Makerere University: College of Engineering Design Art and Technology (Cedat) School of Engineering

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Explain the science behind the phrase, “Think globally, but act locally.”

Thinking globally means that humans must be really be conscious that all living beings live on
the same planet, in a moving environment managed by biodiversity within the frame of nature’s
laws and that each of their acts has an impact for all since all Earth is one. Life is one and if
humans cut themselves from this idea, they are lost. So, that means that they must have a holistic
view of the world with its differences insides cultures and societies, in each territory, in each

On the other hand to act local in the scientific frame means that particularly products should be
proposed on the base of local resources and sold locally for the most fresh of them. Of course,
transformed products (canned in a glass jar for example) can have a longer life and eventually
can travel anywhere, but provided that the means of transport has no impact on the environment

Acting locally by thinking globally means providing answers to a territory by adapting them to
the environment. It can also entail anticipating the consequences of humans on the planet. And
hence here, the concept of sustainable development fits into this approach. The phrase urges
people to consider the health of the entire planet and to take action in their own communities and
cities. Long before governments began enforcing environmental laws, individuals were coming
together to protect habitats and the organisms that live within them. These efforts were referred
to as grassroots efforts. They occurred on a local level and are primarily run by volunteers and
"Think Globally, Act Locally" originally began at the grassroots level, however, it is now a
global concept with high importance. It is not just volunteers who take the environment into
consideration. It is corporations, government officials, education system, and local communities.
Warren Heaps states, "It's really important to recognize that markets are different around the
world, and company compensation programs should reflect a balance between global corporate
philosophy and local practice and culture".
With key attention to the emergence of air pollution science, engineering and technology, a
scenario for pollutant movement from one environmental compartment to another as it has for
methyl tertiary-butyl ether(MTBE )(cross media transfer) is considered where the problem is not
really eliminated but just relocated thus calling upon local action. In this case the environmental
professionals e.g. the dispersion modeler, soil scientist, the chromatographer and the exposure
scientist have a challenge in regards to local action to describe, characterize and predict the
behaviors of various chemical species as they move through the media.
In the long run the professionals above are tasked to properly apply the discovered principles in
their studies to make to improve in :-

 Handling and improving the social aspects of air pollution.

 Developing and implementing the national environmental policy act.
 Developing and implementing the clean air legislation.
 Developing and implementing the solid and hazardous waste laws

In terms of the changing face of science and air pollution, the aspect of “Think globally, but act
locally “is brought out right away from the definition of air pollution as the small picture to air
pollution essentials as the big picture. The idea of impact applies to humans, animals, nature (air,
soil, water and resources), in a short time as they as in a longer time. What is called “human
progress” lies in this true consciousness and not in the last profitable technological gadgets.

Scientifically a possible interpretation of the local definition and the phrase “act locally think
globally” is that each person should make a difference in this world. A simple example of one
planting a tree in their locality shows how significant this ordinary act of kindness may make the
Earth a healthier place to live. There are lots of organizations which care about the planet and
persuade people to plant trees at the place where they live. Such actions become more popular,
and everyone can participate. Hence these simple local deeds unite the whole humanity. By
planting one tree, one understands that hundreds of people all around the globe do the same just
to make our planet healthier. It is that idea, which can be gained if humans think globally act
This scientifically all zero’s down to of “World changes should start with you.” Despite it
sounding simple, this sentence hides a real truth. People have to think about this more and a
those world problems that the humanity faces are related to each of us. For example, if there is a
greenhouse effect triggered by using lots of cars, each individual has to try taking bikes. Even by
persuading only one person to use public transportation instead of private cars, an individual
changes this world in a global sense because nobody has denied the rule of the chain reaction.
One person can change the whole world, and people should believe in this by beginning from
making changes at least at their own house or neighborhood.
Currently more and more corporations are finding it extremely important to analyze the
environmental damage of their companys. The pressure they receive from government officials
and local communities regarding environmental issues is vital to their company's image.
Globalization refers to the practice of conducting business according to both local and global
considerations. Globalization is an emerging concept throughout the business world. It was first
developed by the Western and Asian giants like Japan, however, it has now emerged throughout
the world. To be innovative means to bring better functionalities in people’s daily life; a better
life meaning first of all a good health which brings about the impacts on our health and Food.
Globalization has led to more and more competition between countries, but also between
companies, even between local artisans. But competition is a source of stress, and its goal does
not care much about the rest.

Singer, C., Holmyard, E. K., Hall, A. R., and Williams, T. I. (eds.), A History of Technology,
Vol. 5. Oxford University Press (Clarendon), New York, 1954–1958.
Williams, T. (ed.), A History of Technology—Twentieth Century, 1900–1950, Part I (Vol. 6),
Part II (Vol. 7). Oxford University Press (Clarendon), New York, 1978.
Wolf, A., A History of Science, Technology and Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1935.
Wolf, A., A History of Science, Technology and Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century. George
Allen & Unwin, London, 1961

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