LO 2. Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes TLE - HECK9-12ED-Ib-d-2: Week 3

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TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020


Week 3
LO 2. Prepare and cook egg dishes TLE_HECK9-12ED-Ib-d-2

Get Started
It’s good to see you today. You’re going to work your way to learning new
Skills. In this lesson, you will learn to:
- Prepare and cook egg dishes.

Let’s See What You Know

True or False. Write True if the statement is true and write False if the statement is
incorrect on the space provided.
____________1. There are three market forms of eggs namely: fresh, dried (whole, egg whites’
/egg yolks), and frozen (whole, egg white /egg yolks).
____________2. Egg is used as a binder in preparing a pudding.
____________3. You cannot make a successful Meringue if the egg white is not properly aerated.
____________4. Emulsifying the egg mixture is essential in making a delicious mayonnaise.
____________5. Any dishes will look presentable with a hardboiled egg garnish.

Get Acquainted
What is your favorite dish? Why?

Get Involve

List some of your favorite egg dishes.


Get Informed

Eggs may be cooked in a lot of ways:

Variety of Egg Dishes
1. Cooking Eggs in the Shell
Eggs are cooked in the shell to make hard- and soft-cooked and coddled eggs.
 Coddled Eggs. Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 30 seconds.
 Soft-Cooked Eggs. Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 3 to 4
 Medium-Cooked Eggs. Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 5 to 7
 Hard boiled Eggs. Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 8 to 15
 Poached Eggs
- Poached eggs are prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely simmering water and gently
cooking until the egg holds its shape. The fresher the egg, the more centered the yolk, the less
likely the white is spread and become ragged.
TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020

2. Fried Eggs uses pan and brush with fats or oil.

Types of Fried Eggs

1. Sunny side up
Cook slowly without flipping until white is completely set but yolk is still
soft and yellow. Heat must be low or bottom will toughen or burn before
top is completely set.

2. Basted
Do not flip. Add a few drops of water to pan and cover to steam cook the
top. A thin film of coagulated white will cover the yolk which should remain

3. Over easy
Fry and flip over. Cook just until the white is just set but the yolk is still

4. Over medium
Fry and flip over. Cook until the yolk is partially set.

5. Over hard
Fry and flip over. Cook until the yolk is completely set.

3. Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled eggs can be made in two ways: the eggs can be stirred constantly
over low heat for a soft delicate curd and a creamy texture, or stirred less
frequently as they cook for a larger curd and a firm texture.

For flavor variations, the following ingredients may be added to scrambled

eggs before serving.
 Chopped parsley or other herbs
 Grated cheese
 Diced ham
 Crumbled bacon
 Sautéed diced onions and green bell pepper
 Diced smoked salmon
 Sliced cooked breakfast sausage
4. Omelets
 The rolled, or French-style, omelets start out like scrambled eggs,
but when the eggs start to set, they are rolled over. A folded or
American style, omelet is prepared in much the same manner,
though it is often cooked on a griddle rather than in a pan, and
instead of being rolled, the American omelet is folded in half.
Omelets may be filled or garnished

Suggested Omelet Fillings

TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020

Get Ahead

Get Ahead
Eggs can be cook with shell or simply remove from the shell like Fried and baked.
Fried eggs may be served sunny side up (not turned) or over (turned once). Fried
eggs may be basted with fat as they fry. Using very fresh eggs is the only way to ensure
a rich flavor and good appearance of the finished dish.

Get Assessed
Multiple choices. Underline the correct answer.
1. When a scrambled egg starts to set and being folded in half it is a (French style, American
2. When an egg is simmer within 5 to 7 minutes it is a (Coddled egg, Soft - cooked, Medium
cooked, Hard cooked, Poached egg)
3. In a boiling water vinegar is put that helps in coagulation of the egg, it is a (Coddled egg, Soft
- cooked, Medium cooked, Hard cooked, Poached egg)
4. A fried egg that is finished by putting drops of water for cooking it is a (Scrambled, Basted,
Sunny Side Up)
5. Any fried egg that has a filling inside of the fold it is a, (Scrambled, Omelet, Sunny Side Up)
Get Moving
Pictorial Report
Directions: Make a pictorial report with illustration showing you and your perfect sunny side up and
poached egg.
Your output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:
5 4 3 2 1
Compiled pictures Compiled pictures Compiled pictures Compiled pictures Improperly
properly and properly and properly and properly and compiled pictures
illustrate the illustrate the illustrate the illustrate the but were not able to
qualities of a fresh qualities of a fresh qualities of a fresh qualities of a fresh illustrate the
egg in terms of egg egg in terms of egg egg in terms of egg egg in terms of egg qualities of a fresh
size and grading in size and grading in size and grading in size and grading in egg in terms of egg
a very attractive an attractive a less attractive a less attractive size and grading in
manner. manner. manner. manner. disorderly manner
TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020

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