Chapter 3

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The primary characteristics of a finite element are embodied in the element stiffness matrix.
For a structural finite element, the stiffness matrix contains the geometric and material
behavior information that indicates the resistance of the element to deformation when
subjected to loading. Such deformation may include axial, bending, shear, and torsional
effects. For finite elements used in nonstructural analyses, such as fluid flow and heat
transfer, the term stiffness matrix is also used, since the matrix represents the resistance of the
element to change when subjected to external influences.

This chapter develops the finite element characteristics of two relatively simple, one-
dimensional structural elements, a linearly elastic spring and an elastic tension-compression
member. These are selected as introductory elements because the behavior of each is
relatively well-known from the commonly studied engineering subjects of statics and strength
of materials.

The linear spring and the tension-compression member (hereafter referred to as a bar element
and also known in the finite element literature as a spar, link, or truss element) are also used
to introduce the concept of interpolation functions. As mentioned briefly in Chapter 1, the
basic premise of the finite element method is to describe the continuous variation of the field
variable (in this chapter, physical displacement) in terms of discrete values at the finite
element nodes. In the interior of a finite element, as well as along the boundaries (applicable
to two- and three-dimensional problems), the field variable is described via interpolation
functions that must satisfy prescribed conditions.


A linear elastic spring is a mechanical device capable of supporting axial loading only and
constructed such that, over a reasonable operating range (meaning extension or compression
beyond undeformed length), the elongation or contraction of the spring is directly
proportional to the applied axial load. The constant of proportionality between deformation
and load is referred to as the spring constant, spring rate, or spring stiffness, generally
denoted as k, and has units of force per unit length. Formulation of the linear spring as a finite
element is accomplished with reference to Figure 3.1a. As an elastic spring supports axial
loading only, we select an element coordinate system (also known as a local coordinate
system) as an x axis oriented along the length of the spring, as shown.

The ends of the spring are the nodes and the nodal displacements are denoted by u1 and u2
and are shown in the positive sense. If these nodal displacements are known, the total
elongation or contraction of the spring is known as is the net force in the spring. At this point
in our development, we require that forces be applied to the element only at the nodes

(distributed forces are accommodated for other element types later), and these are denoted as
f1 and f2 and are also shown in the positive sense.

Figure 3.1: (a) Linear spring element with nodes, nodal displacements, and nodal forces.
(b) Load-deflection curve.

Assuming that both the nodal displacements are zero when the spring is undeformed, the net
spring deformation is given by
d = u2 − u1 ………. (3.1)

and the resultant axial force in the spring is

f = k d = k(u2 − u1) ………. (3.2)
as is depicted in Figure 3.1b.

For equilibrium, f1 + f2 = 0 or f1 = − f2, and we can rewrite Equation (3.2) in terms of the
applied nodal forces as
f1 = − k(u2 − u1) ………. (3.3a)
f2 = k(u2 − u1) ……….(3.3b)
which can be expressed in matrix form as

= ………. (3.4)

or, [ke]{u} = {f} ………. (3.5)


[ke] = ………. (3.6)

is defined as the element stiffness matrix in the element coordinate system (or local system),
{u} is the column matrix (vector) of nodal displacements, and {f} is the column matrix
(vector) of element nodal forces.

Equation (3.6) shows that the element stiffness matrix for the linear spring element is a 2 × 2
matrix. This corresponds to the fact that the element exhibits two nodal displacements (or
degrees of freedom) and that the two displacements are not independent (that is, the body is
continuous and elastic). Furthermore, the matrix is symmetric. A symmetric matrix has off-
diagonal terms such that kij = kji. Symmetry of the stiffness matrix is indicative of the fact that
the body is linearly elastic and each displacement is related to the other by the same physical

phenomenon. For example, if a force F (positive, tensile) is applied at node 2 with node 1
held fixed, the relative displacement of the two nodes is the same as if the force is applied
symmetrically (negative, tensile) at node 1 with node 2 fixed. An element exhibiting N
degrees of freedom has a corresponding N × N, symmetric stiffness matrix.

Next consider solution of the system of equations represented by Equation (3.4). In general,
the nodal forces are prescribed and the objective is to solve for the unknown nodal
displacements. Formally, the solution is represented by

= [ke]-1 ………. (3.7)

where [ke]−1 is the inverse of the element stiffness matrix. However, this inverse matrix does
not exist, since the determinant of the element stiffness matrix is identically zero. Therefore,
the element stiffness matrix is singular, and this also proves to be a general result in most
cases. The physical significance of the singular nature of the element stiffness matrix is found
by reexamination of Figure 3.1a, which shows that no displacement constraint whatever has
been imposed on motion of the spring element; that is, the spring is not connected to any
physical object that would prevent or limit motion of either node. With no constraint, it is not
possible to solve for the nodal displacements individually. Instead, only the difference in
nodal displacements can be determined, as this difference represents the elongation or
contraction of the spring element owing to elastic effects. This means rigid body motion. We
can see the rigid body motion capability in terms of a single spring (element) and in the
context of several connected elements. For a single, unconstrained element, if arbitrary forces
are applied at each node, the spring not only deforms axially but also undergoes acceleration
according to Newton’s second law. Hence, there exists not only deformation but overall
motion. If, in a connected system of spring elements, the overall system response is such that
nodes 1 and 2 of a particular element displace the same amount, there is no elastic
deformation of the spring and therefore no elastic force in the spring. This physical situation
must be included in the element formulation. The capability is indicated mathematically by
singularity of the element stiffness matrix. As the stiffness matrix is formulated on the basis
of deformation of the element, we cannot expect to compute nodal displacements if there is
no deformation of the element.

Equation (3.7) indicates the mathematical operation of inverting the stiffness matrix to obtain
solutions. In the context of an individual element, the singular nature of an element stiffness
matrix precludes this operation, as the inverse of a singular matrix does not exist. As is
illustrated profusely in the remainder of the text, the general solution of a finite element
problem, in a global, as opposed to element, context, involves the solution of equations of the
form of Equation (3.5).

3.2.1 System Assembly in Global Coordinates

Derivation of the element stiffness matrix for a spring element was based on equilibrium
conditions. The same procedure can be applied to a connected system of spring elements by
writing the equilibrium equation for each node. However, rather than drawing free-body
diagrams of each node and formally writing the equilibrium equations, the nodal equilibrium
equations can be obtained more efficiently by considering the effect of each element
separately and adding the element force contribution to each nodal equation. The process is
described as “assembly,” as we take individual stiffness components and “put them together”

to obtain the system equations. To illustrate, via a simple example, the assembly of element
characteristics into global (or system) equations, we next consider the system of two linear
spring elements connected as shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: System of two springs with node numbers, element numbers, nodal
displacements, and nodal forces.

Figure 3.3: Free-body diagrams of elements and nodes for the two-element system of
Figure 3.2.

For generality, it is assumed that the springs have different spring constants k1 and k2. The
nodes are numbered 1, 2, and 3 as shown, with the springs sharing node 2 as the physical
connection. Note that these are global node numbers. The global nodal displacements are
identified as U1, U2, and U3, where the upper case is used to indicate that the quantities
represented are global or system displacements as opposed to individual element
displacements. Similarly, applied nodal forces are F1, F2, and F3. Assuming the system of
two spring elements to be in equilibrium, we examine free-body diagrams of the springs
individually (Figure 3.3a and 3.3b) and express the equilibrium conditions for each spring,
using Equation (3.4), as

= ………. (3.8a)

= ………. (3.8b)

where the superscript is element number.

To begin “assembling” the equilibrium equations describing the behavior of the system of
two springs, the displacement compatibility conditions, which relate element displacements to
system displacements, are written as
= U1; = U2; = U2; = U3 ………. (3.9)

The compatibility conditions state the physical fact that the springs are connected at node 2,
remain connected at node 2 after deformation, and hence, must have the same nodal
displacement at node 2. Thus, element-to-element displacement continuity is enforced at
nodal connections. Substituting Equations (3.9) into Equations (3.8), we obtain

= ………. (3.10a)


= ………. (3.10b)

Here, we use the notation i to represent the force exerted on element j at node i.

Equation (3.10) is the equilibrium equations for each spring element expressed in terms of the
specified global displacements. In this form, the equations clearly show that the elements are
physically connected at node 2 and have the same displacement U2 at that node. These
equations are not yet amenable to direct combination, as the displacement vectors are not the
same. We expand both matrix equations to 3 × 3 as follows (while formally expressing the
facts that element 1 is not connected to node 3 and element 2 is not connected to node 1):

= ………. (3.11)

= ………. (3.12)

The addition of Equations (3.11) and (3.12) yields

= .……. (3.13)

Next, we refer to the free-body diagrams of each of the three nodes depicted in Figure 3.3c,
3.3d, and 3.3e. The equilibrium conditions for nodes 1, 2, and 3 show that
= F1; = F2; = F3 ………. (3.14)
respectively. Substituting into Equation (3.13), we obtain the final result:

= .……. (3.15)

which is of the form [K]{U} = {F}, similar to Equation (3.5). However, Equation (3.15)
represents the equations governing the system composed of two connected spring elements.
By direct consideration of the equilibrium conditions, we obtain the system stiffness matrix
[K] as

[K] = ………. (3.16)

Note that the system stiffness matrix is

symmetric, as is the case with all linear systems referred to orthogonal coordinate
singular, since no constraints are applied to prevent rigid body motion of the system;
the system matrix is simply a superposition of the individual element stiffness
matrices with proper assignment of element nodal displacements and associated
stiffness coefficients to system nodal displacements.

3.2.2 Application of Boundary Conditions and Solution

Having formed the assembled equation (3.15) for the system we can proceed to the solution
phase. In most of the cases the solution “blows up” because the coefficient matrix (the global
stiffness matrix) is singular. The mathematical interpretation of this behavior is that rows and
columns of [K] are linear combinations of each other. The physical interpretation of
singularity is that there are unsuppressed rigid body motions.

To eliminate rigid body motions and render the system nonsingular we must apply the
physical support conditions as displacement boundary conditions. For the above example if
the node 1 is fixed and P force is applied towards right at node 3, the corresponding boundary
conditions should be
U1 = 0; F2 = 0 and F3 = P.

Applying these boundary conditions we can solve equation (3.15) for F1 (reaction force), U2,
and U3.

For the spring assemblage shown in Figure E3.1, obtain (a) the global stiffness matrix,
(b) the displacements of nodes 2 and 3, and (c) the reaction forces at nodes 1 and 2. A
force of 50 N is applied at node 3 in the x direction. Take k1 = 1000 N/m, k2 = 2000 N/m,
and k3 = 3000 N/m.

1 k1 2 k2 3P k3 4 x
1 2 3

Figure E3.1

(a) The stiffness matrices for the each element are given as
For element 1 (Nodes 1 and 2);

1 2
k = 1

For element 2 (Nodes 2 and 3);

2 3
k = 2

For element 3 (Nodes 3 and 4);

3 4
k(3) = 3

where the numbers above the columns and next to each row indicate the nodal degrees of
freedom associated with each element.

Using the concept of superposition, we obtain the global stiffness matrix as

K = k(1) + k(2) + k(3)
1 2 3 4
= 2

(b) The global stiffness matrix, relates the global forces and global displacements as follows:

= …….(E 3.1a)

Applying the boundary conditions U1 = 0; U4 =0; F2 = 0; and F3 = P = 50, in second and third
equations, we get

Solving for U2 and U3, we get

U2 = 0.0091 m and U3 = 0.0136 m

(c) Substituting U1 = 0; U2 = 0.0091 m; U3 = 0.0136 m and U4 =0; into Equation (E3.1a), we

get global nodal forces (F1 and F4 i.e, reaction forces) as
F1 = – 1000 × 0.0091 = – 9.0909 N
F4 = – 3000 × 0.0136 = – 40.9091 N

Two trolleys are connected by the arrangement of springs shown in Figure E3.2. If k =
5000 N/m, F2 = 200 N, and F3 = 150 N, compute the displacement of each trolley and the
nodal forces at nodes 1 and 4.

Figure E3.2

The stiffness matrices for the each element are given as
For element 1 (Nodes 1 and 2);
1 2
k(1) = 1

For element 2 (Nodes 2 and 3);

2 3
k = 2

For element 3 (Nodes 3 and 4);

3 4
k = 3

For element 4 (Nodes 2 and 4);

2 4
k(4) = 2

Using the concept of superposition, we obtain the global stiffness matrix as

K = k(1) + k(2) + k(3) + k(4)
1 2 3 4
= 2

The global stiffness matrix, relates the global forces and global displacements as follows:

= …….(E 3.2a)

Applying the boundary conditions U1 = 0; U4 =0; F2 = – 200; and F3 = 150, in second and
third equations, we get

Solving for U2 and U3, we get

U2 = – 5.4545 mm and U3 = 6.3636 mm

Substituting U1 = 0; U2 = – 5.4545 mm; U3 = 6.3636 mm and U4 =0; into Equation (E3.2a),

we get global nodal forces (F1 and F4 i.e, reaction forces) as
F1 = – 5000 × – 5.4545 × 10-3 = 27.2727 N
F4 = – 10000 × – 5.4545 × 10-3 – 5000 × 6.3636 × 10-3 = 22.7273 N


While the linear elastic spring serves to introduce the concept of the stiffness matrix, the
usefulness of such an element in finite element analysis is rather limited. Certainly, springs
are used in machinery in many cases and the availability of a finite element representation of
a linear spring is quite useful in such cases. The spring element is also often used to represent
the elastic nature of supports for more complicated systems. A more generally applicable, yet
similar, element is an elastic bar subjected to axial forces only. This element, which we
simply call a bar element, is particularly useful in the analysis of both two- and three
dimensional frame or truss structures. Formulation of the finite element characteristics of an
elastic bar element is based on the following assumptions:
1. The bar is geometrically straight.
2. The material obeys Hooke’s law.
3. Forces are applied only at the ends of the bar.
4. The bar supports axial loading only; bending, torsion, and shear are not transmitted to the
element via the nature of its connections to other elements.

The last assumption, while quite restrictive, is not impractical; this condition is satisfied if the
bar is connected to other structural members via pins (2-D) or ball and- socket joints (3-D).
Assumptions 1 and 4, in combination, show that this is inherently a one-dimensional element,
meaning that the elastic displacement of any point along the bar can be expressed in terms of
a single independent variable. As will be seen, however, the bar element can be used in
modeling both two- and three-dimensional structures. The reader will recognize this element
as the familiar two-force member of elementary statics, meaning, for equilibrium, the forces
exerted on the ends of the element must be collinear, equal in magnitude, and opposite in

Figure 3.4 depicts an elastic bar of length L to which is affixed a uniaxial coordinate system
x with its origin arbitrarily placed at the left end. This is the element coordinate system or

reference frame. Denoting axial displacement at any position along the length of the bar as
u(x), we define nodes 1 and 2 at each end as shown and introduce the nodal displacements u1
= u(x = 0) and u2 = u(x = L).

Figure 3.4: A Bar (or Truss) Element

Recall from elementary strength of materials that the deflection d of an elastic bar of length L
and uniform cross-sectional area A when subjected to axial load P is given by

= ………. (3.17)

where E is the modulus of elasticity of the material. Using Equation (3.17), we obtain the
equivalent spring constant of an elastic bar as

= = ………. (3.18)

and could, by analogy with the linear elastic spring, immediately write the stiffness matrix as
Equation (3.6). While the result is exactly correct, we take a more general approach to
illustrate the procedures to be used with more complicated element formulations.

Ultimately, we wish to compute the nodal displacements given some loading condition on the
element. To obtain the necessary equilibrium equations relating the displacements to applied
forces, we proceed from displacement to strain, strain to stress, and stress to loading, as
follows. In uniaxial loading, as in the bar element, we need consider only the normal strain
component, defined as

= ………. (3.19)

which shows that the spar element is a constant strain element. This is in accord with strength
of materials theory: The element has constant cross-sectional area and is subjected to constant
forces at the end points, so the strain does not vary along the length. The axial stress, by
Hooke’s law, is then

= = ………. (3.20)

and the associated axial force is

= = ………. (3.21)

Taking care to observe the correct algebraic sign convention, Equation (3.21) is now used to
relate the applied nodal forces f1 and f2 to the nodal displacements u1 and u2. Observing that,
if Equation (3.21) has a positive sign, the element is in tension and nodal force f2 must be in
the positive coordinate direction while nodal force f1 must be equal and opposite for
equilibrium; therefore,

= ………. (3.22)

= ………. (3.23)

Equations (3.22) and (3.23) are expressed in matrix form as

= ………. (3.24)

Comparison of Equation (3.24) to Equation (3.4) shows that the stiffness matrix for the bar
element is given by

= ………. (3.25)

As is the case with the linear spring, we observe that the element stiffness matrix for the bar
element is symmetric, singular, and of order 2 × 2 in correspondence with two nodal
displacements or degrees of freedom. It must be emphasized that the stiffness matrix given by
Equation (3.25) is expressed in the element coordinate system, which in this case is one-

Model a tapered member of length L circular cross section as stepped shaft with several
steps as shown in Figure E3.3 and develop a discrete element methodology to evaluate
the free end elongation. Show how the elongation converges to the exact value as the
number of elements increase. Show a graph of the elongation value versus number of
elements. D1 and D2 are diameter. Take P = 10 kN, E = 200 GPa, D1 = 10cm, D2 = 5 cm,
L= 50 cm.

Figure E3.3

Exact solution for the elongation of a tapered bar is given by

uexact = = = 6.3662 × 10-6 m

Diameter of section at any point x distance from the larger diameter is given by

Dx = D2 + (D1 – D2)

Considering single element

Diameter at the middle of the bar, Dx|x=0.25 = 7.5 cm

Dispalcement at free end

u1 = = = 5.6588 × 10-6 m

Considering two elements

Dx|x=0.125 = 8.75 cm Dx|x=0.375 = 6.25 cm

Now the equivalent stiffness for each element can be calculated as

k1 = = = 4.8106 × 109 N/m

k2 = = = 2.4544 × 109 N/m

Then the global matrix is given by

[K] = = ×109 N/m

Then the force displacement relation is given by

[K] {u} = {f}

or, ×109 =

For the left end u1 = 0, then from the last two equations, we get


Solving, we get u2 = 2.078 × 10-6 m and u3 = 6.1531 × 10-6 m

Displacement at free end = 6.1531 × 10-6 m

Considering three elements

Dx|x=0.0833 = 9.1667 cm Dx|x=0.25 = 7.5 cm Dx|x=0.4167 = 5.833 cm

Now the equivalent stiffness for each element can be calculated as

k1 = = = 7.9194 × 109 N/m

k2 = = = 5.3014 × 109 N/m

k3 = = = 3.2070 × 109 N/m

Then the global matrix is given by

[K] =

= ×109 N/m

Then the force displacement relation is given by

[K] {u} = {f}

or, =

For the left end u1 = 0, then from the last two equations, we get


Solving, we get u2 = 1.2627 × 10-6 m, u3 = 3.1489 × 10-6 m and u3 = 6.2671 × 10-6 m

Displacement at free end = 6.2671 × 10-6 m

For higher number of elements we can use computer program. The output of a program is
given below.
No. of Elements Displacement at End, m
1 5.6588 × 10-6
2 6.1531 × 10-6
3 6.2671 × 10-6
4 6.3095 × 10-6
5 6.3296 × 10-6
6 6.3407 × 10-6
7 6.3474 × 10-6
8 6.3518 × 10-6
9 6.3548 × 10-6
10 6.3569 × 10-6
11 6.3585 × 10-6
12 6.3598 × 10-6
13 6.3607 × 10-6
14 6.3615 × 10-6
15 6.3621 × 10-6
16 6.3626 × 10-6
17 6.3630 × 10-6
18 6.3633 × 10-6
19 6.3636 × 10-6
20 6.3639 × 10-6
Exact Value 6.3662 × 10-6

1. For each assembly of springs shown Figures P3.1(a) and (b) determine the global
stiffness matrix.

Figure 3.1(a) Figure 3.1(b)

2. Consider the simple cart system in static conditions as shwon in Figure P3.2. Establish
the governing equation [K]{U} = {F}.

Figure P3.2

3. For the system of springs shown in Figure P3.3, solve for (a) the nodal displacements,
(b) the reaction forces at nodes 1 and 5, and (c) the force in each spring. Take k1 = k2 = k3
= k4 = 10 kN/m, F2 = − 20 N, F3 = 25 N, F4 = 40 N.

Figure P3.3

4. Number the elements and nodes for the spring system shown in Figure P3.4. (a)
Compute the global stiffness and force vector, (b) Partition the system and solve for the
nodal displacements and (c) Compute the reaction forces. Take k = 5 kN/m and force in

Figure P3.4

5. For the spring assembly shown in Figure P3.5 solve for the displacements and the
reaction force at node 1 if k1 = 4 kN/m k2 = 6 kN/m k3 = 3 kN/m, F2 = − 30 N and F4 = 50

Figure P3.5

6. For the spring assemblage shown in Figure P3.6, obtain (a) the global stiffness matrix,
(b) the displacements of nodes 2, 3 and 4, (c) the global nodal forces, and (d) the local
external forces. Node 1 is fixed while node 5 is given a fixed known displacement d = 20
mm. The spring constants are all equal to k = 200 kN/m.

Figure P3.6

7. A steel rod subjected to compression is modeled by two bar elements, as shown in Figure
P3.7. Determine the nodal displacements and the axial stress in each element.

Figure P3.7

8. The aluminum and steel pipes shown in Figure P3.8 are fastened to rigid supports at ends
A and B and to a rigid plate C at their junction. Determine the displacement of point C
and stresses in the aluminum and steel pipes.

Figure P3.8

9. Show that the equivalent spring stiffness for the bar with a centered square hole shown in
Figure P3.9 is

k =

where E is the Young’s modulus of elasticity.

Figure P3.9

10. Figure P3.10 depicts a tapered elastic bar subjected to an applied tensile load P at one
end and attached to a fixed support at the other end. The cross-sectional area varies
linearly from A0 at the fixed support at x = 0 to A0/2 at x = L. Calculate the displacement
of the end of the bar (a) by modeling the bar as a single element having cross-sectional
area equal to the area of the actual bar at its midpoint along the length, (b) using two bar
elements of equal length and similarly evaluating the area at the midpoint of each, and (c)
using integration to obtain the exact solution.

Figure P3.10


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