Grade 7 Science

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Fourth Quarter – Module 2

The Atmosphere

Lesson THE


The atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and other gases (1%) that
surrounds Earth. High above the planet, the atmosphere becomes thinner until it gradually reaches
space. It is divided into five layers. Most of the weather and clouds are found in the first layer. The
atmosphere is an important part of what makes Earth livable. It blocks some of the Sun's dangerous
rays from reaching Earth.

Learning Objectives

After going through this module, I can:

1. Identify the different composition of the atmosphere.
2. explain the importance of the atmosphere.

Activating Prior Knowledge

Task 1: Explain Me!

Direction: Analyze the situation given. Choose and explain the best answer. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
Rubrics: 10 pts – If the answer was explained very well and showed correct usage of grammar.
5 pts – If the answer was explained well but some error in grammar.
0 pt – If the answer was not correct and not related to the question

1. Explain why greenhouse effect is good.




Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the atmosphere on the Earth.

 The international unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa).
 We normally use the atmosphere (atm) or the millibar (mb). 1
atm=1013 hPa=1013 mb
 Normal pressure is the pressure at sea level (1 atm)
 Atmospheric pressure varies with altitude.

Assessment 1: Essay
Direction: Analyze the situation given. Choose and explain the best answer. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
Rubrics: 10 pts – If the answer was explained very well and showed correct usage of grammar.
5 pts – If the answer was explained well but some error in grammar.
0 pt – If the answer was not correct and not related to the question

1. What are the major causes of global warming?

Assessment 2. Complete Me! Performance task

Complete the table below by filling in the needed information. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

25pts - Information is complete with all necessary work shown and legible
15pts - Information is 75% complete with all necessary work shown and legible
10pts - Information is 50% - 75% complete with all necessary work shown and legible
5pts - Information is 25% -50% complete with all necessary work shown and legible
2pts - All necessary work is not shown or not legible work is missing (has not been turned in)

Term Definition Importance

1. Greenhouse Gases
2. Atmosphere
3. Troposphere
4. Lithosphere
5. Stratosphere

Congratulations! You have completed this module on Science! – Sir Christian

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