Tua and The Elephant Discussion Guide

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Tua By R.P. Harris

Illustrated by
Taeeun Yoo
and the


1. I n the Prologue of Tua and the Elephant, readers learn that due to her small size at birth, Tua is given the Thai name
for peanut. In your opinion, is this a name fitting? Why or why not?

2. D
 escribe your early observations of the relationship between Tua and her mother. Do you consider them a strong
family? In what ways are they similar to or different than your own?

3. G
 iven her mother’s work schedule, Tua has a great deal of freedom to explore the night market near their home.
What is it about the market that Tua finds so appealing? Do you believe it’s a safe place for her? Why or why not?

4. Th
 ough the setting of Tua and the Elephant is the country of Thailand, there are many rituals and routines that likely
feel similar to those in your own life. Considering the story, what are the elements that feel most familiar? How do
these universal elements enhance the story?

5. W
 hile discussing her mother, Somchai tells Tua, “Always working. Every day and every night. Some of us were only
born to work.” Do you believe this statement is true? Why or why not?

6. D
 escribe Auntie Orchid. What makes her such a dynamic character? Does she remind you of anyone you know?
In what ways does her reception of Tua and Pohn-Pohn help you better understand her character?

7. W
 hy does Tua feel so connected to Pohn-Pohn? What does her connection with this animal teach her about relation-
ships in general? Have you ever had a close relationship with an animal or pet? What was it about that relationship
that made it special?

8. D
 escribe Nak and Nang. Though they are both guilty of mistreating Pohn-Pohn, do you find one of them to be more
villainous? If so, which one and why?

9. D
 iscuss the character traits that allow Tua to ultimately persevere. Do you share any personality traits that are
similar to hers? If so, what are they?

10. Through the course of the novel and her adventures with Pohn-Pohn, Tua and her mother learn that the world as
they know will be forever changed. In what ways will it be better or worse for them? Have you had an experience
that reshaped your life? In what ways have you changed due to this incident?

11. How does time spent working to save Pohn-Pohn help Tua come to better understand herself?

12. During Pohn-Pohn’s time of crisis, Tua’s extended family and community work together to help save the elephant.
Can you think of other examples were communities have come together to help those in need? Consider local needs
in your area. What are some of the specific ways you might be able to get involved and offer assistance?

13. Th
 e elephant sanctuary ultimately becomes a haven for both Pohn-Pohn and Tua; in what ways does this preserve
provide a new beginning for the pair?

14. What role do the illustrations play in the story? Do you have a favorite drawing?

15. U
 sing the phrase, “In this story, belonging means…”, discuss the issue of belonging in Tua and the Elephant. Explain
your choices.

1. Th
 e elephant sanctuary depicted in Tua and the Elephant is very similar to the Elephant Nature Park located in the
Chiang Mai province of Northern Thailand. Using the internet, have students research the park to learn the following:

•  ho established the park and why was it founded?

• What is the park’s mission?
• How is it supported and by whom?
• Besides the elephant herds, what other animals are cared for?
• What can individuals do to help support this facility?

 After gathering this information, have students create a visual presentation that illustrates their findings.

2. Th
 roughout Tua and the Elephant important geographical locations in Thailand are referenced. Using the textual
descriptions and the illustrations in the book as inspiration, place students in pairs and have them role play as news
reporters giving a report on a selected location in Thailand. To enrich the activity, record the “report” and allow stu-
dents to use props and costumes for their news report.

3. In Tua and the Elephant, Tua’s story focuses on her connection and relationships with Pohn-Pohn and the people
that matter the most to her, as well as the places she feels most connected to (the night market and later the el-
ephant sanctuary, for example). Ask students to consider their most special relationships and their favorite places.
What makes these individuals and these places so important? Have students compose a personal journal entry where
they share their thoughts. Ask them to answer the following questions:

•  ho are the individuals who mean the most to you?

• Why are those particular relationships so special?
• Do you have a special place that is a sanctuary for you?
• What makes it so special?
• Do you share that place with anyone or is it something you enjoy alone? What are your favorite memories

To culminate, ask for volunteers to share their writing with the class.

★“A rousing adventure.”

Nine-year-old Tua has grown up with everything she needs in the bustling town of Chiang Mai, Thailand. —Kirkus Reviews
But one day in the market she finds a very unusual new friend. Not one with pigtails and a sparkling laugh, Starred Review
but one with a curious trunk and wise, old eyes. Tua has met an elephant. And this elephant needs her help.
Together, Tua and Pohn-Pohn go on a remarkable journey to escape the vile mahouts who had kept the
elephant in chains. From the bustling night market to the hallowed halls of a Buddhist temple, and finally the
sanctuary of an elephant refuge, this clever girl and her companion find exactly what they need: each other.


R.P HARRIS has traveled the world with his wife, spending much time in Asia, includ-
ing three months in Thailand, where this story was born. He currently lives in Shanghai,
China. This is his first book.


TAEEUN YOO received MFA from the School of Visual Arts and has illustrated numerous
books for children, including two picture books by Alison McGhee, So Many Days and the
New York Times Best Illustrated Book, Only a Witch Can Fly. She also created new cover art 978-0-8118-7781-7 · $16.99 HC
for classics by Madeleine L’Engle including A Wrinkle in Time. Tua and the Elephant is the Ages 8–12 · Grades 3–6
Guided Reading Level U
first chapter book for which she’s done interior and cover illustrations. She lives in New
York City.

This guide was created by Rose Brock, a teacher, school librarian, and doctoral candidate at Texas Woman’s University, specializing in children’s and young adult literature.


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