ECT145 Thermal Swithboard Study
ECT145 Thermal Swithboard Study
ECT145 Thermal Swithboard Study
no. 145
Thermal study of LV electric
C. Kilindjian
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1 Introduction 1.1 Controlling thermal phenomena in LV cubicles p. 4
2 Thermal problems in a switchboard 2.1 Causes - effects and solutions p. 5
2.2 Taking stock of standards p. 6
3 Thermal behaviour of a LV electric 3.1 Briefeview of the main thermal phenomena p. 8
switchboard 3.2 Exchanges at switchboard level p. 10
4 Presentation of modelling 4.1 Principle p. 11
4.2 Modelling convection p. 12
4.3 Application to LV enclosures p. 12
5 Behaviour of heat sources and 5.1 Busbars p. 14
characteristics 5.2 Switchgear devices p. 14
6 Method for calculating temperature in 6.1 Principle p. 17
envelopes and experimental results 6.2 Description of the data to be provided and of the results
obtained p. 17
6.3 Modelled configurations p. 18
6.4 Results p. 18
6.5 Experimentl results p. 21
7 Method proposed by the IEC 890 report p. 22
8 Conclusion p. 24
Three main reasons make thermal mastery c The tendency to fill switchboards to their limit
increasingly vital. These reasons are: and an increasing bulk factor (ratio between the
c The tendency to place electrical equipment in nominal current of the switchboard incoming
envelopes (for safety purposes) which are circuit-breaker and the sum of nominal feeder
increasingly made of insulating material (poor currents. This factor is also known as the
calory dissipation capacity). diversity factor).
c Progress of switchgear which includes more
and more electronic components of increasingly
compact size.
Loose connections c Device conductors c Uncertain upstream c Tightness checks. Mounting and
destroyed tripping c Temperature rise maintenance
detection. problems
fig. 3: conduction.
▼ ▼
4.1 Principle
All the solution methods (e.g. Monte-Carlo, finite Ti , Tj : temperatures associated with nodes i and
differences, finite elements) are based on a j respectively.
breakdown of the system to be modelled into As an example, let us model a room containing a
elementary modules. heat source.
The chosen method, nodal analysis, is derived This system is broken down into 4 nodes:
from a finite difference approach. Although 1 for the internal air
conventional, this technique has the advantage 2 for the walls (internal and external)
of being able to represent thermal behaviour of a 4 for the external ambient air
complex system while allowing for the Nodal representation (simplified) (see fig. 9).
interactions between the various parts or
components of which it is made. Equations expressing the heat fluxes for this
simple system:
It can be used in a wide variety of applications,
for instance to describe the behaviour of an node 1:
Q1 − h1.2 S1.2 (T1 − T2 ) + M4.1 cp (T4 − T1)
artificial satellite, an electric motor, the climatic
M1.4 cp (T1 − T4 ) = ρ1 V1 cp1 T 1
conditions inside a transformer substation or a ⊂⊃ ⊂⊃
( )(
c Radiation: Gi j = α σ ε S Fi j Ti + Tj Ti2 + Tj 2 ) represents exchanges
by convection
c Convection: Gi j = hi Si j
c Convective movement: Gi j = M cp represents exchanges
by displacement of air
Expression of heat flux equivalent to electric
represents the input of heat
in node 1
I =
( )
R represents the heat capacity
Φi j = Gi j Ti − Tj where associated with each
Gi j : energy flux between nodes i and j, fig. 9: Simplified nodal representation - modelling of a
Gi j : conductance between i and j, dependent on room.
the type of exchange considered,
▼ ▼
▼ ▼
ambient ▼
air ▼
fig.11: Non-partitioned enclosures.
▼ ▼
▼ ▼
zone A zone B
▼ ▼
zone A zone B
The heat sources considered in modelling are other words, rather than their operating
busbars, connection conductors and electrical temperature, we calculate the maximum current
devices. that they are able to convey for a given
The latter are considered to be «black boxes» installation configuration so that they do not
dissipating calories instead of model modes. In exceed their maximum operating temperature.
5.1 Busbars
Busbars are designed to satisfy two conditions: separately. However the first condition requires
c Sufficient capacity to convey the required rated knowledge of the total of the currents flowing
current without inducing a temperature rise in the through the switchboard.
bars that could damage the insulators supporting The temperature of the air surrounding the bars
them. is of particular importance in order to size the
For example the bars can be sized so that they bars accurately and ensure that they do not
do not exceed a steady state temperature of exceed a critical temperature mainly depending
110 °C; this value is completely dependent on the on the type of material used for the supports.
type of insulating materials with which they are in Consequently, knowing the air temperature in
contact, for example the supports. The table in the various switchboard zones, we can
figure 13 gives a few busbar temperature values determine, at the end of the program, the
for an ambient temperature of 50 ° and 65 °C. temperature of the bars according to their
c Capacity to withstand a short-circuit current characteristics (dimensions, forms,
without serious bar deformation, rupture of arrangements...) and thus validate their sizing.
insulator supports or excessive temperature rise. NB: as regards calculation of heat flux, we
The second condition corresponds to a problem consider that bars mainly dissipate power by
of electrodynamic forces and may be studied convection and radiation with internal air.
fig.13: thermal values of a few busbars for different ambient air temperatures.
Simple bimetal
Ambient T
TN: nominal operating temperature
TL: limiting operating temperature
fig. 15: typical derating curves of various releases as a function of temperature.
The modelling method described above acted as a and master dependability. As is frequently the case
basis for the development of our calculation method in thermal matters, the numerous relationships
which enables us to determine the real operation of between parameters call for an iterative approach
the switchboard (maximum current on each resulting in the drawing up of a program, the
feeder...) and thus to optimise use of the assembly principle of which is presented below.
6.1 Principle
The program uses two overlapping iteration 1st stage: description of the configuration, i.e.
loops in order to determine the operating level of the type of envelope used, the name and
the envelope in steady state. One concerns position of the devices. The program calls on the
resolution of the thermal problem, the other the device file to retrive the data described above.
derating coefficients. 2nd stage: the envelope is broken down into
The calculation diagram is illustrated in isothermal subvolumes (nodal modelling nodes).
figure 17.
3rd stage: start of iteration loops with calculation
c dissipated power (at the first iteration the
Configuration description
derating coefficients are taken equal to 1),
c the admittance matrix factors from the balance
c internal temperatures (resolution of the thermal
Power loss in the
▼ ▼
c the new derating coefficients, followed by a
Current comparison with the above. If the difference is
strength considered too large (iteration stop test), the new
Derating Internal current strengths flowing through each device
6.4 Results
This «software» approach is particularly advan- other words, the operating levels at a specific
tageous as it lets us carry out the studies below: moment of the various devices:
Detailed study of a specific configuration e.g. at a specific moment, 2 feeders for example
will be used to their full and the others at only 0.5
Made to optimise position of a device or choice of their possibilities, with the resulting
of busbar, to know the power dissipated by the consequences on the thermal conditions of the
assembly, to size a suitable air conditioning... assembly.
The following example concerns a column of a The results are shown on the calculation sheet
partitioned industrial power switchboard, form 2, in figure 19.
c a horizontal busbar supplying an incoming Derating table for a specific configuration
device and an adjacent column, This software usage possibility, similar to the
c an 2500 A incoming device above usage, lets us group, for a common
c various moulded case circuit-breakers. configuration, the deratings of the various
The program provides: devices allowing for their real position in the
c the derating coefficients Kdecl, switchboard, the conductor cross-sections used,
c the currents flowing through each device, Ir. the protective indexes and the external ambient
Remark concerning coefficient Kdiv: An example of such a switchboard concerning
This coefficient enables us to take into account devices installed in an industrial power
the diversity or bulk factor feeder by feeder, in switchboard column is shown in figure 20.
Vert. busbar:
Cross-section: 4b 80x5 Length (m): .24 Current: 2300 A
Cross-section: 4b 80x5 Length (m): .5 Current: 2300 A
Cross-section: 3b 80x5 Length (m): .2 Current: 1758 A
Cross-section: 2b 80x5 Length (m): .2 Current: 1204 A
Cross-section: 1b 80x5 Length (m): .2 Current: 838 A
Cross-section: 1b 80x5 Length (m): .18 Current: 468 A
Cross-section: 1b 80x5 Length (m): .16 Current: 234 A
Cross-section: 1b 80x5 Length (m): .24 Current: 0 A
M 25
Hor. busbar temperature: 109 °C
C 630
Vert. busbar temperature: 100 °C C 630
Total power loss: 2015 W
C 400
devices: 613 W - auxiliaries: 0 W -
Vert. + tap-off busbars: 1282 W - hor. busbars: 120 W: C 400
Ambient temperature: 35 °C C 250
Roof T°: 69 °C - Hor. busbar T°: 74 °C
C 250
Device T°: high - 61 °C / low - 35 °C
Auxiliary T°: high - 48 °C / low - 35 °C
Vert. + tap-off busbars T°: high - 67 °C / low - 35 °C
Connection T°: high - 53 °C / low - 35 °C
IP 31 3b 100x5
T° amb 35 40 45 50 55
3b 100x5
4b 80x5
M16 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.86 M 25
M08 1 1 1 1 1 2500 A 3b 100x5
2b 80x5
M 16 ▼
IP 42/54 1600 A 2b 80x5
1b 80x5
T° amb 35 40 45 50 55 1b 63x5
M25 0.79 0.77 0.75 0.73 0.71
M16 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 M 08 ▼
M08 1 1 1 1 1 800 A 1b 63x5
IP31 IP 42/54
T°amb 35 40 45 50 55 35 40 45 50 55
C125N/H 0.95 0.91 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.69
C125L 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.79 0.80 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.68
C161N/H 0.95 0.92 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.73 0.69
C161L 0.94 0.91 0.87 0.84 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.70 0.67 Masterpact
C250N/H 0.94 0.90 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.69 Compact
C250L 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.82 0.78 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.70 0.67
C401N/H 0.94 0.91 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.69
fig. 21: derating of Compact circuit-breakers placed under the incoming circuit-breaker.
Mean temperature in °C
Tamb: 60 °C
90 Tamb: 55 °C
Tamb: 50 °C
80 Tamb: 45 °C
Tamb: 40 °C
70 Tamb: 35 °C
60 Tamb: 25 °C
Enclosure dimensions:
30 height: 2 m
width: 0.9 m
20 depth: 0.4 m
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10001100 Power loss Watts
fig. 22: mean temperature of air inside an IP2 form 1 metal distribution cubicle.
800 1000 ∆T = 20 °C
∆T = 20 °C
600 600
400 400 ∆T = 10 °C
∆T = 10 °C
200 200
fig. 23: power that can be dissipated by an enclosure for a specific temperature rise according to its width.
Curves refer to a metal cubicle, form 1, 2 m high.
Necessary data:
Temperature distribution
c dimensions of the envelope, factor c
c power dissipated in the envelope (switchgear, 1.65 1
conductor), 1.6 2
c type of installation (insulated envelope or 1.55 5
insulated at one end...), (see fig. 25). 1.5
Calculation: 1.4
Temperature is calculated only at 2 points of the 1.3
envelope: 1.25
at mid-height 1.2
T0.5 = Ta + ∆T0.5 where ∆T0.5 = d k PW 0.804 1.15
c d is a coefficient taking into account the 1.05
presence of horizontal separations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
v if Ae < 1.25 m2, d = 1 (definition of Ae, see
Factor f
below) Curve/Installation type
v if Ae > 1.25 m2, d = 1 with and without 1 Separate enclosure, detached on all sides
ventilation apertures for 0 separation 3 Separate enclosure for wall-mounting
d = 0.5 with and without ventilation apertures 2 First or last enclosure, detached type
3 Central enclosure, detached type
for 1 separation
5 Central enclosure, wall-mounting type
d = 1.10 or 1.15 if ventilation apertures 4 Central enclosure for wall-mounting and with
for 2 separations covered top surface
d = 1.15 or 1.30 if ventilation apertures
for 3 separations fig. 25: temperature distribution factor c for enclosures
without ventilation openings and with an effective
c k is a constant characterising the envelope: its cooling surface Ae > 1.25 m2.
value is determined on charts, (see fig. 24).
Temperature in °C
80 Temperature calculated as in IEC 890 report
70 Temperature calculated with MG software
Temperature of ambient air 35 °C
30 Enclosure dimensions:
height: 2 m
width: 0,9 m
10 depth: 0,4 m
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Power loss in watts
fig. 26: Air temperature at mid-height of an IP2, form 1 metal distribution cubicle.
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