Akwa Ibom State School of Nursing Questions and Answers

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1. Use an HB pencil to shade in your answer, ensure that any shading error is thoroughlyerased.

2. Candidates should write their full Names (surname first) and the Question paper option given to them inthe
appropriate spaces on the Answer Sheets.

3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answer sheet with the questionpaper

4. The use of calculator and/or similar electronic devices is NOTallowed.

1. Which of the following is not true about semi-conductor?(a) moving holes are equivalenttomoving
positive charges (b) there is twokindsof chargecarriedafreeelectronandahole(c)theescapeofavalence electron
from an atom produces electron hole pair charge carries (d)increases in temperature increasesits
electrical resistance.

2. The minimum energy necessary to remove an electron from agiven atom to infinity iscalled
(a) Excitation energy (b) groundstateenergy (c) ionization energy (d) bindingenergy

3. Find the proglie wavelength of a 0.0kg pellet having a velocity 10m/s (h 6.63 x 10 34S) (a) 6.63-34m (b) 6.63 x
10-32m (c) 6.63 x 10-33m (d) 6.63 x10-35m
4. A step transformer is designed to operate from a 25V supply. If the transformer is 80% efficient,
determine the current in theprimarycoil when the output terminals are connected to 240V 1 cow lamp (a)
50A (b)4.0A (c)2.5A(d)2A

5. An object of mass 0.2kg and density 600kgm-3 is suspended withastring so that 1/10 of it is
immerged in paraffin of density 900kgm , find the tension in the string (a) 1.0x10 mn4 (b) 2.0 x 105ms4 (c) 3.0 x

105ms4 (d)5x105ms4

6. A rocket burnt fuel at the rate of 20kgs4 and eject it with a velocity of 5.0 x 1 03ms -1 calculate the
thrust exerted by the as on the rocket. (a)1.0 x 105mns4 (b) 2.0 x 105ms4 (c) 3.0 x 105ms4 (d) 105ms4

7. Which of the following pairs co .ndation quantities only?(a)Velocityand gravitational potential

acceleration and field strength (c)momentumand work done ment andmass.

8. One of the limitation of Thomson‘s model of the atom is that it does not explain (a) small anglescattering
(b) stability of scattering (c) ionization process (d)the variation of the effectively atomicradius

9. A wire carrying a current J 2.5m in length is placed in a field of flux density 0.12T. What [ne force on
the wire if it is placed at 60° to the field? (a) 30.3N (b)20.5N (0)1 5.3N (d)10.5N

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10. In the transformer. the magnetization of the core is repeatedlyreversedby the alternating magnetic
field resulting in energy dissipation as heat This loss is called (a) Eddy currents loss (b) Hysteresis loss (C) Flux
linkage loss (d) joule heatingloss

11. An atom is said to be exited if an election of the atom is (a) inthe ground state (b) at infinity (C)
promoted to an energy level higher than its original level (d) having energy value of0.0cV

12. What happen to a proton number Z and the nucleon number of a nuclide which emits a y-radiation? (a) Z
increasesby1 while A does notchange(b)increasesby1andAincreasesbyI(c)ZandAneitherincreasesnor
decrease (d) Z increase by 1 while A decreases by 1

13. A note that is an OCTAVE higher than a given note offrequency25hz world has a frequency of (a)
2048Hz (b) 1024z (c) 12Hz (d)512Hz
14. A sound wave of the frequency 130Hz and wavelength2.0mwas sproceeded at a distance. d. from a
target and echo was heard at the source 0.5second later. Calculate the values of d (a) 650m(b)1300m (c)260.0m
(d) 520.0m
15. In an experiment, lead shot contained in a vertical cardboard cylinder falls through 100cm when the
cylinder is invested. Calculate therisein temperature caused by 100 such inversion. (Specify heat capacity of
-1 -1 -2
lead 1 3jkg k g = 10ms (a) 3.3K (b)4.4K (c)5.5K(d)7.7K

16. The QUALITY and PITCH of musical note dependrespectivelyon (a)frequency and harmonies (b)
overtones and intensity (c) intensity and frequency (d) overtones andfrequency

17. A body is project with a velocity with a velocity Vms-1, inclined at angle B to the vertical. Which of the
following give theCORRECT expression for the horizontal component of velocity Vx after time t? (a)V cosB
(b) Vsin B (c)Vg cos B(d) VtsinB

18. A converging lens has radius of curvature 16.0cm, calculate thepower of the lens (a) 0.0625 (b)0.
125 (c) 0.250(d)0.500

19. If the velocity of light in air is 3.0 x 108ms, find the velocity of light in s medium whose refractive index is
1.5(a)5.0x108ms4(b)5.0x107ms4 (c)2.5x108ms4 (d)2x107ms4
20. When an object is at infinity to the pole of a concave mirrortheimage formed is at (a) principle focus,
real and diminished (b)centerof curvature,realandinverted(c)centerofcurvature,virtualanderect
(d)principle focus, real and erect

21. A total eclipse of the sun is seen when the observer is in the(a) Umbra region of the sun‘s shadow (b)
penumbra region (C) Umbra regionofthe moon‘s show (d) penumbra region of the moonsshadow.

22. A long drawn sound arising from overlapping reflectionstogetherwith the original sound which give rise
to the reflections is called(a) Beat(b) Echo (c) diffraction (d)reverberation

23. Which of the following radiation is used for examining the freshness or staleness of eggs in the poultry (a)
Ultraviolet rays (b) X-rays(c) Y-rays (d) radiowaves

24. Which of the following statements is not correct about magnetic radiation? (a) they are quantities en (b) they
are transversewaves(c)they are polarizable (d) they may be deflect in an electronic or a magneticfield
25. A simple cell with amalgamated zinc plate minimizes (a)sparking(b) local (c) Back e.m.f (d)

26. Which of the following mixture? (a) sea water (b) petroleum (c)urine

27. Carbon forms two oxides in both oxides is 1.2 if onemole absorbed separately combines with oxygen,
deduces of the oxides(a)CO;CO2 (b)CO2CO3 (c) CO2C2O (d)CO2CO3

28. If 50cm3 of CO2 gas and 50cm3 of measured, at S.T.Pcalculatethe amount gas in moles (molar gas
volume 22.4 dat) (a)0023mo1(b) 0.0222mo1 (c)O.0002moI (d)0.0022mo1

29. How much volume of the ethane would be required to produce 1.12dm3 of carbor1 (IV)on combustion in
sufficient oxygen? 2c2 H6(g)+6)2(G) 4C02(g)+6H2O(a)56dm3(b)2.24dmofethane(c)056dm3ofethane
(d)56dm3 of ethane
30. By how much would the volume have increased when 10dm 3of ozone were converted to oxygen
203(g) 3002(g) (a) 15dm3 (b)19dm3 (c)0.5dm3(d)5dm3

31. The pressure excreted a gas is as a result of (a) the continuous rand on motion of its particles (b)
Bombardment of the walls of the container by its molecules (c) the collision between the gas molecules (d)the
elastic nature of the gasmolecules

32. Which of the following gas will diffuse at the slowest rate? (a)Ammonium (b) Sulphate (IV) oxide (c)
Carbon (II) oxide (d)Nitrogen

33. Element P has an electron configuration of 2.8.6. Element R has an electronic configuration of
What is likely to form if Pand R COMBINE?(a)AcovalentcompoundUPR(b)AnioniccompoundPR2
(c)An ionic compound PR (d)An ionic compound P2R

34. Which is the atomic structure of phosphorus with mass number31?

Protons Neutrons Electrons
A. 15 16 15
B 15 16 16
C. 16 15 15
D. 16 15 16

35. Which metal has the least tendency to form positive ions? (a)Iron (b) Aluminum (c) Sodium (d)Calcium

36. Natural water includes the following except (a) rain water(b)spring (c)pure water (d) lakewater

37. Which of the following methods cannot be used to remove permanent hardness in water? (a) addition of
washing soda (b) addition of caustic soda (c) permutit method (d) adding alum towater

38. If the solubility of sodium tetraoxosulphate (IV) at 30°C is 18gper100g, how much is this in
gramme per kilograms? (a)18kg per 100g (b)180kg per 100g per 100g (c) l80per 100g (d)180g per100g
39. The following are examples of colloid except (a) milk (b) starch in water (c) aerosol spray (d) ammonium

40. The pH of the solution M,N,O, and P are 46,8 and 10, respectively, therefore (a) none of the solutions
isacidic(b)thepHof 0ismadeneutralbyaddingwater(c)Pisthemostacidicsolution(d)Misthemost
acidic solution

41. Sodium chloride may be obtained from brine by (a) decantation (b)distillation (c) evaporation (d)

42. Oil spillage in ponds and creeks can be cleaned by (a) Burning of the oil layer (b) spraying withdetergent
(c) spraying with common salt (d)spraying with hotoil

43. Which of the following is a chemical compound? (a) soap(b) milk (c)urine (d)gold

44. Crystallization is a separation method used (a) where purityofthe product is important (b) where
beauty of the productisimportant (c)whereoneoftheproductisasolid(d)wherethesaltcannotbe
destroyed by heat.

45. Which hydroxide dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution (a)aluminum hydroxide (b) copper
hydroxide (C) copper (II) hydroxide (d) Iron (III)hydroxide

46. Which of the following cannot be used as an oxidizingagent? (a)cracking (b) hydrolysis (c)oxidation
(d) reduction

47. Which of the following cannot be used as an oxidizing agent? (a) K 2Cr2 (b)CO2 (c) H2H (d)HNO3

48. What is the number of the pubs of shared electrons in a methane molecule? (a) I (b)2 (c)4 (d)8

49. The percentage by volume of nitrogen in air is high because (a) nitrogen is relatively inactive (b) nitrogen
supports life (c)nitrogenprevents corrosion of metals (d) nitrogen increases the rate ofcombustion

50. What quantity of copper will be deposited by the samequantityof electricity that deposited 1 8g of
aluminum (A1 = 27, Cu = 64) (a) 64g (b)32g(c) 16g(d)8g

51 When two genes for the same character (alleles) are contained nthe same individuals, the character
that shows is known as (a) important character (b) dominant character (c) superior character (d) controlling

52. In Nigeria a tropical rain forest can be found in (a) Sokoto(b)Kaduna (c)Abuja(d)Abia

53. The sum total of the biotic and abiotic factors that affect living thing is referred to as: (a) environment (b)
lithosphere (c) hydrosphere(d)atmosphere

54. Hydrometer is an ecological instrument that, measures(a)rainfall (b)humidity (c) temperature (d)

55. Which one of the following is air borne? (a) malaria (b)yellowfever (c)cholera (d)tuberculosis

56. Candida virginalis is a (a) bacterium (b)fungus (C) virus (d)protozoan

57. All of these are vertebrate except (a) lizard (b) rat (c) star fish (d)tilapia

58. A box was left in the lawn for two days. When the box was removed, the grass under had turned yellow due
to lack of (a) carbon dioxide(b)light (c) oxygen(d)water

59. Which of the following deaminates excess amino acids?(a)duodenum (b) ileum (c) liver (d)kidney

60. In which of the following flower part does meiosis occur?(a)anther (b)petal (c) receptacle (d)style

61. When an organism moves its whole body towards astimulus, the organism is said to exhibit (a)
tropic movement (b)tropicmovement (c)tactic movement (d) nastic movement

62. A stable self sustaining environment produced by an interaction between the biotic and abiotic components
is best described as (a)niche(b)a community (c)an ecosystem (d)ahabitat

63. Which of the following is not present in the nucleus ofa cell? (a)chromosome (b) nucleus (c) genes (d)

64. The release of useful substances from cells of an organismiscalled? (a)excretion (b) evacuation (c)
metabolism (d)secretion

65. The head of the femur articulates with the pelvic at the (a)Glenoid cavity (b) Olocrono process
(c)Acetabulum (d) Caracoidsprocess

66. The mammalian cervical vertebrae invariablynumb

67. What mechanism is responsible for the rise of water to the topsoftall trees? (a)transpiration er (a) 4 (b)7
(c) 12 (d) 5 pulls (b)rootpressure (c)osmosis (d) capillarity

68. Antibodies in mammalian blood are formed by (a) platelets(b)white blood cells (c) red blood cells (d)

69. Which of the following liquids supplies cells in the tissues of a mammal with oxygen and nutrients? (a)
blood (b) plasma (c) serum (d)lymph

70. The cockroach and grasshoppers have mouth parts adaptedfor(a)sucking (b) piercing andsucking
(c) biting and chewing (d)bitingand lapping

71. The sponging and lapping mouth part occurs in (a) butterfly(b) the cockroach (c)the housefly (d)

72. The following is not an example of a sex-linked character(a)baldness (b)color blindness (c)hemophilia
(d) height

73. Which of these is a vestigal structure? (a) Appendix (b) caccum (c)pancreas (d) sacculusmotundus

74. Which of the following air pollution causes acid rain? (a)sulphurdioxide (b) blend oxide (c) carbon
dioxide (d) hydrogensulphide

75. Which of the following does not have a well developed tissue? (a) moss (b) fern (c) whiz pering tree (d)


1. D
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. -
8 -
9. -
10. -
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. D
17. A
18. -
19. -
20. -
21. - 51. A
22. D 52. B
23. A 53. A
24. A 54. B
25. - 55. D
26. - 56. B
27. - 57. C
28. D 58. B
29. C 59. C
30. B 60. A
31. B 61. A
32. B 62. A

33. B 63. D
34. A 64. D
35. B 65. C
36. C 66. B
37. D 67. -
38. - 68. B
39. D 69. A
40. D 70. C
41. C 71. A
42. B 72. D
43. A 73. A
44. A 74. A
45. B 75. A
46. -
47. -
48. -
49. A
50. A



Read the following instruction carefully.

1. Use an HB pencil to shade in your answer, ensure that any shadingerror I s thoroughlyerased.

2. Candidates should write their full Names (surname first) and the Question paper option
given to them in the
appropriate spaces on the Answer Sheets.

3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answer sheet with the questionpaper

4. The use of calculator and/or similar electronic devices is NOTallowed.

Read the passage 1 below carefully and answer the questions that follows. Each question carries 2 marks.

The approach to the University is being restructured to case the flow of traffic, give better security and
provided an appropriate introduction to a seat learning of higher learning. The works and services complex is also
under construction, and we intend to move into the completed (major) part of it within the next few weeks. All these
project are being executed with an eye to aesthetes, for we recognize the important influence of a beautiful and health
environment on its inhabitants and feel that a cluster buildings on small space such as we have should be so well
designed as to have a beneficial, psychological and sociological effect all members of the community.

I have gone to these lengths to itemize these examples of current development for two main reasons.

Firstly, to advice you that the road diversions and other physical inconveniences currently being experienced
will be on the increase, because of intense development activity. We therefore appeal to you to bear with us in full
knowledge and consolation that such inconveniences are temporary and will seen yield find tangible results.

Secondly, to demonstrate our capacity for executing approved projects with disputes, and to assure
government that we are up to the task. Indeed, I can assure Government that its ability to disburse fund to us will be
more than matched by our capacity to collect and expand them on executing various worthy projects tin record time.

1. ―An eye aesthesis‖ in this passage means (a) Regard for space (b)Beneficial psychological effect (c)
Regard for health (d) Consideration forbeauty.

2. In the passage, the author tries to explain why (a) it isnecessaryto established the worksandservices
complex in the university(b) beauty should not be taken into consideration when building on such assmall space
as we have (c) the gateway to the University is being rebuilt (d) a major part of the project shouldbe
completed in the next few weeks

3. From the passage, we can gather that (a) There is notmuch consideration for the health of the
inhabitants (b) the inconvenience sufferedbythe inhabitant will be for a while (c) there is deliberate afford to
inconvenient the people (d) project are carried out withoutapproved

4. Unless it can be that the money voted for project of our executive ability (a) the development activity will
not be intense (b) it will not be easy toconvince the government of our executive ability (c) it will not difficult to
ask Government for funds (d) the road diversionandother inconveniences willcontinue.

5. Which of these is NOT among the reason given by the author enumeration of the currentdevelopment?
(a) To show that we are capable of executing approved projects (b) to convince the government that we can be
trusted with the task (c) the inconveniencecurrentlybeing experienced will go on indefinitely (d) we are fully
aware of the inconveniences being caused but we do not want you tocomplain.

Read the passage II below carefully and answer the question that follows. Each question carries 2 marks

Passage II
How can people be sure they are truly marrying people with who are truly compatible once way by taking
time to get to know the other person. Researchers have found that couples seem to go through three stages in this
process? First, each person tries to measure his or her good and bad qualities against these of the others person.
People tend to be drawn to others own seem to have about the same assets and abilities they themselves possess.
Second, people look for compatible beliefs, attitude and interests to support the initial attraction. It is not until the
third stage that people reveal to each other how they handle responsibilities. React to disappointment and cope with a
wide variety of situation. They key to compatibility is for the couple to be sure that they have arrived at this last stage
before they think seriously about marriage, such people are les likely to be unpleasantly surprised than those who
marry quickly.

6. The best title for the passage is (a) research on marriage compatibility (b)liabilities and assets inmarriage
(c) compatibility in marriage (d)responsibility in marriage

7. ―Totheunpleasantlysurprised‖inthepassagemeanstobe(a)physically prepare for anyeventuality

(b) psychologically (c) seriouslyshockedby the outcome of the union (d) taken unaware when marriage isdone.

8. From the passage we learn that compatible is measure in termsof(a) good and bad qualities (b)
adequate knowledge of each other (c) individual responsibility (d) reactions to a variety ofsituation

9. According to the author, couple get to crucial stage in their relationship (a) when they show their assets and
liabilities (b) when they display responsibility and positive attitude (c) when they look for compatible beliefs and
attitude (d) when they show how they react tocircumstances

10. The primary audience(s) for the above passage is: (a) young in married adulate (b) people seeking
compatibility in their partner (c) those who fall in loves at first sight (d)the general public and marriagecounselors.

In question 11 to 24 chose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase(s) underlined
11. Whenthechipsare down wewillknowwho‘swhohave thecourage tostand(a)whenwegetcrisispoint
(b) in the final analysis (c)whenthe blocks are lowered (d)when we get to the end of theroad

12. She said boxing in fact her pot aversion (a) something she likes very much (b) something she dislike
very much (C) a hobby she loves to pursue (d) one thing she can‘tmiss

13. The gateman does his work perfunctorily (a) withoutcommitment(b)with speed (c) grudgingly (d)

14. If experience is anything to go by this action will proveapolitical minefield (a) a sources of political
benefit (b) a way outofpolitical trouble (c) it causes for political joy (d) an invitation to politicalproblems

15. Do you now one of the most astounding events of my life(a) special (b)amazing (c) serious (d)

16. Adeniji is suffering from the consequence of alienation (a) confinement (b) isolation (c) serious (d)

17. In my view, the play didn‘t come off (a) succeed (b) fail(c)attract applause (d) takeplace

18. Members of the panel were working at cross purpose (a) inharmony(b)in disunity (c)for selfish
purposes (d) for selflesspurposes

19. Joseph is a die-hard criminal (a) hard to kill (b) frank (c) audible(d)talkative

20. I like Jack because he is very outspoken (a) fluent (b) frank(c) audible (d)talkative

21. If your life is a turmoil always courage (a) devastation (b)crisis(c)trial (d)tragedy

22. The young life who distributed political pamphlet oncampuswas promptly repudiated (a)disowned
(b) arrested (c)warned (d) killed

23. Some children mimic their teachers (a) imitate (b)ridicule(c)tease (d)worship

24. Wealth citizens are often niggardly in their way (a) contemptible (b)beggarly (c) sordid (d)stingy

In each of question 25 and 26, chose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others
25. A. Calendar B. Blackboard C. Suffer D. success
26. A. Madam B. Convenient C. Contribute D. Embarrass

In each of the following sentences, there is one word or group of words underlined and one gap choose the word or
group of word that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word that will at the same time correctly
fill the gap in this sentences
27. Ireti was able to kindle the fire which my father had to later(a)kill (b)switch (c) extinguish (d)destroy

28. Although the attack of malaria was sudden the curewastheir (a) permanent (b) extended (c)
delayed (d)gradual

29. A‘ guest should no makederogatorybut remarks out of the food he is served by his host (a) closing (b)
complimentary(c)polite (d)appetizing

30. It is surprising to find her condoninginsteadof such gross misbehaviour (a) disliking (b)disparaging
(C) harming (d) condemning

31. The general said that raw troops were no good to him, he needveterans (a) season (b) weathered (c)
processed (d)baked

32. Josephine is loquacious her youngersisteris (a) polite (b)intelligent (c) considerate(d)tacitum

33. After the long journey we eventually escaped from the turmoil ofthecity the of the
countryside (a) loneliness (b) relief(c)tranquility (d)stability

34. We would all have been greatly fortified by a meal, but wehadonly drinkswhich us (a)poisoned
(b) weakened (c) starved (d) worried

35. In his valedictory address, the professor quoted copiouslyfromhis lecture (a) inaugural (b)academic
(c) original (d)scholarly

36. The chairman vacillated in a matter requiredaction(a) courageous (b)decisive (c)reflective

37. At certain times, some insane people appear tobeas as you or I (a)normal (b) intelligent (c)sober
(d) sensitive

38. The headmaster criticized John for his use coarse language,but complimented Helen on her
behaivour (a) refined(b)organized (c)pure (d)clean

39. For a speed to have it desired effect, it must be explicitand (a) vague (b)flamboyant (c) wordy
(d) difficult

40. These was chaos in the village police and work for hoursbefore could be resorted (a) quiet (b)law
(c) restraint (d)order


1. D 21. B
2. C 22. A
3. B 23. A
4. - 24. D
5. - 25. B
6. C 26. C
7. C 27. C
8. B 28. D
9. - 29. B
10. D 30. A
11. - 31. D
12. B 32. D
13. A 33. C
14. A 34. B
15. B 35. A
16. B 36. B
17. D 37. A
18. B 38. A
19. B 39. A
20. B 40. D



1. Use an HB pencil to shade in your answer, ensure that any shading error is thoroughlyerased.

2. Candidates should write their full Names (surname first) and the Question paper option
given to them in the
appropriate spaces on the Answer Sheets.

3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answer sheet with the questionpaper

4. The use of calculator and/or similar electronic devices is NOTallowed.


Read the following instruction carefully.
From ancient times, people commonly believed that life arose repeatedly by spontaneous generation from
non-living material in addition to parental reproduction for example frogs appeared to arise from damp earth, mice
from putrefied matter, and insects from dew maggots from decaying meat. Warmth, moisture, sunlight, and even
starlight often were mentioned as factors that encourage spontaneous generation of living organisms.
Among the accounts of early efforts to synthesize organism in the laboratory is a recipe for making mice
given by the Belgian plant nutritionist Jean Baptiste Van Helmont (648). If you press a piece of underwear soiled

with sweat together with some wheat in an open jar, after about twenty one days the odour changes and the ferment...
changes the wheat into mice. But what is more remarkable is that the mice which came out of the wheat and
underwear were not small mice, not miniature adults or aborted mice but adult mice emerge‖.

In 1861, the great French scientist Lousis Pasteur convinced scientists that living organisms cannot arise
spontaneously from non-living matter. In his famous experiments, Pasteur introduced fermentable material into a
flask with a long Shaped neck that was open to air. The flask was cooled and left undisturbed. No fermentation
occurred because all organisms that entered the open end were deposited in the open neck and did not reach the
fermentable material. When the neck of the flask was removed micro-organisms in the air promptly entered the
fermentable material organisms and their reproductive elements such as eggs and sport. Announcing his results to the
French Academy, Pasteur productive ―Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation arise from this mortal
below. All living organisms share a common ancestor, most likely a population of colonial micro-organism that lived
almost four billion years ago. This common ancestor was itself a product of a long period of preblole assembly of
non-living matter including organic molecules and water to form self-replicating units. All living organisms retain a
fundamental chemical composition inherited from their ancient.

1. Throughoutthe passage, the word ―spontaneous‖canbestbe taken to mean (a) without reproductive
elements (b) in a medium(c)unthinking (d)free-spirited
2. In Pasteur‘s experiment, why was the neck of the flask removed?(a)to allow air to escape (b)to provide
access toremove
3. In the third paragraph,theword ―moral‖mostnearlymeans (a)Human (b) impermanent (C) fatal (d)
4. Theexpression―whentheneckoftheflaskwasremoved‖foundinthe third paragraph can be describedas
(a) adverbial clauseoftime (b)adjectival (c) noun clause (d) adverbial phrase oftime
5. In whatsenseisthe use of the word―water‖inthelastparagraph ironic? (a) it is a medium in which many living
organism thrive (b) it is a relatively low boiling point (C) Pasteur did not mention it specifically in his description of
his experiment (d) it was not one of theingredientsin Helmon‘s recipe

Read passage 2 carefully and answer question which follow

When we survey all known human societies we find every where a for of the family some set of people
permanent arrangement by which males assist females in caring for children while they are young. The distinctively
human aspect of the enterprise lies not in the protection the male affords the female and the young. This we share
with the primates. Nor does it lie in the lordly possessiveness of the male over females instead in the nurturing
behaviour of the male who among human beings every where helps provide food for woman and children.
Among our structurally closed analogues the primates the male does not feed the female he may fight to
protect her or to possess her. But he does not nurture her was to fend herself. Somewhere at the dawn of human
history some social invention was under which males started nurturing females and their young. In every known
human society, everywhere in the world, the young male learns that when he grows up one of the things which he
must do in order to be a full member of the society is to escape the burden of feeding females and the young by
entering Monasteries and feeding each other or by entering some profession that their society will classify as giving
them a right to be fed, like the Army and the Navy, or the Buddhist order of Burma. But in spite of such exception,
every known human rest firmly on the learned nurturing behaviour of men.

6. Man differs from other animals because (a) he forms family (b) he cares for children (c) he cares for woman
and children (d) he providefoodfor woman

7. ―Thelordlypossessiveness‖ofthemaleoverthefemalesmeansthatthemale(a)showsmasteryoverthe
female(b)ismoreaggressivetowardthe female(c)claimsrightoverthefemale(d)protectsthefemale

8. ―Somewhereatthedawnofhistory‖refersto(a)thebeginningof creation (b)the creation of man

(c)the time when man yet monkey(d) the beginning ofcivilization

9. Man takes it upon himself to feed the females except when (a)hetakesup the gun to fight (b)he
became religious (c)join a religion(d)enterssome profession

10. According to the passage, a common f4eature of all human communities is (a)the family (b)caring mothers
(c)aggressivefather9d)nurtured woman and children

Read the following passage and select the best option that fills the corresponding gap in the text.

By the 28th week, that is the end of the 7 th11, the focus move around vigorously with the 12 and its heart can be heard
by the 13 its, length is 38cm (15 inches) its weight 100grams, its body is thin, its skin reddish and covered with a 14
coating of creamy, waxy substance, which is manufactured by small in the skin. It can open up its eye, and the 15
covering the pupils of the 16 has gone. If it is 17 at this stage it can 18 but with difficulty. It can also cry 19 but 20its

(a) (b) (c) (d)

11 Day Week Month Year
12 Stomach Uterus bladder Belly
13 Audience Woman Crowd Doctor
14 Membrane Kicking Plastic Protective
15 Membrane Hand Glass Rubber
16 Eyes Class Mouth Uterus
17 Left Sent Discharged Born
18 Breath See Hear Cat
19 Angrily Weakly Loudly Strongly
20 Walk Wove Wraps Fold

In question 21 – 25, chose among the options the one that the opposite meaning to the world or group of words
underlined in the sentence to fill the missing word(s).

21. One would have expected the students to take to consultation with the school authorities instead of resorting
to (a)mediation(b)confrontation (c) arbitration (d)exultation

22. It is surprising that on of the identical is an alcoholic but theotheris (a) teetotaler (b) dipsomanic
(c) agoraphobic (d)saboteur

23. While the man is parsimonious his wifeisobviously (a)ingenious (b) curious (C)judicious
(d) extravagant

24. The lackadaisical student failed the testoutthe one passedit well (a) enthusiastic (b)
listless (c) classical (d)obtuse

25. While a sinner will incur the wrath of God, a saint willenjoythe (a) anger (b) anointing (c)favour
(d) pleasure

In question 26 35, from the words lettered A to D, choose the one that completed the sentence

26. Therich man to his wives and children everyMonday(a) disperses (b) dispensed (c)
discusses (d)dispenses

27. If I had known that the man was not a genuine pastor, I wouldnot have too much confidence in
him (a) imposed (b) reposed(c)inputted (d) disposed

28. The poorwomanhas herself to fate (a) consigned (b)concerned (c) resigned (d) reposed

29. Theclergy everyday for the success of thepresent government (a) are praying (b) is praying (C) pray
(d) prays

30. Theyounggirl mind her language (a) has better (b) hand better (c) have best (d) hadbest

31. Many a secondaryschoolstudent afraid ofEnglishlanguage examination nowadays (a) are (b)
is (c)was(d)were

32. The man, with three wivesand seven just traveled abroad (a) is (b) are (c) has (d)have

33. The lecturer does not his real age (a) seems (b) look (C)appear
(d) resemble

34. I your father to stop going out with politicians: then I changed my mind (a) hand told (b) have told (c)
was going to tell (d) havetelling

In question 36-40 a list option is given below every sentence choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or
phrase underlined in the sentence.

36. Are they expecting celestial blessing? (a) terrestrial (b) heavily(c)usually (D) sacrificial

37. The indigent boy is my younger brother‘s friend (a) indolent (b) diligent (c) efficient (d)needy

38. Adults seldom visit the new amusement center (a) frequently(b)rarely (c) usually (d)reluctantly

39. Really, life is ephemeral (a) enjoyable (b) difficult (c)transient (d) permanent

40. I want to tell you that Felix has an eccentric mind. (a)shocking(b) versatile (C) narrow (d)critical

In question 1 to 50, choose the correct answer from option (a) to (d)that following each question.

1. Which of the following is the large single cell in the body? (a)the neutron (b)the ovum (c) livercell
(d) muscle cell

2. Blue-green algae belong to the phylum (a) cyanophyta (b)sehizophyta(c) chlorophyta (d)chrysophta

3. The concept of antibiotics started with the work of (a) GregorMendel(b) Mary Slessor (c) Louis
Pasteur (d)AlexanderFleming

4. The botanical name for yellow yams is (a) dioscoreagayanesis(b) dioscorea rotunda (c)
dioscoreaalata (d) dioscoreadumentorum

5. Which of the following tissue are made of dead of cells?(a)Xlyem vessels (b) cambium (c)mesophyll
(d) palisade

6. Which of the following is not in function of the liver (a) storageofiron (b) formation of the bile (c)
breakdown of excess aminoacids(d) excretion of urea from theblood.

7. Alkaline pyrogallo; was used in an experiment. Thatexperiment must have been connected with (a)
respiration (b)photosynthesis(c) transportation (d) excretory

8. The enzyme that breaks down cane sugar is (a) lipase (b)ptyalin(c) invertase (d)peptidase

9. The largest single bone in the body is the (a) scapula (b)humerus(c) femur (d)skull

10. Auxins are produced in the (a) root and stem apex (b) young leaves and nodes (c) flower bud andapex

11. The hormone, which tones yup the muscles of a person in timeofdanger, is from the (a) thyroid
gland (b) pancreas (c) adrenal gland (d)sebaceous

12. A diet with a high concentration of iodine will probably beneededby patient suffering from a
malfunction of the (a) thyroid gland (b) adrenal gland (c) nervous system (d) circulatorysystem

13. The sampling methods is not most often used in ecological studyof a habitat because (a) the area to be
studied is usually large (b)someareas aremoreimportantthanothers(c)plantsandanimalsliveinsmall

14. Which of the following group of factor is competing a biotic(a)soil, water, bacteria salinity (b) salinity,
tide, plankton turbidity(c)wind, altitude, humility light (d) confers, wind, pH,rainfall.

15. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cowpea demonstrate ecologicalassociation known as (a) predation (b)
parasitism (c) mutualism (d)commensalism

16. Plants that live in sally water are called (a) hydrophytes (b)xcrophytes(c) halophytes (d)salinophytes

17. A sample of soil was put into a measuring cylinder and water was added to it. After mixture wasshaken,the
cylinder was left undisturbedforone hour this experiment was probably performed to: (a)comparethe capillarity
of different samples (b) find out the relativedensitiesof different soil particles (c) findout
water retaining capacity ofsoil (d) demonstrate the presence of air in the soilsample

18. A farmer X working in a swamp did not eat any food nordrankany water, which of these diseases can
he not contact? (a)bilharzias(b) malaria (c) cholera (d) sleepingsickness

19. Which of the following element may be added to drinking watertolessen dental decay (a)calcium
(b) phosphorus (c) fluorine (d)chlorine
20. Aman with normal haemoglobin marries a woman who hassicklecell haemoglobin. They have a child
who has sickle cell traitwhicho followinggenotypecouldbeassociatedwiththechild‘shaemoglobin?(a)
SS (b)AS (c)AO (d)AA

21. Tichlorochnna in a solvent used to remove grease from clothing. How after use is the solvent separate
from the grease (a) chromatography (b) crystallization (c) distillation (d) by filtration

22. Calculate the mass of ZnSO4 produced when excess of ZnCO3 isaddedto 50.0cm3 of 4.0mol.dm-
H2SO4 the equation for the reaction is ZaCO 3 + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + CO2 + H2O (Zn = 65, S = 32, OP = 16) (a) 32.2 (b)
37.5 (c) 38.6 (d)34.3

23. Arrange the following elements of the second period in the order of increase atomic radius lithium,
beryllium, boron carbon (a) carbon, boron, beryllium lithium (b) lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon (c)lithium,
carbon, boron, beryllium (d) carbon, lithium, beryllium, boron

24. Argon is use in gas filled electric lamp because (a) it is radioactive (a) it has low pressure (c) it is
combustible (d) it helps to preventoxidation

25. If 250cm3 of a saturated solution of potassium trioxonitrate (v) at30°C

produced 3.4G of the dry salt, calculate the solubility of the saltat
30°C (K 39, N 14, 0 16) (a) 0.112mol.dm3 (b)01118mol.dm3 (c)0.1 24.dm3 (d) 0.1 34moI.dm3

26. A sample of orange juice has a pH of 3.80 what is the mother concentration of hydrogen ion in the juice?
(a) 1/58 x 10 (b) 1.58 x 10 (C) 1.58 x 10 (d) 1.58 x10

27. Which of the following solution are NOT acids? (a) aluminum chloride (b) zinc chloride (c) copper (II)
tetraoxosulphate (iv) (d) Silverchloride

28. Calculate the current is amperes required to produce 18.Og aluminum in 1.50 hour (Al 27, F 96500C)(a)
33.65 sample (b) 53.74amperes (c) 37.83 amperes

29. Calculate the oxidation number of chlorine CL907 (a) + 7 (b) +2 (C) +5(d)+1

30. The two nuclei in the hydrogen molecules are held together by(a) mutual attraction (b) mutual
sharing of the electron charge-cloud (c) a dative covalent bond (d)the two electrons in the samespin

31. Which of the following statements about catalysis is correct (1) A small amount of catalyst oftenaffectsthe
rate of a reaction from a long tie(2)A catalyst is always chemical unchanged at the end of a reaction?(3)the effect
of a catalyst is often enhanced by adding promoters; (4) a catalyst is always physically unchangedat
the end of a reaction (5)acatalyst always speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction (a) 1,2,3,4,5, (b) 1,2,3,
only (c) 2,3,4 only (d) 2,4only

32. When K2Cr2O7 dissolves in water, the followingequilibriumis established Cr2O72 (aq) + H2O—----
2CL042 (aq) 2H1 orange.Statethe colour observed on adding a few drops dilute H SO 2in the
4 system (a)

orange (b) yellow (C) pink (d)colourless

33. Which of the following statement is NOT true of hydrogen suiphide? (a).it is a liquid at room
temperature (b) it is a covalent compound (c)itis a weak diabasic acid in aqueous solution (d) it is much
strongerreducing agent thanwater

34. Which of the following are products of acids hydrolysis of sucrose? (a) fructose and maltose (b) glucose
and cellulose (c) maltose and cellulose (d) glucose andfructose

35. What is the concentration (in molcm-3) of solution containing 0.28g of potassium hydroxide per 100cm 3 of
solution? (K 39, H1)16)

36. Determine the distance point P (8,5,3) and Q (2,1 -2)(a)80.3(b)2.32 (c)15.00(d)8.77

37. One person walks south east at 4m!s and another heads north at3m/show far apart are they in 10
second if they start from thesame points simultaneously? (a)80.3m (b)283m (c)64.7m(d)419.7

38. The centre of gravity of a rectangular objects at (a) the intersectionofthe medians (b)the middle of
the rectangle (c)the intersection of the diagonals (d) any of thevertices

39. A uniform meter rule of weight 1.0N is pivoted at the 40cm mark. A weight of 2.9N is hung from the 1
5m mark. Where a weight of 2N must be paled to balanced to rules > (a) 60cm (b) 45cm (c) 55cm (d)35cm

40. Two plane mirror are inclined at an angles of 60 to eachother,determine the number of image in the
two mirror (a) 6(b) 2(c) 5(d)11

41. When an oil drop gently on a clean surface of area 100cm 3 (a)the drop spreads until the firm is 30
molecules thick (b) the drop spreadstofill exactly are of 100cm (c)the volume of the drop (d)the oil formed is
not less than one moleculethick

42. When illuminated BY a light beam, a smoke particle in oxygen gas can be seen moving in different
direction all the time when viewed in a microscope. This is because (a) the light beam intensity is not constant (b)
the smoke particle is affected by gravity (c) oxygen hitthesmoke particle in different directions (d) the
smoke particle has a highspeedin oxygen
43. A siren having a ring of 200 holes makes 132 revolutions per minutes. A jet of airs direct on to the set of
holes. Calculate the frequency ofthenote produced (take the speed of sound in air as 350m/s) (a) 26.400Hz
(b) 1.52Hz(c)44OHz (d)0.66Hz

4. A concave mirror of focal length 20cm forms an image % the size of the object. Determine the object.
distance (a) 20cm (b) 60cm (c)100cm(d) 80cm
45. A pool of water is 12 deep; what is its apparent depth? Reaction index of water is 4/2 (a) 16.0m (b)48.0m
(C) 9.0m (d)36.0m

46. In the optical system of the eye and lens camera, which statementisNOT true? Lens isfixed

47. A cell needed 0.30m of the wire of a potentiometer to balance itsbutonly 2.0m to balance it‘sp.d.
when a resistance of 4 was connected across its terminals. Calculate the internal resistance of the cell. (a)1.0Ω
(b)0.5 Ω (c)1.50 (d)2.0Ω
48. Which a steady current flow in long solenoid P (a) P settles in North- South direction if freelysuspended
(b) but end of P are southpole(c) both end of P are north poles (d) there is only a magnetic field at the
ends of P.

49. A transformer has a 1mary coil of 400 turn and secondarycoil two hundred turns if the primary coil is
connected to 24v a.c. mains,calculate the efficiency given that the current in the primary is 3A and in the
secondary 5A(a) 60% (b) 50% (c) 83% (d)62%

50. When a p-n junction of a semi conductor is forward biased (a)alarge current is obtained (b) small
current is obtained (c) no currentis obtained (d) the current remain thesame


51. 70. C
52. 8
53. A 71. A
54. B 72. D
55. D 73. A
56. B
57. C 74. A
58. B 75. A
59. C
60. A
61. A
62. A.
63. D
64. D
65. C
66. B
67. -
68. B
69. A




Read the following instruction carefully.

1. Use an HB pencil to shade in your answer, ensure that any shading error is thoroughlyerased.

2. Candidates should write their full Names (surname first) and the Question paper option
given to them in the
appropriate spaces on the Answer Sheets.

3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answer sheet with the questionpaper

4. The use of calculator and/or similar electronic devices is NOTallowed.

In question I and 2 an idiom is underlined in each of the sentences, find under each sentence the group of words that
give the nearest meaning to the idiom.

1. Let us now get down to brass tacks (a) dodge the facts(b) tell alie(C) change the iron to the brass one (d)
face the actualfact

2. He talked my head off when I visited him (a) wearied me withtalking(b) pushed off his seat (c) had
nothing to say (d) gave himself aheadache

In question 3 and 4, select the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

3. Do your parents always decry insubordination? (a) speakagainst (b) tolerate (c) embrace (d)overlook

4. Can you mention any two inimical acts? (a) economical (b)dangerous(c) encourage (d)fantastic

In question 5 and 6, choose the words or set of words that best fit‘s the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
5. Themagazine was by the government for an offensive publication (a) suspended (b) proscribed (c)
condemned (d) sealed

6. Your mobilephone has many times in the last thirty minutes(a)rang (b) rung (c) beenringing
(d) being rung

Read the passage below and answer question 7 that follow:

Cloning creates serious issues of individually. The cloned person may experience concerns about his or her
distinctive identity, not only because the person will be genotype (genetic make up) and appearance identical to
another human being, but in this case, because he or she may also be twin to the person who is the ―father‖ or mother
if one can still call them that. What would be the psychin burdens of being the ―child‖ or ―parent‖of your twin? The
cloned individual, moreover, will be saddled with genotype that has already lived. He or she will not be fully a
surprise to the world.
People will likely always compare a clone‘s performance in life that of the original True, a cloned person‘s
nurture and circumstances in life will be different, genotype is not exactly destiny. Still, one must also expect
parental and other efforts to shape this new life after the original or at least to view the child with original vision
always firmly in mind. Why else then would they clone from the star basketballplayer.
Since, the birth of dolly, there has been a fair amount of doublespeak in this matter of genetic identity.
Experts have rushed in to reassure the public that the clone would in no way be the same person or have any
confusion about his or her identity, they are pleased to point out that the clone of firm star Julia Roberts would not be
Julia Roberts, Fair enough. But one is shortchanging the truth by emphasizing the additional importance of the
environment rearing and social setting; genotype obviously matter plenty. That after all, is the only reason to clone,
whether human beings or sheep. The odds that the clones of basketball star Larry Bird will play basketball are, I
submit, infinitely greater than they are for clones of Jockey Willie shoemaker.

7. In line 1 ofparagraph 3,―fair‖mostnearlymeans (a)pleasing(b) considerable (c) promising (d)

8. The author agrees that (a) genetic characteristics alone cannotdeterminea person‘s behaviour(b)
people who are cloned from other may have greater professional opportunities (c) cloning human beings is a
greater technological colleague than cloning sheep (d) a formal code of ethical rules will be needed one can be

9. The question at the end of paragraph 2 (―why else... bust place?) chiefly serves to (a) suggestthatsome
issues are not easily resolved(b)the importanceofparentsinthelifeofchildren(c)implythatcloningmight displace
more familiar means of parents in the life of children(d)suggest the value perceived ina
person who might be cleared for cloning.

10. The author mentions two sports stars in order to (a) distinguish between lasting fame and mere celebrity (b)
highlight the need for greater understanding of the athlete‘s data (c) suggest that athlete‘s special skill have a
genetic component (d) argue against analysis of any sport star‘s physicalabilities

11. Theauthoruses the word―true‖toindicate(a)acknowledgementthatthe passage‘s opening

argument are tensions (b) distrust of those who insiston pursing cloning research (c) recognition of a potential
counterargument (d) conviction about the accuracy of the facts presented.

After each of the sentence in question 12 and 13, is a list of possible interpretations choose interaction most
appropriate forsentences
12. For all he cared, the match was good as lost. This means that (a)hedidn‘t care, the match was lost (b)
he was almost certain that the match would be lost (c) he was afraid that match would be lost (d) he cared very
about losing thematch.

13. It is possible that he has not read that book yet. This means that (a) has certainly not read the book yet (b)
has probably read that book (c) may not have that book yet(d) has still not read thatbook

In question 14 and 15, choose from the options given in A-D the one which is opposite in meaning to the word
underlined in each of the following sentences.

14. I know you will prefer a colossal amount as monthly salarytoa amount even though you are a
bachelor (a) fantastic (b) meager(c)few (d) huge

15. I think the manager should have embarked on actions that would soothe the feeling of the striking workers
instead of utteringstatementsthat could them (a) incense (b) placate (c) stimulate (d)sensitize


Answer all questions
1. One of the factors that must be considered for safe blood transfusion is (a) social class of the donor (b)
rhesus factors of the recipient (C)ageof the recipient (d) nationality of thedonor

2. A certain radioactive source emits radiations that were foundtobe deflected by both magnetic and
electric field. The radiations are(a) infra- red rays (b) x-rays (c) gamma rays (d) betarays

3. Which of the following is not a contact force? (a) gravity(b)viscosity (c)tension (d)reaction

4. Which of the following has a pure tone2 (a) vibrating string(b)tuning fork (C) siren(d)violin

5. Which of the following mammalian features acts as a shock absorber to be developing embryo? (a)
umbilical cord (b) amniotic fluid (c) placenta (d)amnion

6. What is not found in atom? (a) electron (b) molecules (C)neutron(d) proton

7. Which of the following consists of a pair of fundamental qualities only? (a) luminous intensity, time (b)
current, weight (c) massvelocity(d) length, speed

8. A cube of side 20cm floats in water with 15cm of its height submerged. What is the density of the material
of the cube? (a)1.85gmcm-3 (b)0.085gmcm-3 (C) 0.75gmcm-3 (d) 0.65gmcm-3

9. The path described by a project motion is (a) convex(b) concave (c)parabolic (d) a straightline

10. Which does not have decolorized bromine water? (a) C 2H2(b)C2H4 (c)C2H6 (d)C3H6

11. The maintenance of a constant internal environmentaliscalled (a)environmental regulation (b) balance in
nature(c)peristalsis (d)homeostasis

12. What change will occur during the electrolysis of brineusingcarbon electrodes?

13. The theory of use disuse of organs was propounded by(a) Charles Darwin (b) Jean Lamack (c) Louis
Pasteur (d) RobertHooke

14. Aluminum materials should not be exposed to alkalis because aluminum is (a)basic (b)acidic (c)amphoteric
(d)a reducingagent

15. Which of the following source of energy isrenewable?(a)petroleum (b)coal (c)nuclear (d)oceanwaves

16. A certain mass of gas has a volume of 231cm 3 at 18ocmand 753cm3 (c)22.43cm3 (d)0.0224cm3

17. Auxins are produced in the (a)petiole of leaves (b)epidermis of roots and shoots (c)parenchyma and shown
(d)apical region of roots andshoots

18. If the solubility of a salt at and 25C is 45gper 1000g of water how much of the salt will be obtained from
50g of the solution?(a)2.15g(b)20g (c)12g(d)25g

19. If the pH of a solution of dilute hydrochloric acid is given as2.The concentration of the solutionin.

20. Hydra is able to perform all the followingexcept.(a)feeding (b)photosynthesis (c)moving(d)ejection

21. The motion of the prongs of tuning fork can rightbedescribed (a)oscillatory (b)translational (c)random

22. The bleaching action of chlorine in water is because (a)of its reducing property (b)of its oxidizing power
(c)it is (d)it is weak acid

23. Spherical bacterial cells in long chains are called (a)staphylococci (b)streptococci (c)cocci (d)bacilli

24. Which of the following crop diseases is caused by a fungus? (a)groundnut rosette (b)black pod
disease of cocoa (c)yam mosaic (d)cassava bright

25. Which of the following crop diseases is caused bya fungus? (a)production of urine (b)production of
bile(c)osmoregulation (d)removal ofurea

26. People in the blood group which receive blood from any other groupfallinto (a)AB blood group (b)O
blood group (c)A blood group(c)Bblood group

27. What is formed when starch is completelyhydrolyzed(a)fructose (b)glucose (c)lactose(d)maltose

28. Which of the following type of motion is least exhibited by the toytop? (a)random (b)rotational

29. Sulfur (a)from two alkaline oxides (b)spontaneouslyflammable(c)burns with a blue flame
(d)conducts electricity in the moltenstate

30. Hot water is added to four times its mass of water at 30oCand the resulting temperature 30oC what is
the initial temperature ofthehot water? (a)50oC (b)60oC (c)70oC(d)80oC

1.D 6.A 11.A 1.B 6.B 11.D 16.A 21.A 26.A
2.A 7.B 12.A 2.D 7.A 12.D 17.C 22.B 27.B
3.A 8.A 13.C 3.A 8.- 13.B 18. 23.- 28.
4.B 9.C 14.B 4.B 9.C 14.C 19.A 24.- 29.
5.B 10.C 15.A 5.B 10.C 15.- 20.B 25.B 30.C



Read the following instruction carefully.
1. Use an HB pencil to shade in your answer, ensure that any shading error is thoroughlyerased.

2. Candidates should write their full Names

(surnamefirst)andtheQuestionpaperoptiongiventothemintheappropriate spaces on the Answer Sheets.

3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answersheetwith the questionpaper

4. The use of calculator and/or similar electronic devices is NOTallowed.

From the words lettered A D choose the word which bestcompleteseach of the followingsentences,
1. The solution to the problemishappily (a) at hand(b)on hand (C) within hand (d) nearhand

2. My grandmother told a story thatmademe (a) laughing(b)laugh (c) laughed (d) tolaugh

3. The principal with all the teachersandstudents (a)hasarrived (b)were arriving (c) havearrived
(d) were to arrive

4. Thetripletslove very much (a) each other (b) one another (c)
the other (d) theothers

5. The man asked if she her face (a) have run (b) had ran (c)
have ran(d)hadran

6 Please the light before you sleep (a) extinguish (b) put out (c) put off (d) switchoff

7. The woman the sharp knife from the baby in a subtleway(a) wrested (b) rested (c) wrestled(d)

INSTRUCTION: After each of the sentences below a list of possible interpretation of all or part of the sentence is
given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

8. The elders felt it was a forlorn hope and vehemently opposed It(a)a dangerous (b) a plan which would
not favour the elder (c)aplanless course of action (d) a plan which had very little likelihood ofsuccess

9. The sword of Darnodee will be hanging over the council if thatpartygain control (a) the of justice (b)
imminent danger in the midstof
prosperity (c) the man‘s influence (d)the curse of God

10. Bisistole a march on us by beating the gun at the race (a)gained an advantage (b) came last (c) came
first (d)wasdisqualified

11. Because the principal still refused his permission his staff finallytookthe bit between their teeth (a)
carried placards (b) got out of control(c)tore up the timetable (d) refused to go towork

12. I took time by the forelock and succeeded in getting ascholarship(a)used force (b) did a cleverthing
(c) acted promptly (d) useda cunning means

13. I laughed up my sleeve as he told the tales of his exploits (a) was openly making fun of him (b) was very
pleased (c) laughed (d)wassecretly amused

INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A D, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the
underlined expression as it is used in the sentence.

14. The rioters despoiled the main markets (a) looted (b) destroyed (c) burnt (d)desecrated

15. What happened last night was a novelty (a) a happy occurrence(b)a usual occurrence (c) an unusual
occurrence (d) a sadoccurrence

16. Some people believe that it is ominous for the dog to bark atnight(a) givinganevil(b)frighiful(c)sad
(d) evil

17. In a section of the town many people were living in abjectpoverty(a) degraded (b) worthless (c)
shameless (d)objectionable

18. The contribution of the engineer was priceless (a) invaluable (b) worthless (c) nice (d)exorbitant

19. The young man surmounted all the oppressive measures to break his will (a) overcame (b)fought (c)
renounced (d)defeated

Read the passage below and answer question 20 24 that follows

The premise behind the question seems to be that if one does not unhesitatingly assert belief in evolution,
then one must necessarily believe that God created the world and everything in it in six 24-hour days. But limiting
this question to a stark choice between evolution and creationism does a disservice to the complexity of the
interaction between science, faith and reason.
The heart of the issue is that we can not drive a wedge between faith and reason. I believe wholeheartedly
that there can not be any contradiction between the two. The scientific method, base on reason seeks to discover
truths about the nature of the created order and how it operates, whereas faith deals with spiritual truths. The truths of
science and faith are complementary; they deal with very different questions, but they do not contradict each other
because the spiritual order and the material order were created by the same God.
People of faith should be rational, using the gift of reason that God has given us. At the same time, reason
itself cannot answer every question. Faith seeks to purify reason so that we might be able to see more clearly, not less
faith supplement the scientific method by providing and understanding of values, meaning and purpose.
More than that, faith-not-science can help us understand the breadth of human suffering or the depth of
human love. Faith and science should go together, not be driven apart.
The question of evolution goes to the heart of this issue. If belief in evolution means simply assenting to
microevolution, small changes over time within a species, I am happy to say, as I have in the past, that I believe it to
be true. If one the other hand, it means assenting to an exclusively materialistic, deterministic vision of the world that
holds no place for a guiding intelligence, then I reject it.

20. In this passage, the writer seeks to (a) portray the superiority of science over faith (b) show the
compatibility of faith and science (c) show the complexity of evolution and creationism (d) show the contradictions
of faith andreason

21. The writer‘s attitude to the subject of the passage could be described as (a) cynical (b) ambivalent (c)
disapproving (d)conciliatory

22. From the passage, which of the following does thewriter support? (a)evolutionary changes within a
small group of organisms(b)the creation of the world in a six 24-hour day (c) without thescientific
method, faith cannot be practice (d) those who believe in creation cannot be good scientists

23. A possible title for this passage is (a) the absurdity of faithwithoutreason (b) science, faith and
reason (c) the complementarily of evolution and creation (d) a deterministic vision of theworld

24. Which of the following idea is NOT true according the passage? (a) both science and faith express various
truths (b) to believe in evolution is todeny the existence of God (c) the world could be better understood by
bridging the gap between reason and faith (d) both scienceandfaith express various truths

INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A D, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the
underlined expression as it is used in the sentence.

25. Do you know that the is different from the latter? (a) former (b) beginning (c) latest (d)later

26. While some animals are still extant, some are today (a) distant (b) intant (c) extinct (d)domestic

27. Your brother always speaks euphemistic words to address us butit is characteristic of your sister to
speak words to us (a) few(b)rash (c) harsh (d)police

28. While some activities are enervating some otheractivitiesare (a) invigorating (b) exacerbating (c)
immunizing (d)embarrassing

29. We expect the boy to show remorse for the offence he committed, butheremained to the surprise ofall
(a) indifferent (b) respectful (c) unrepentant (d) reserved

30. Whereas Bello‘s behaviour is erratic, Tito‘s manner of doingthingsis (a) predictable (b)allergic
(c) assertive (d)eccentric

INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A D choose the appropriate answer.

1. Which of the following is not a general characteristic ofwaves?(a) diffraction (b) polarization (c)
reflection (d)refraction

2. The thermometric substance of an absolute thermometer is (a) platinum (b) mercury (c) alcohol (d)helium

3. Which one of the following has the highest specific heatcapacity?(a) water (b) liquid hydrogen (c)
copper (d)lead

4. Which of the following sources of energy is non-renewable? (a) tides (b) solar (c) ocean waves (d)biomass

5. What type of electromagnetic radiation can be used to take photographs in the haze? (a) radio waves (b)
visible rays (c) ultravioletrays(d) infrared rays

6. The difference in mass number (A) of atoms of the same element is due to a difference in (a) proton
number (b) number of electrons(c)neutron number (d) proton and electron number

7. A man hears his echo from a nearby hill 2 seconds after he shouted.Ifthe frequency of his voice is
250Hz and t e wavelength is 1 .20m,howfar away is the hill? (a)21 3m (b) 31 5m (c) 335m(d)340m

8. The colour of the positive column in a gas discharge tubeischaracteristic of the (a) gas and the
coating in the tube (b) pressure of thegas only (c)temperature of the gas only (d) pressure and potentialdifference

9. Which of the following pairs of particles each have the same number of electrons as argon? [Ar = 18] (a) Li
and F (b) Na and F (c) Na andF4 (d) and CL

10. A mixture of 0.20 mole of Ar 2.20mole of Na and 0.30 mole ofHeexerts a total pressure of 2.1
atmosphere. What is the partial pressure ofHein the mixture? (a) 0.70 atmosphere (b) 0.80 atmosphere(c)
0.90 atmosphere (d) 0.65atmosphere

11. The poH of a solution is 12.23; calculate the hydrogen ionconcentration of the solution (a) 1.52 x 10-
(b) 1 .69 x 10-2 (c) 1.74 x 10-2 (d)1.87x10-2

12 Which of the following is an artificial element? (a)plutonium(b) lanthanum (c) uranium (d)lutetium

13. One common fraction may be represented ironically by theequationBa 2+ + So4 2+

BaSo4 this occurs
during (a) hydrolysis (b) synthesis (c)thermal association (d)doubledecomposition

14. White phosphorous s stored under water because it (a) is corrosive (b) is corrosive (c) reacts withcarbon
(iv) oxide (d) is hydrolyzed by atmospheric moisture

15. When aluminum tetraxosulphate (iv) reacts with excess sodium hydroxide, the formula of one of the
compounds formed is(a)AlNa02 (b)Al (OH)3 (c) NaAl (OH)4 (d)Na3AlO3

16. An alloy of copper and tin used in electrical contracts is (a)brass(B) solder (c) bronze (d)typemetal

17 Kerosene and petrol (gasoline) are (a) hydrocarbons withkerosene having bigger molecules (b)
hydrocarbons with petrol havingbiggermolecules (c) hydrocarbons with the same size molecules but of
different shape (d)compounds of carbon and hydrogen and sulphur for kerosene, but nitrogen forpetrol

18. The preparation of ethoxyethane (C2H5OC2H5) form ethanol can be considered as (a) dehydration (b)
oxidation reactions(c)hydrolysis reactions (d) dehydrogenationreactions.

19. Which of the following gives the correct formula of the fattyacidpresent in palm oil?
(a)CH3(CH2)14COOH (b)CH3(CH2)16OOOH (c)CH3(CH2)15COOH(d)CH3(CH2)17COOH

20. Glycerol had the typical properties of (a) an acid (b) a base (c)analcohol (d) an ester

21. A certain natural product contains the ester glycerol palmitate soapcanbe made from this by (a)
passing over activated charcoal (b) boiling with sodium hydroxide (c) mixing with hydrogen (d) heating with

22. Which of the following is NOT a thermosetting plastic? (a) terylene products (b) phenol methanol
products (c) carbomidemethanolproducts (d) malemine methanolproducts

23. The trajectory of a projectile motion is (a) ellipsoidal (b)parabolic(c) parabolic (d)spherical

24. A body accelerates from rest with an acceleration of 8ms2 for10 seconds. Calculate the distance
converted in the 1 0th second (a) 76m (b)97m(c) 324m(d)400m

25. Which of the following infection is unlikely to respondtoantibiotics treatment? (a)tetanus (b)measles
(C) typhoid fever (d) ringworm

26. Pest can be controlled without the subsequent danger of polluting the ecosystem by (a) spraying the
ecosystem with pesticide (b)keepingthe population of natural enemies constant (c) increasing the population
of natural enemies of the pest (d) eliminating the natural enemies of thepests

27. Autotrophs are also describes as (a) consumers (b)carnivores(c)producer (d) decomposers

28. Which of the following bones is NOT a component oftheappendicular skeleton? (a) tibia (b) sacrum (c)
radius (d)humerus

29. If two parents are sickle cell carries then their genotypes wouldbe(a) Hb Λ HbΛ and HbΛHbΛ (b)
HbsHbs and HbsHbs (c) HbΛHbΛand Hbs Hbs (d)HbΛHbs and HbΛHbs

30. Procaryotic cells are found in (a) monerons (b) algae(c)tracheophytes (d)spirogyra

31. The correct order of classification of human being is(a)animalia, chordate, vertebrata, mammalie,
primate,hominidate,homoandsapiens(b)animalia,vertebrata,mammalie,chordate,primate,homo,sapiensand hominidee
(c) chordate, animalia, vertebrata,mammalie,primate, hominidate, and sapiens (d)
animalia, chordate, vertebrata, primate, mammalian, homo and sapiens

32. Deficiency of sulphur causes (a) poor, weedy growth (b) extremely stunted growth (c) yellowing of
leaves stems become slender (d) weak, stuntedgrowth

33. Vitamin K is important in the (a) formation of enzymes involved in synthesis of amino acid (b)
formation of red blood cells (c) synthesis of blood clothing factors (d) formation of co-enzymes involved in

34. The following are the components of nucleotides except (a) afive-carbon sugar (B) a six-carbon
sugar (c) a phosphate group (d)an organic nitrogen-containing

35. Which of the following inherited conditions usually shows incomplete dominance? (a) baldness (b) tongue
rolling ability (c)haemophilia(d) sickle cellanaemia

36. Which of the following is not a theory under Darwin‘s theory of organic evolution (a) over production (b)
struggle for existence (c) mutation (d) offspring showvariations

37. Which of the following does not cause mutation? (a) x-rays (b)mutant (c) ultra-violet light (d) cosmic

38. Which of the following organisms has homodont dentition? (a)alizard (b) sheep (c) cat (d)man

39. Which of the following habitats cannot be used for the study of succession? (a) a pond (b) savanna
grassland (c) wellcultivatedland (d)abandoned farmland

40. Which of the following statement is/are correct

i. One moleof sodium atoms contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms andweighs 23g
ii. One mole of magnesium atoms contains 6.02 x atoms and weighs 24g
iii. One mole of oxygen atoms contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms and weighs 16g (a) i and ii (b) ii and iii (c) i and iii
(d) i, ii and iii

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. B A
7. A C
8. B C
9. B A
10. A C
11. B A
12. C A
13. D C
14. A C
15. C B
16. D A
17. B C
18. A B
19. A A
20. B C

Read the following instructioncarefully.
1. Use an HB pencil to shade in your answer, ensure that any shading error is thoroughlyerased.
2. Candidates should write their full Names (surname first) and the Question paper option
given to them in the
appropriate spaces on the Answer Sheets.
3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answer sheet with the questionpaper
4. The use of calculator and/or similar electronic devices is NOTallowed.

From the options A D, choose the word that has the same sound as the one underlined.
1. Poor (a) more (b)tore (c)dour (d) door
2. Great (a)cake(b)break (c)team(d)beam
3. Clothe(a)cloth (b)tooth (c)wordy (d)forth

4. Sing (a) goose (b)game (c)banged (d)jungle

5. Machine (a) chancellor (b) bishop (c) character (d)measure

From the option A D provided, choose the one nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s)
6. Many tourists say this country has a bracing climate(a)harsh (b)invigorating (c) benevolent (d)same
7. After the race, some of the athlete felt completely done in(a)strained (b)satisfied (c) disappointed (d)
8. My sister‘s husband is very fastidious about his food (a) careful (b)hygienic (c) ravenous (d)particular
9. Because the student failed to obey the regulation restrictingmovement in the school compound, he
was expelled. (a) answer (b) observe(c)notice (d) understand
10. Peter‘s breathing soon became difficult in the thin air of thehills,and there had to be regular pauses for
recreation (a) rewarded (b)rest (c) recovery (d)restoration

From the words lettered. A D, choose the interpretation that gives the correct meaning of the idiom in the sentence or
11. The teacher said that it was bad to cook the books. This means to (a) write good books for the public to
read and enjoy (b)falsifyfigures dishonesty(c)willfullydestroyadocumentwhichcontainsvital
information (d) publish books as a means of living
12. He is in the first flight of footballers, this means he is (a) in thefirstteam (b) always the first
footballer to score a goal (c) among the best footballers (d)the first footballer to run away fromcamp
13. Tosaythat―arollingstonegathernomoss‖means(a)anunsteady person is bound to encounter
failure (b) a young personcannotsucceed easily in life (c) a person who runs every time cannot live long (d) it
is not good to make a stoneroll
14. Osazee scored a brilliant hat trick in the final match of the worldcup
fiesta. This means that he, (a) won the prize for the best player (b)failed to score the winning goal (c) had a
hat on during the game (d)scored three successive goals in the match
15. The judge ‗had his hands tied‖ in the case in which his sonwasarraigned for a charge of murder.
This means that the judge (a) waswithdrawnfrom the case (b) was handcuffed while the trial lasted (c) could
nothelp convicting his son (d)was conspicuouslypartial

In the following sentence, choose from the options A D that best completes the sentences.
16. Among the books in the library,hefound Bible. (a) anoldfamily brown leather (b) an old brown
leather family (c) a brownleatherold family (d) an old leather brownfamily
17. The poor manlived in house. (a) an old mud-bricklarge broken down (b) a large old mud-brick
broken down (c) a large oldbroken
down mud-brick (d) a broken-down old large mud-brick
18. The mandonated a machine to our school (a)modern duplicating large red (b) modern large red
duplicating (c) largemodern red duplicating (d) red duplicating largemodern
19. The beauty pageant was wonbyagirl (a) beautiful darkandtall (b)tall dark and beautiful (c) dark
tall and beautiful (d) beautifultalland dark
20. Thehouse the kidnappers were kept is being watched bythe police (a)which (b)where (c) in where (d)
of which
21. A respectable personshould not on an agreement. (a) renege (b)disagree (c) honour (d)dispute
22. Thelittle boy to the occasion when he was asked to make aspeechat his mother‘s funeral. (a)
rose (b) lifted (c) stood (d)fell
23. Do you know the storyabout the (a) the president‘s of Nigeria plane (b) the president‘s plane ofNigeria
(c) the president ofNigeria‘sPlane (d)the plane of the president‘s of Nigeria

Read this passage carefully and then answer the question thatfollow:

There is always a hustle and bustle of people in a typical city, especially at closing period when shops and
offices were closing and workers were hurrying home, some in their private cars, others trying to catch a commercial
vehicle, while those who couldn‘t stand the rush to enter a bus or a cab jump on motorcycles popularly called okada.
It was at the peak of that rush hour that Oshoke arrived in Lagos.
Oshoke had never seen so many people on the streets or so many vehicles on the road, and so when he
dropped at the popular Yaba bus stop, he felt suddenly lost like a man lifted from the ground without any warning or
Another observation that stupefied him was not just the number of motorcycles that move like a swarm of
ants, but the way each rider appears to be oblivious of any other vehicle or human being around them, posing a grave
danger to life.
In his stupor, somebody tapped his shoulder and all of a sudden, he left empty, the way a young woman feels
when her skirt unexpectedly falls in the middle of a busy street. But he managed to turn to meet the hard cold eyes of
a man glaring at him, ‗what is the problem?‘ the voice reminded him of a lions roar. As Oshoke later admitted it was
a perfect voice with which to wake a dead man.
Oshoke was later to learn from the stranger that the taxis had the worst drivers even though drivers generally
in the cities see every other driver as a rival on the road an enemy to be conquered. One minute they would be
overtaking other cars, the next stopping in the middle of the road to pick up fares without any signal to other drivers
or road users of their intentions.
Pedestrians seemed always in danger of their lives as they tried to run across the road whenever there was a
lull in the traffic.
24. How did Oshoke feel as he arrived in Lagos (a) he was so elated that he felt he was walking on air (b) he
became so nervous at once (c) he was simply dazed (d) he was brimful ofcomposure
25. Why was Oshoke bewildered? (a) he thought the stranger would attach him (b) be suddenly felt cold (c)
the rowdiness of Lagos (d)hewas frightened because of the car and people inLagos.
26. According to the passage, the commuters (a) were confused (b)werevery wicked (c) wereirrational
(d) lackdiscipline
27. According to the passage (a) passenger are always in danger of crossing the road (b) fares are always in
danger of being knocked down(c)people are always in danger crossing the road (d) people are always
crossing theroad.
28. From the passage, we can infer that all road users (a) need education (b) must be directed (c) need the right
orientation (d) need to be monitored by thepolice
From the words lettered A D, choose the word or group of words that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word
or group of words.
29. Girls these days dress provocatively but the culturerequiresdressing (a) prodigious (b)
preventive (c) modest (d)productive
30. He did the work perfunctorily instead of (a) perfectly (b) carefully (c) permanently (d) especially

INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A D choose the appropriate answer.
1. Which of the following best describes viruses? (a) they grow only inside living cells (b) they possess only
characteristics of livingthings(c)they can grow on dead cells (d)they cannot becrystallized.
2. Loss of nitrogen in the soil is caused by a process knownas(a) putrefaction (b) nitrogen fixation (c)
denitrification (d)nitrification
3. Which of the following represents the Watson-Crick DNAbase pair model? (a) G-T (b)T-C (c)T-A (d)

4. The liver performs ll the following functions EXCEPT (a) regulation of heat (b) formation ofcholesterol
(c) removal of red bloodcells(d) synthesis of vitamins
5. All but ONE of the following are atmospheric pollutants (a) diesel (b) carbon II oxide (c) sulphur(IV)
oxide (d) hydrogensulphide
6. On what part of the tongue do we perceive salty taste? (a) front (b) sides (c) back (d) sides andfront
7. Maintenance of homeostasis in mammals is a function of all the following except (a) ovaries (b) skin (c)
lungs (d)kidneys
8. Biotechnology has helped to produce plants and animalsofthese desirable features, EXCEPT (a)
greater resistance to pest anddiseases(b) higher susceptibility to infections (c) better nutritional value (d)
early yielding varieties
9. Insects which undergo complete metamorphosis are those that (a) have the four distinct stages in their life
cycle (b) do not have the larval stage (c) have larva stage and pupa which resemble the adult (d) theireggs
hatch to produce nymphs
10. The type of storage organ found in ginger is called (a) bulb(b)cutting (c)tuber (d)rhizome
11. The geotropic response of a seedling is detected with (a)clinostat (b) thermostat (c) a seech disc (d) an
12. The substrate in cellular respiration is (a) sucrose (b) glucose (c) glycogen (d) adenosinediphosphate
13. Good example of roughage containing food material is (a)orangejuice (b) corn flower (c) carrot (d) egg
14. The World Health Organization defines good health as (a) astateof physical and mental well-being (b)
the absence ofdeformities(c) absence of diseases (d) a state of physical, mental and socialwell-being
15. The state at which chromosomes move towards the oppositepolesduring mitosis is (a) prophase (b)
metaphase (c) telophase (d)anaphase
16. Which of the following can sublime (a) water (b) ink (c) iodine(d)hydrogen
17. A certain compound on analysis gave 2.02g of carbon, 0.35gof hydrogen and 2.68g of oxygen. If the
molecular mass is 90, calculatethemolecular mass (a) CH2O (b) C2H4O2 (c) C3H6O3 (d) C4H8O4
18. Isotopy is due to differences in the number of (a)atomic mass (b)molecular mass (c) protons (d)neutrons
19. Chlorine is a — (a) colourless gas (b) greenish liquid (C)yellowgas (d)greenish yellowgas
20. Calcium carbide reacts with water to form ethyne, what mass of calcium carbide (grams) would react to give
1.12dm3 of ethyneat STP?[Ca,40, C12, 11] (a)60g (b)64g (c)32g(d)32g
21. 5.3g of silver rioxpnitrate (V)was dissolved in 5Ocm-3 of water at 25°C. Calculate the solubility of the salt
in moldm3 [Ag = 108, n = 14, 0= 16] (a) 0.3l2mol dm3 (b) 0.03lmol dm3 (c) 0.062mol dm3 (d) 0.623mo1dm3
22. Which of the following decompositions arecorrect?
(a) Ag2CO3(s) Ag2O(2) +CO2(g)
(b) 2PbCO3(s) 2Pb(s) + 2C02(g)+O2(g)
(c) 2NaNO3(s) 2NaNO2(S) +O2(g)
(d) Ag2CO3(s) AgO(S) +CO2(g)

23. In the reaction of aqueous solution of HCL and NaOH, the heatchangeis heat of (a) solution (b)
neutralization (C) formation (d)displacement
24. Which of the following gas is colourless and odourless? (a) NO 2 (b) N2O (c) CO2 (d) a andc
25. The two hydrocarbon used as lower and upper standards for petrolare(a) isooctane and benzene (b)
heptane and acopenatane (c) heptaneand2,2,4 rimethlpentane (d) heptane andacopenatane
26. Benzenecommunityundergoes reactions (a) addition(b)climination (c) substitution (d)

27. Under high pressure, real gasses delvate from compliance with gas laws because their molecules (a)
experience repulsive forces (b) have become more energetic (c) have become less energetic (d) collide
28. Which of the 3d, 4s, 4p, 4d has the lowest energy? (a) 3d (b)4s (c)4p(d)4d
29. One of the causes of algae growth in rivers is the presence of (a) heavy metals (b) pesticides (c) phosphates
from detergents (d) high particulateloading
30. Phenolphthalein solution at pH 2.5 is (a) yellow (b) pink (c) red (d)colourless
31. Which of the following is a vector quantity? (a) distance (b) speed (c) energy (d)weight
32. Calculate the work done by a bricklayer who lifted cement blockof mass 10kg from the floor to a
height of 2.5m (acceleration duetogravity 9.8ms (a)294.0J (b)215.0J (c)30.0J (d)25.0J
33. Find the potential energy of a diver of mass 75kg at a heightof10m above a swimming pool
(acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m2) (a)7.35KJ (b) 9.41 KJ (c) 8.82KJ (d)0.75KJ
34. Determine the wavelength of fundamental note of a guitar stringoflength 65cm long (a) 65cm (b)
260cm (c) 195cm (d)130cm
35. Find the combined resistance of two wires each ofresistance8-ohms when they are connected inparallel
(a) 16-ohms (b) 4-ohms(c)20ohms (d) 12-ohms
36. A force of 300N was used to pull a load of mass 40kg at a steady speed up an inclined of length 6.2m and
vertical height 3.5m.Determinethe velocity ratio (a) 0.57 (b) 1.31(c) 1.57(d)1.77
37. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about pressure (a)Unitof pressure is Nm1 (b) pressure in a
liquidincreases withdepth(c) pressureatanypointinaliquidactsinalldirections(d)pressureintheratioof
force acting normally per unit area.
38. 120cm3 of gas was collected at 20°C and 745mm ofmercurypressure. Find the volume of gas at standard
temperatureandpressure (a)1605.7cm (b)917.8cm (c)305.1cm (d)109.6cm3
3 3 3

39. A metal of length 30cm is heated until its temperature rises by 60°C to a new length of 30.04cm. Calculate
its linear expansivity (a) 4.44 x 10-5 K-1 (b) 22.22 x 10-5 K-1 (c) 3.33 x 10-5 K-1 (d) 1.52 x 10-5K-1
40. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? (a) moleculesofa liquid are stationary (b) atoms
combine to form molecules(c)the molecules of matter are in constant motion (d) Brownian motion isan
evidence of particle nature of matter.
41. Determine elastic constant of a spring if a force of 1 N stretches itby
2.7cm (a)0.4Nm1 (b)40.4Nm1 (c)37.0Nm1(d)40.ONm1
42. Which of the following objects is NOT in stable equilibrium? (a)acar with wide base and low centre of
gravity (b) a ball in the middleofa bowl (c) a car with narrow base and high centre of gravity (d)a cone
resting on its base
43. Which of the following is not true of boiling? (a) temperature is constant during boiling (b) occurs
throughout the entire volume of the liquid (c) takes place at all temperatures (d) it is change from liquid in vapour
at the boilingpoint
44. A swimming pool viewed directly from above its surface appears tobe
12m deep. Find the real depth. (refractive index of water (a)16m(b)20m (c)10m(d)24m
45. A transformer has 500 turns in the primary coil and 400 turns in the secondary coil. Find the voltage in
the secondary coil when the primary coil is connected to a 2.20V main (a) 132V (b) 160V (c) 176V(d)182V


1. D 2.
A 23. A 24.C
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13. A 14. D
15. B 16. B
17. A 18. B
19. A 20. A
21. B 22. A
2010 1.D
3.B 20.A 40D
4.E 21.C 41.C
22.D 42.B
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23.A 44.A
8.A 24.D 45.B
9.A 25.B 46.B
10.B 47.C
11.C 48.D
12.C 27.A
13.D 28.B 50.B
14.A 29.C
17.B 31.B
18.B 32.B
BIOLOGY 2010 36.C
51.B 37.D
52.D 60.D 68.B
61.C 69.A
54B 39.D
55.D 62.C 70.C
56.B 63.D 71.C
57.C 64.D 72.D
65.C 73.A
2011 ENGLISH 66.B 74.A
1.A 67.A 75.A
2.B 11.C 21.B 31B
12.D 22.A 32.D
13.D 23.D 33.A
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14.D 24.A 34.C

2.- 11.C 21.C 31.B 41.B
3.D 12.A 22.A 32.A 42.C
13.A 23.A 33.A 43.B
6.D 14.C 24.D 34.D 44.B
7.A 15.C 25.D 35.D 45.C
8.C 16.C 26.A 36.D 46.D
9.C 39.- 49.C
17.B 27.B 37.B 47.-
18.C 28.B 40.C
38.C 50.A
2012 ENGLIS1H9.C 29.A
1D 20.B8A. 30.B
3A 9B
4B 10C
5B 11C
6B 12B
2007 BIOLOGY 13 C
14 B 21.A
2.B 11.C
15 C 22.B
4.B 23.B
5.B 13.B
6.B 14.C
7.A 25.-
8.C 26.B
9.- 27.B
10.C 17.-
19.A 28.A
2013 ENGLISH 20.B 29.C
l.A 30.B
2.B 11. B 21. D
12. C 22. B
13. A 23. B
1 4 AKS
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2 4 . B ANSWERS2010-2018
Questions inany oth e r U n iversity @ www.examsguru.net or call+234802 652 9647

3. A
5. D
6. D
8. B
9. A
10. A

9. B 10.D 18.B A
2. A
3. B
B 19.B C
4. B C 20. B C
5. D A 14.D C
21. A
6.B C
7. D A 22. A
24. C
25. A
30. B
Time Allowed: 1h 15mm
INSTRUCTION: Read the following instruction carefully.
1. Use an HB pencil to shade in your answer, ensure that any shading error is thoroughlyerased.
2. Candidates should write their full Names (surname first) and the Question paper option
given to them in the
appropriate spaces on the Answer Sheets.
3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answer sheet with the questionpaper
4. The use of calculator and/or similar electronic devices is NOTallowed.

INSTRUCTION: Choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined expression as it is
used in the sentence.

1. He has been inundated with work (a) over whelmed with(b)unhappy with (c) unconcerned about (d)
interested in

2. The Vice Chancellor has approved a new allowance, an incentive for all the lecturers. (a) an advance (b) a
package (c) an encouragement(d) a reward

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3. Although the speech was impromptu it was very wellreceived(a) prepared (b) advertised (c) read
out(d) not preparedfor

4. My appeal to the lecturer for help was futile (a) successful(b)accepted (c) without success (d)realistic

5. What happened last week at the meeting vindicated myearlier position (a) disagreed with (b) proved (c)
dismissed (d)voided

6. Tonia was accused of immodest dressing (a) loud (b) poor(c)indecent (d) costly

7. Let me tell you, David is one student with animpeccablecharacter (a)faultless (b) bad (c)interesting
(d) deviant

INSTRUCTION: Choose the word or group of words that is opposite in meaning to the underlined expression as it is
used in the sentence.
8. He was very discreet about the number ofuniversityentrance examinations he was written (a)secretive
(b) open (c) sure (c)uncertain

9. Ofure told the congregation that she married a doting man (a)aloving (b)a funny (c) uncaring man (d)

10. My pastor preaches humility without matching it with action(a)salvation (b) pride (c) kindness (d)

11. He gave a nebulous description of the university campus(a)clear (b)vague (c) short (d)detailed

12. I was intrigued by the manner in which the goal was scored(a)fascinated by (b) uninterested in (c)
embarrassed (d) disappointedby

INSTRUCTION: Choose the option which best completes each of the following sentences.
13. The President visited the town with a view to things for himself(a)see (b) seen (c) seeing (d) havingseen

14. Jide and Kemi quarreled last weekandhaven‘t yet (a) made it out (b) made up (c) made out(d) made

15. It‘stimewe away with poor leadership (a) do (b) done (c)did(d) have done

16. Itwas on the evening news (a) broadcasted (b)beingbroadcasted (c) been broadcast (d)broadcast

17. The pepperwas poorly (a) ground (b) grinded (c) grounded (d)grind

Read the passage below and answer question I 5that follows

The tunes are familiar. Across our beautiful motherland, rascals are beating the drums of hooliganism and
gangsterism. The Armed Forces which is adept at this were again asked to pay an exemplary fine for brutality. This
time they shifted their criminality down South where the crime of their victim was for asking and innocuous
question. The law lecturer at the gate of a Navy Barrack asked a naval rating if guest at an expected wedding would

ask him a stupid question right at the barrack gate. He dragged the lecturer out from his car and hit him with the butt
of his gun. The man passed out but that was not the end of the ordeal, other naval personnel poured out to hit and
whip him with belts. When other citizens expressed fears that the man might be killed, they were also attacked by the
‗gallant‘ men of the disciplined force. It is good that the Honourable Judge of the High Court has awarded
Nl5Omillion damages to the man. The Judge lamented that Nigerians are gradually becoming endangered species in
their own country.

18. What was the ‗offence‘ that led to the beating of the man? (a) he packed his car along the road (b) he drove
as far as the barrack gate (c) he asked the naval rating a question (d) he mocked the navalrating

19. ‗An innocuous question‘ in thepassagemeans (a)anoffensive question (b) an upsettingquestion

(c) an indirect question (d)aquestion that is not intended tooffend.

20. The man ‗passedout‘means (a) the man died (b) themanbecame unconscious (c)the man ranaway
(d) the man felldown

21. From the passage the writer is (a) happywith military-civilian relationship (b) unhappy with
military-civilian relationship(c)unhappy thatciviliandonotrespectthemilitary(d)happythatthemilitary
displays force when necessary

22. The message of the writer is that (a) the Nigerian Navy is a gallant and discip!‘9ed force (b) the
civiliansoftendeserve thetreatment theygetfromthemilitary(c)theNigerianNavyisaforceofhooligansand
gangsters (d)the fine handed down by the honourable judge was unnecessary.

INSTRUCTION: After each of the sentences below, a list of possible interpretations of all or, part of the sentence is
given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

23. The problem with Fatai is that he has a finger in every pie. This means that (a) Fatai love eating all kind
of pies (b) Fatai is involved in too many activities (c) Fatai prepares good pies (d) Fatai stealsthings

24. Peter‘s grandmother has kicked the bucket. This means that (a) Peter‘s grandmother is dead (b) Peter‘s
grandmother is on admissionin a hospital (c) Peter‘s grandmother is very strong (d) Peter‘s
grandmother has retired fromwork.

25. I had a night out with Dickson. Thismeansthat (a) DicksonandI spent the night reading (b) Dickson
and I had an evening of fun and enjoyment (c) Dickson and I were awake all night (d) DicksonandI quarreled

26. I am going for a work out this evening. Thismeansthat (a) Iam planning to steal this evening (b) I
am going back to my officefor work this evening (c) I am going for physical exercise this evening (d)I am
going to visit a friend this evening.

27. Regarding admission into University of IBADAN, I resign myselfoffate. This means that (a) I am
prepared for whatever happens (b) I am prepared to consult fortune tellers (c) lam prepared to contest the outcome
(d) I depend on what my pastor tellsme.

28. Michael took the English language examination for granted. Thismeans that (a) he assumedthe
examination would be easy (b)heexpected the examination would be difficult (c) he did not worry about the
outcome of the examination (d) he know he was going to fail the examination.

29. I can say that our State Governor is angling for a second from his party. This means that (a)the
governor is rejecting a second term(b) the governor is indirectly asking for a second term (c) the governor is
being asked to run for a second term by his party against hiswill(d)the governor is angry over a second

30. Moses has been booted out of his job by his employers. Thismeansthat (a) Moses has been
transferred by his employers to another location (b) Moses has been promoted by his employers (c) Moses has been
sacked by his employers (d) Moses has been commended by his employers.


1. Which of the structures listed below is peculiar to the axisvertebra?(a) Centrum (b) Prezygapophysis(c)
Lateral spine (d)Odontoid
2. A plant which has a horizontal underground steamisa (a) Rhizome (b) Creeper (c)Tuber (d)Bulb
3. Epigeal germination can befoundin (a) groundnut(b)sorghum (c)millet (d)maize
4. The mammalian organ which acts both as a digestive an as an endocrine organ is the (a) liver(b)
pancreas (c) spleen (d) adrenalgland

5. Which of the following does a virus have in commonanimal cell? (a)Glycogen (b) Starch (c)Nucleus
(d) DNA

6. Spirogyra, Euglena and Chiamydomonas sharemanycharacteristics except (a) growth (b)mobility

(c) reproduction (d) irritability

7. Parastic forms are notfoundamong (a) molluscs(b)nematodes (c)annelids (d)plathyhelminthes

8. A good example of dipiobasticorganismis (a) hydra (b)insect(c) roundworm (d)amoeba

9. What is the number of an ent if its atom contains 10 protons,10electrons and 12 net ) 32 (b) 22(c)
20(d) 10

10. The loss of water crystallization to the atmosphere bysomecrystalline saltsisknownas(a)efflorescence

(b) effervescence (c) deliquescence (d)phobrescence

11. Carbon is often de n the exhaust pipe of cars becauseof the (a)Dehydrogenation of petrol (b)
incomplete combustion (c) Presence of additives (d) Presence of carbon inpetrol

12. Plastics are polymers whose production techniques involveall except (a)high pressure (b) lowpressure
(c) salting (d) hightemperature

13. Which of the following gases is produced when ammoniumtrioxonitrate(V) is heated with sodium
hydroxide? (a) Oxygen(b)Ammonia (c)Nitrogen (IV) oxide (d)Hydrogen

14. How many grammes of HClwifl be required to react with 10g of NaOH (H = 1, Cl = 35.5. Na=23, 0 = 16)?
(a) 9.125g (b) 4.6g(c)10.lg(d)18.4g

15. The bond formed between H2O and H to form the hydroxonim ionis (a) co-ordinatecovalency
(b) electrovalent (c) covalent (d) ionic

16. Common salt is dissolve in water and the mixture isevaporated.The vapour given off is condensed. The
condensed vapourisa (a)solute (b) suspension (c) solvent (d)solution

17. When some substances are heated, the change directly ingaseswithout appearing in the liquid state. An
example is (a)copper(b)iodine (c)sodium (d)sulphur

18. What is the IUPAC name of the compound KMnO4?(a) Potassium manganate (b) Potassium
tetraoxomanganate (VII) (c) Potassium trioxomanganate (IV) (d) Potassium Oxomanganate(IV)

19. Which of the following is the dimension of pressure? (a) MLT 2 (b) ML- 1T2 (c)ML-3(d)ML-2T-2

20. Which of the following statements is or are correct about acar moving round a circular track at a uniform
speed? (i) its velocity is uniform(ii)it undergoesanacceleration(iii)Thefrictionbetweenitstyresandthe
ground provides necessary centripetal force (a) (i) and (iii) only(b)(i) only (c) (iii) only (d) (ii)only

21. A body initially at rest is accelerated at a rate of 0.2ms2 for 5sundera constant force of 50N, the work
done on the bodyis (a) 50J (b) 2.5J (c) 125J (d)250J

22. The formation of clouds resultdirectlyfrom (a)vaporization (b)fusion (c) condensation (d)

23. Replenishing soil nutrients involves one of the following(a) leaching (b)cover crooping (c) bushburning
(d) Grazing

24. For a wire of a specific material, which of the following willgivethe lowest resistance in a circuit‘? (a)
A short, thick wire (b) Ashort,thin wire (c)Along thin wire (d)Along thickwire

25. A change in temperature of 45cC is equivalent to a changeintemperature on the Kelvinscaleof

(a) 25K (b) 318K (c) 45K (d)81K

26. A disease that cause abortion in cattle at the first stage ofpregnancyis (a) milk fever (b) brucellosis
(b)pneumonia (d) footandmouth disease

27. Which of the following instruments is used to measurerelativehumidity? (a) Barometer (b)
Hydrometer (c) Manometer (d)Hygrometer

28. Which of these statements is correct about cathode rays? Theyarefast moving (a) atoms (b)protons
(c) neutrons (d)electrons

29. On a day when humid, is very high, evaporation from a water pondwill be (a) r‘ D)slow(c)zero(d)fast

30. The cells that surrounded the stomataarecalled (a) stomatacells (b)epidermal cells (c) guardcells
(d) pilliferouslayer

31. On the induction of new students in a certain school, 800studentsturned up at the open emony, 600
students turned up for the novelty match and that a total of 1234 students altogether in the school. How many
students attended ceremonies if a student attended at least one of the functions? (a)1400 (b) 1660 (c)140
(d) 166

32. In how many ways can a committee of 5 comprising of 3 males and 2 females be formed from 6 males
and 4 females? (a) 20 ways (b) 6 ways (c) 12 ways (d) 120ways

33. Which of the following is not an exterior angle of a regular

polygon? (a)24° (b)18° (c)15°(d)180°
34. If the square root of x2 + 9 =x+ 1, solveforx. (a)5 (b)4 (c)3 (d)1 35.
Simplify3/5÷(217x419) (a)415 (b)7110 (c)617 (d)2116
36. Which of these animals is radically symmetrical? (a) Squid(b) Snail (c)Hydra (d)Earthworm
37. A food substance was treated with a few drops of Sudan II solution and red colouration was obtained. The
foodcontained (a)starch (b)vitamins (c) protein (d)fat
38. Members of the phylum protozoa use the contractilevacuoleto (a) reproduce (b) removeexcess
food (c) digest food (d)removeexcess
39. The primary and secondary hosts of Bilharzia are dog(b) man and snail (c)fish and snail (d) snail and dog
(a) manand
40. Which of the following statements is true of blood group and blood transfusion? (a) Group B can
donate to Group B only (b) GroupABcan donate to all (c)Group A can donate to Group A only (d)Group AB
is the universalrecipient


1. A
D D C 31.D
2. C
A A B 32.-
3. D
C 3.- 18.- D
4. C
D B 19.B B
5. B
B D 20.- B
6. C
7. A B B C C
8. B C A C D
9. C B A B D
10. B A 9.- A B
11. D B A B D
12. B C B B
13. C A B D
14. D C B D
15. C B 14.- B
C 15.A C


Time allowed: lHr l5mins
Read the following instructions carefully
1. Use HB pencil to shade your answers. Ensure that any shading inerror is thoroughlyerased.
2. Candidates should ensure the Question paper type given to themin the appropriate space in the answer
3. The use of calculators and/or similar devices is notallowed.
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow
This book consists of lectures given by me at Cambridge. Though they have been largely written, I have kept
a good deal of their original lecture form, as being (I hope) rather less formal and less dogmatic. For to dogmatism,
those who write on language seem for some reason, particularly prone; and I should like to make it clear at once that,
if at times I have put my views strongly, I do not forget that such matters of taste must remain mere matters of
opinion. In addition, I have included a good many specimen passages from various authors. Perhaps I have quoted
too much. But a book on style without abundant examples seems to me as ineffectual as a book on art, or biology,
without abundant illustrations. Many of these passages are in French. That may be Gallomania on my part: and I
must apologize if they trouble some readers. But some ability to read French prose does seem to me most desirable to
anyone who would write well in English. I have tried to choose pieces not too difficult in syntax or vocabulary. And
in these days less than ever can we afford to beinsular.
1. Our understanding of the last sentence is that we (a) can now afford to be insular (b) can be insular in the
future (c) cannot afford to be insular (d)must never beinsular.
2. To write English well, the author says it is helpful to (a) be able to write French fairly well (b) be able to
read French fairly well (c) know French thoroughly (d) be able to read Englishwell.
3. According to the author (in this preface) the book is (a) the original version of his Cambridge lectures (b) a
revised version of his Cambridge lectures (c) an imitation of his Cambridge lectures (d) a negation of his
4. The author says that writers on language are (a) inclined to be dogmatic (b) opposed to dogmatism (c)
unlikely to be dogmatic (d) resolved to bedogmatic.
5. In the author‘s opinion, a book on style (a) can do with few examples (b)need not have any examples (c) is a
book on art (d) will be ineffectual with sufficientexamples.
Each of the following sentences has a list of options A D following it. Choose which option best interprets the
6. Ade told George that if he were as rich as him, he would have travelled overseas. This means that (a) Ade is
not as rich as George therefore he did not travel overseas. (b) Ade is not as rich as George but he travelled
overseas (c) Ade is not rich, therefore, he stole to travel (d) George is rich but did not traveloverseas.
7. Had her father not died, Edo would have left for London. This implies that Ede (a) went to London after the
death of her father (b) did not go to London because her father died (c) would like to go to London when her
father dies (d)would like to go to London after fatherdies.
8. Would you have helped him if he had asked you? This implies that (a) he did not ask so you didn‘t helphim
(b) he asked you (c) he asked you and you helped (d) he asked you but you didn‘thelp.
9. If Musa applies for scholarship, he will be able to go to law school. This means that Musa (a) is attending
law school (b) has the opportunity of attending law school (c) could not attend law school (d)has applied fora
scholarship to attend lawschool.
10. Had Mr. Opoku not changed his manager, his business would not have been ruined. This tells us that (a) Mr.
Opoku changed his manager and his business was not ruined (b) the new manager ruined Mr.Opoku‘s

business (C) the new manager almost ruined Mr. Opoku‘s business (d Mr. Opoku changed his manager after
his business had been ruined.
Select the best option (from A D) to complete each of the following sentences.
11. At the height of the storm, the savages tried to —the angry gods by offering sacrifices. (a) instigate (b)appall
(c) vilify (d)propitiate
12. Youshouldparagraphinordertomakeyouressaymore(a)delete...succinct(b)en1arge........................redundant(c)
remove... .discursive (d) revise ……abstrus
13. Only the fear of immediate vents the country from launching an attack. (a) reprisal (b) urrender (c) truce (d)
14. A diligent scholar, she devoted herself to the completion of the book. (a)assiduously (b) ingenuously (c)
15. He was to success, painting not for the sake of fame or monetary reward but for the sheer love of art. (a)
indifferent to (b) destined for (C) avid (d)enamoredof.
16. When the news of his the enemy was known, he was hanged in an effigy. (a) contempt for (b) enmitytoward
(c) collusion with (d) conspiracy against.

In each of the following sentences there is one word underlined and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to
D, choose the word or group of words that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
17. The testimony of the witness was so vague that it was difficult to learn details of the case. (a) real (b)true
(c)factual (d) specific.
18. The man‘s speech is rather verbose it needs to be more (a) detailed (b) concise (c) reduced (d)interesting
19. Obiora was a notorious hunter who defied the king‘s orders not to hunt near the city. (a) illustrious (b) brave
(c) anonymous (d) intelligent
20. Although Paul had been accused of the crime, he was later (a) discharged (b) released (c) exonerated (d)
21. False modesty is really a form of (a) arrogance (b) humility (c)extravagance (d)incompetence
22. Although I have forgotten the title of the book, I the story very well. (a) can recognize (b) can construct (c)
can recollect (d) canreview.
23. Cameras were once as unwieldy as are now (a) attractive (b) cheap (c)compact (d)efficient.

In Questions 24 27 choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined.

24. Had she known he was a highway robber, she would not have married him . This means (a) she married him
before she knew he was a robber (b) she knew he was a robber when she married him (c) she did not marry
him because he was a robber (d) she refused to marry the man when she knew he was arobber.
25. The ingenious scheme of the robber broke down because if the efficiency of the police. Ingenious here
means (a) suspicious (b) ambitious (c) deceitful (d)clever.
26. Jide is being forced to go to Lagos tomorrow. This means that Jide (a) will go to Lagos (b) must go toLagos
(c) wishes to go to Lagos (d) is going to Lagos.
27. It is sheer fantasy to believe that there could ever be a miscalculation by any nation that has atomic weapons.
Fantasy here means (a) dream (b) hope (c) nonsense(d)joke
In Questions 28 30 select the wrongly select word.
28. (a) quiet (b) believe (c) proceed (d)precede
29. (a) disappointed (b) embarrassed (c) equipped (d)rhythm
30. (a) occurrence (b) surprise (C) personnel (d)possess
Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate of options A D
31. I am disappointed the way you conducted yourself at the party. (a)by (b)for (c)dueto(d)at

32. When we were coming back from the picnic last Friday, there on Eko Bridge. (a) were many traffics (b) was
much traffic (c) were plenty traffic (d)were lots oftraffic
33. I have refused to give him my pen because I don‘t want him to it again. (a)loss (b)loose (c)lose(d)lost.
Choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the one underlined in the given word.
34. Jewel (a)fluent (b) dare (c)wear(d)few.
35. After (a)black (b)about (c)Last(d)baker
36. Done (a) gone (b) dove (c) born (d)burn\
37. Clerk (a)have (b)back (c)search(d)palm
38. Steak(a)tape (b)stick (c)peak(d)hard


1. C
2. D
21. A
3. A
22. D
4. C 23.
5. D 24.
A D B A25.
6. A
B 26.
7. B
8. A 27.
9. D 28.
10. B 29.
11. D 30.
12. A 31.
13. B 32.
14. B 33.
15. C 34
16. B 35.
17. C 36.
18. B 37.
19. B 38.
20. C


1. A-Rattusrattus b-Agamaagama c-Buforegularis d-Tilapia zilli. The order of evolutionary advancement of the
above vertebrates is(a)d, c,b,a.(b)d,b,a,c.(c)c,b,a,d.(d)b,c,d,a.
2. Which of the following is likely to have a higherconcentrationof mitochondria? (a) white bloodcell
(b) egg cell (c) sperm cell(d) red bloodcell.
3. Which of these diseases is not caused by virus? (a) Maize rust (b)Rinder pest (c) Newcastle (d) Cassava
4. Metabolic production carried out in the (a) kidney (b)pancreas(c)liver (d)s
5. Ifanursingmother‗Lproducingenoughmilk,herhormonalsystemis probably deficient in (a)Prolactin
(b) Oestrogen (c) Insulin (d)Thyroxine
6. Nervous control differs from hormonal control in that the former (a) is a slower process 1‘‗ involves only
chemical reaction (c)produceshortter des (d) has no specificpathway
7. The two key cations involved in the action potentialofnervous transmissions are (a) mg2+ (b) Na andFe2+
(C) Na and K (d) Na and mg2+
8. A boy who is fond of swimming in a pond finds himselfpassingurine with traces of blood. He is likelyto
•have contacted(a)Onchocerciasis (b) Poliomyelitis (c)Tetanus (d)Schistosomiasis
9. The presence of a large number of mitochondria in a cellindicates that (a)it has little cytoplasmiccontent
(b) the cell is dormant (c) thecellis very active (d)the respiration ispoor
10. If the cerebellum of a person is slightly damaged, which of the following will be impaired? (a) vision (b)
walking (C) digestion (d)breathing
11. Herbs differ from shrubs because they (a) are only perennials (b)usefulto herbalists (c) do not
produce fruits (d) do not becomewoody
12. Which of the following represents the evolutionary sequenceinthese plants? (i) mango plant(ii) mosses
(iii) spirogyra (iv)ferns(v)whistling pine (a) iii, ii, iv, v and I (b) iii, iv, v, i and ii (C) ii, iv, I, iii and y (d)iv, ii,
iii, v andi
13. By which process does oxygen pass from the alveoli of the lungsintothe blood? (a) excretion (b)
osmosis (c) diffusion (d)transpiration
14. The aspects of growth in living organisms include allthefollowing processes. except (a) reversible
increase in size (b) increase indryweight (c) increase in number of cells (d) irreversible increase inlength
15. Which of these excretory products is not to be foundinmammals? (a)carbon dioxide (b) mineralsalt
(c) ammonia(d)urea
16. Which of the following organism is a producer (a) yeast(b)fungus (c)rhizopus (d) spirogyra
17. Changes in energy flow. between organisms in a habitatcanbe represented by p (a) pyramid of biomass
(b)flow chair (c) foodweb(d) pyramid ofenergy
18. Important abiotic factors which affect all plants and animals inthehabitat are (a) rainfall and relative
humidity (b) temperature andrainfall (c)salinity and relative humidity (d) temperature andturbidity
19. Which of the following factors may not affect living organismsinan aquatic habitat? (a) light
(b)turbidity (c).pH(d)humidity
20. The accepted concept for the theory of Natural selection doesnotinclude (a) tendency for organism
to overproduce (b) struggleforexistence (c)survival of the fittest (d) use and disuse of bodyparts
21. Which of the following pair of structure does not performthesimilar function (a) lungs and spiracles (b)
root hair and mammalianhairs(c) feathers and scales (d) contractile vacuole andkidney
22. Which of the following is not an evidence of evolution?(a)anatomy (b)genetics (c) behavior (d)fossils
23. Find the variance of the numbers K, K÷1, K+2. (a) 2/3 (b) 1(c)K+1 (d)(K+1)2
24. Find the positive value of x if the standard deviation of the numberl,x+1, 2x+1 is V (a)1 (b)12 (c)3(d)4

25. If x=7 = M+N what is3n-4m

(x+3)(x-4) x+3x-4 (a)7 (b)5 (c)8(d)6
26. Calculate sin (A+B) if sin A =3/5 and cos B-5/1 3 where both Aand B are acute (a) 33/65 (b)48/65 (15/65
27. Find tan x given that tan (x+45)=2 (a>4 (b) 1/3 (c)2/3(d)
28. Express5x-12 impartial fraction (a)_3.— (- (X-2)(X-3) (cjf @).23+.3
29. Evaluate 6(2x +3)dx (a) 18 (b)50 (c) 12(d)36
30. Find the coordinates of the minimum point for the equation y= 4t2—40t- i- 300 (a)(15, 100) (b)(5 200) (c)(4,
100) (d)(4,300)
31. 0.0075 mole of Calcium trioxocarbornate (iv) is added to 0.015 moleof a solution of hydrochloric
acid. The volume of gas evolved ats.t.pis (molar volume of gas at stp 22.4dm ) (a) 224cm3 (b) 168cm3 (c)

112cm3(d) 100cm3
32. What is the general formula of carbohydrates? (a) CH2O (b) C(H 2O) (c)C6H1OO5 (d)C6H1206
33. A neutral water molecule (H20) has an electric dipole momentof
6.2 x 1030cm. how far apart the molecule centers of positiveandnegative charge? (a)4.9pm(b)2.9pm
(c) 3.9pm (d) I .9pm
34. What mass of sodium hydroxide is required to make 500cm3of 0.2m solution? (Na =23, 0= 16, H=1)
(a)20g (b)10g (c)4g(d)2g.
35. 2NHCl + Ca(OH)2 -_.. 2NH3 + CaCI2 + 2H20. Fromthe equation, calculate the mass of calcium
hydroxide needed to decompose 50g of ammonium (a) 20.00g (b) 34.57g (c) 75.1.Og (d)42.13g.
36. Calculate the current that must be passed into a solution ofchromium(iii) salt for one hour in order to
deposit 1 .2g ofChromium
{Cr= 51} (a) 3.50 amperes (b) 2.30 amperes (c) 1.89 amperes(d)1.52 amperes
37. Find the angle between P and E when the torque on a dipole is a maximum (a) 180° (b) 90° (c)45° (d)30°
38. Choose the correct statement (a) Electric potential is a scalar (b) Electric potential is a vector (c) Electric
potential is neither ascalarnoravector (a)a and b (b)b (c)a(d)band
39. An electron in the atmosphere is moved upwardthroughdisplacement 520cm by an electrostaticforce due
to an electricfield
150NIC. Take the charge on the electron to be 1.6 x 1019C.Calculatethe work done on the electron.
(a) -1.2 x 10J (b) 1.2 x 10J (c)1.6x1016J (d)-1.6x1015J
40. The full meaning of WWW in internet surfing is (a) widewideweb (b)world wide web (c)wide world
web (d)world webwide
41. Which country has just produced the fastest moving train inthe world? (a)USA (b)Germany (c)China
42. Who was Nigeria‘s eighth military ruler? (a)OlusegunObasanjo (b)Muhammadu Buhari (c)
AbdusalamAbubakar (d) SanniAbacha.


1. A
2. C
The concentration of mitochondrium is highest in sperm cells, since it
provide energy for it to swim
4. C
The linear deiminate protein into urea, also can metabolized urea, but the kidney excretes it out of the body.

5. A
6. C
7. C
Na+ and K+ are the only ions that causes action potential in nervous transmission.
9.C 20.D 31.C
10.B 21.B 32A
11.D 22.C 33C
12.A 23.D 34.B
13.C 24.A 35.13
14.B 25.C 36.A
15.C 26.D 37.B
16.D 27.B 38.B
17.C 28.B 39.C
18.B 29.B 40B
19.D 30.B 41.C
24. Y+u+1+2u+ 1 =6
3r + 3 = 6
3n = 3
(n + 3) (n -4)

n+3 n-4
letn =4
m(4- 4)+n(4+3)=4.2
7n= 11
7 n2
Let n =3
M(-3- 4)+n(-3+3)-3+7
m=-4 m=2-O.57, 7
:. 3x2(-
O.57x4) 6-0-2
mxrn 6+2=8m

26. Calsin(A+B)
Sin (A+B)
SinAcos B + Sin B cosA
3X5+12X4 15

5 1313 5 48
15 +48
65 65

27. Findtan n giventhattan(x+45)2

Tan n +tan45= 2
1 -tan ntan45
Tann+1 =2
- tan n x1

Tann+1 =2-2tann
Tan n =1
Tan n= 1/3

28. Express 5u-12 in ... solution

A+ B
U-2 U-3
A(u -3)+B(u - 2)=5u -12
Letu=3 V
A(3-3)+B(3 -2)=15 -12
Also let u
-12 A=-2
Since A=2andB=3
:.2 + 3
U-2 u-3

29. (6
u2 + 3u + c
62+3(6)= 12+3(1)
36+18-(1 +3)
54 -4 = 50.

30. Y=4t2-40+300y=8t-40
dy =8t-40
dt 8(t-5)=0 t=5
y =4t2-40t+ 300
y= 100—200+300
:. (5T 200)


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