Bhavani Twam Daase Mayi Vitar Drishtim Sakarunaamiti Stotum Vaanchhan Kathayati Bhavaani Twamiticha
Bhavani Twam Daase Mayi Vitar Drishtim Sakarunaamiti Stotum Vaanchhan Kathayati Bhavaani Twamiticha
Bhavani Twam Daase Mayi Vitar Drishtim Sakarunaamiti Stotum Vaanchhan Kathayati Bhavaani Twamiticha
Bhavani Twam
Daase Mayi
Vitar Drishtim PMYV
Stotum Vaanchhan
Bhavaani Twamiticha
O Bhagwati! Please bestow your favor on me who is your most
unworthy servant, my wicked soul is ge ing eager to offer my feeling
in your sacred feet again and again. - Adi Shankaracharya
e most famous text on Goddess which is lled with precious gems. Several
Durga is Durga SaptSati. One can nd out powerful rituals are associated with Durga
the greatness of mother Goddess by SaptSati. It is not just a text to be recited,
going through its hymns. Navratri is a rather it is an ocean in which a person can
festival during which one can get blessed
by mother Goddess by reciting the hymns PMYV
dive deep and get precious pearls out of it.
ese pearls can't be seen by normal human
of this text. ere are thousands of beings and thus they are not able to obtain
problem which we face in our daily life. the best results that obtainable by means of
Durga SaptSati caters for all these this ritual.
problems of life as there are procedures Without any doubt, it is advised to
associated with the hymns of this text worship mother Goddess during this
which are very powerful. On one hand, auspicious time. Reciting the hymns of
where a person tries to assimilate
Goddess Durga by means of these hymns, PMYV Durga SaptSati de nitely bene ts a
person. However, to get the best of this
the person can also bring an end to time and to get the blessings of Mother
various problems by associating small
sadhana procedures with them.
Goddess in the best form, one must
perform small sadhanas related to
Durga SaptSati in itself is a treasure, Mother Goddess during this period.
PMYV 50 [email protected] vDVwcj 2020
Presented below are some small yet plank and cover it with a fresh white cloth.
highly effective sadhanas of Goddess en place a picture of revered Gurudev
Durga based on Durga SaptSati mantras. and worship Him with vermillion, rice
Personal hygiene is a must while grains, ower etc. Chant one round of
performing these sadhana. Sadhak must take Gur u Mantra and seek His divine
a bath before starting any sadhana. He/She blessings for success in sadhana. Next
must wear fresh white cloth and sit on a red place a picture of Goddess Durga and
mat facing East. One must worship worship Her with vermillion, rice grains,
Gurudev prior to starting the sadhana owers etc. Pray to the Goddess to ful ll
procedure as all the sadhanas resides your desires and bestow Her blessings
within Guru. For this, take a wooden upon you.
1.Destroying Calamity
e per iod of Navaratr i i s SharnaagataDinaartaPariTraana
favorable to win over worst problems of Paraayane,
life. One can win over any sort of calamity SarvaSyaartiHare Devi Narayani
by performing this small procedure. One Namostute
needs Sanhaarini Gutika and White AA 'kj.kkxrnhukrZifj=k.k ijk;.ks AA
Hakeek rosary. Worship the sadhana AA loZL;kfrZgjs nsfo ukjk;f.k ueksLrq rs AA
articles with vermillion, rice grains, owers PMYV
Drop the sadhana articles in a river
etc. en chant just one round of the
below mantra with the rosary. or pond the next day.
Sadhana Article Rs 770/-
Mantra PMYV
2.Gaining Power
Who can overlook the importance Mantra PMYV
of power in life? We need strength to do SrishtiStithiVinaashaanaam
any task, may it be physical or mental. A ShaktiBhute Sanaatani
sadhak needs mental, physical as well as Gunaashraye Gunamaye Narayani
sadhana's strength to get success in life. Namostute
One can a ain the power of Goddess by AA l`f"VfLFkfrfouk'kkuka 'kfDrHkwrs lukrfuAA
means of this sadhana.
Take a BalPrathmi Vigrah and a
PMYV AA xq.kkJ;s;s ukjk;f.k ueksLrq rs AA
Drop the sadhana articles in a river
Hakeek rosary and chant one round of the
below mantra on any day of the Navratri. or pond the next day. PMYV
Sadhana Article Rs 760/-
PMYVand Pain
e real meaning of power is to be full of valor, name and fame. How can be
person classi ed powerful in society if the person is poor? How can the person be
called a happy person if the life is full of pain?
A mother can never see her child in any sort of pain or shortcomings in life. One can
perform this sadhana by which one can get the boon of Goddess Durga and can
overcome all the shortcomings of life. One needs Lolakshi Yantra and Black Hakeek
rosary. Performing this sadhana for one single day is good enough to bring a change in life.
Durge Smritaa Harasi BhitiMasheshajantoh, Swasthai Smritaa MatiMatiya
Shubhaam Dadaasi,
Daaridrya Dhukha Bhaya Haarini Kaa TwaDanyaa, SarvoPakaaraKarnaama
SadaardraChi a.
AA nqxsZ Le`rk gjfl Hkhfre'ks”ktUrks% LoLFkS Le`rk efrerh; 'kqHkka nnkfl AA
PMYV AA nkfjnz; nq%[k Hk; gkfjf.k dk RonU;k loksZidkjdj.kke lnk··nzZfpRRkk AA
Drop the sadhana articles in a river or pond the next day.
Sadhana Article Rs 750/-
4.Material and Eternal Pleasure
A aining both nirvana as well as all Vidhehi Devi Kalyaanam Vidhehi
the worldly pleasures are both important Parmaam Shriyam.
aspects of life. However, such a state can Rupam Dehi Jayam Dehi, Yasho Dehi
only be a ained by the grace of Mother
Goddess. One can a ain to such heights
Dwisho Jahi.
AA fo/ksfg nsfo dY;k.ka fo/ksfg ijeka fJ;e~ AA
by performing this sadhana of Goddess.
One needs Manonmani Yantra and Crystal PMYV AA #ia nsfg t;a nsfg ;'kks nsfg f}”kks tfg AA
rosary. Chant one round of the below Drop the sadhana articles in a river
mantra with Crystal rosary keeping the
yantra in front.
or pond the next day.
Sadhana Article Rs 760/-
Happiness PMYV
in life
e era in which we are living is full of tensions. Even if a person doesn't wish to
get in the trap of any troubles, somehow they creep into our life. And if this tension
remains for a longer period in life, it really make our life a hell. If you are suffering from
such a circumstance in life, then presented here is a boon for you. is sadhana
procedure is related to none other than Mother MahaGauri, who brings all sorts of harmony
in life. One needs MahaGauri Mudrika and a Crystal rosary. Chant one round of the below
mantra with Crystal rosary keeping the Mudrika in front.
Pranataanaam Praseed Twam Devi Vishvaartihaarini. PMYV
TraiLokyaVaashnaaminye Lokaanaam Vardaa Bhava
AA iz.krkuka izlhn Roa nsfo fo'okfrZgkfjf.k AA
AA =SykSD;okflukehM~;s yksdkuka ojnk Hko AA
Drop the sadhana articles in a river or pond the next day.
PMYV Sadhana Article Rs 760/-
10.Fulfilling all aspects of life
To live a successful and happy life, all aspects of the life should be lived to the
fullest. Our sages knew this and thus they created this special sadhana procedure which has
been highly praised in many Tantrokt texts. One needs a Kamini Mudrika and
Manokamana rosary for this procedure. Chant one round of the below mantra with the
Manokamana rosary keeping the yantra in front.
Te Sammataa Janapadeshu Dhanaani Teshaam,
Teshaam Yashaansi Na Cha Sidati DharmaVargah.
Dhanyaasta Eva NibhritaatmajaBhrityaDaaraa,
Yeshaam SadaabhyudaYadaa Bhavati Prasannaa.
PMYV AA rs lEerk tuins”kq /kukfu rs”kka AA
AA rs”kka ;'kkafl u p lhnfr /keZoxZ%AA
AA /kU;kLr ,o fuHk`rkRetHk`R;nkjk AA
AA ;s”kka lnkH;qn;nk Hkorh izlUuk AA
Drop the sadhana articles in a river or pond the next day.
Sadhana Article Rs 780/-
Ge ing a glimpse of Goddess Durga means that no tensions, shortcomings, troubles
can ever come into the life of such a sadhana. is special sadhana procedure too nds
a place in many highly talked about Tantra text books. One can perform this sadhana
only during the Navratras. One needs Durga Pratyaksh Siddhi Yantra and Crystal rosary.
Chant one round of the below mantra with Crystal rosary keeping the yantra in front.
Yaa Shrih Swayam Sukritinaam BhavaneshvaLakshmih,
Paapaatmanaam Kritadhiyaam Hridayeshu Buddhih.
Shraddha Sataam Kritajana Prabhavasya Lajja,
Taa Twaam Nataah Sma Paripaalaya Devi Vishvam. PMYV
AA ;k Jh% Lo;a lqd`fruka Hkous'oy{eh% AA
AA ikikReuka d`rf/k;ka ân;s”kq cqf)% AA
AA J)k lrka d`rtu izHkoL; yTtk AA
AA rk Roka urk% Le ifjiky; nsfo fo'oe~ AA
Drop the sadhana articles in a river or pond the next day.
Sadhana Article Rs 765/-
All the above sadhana procedures are short but acts like
bullets. No ma er how small a bullet is, it can even kill an elephant
with PMYV
a single shot when targeted correctly. All these sadhana
procedures are highly effective and time and now people have tried
them and got astonished by the power of such small sadhana
procedures. One must ascertain that for each sadhana PMYV procedure,
the sadhak must use unused sadhana articles.
PMYV 56 [email protected] vDVwcj2020