾").
Two Reef Main Sail. No.4. Repaired tear on right. £380
Drawn on stone by J. Rogers. Printed by Rowney & A representation of a trophy commissioned to celebrate
Forster. Published by T. McLean. 26, Haymarket [n.d., the State Visit of William IV and Queen Adelaide to
c.1824]. the Royal Armouries in the Tower of London, 5th
Rare lithograph. Sheet 305 x 435mm (12 x 17"), with August 1830. They were received by Arthur, Duke of
large margins. £260 Wellington, who was Constable of the Tower. Placed
One boat flies the White Ensign. on the Grand Staircase, it features a bust of the king
Stock: 55044 surrounded by a variety of weapons, including relics of
Blenheim and Waterloo. The trophy was destroyed in
94. Lee View of a Yawl Yacht. No.5. the fire in the Tower of London of 1841
Stock: 54747
[Drawn on stone by J. Rogers.] Printed by Rowney &
Forster. Published by T. McLean. 26, Haymarket [n.d.,
c.1824]. 97. Triumphal Entry of the Brave and
Rare lithograph. Sheet 305 x 435mm (12 x 17"), with Glorious Guards into London, July 9, 1856.
large margins. £260 Sketched from Opposite the Treasury
Stock: 55042 Buildings and Horse Guards. ''Alma'' -
''Inkermann'' - ''Sebastapol.''
London: Published July 11th, 1856, by Read & Co., 10,
Johnson's Court, Fleet Street.
Fine coloured tinted lithograph. Sheet 455 x 530mm
(18 x 20¾"), with blind stamp of 'Ackermann & Co'
under publication line. Repaired tear at top, crease
through inscription area. £360
Battalions of Grenadier, Fusilier and Coldstream
Guards, veterans of the Crimean War, in Whitehall,
having marched from Nine Elms Station on their way
to Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park. Led by their
brass band, they carry their battle-scarred ensigns.
This print was published only two days after the event.
Stock: 54705

98. View of the Royal Artillery Barracks,

95. [Battle of the Boyne.] To His Royal Woolwich. Dedicated by permission, to the
Highness George Prince of Wales, This Plate Rigth Hon.ble the Earl of Mulgrave, Master
engraved from the original Picture of The General of the Ordnance, by his most obedient
Battle of the Boyne, in the Collection of the R.t humble Servant, [Jas. Cockburn, Major in the
Hon.ble the Lord Grosvenor Is by permission Royal Artillery. ]
Dedicated by His Roal Highnesse's most Drawn by Major Cockburn. Engraved by R. Havell &
faithful obedient Servants - Benj.n West and Son. 3 Chapel Street, Tottenham Court Road.
John Hill. [Published March 30, 1816, for the Proprietor, by
Painted by B. West, Historical Painter to His Majesty. Colnaghi & Co, Cockspur Street, London.]
Engraved by John Hall. Published as the Act directs, Coloured aquatint. Sheet 340 x 500mm (13½ x 19¾").
18 Oct.r 1781 by B. West, j. Hall & W. Woollett, Trimmed, losing end of dedication and publication
London. line. £390
Etching with engraving, 18th century watermark. 485 x The Royal Artillery excercising. From "Cockburn's
615mm (19 x 24¼"). Trimmed to plate, some toning of Woolwich'. Ogilby: 186.
Stock: 54950
paper. £420
William III on a white horse, leading his army across
the Boyne, 1st July 1690. Bottom right the Duke of 99. [Buonaparte. Peint à son retour de
Schomberg is carried off by four soldiers, having been Moscow.]
shot in the neck BM: 1876,0708.2600, final published [Peint par R. Lefevre, à Paris 1813. Gravé par T.
state. Lupton.] Published Feb.y 9th,, 1819, by John Bell,
Stock: 54702 corner of Southampton Street, Strand.
Very scarce mezzotint. Sheet 405 x 270mm (16 x
96. This Armoury was Honoured by the 10¾"). Trimmed into image, laid on decorated mount.
Presence of Their Majesties King William the £360
Impressive portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte in dress
4th and Queen Adelaide on the 5th August
uniform, hat under left arm, right hand inside his tunic.
1830. On the desk is a volume of the Napoleonic Code.
Drawn by C. Caplin. Engraved by Ja.s Bedaway. After Robert Lefèvre (1755 - 1830). From the Berkeley
Printed by Gaywood & Longworth. Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54690
100. [Leopard Drinking.] A fine example of colour printing, with the colour
HD. Herbert Dicksee [pencil signature.] [n.d., c.1915.] printed from two plates, with no hand retouching.
Drypoint etching, signed artist's proof. 210 x 350mm The publisher, Louis Marin Bonnet, was the inventor
(8¼ x 13¾"), with large margins. £980 of crayon manner. He operated from the above address
A leopard crouching to drink from a pool, exhibited at between 1776 and 1789. The engraver, L. F.
the Royal Academy in 1918. From the artist's Duruisseau, also engraved for Pierre-Joseph Redouté.
grandson and the celebrated collection of Bryan & See Dunthorne 211 for a print probably from the same
Valerie Steele. series. Collection J. Herold.
Stock: 54999 Stock: 54911

104. Laurie's New and Entertaining Game of

the Golden Goose.
Published Nov.r 22nd 1848 by Rich.d Holmes Laurie,
No 53 Fleet Street, London..
Engraving. 400 x 480mm (15¾ x 19"). Top corner left
loss into plate, other tears in very large margins £360
A 'goose-game', with the board in the shape of a goose,
with the rules in an oval above.
Stock: 55064

105. Scriptural Protean Views, No. 2. Mount

Ararat Changing to The Descent of Noah from
the Ark.
101. [Bear of the North.]
By G.F. Bragg. Printed by W.Kohler. London, William
HD. Herbert Dicksee [pencil signature.] [n.d., c.1915.]
Spooner, No. 337 Strand. [n.d., c.1840.]
Etching with drypoint, limited edition 100, one state
Very rare coloured lithograph. 150 x 180mm (6 x 7"),
only, signed by the artist. 205 x 330mm (8 x 13"), with
trimmed and laid on card with title label, backed with
large margins. Mint. £1350
tissue, as issued. £260
A reclaining polar bear, on a rocky outcrop at night.
A view of Mount Ararat that changes when the image
Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942) was an English
is held up to a light source, with a stream of animals
painter who specialised in paintings of dogs and
coming down the mountain, a rainbow and Noah
animals. He studied at the Slade School of Art and his
sacrificing at a burning altar.
first painting was exhibited in 1881. His paintings were Stock: 55131
usually done from life; he kept numerous dogs as pets
and frequented London Zoo. His daughter, Dorothy
was the executor of his will, which directed her to 106. Spooner's Protean Views, No. 7. The
destroy most of the plates for his etchings. From the Rival Heroes or a Fight for the Championship.
celebrated collection of Bryan & Valerie Steele. Between the two gamest Birds in Europe.
Stock: 54661 ''When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug
of War.''
102. [Tiger sleeping.] London, William Spooner, No. 337 Strand. June 18
H.D. 1920 [Herbert Dicksee pencil signature.] 1836.
Drypoint etching, signed in pencil by the artist. 180 x Coloured lithograph, 145 x 195mm (5¾ x 7¾"),
350mm (7 x 13¾"), with very large margins, five trimmed and laid on card, stamped "Crayon Papers fast
blindstamps including the Fine Art Trade Guild. Mint. colours Creswick", with title label, backed with tissue,
£980 as issued. £350
Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942) was an English A transformation print: when held up to a light source
painter who specialised in paintings of dogs and the two fighting cocks acquire the heads of Wellington
animals. He studied at the Slade School of Art and his and Napoleon.
first painting was exhibited in 1881. His paintings were Stock: 55132
usually done from life; he kept numerous dogs as pets
and frequented London Zoo. His daughter, Dorothy 107. Spooner's Protean Views, No. 13. The
was the executor of his will, which directed her to Magic Mirror.
destroy most of the plates for his etchings. From the London, William Spooner, No. 337 Strand. [n.d.,
celebrated collection of Bryan & Valerie Steele. c.1836.]
Stock: 54997 Coloured lithograph, 220 x 145mm (8¾ x 5¾"),
trimmed and laid on card stamped stamped "Crayon
103. Bouquet de Roses. Papers fast colours Creswick", with title label, backed
Carle delin. Duruisseau Sc. Bonnet direx. A Paris, with tissue, as issued. £390
Chez Bonnet, rue St Jacques, au coin de celle de la A magician pulls back a curtain to show two young
Parcheminerie [n.d., c.1780]. girls his magic mirror. When held up to the light the
Crayon-manner etching, printed in red and green, mirror shows her wedding day.
fantastic piece of colour printing. Sheet 280 x 195mm Stock: 55133
(11 x 7¾"). Trimmed within plate. £390
108. Spooner's Protean Views, No. 21. of the buildings are lit, and the sky has stars and a
Napoleon at the Battle of Wagram, Changing crescent moon.
Stock: 54796
to The Conflagration of Moscow.
London, William Spooner, No. 337 Strand. [n.d.,
Coloured lithograph, 150 x 170mm (6 x 6¾"), trimmed
and laid on card with title label, backed with tissue, as
issued. £260
The scene changes when held up to a light source.
Stock: 55130

109. Spooner's Protean Views, No. 27.

Westminster Abbey Fitted Up for the
Coronation of Queen Victoria, Changing to the
Ceremony of the Homage.
London, William Spooner, No. 337 Strand. [n.d.,
113. [Vue de la côte de Dordrecht proche du
Coloured lithograph, 180 x 350mm, trimmed and laid
on card with title label, backed with tissue, as issued. Port Groothooft à Dordrecht.]
£260 [n.d., c.1780.]
The empty Abbey fills with people when held up to a Engraving with original hand colour. Sheet 310 x
light source. 470mm (12¼ x 18½"), prepared as a transparency.
Stock: 55134 Trimmed, losing title, edges blacked, a little surface
wear. £260
A view of the harbour of Dordrecht, prepared as a
110. Vue du Chateau de Choisy le Roy du côté
transparency, with pinholes with coloured tissue on the
du Jardin. reverse so that when it is held up to a light the windows
[n.d., c.1780.] of the buildings are lit, and the sky has stars and a
Engraving with original hand colour. Sheet 255 x crescent moon.
430mm (10 x 17"), prepared as a transparency. Stock: 54798
Trimmed to plate, edges blacked, colour smears a little
surface wear. £160
114. [Vue d'un partie de la ville Dordrecht
A view of the royal residence, the Château de Choisy,
prepared as a transparency, with pinholes with prise de le Moulin é Ciment de la Village de
coloured tissue on the reverse so that when it is held up Zwyndrecht.]
to a light the windows of the buildings are lit. [n.d., c.1780.]
Stock: 54799 Engraving with original hand colour. Sheet 310 x
435mm (12¼ x 17"), prepared as a transparency.
111. No. 16 Morgan's Improved Protean Trimmed, losing title, edges blacked, a little surface
wear. £260
Scenery. The Great Fall of Niagara. This Print
A view of the harbour of Dordrecht, prepared as a
at first represents the Great Fall of Niagara by transparency, with pinholes with coloured tissue on the
day; and upon holding it before the light, it will reverse so that when it is held up to a light the windows
present for your view the American Steamer of the buildings are lit, and the sky has stars and a
Caroline on fire, as it appearewd a few seconds crescent moon.
before it was launched into the awful abyss, on Stock: 54797
the night of the 29th of Dec.r 1837.
London. Published Feb.y 24th, 1838, by W. Morgan, 115. Portraits of Mr & Mrs Cosway.
25, Bartletts Buildings, Holborn Hill. R.d Cosway RA delin. R.t Thew Sc . Published 1 June
Coloured lithograph. 170 x 230mm (6¾ x 9"), trimmed 1789 by M. Lawson, No. 96, Strand corner of Beaufort
and laid on card with title label, as issued. Paper crack Buildings.
top left. Foxing. £360 Fine stipple, printed in brown. 380 x 260mm (15 x
A transformation print. 10¼"), with large margins. Uncut. Mint. £480
Stock: 55135 A rare self-portrait of the artist Richard Cosway and
his wife Maria. It was originally published with the
112. [Vue du Port de Cadiz vers l'Orient.] title 'Abelard and Heloise in the Gardens of Fulberts
[n.d., c.1780.] Country Residence at Corbeil', the same year. From the
Engraving with original hand colour. Sheet 285 x Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
405mm (11¼ x 16"), prepared as a transparency. Stock: 54975
Trimmed, losing title, edges blacked, a little surface
wear. £260
The entrace of Cadiz harbour, with a lighthouse and a
fort. The print has pinholes with coloured tissue on the
reverse so that when it is held up to a light the windows
119. Apotheosis of Her Royal Highness The
Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales. To
Perpetuate the Memory of this Amiable
Princess, so justly beloved and regretted By the
British Nation, This tribute of Respect is most
humbly Dedicated to her afflicted Consort His
Royal Highness Prince Leopold of Saxe
Coburg, by Lieut.t R.P. Read. Proof.
Lieut.t Read Inv.t E. Burney Del.t. Fry & Wright
Sculp. London Published June, 1818, for the
Proprietor by J. Rippin, No.21. Theobalds Road.
Stipple. 470 x 325mm (18½ x 12¾"), with very large
margins, watermarked 'J Whatman 1817'. £320
A tribute to Princess Charlotte of Wales (1796-1817)
who tragically died following childbirth aged 21. It
shows her raised to heaven, with her stillborn baby
carried by a cherub. Allegorical women weep at her
tomb, including Britannia. Windsor Castle can be seen
in the background. From the Berkeley Collection,
Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54691

120. Henricus VIII. D.G. Ang. Fr. &

Hiberniæ, Rex, F.D.
R. Houston fecit [after Hans Holbein]. Printed for E.
116. [Hieronimi du Quenoy] Hic ille est Bakewell & H. Parker, in Cornhill London.
quondam Fratri vix dispar in Arte, [...]. Mezzotint. 260 x 200mm (10¼ x 8"), with large
Sculptoris egregii ad imitationem Fabula per A. Van margins. Slightly time stained. £180
Dyck ad vivum depictae R. Brookshaw fe.t Bruxellis A half-length portrait of Henry VIII wearing a fur robe,
Anno Salutis 1779. Brussles, 1779. feathered cap and large chains.
Rare mezzotint. 240 x 160mm (9½ x 6¼"). In mount. Stock: 55061
Trimmed to plate mark. £450
A portrait of Jerome Duquesnoy (II), or Hieronymus 121. [Amalia Augusta Prinzessin von Anhalt
Duquesnoy, (1602-1654) a Flemish architect and Dessau. Ihro Hochfürstl: Durchlaucht der
sculptor. Ex collection Soliman Lieutand. Frau Erbprinzessin zu Anhalt Dessau &c. &c.
Stock: 55125
[Nach Tischbein. Geschabt von Michelis.]
117. [Self-portrait of John Jackson] [unterthangiggst gewidmet von der Chalcographischen
[Engraved by William Ward after John Jackson.] [n.d., Geserllschaft in Dessau 1797.]
1832.] Mezzotint, proof before letters, printed in sepia. 520 x
Rare mezzotint, proof before letters. 340 x 255mm 370mm (20½ x 14½"), with very large margins. Some
(13½ x 10"), with large margins. £280 restoration in centre, laid on archival paper. £380
John Jackson RA (1778-1831), portrait painter whose A young girl in a white dress putting an ornament on a
sitters included the Duke of Wellington and the Christmas tree.
explorer Sir John Franklin. This portrait was engraved Princess Amalie Auguste of Anhalt-Dessau (1793-
posthumously by the uncle of his widow, Matilda 1854) married her first cousin, Frederick Günther,
Louisa Ward, the daughter of the painter James Ward. becoming Princess Consort of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
Atmospheric image. Stock: 55063
Stock: 55068

122. [A child asleep lying on a pillow.]

118. Anna D.G. Magnæ Britanniæ, Scotiæ, F. Bartolozzi R.A. Delt. Rob.t Sam.l Marcuard, Pupil
Galliæ et Hiberniæ Regina. Augusta, of Fran. Bartolozzi, Scul. [n.d. c.1786.]
Religionis acerrima vindex. Stipple printed in sanquine, pt 18th century watermark.
Petrus Schenck fecit et excud: Amstelod: cum Privil: 245 x 310mm (9¾ x 12¼"), with large margins on 3
ordin: Holland: et Westfrisiæ. G. Kneller Eques pinx: sides. Trimmed to platemark at bottom. £280
[Amsterdam, c.1710]. Robert Samuel Marcuard (1751-92).
Mezzotint. 330 x 250mm (13 x 9¾"), with large Stock: 53325
margins. £260
Portrait of Queen Anne (1665-1714), half-length in an
oval, wearing a small crown, pearl necklace, ermine-
lined robes with jewels.
Stock: 54795
123. [Unidentified Woman.] County Palatine of Durham' (1823) that Place had
JW [old ink mss., James Ward?]. [n.d., c.1800.] 'scraped a fine mezzotinto of his friend and relation
Very rare mezzotint, proof before letters. 475 x 355mm Philip Woolrich'.
(18¾ x 14"), with large margins watermarked '[I] C de The original pastel & chalk is in the Yale Centre for
R IM-HOF. Gr. K Re'. Tear in margin repaired. £320 British Art. CS 14, state i of ii. The BM has a titled
A woman with pearls in her hair. example annotated 'Buried at Darlington 23 July
The watermark is that of Johann Christoph de Rudolph 1699'.
Im-Hof, Basle, Switzerland. The Tate has a J.M.W. Stock: 53030
Turner sketchbook by that maker, dating from 1802.
Stock: 55066 126. John Rennie.
Chantrey R.A. Sc.t. Reynolds Eng.r. [n.d. c. 1820]
Mezzotint. 505 x 355mm (20 x 14"). Framed.
Unexamined out of frame. £360
An engraving of Sir Francis Chantrey's bust of civil
engineer John Rennie (1761-1821), set in an arched
alcove, now in the National Portrait Gallery. Rennie is
most famous for his Waterloo Bridge (1811-7).
Chantrey (1781-1841) was the leading portrait sculptor
in Regency England, His subjects included George III
(now in the Guildhall), George IV (equestrian statue in
Trafalgar Square) and George Washington
(Massachusetts State House). Whitman: 245.
Stock: 54622

127. The Right Hon. George Macartney, Earl

of Macartney, K.B.
Engraved by G. Bartolozzi, from an original Drawing
by H. Edridge. Published Jan. 14. 1817, by T. Cadell &
W. Davies, Strand, London.
Stipple with etching, 365 x 265mm (14¼ x 10½").
Trimmed to plate on left. £160
George Macartney (1737-1806), 1st Earl Macartney,
diplomatist and colonial governor, the first envoy of
Britain to China in 1793.
After Henry Edridge (1768 - 1821).
Stock: 55069

128. Henry M Stanley [facsimile signature].

124. [Woman in riding dress] In her love Photographed by the London Stereoscopic Company.
darting Eyes awakes the Fires [...] [n.d., 1872.]
Jos. Vanhaecken pinx. Alex. Van haecken fe. Sold by Albumen photograph on printed card. Photo 90 x
T. Jefferys in the Strand and W. Herbert on London 60mm (3½ x 2¼"), sheet 210 x 130mm (8¼ x 5¼").
Bridge. [n.d., c.1750.] Repaired tear in backing sheet. £160
Scarce mezzotint. 460 x 310mm (18 x 12¼"). Thread Full-length portrait of Henry Morton Stanley with pith
margins, some restoration, laid on archival paper, with helmet and gun, with staged 'Africa' background.
modern paper border. £650 The National Portrait Gallery has a carte-de-visite from
A full length portrait of a woman in riding dress, a the same session titled 'Mr Stanley in the Dress he
whip hanging from the wrist. wore when he met Livingstone in Africa'. See NPG
Originally published by the engraver, Alexander Van x46623.
Haecken. CS 22, state ii of ii. Stock: 55075
Stock: 54805

129. Beatrice. Vide Shakespear's Much ado

125. [Philip Woolrich.] about Nothing.
[Engraved by Frances Place after John Greenhill.] R. Westall, A. inv. T. Cheesman sculp, late Pupil to F.
[London: John Overton, n.d., c.1680.] Bartolozzi. Publsh'd Feb.y 10, 1793 by J.F. Tomkins,
Scarce mezzotint, proof before letters, 17th century New Bond Street.
watermark. 270 x 200mm (10½ x 7¾"), with large Stipple, 315 x 205mm (12½ x 8"), with large margins,
margins. Incorrect ink identification of sitter as the partial 18th century watermark £290
Duke of Monmouth. Slight stain in hair. Top margin on Beatrice, niece of Leonato, governor of Messina,
right top replaced. £360 subject of a matchmaking plot.
Portrait of Philip Woolrich (d.1699), in elaborate wig Stock: 55070
and armour, looking over his right shoulder towards
the viewer. Little is known about Woolrich: William
Hutchinson wrote in his 'History and Antiquities of the
A half-length portrait in oval of William Pitt the
Younger (1759-1806), who became the youngest-ever
Prime Minister in 1783, aged 24. The title refers to him
as Chancellor of the Exchequer because the office of
'Prime Minister' had yet to become formalised. CS 32,
ii of ii.
Stock: 54624

133. [Samuel Whitbread.]

[Engraved by S.W. Reynolds after James Northcote.]
[n.d., c.1815.]
Mezzotint, proof before letters. 630 x 355mm (24¾ x
14"). Framed. Lettered in pencil. Trimmed to plate, laid
on album paper. Mounted over paper edge. £450
Full length portrait of Samuel Whitbread (1756-1815),
politician and brewer, shown with a bust of Fox, the
Bill of Rights and a Magna Charta scroll.
Whitbread was a friend and early patron of the
engraver, Samuel William Reynolds.
This mezzotint comes from an album belonging to the
Northcote family and is the only example we can trace.
Probably the plate was never published, shelved by the
family after Whitbread's messy suicide. A lithographed
130. Herr Blasius Rauchmantl, der frucht- version by Samuel Cecil was published by Ackermann
loßen Alchimie Kunst Archi-Sectator, Quintae in 1831. The painting hangs in Bedford Magistrates'
Essentiae Stultorum Possessor. 36 Court. Not in CS or Whitman. Ex: Collection of The
[by Martin Engelbrecht.] [Augsburg: Martin Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
Engelbrecht, c.1715.] Stock: 54627
Etching, printed ftom two plates, total 270 x 170mm
(10¾ x 6¾"). £450 134. [Oliver Cromwell.]
A portrait of the famous dwarf alchemist, Blasius F. Bartolozzi R.A sculp. Published as the Act Directs
Rauschmantle, peering through spectacles as he adds a Octr. 11th 1802.
liquid to a vessel on a furnace. Fine stipple plate, proof before letters; 495 x 420mm
Plate 36 from 'Il Callotto resusciato oder Neü (19½ x 16½") with large margins. £360
eingerichtes Zwerchen Cabinet' by Martin Engelbrecht Half-length portrait of Oliver Cromwell (1599 - 1658),
(1684-1756), engraver and publisher in Augsburg, with in armour holding baton. One of the commanders of
portraits of famous dwarfs in the style of Jacques the New Model Army which defeated the royalists in
Callot's 'Gobbi' or 'Lilliputian' figures, printed within the English Civil War. During the Commonwealth of
elaborate borders. BM 1938,0617.12.48. England, Cromwell conquered Ireland and Scotland,
Stock: 54929 and ruled as Lord Protector from 1653 until his death
in 1658. After Robert Walker (died 1658), with
131. Harriot Lady Dundas, Lawrence Lord adaptations.
Dundas, and the Hon.ble John Charles Stock: 54988

Painted by C.W. Pegler. Engraved by C. Turner, 135. [George Alsop] This but the shade of him
A.R.A. [London, Published March 8, 1832, by Mr. adorn'd in White...
Turner, 50, Warren Street, Fitzroy Square.] W. Sherwin fecit. [London: R. Reynolds, 1669.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 420 x 330mm (16½ x 13"). Trimmed Rare engraving. Sheet 110 x 80mm (4¼ x 3¼").
within plate, losing publication line. £260 Trimmed to image, notch in bottom edge. £260
A group portrait of Lawrence Dundas (1766-1839), 1st Portrait of George Alsop, the frontispiece of his ''An
Earl of Zetland, with his wife one of his sons, John Orthodox Plea for the Sanctuary of God, Common
Charles Dundas (1808 –1866). Whitman: 2, II. NPG: Service, and White Robe of the House''. This was a
D7147. polemic in support of church worship. While he does
Stock: 55067 not mention any nonconformist sects by name, he
condemns 'wretches' who claim to have 'a quickening
132. The R.t Hon.ble William Pitt, Late spirit within them that informs them of all things',
Chancellor of the Exchequer. Engraved from apparently a reference to the Quaker 'inner light'.
the Original Picture in the Possession of S.r Alsop was ordained deacon by Henry King, Bishop of
Chichester c.1666, then priest in 1669.
Brook Watson, Bar.t. Stock: 54812
Painted by Gainsborough Dupont, 1792. Engraved by
Richard Earlom. Published by Boydell & Co. Aug.t 1.
1806, No. 90 Cheapside, London.
Mezzotint. 515 x 350mm (20½ x 13¾"). Framed. £360
136. [Leonard of Port Maurice]. Pio Sexto Seated portrait of Barbara Palmer (née Villiers) (1640-
Pont. Max Quod Beatorum Caelitum fastis 1709), mistress of Charles II during the 1660s. In 1670
adscripserit Leonardum a Portu Maurito... Charles made her Duchess of Cleveland, giving her
Joan Emili scul. 1797. Henry VIII's Nonsuch Palace. In 1683 she had the
Engraving. 600 x 365mm (23½ x 14½"), with large palace pulled down to sell the building materials to pay
margins. £230 her gambling debts. CS 5, ii of ii. Ex: Collection of The
A scene of Saint Leonard of Port Maurice (1675-1751), Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
Stock: 54650
a Franciscan missionary, preaching in Corsica. This
print was published the year after Pope Pius VI
pronounced his beatification in 1796; he was canonised
by Pius IX in 1867. From the Berkeley Collection,
Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54979

137. [Angela Merici.] D.N. Pio VI Pont Max.

Effigiem Angelae Mericiae Matris dedicat
Sodalitas Ursulinarum quod oraculo eius
honores caelitum Sactorum tantae Magistrae
decreti sunt.
Petrus Angetti inv et del. Carolus Antoni sculp. [n.d.,
Engraving., on verso ink Maria Teresa Gasvarni; 505 x
325mm (20 x 12¾"), with large margins. Slight foxing.
Uncut. £180
An allegory of the canonisation of Angela Merici
(1474-1540), founder of the Company of St. Ursula in
1535 for the education of poor girls. From the Berkeley
Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54967

138. D.nus Hans Sloane Baronettus Collegii

Regii Medicorum Londinensiu, & Regniæ
Societatis Præses, &c.
G. Kneller Bar.t pinx. 1716 J. Faber fecit 1729.
[London: John Faber, c.1729.]
Mezzotint, fine impression, 350 x 250mm (13¾ x
9¾"). Thread margins, folded for binding. £360
Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753), a President of the Royal 141. S.r Richard Arkwright.
Society whose collection and library formed the Painted by Joseph Wright, R.A. 1790. Engraved by I.R.
nucleus of the British Museum. CS 328 i/ii. Smith, Mezzotinto Engraver to H.R.H. the Prince of
Stock: 54746 Wales, May 5, 1801.
Mezzotint. 660 x 460mm (26 x 18"). Framed. Thread
139. [James Watt and the Steam Engine.] margins, surface cracks. £380
Painted by James Eckford Lander. Engraved by James Sir Richard Arkwright (1732-92), inventor and
Scott. London. Published by Henry Graves & Compy. manufacturer who patented a machine for spinning
Novr. 12th 1860: Printsellers to the Queen _ 6 Pall cotton thread (1769), the 'spinning jenny' that lies on
Mall. the table beside him. He established cotton mills that
Scarce mixed method engraving. Sheet 395 x 620mm were among the first to use machinery on a large scale,
(15½ x 24½"). Trimmed, losing title, a few repairs at the beginning of the factory system. CS: 2, only state.
top. £880 Stock: 54626
Watt conducting an experiment in his laboratory.
The original painting by James Eckford Lauder (not 142. The Right Honorable Lady Charlotte
Lander as here, 1811-69) is in the Scottish National Campbell.
Gallery. Painted & Drawn by J. Hoppner R.A. Engraved by C.
Stock: 54952
Wilkin. Published May 1799 by C.Wilkin No.19 Eaton
Street, Pimlico.
140. [Barbara Parmer] The Dutchess of Stipple, open letter proof, printed in brown. 245 x
Cleaveland. 190mm (9¾ x 7½") very large margins. Slight rippling
P Lely pinx: E Lutterell fec: I.Beckett ex: [n.d., in centre. £220
c.1670.] A half-length portrait of Lady Charlotte Susan Maria
Fine & rare mezzotint. 335 x 250mm (13¼ x 9¾"). Campbell (1775-1861), daughter of John Campbell, 5th
Trimmed to plate, tipped onto album sheet at corners. Duke of Argyll, and Elizabeth Gunning, wife of
£320 Colonel John Campbell. After being widowed in 1809
she became a Lady-in-Waiting in the household of nicknaming Catherine 'little Comedy' and Mary 'the
Caroline of Brunswick, and is believed to have kept a Jessamy bride'. Despite the 20-year age gap, Goldsmith
diary of court life which was published anonymously. became infatuated with Mary and she provided the
In 1818 she married the Reverend Edward John Bury, inspiration for 'She Stoops to Conquer'. She married a
after which she published more literature. Colonel Gwynn after Goldsmith's death. Catherine,
From the series 'Ladies of Rank and Fashion', with Mary's sister, married the artist William Henry
portraits by John Hoppner and Charles Wilkin. For Bunbury. Reynolds' oil is at Cliveden. CS 25, state iii.
complete set see Ref: 54955 Stock: 54735
Stock: 54830
147. The Right Honorable Lady Catherine
143. The Right Honorable Lady Charlotte Howard.
Duncombe. Painted & Engraved by C. Wilkin. Publish'd Jan.y 1
Painted & Drawn by J. Hoppner R.A. Engraved by C. 1802 by C.Wilkin No.19 Eaton Street, Pimlico.
Wilkin. Publish'd as the Act directs by J.n Hoppner & Stipple, open letter proof. 245 x 190mm (9¾ x 7½"),
C.Wilkin March 1797. with very large margins. £230
Stipple, open letter proof, printed in brown. 245 x A half-length portrait of Catherine Howard of Corby
190mm (9¾ x 7½"), with very large margins. £160 Castle, Cumberland, probably Catherine Mary Neave
A half-length portrait of Charlotte Legge (1774-1848), (c.1760-1849), second wife of Henry Howard.
wife of Charles Duncombe, 1st Baron Feversham. From the series 'Ladies of Rank and Fashion', with
From the series 'Ladies of Rank and Fashion', with portraits by John Hoppner and Charles Wilkin. For
portraits by John Hoppner and Charles Wilkin. For complete set see Ref: 54955
complete set see Ref: 54955 Stock: 54828
Stock: 54826

144. [Lady Grenville?]

[n.d., c.1800.]
Stipple, printed in brown, proof before all letters.. 245
x 190mm (9¾ x 7½"), with large large margins. £280
A pencil note identifies this as a portrait of Lady
Greville. For complete set see Ref: 54955
Stock: 54831

145. [Lady Grammont. Done from the

Original Picture, Painted by Sr. Peter Lely. In
the Royal Palace at Windsor. By James
[Sold by E. Fisher at the Golden head in Leicester
Square, & by Ryland and Bryer at the Kings Arms in
Cornhill London.] [n.d. c.1765.]
Mezzotint, proof before all letters. 505 x 355mm (19¾
x 14"). Thread margins. £390
Portrait of Elizabeth Hamilton, Comtesse de Gramont,
as St Catherine of Alexandria; seated almost whole-
length to left with her right hand holding robe to her
breast and palm branch in her left, eyes to front,
wearing loose satin robe, pearl earrings and her hair in
ringlets; wheel, pillar and curtain behind.
Hamilton (1641-1708) was a courtier to Charles II, and
married to Philibert, Count de Gramont. She was one
of the Windsor Beauties. CS: 91. Goodwin: 125.
Stock: 53897
148. Josephus II Augustus Leopoldus A A
146. [Mary Gwyn] Miss Horneck. Magnus Dux Etruriæ.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engrav'd by R. Pomp de Battoni ad vivum pinxit Romæ 1769. Andreas
Dunkarton. Publish'd Feb.y 20th.1778 by W.m Rossi Venet sculpsit Romæ.
Shropshire No.158, New Bond Street. Very rare etching. Plate 27¾ x 17¾" (705 x 450mm)
Mezzotint. 505 x 355mm (20 x 14"), with narrow with large margins. £480
margins. £420 A full length double portrait of Holy Roman Emperor
A portrait of Mary Horneck (c.1752-1840) kneeling, Joseph II and his brother Peter Leopold, Grand Duke of
wearing a turban and a long dress with a sash tied Tuscany. The brothers visited Rome part of a Grand
around the waist. Tour, where they were painted by the celebrated
In 1769 Oliver Goldsmith met a widow, Hannah Roman artist Pompeo Batoni which this etching is
Horneck, and her daughters, Catherine and Mary, based on. They stand clasping hands, wearing plain
coats, braided waistcoats, breeches, stockings and An oval portrait of Anne Rushout (c.1768-1849), a
buckled shoes. In the middleground they are watercolourist.
surrounded by fluted columns, an open curtain and a From a series of portraits of Rebecca Rushout, Lady
statue of Minerva on the base of which sits a map, Northwick, and her three daughters, Anne, Harriet and
quills in a pot and closed books. A window in the Elizabeth, dubbed 'The Charming Sisters' by the artist
background overlooks the cloudy skies of Rome and Andrew Plimer (1763-1837). Vale. 1970.3.609.
St. Peter's Basilica is visible in the distance. From the Stock: 54824
Berkeley Collection, Spetchley Park.
Stock: 54730 151. [Elizabeth Rushout.] ER.
Plimer Pinx.t. Burke fcit. [n.d., c.1800.]
Fine & rare stipple, printed in brown. 230 x 180mm (9
x 7"). Thread margins. Very slight foxing. £180
An oval portrait of Elizabeth Rushout (1774-1862),
married Sydney Bowles then The Hon. John Wallis
From a series of portraits of Rebecca Rushout, Lady
Northwick, and her three daughters, Anne, Harriet and
Elizabeth, dubbed 'The Charming Sisters' by the artist
Andrew Plimer (1763-1837). Vale. 1970.3.609.
Stock: 54823

152. [Harriet Rushout.] HR.

Plimer P.... Burke S.... [n.d., c.1800.]
Fine & scarce rare stipple, printed in brown. 230 x
180mm (9 x 7"). Thread margins. Very slight foxing.
An oval portrait of Harriet Rushout (d. 1851), 2nd wife
of Sir Charles Cockerell Bar.t.
From a series of portraits of Rebecca Rushout, Lady
Northwick, and her three daughters, Anne, Harriet and
Elizabeth, dubbed 'The Charming Sisters' by the artist
Andrew Plimer (1763-1837). Vale. 1970.3.608.
Stock: 54822

153. [Rebecca Rushout, Lady Northwick.]

149. Portraits of Ladies of Rank and Fashion. RN.
Painted by John Hoppner, R.A. Engraved by Plimer Pinx.t. Burke Fecit. [n.d., c.1800.]
Charles Wilkin. Executed in a Manner to Fine & scarce rare stipple, printed in brown. 230 x
United the High Finishing of Painting with the 180mm (9 x 7"). Thread margins. Very slight foxing.
Spirit and Freedom of Drawing. £180
London: Published by the Proprietor. Charles Wilkin, An oval portrait of Rebecca Rushout (née Bowles,
Eaton Street, Pimlico. 1797. 1740-1818), wife of John Rushout, 1st Baron
Front printed wrapper and ten crayon-manner stipples, Northwick, MP for Evesham. Inscribed below are the
proofs before titles. Each 250 x 190mm (10 x 7½"), initials of her married name and a coronet.
eight with letterpress biographies. In mounts. £2000 From a series of portraits of Rebecca Rushout, Lady
Extremely rare to find complete matching set of proofs. Northwick, and her three daughters, Anne, Harriet and
The complete set of ten portraits from the series 'Ladies Elizabeth, dubbed 'The Charming Sisters' by the artist
of Rank and Fashion', with portraits by John Hoppner Andrew Plimer (1763-1837). Vale. 1970.3.609.
and Charles Wilkin. The sitters are Lady Charlotte Stock: 54821
Duncombe; Viscountess St. Asaph; Lady Charlotte
Campbell; Jane Elizabeth, Viscountess Andover; Lady 154. Lady Langham.
Gertude Villiers; Lady Langham; The Countess of Painted & Drawn by J. Hoppner R.A. Engraved by C.
Euston; Lady Catherine Howard; The Duchess of Wilkin. Published June 2d 1800 by C.Wilkin No.19
Rutland; and Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick. See Ref: Eaton Street, Pimlico.
54826 , 54827, 54828, 54829 54830, 54831 for single Stipple, open letter proof, printed in brown. 245 x
images. 190mm (9¾ x 7½"), with large margins. £220
Stock: 54955 A half-length portrait of Henrietta Elizabeth Frederica
Vane (1780-1809), first wife of Sir William Langham,
150. [Anne Rushout.] ER. baronet.
Plimer Pinx.t. Burke fcit. [n.d., c.1800.] From the series 'Ladies of Rank and Fashion', with
Fine & rare stipple, printed in brown. 230 x 180mm (9 portraits by John Hoppner and Charles Wilkin. For
x 7"). Thread margins. Very slight foxing. £180 complete set see Ref: 54955
Stock: 54829
155. The Right Honorable Lady Gertrude he is shown holding a copy of the publication. BM
Villiers. 1851,0308.572
Stock: 55016
Painted & Engraved by C. Wilkin. Publish'd as the Act
directs June 2. 1800 by J.n Hoppner & C.Wilkin No 19
Eaton St.t Pimlico. 158. [Charles Babbage's Difference Engine].
Stipple, open letter proof, printed in brown. 245 x Impression from a woodcut of a small portion
190mm (9¾ x 7½"), with very large margins. £160 of Mr. Babbage's Difference Engine, No. 1, the
A half-length portrait of Gertrude Emilia Villiers property of Government, at present deposited
(1778-1809), daughter of the 2nd Earl of Grandison, in the Museum of King's College, Somerset
married Lord Henry Stuart, son of 1st Marquess of House.
Bute. B. H. Babbage del. June, 1853.
From the series 'Ladies of Rank and Fashion', with Woodcut engraving, on album page in ink "from C.
portraits by John Hoppner and Charles Wilkin. For Babbage". 215 x 160mm (8½ x 6¼"). Laid on album
complete set see Ref: 54955 paper bottom right. Creasing in bottom right corner.
Stock: 54827
Frontis from "Passages from the Life of a Philosopher"
Longman 1864. A small section of Charles Babbage's
(1791-1871) Difference Engine No. 1, which was
never completed. After Babbage announced plans for
his invention in 1822, he drew intense interest from the
Government, who agreed to finance his project.
However, they withdrew support when the project
remained incomplete two decades later and had cost
more than ten times the initial budget. By then
Babbage's interest drifted towards designing a more
general analytical engine. Woodcut engraving by
Benjamin Herschel Babbage (1815-1878), Charles'
oldest son.
Stock: 55119

156. Cotton Decks of Stanfield in Suffolk

Aged 75. A Noted Breaker of Pointers, has 159. The Milkman.
Drawn by G.F. Pidgeon. Engraved by W. Bond. Pub.d
attended New Market meetings these 30 Years
April 20, 1803, by G.F. Pidgeon, London Street,
past is Qualified to Hawk, Hunt &c. by the Fitzroy Square.
Hon.ble Cha.s Bertley. Scarce & fine stipple, printed in colours and hand-
F. Sartotius pinx.t. Rob.t Laurie fecit. Published by finished. 425 x 285mm (19 x 11¼"), with very large
Rob.t Sayer & Co. Fleet Street London. [n.d., c.1772] margins, watermarked 1806. Hand colour faded,
Mezzotint. 260 x 360mm (10¼ x 14¼"), with very bottom edge chipped and soiled. £260
large margins. £320 A man using a yoke to carry two buckets of milk.
Mezzotint by Robert Laurie (c.1755-1836) after A 'G.F. Pidgeon' designed medals, for example one
Francis Sartorius (1734-1804). Siltzer 242. struck by the London Highland Society in tribute to the
Stock: 54674
42nd Regiment's action at the Battle of Alexandria,
March 1801, with a portrait of Sir Ralph Abercromby.
157. Harry Rowe, Born in York 1726. See Royal Collection Trust RCIN 443305 for the
Trumpeter in the Duke of Kingston's Light medal.
Horse at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Forty Stock: 54835
six Years Trumpeter to the High Sherrifs of
Yorkshireand Manager of a Company of 160. Danzatrice Alla Nobile Donna Carolina
Artificial Comedians. Lady Cawdor nata Howard. Ant. Canova D. D.
F:A ad viv del.t & fecit 1798. D.
Etching and drypoint. 150 x 100mm (6 x 4"), with A. Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tognoli dis. D. Marchetti
large margins with ink note '4th State different incise. Statua in marmo di grandezza naturale
inscription May 30 1799 R.A.'. £280 posseduta dall'Egregio Sig.r Manzoni in Forli.
Half-length portrait of the english showman, trumpeter [n.d. c.1814]
and puppet master Harry Rowe (1726-1799), aged Etching with engraving. 455 x 320mm (18 x 12½").
seventy-two, standing in profile to left at stage of large margins. Mint. £320
puppet theatre. Drum, trumpet and images of puppets Sculpture of a young dancer with a garland around her
hang at right, a man drowning at sea can be seen in the left arm. Antonio Canova's (1757-1822) scukptures on
background. He is best known for his ammended the theme of dancing were made between 1806 and
publication of Shakespeare's Macbeth, 'with Notes by 1811 and were immediately popular. The etching is
Harry Rowe. York, printed for the Annotator (1797).' dedicated to Lady Isobella Caroline Howard (1771-
The notes were of humorous nature, and in this image 1848), who married Lord Cawdor in 1789. Lord
Cawdor (1753-1821) commissioned and bought many
sculptures from the young Canova but never received 162. George Wilson, The Celebrated
them. The location of the original sculpture is currently Blackheath Pedestrian, Born 24th June 1766,
unknown. From the Berkeley Collection, Spetchley in Love Lane, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, who has
Park. performed the most extraordinary Feats in
Stock: 55076
Walking of any Man in the Kingdom both in
length of distance and number of Walking
161. Danzatrice A Sua Eccellenza il Sig.r
Matches, especially at his advanced Age.
Conte Andrea de Rosoumoffsky Consigliere
E. Gerard Pinx, Norwich. H.y Adlard, Sculp, London.
privato di S. Mo. l'Imperatore di tutte le London, Published by Geo.e Wilson, 17th March,
hussie. Senatore Cavaliere. Gran Croce di S. 1821.
Andrea di S. Alessandro Newsky di S. Etching. 330 x 240mm (13 x 9½"), with very large
Wladimir Classe &c. &c. &c. margins. Bit dusty. £380
Ant. Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tognoli diseg: Ang. George Wilson (1766-1839), known as the 'Blackheath
Bertini incise. Figura di grandezza naturale nel Palazzo Pedestrian' for his attempt to walk a thousand miles
di S. E. a Vienna. Antonio Canova D. D. D. [n.d. around the heath in 20 days for a prize of £100. He
c.1814]. failed because the authorities charged him with
Etching and engraving. 465 x 330mm (18½ x 13mm), disturbing the peace because of the crowds that
with large margins. Light foxing in margins. £380 followed him. Although he was acquitted his arrest
Sculpture of a young dancer, holding cymbals above made the feat impossible, so he lost the prize, but a
her head. At the time of engraving a 'life-size figure' collection at the London Stock Exchange matched the
was at a palais in Vienna. The original sculpture by £100 within two hours.
Canova (1757-1822) is now in the Staatliche Museen Stock: 53062
in Berlin. The print is dedicated, in French, to Prince
Andrey Razumovsky (transliterated Rosoumoffsky)
(1752-1836), a Russian diplomat who spent many
years in Vienna. From the Berkeley Collection,
Spetchley Park.
Stock: 55004

163. [Eleven silk place mats, each with a G. MacGregor (wicket keeper for Middlesex). All but
hand-painted portrait of a cricketer from the Radcliffe also played for England.
collection of the MCC.] These mats were Lot 636 in the MCC sale in 1987 and
[n.d., c.1893.] were purchased by Michael Pearce for £605, who had
Eleven silk mats, 170mm (6¾") in diameter, plus them restored by a V&A specialist and framed. The
fringe. Framed. Unique. Unexamined out of frame. MCC paddle and subsequent paperwork are included.
Stock: 55124
The cricketers are: A.G. Steel (Lancashire), J.R.
Mason (Kent), W.G. Grace (Gloucestershire & London
County), C.B. Fry (Sussex & Hampshire), Martin
Bladen Hawke, 7th Baron Hawke (Yorkshire), O.G.
Radcliffe (bowler for Gloucestershire & Somerset),
A.E. Stoddart (Middlesex), W.W. Read (Surrey), A.C.
McLaren (Lancashire), F.S. Jackson (Yorkshire) and
164. [Japanese Golf Satires] The Golf of 167. Eileen Bennett
Rokkosan. ''Me to the Mountain Tops''. [&] Helen Wills [pencil signature]. [n.d. c.1930s].
The Golf of Yokoya. ''The Soup-plater's Etching signed by artist. 175 x 125mm (7 x 5"), with
Dream, or Ye Flyers of the Flat''. large margins, in original mount. £260
H.E.D. 04. [& 05]. [Japan?, 1904 & 1905?] Portrait of Eileen Bennett (1907-1979) playing tennis.
Pair of chromlithographs. Each sheet c. 180 x 690mm Bennett was a UK tennis player who won six Grand
(8 x 27"). £690 Slam titles. Bennett made it to the finals of both the
Extremely scarce golfing images. Two satires, each French and US Championships and lost on two
with six anthropomophic golf balls illustrating quotes occasions to Helen Wills. Etching by Helen Wills
from golf enthusiats including Rudyard Kipling. One (1905-1998), who painted all her life and exhibited her
sits under a road sign marked 'The Golf of Japan'. paintings and etchings in New York galleries.
Stock: 54853
Although all the text is in English the style of the
drawing and calligraphy has a Japanese influence.
Stock: 54707 168. [Eileen Bennett].
Helen Wills [pencil signature]. [n.d. c.1930s].
Etching, proof, signed by artist. 175 x 140mm (7 x
5½"), with very large margins. Holes in margins where
previously bound. £350
Portrait of Eileen Bennett (1907-1979) playing tennis.
Bennett was a UK tennis player who won six Grand
Slam titles. Bennett made it to the finals of both the
French and US Championships and lost on two
occasions to Helen Wills. Etching by Helen Wills
(1905-1998), who painted all her life and exhibited her
paintings and etchings in New York galleries.
Stock: 54851

169. [Eileen Bennett].

[Helen Wills] [n.d. c.1930s].
Etching. 150 x 105mm (6 x 4"). Large margins, in
original mount. £350
Portrait of Eileen Bennett (1907-1979) playing tennis.
Bennett was a UK tennis player who won six Grand
Slam titles. Bennett made it to the finals of both the
French and US Championships and lost on two
occasions to Helen Wills. Etching by Helen Wills
(1905-1998), who painted all her life and exhibited her
165. [Lili Alvarez]. paintings and etchings in New York galleries.
[Helen Wills] [n.d. c.1930s]. Stock: 54848
Etching, proof. 170 x 135mm (6¾ x 5¼"), with very
large margins. Slight creasing. £240 170. [Eileen Bennett].
A portrait of Lili Alvarez 1905-1998) playing tennis. A Helen Wills [pencil signature]. [n.d. c.1930s].
pioneer in Spanish tennis, she reached the Wimbledon Etching, proof, signed by artist. 100 x 125mm (4 x 5"),
finals three times and was twice defeated by Helen with very large margins. £280
Wills, who described her play as 'unusually daring'. Etching of Eileen Bennett (1907-1979) playing tennis,
Etching by Helen Wills (1905-1998), who painted all by Helen Wills (1905-1998), who painted all her life
her life and exhibited her paintings and etchings in and exhibited her paintings and etchings in New York
New York galleries. galleries.. Bennett was a UK tennis player who won six
Stock: 54845 Grand Slam titles. Bennett made it to the finals of both
the French and US Championships and lost on two
166. [Lili Alvarez]. occasions to Helen Wills.
Helen Wills [pencil signature]. [n.d. c.1930s]. Stock: 54852
Etching signed by the artist. 170 x 130mm (6¾ x 5"),
with very large margins. Holes in margins where 171. Henri Cochet by Helen Wills.
previously bound. £280 Helen Wills [pencil signature]. [n.d. c.1930s].
A portrait of Lili Alvarez 1905-1998) playing tennis. A Etching signed by artist. 100 x 75mm (4 x 3"), with
pioneer in Spanish tennis, she reached the Wimbledon large large margins, in original mount. £350
finals three times and was twice defeated by Helen Portrait of Henri Cochet (1901-1987) playing tennis.
Wills, who described her play as 'unusually daring'. Cochet was a successful French tennis player, ranked
Etching by Helen Wills (1905-1998), who painted all number one from 1928 to 1931. Etching by Helen
her life and exhibited her paintings and etchings in Wills (1905-1998), who painted all her life and
New York galleries. exhibited her paintings and etchings in New York
Stock: 54844 galleries.
Stock: 54854
exhibited her paintings and etchings in New York
Stock: 54843

175. M.r W.m Clarkes Dark Chesnut Horse

Hylas, bred by his Grace the Duke of Grafton...
Painted by F. Sartorius . Engrav'd by H. Kingsbury.
Published, 1788, by Rob.t Sayer No. 53, Fleet Street
Rare mezzotint with separate engraved title plate. Total
245 x 350mm (9½ x 13¾"), with small margins An
original ink smear in plate on left. £380
A jockey holding the horse's reins, a race in progress
behind. Siltzer: 242.
Stock: 54675

176. This Excellent Horse Tortoise, got by

Snap, is the Property of Mr. Wentworth, has
won the following Plates & Prizes...
F. Sartorius pinx.t. London, Printed for Rob.t Sayer
No. 53, Fleet Street London. [n.d., c.1770.]
Mezzotint. 250 x 350mm (9¾ x 13¾") very large
margins. Holes in left margin caused by old ink burn.
An early state, before the addition of a date (1770) and
172. William Tilden by Helen Wills. plate number (512). Not in Siltzer.
Stock: 54672
Forehand Chop.
Helen Wills [pencil signature]. [n.d. c.1930s].
177. [The Wellesley Arabian.]
Etching signed by artist. 195 x 140mm (7¾ x 5½"),
with very large margins in original mount. £350 [Engraved by C. Turner from the Original Picture by
Portrait of William Tilden (1893 - 1953) playing J.L. Agasse.] London, Published 19. 1810 by
tennis. Tilden was an American tennis player J.L. Agasse & Newman St Oxford St.
nicknamed 'Big Bill'. He held the world number one Rare mezzotint, proof before all letters; in pencil verso
spot for six years, 1920 - 1925. Etching by Helen Wills "Delphini with portrait of Mr. Wharton"; 475 x 570mm
(1905-1998), who was a renowned tennis player (18¾ x 22½"). Trimmed just within plate at bottom,
herself, painted all her life and exhibited her paintings repaired tears on right. £380
and etchings in New York galleries. A grey horse in a stable, with a groom holding a
Stock: 54836 blanket and a man in riding dress, holding a whip.
The Grey Wellesley Arabian was an Persian-Arab
cross stallion, one of two such horses brought to
173. [Henry Ellsworth Vines.]
England in 1803 by Henry Wellesley, younger brother
[Helen Wills] [n.d. c. 1930s].
of the Duke of Wellington, on his return from India.
Etching, proof. 155 x 105mm (6 x 4¼"), with very
Siltzer: 41.
large margins. Holes in margins where previously Stock: 54678
bound. £250
Portrait of Henry Ellsworth Vines (1911-1994) playing
178. Horses Frightened by Lightning.
tennis. Vines was an American tennis player and was
world number one between 1932-1935 and 1936-37. Howitt sc. Pub.d by R.J. Hixon, at his Cheap Print
Etching by Helen Wills (1905-1998), who was a Warehouse, 440, Strand. [n.d., c.1815.]
renowned tennis player herself, painted all her life and Scarce coloured aquatint. Sheet 335 x 465mm (13¼ x
exhibited her paintings and etchings in New York 18¼"), with large margins. Trimmed within plate,
galleries. creasing, surface abrasions, holes in bottom corners.
Stock: 54842 £420
Horses on a barren hillside.
Stock: 54695
174. Elsworth Vines by Helen Wills.
Helen Wills [pencil signature]. [n.d. c. 1930s}.
179. Horses Watering.
Etching signed by the artist. 150 x 100mm (6 x 4"),
with very large margins in original mount. £350 Designed, etched & published 1st 1802 by S,.
Portrait of Henry Ellsworth Vines (1911-1994) playing Howitt, Panton Street Hay Market.
tennis. Vines was an American tennis player and was Coloured aquatint. 290 x 365mm (11½ x 14½").
world number one between 1932-1935 and 1936-37. Colour faded £360
Etching by Helen Wills (1905-1998), who was a Riders walking horses into a river to drink.
Stock: 54696
renowned tennis player herself, painted all her life and
180. Instinct 185. [A Country Race Course with Horses
Engraved by H. Pyall after F.C. Turner. London, Pub.d Running.]
by S. Knight, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill, 1827. [W. Mason Esq. delin.t. Aquatinta by F.Jukes.
Fine coloured aquatint. 335 x 385mm (13¼ x 15¼"), Engrav'd by J.Jenkins.] Pub.h.d June 20th [no year]
with large margins. £280 W.m Mason Esq.r. [c.1786.]
A grey hunter in a field roused by the sound of a Aquatint with engraving, proof before title, scratched
passing hunt. publication line. Sheet 465 x 650mm (14¼ x 17¾").
Stock: 54943 Trimmed within plate, small tears repaired. Some
creasing in sky. £690
181. [Mares and Foals, From a Picture in the A chaotic scene at a racecourse, Newmarket Heath or
Possession of Lewis Dymock Esq.r.] probably York as the artist, William Mason (1724 -97),
Painted by G. Garrard, Painter of Horses to H.R.H. the was Canon Residentiary of York. The horses pass the
Prince of Wales. Engrav'd by Tho.s Morris. London, finish post, through spectators who wander close to the
Pub March 2d. 1793 by G. Garrard at Mr Gilpin's course. On the left is a high phaeton carriage, in the
Knightsbridge, & No. 43 Little Britain. right foreground a woman pie-seller falls to the ground,
Scarce etching, scratched letter proof before title, 18th spilling her wares.
century watermark. 340 x 460mm (13½ x 18"), with A pair to ''A Country Race Course with Horses
large margins. Tear and cracks in platemark repaired. Preparing to Start''. The BM's example was published
£580 by James Phillips in 1786. BM Satires 8256. Not in
Two horses and two gamboling foals. Siltzer.
Stock: 54942 Stock: 54700

182. [Mares and Foals, From a Picture in the

Possession of Lewis Dymock Esq.r.]
[Painted by G. Garrard, Painter of Horses to H.R.H. the
Prince of Wales. Engrav'd by Tho.s Morris. London,
Pub March 2d. 1793 by G. Garrard at Mr Gilpin's
Knightsbridge, & No. 43 Little Britain.]
Scarce etching, progress proof before all letters, 18th
century watermark. 340 x 460mm (13½ x 18"), with
large margins. £580
Two horses and two gamboling foals.
Stock: 54941

183. [Mares and Foals, From a Picture in the

Possession of His Royal Highness the Prince of 186. Extraordinary Steeple-Chase. For One
Wales.] Thousand Sovereigns between Mr.
[Painted by G. Garrard, Painter of Horses to H.R.H. the Osbaldeston's 'Clasher' and Capt.n Ross's
Prince of Wales. Engrav'd by Tho.s Morris. London, 'Clinker'. From Great Dalby Windmill, to
Pub March 2d. 1793 by G. Garrard at Mr Gilpin's
within a mile of Tilton on the Hill. (The 5 miles
Knightsbridge, & No. 43 Little Britain.]
Scarce & fine etching, progress proof before all letters.
was done in 16 minutes). Dedicated with
340 x 460mm (13½ x 18"), with large margins. £580 Permission to Geo. Osbaldeston, Esq.r, and the
Two horses beside a manger with a thatched canopy on Gentlemen of the Pytchley Hunt, By their very
the bank of a river, with three foals, one feeding from obliged & obedient servant. R. Ackermann.
its mother. Engraved by H. Alken & E. Duncan. London,
Stock: 54940 published 1830, by R. Ackermann, 96 Strand_ and R.
Ackermann Jun.r, 191 Regent Street. From a Painting
184. Brushing In, To Catch others. by E. Gill of Northampton, in the possession of G.
J. Seymour inv.t. T. Burford delin et fecit. Published Osbaldeston, Esq. London, 1830.
according to Act of Parliament June 1755. Scarce & fine hand coloured aquatint. 505 x 760mm
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark. 250 x 350mm (9¾ (20 x 30"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame. £1250
x 13¾"), with very large margins. £360 Scene of the steeplechase horse race between horses
A Jockey on horseback galloping to right, the horse Clasher and Clinker, ridden by George Osbaldeston
wearing a head-cover. Siltzer: 247. (1786-1866) and Dick Christian (1779-1862)
Stock: 54673 respectively. Osbaldeston, an MP for East Retford
1812-1818, was renowned for his racing abilites. His
victory at the 1826 steeplechase race depicted here won
him 1,000 guineas. Christian had a relatively respectful
career in the country caring for and riding horses,
though he died impoverished. Siltzer: p. 332.
Stock: 55109
187. Viaduct at Ivy Bridge, Devon. Engraving. 395 x 320mm (15½ x 12½"). In mount.
Printed and Published by O. Angel Creasing. Repaired tear in right edge going into the
Rare tinted lithograph. 250 x 340mm (9¾ x 13¼"). plate mark. £320
£280 Three examples of steam trains with accompanying
A viaduct designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel text extracted from 'Observations on a General Iron-
(1806-59) and built in 1848 for the South Devon Rail-Way'.
Railway, with a locomotive crossing. Stock: 55112
After the S.D.R. merged with the Great Western
Railway the track had to be widened from Broad to 191. View of the Opening of the Stockton and
Standard gauge, so the viaduct had to be rebuilt. The Darlington Railroad. Brusselton Inclined
current viaduct, designed by James Inglis and built in Plane. Train of Waggons crossing the Turnpike
1892, incorporated six of Brunel's granite piers. Road near Darlington. Train of Waggons
One of a series of six "Viaducts on the South Devon drawn by Loco-motive Engine.
Railway", with lithographs by Mason and 0. Angel. [n.d. after 1825]
Stock: 55072
Engraving. 285 x 505mm (11¼ x 19¾"), In mount.
Creasing. Repaired tear. £420
188. The Midland Railway, At Swillington Three scenes depicting the opening of the Stockton and
1841. Lithograph by & Actor H. Perry. Darlington railroad from different perspectives. The
Lithographed by Henry Perry, May, 1841. J. Graf, Stockton and Darlington railroad opened in 1825 and
Printer to Her Majesty. 1841. was operational until 1863. It was the world's first
Lithograph. 240 x 305mm (9½ x 12"). In mount. Slight public railway to use steam locomotives.
foxing. £320 Stock: 55113
Landscape of a train passing through Swillington on
the new North Midland Railway, which opened in 192. R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 96
1840 connecting Derby to Leeds. Strand & Ackermann's Library. for Works of
Stock: 55111
A. Pugin del.t. J. Bluck sculp.t. [Ackermann]
Pair of hand coloured etchings with aquatint and
stipple. Sheet 560 x 380mm (22 x 15"). Hinged into
mount. Vertical folds in bottom image. £240
Two views of Ackermann's Repository of Arts, top
image shows a street view showing the building. The
other is an interrior view of the library, with figures at
a large table looking at books, chandelier above;
bookshelves line the walls with vases, busts and a large
female statue on top of them. Paintings hang above
more bookshelves on the other side of the room.
Stock: 55031

193. [College Street, City of London.]

189. North Midland Railway. Milford Sydney R. Jones. [n.d., c.1925.]
Tunnel. North Front. Drypoint etching, signed by the artist. 320 x 135mm.
From Nature & on Zinc by S. Russell. Day & Haghe Framed. Crease in mount, unexamined out of frame. to the Queen. [n.d. c.1845]. £220
Lithograph. £380 A view looking down College Street towards Wren's
Milford Tunnel in Derbyshire, a twin track railway church of St Michael Paternoster Royal, Innholders'
tunnel that runs through a hill called the Chevin Hall on the left.
between Duffield and Belper. It was constructed to Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
allow passage of the North Midland Railway from notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
Derby to Leeds to the designs of George and Robert architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
Stephenson in 1840 showing a fine train coming English countryside and provided illustrations for
through the tunnel. several publications including The Times, Illustrated
From a series of lithographs publicising significant London News and The Studio.
engineering achievements on the North Midland Stock: 54637
Railway route.
Stock: 55110
194. St Paul's from Ludgate Hill.
T. Boys Del et Lithog.
190. Steam Conveyance on a General Iron- Fine tinted lithograph with hand colour. 540 x 370mm
Rail-Way. By the Author of Observations on a (21¼ x 14½). Hinged into mount at top corner. £750
General Iron-Rail-Way. View looking down the street with the tower and spire
Eng. & Prin.d by Palethorpe Nott.m. Published by of Wren's St Martin, Ludgate on the left, the Cathedral
Baldwin, Cradock & Joy. London. London, [n.d. after in the background; traffic tangles its way along street,
1825]. two Christ's Hospital scholars walk demurely along the
pavement on the right, many other pedestrians behind
and on the left. Published for Thomas Shotter Boys'
'London As It Is".
Stock: 55037

195. [Middle Temple Hall and Fountain

Sydney R. Jones. [n.d., c.1927.]
Drypoint etching, signed by the artist in pencil. 300 x
240mm (11¾ x 9½"). Framed. Unexamined out of
frame. £280
The Middle Temple, one of the four Inns of Court.
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
English countryside and provided illustrations for 198. [The Royal Exchange.]
several publications including The Times, Illustrated Sydney R. Jones. [n.d., 1927.]
London News and The Studio. Drypoint etching, signed in pencil by the artist. 270 x
Stock: 54638
330mm (10¾ x 13"). £320
View of the Royal Exchange's west front, with bustling
196. [Middle Temple Hall and Fountain street scene outside, including traffic and pedestrians.
Court.] Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
Sydney R. Jones [signed in plate and in pencil.] [n.d., notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
c.1927.] architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
Drypoint etching, signed by the artist in pencil. 300 x English countryside and provided illustrations for
275mm (11¾ x 10¾"). Framed. Unexamined out of several publications including The Times, Illustrated
frame. £280 London News and The Studio.
Fountain Court, at the heart of The Honourable Society Stock: 54634
of the Middle Temple, commonly known as Middle
Temple, one of the four Inns of Court. The tip of the 199. St George's Hanover Square [in pencil].
spire of the Law Courts is visible upper left. 5/50
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a Ethelbert White [Signed in pencil].
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of Limited edition wood engraving 5/50. Sheet 265 x
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the 215mm (10½ x 8½), with large margins. Hinged to
English countryside and provided illustrations for backing sheet on two corners. Some light creasing in
several publications including The Times, Illustrated margins. £280
London News and The Studio. A view of St George's, Hanover Square, the anglican
Stock: 54631
church, in the City of Westminster, central London.
Ethelbert White (1891–1972) was an English wood
197. [Port of London Authority Building.] [In engraver however he also worked in oils and water
pencil along bottom mount border:] The Port colour. He was an early member of the Society of
of London Authority, E.C. 1930 Private plate Wood Engravers and a founding member of the
for Sir Edwin Cooper & Johyn Mowlem & Co English Wood Engraving Society in 1925. He was a
Ltd. member of the Royal Watercolour Society, and
Sydney R. Jones [signed in pencil] [n.d. 1940] [in exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy.
Stock: 55009
pencil:] 4th state Trial No8 (steel).
Etching. 292 x 425mm. 11½ x 16¾". £260
The Port of London Authority Building, 10 Trinity 200. [Trafalgar Square.]
Square, a Beaux Arts structure was designed by Sir Sydney R. Jones. [n.d. c.1928.]
Edwin Cooper, built 1912-22, now the Four Seasons Drypoint etching, signed by the artist in pencil. 350 x
Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square. To the right is 220mm (13¾ x 8¾") with large margins. £320
Trinity House. A view of Trafalgar Square, showing the National
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a Gallery, the King George IV Statue, one lion at the
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of base of Nelson's column, St Martin-in-the-Fields and
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the the statue of Henry Havelock.
English countryside and provided illustrations for Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
several publications including The Times, Illustrated notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
London News and The Studio. architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
Stock: 54636 English countryside and provided illustrations for
several publications including The Times, Illustrated
London News and The Studio.
Stock: 55003
201. London in 1842. This Picture of the 204. The Tower.
Metropolis of the British Empire is presented J. Farington R.A. del. J.C. Stadler Sculp. Pub. June 1,
to the Subescribers of the Illustrated Loindon 1795, by J. & J. Boydell, Shakespeare Gallery, Pall
News by the Proprietors. Mall, & No. 90, Cheapside.
Supplement to the ''Illustrated London News'' of Aquatint with fine hand colour. 215 x 320mm (8½ x
January 7, 1843; Published by W. Little, 198 Strand, 12½"). Trimmed within plate £260
London. A view of the Tower of London from the Thames, with
Wood engraving from 12 blocks on one sheet. Sheet a ship being towed by rowing boats.
900 x 1340mm (35½ x 52¾") Original folds with small Plate 17 from Joseph Farington's (1747 - 1821)
splits. £650 'History of the River Thames', 1794, a two-volume
Two large views, looking north and south from the top publication including 76 aquatints. Abbey: 432.
Stock: 53514
of the Duke of York Column at the bottom of Regent
Street, separated by a vignette roundel of the column
itself. Landmarks looking north include Carlton House 205. [Westminster Bridge.]
Terrace in foreground, Regent Street and Trafalgar Fred. A. Farrell [signed in pencil] [n.d. c.1925]
Square with the steeple of St Martin's Church still Etching, signed by the artist. 225 x 355mm (9 x 14"),
under construction. Looking south is St James's Park, with large margins. £260
the Admiralty and Horse Guards, St Paul's Cathedral A view of the heavily trafficked Westminster bridge
and Westminster Abbey, from the river Thames with parliament and the Queen
Stock: 55057 Elizabeth Tower in the middleground. A few boats
float on the calm waters. Frederick Arthur Farrell
202. [Somerset House and St Paul's Cathedral (1882 – 1935) was a self-taught British artist
from the North Bank of the Thames.] specialising in watercolours and etchings who served
[n.d., c.1800.] as the city of Glasgow's official war artist during
Very fine & mint watercolour. Sheet 275 x 400mm World War One.
Stock: 55001
(10¾ x 15¾"). Laid on album paper. £650
A view from a wharf under Westminster Bridge.
Stock: 54939 206. [The Clock Tower of Big Ben.]
Sydney R. Jones. [signed in pencil.] [n.d., c.1930.]
Etching. Plate: 390 x 180mm (15¼ x 7"). Framed.
Unexamined out of frame. £320
A view across the Thames towards the Clock Tower
(now the Elizabeth Tower) which houses the famous
bell Big Ben.
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
English countryside and provided illustrations for
203. [St Paul's Cathedral from 'View of the several publications including The Times, Illustrated
North Bank of the Thames from Westminster London News and The Studio.
Bridge to London Bridge'. Stock: 54635
[Lithographed by Thomas Mann Baynes after Sir
Frederick William Trench.] [n.d., 1825.] 207. [Imperial Chemical House & the Houses
Lithograph ON SILK. 220 x 595mm (8¾ x 23½"), laid of Parliament.]
on card. Some foxing and wear to backing card. £450 Sydney R. Jones. [n.d., 1929.]
An extremely rare printing on silk of one of the sheets Drypoint etching, signed in pencil by the artist. 200 x
of Trench's prospect of the Thames with his proposed 385mm (8 x 15¼"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
improvements, including the creatrion of an £350
Embankment. Imperial Chemical House on Millbank, London, seen
In 1824 Trench, then MP for Cambridge, launched a from the south side of the River Thames. It was built
project for a terrace on the north side of the Thames between 1928 and 1931 by Sir Frank Baines as the
from Blackfriars to Charing Cross, bringing a bill headquarters for Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI).
before Parliament and publishing this long rolling Beyond can be seen the Houses of Parliament and
prospect of the river. Although his plan was blocked by Westminster Abbey; Old Lambeth Bridge spans the
powerful interests he continued his campaign, after river in the foreground.
cholera ravaged parts of the city. Only after he died in Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
1859 did Parliament finally give the project to Sir notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
Joseph Bazalgette. architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
Stock: 54676
English countryside and provided illustrations for
several publications including The Times, Illustrated
London News and The Studio.
Stock: 54633
208. [Old Bond Street.] 211. Westminster
Sydney R. Jones. [1928.] Etched by Gautier Lucien. Published by I.
Drypoint etching, signed by the artist in pencil, verso Hildesheimer & C.o (Limt.d) London & Manchester.
label of the Print Society Fine Art Trade Guild. 315 x Copyright 1892. Printed in Paris by A. Clement.
225mm (12½ x 9"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame. London & Manchester, 1892.
£350 Etching. 435 x 470mm (17 x 18½"), with large
Old Bond Street looking towards Piccadilly, with margins. Some toning around the edges. Overall good
several recognisable business signs including fine art condition. £450
dealers Agnew's. A moonlit view of the Houses of Parliament and Big
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a Ben from Southbank by Lucien Gautier (1850-1925).
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of Gautier, a French etcher and designer, was renowned
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the for his impressive and atmospheric etchings of
English countryside and provided illustrations for European cities, and won a number of awards and
several publications including The Times, Illustrated medals throughout his career.
London News and The Studio. Stock: 54996
Stock: 54630
212. [Whitehall.]
Sydney R. Jones [signed in plate and in pencil.] [1928.]
Drypoint etching, signed by the artist. 250 x 225mm
(9¾ x 9"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame. £320
A view looking down Whitehall, Westminster, from
Trafalgar Square, the Elizabeth Tower (home of Big
Ben) and the Central Tower in the background.
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
English countryside and provided illustrations for
several publications including The Times, Illustrated
London News and The Studio.
Stock: 54628

209. [Westminster.] 213. [The Gatehouse, Lincolns Inn.]

[Painted by George Vicat Cole R.A.] A. Brunet- Sydney R. Jones. [n.d., c.1926.]
Debaines [pencil signature]. Copyright 1894, Thomas Rare drypoint etching signed by the artist in pencil. 290
Agnew & Sons, Publishers 33 Old Bond Street, x 210mm (11½ x 8¼"), with large margins. £290
London. The Gatehouse, the entrance to Lincoln's Inn from
Etching, proof before title, ltd to 350. 450 x 745mm Chancery Lane is the oldest existing part of the Inn,
(17¾ x 29¼"), with very large margins, Printsellers' built between 1518 and 1521. The arms above the arch
Association blind stamp. Mint. £650 are those of Sir Thomas Lovell (the Treasurer at the
A view of the Houses of Parliament from the Thames, time of construction), the Earl of Lincoln and Henry
a tug in the foreground, painted by George Vicat Cole VIII.
(1833-93), etched by Alfred-Louis Brunet-Debaines Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
(1845-1939). notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
Stock: 54962
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
English countryside and provided illustrations for
210. Westminster Hall and Abbey, as seen several publications including The Times, Illustrated
from Westminster Bridge. London News and The Studio.
J. Gendall Del.t. D. Havell sculp.t. London, Published Stock: 54639
Jan.y 1, 1819, at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts,
101 Strand. 214. View of London from Greenwich Park.
Rare & fine aquatint, printed in colours and hand J. Farington R.A. del. J.C. Stadler sculp. Pub. Jine 1,
finished. Sheet 390 x 525mm (15½ x 20¾"). Trimmed 1796, by J. & J. Boydell, Shakespeare Gallery, Pall
within plate, small damage in edge of image top right. Mall, and N,, 90, Cheapside.
Mounted. £680 Etching with aquatint sheet 460 x 585mm (16½ x 23").
A view of Westminster before the fire of 1834 and Hinged into mount. Vertical folds as normal. Faint
construction of the current Houses of Parliament. mount burn from a previous mount. £360
Stock: 54781
Panoramic view of London from the park, looking
towards St Paul's with the river Thames and shipping
to the right.
Stock: 55032
215. Hammersmith Lower Mall.
Sydney R. Jones. 12.9.51.
Pencil sketch. Framed, visible area 190 x 190mm (8 x
8"). Some paper toning. Unexamined out of frame.
The Lower Mall, looking west away from
Hammersmith Bridge, showing the pontoon.
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
English countryside and provided illustrations for
several publications including The Times, Illustrated
London News and The Studio. 218. Her Majesties Royal Palace at
Stock: 54640
Kensington. To Her most Serene and most
Sacred Majesty Anne by ye Grace of God
216. Hammersmith. ''Doves''.
Queen of Great Britain, France & Ireland &c.
Sydney R. Jones. 12.9.51.
[n.d., c.1713-1724.]
Pencil sketch. Framed, visible area 190 x 190mm (8 x
Etching on two sheets conjoined, total platemark 560 x
8"). Some paper toning. Unexamined out of frame.
895mm (22 x 35¼"). Original binding folds, some
surface soiling. £1250
A view of the buildings at the end of the Upper Mall
A large and impressive view of Kensington Palace,
Hammersmith, including the 17th century pub 'The
probably engraved by Jan Kip and first published in
Dove', from across the Thames.
David Mortier's monumental 'Nouveau Theatre de la
Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
Grande Bretagne' (1708-13), republished by John
notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
Smith in 1724. Adams 22.41.
architectural views; he also wrote several books on the Stock: 54772
English countryside and provided illustrations for
several publications including The Times, Illustrated
219. A Perspective View of Vaux Hall
London News and The Studio.
Stock: 54641 Garden.
J. Maurer delin et Sculp. London Publish'd according
217. The Royall Hospitall at Chelsey To the to act of Parliament 1744. Printed for John Bowles, at
the Black Horse in Cornhill.
Right Hon.ble S.r Stephen Fox Kn.t Soley
Etching and engraving 280 x 425mm (11 x 16¾").
Employ'd by King Charles the Second to take Trimmed to plate and folded, one half glued to a
care and build the Royal Hospital at Chelsea backing sheet. £260
for y.e Superanuated. and Indigent Officers & A busy scene in the pleasure garden, Vauxhall
Soldiers towards which, he gave the Ground Gardens. Many people socialise amongst the trees and
and a third part of his Office of paymaster to pavillions; some sit at tables eating and dining. One
the Army which [h]e then Enjoyed and pavillion holds an orchestra providing musical
Carryed on the Work with Constant Payments. entertainment to the visitors.
Stock: 55021
Printed for & Sold by J. Smith in Exeter Change in the
Strand. London, [n.d. 1708].
Engraving with etching on two sheets conjoined, 18th 220. The Bridge at Kingston-upon-Thames.
century watermark. Total platemark 560 x 895mm (22 To the Lord High Steward, the Bailiffs and
x 35¼"). Centre fold. Faint crease lines where the print Freeman of that Ancient Corporation, this
has been folded. Repaired tears. Small margins, some plate is humbly Inscribed, by their most
made up. £670 obedient Servant, \rdward Lapidge, Architect
A bird's eye view of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, of the Bridge.
with the river in the foreground and the formal gardens E. Lapidge, Architect. Engraved by R. Havell, Junr.
between the river and the hospital. The hospital was Published by E. Lapidge No.9. Green Street,
founded by King Charles II in 1682, however Sir Grosvenor Square, July, 1828.
Stephen Fox (1627-1716), to whom this print is Fine and large aquatint, printed in colours and hand-
dedicated, was the inspiration for its foundation. Fox finished. 415 x 660mm (16½ x 26"), paper
was a royal administrator and courtier to Charles II and watermarked 'J Whatman Turkey Mill'. Trimmed into
a politician who rose from humble origins, so much so plate at sides, several repaired tears in margins. In
that he became known as 'the richest commoner in the mount. £420
three kingdoms'. View of Kingston Bridge, showing boats on the River
Stock: 55137
Thames and All Saints church in the distance. The
bridge, still standing today, was built of Portland stone
with five elliptical arches to a design by Edward
Lapidge (1779-1860), the County surveyor. The first
stone was laid by the Earl of Liverpool at a ceremony
on 7 November 1825 and the bridge was opened by the
Duchess of Clarence, on July 17, 1828. Colvin 223. A View from Durdham Down near
'Dictionary of British Architects' p.600. Bristol. Looking down the Avon to Kings-
Stock: 54779
Road, & the Welch Mountains.
T: Smith Pin. Chatelain & Vevares Sculp. Publish'd
pursuant to an Act of Parliament Aug.t 1756, by Tho.
Fine & rare etching. 385 x 545mm (15¼ x 21½"), with
margins. £360
A view of the Avons Gorge, painted by Thomas Smith
of Derby and engraved by Francis Vivares and Jean
Baptiste Chatelain.
Stock: 54660

224. A View of St Vincent's Rocks, and the

Hot-Wells, &c. near Bristol
T: Smith Pin. Benoist Sculp. Publish'd pursuant to an
Act of Parliament Aug.t 1756, by Tho. Smith
221. The Royall Palace at Hampton Court.
Fine & rare etching. 390 x 550mm (15¼ x 21½"), with
To the Right Honorable Charles Spence, Earl narrow margins. £360
of Sunderland, Baron of Wormnleighton, one A view of the Avons Gorge, painted by Thomas Smith
of her Majesty's Principal Secretary's of Statre of Derby and engraved by Antoine Benoist.
&c. This Plate is humbly dedicated by your Stock: 54659
Lordhip's Most Obedient Servants.
[n.d., c.1713-1724.] 225. A View of part of the Garden at Hall-
Etching on two sheets conjoined, very fine impression; Barn near Beckonsfield in Buckinghamshire, a
total platemark 580 x 900mm (22¾ x 35½"). Old Seat of Edmund Waller Esq.r. [&] A View of
repairs to original binding folds. £1250 the Great Room etc. at Hall-Barn near
A large and impressive view of Hampton Court Palace,
Beckonsfield in Buckinghamshire, a Seat of
looking down over the ornamental gardens to the East
Front, the Tudor palace behind. To the right is the
Edmund Waller Esq.r.
maze, commissioned by William III. W. Woollett del. [et sculp.] [London: John Tinney et
The view was probably engraved by Jan Kip and first al., c.1760.]
published in David Mortier's monumental 'Nouveau Matching pair of etchings with engraving. Sheets c.
Theatre de la Grande Bretagne' (1708-13), republished 340 x 495mm (13½ x 19½"). Slight central crease.
by John Smith in 1724. Trimmed into images and inscriptions, losing
Stock: 54825 publication lines. £480
Hall Barn, a listed Grade II* country house near
Beaconsfield, built by Edmund Waller (1606-1687),
222. Kew Palace, as seen from Brentford.
poet and MP. Fagan 36 & 37
J.Gendall Del.t. T. Sutherland Sculp.t. London. Stock: 54710
Published Jan.y 1819 at R. Ackermann's Repository of
Arts, 101 Strand.
226. [Four views of West Wycombe Park] A
Aquatint, printed in colours and hand finished. 395 x
505mm (5½ x 19¾"), with narrow margins. £420 View of the House and Part of the Garden of
A view of the 'third' Kew Palace, begun in 1802 by S.r Francis Dashwood Bar.t at West Wycomb
James Wyatt with much input from George III. It was in the County of Bucks. [&] A View of the
much-ridiculed: in 1820 John Bew, in his 'The Walton Bridge, Venus's Temple &c. in the
ambulator; or, The stranger's companion in a tour Garden of S.r Francis Dashwood Bar.t at West
round London', wrote; 'This Angleo-Teutonic, Wycomb in the County of Bucks. [&] A View
castellated, gothized structure, (which has never been of the Lake &c. taken from the Center Walk in
completed, and probably never will be,) must be the Garden of S.r Francis Dashwood Bar.t at
considered as an abortive production, at once
West Wycomb in the County of Bucks. [&] A
illustrative of bad taste and defective judgement'. The
Prince Regent didn't like it and after the George III’s
View of the Cascade &c. in the Garden of S.r
confinement at Windsor Queen Charlotte refused to Francis Dashwood Bar.t & of the Parish
live there. In 1828 it was demolished with the interiors Church &c at West Wycomb in the County of
used elsewhere: the main staircase was installed in Bucks.
Buckingham Palace. [W.] Hannan pinx. W. Woollett [sculp.] [Printed for
Stock: 54951 Rob.t Sayer et al.] [c.1757.]
Set of four matching etchings. Each sheet c. 360 x
490mm (14¼ x 19¼"). Slight central crease. Trimmed
into image on three sides, losing parts of artist's and
engraver's inscriptions, and into plate at bottom, losing
publication line. £850
Four views of West Wycombe Park, Buckinghamshire, On this progress plate the sky and remarque armorial
the pleasure palace of Sir Francis Dashwood, founder are unfinished. See Tim Clayton 'The English Print'
of the 'Society of Dilettanti' and the 'Hell-fire Club'. (New Haven and London, 1997) p. 165.
These views, after William Hannan and engraved by Stock: 54945
William Woollett, were first published by John Tinney
without titles, and then by a consortium of publishers. 229. A North-West View of Haddon &c, an
Fagan 26-29 III of IV Ancient Seat belonging to his Grace the Duke
Stock: 54709
of Rutland; To Whom this Plate is humbly
inscrib'd, by his Grace's most dutiful and most
227. A Sketch or Map of Bedford Level and obed:t Serv:t T: Smith.
Country adjoining, Shewing the Divisions, T. Smith Pinx. Vivares Sculp. Publish'd Oct: ye
Rivers, Frains, &c. with the proposed New Cut 1744.
from Eau Brink to Lynn. Reasons In Support Engraving, slight 18th century watermark. 400 x
of the Bill for manking a New Cut from Eau 545mm (15¾ x 21½"), with large margins Repaired
Brink to Lynn, in Norfolk, for the effectural tear in lower margin. £420
Improvement of the Outfall of the River Ouze, A view of the parkland surrounding Haddon Hall, the
and the Preservation of the Harbour of Lynn. seat of the Duke of Rutland on the River Wye,
S.I. Neele, sculp.t 352, Strand. [n.d., c.1793.] Derbyshire.
Engraved map with hand colour 230 x 330mm (9 x After Thomas Smith of Derby (c.1720-67), a painter
13") , on sheet with letterpress, total 355 x 340mm (14 who specialised in landscapes with historic houses. See
x 13¼"). Map trimmed within plate top and right, Tim Clayton 'The English Print' (New Haven and
letterpress cut at bottom? £290 London, 1997) p. 165.
Stock: 54944
A map of the Great Level of the Fens (here named
Bedford Level after Francis Russell, 4th Earl of
Bedford, who facilitated the draining of the Fens in the 230. A View of the Axmouth Landslip from
17th century. It was published to accompany a Dowlands, looking Westward upon the
proposal that needed an Act of Parliament. Despite Undercliff and New Beach raised from the
opposition from the people of King's Lynn, the first Bottom of the Sea onthe 25th Dec.r 1839.
Act ordering the construction of the Cut was passed in Drawn on the Spot by Mary Buckland 30th Dec.r 1839.
1795, but the Cut was not completed until 1821. On Zinc by G. Scharf. Printed by C. Hullmandel.
Stock: 54800 [London: John Murray, 1840.]
Tinted zincograph. Sheet 300 x 870mm (11¾ x 34¼").
Original binding folds taped. £280
A scene on the cliffs of England's 'Jurassic Coastline'
after a landslip on Christmas Day 1839, taking with it a
number of cottages and an orchard. It was the first
major landslip to be recorded scientifically and is
known today as the 'Undercliff'. The only double-page
plate in Conybeare & Dawson's 'Landslips in East
Devon". Abbey: 129.
Stock: 54662

231. Rochester Inscrib'd to S.r Thomas

Palmer Bar.t & S.r Jo.n Jennings Kn.t
of Parlm.t for ye City.
T. Badeslade delin.t. J. Harris Sculp.t. [London: D.
228. [A North-West View of Haddon &c, an Midwinter, 1719.]
Ancient Seat belonging to his Grace the Duke Engraving on two sheets, very fine impression total
of Rutland; To Whom this Plate is humbly 375 x 820mm (14¾ x 32¼"). Mint. Original binding
inscrib'd, by his Grace's most dutiful and most folds. £360
obed:t Serv:t T: Smith.] A fine, dark example of this elevated view of
Vivares fecit [after Thomas Smith of Derby]. Rochester, looking down the Medway towards
[Publish'd Oct: ye 1744.] Sheerness, published in 'The History of Kent' by John
Engraving, unique progress proof with only engraver's Harris. Down the sides are six inset views, including
name. 400 x 545mm (15¾ x 21½"). Repaired tear in the castle, cathedral and Sir Cloudesley Shovell's
lower margin. £580 Market House.
A view of the parkland surrounding Haddon Hall, the Stock: 54793
seat of the Duke of Rutland on the River Wye,
Derbyshire, after Thomas Smith of Derby (c.1720-67), 232. Word or Fenderland Farm. NB. This
a painter who specialised in landscapes with historic Farm lies in the Parishes of Word and Easty in
houses. Kent And was Plan'd by a Scale of 18 Poles to
an Inch in 1775.
by Henry Hogben. [1775.] 236. [Ferry Arch, Tintern.]
Manuscript estate plan on vellum. Sheet 500 x 695mm SRJ [Sydney Robert Jones]. [n.d., c.1950.]
(19¾ x 27¼"). Some surface soiling. £420 Pencil sketch. Framed, visible area 115 x 155mm (4½
A manuscript plan with a 25-point key surmounted by x 6") Unexamined out of frame. £140
a basket of apples and grapes. The watergate of Tintern Abbey, now part of the
Henry Hogben (1741-d.1822) of Doddington, surveyor Anchor Inn.
to the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, was the third Sydney Robert Fleming Jones (1881-1961) was a
generation of the family to be a mapmaker in Kent, notable watercolourist and etcher, particularly of
plotting estates in Kent, Essex, Surrey and Hampshire. architectural views; he also wrote several books on the
Versions of his maps of Thanet, the River Stour and English countryside and provided illustrations for
Romney Marsh were published, 1775-1515. several publications including The Times, Illustrated
Stock: 55058 London News and The Studio.
Stock: 54642
233. The High Street, Oxford.
The Rev.d J. Griffith del.t. J.E. Edy sculp.t. London
Published Aug.t 1, 1800 for the Proprietor by J W Edy,
Romney Row [Westrn.]
Rare aquatint, printed in sepia. 600 x 780mm (23½ x
30¾"). Cracks in platemark, margins reinstated on two
sides. £850
A very fine impression of the large view of the High
Street, from Queens' College towards All Saints
Stock: 53998

234. A View of Stoke Bridge, Ipswich.

Drawn & Engraved by C. Pyke, Drawing Master,
Ipswich. Publish'd July 1st 1801.
Scarce coloured etching. 320 x 425mm (12½ x 16¾"),
watermarked '1794'. Trimmed to plate at top. £480
A view of Stoke Bridge, over the River Orwell in
Ipswich, two windmills on the hills behind. From a set
of four views of Ipswich by Charles Pyke (1770-
1846?), locally published.
Stock: 54741

235. [Oatlands] A Plan of the Garden &

House of the R.t Honourable y.e Earl of
Lincoln at Weybridge in the County of Surry.
Part of the Park.
Survey'd and Engrav'd by B. Rocque. 1737. Publish'd
According to the Act of Parliament 1737. 237. Dundee from the West. To the Right
Line engraving. 465 x 640mm (18¼ x 25¼"), with 18th Hon.ble Lord Douglas Lord Lieu.t f the
century watermark Trimmed. Centre fold crease. Light County of Forfar, Hereditary Constable of
stain in bottom left corner. Crease in bottom right Dundee &c &c And the other Heritors of the
corner. £650 Parish, This View is with the greatest respect
A plan of the house and gardens of the Earl of Lincoln Humbly dedicated by their most obedient
(1720-1794), with a view of the front of the house. Servant, Alexander Simson. [&] Dundee from
Included is a scale of 330 feet and a key. The estate, the River. To the Hon.ble The Provost,
formerly a royal palace, situated in the non civil parish Magistrates, and Town Council, the
of Oatlands, passed to Henry Clinton, the seventh Earl
Merchants, Burgesses & Inhabitants of
of Lincoln, 1716.
From ''Vitruvius Brittanicus, Volume the Fourth. Being Dundee, This View is respectfully dedicated by
A Collection of Plans, Elevations, and Perspective their much obliged & most obedient Servant,
Views, of` the Royal Palaces, Noblemen, and Alexander Simson.
Gentlemens Seats, In Great Britain, Not Exhibited in D. Orme del.n. Harraden sculp.t. Published March 1st
any Collection of this nature hitherto published. 1803 by Alex.r Simson, Dundee and E. Orme,
Design'd By J. Badeslade and J. Rocque, &c. And Printseller to his Majesty No 59 New Bond Street,
Engraven by the Best Hands. London.
Stock: 55116 Pair of aquatints. Each 355 x 475mm (14 x 18¾"), with
large margins, watermarked 1806. Repair tear in
margin of 'River', creasing in margins of both. £950
A pair of rare views of Dundee.
Stock: 54954
238. A View taken from the North of the 242. [Chinese Christian Almanac]. [Lee in
Cathedral Church of Glasgow, and Engraved ink}
in the Academy in Glasgow by R. Paul Eleve. [n.d. c. 1880.]
[n.d., c.1760.] Scarce letterpress. 555 x 460mm (21¾ x 18"). Creasing
Fine & rare engraving, 18th century watermark. 260 x and small holes along folds. Staining £690
405mm (10¼ x 16"). Trimmed close to platemark Chinese Christian Almanac with three pictorial
unevenly. £260 engravings, one engraved by Charles Dietrich 1880's; a
Robert Paul (1739-70) was a pupil at the Glasgow view of a Chinese town, the profile of a ship at sea and
Academy. a landscape with a steam train.
Stock: 54655 Stock: 55114

239. [Marie Thérèse de Bourbon] La

Princesse de Conti.
P. Schenk F: et Excu: Amstelodami, cum: Privil: Ord
Hol: et West-Frisia [n.d., c.1690.]
Mezzotint. 190 x 135mm (7½ x 5¼"), with margins,
with slight 17th century watermark. £360
'Princess of Conti' was a noble title held by the wife of
the Prince of Conti. Although this portrait is often said
to be Marie Anne de Bourbon (1678-1718), Duchess of
Vendôme, it is more likely to be her successor as
princess, Marie Thérèse de Bourbon (1666-1732), who
received the title on her marriage in 1688.
Stock: 53654

240. [Album with 30 portraits of rulers of

[n.d., c.1840.]
Folio, 19th century half morocco with marbled boards;
with 30 lithographs, ea. 270 x 185mm (10¾ x 7¼"),
pasted in. Spine rebacked with rexine, inner hinges
strained; prints trimmed to printed border on three
sides, spotting throughout. £450
Thirty full-length portraits of margraves (Markgrafs) of
Baden, from Bertold I to Carl Willhelm (d.1666). With
a photocopied condition report with pencil mss from
Rugby School. 243. [Yussuf Adjiah] Hagia Yousuph. Effendi.
Stock: 55129 Embassasor from the Sublime Porte to the
Court of Great Britain.
241. [Philip IV, King of Spain] D. Philippo IV Painted by Charles Frederick de Breda, R.A. of
Avstrio Hispaniarvm Indiarvmq Regi Stockholm, & Painter to the King of Sweden. Engraved
Catholico Svpra omnes retro principes by S.W. Reynolds. Pub.d Jan.y 1st 1795 by John &
potentissimo Pio Felici patri patriæ. Hanc suæ Josiah Boydell, Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall, & No.
Maiestatis effigiem a se æri incisam dedicabat 90 Cheapside, London.
Paulus Pontius Antuerpianus D.N.M.Q.E. Ao. Mezzotint, title in open letters. 505 x 355mm (19¾ x
MDCXXXII. 14"), with large margins. Framed. Unexamined out of
frame. £750
P. Pual Rubens Pinxit. [Engraved and published by
A portrait of Yussuf Adjiah, the first resident Turkish
Paulus Pontius Cum Privilegio [1632].
ambassador to London, seated with prayer beads in his
Engraving, with Collector's Mark; 450 x 335mm (17¾
hand. A map of the British Isles lies next to him.
x 13¼"), with narrow margins. £390
He did not present his credentials to George III until
The first state of this portrait of Philip IV after the
29th January, nearly a month after publication.
painting by Rubens in the Alte Pinakothek, Munich,
Whitman: 313; CLB: state ii of iii. Ex: Collection of
half-length within an ornamental arch, wearing the
The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece. In the second Stock: 54625
state Philip's moustache is enlarged.
Stock: 54947

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