Extended CP (eRAN11.1 - 02)

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Extended CP Feature Parameter


Issue 02
Date 2016-06-30


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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description Contents


1 About This Document.................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Intended Audience.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Change History............................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Differences Between eNodeB Types.............................................................................................................................. 3

2 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Definition........................................................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Benefits........................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3 Technical Description...................................................................................................................5
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Normal CP...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Extended CP................................................................................................................................................................... 6

4 Related Features.............................................................................................................................7
4.1 LBFD-00100401 Normal CP..........................................................................................................................................7
4.2 LOFD-001031 Extended CP.......................................................................................................................................... 7

5 Network Impact............................................................................................................................. 9
5.1 LBFD-00100401 Normal CP..........................................................................................................................................9
5.2 LOFD-001031 Extended CP.......................................................................................................................................... 9

6 Engineering Guidelines............................................................................................................. 10
6.1 When to Use................................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.2 Required Information................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Planning........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
6.4 Deployment...................................................................................................................................................................11
6.4.1 Process....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.4.2 Requirements............................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.4.3 Data Preparation........................................................................................................................................................ 11
6.4.4 Precautions.................................................................................................................................................................12
6.4.5 Hardware Adjustment................................................................................................................................................12
6.4.6 Initial Configuration.................................................................................................................................................. 13
6.4.7 Activation Observation..............................................................................................................................................13
6.4.8 Deactivation...............................................................................................................................................................14

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description Contents

6.5 Performance Monitoring...............................................................................................................................................15

6.6 Parameter Optimization................................................................................................................................................ 15
6.7 Possible Issues.............................................................................................................................................................. 15

7 Parameters..................................................................................................................................... 16
8 Counters........................................................................................................................................ 20
9 Glossary......................................................................................................................................... 21
10 Reference Documents............................................................................................................... 22

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope
This document describes extended cyclic prefix (CP), including its technical principles,
related features, network impact, and engineering guidelines. This document covers the
following features:

l LBFD-001004 CP length
– LBFD-00100401 Normal CP
l LOFD-001031 Extended CP

This document applies to the following types of eNodeBs.

eNodeB Type Model

Macro 3900 series eNodeB

Micro BTS3202E

LampSite DBS3900 LampSite

Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described herein apply only to
the corresponding software release. For future software releases, refer to the corresponding
updated product documentation.

This document applies only to LTE FDD. Any "LTE" in this document refers to LTE FDD,
and "eNodeB" refers to LTE FDD eNodeB.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:

l Need to understand the features described herein

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document

l Work with Huawei products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes:

l Feature change
Changes in features and parameters of a specified version as well as the affected entities
l Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information and any related parameters affected by
editorial changes. Editorial change does not specify the affected entities.

eRAN11.1 02 (2016-06-30)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected Entity


Feature None None N/A


Editorial Revised descriptions in None N/A

change 6.1 When to Use.

eRAN11.1 01 (2016-03-07)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected Entity


Feature None None N/A


Editorial Added mutually None N/A

change exclusive features of
extended CP. For
details, see 4.2
Extended CP.

eRAN11.1 Draft A (2015-12-30)

Compared with Issue 03 (2015-09-28) of eRAN8.1, Draft A (2015-12-30) of eRAN11.1
includes the following changes.

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter Change Affected Entity


Feature None None N/A


Editorial Revised the None N/A

change descriptions of CME-
based feature
configuration in
engineering guidelines.
For details, see the
following sections:
l 6.4.6 Initial
l 6.4.8 Deactivation

1.4 Differences Between eNodeB Types

Feature Support by Macro, Micro, and LampSite eNodeBs
Feature ID Feature Supported by Supported by Supported by
Name Macro Micro LampSite
eNodeBs eNodeBs eNodeBs

LBFD-001004 CP length Yes Yes Yes

LBFD-001004 Normal CP Yes Yes Yes


LOFD-001031 Extended CP Yes No No

Function Implementation in Macro, Micro, and LampSite eNodeBs

No difference.

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview

2 Overview

2.1 Definition
A CP is a copy of the end of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbol
inserted at the beginning. Each CP serves as a guard interval between OFDM symbols, as
shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Structure of an OFDM symbol in the time domain

2.2 Benefits
The CP technique mitigates inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI)
caused by multipath delay, ensuring network coverage in E-UTRAN cells.

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

3 Technical Description

3.1 Introduction
Radio signals are transmitted between an eNodeB and a UE through multiple propagation
paths. The maximum transmission delay difference between paths is the delay spread. In
typical eNodeB deployment scenarios (for example, urban areas), the delay spread is
generally small. However, in some areas with special channel environments (for example,
valleys) or special network topologies (for example, roads covered with several RRUs serving
one cell), the delay spread is large. In addition, the delay spread increases with the cell radius.
To mitigate ISI and ICI caused by delay spread in the OFDM system, the CP technique is
The symbol energy that can be captured by an OFDM receiver depends on the CP length:
l If the CP is longer than the multipath delay spread of an OFDM symbol, the OFDM
receiver can capture all the energy of the symbol.
l If the CP is shorter than the multipath delay spread of an OFDM symbol, the OFDM
receiver can capture only some energy of the symbol.
The multipath components of an OFDM symbol whose multipath delay spread is longer than
the CP are incorrectly received as a subsequent OFDM symbol. This causes interference to
the actual subsequent OFDM symbol. The interfered OFDM symbol then mistakenly captures
some multipath components of adjacent symbols. Therefore, the orthogonality between
subcarriers is lost after Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This causes ICI. To avoid these
situations, a sufficiently long CP is required. However, an unnecessarily long CP must also be
avoided because it causes high system overhead and a loss of spectral efficiency.
To balance performance, overhead, and data transmission capability, normal CP and extended
CP were defined in section 5.6 "SC-FDMA baseband signal generation" and section 6.12
"OFDM baseband signal generation" of 3GPP TS 36.211 V8.9.0 for non-RACH channels to
meet different multipath delay spread requirements.
Uplink and downlink CP types are specified by the Cell.UlCyclicPrefix and
Cell.DlCyclicPrefix parameters, respectively.

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

3.2 Normal CP
Normal CP applies to scenarios where the delay spread is small. Figure 3-1 shows the
structure of a timeslot in the normal CP case. The timeslot consists of seven downlink OFDM
symbols or uplink Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) symbols.
The CP length of symbol 0 is about 5.2 µs, and the CP lengths of the other six symbols are
about 4.7 µs.

Figure 3-1 Structure of a timeslot in the normal CP case (with a subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz)

The system overhead for the normal CP case shown in Figure 3-1 is calculated using the

3.3 Extended CP
Extended CP applies to scenarios where the delay spread is large. When multipath
interference is severe, system performance deteriorates significantly if the multipath delay
spread is longer than a normal CP. Extended CP enhances multipath delay spread resistance in
large-cell-radius scenarios and multipath interference resistance. However, extended CP
increases the system overhead and consumes certain amount of time-domain resources.

Figure 3-2 shows the structure of a timeslot in the extended CP case. The timeslot consists of
six downlink OFDM symbols or uplink SC-FDMA symbols. The CP length of each symbol is
about 16.7 μs.

Figure 3-2 Structure of a timeslot in the extended CP case (with a subcarrier spacing of 15

As shown in Figure 3-2, an extended CP is longer than a normal CP. The permissible
multipath delay at the receiving end increases with the CP length. The use of extended CP,
however, causes more system overhead than the use of normal CP. The system overhead for
the extended CP case is calculated using the following:

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

4 Related Features

4.1 LBFD-00100401 Normal CP

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features


Impacted Features

4.2 LOFD-001031 Extended CP

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-001076 CPRI Compression If LOFD-001076 CPRI Compression is

activated for a cell, the cell does not support
LOFD-001031 Extended CP.

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

LOFD-003029 SFN The application scenarios are different.

Extended CP applies to the extended
coverage scenario, while SFN applies to
scenarios such as indoor coverage, indoor and
outdoor joint coverage, densely populated
urban areas with short inter-site distances, and
high-speed railways.

LOFD-080216 Uu based Soft LOFD-080216 Uu based Soft

Synchronization Synchronization and LOFD-001031 Extended
CP cannot be both enabled.

LOFD-081221 Super Combined LOFD-081221 Super Combined Cell and

Cell LOFD-001031 Extended CP cannot be both

Impacted Features

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 5 Network Impact

5 Network Impact

5.1 LBFD-00100401 Normal CP

System Capacity
No impact.

Network Performance
No impact.

5.2 LOFD-001031 Extended CP

System Capacity
The use of extended CP causes more system overhead than the use of normal CP and
therefore system capacity decreases.

Network Performance
No impact.

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

6 Engineering Guidelines

6.1 When to Use

l LBFD-00100401 Normal CP
This is a basic feature and is activated by default.
l LOFD-001031 Extended CP
It is recommended that the Extended CP feature be activated to improve uplink and
downlink signal to interference plus noise ratios (SINRs) if both the following conditions
are met:
– The multipath delay spread exceeds the normal CP length of 4.7 μs in the area, for
example, where there are high buildings or mountains in the distance that will
reflect signals.
This condition can be interpreted as follows: There is at least 1.5 km difference
between the line of sight (LOS) path of a signal arriving at a UE and the reflected
path of the same signal arriving last at the UE.
– UEs on the live network support extended CP.

If there is an extended-CP-incapable UE in a network where extended CP is activated, the UE does

not work. In this scenario, it is recommended that extended CP be deactivated.

6.2 Required Information

To evaluate whether to use Extended CP, operators can estimate whether the multipath delay
spread is longer than the normal CP length based on the building distribution and landform.

6.3 Planning
RF Planning

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

Network Planning

Hardware Planning
Do not use UBBPda for the Extended CP feature, which is not supported on the board.

6.4 Deployment

6.4.1 Process

6.4.2 Requirements
Operating Environment

Transmission Networking

Feature Feature Model License Control NE Sales Unit
ID Name Item

LOFD-0 Extended CP LT1S000E Extended CP (FDD) eNode per RRC

01031 CP00 B Connected

6.4.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is
data that you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for
a specific feature deployment scenario.

Required Data

Scenario-specific Data
Scenario 1: Multipath Delay Spread Shorter than 4.7 μs
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in a Cell MO to configure the
uplink and downlink CP lengths.

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

Local Cell ID Cell.LocalCellId N/A Radio planning


Uplink cyclic prefix Cell.UlCyclicPrefix Set the parameters to Radio planning

length NORMAL_CP(Normal (internal
). planning)
Downlink cyclic Cell.DlCyclicPrefix The uplink and downlink
Radio planning
prefix length CP lengths of a cell can be (internal
different but must be the planning)
same as those of the other
cells established on the
same baseband processing
unit (BBP).

Scenario 2: Multipath Delay Spread Longer than 4.7 μs

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in a Cell MO to configure the
uplink and downlink CP lengths.

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

Local Cell ID Cell.LocalCellId N/A Radio planning


Uplink cyclic prefix Cell.UlCyclicPrefix Set the parameters to Radio planning

length EXTENDED_CP(Exte (internal
nded). planning)
Downlink cyclic Cell.DlCyclicPrefix The uplink and downlink
Radio planning
prefix length CP lengths of a cell can be (internal
different but must be the planning)
same as those of the other
cells established on the
same BBP.

6.4.4 Precautions
At the moment when the CP modification takes effect in an activated cell, services carried by
UEs are interrupted in the cell. The duration for the UEs to reacquire synchronization with the
cell depends on the synchronization performance of the UEs.
In addition, only one CP type can be configured for each BBP.

6.4.5 Hardware Adjustment


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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

6.4.6 Initial Configuration

Normal CP and Extended CP can be activated using the CME or MML commands.

Using the CME

l Fast Batch Activation
This feature can be batch activated using the Feature Operation and Maintenance
function of the CME. For detailed operations, see the following section in the CME
product documentation or online help: CME Management > CME Guidelines >
Enhanced Feature Management > Feature Operation and Maintenance.
l Single/Batch Configuration
This feature can be activated for a single eNodeB or a batch of eNodeBs on the CME.
For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration.

Using MML Commands

Run the MOD CELL command with the Uplink cyclic prefix length and Downlink cyclic
prefix length parameters set to NORMAL_CP(Normal) or EXTENDED_CP(Extended).

MML Command Examples

//Activating normal CP

//Activating extended CP

6.4.7 Activation Observation

The procedure for determining the CP configuration is as follows:

Step 1 On the U2000, run the LST CELL command and check the values of Uplink cyclic prefix
length and Downlink cyclic prefix length.
l If the values are Normal, normal CP has been configured.
l If the values are Extended, extended CP has been configured.

Step 2 On the U2000, start Uu interface tracing, deactivate the cell, and then reactivate it. Wait until
the cell is successfully activated, and then check the value of the information element (IE) ul-
CyclicPrefixLength in the first RRC_SYS_INFO message (SIB2) over the Uu interface.
l If its value is len1(0), normal CP is working in the uplink.
l If its value is len2(1), extended CP is working in the uplink.

CP configuration in the downlink is transparent to UEs. Therefore, there are no messages to check for
the downlink.

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines


6.4.8 Deactivation
The following table provides the parameter used for feature deactivation.

Table 6-1 Parameters for feature deactivation

MO Parameter ID Parameter Name Setting Notes

Cell Cell.UlCyclicP Downlink cyclic l If normal CP is used, no

refix, prefix length, Uplink further operation is required.
Cell.DlCyclicP cyclic prefix length l If extended CP is used, set
refix this parameter to

This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands.

Using the CME

For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration.

Using MML Commands

l If normal CP is configured, no deactivation action is required.
l If extended CP is configured, you can run the MOD CELL command with the Uplink
cyclic prefix length and Downlink cyclic prefix length parameters set to

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 14

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

MML Command Examples


6.5 Performance Monitoring


6.6 Parameter Optimization


6.7 Possible Issues

If you have activated extended CP but the activation observation result indicates that extended
CP has not been activated, contact Huawei engineers.
If the cell capacity decreases after extended CP takes effect, make sure that the parameters
were set based on the setting notes described in 6.4.3 Data Preparation. If the problem
persists, contact Huawei engineers.

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

7 Parameters

Table 7-1 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description
ter ID Comma ID Name

Cell UlCycli ADD LBFD-0 Normal Meaning: Indicates the UL cyclic prefix length of a
cPrefix CELL 0100401 CP cell. A cyclic prefix can be a common or extended
MOD / Extende cyclic prefix. An extended cyclic prefix is generally
CELL TDLBF d CP used in a complex environment with a strong multi-
D-00100 path effect and long delay. In a cell, the UL cyclic
LST 401 Broadca prefix length can be different from the DL one. In
CELL st of addition, the UL or DL cyclic prefix length of a cell
LOFD-0 system
01031 / must be the same as that of the cell using the same
informat BBP. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
D-00103 GUI Value Range: NORMAL_CP(Normal),
1 EXTENDED_CP(Extended)
LBFD-0 Unit: None
02009 /
Actual Value Range: NORMAL_CP,
9 Default Value: NORMAL_CP(Normal)

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 16

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

Cell DlCycli ADD LBFD-0 Normal Meaning: Indicates the length of the DL cyclic prefix
cPrefix CELL 0100401 CP of a cell. A DL cyclic prefix can be a common or
MOD / Extende extended cyclic prefix. An extended cyclic prefix is
CELL TDLBF d CP generally used in a complex environment with a
D-00100 strong multi-path effect and long delay. In a cell, the
LST 401 UL cyclic prefix length can be different from the DL
CELL one. In addition, the UL or DL cyclic prefix length of
01031 / a cell must be the same as that of the cell using the
TDLOF same BBP. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
D-00103 GUI Value Range: NORMAL_CP(Normal),
1 EXTENDED_CP(Extended)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NORMAL_CP,
Default Value: NORMAL_CP(Normal)

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

Cell LocalCe ACT None None Meaning: Indicates the local ID of the cell. It uniquely
llId CELL identifies a cell within a BS.
ADD GUI Value Range: 0~255
CELL Unit: None
ADD Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: None

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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name


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Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters

8 Counters

There are no specific counters associated with this feature.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 9 Glossary

9 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue 02 (2016-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Extended CP Feature Parameter Description 10 Reference Documents

10 Reference Documents

1. 3GPP TS 36.211, "Physical channels and modulation"

2. eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide

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