Grade 8 Science: Manitoba Education and Training 2000
Grade 8 Science: Manitoba Education and Training 2000
Grade 8 Science: Manitoba Education and Training 2000
In this cluster, students investigate living things through a
focus on cells and systems. Cell theory provides the basis for
exploring cells and unicellular and multicellular organisms.
Students identify major events and technological innovations
that have enabled scientists to increase our understanding of
cell biology. Microscopes are used to observe and compare the
general structure and function of plant and animal cells.
Students examine important processes that take place within
the cell, including the movement of nutrients and wastes across
cell membranes. The need for specialization of cells and tissues
in multicellular organisms is discussed, as are the structural
and functional relationships among cells, tissues, organs, and
systems. Investigations of the circulatory and respiratory
systems highlight their importance to the body and lead to an
understanding of how body systems function interdependently.
Students identify components of the body’s primary and
secondary defense systems. They examine medical advances
that enhance the human body’s defence mechanisms, and
research disorders and diseases that can affect body systems.
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary
related to their investigations of cells Teacher Notes
and systems. Students have had previous learning experiences related to this cluster in
Include: cell theory, osmosis, Grade 7, Cluster 1: Interactions within Ecosystems, and in Grade 5,
diffusion, selective permeability, Cluster 1: Maintaining a Healthy Body.
unicellular, multicellular, specialized Refer to Kindergarten to Senior 4 Physical Education/Health
Education: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes for
cells and tissues, organs, systems,
Active Healthy Lifestyles (2000) for related learning outcomes and
arteries, veins, capillaries, terms teacher support.
related to cell structure, heart
structure, components of blood, and
primary and secondary defense â Introduce, explain, use, and reinforce vocabulary throughout this
systems. cluster.
GLO: C6, D1 â Three-Point Approach
Have students, working in groups, use the Three-Point Approach
(Simons, 1991) to research one or more of the identified terms
related to types of vertebrates and invertebrates. Provide
students with opportunities to share their findings with the class.
Have students update this information throughout the study of
this cluster.
(For a BLM of the Three-Point Approach for Words and
Concepts, see SYSTH, Attachment 10.2, or Success, p. 6.101.)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-02 Identify characteristics of â Characteristics of Living Organisms
living things, and describe how Have students use the Think-Pair-Share strategy (McTighe and
different living things exhibit these Lyman, 1992) to answer the following question: What
characteristics. characteristics are shared by all living things?
Include: composed of cells; When gathering student responses, group them into categories
reproduce; grow; repair themselves; (e.g., living things are composed of cells, reproduce, grow,
require energy; respond to the repair themselves, require energy, respond to the environment,
environment; have a lifespan; have a lifespan, and produce wastes).
produce wastes. Have students research a variety of resources (using the Internet,
GLO: D1, E1 print texts, CD-ROMs, videos, and/or viewing material through
a microscope) to find examples of how a plant, a paramecium,
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of and a human exhibit each of the life functions. Also provide
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines,
community resource people, outdoor
students with opportunities to view plant or paramecium
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet… specimens/slides. Ask students to organize their information in
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2) chart form.
8-0-2b Develop and use criteria for evaluating
information sources. Include: distinguish Example:
between fact and opinion. GLO: C6, C8 (ELA Characteristics of Living Organisms
Grade 8, 3.2.2, 3.2.3; TFS 2.2.2)
8-0-2c Make notes in point form, summarizing Characteristics Plant Paramecium Human
major ideas and supporting details and
referencing sources. GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, retrieves/uses photosynthesizes scoops up food ingests food in the
3.3.2) energy in the gullet mouth and
processes it in the
8-0-5f Û Record, compile, and display
digestive system
observations and data, using an appropriate
format. GLO: C2, C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.3.1; Math: grows and reproduces by splits into two reproduces by
SP-III.2.8) reproduces means of seeds, new paramecia sexual means
cuttings, and
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Score Criteria
Igniting the Sparkle: An Indigenous
Science Education Model (Teacher
4 The response is correct, complete, and detailed, indicating that fire is Reference)
not a living thing because it does not exhibit all life characteristics
(does not contain cells). It contains examples and/or elaboration to
support the answer. It includes evidence of higher-order thinking.
Teacher Notes
The Western scientific view of the characteristics of living things may
be in conflict with other views. Encourage students to discuss and
respect other views and recognize that individuals can hold
multiple views.
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-03 Describe cell theory. â Cell Theory News Release
Include: all living things are Have students research information about the cell theory. Then
composed of one or more cells; cells have them use their findings to create a newspaper article that
are the basic unit of structure and announces the discovery of the cell theory, discusses its major
function of any organism; all cells points, and identifies the scientists who are credited with its
come from pre-existing cells; the discovery.
activity of an organism as a whole Sample News Release:
depends on the total activity of all its
cells. Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow Vow
GLO: A2, D1, E2 Cell Is the Basic Building Block of Life
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of Scientists Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow have studied
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines,
community resource people, outdoor
living organisms for several years. With the help of the
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet… microscope they have determined that all living things are
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2) made of cells.
8-0-2b Develop and use criteria for evaluating
information sources. Include: distinguish
According to Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann,
between fact and opinion. GLO: C6, C8 (ELA these cells seem to be the basic structural units within
Grade 8, 3.2.2, 3.2.3; TFS 2.2.2) organisms. The two scientists also note that the well-being
8-0-2c Make notes in point form, summarizing
major ideas and supporting details and
of the organism depends on the well-being of its cells.
referencing sources. GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, Due to the numerous and varied experiments and studies
they have conducted, Schleiden and Schwann are
8-0-7g Û Communicate methods, results,
conclusions, and new knowledge in a variety of confident in their hypothesis and have laid out the points
ways. Examples: oral, written, multimedia in what they call the cell theory. Schleiden and Schwann
presentations... GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 4.4.1) have incorporated into the cell theory experimental
observations and conclusions of the famous scientist
Rudolf Virchow, who has observed that cells reproduce
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-04 Identify major events and â Timeline of Developments in Cell Biology
technological innovations that have Have students gather research from the Internet, multimedia
enabled scientists to increase our resources, and/or print texts to create a timeline of the major
understanding of cell biology. events and technological advancements that have enabled
Examples: invention of the light and scientists to increase our understanding of cell biology. Ask
electron microscopes, works of students to include the following people and discoveries, as well
Robert Hooke, Anton van as at least three other notable discoveries/people involved in cell
Leeuwenhoek, Matthias Schleiden biology: Robert Hooke, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Matthias
and Theodor Schwann... Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, Rudolf Virchow, cell theory, light
GLO: A2, A4, B1, B2 microscope, electron microscope.
Note: Discuss with students why there is an absence of women
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of who are associated with discoveries in cell biology.
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines,
community resource people, outdoor Once the timeline is completed, have students use their science
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet… notebooks to reflect on the role technology has played in
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2)
allowing scientists to increase their understanding of cell
8-0-8a Û Distinguish between science and
technology. Include: purpose, procedures,
biology, and the impact of this increased understanding on
products. GLO: A3 society.
8-0-8b Û Describe examples of how scientific
knowledge has evolved in light of new evidence, â Science or Technology
and the role of technology in this evolution.
GLO: A2, A5, B1 Challenge the class to distinguish between science and
8-0-8d Û Describe examples of how technology in terms of purpose, procedure, and product, using
technologies have evolved over time in response information and examples from their timelines created in the
to changing needs and scientific advances.
GLO: A5, B1, B2 previous learning activity.
8-0-8e Û Provide examples of Canadian (Refer to Figure 1: Science and Technology: Their Nature and
institutions and individuals who have contributed
to science and technology, and describe their
Relationship, Grades 5 to 8 Science: Manitoba Curriculum
contributions. GLO: A1, A4, B1, B4 Framework of Outcomes, p. 2.5.)
8-0-8g Û Discuss societal, environmental, and
economic impacts of scientific and technological
endeavours. Include: local and global impacts.
GLO: A1, B1, B3, B5
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-05 Identify and compare major â Comparing Plant and Animal Cells
structures in plants and animal cells, Have students view videos or CD-ROM clips that show greatly
and explain their function. magnified pictures of the cell and its parts. Provide students with
Include: cell membrane, cytoplasm, a Compare and Contrast Frame (Matchullis and Mueller, 1994)
mitochondria, nucleus, vacuoles, cell and have them use it to identify the similarities and differences
wall, chloroplasts. between plant and animal cells.
GLO: D1, E1 (For a BLM of a Compare and Contrast Frame, see SYSTH,
Attachment 10.4, or Success, p. 6.103.)
8-0-1c Identify practical problems to solve.
Examples: How can I make water flow uphill?
â Cell Model Construction
Which type of bottled water should I buy?… Using the design process, have students create a model of a
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of
plant, animal, or protist cell. As a class, determine criteria for
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines, success (e.g., the model is three-dimensional, includes a key).
community resource people, outdoor Have students
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet…
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2) • plan their model by creating a sketch of their chosen cell
8-0-3d Û Develop criteria to evaluate a type, labelling the diagram with the major cell structures
prototype or consumer product. Include: function,
aesthetics, environmental considerations, cost,
• indicate the materials to be used in the construction of their
efficiency. GLO: C3 model (e.g., modelling clay, polystyrene balls, paper, gelatin)
8-0-3e Û Create a written plan to solve a • present their finished model to the class
problem. Include: materials, safety
considerations, three-dimensional sketches, Students may use the “Design Project Report” (BLM 8-O) to
steps to follow. GLO: C3, C6 record their work.
8-0-4b Û Construct a prototype. GLO: C3
8-0-5b Û Test a prototype or consumer product, â What Is My Function?
using predetermined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
8-0-6d Û Identify and make improvements to a Have students create flash cards for the structure and function of
prototype, and explain the rationale for the plant and animal cells, writing the function or job description of
changes. GLO: C3, C4
the cell structure on one side and the name of the cell structure
8-0-6e Û Evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of a consumer product, based on on the other. The cards may also include a diagram. Pairs of
predetermined criteria. GLO: C3, C4 students can use these cards to play the game, What Is My
Function? They either state the function first and ask for the
name of the cell structure or vice versa. Have students rotate
around the room and play the game with different students.
This game may also be played in two teams. Show a card with
the name of a cell structure or the description of the cell’s
function to one student from each team and then have both
students draw the correct cell structure on the board.
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
When assessing students’ cell model construction, Nelson Science & Technology 8
refer to “Design Project Report: Assessment” (Sections 1.3, 1.6)
(BLM 8-P). Sciencepower 8 (Sections 1.2, 1.3)
Cells and Tissues (Video)
Job Advertisements By Design: Technology Exploration &
Have students create job advertisements that Integration (Design Process Reference
incorporate a job description for a plant or an animal and Tools)
cell. Design and Technology System (Design
Process Reference and Tools)
Scoring Rubric
Mathematics, Science, & Technology
Score Criteria Connections (Design Process
3 The advertisement includes all key features of a plant or animal Reference and Tools)
cell. It includes a realistic job description.
Teacher Notes
Background Information
The cell consists of the following structures:
• The nucleus is the control centre of the cell.
• The cell membrane is a living structure that surrounds a cell and
allows certain materials in and out.
• Cytoplasm is a fluid-like material within a cell that supports the
internal structure of the cell.
• Mitochondria are the location of energy production, converting
nutrients and oxygen into useable energy.
• Vacuoles are storage structures for water, minerals, nutrients, and
• The cell wall (in a plant cell only) is the non-living cellulose
structure that surrounds a cell and provides support.
• Chloroplasts (in a plant cell only), containing chlorophyll, are
structures that convert light energy into usable chemical energy.
Both plant and animal cells have mitochondria, a cell membrane,
cytoplasm, and a nucleus. The differences between plant and animal
cells include the following:
• Plant cells have thick outer cell walls that provide support, large
vacuoles for water and mineral storage, and chloroplasts for
food production.
• Animal cells have a thin, flexible membrane, have many
small vacuoles, and lack chloroplasts.
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-06 Demonstrate proper use and â Activating Prior Knowledge
care of the microscope to observe the Note: The microscope was introduced in Grade 7, Cluster 1:
general structure of plant and animal Interactions within Ecosystems. Have students identify parts of a
cells. microscope on a diagram and list as many points related to the
Include: preparing wet mounts proper use and care of microscopes as they are able to. Then, as a
beginning with the least powerful class, identify all the parts and review proper use and care
lens; focusing; drawing specimens; information. (Refer to “The Compound Microscope,” BLM 8-A.)
indicating magnification. As a class, review basic skills of diagramming what students
GLO: C1, C2, D1 observe through a microscope and discuss how to determine the
power of magnification used in viewing a slide.
8-0-4e Û Demonstrate work habits that ensure
personal safety, the safety of others, and â Viewing Cells with a Microscope
consideration for the environment. Include:
keeping an uncluttered workspace; putting
Have students view and diagram prepared slides of a typical plant
equipment away after use; handling glassware cell and a typical animal cell (e.g., epithelial cell), as well as a
with care; wearing goggles when required; live specimen of a plant cell (e.g., geranium leaf). Ask students to
disposing of materials safely and responsibly.
GLO: C1 indicate the power of magnification used for each diagram.
8-0-5c Select and use tools to observe, (Refer to “The Compound Microscope,” BLM 8-A.)
measure, and construct. Include: microscope,
concave and convex mirrors and lenses,
chemical indicators. GLO: C2, C3, C5
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
The student
q carries the microscope by the arm and base
q cleans the objective and ocular lenses with lens paper only
q places the slide on the stage and lowers the objective lens
carefully (watches from the side of the microscope to ensure that
the objective lens does not crush the slide) and focuses while
looking through the ocular lens and raising the objective lens
q lowers the stage before changing from a lower objective lens to
a higher objective lens and then watches from the side to ensure
that the objective lens does not hit the stage
q properly cleans up work area and stores equipment as directed
The student
q includes titles
q prints labels
q connects labels to the object with a straight line
q indicates the power of magnification used when viewing a slide
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-07 Describe the movement of â High and Low Concentration
nutrients and wastes across cell Ask a group of students to stand close together in one corner of
membranes and explain its the classroom and have the remaining students spread throughout
importance. the room. Have students identify which part of the room has the
Include: osmosis, diffusion, selective highest concentration of students. (The corner with the group of
permeability. students has the highest concentration.)
GLO: D1 Show students the following diagram and have them decide
which portion of the oval has a higher concentration of squares.
8-0-4c Û Work cooperatively with team (Part A has the higher concentration.)
members to carry out a plan, and troubleshoot
problems as they arise. GLO: C7 (ELA Grade 8,
8-0-4e Û Demonstrate work habits that ensure
personal safety, the safety of others, and
consideration for the environment. Include:
keeping an uncluttered workspace; putting
equipment away after use; handling glassware Part A Part B
with care; wearing goggles when required; â Diffusion
disposing of materials safely and responsibly.
GLO: C1 Have students investigate diffusion, following these steps:
8-0-4f Û Identify WHMIS hazard symbols that
provide information on the safety of substances.
• Place a few of drops of food colouring in a Petri dish or a
GLO: C1 beaker of water. Record your observations in your science
8-0-5a Û Make observations that are relevant to notebook, using three diagrams: one at the start, one after a
a specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2
minute, and one at the completion of the observation period
8-0-5c Select and use tools to observe,
measure, and construct. Include: microscope, of several minutes.
concave and convex mirrors and lenses, • Diffusion is the movement of a substance. Using the words
chemical indicators. GLO: C2, C3, C5
high concentration and low concentration, describe the
8-0-7a Û Draw a conclusion that explains
investigation results. Include: explaining the movement of the food colouring in the Petri dish or beaker.
cause and effect relationship between the (The dye moved from an area of high concentration to an area
dependent and independent variables;
identifying alternative explanations for
of low concentration.)
observations; supporting or rejecting a
prediction/hypothesis. GLO: A1, A2, C2 (ELA â Osmosis
Grade 8, 3.3.4)
Have students investigate osmosis, following these steps:
• Put dried raisins in a beaker and add just enough water to
cover them.
• Cover the beaker with a Petri dish or plastic wrap.
• Observe what happens over time (one to two days).
• Record your observations in your science notebook, using
diagrams that show the raisins at the start and at the
completion of the observation period. (The raisins expand as
the water crosses through the outer skin or membrane.)
• Indicate on your diagrams the direction the water moved.
Include evidence to support your answer. (Water moved into
the raisins. Less water in the beaker and fuller raisins provide
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-07 (continued) (continued)
â A Challenge
Pose the following problem to students:
• How is it possible to get granulated sugar into a beaker that is
covered by filter paper? (Dissolve the sugar in water and
pour it through the filter.)
• Why was the sugar not able to go through the filter initially?
(Its particles were too big.)
Part A
Have students perform the following investigation:
• Pour dilute iodine solution into a test tube and cover the end
with a moistened piece of single-layered dialysis tubing,
using a rubber band to keep the tubing in place.
• Place the test tube into a beaker of corn starch and water
• Set up a second test by putting dilute iodine solution into a
beaker and a corn starch mixture into a test tube whose end is
covered with dialysis tubing.
Sample A Sample B
dialysis tubing
starch mixture
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-07 (continued) (continued)
After students have observed the reactions of the two mixtures,
have them answer the following questions in their science
1. Using the words high concentration and low concentration,
explain the movement of the iodine solution. (In both
samples, the iodine solution went from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration:
Sample A—from the test tube to the beaker; Sample
B—from the beaker to the test tube.)
2. What was the proof of the direction of movement? (In
Sample A, proof of the movement of the iodine solution from
the test tube to the starch mixture in the beaker was that the
starch mixture turned black but the iodine solution did not. In
Sample B, proof of the movement of the iodine solution from
the beaker into the starch mixture in the test tube was that the
starch mixture turned black.)
3. What is a possible reason why the starch did not move into
the iodine solution? (The starch particles were bigger than the
pores in the dialysis tubing.)
Part B
To observe how Benedict’s solution reacts with sugar,
demonstrate the following:
• Pour 400 mL of distilled Safety Precaution:
water into a 600 mL beaker. Ensure that the test tube has
• Fill half a test tube with the a “spurt cap” on it to
water and add several drops prevent the hot liquid from
of Benedict’s solution. escaping. Hold the test tube
a safe distance away from
• Gently heat the solution over
a flame or in a water bath. A
positive indication of sugar is given when the colour of the
solution changes to a reddish-orange.
The following part of the experiment can be done as a teacher
demonstration or as an investigation by groups of students:
• Fill a 6 cm length of dialysis tubing with corn syrup and tie it
off, leaving about 10 cm of string.
• Tie the dialysis tubing to a pencil in such a way that it hangs
in the water. Leave it set up overnight.
(continued) (continued)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-07 (continued) (continued)
• The next day, observe differences in the dialysis tubing.
(It looks “bloated.” Water has moved into the tubing.)
• Test the water for glucose by using a glucose indicator slip or
Benedict’s solution (as per earlier directions). If the test is
negative, with no sugar present, wait one more day and then
retest, recording your observations.
Have students answer the following questions in their science
1. Osmosis is the movement of water across a membrane. Using
the words high concentration and low concentration, explain
the movement of water in the above experiment. (The water
moved from an area of high concentration to an area of low
2. Why was the corn syrup not able to cross the dialysis tubing,
a semipermeable membrane, at first? (Its particles were too
large to go through the pores in the membrane.)
3. What eventually enabled the sugar to cross the dialysis tubing
membrane? (The sugar dissolved in the water that moved into
the tube and then was able to pass through the semipermeable
4. Identify which substance diffused in this experiment. (The
corn syrup diffused.)
5. Was equilibrium achieved in the concentration of corn syrup
inside and outside the tubing? Support your answer with
evidence from your observations. (Equilibrium was achieved.
The solution in and out of the dialysis tubing was the same
6. Using your analysis of diffusion and osmosis, explain how
nutrients and wastes move into and out of a cell. Include a
description of water’s role in the movement of certain
substances. (Nutrients move into a cell by diffusion. They
move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration. Wastes diffuse out of the cell. They move
from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration. Water helps some nutrients move across a
membrane by first dissolving the substance so that the
nutrients may cross the semi-permeable membrane.)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Extended Response
Provide students with the following:
Look for:
1. osmosis
2. osmosis
3. diffusion
4. diffusion
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-08 Differentiate between â Comparison of Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms
unicellular and multicellular Have students observe examples
organisms. Safety Precaution: Pond water,
of unicellular and multicellular especially water from a fish or
GLO: D1, E1 organisms by viewing videos, turtle tank, may contain
live specimens (e.g., using pond harmful bacteria and/or protists.
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of water as a source), CD-ROM Discuss with students the
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines, importance of keeping hands
community resource people, outdoor clips, and other media. Ask
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet… students to draw or paste pictures and writing utensils away from
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2) their mouths when dealing with
of unicellular organisms on one pond water. Ensure that
half of a piece of paper and students wash their hands with
pictures of multicellular soap and warm water after
organisms on the other half. handling water samples.
Have students place a title on
each side, along with a brief statement that describes the
differentiation between the two types of organisms (i.e., single
celled, many celled).
Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms
Unicellular Multicellular
(single celled) (many celled)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Refer to the assessment strategy suggested for learning Nelson Science & Technology 8
outcome 8-1-09. (Sections 1.12, 1.13)
Sciencepower 8 (Section 1.2)
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-09 Describe why cells and tissues â Where Is the Water?
are specialized in multicellular Spruce, elm, aspen, and poplar trees are examples of trees that
organisms, and observe examples. grow several metres high. Have students use the Think-Pair-
Include: specialization is needed Share strategy (McTighe and Lyman, 1992) to determine which
because all cells in a complex part of the tree takes in water for the whole tree to use. (root)
organism do not have access to the Have students discuss what might be needed to transport water
external environment. to the very top of the tree.
GLO: C2, D1
â Transport in Plants
8-0-4e Û Demonstrate work habits that ensure Have students observe transport in plants, following these steps:
personal safety, the safety of others, and
consideration for the environment. Include:
• Cut off the bottom 2 cm of the root tip of a carrot.
keeping an uncluttered workspace; putting • Place the carrot into a beaker with 5 mL of coloured water.
equipment away after use; handling glassware
with care; wearing goggles when required; • Wait overnight.
disposing of materials safely and responsibly. • Remove the carrot from the dyed water and cut the carrot
8-0-5a Û Make observations that are relevant to
a specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2 • Draw a diagram of your observations in your science
8-0-7f Û Reflect on prior knowledge and notebook.
experiences to construct new understanding and
apply this new knowledge in other contexts. Have students answer the following questions in their science
GLO: A2, C4 (ELA Grade 8, 1.2.1) notebooks:
1. Did the coloured water go up evenly through all the cells in
the carrot or did it travel only in some cells? (some cells)
2. Using research, identify the specialized cell structure that
allows the transport of water to cells that are not near the
water at the root tip of a carrot. (xylem)
3. Why do multicellular organisms need to have specialized
cells? (Specialization is needed because not all cells in a
complex organism have access to the external environment.
All cells need to receive nutrients and oxygen and get rid of
4. What are some specialized cells within the human body?
(blood, nerve, muscle)
5. Using a microscope, view some prepared slides of
specialized cells and diagram them. (Examples: muscle,
blood, bone, nerve, epithelial.)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Scoring Rubric
Score Criteria
Teacher Notes
Further investigation into osmosis and the transport of water in plants can be
done by observing a stalk of celery or a white carnation with the cut stem
ends placed in coloured water. After a day or two, the celery may be cut at
intervals and xylem tubes may be seen. In the case of the carnation, the
colour of the flower itself will change. Students may also inquire about
the cause of the water rising up the tube. Direct students to further
research topics such as transpiration in plants, osmotic pressure,
and capillary and adhesive properties of water.
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-10 Describe structural and â Levels of Organization
functional relationships among cells, Show students slides or pictures of cells, tissues, organs, and
tissues, organs, and systems. systems. Highlight the progression in levels of organization from
GLO: D1, E2 cell to system.
1. Cells (e.g., muscle cells) have a particular structure and
2. Groups of similar cells form tissues (e.g., muscle tissue) that
perform a specific function.
3. Groups of different tissues form organs (e.g., heart) that work
together to perform a particular function.
4. Groups of different organs work together in organ systems
(e.g., cardiovascular system) to perform a specific function.
5. Groups of different systems work together in an organism to
perform all life processes.
â Analogy
Have students develop and describe an analogy for the levels of
organization (from cells to systems).
1. Individual students play specialized positions (e.g.,
quarterback, defensive lineman) on a football team. (cells)
2. Groups of players form the offensive line with the function of
scoring a goal. (tissue)
3. The offensive and defensive lines work together as a team.
4. Two teams play each other as part of a game. (system)
5. All the games are part of a league. (organism)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Scoring Rubric
Score Criteria
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-11 Describe the structure and â The Heart
function of the heart and the path of Have students view videos, virtual dissections, and/or CD-ROM
blood to and from the heart through clips about the heart. Ask them to label a diagram of the heart
its four chambers. with the following terms: atria, ventricles, septum, valves, aorta,
Include: atria, ventricles, septum, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, superior vena cava, and
valves, aorta, pulmonary artery, inferior vena cava.
pulmonary veins, superior vena cava, Have students answer the following questions in their science
inferior vena cava. notebooks:
GLO: D1, E1 1. The heart acts like a _________ to push blood through the
circulatory system. (pump)
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines, 2. What type of tissue is the heart made of? (muscle)
community resource people, outdoor 3. _________ open and close entryways into the ventricles and
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet…
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2) the pulmonary artery and aorta. (valves)
8-0-9e Û Be sensitive and responsible in 4. Which ventricle pumps the blood to the body? (left)
maintaining a balance between the needs of
humans and a sustainable environment. 5. What is the name of the largest artery? (aorta)
Teacher Notes
Heart Observation Stations
Learning outcome 8-1-11 does not require students to participate in
dissecting a heart. However, the following suggested learning activities
provide students with opportunities to examine the parts of a heart by
viewing a previously dissected pig heart.
Provide alternative learning experiences for those students who do not wish
to view an actual heart. Various Internet sites (such as
<>) show pictures of
pig or sheep heart dissections, along with dissection instructions.
To set up the heart observation stations, obtain and dissect a pig heart.
Review safety precautions with students and stress the importance of
treating the pig heart in a respectful manner.
• Heart Specimens: Pig hearts can be obtained for a nominal fee at a
meat packing plant. These specimens often have clots of blood in
them and may have part of the aorta and/or an atrium removed. Pig
hearts from a scientific supplier are cleaned and intact. If using
prepared specimens, be sure to rinse hearts to remove some of the
chemical preservatives.
• Heart Dissection: One suggested method of dissection is cutting
across the apex of the pig heart and observing the differences in the
muscle thickness of each ventricle.
• Safety Precautions: Discuss with students the importance of
lab safety when dealing with dissected materials (see Science
Safety: A Kindergarten to Senior 4 Resource Manual for
Teachers, Schools, and School Divisions, 1997,
pp. 11.5-11.6).
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Refer to the assessment strategy suggested for learning Nelson Science & Technology 8
outcome 8-1-12. (Section 1.22)
Sciencepower 8 (Sections 3.3-3.4)
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-11 (continued) (continued)
â Heart Observation Stations
Work with small groups of students at the following heart
observation stations.
Station 1: Observing a Pig Heart
Have students, using their diagrams from the previous learning
experiences, make labelling flags by putting dissection pins
through small pieces of paper. Have them flag/label as many of
the parts of the previously dissected pig heart as they can.
Have students, using their diagrams, make labelling flags from
small pieces of paper and tape them to the corresponding parts
of a commercially purchased heart model.
Station 2: Pathway of Blood through the Heart
Have students trace the pathway of blood through the heart,
beginning with the vena cava (superior or inferior) and ending
with the aorta, and record its path in their science notebooks.
Ask students to indicate where the blood is oxygenated (high in
oxygen) and where it is deoxygenated (low in oxygen).
Station 3: Listening to the Heart
Have students listen to their Safety Precaution: Remind
own heartbeats and those of a students to exercise extreme
classmate. (Having a partner of caution when using a
the same sex usually prevents any stethoscope. They should not
uneasiness with a stethoscope.) talk into stethoscopes or bang
Have students attempt to discern them while someone is using
them. This could lead to
between the sounds of the atria
serious ear damage.
contracting (soft beat-lub) and the
sounds of the ventricles contracting (harder beat-dub). Ask
students to determine their heart rate by counting the number of
beats per minute.
Station 4: Heart Puzzles
Have students complete heart and circulatory system puzzles.
Puzzles, worksheets, and information pamphlets can be obtained
from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba (telephone:
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-12 Compare and contrast the â Blood Vessels
structure and function of arteries, Use explicit instruction to
veins, and capillaries.
• introduce the concept that blood vessels are the passageways
GLO: D1, E1 in the transport (circulatory) system
• describe the structure and function of the three main types of
8-0-7f Û Reflect on prior knowledge and
experiences to construct new understanding and blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries)
apply this new knowledge in other contexts. Have students use a Compare and Contrast sheet or a Venn
GLO: A2, C4 (ELA Grade 8, 1.2.1)
8-0-7g Û Communicate methods, results,
diagram to illustrate their understanding of the similarities and
conclusions, and new knowledge in a variety of differences between veins and arteries and ask them to include a
ways. Examples: oral, written, multimedia cross-section diagram for each.
presentations... GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 4.4.1)
(For a BLM of a Compare and Contrast sheet, see SYSTH,
Attachment 10.4, or Success, p. 6.103.)
• have thinner walls
Arteries • contain valves to prevent
• have thick muscular • are types of back-flow
walls blood vessels
• help push blood back to the
• lead away from the • transport blood heart (with movement of
heart • are connected skeletal muscles)
• generally carry by capillaries • generally carry deoxygenated
oxygenated blood blood
Teacher Notes
Links can be made to Grade 8, Cluster 3: Fluids, as well as to
learning outcome 8-1-07.
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Circulatory System
Name the
1. smallest blood vessel where gas and
nutrient/waste exchange occurs __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. blood vessel that has a thin wall, has
valves, and carries blood back to the
heart __ __ __ __
3. blood vessel that has thick muscular
walls and carries blood away from the
heart __ __ __ __ __ __
4. thick muscular portion of the heart
that pumps blood into arteries __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5. type of tissue of which the heart is
made __ __ __ __ __ __
6. the sound that is heard through a
stethoscope when listening to the
heart __ __ __ __ __ __
7. structures within the heart that close
off the passageways between
ventricles, atria, and blood vessels __ __ __ __ __ __
8. group of organs working together to
perform a function __ __ __ __ __ __
9. largest artery in the body __ __ __ __ __
10. upper chambers of the heart __ __ __ __ __
11. artery and vein that transports blood
to and from the lungs __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Use the circled letters to form hidden words:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Look for:
1. capillary 7. valves
2. vein 8. system
3. artery 9. aorta
4. ventricle 10. atria
5. muscle 11. pulmonary
6. lub dub
Hidden words: circulatory system
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-13 Identify components of blood â Viewing Components of Blood
and describe the function of each. Provide students with a list of the major components of blood
Include: red blood cells carry (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma) and
oxygen; white blood cells fight have them use print and/or electronic resources to obtain
infection; platelets clot blood; plasma information about the function of each component. This would be
is the liquid part of blood that an opportunity for students to practise using search tools on the
transports blood cells, dissolved Internet.
material, nutrients, and waste In addition, have students use a microscope to view prepared
products. slides of blood cells. Ask them to organize their information and
GLO: D1 observations for each component of blood using the Three-Point
Approach (Simons, 1991).
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of (For a BLM of the Three-Point Approach for Words and
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines,
community resource people, outdoor Concepts, see SYSTH, Attachment 10.2, or Success, p. 6.101.)
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet…
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Vocabulary Review
Choose the word or phrase from the list below that best
describes the definition.
red blood cell white blood cell platelets plasma
Look for:
1. plasma
2. red blood cell
3. white blood cell
4. platelets
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-14 Describe, using examples, â Web of Life
how individual systems in the human Have students place the names of
body function interdependently. the major body systems in a circle Teacher Notes
GLO: D1, E2 around the edge of a blank piece Background information
of paper. Ask them to make as on the body systems can
8-0-7f Û Reflect on prior knowledge and many connections as possible be found in Grade 5,
experiences to construct new understanding and
apply this new knowledge in other contexts. among the systems by joining them Cluster 1:
GLO: A2, C4 (ELA Grade 8, 1.2.1) with lines and writing on the lines Maintaining a
how the systems are related. Healthy Body.
Word Web
Nervous System
Digestive System
Skeletal System
Respiratory System
Excretory System
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
1. Why is it important for you to be aware of how your
body systems are interdependent?
2. Why is it important for your doctor to be aware of how
body systems are interdependent?
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-15 Compare heart rate and â Effects of Activity Level on Heart and Respiratory Rates
respiratory rate before, during, and Part A: Finding a Pulse
after various physical activities;
explain the observed variations; and Have students find their pulse using their index and middle
discuss implications for overall fingers, not the thumb. Good locations for finding the pulse
health. include the underside of the left wrist (down from the thumb to
the wrist area), the carotid arteries in the neck (just below the
GLO: B3, C2, D1, E3 jawbone), and the temple. Students can calculate their pulse rate
by counting their pulse for 10 seconds and then multiplying by
8-0-1a Û Formulate specific questions that lead
to investigations. Include: rephrase questions to six.
a testable form; focus research questions. GLO:
A1, C2 (ELA Grade 8, 3.1.2; Math: SP-I.1.8) Part B: Designing an Experiment
8-0-1b Û Select and justify a method to be used
in finding the answer to a specific question.
Have students plan and conduct an experiment to answer the
GLO: C2 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.3; Math: SP-II.1.8) following question: How does activity level affect heart rate and
8-0-3a Û Formulate a prediction/hypothesis that respiratory rate? Ask students to graph their data.
identifies a cause and effect relationship
between the dependent and independent Sample Data Table:
variables. GLO: A2, C2 (Math: SP-I-1.8)
Heart and Respiratory Rates
8-0-3b Identify the independent and dependent
variables in an experiment. GLO: A2, C2 Activity Sitting Standing Running on the Four minutes
8-0-3c Û Create a written plan to answer a spot for two minutes after running
specific question. Include: apparatus, materials,
safety considerations, steps to follow, and Heart Rate
variables to control. GLO: C2 (ELA Grade 8,
3.1.4) Respiratory Rate*
8-0-4a Û Carry out procedures that comprise a
fair test. Include: controlling variables, repeating *Calculate the respiratory rate by counting how many breaths are taken in
experiments to increase accuracy and reliability. 10 seconds and then multiplying by six.
8-0-4c Û Work cooperatively with team For instructional and assessment suggestions to aid students in
members to carry out a plan, and troubleshoot understanding the process of collecting data, grouping data,
problems as they arise. GLO: C7 (ELA Grade 8,
displaying data, and drawing conclusions from data, refer to
8-0-4e Û Demonstrate work habits that ensure Grades 5 to 8 Mathematics: A Foundation for Implementation,
personal safety, the safety of others, and Statistics and Probability, pp. C26-C43, and Appendix (Teacher
consideration for the environment. Include:
keeping an uncluttered workspace; putting
Information: Venn, Tree, and Carroll Diagrams; and Graphs,
equipment away after use; handling glassware Tables, and Lists).
with care; wearing goggles when required; Have students answer the following questions in their science
disposing of materials safely and responsibly.
GLO: C1 notebooks:
8-0-5a Û Make observations that are relevant to 1. Why does your respiratory (breathing) rate increase as your
a specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2
activity level increases?
8-0-5c Select and use tools to observe,
measure, and construct. Include: microscope, (Muscles need oxygen to create energy to move. When your
concave and convex mirrors and lenses, activity level increases, your breathing rate increases so that
chemical indicators. GLO: C2, C3, C5
you can get more oxygen.)
8-0-5e Û Estimate and measure accurately
using SI and other standard units. Include:
determining volume by displacement of water.
GLO: C2, C5 (Math: SS-IV.1.6, SS-III.1.5, Math:
SS-III.1.6, SS-I.1.5)
(continued) (continued)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-15 (continued) (continued)
2. Why does your heart rate increase as your activity level
8-0-5f Û Record, compile, and display increases?
observations and data, using an appropriate
format. GLO: C2, C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.3.1; Math: (As your activity level increases, your cells need more
SP-III.2.8) oxygen and nutrients to fuel your muscles. This means that
8-0-6a Construct graphs to display data, and
interpret and evaluate these and other graphs.
the circulatory system has to transport more oxygen and
Examples: circle graphs… GLO: C2, C6 (ELA nutrients to the muscle cells and, therefore, the heart has to
Grade 8, 3.3.1; Math: SP-III.2.7; TFS: beat faster.)
8-0-6b Û Interpret patterns and trends in data, 3. What are some factors, other than increased activity level,
and infer and explain relationships. GLO: A1, A2, that might affect your breathing rate?
C2, C5
8-0-6c Û Identify strengths and weaknesses of (Breathing rate can be affected by a variety of factors:
different methods of collecting and displaying respiratory system illnesses such as colds, asthma,
data, and potential sources of error. GLO: A1, pneumonia, and emphysema; other illnesses that require more
A2, C2, C5 (ELA Grade 8, 3.3.3)
8-0-6f Û Identify how the original plan evolved
oxygen for cells; smoking, which may cause passageways to
and justify the changes. GLO: C2, C3 (ELA work less effectively and, therefore, work harder to acquire
Grade 8, 3.3.4) oxygen; stress and anxiety.)
8-0-7a Û Draw a conclusion that explains
investigation results. Include: explaining the 4. What potential sources of error may have occurred while you
cause and effect relationship between the were collecting data?
dependent and independent variables;
identifying alternative explanations for (Perhaps you could not find your pulse, were taking your
observations; supporting or rejecting a pulse with your thumb, the pulse became weak and you lost
prediction/hypothesis. GLO: A1, A2, C2 (ELA
Grade 8, 3.3.4) sensation of it, or you lost count.)
8-0-7b Û Critically evaluate conclusions, basing 5. The heart rate you recorded while sitting is called your basal
arguments on fact rather than opinion. GLO: C2,
C4 or resting heart rate. Why might not everyone have the same
8-0-7h Û Identify and evaluate potential basal heart rate?
applications of investigation results. GLO: C4 (Differences in basal heart rate may be due to factors such as
physical condition, health, and metabolism.)
6. Why might heart rates differ from student to student after
they run for two minutes?
(Heart rates may vary, depending on the physical condition,
health, running pace, etc. of the individual runners.)
7. How soon your heart rate returns to normal depends on your
physical condition. What are some things you can do to keep
your heart healthy and in good condition?
(You can exercise, maintain a healthy diet, avoid smoking,
and so on.)
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-16 Identify components of the â Research Project
primary and secondary defence Have students brainstorm ways in which the body defends itself
systems of the human body, and and ways in which medical advances enhance the body’s
describe their roles. defence mechanisms. (Students have had cluster-related
Include: primary defence system— experience in Grade 5, Cluster 1: Maintaining a Healthy Body.)
skin, tears, ear wax, saliva, gastric Compile student responses into a class chart. Add other
juices, cilia hairs; secondary defence applicable components (see the “Include” portion of learning
system—white blood cells, outcome 8-1-16 and the “Examples” portion of learning outcome
antibodies. 8-1-17).
GLO: D1, E2 Have students work in groups to research an assigned
component of the body’s defence system or a medical advance
8-1-17 Identify medical advances that that enhances the body’s defence mechanism. Have students
enhance the human body’s defence share their findings and compile them into a class reference
mechanisms and describe their effects resource (to be used in conjunction with the following learning
on society. experience).
Examples: vaccines, antibiotics...
â Creating a Board Game: Defend Your Health
GLO: A5, B1, B2, B3
Using the design process, have students create a board game that
8-0-1c Identify practical problems to solve. incorporates information derived from the class research
Examples: How can I make water flow uphill?
Which type of bottled water should I buy?… findings (about the body’s defence system and medical advances
GLO: C3 related to this system) from the previous learning experience. As
8-0-1d Û Select and justify a method to be used a class, develop criteria to assess the game (e.g., type of game,
in finding a solution to a practical problem.
GLO: C3 (Math: SP-II.1.8)
number of players).
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines,
community resource people, outdoor
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet…
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2)
8-0-2b Develop and use criteria for evaluating 8-0-7d Û Propose and justify a solution to the
information sources. Include: distinguish initial problem. GLO: C3
between fact and opinion. GLO: C6, C8 (ELA
8-0-7e Û Identify new practical problems to
Grade 8, 3.2.2, 3.2.3; TFS 2.2.2) solve. GLO: C3
8-0-2c Make notes in point form, summarizing
8-0-7g Û Communicate methods, results,
major ideas and supporting details and
conclusions, and new knowledge in a variety of
referencing sources. GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8,
ways. Examples: oral, written, multimedia
presentations... GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 4.4.1)
8-0-3d Û Develop criteria to evaluate a
8-0-7h Û Identify and evaluate potential
prototype or consumer product. Include: function,
applications of investigation results. GLO: C4
aesthetics, environmental considerations, cost,
efficiency. GLO: C3 8-0-8b Û Describe examples of how scientific
knowledge has evolved in light of new evidence,
8-0-3e Û Create a written plan to solve a and the role of technology in this evolution.
problem. Include: materials, safety
GLO: A2, A5, B1
considerations, three-dimensional sketches,
steps to follow. GLO: C3, C6 8-0-8d Û Describe examples of how
technologies have evolved over time in response
8-0-4b Û Construct a prototype. GLO: C3 to changing needs and scientific advances.
8-0-5b Û Test a prototype or consumer product, GLO: A5, B1, B2
using predetermined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
8-0-8g Û Discuss societal, environmental, and
8-0-6d Û Identify and make improvements to a economic impacts of scientific and technological
prototype, and explain the rationale for the endeavours. Include: local and global impacts.
changes. GLO: C3, C4 GLO: A1, B1, B3, B5
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Rating Scale
Criteria Poor Good Excellent
• game instructions are clear and 1 2 3 4 5
easy to follow
• game shows creativity 1 2 3 4 5
• game is aesthetically pleasing 1 2 3 4 5
• game content includes reference to 1 2 3 4 5
— all primary defense systems (skin,
tears, ear wax, saliva, gastric
juices, and cilia hairs)
— secondary defense systems (white
blood cells and antibodies)
— vaccines and antibodies
Constructive comments:
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-18 Research and describe â Synectics
disorders/diseases that affect body Place each of the following pictures on a separate card. Have
systems, and identify possible students form small groups and give one picture to each group,
preventative measures. asking students to list some qualities/characteristics about their
Examples: liver disease, diabetes, picture (e.g., identify what it is made of, its use), make a
multiple sclerosis, heart attack, connection between their picture and the human defense system,
stroke, high/low blood pressure, and share their findings with the class.
leukemia, anemia, high cholesterol...
GLO: B3, C6, D1
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Rating Scale
• described possible
1 2 3 4 5
• used visuals 1 2 3 4 5
Constructive comments:
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation
Students will...
8-1-19 Describe functional â Comparing Living Things
similarities and differences of Ask students to research print and electronic texts for
comparable structures and systems in information on how systems and structures in different
different groups of living things. organisms compare to each other. Have them organize their
Examples: movement, food intake, information in chart form.
and digestion of a unicellular Example:
organism, an invertebrate, and a Comparison of Structures and Systems in Living Organisms
vertebrate; gas exchange in plants
versus animals... Paramecium Frog Geranium Human Invertebrate
GLO: D1, E1
8-0-2a Û Access information, using a variety of
sources. Examples: libraries, magazines,
community resource people, outdoor
experiences, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet…
GLO: C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.2.2)
Food Intake
8-0-5f Û Record, compile, and display
observations and data, using an appropriate
format. GLO: C2, C6 (ELA Grade 8, 3.3.1; Math:
Gas Exchange
Grade 8, Cluster 1: Cells and Systems
Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation