Rite of Civil Marriage

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Good morning/afternoon to everyone!

Today, we are all gathered to witness and to celebrate this very special occasion, the
wedding day of COLS and JOY. After a period of serious consideration and deep
reflection they have decided to unite together and live together for life. As Ninongs and
Ninangs, you will be the living witnesses of the promises and commitment that they will
soon make. I Being the Municipal Mayor of San Vicente, Palawan, am given the
authority by law, as stipulated in the Local Code and New Family Code, to declare and
confirm you as a married couple. I am convinced that the motivating factor why the two
of you decided to come together today is none other than Love. It is worthwhile for us
to ask guidance and inspiration from above, who we believe is the source and fountain
of that love, so may His blessings overflow as COLS and JOY say their “I DO’s” and
complete the commitment of marriage.


Let us pray!

Almighty and ever loving Father, you created mankind to be the instrument and
stewards of creation. I am aware of my unworthiness before you; make me an
instrument of their union and their love, as reflection of your love. Guide them from this
time on, to live in you, so that their lifestyle and their daily undertakings will always be
directed for your glory. All these, we entrust thru Christ our Lord. Amen!


St. Mark, Chapter 10: Verse 6 – 9. “But God’s plan was seen from the beginning of
creation, for He made them male and female, this explains why a man leaves his wife
and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one. Let no one
separate them, for God has joined them together.”


In a short while, you, COLS and JOY will be united thru this civil union. Soon, each of
you will be asked to freely give your consent and commitment to one another in the
eyes of the law, you will now enter into a covenant to live together for life until death do
you part.

And this should be clearly understood by the both of you since divorce is not legal in
this country. Our constitution stipulates that marriage is a special contract between man
and woman with a permanent and irrevocable union. Take note! Permanent and
irrevocable union; meaning we should not give into the pressing current trend that
“Everything is disposable”.

Marriage is an ultimate union and this irrevocable reality brings you into a covenant. As
a consequence, this eventually affects your future and the future of your family.
Because of this, it is for you to strengthen the intimate unity of your hearts and minds
so that despite the challenges you will be facing along the way of your married life, you
will then be strong enough to face those challenges because you will always have this
point of reference to go back to. You just have to bear in mind, to always put the
presence of God in the midst of the family so that in return He will also shower His
blessings upon you.
And so, at this point, may I now call on COLS and JOY to please stand, together with
your parents and witnesses. Let us now start the rite of civil marriage.


(Note: Husband & Wife facing each other with joined right hands and with the witnesses standing
behind them)

Mayor: This part is now the exchange of consent. Each contracting parties will be
asked to freely give your consent each other as the law says “CONSENT
MAKES MARRIAGE”. And so I would like to ask you now to answer
truthfully the following questions.”

Mayor: COLS. Do you come here with your own free will to unite yourself in love
and to live together as one with your wife?

Groom: Yes, I do.

Mayor: Are you free of any pressure to contract marriage with your wife?

Groom: Yes, I do.

Mayor: Are you willing to be her lawful husband and you will accept her to be your
lifetime partner for the rest of your life?

Groom: Yes, I do. With the help of God.

Mayor: JOY. Do you come here with your own free will to unite yourself in love and
to live together as one with your husband?

Bride: Yes, I do.

Mayor: Are you free of any pressure to contract marriage with your husband?

Bride: Yes, I do.

Mayor: Are you willing to be his lawful wife and you will accept him to be your
lifetime partner for the rest of your life?

Bride: Yes, I do. With the help of God.


Mayor: The ring symbolizes the ENDLESS LOVE of COLS and JOY, and the
Arrhae symbolizes the responsibility that the husband should undertake as
provider and head of the family.


Male: JOY. Take this ring as a symbol of my love and

fidelity for the rest of my life.

Female: COLS. Take this ring as a symbol of my love and

fidelity for the rest of my life


Male: JOY receive this arrhae as a symbol of Responsibility; to work hard and to
do my best for my family.

Prayer of the Couple

Grant us oh Lord to unite and bind us together in heart and in mind from this
day on, whatever happens, in good times and in bad times, in joys and sorrows, in
sickness and in health, till death to do us part.


Mayor: By virtue of the power vested on me by the Republic of the Philippines as

the Municipal Mayor of San Vicente, Palawan, now accept and confirm the
marriage you have contracted.

………. I now pronounce you Husband and Wife

………. Congratulations …. And you may now kiss the Bride


 After the confirmation of the solemnizing officer, the newly wedded couple can
now go around for the shaking of hands.
 The signing of contract will now serve as the Culmination or End part.
 Mellow music or love songs can be played during the signing of the marriage
 Counselling by the parents. Ninong and Ninang is optional. Hence this can be
done at the reception site.


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