Bautista Vs CA - Recit Ready

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Laura and Eriberto Bautista VS. Court of Appeals and Fernando


The dispute involved a parcel of land in Sampaloc, Manila belonging to Cesar Morelos which he
sold to his niece, petitioner Laura Bautista. Now private respondent Fernando Morelos, claiming
to be an illegitimate child of Cesar, filed a complaint for the declaration of nullity of sale and title
before RTC-Manila.
Private respondent presented testimonies of expert witnesses who claimed that the signature of
Cesar Morelos on the Deed of Absolute Sale and the fingerprint appearing on his Residence
Certificate were not his:
1. Chief Examiner of the PC-INP Crime Laboratory Service, that the signature of
decedent on the questioned instrument, when compared to other documents bearing the
authentic signature of Cesar Morelos, did not match and appeared to have been authored by a
different person.
2. Chief of the Fingerprint Division of the PC-INP, testified that the thumbmark of Cesar
Morelos appearing on the residence certificate indicated in the Deed of Absolute Sale,
when compared to those affixed on previous residence certificates issued to the decedent,
did not match and appears to be the thumbmark of another person.
On the other hand, the petitioners argued for the validity of the sale saying that the witness to
the Deed of Sale testified that she saw Cesar Morelos and petitioner Laura Bautista sign the
RTC-Manila declared the Deed of Sale to be valid. But the Court of Appeals reversed declaring
it to be void, and ordered for the cancellation of the TCT.
ISSUE: Whether the expert testimonies are conclusive to be a strong basis to nullify a duly
executed and notarized Deed of Absolute Sale
HELD: NO. Consequently, the Deed of Absolute Sale is valid.
Under Rule 132, Section 22 of the Rules of Court, the genuineness of handwriting may be
proved in the following manner: (1) by any witness who believes it to be the handwriting of such
person because he has seen the person write; or he has seen writing purporting to be his upon
which the witness has acted or been charged; (2) by a comparison, made by the witness or the
court, with writings admitted or treated as genuine by the party, against whom the evidence is
offered, or proved to be genuine to the satisfaction of the judge.
It is well-settled that a duly notarized contract enjoys the prima facie presumption of
authenticity and due execution as well as the full faith and credence attached to a public
instrument. A notarial document is evidence of the facts in the clear unequivocal manner
therein expressed and has in its favor the presumption of regularity. To overturn this legal
presumption, evidence must be clear, convincing and more than merely preponderant to
establish that there was forgery that gave rise to a spurious contract.
As a general rule, forgery cannot be presumed and must be proved by clear, positive and
convincing evidence. The burden of proof lies on the party alleging forgery.
Hence, a finding of forgery does not depend entirely on the testimony of handwriting
experts. Although such testimony may be useful, the judge still exercises independent
judgment on the issue of authenticity of the signatures under scrutiny; he cannot rely on the
mere testimony of the handwriting expert.
Furthermore, Rule 132, Section 22 (1) provides that the genuineness of handwriting may be
proved by any witness who believes it to be the handwriting of such person because he has
seen the person write.
In this case, the presumption of validity and regularity prevails over allegations of forgery and
fraud. As against direct evidence consisting of the testimony of a witness who was physically
present at the signing of the contract and who had personal knowledge thereof, the testimony of
an expert witness constitutes indirect or circumstantial evidence at best. Carmelita
Marcelino, the witness to the Deed of Absolute Sale, confirmed the genuineness, authenticity
and due execution thereof.
The authenticity and due execution of the Deed of Absolute Sale must therefore be upheld.

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