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Lesson nº-------

Curso de Gestão Empresarial & Contabilidade: GEMP1M1,GEMP1M2 &

Topic: Work and leisure

I a. Starting up: Discuss what people want from work?
b. Make word partnerships to find what people want from work.
1. high a. colleagues
2. long b. salary
3. helpful c. holiday

4. company d. phone
5. mobile e. facilities
6. parking f. car

7. friendly g. security
8. travel h. opportunities
9 .job i. boss

10. fast j. facilities

11 flexible k. promotion
12. sport l. hours

Answers: 1) 1b = high salary.

Continue the exercise.
c. Match six of the words partnerships in the exercises b. above to their meanings (1-6).
1. A lot of money -------------- high salary
2. A lot of time away from work. --------------
3. Good people to work with -----------------------
4. The chance to go to different places on business. -----------------
5. Move quickly to a higher position at work. ----------------------
6. You can change the time when you start and finish work.
A. Vocabulary
Take p15 : Days/ months/dates

B . Topic: describing your routine

1) What do you understand by “routine”?
2) Take now your text about Business diary: Eugene Kaspersky.(cfr)text
A.Article: a/an/the
. Go to the lab read the book ”Essential Grammar in use: Elementary” find when
a/an/the/zero article are used.
. underline words in the text which are used with these article.
B . Leisure activities
 Complete the leisure activities below using words from the box. Sometimes
more than one answer is possible.
Going to listening to playing watching
1. Playing golf
2. -------------TV 7. --------------football
3. ------------------restaurants 8. -------------- the gym
4. ------------------music(on my iPod) 9.--------------concerts
5. -----------------tennis 10.--------------the guitar
6. ---------------the cinema 11. ------------DVDs

 Talk about your leisure activities. Use the verbs in box 1 and the time phrases in
box 2
verbs Time phrases
Love At the weekend
Like On Friday/Saturday night/Monday
Quite like don’t like In the summer/winter
Dislike In august/December
Hate In the morning/afternoon/evening

e.g . I love running at the weekend

. I hate playing tennis in the winter
Continue the exercises.
C .Frequency adverbs and expressions of frequency
Read the text and underline frequency adverbs.
What are frequency adverbs do you know? When do we use them?
Answers :
1. Always : is used when you achieve an activity at 100%
2. Usually: is used …
Write the words ( ) in the correct place in these sentences.
1. She gets up early. (usually)
2. They start their first meeting at nine o’clock.(always)
3. We are late for the meetings. (never)
4. I am busy in the afternoon. (often)
5. The office closes at 3pm.(sometimes)
D . Verbs
Read the text and underline 5 conjugated verbs.
What’s the tense? How do we make verbs into the present tense?
Complete the exercises about the present simple tense on page 17

NB. Find the book : Elementary essential grammar in use in the to more exercises. I
remember to give you this book in PDF in the classroom.

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