The New Penstock For The High Head Hydropower Plant Kaunertal

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Part 2
Analysis methods and material properties for the high ductility concept

A. Hammer, R. Maldet
Abstract: This paper shows how the analyses with fracture
mechanic methods for the penstock of the high head
hydropower plant Kaunertal have been made. Besides the
analyses the experiences of material testing, welding and the
connection to well-known standards for steel building will be
presented. The main goal was to ensure the integrity of the
penstock for the whole service life of 100 years. A high strength
ductile material had to be found which allows high possible
deformations and withstands cracks and failures which may
grow under variant loading conditions. These cracks have to be
noncritical until the end of the service live.

1 Introduction
Due to the high head and the size of the penstock the realization of the steelworks
are challenging. Besides the static stress analyses and the fatigue strength analyses
also fracture mechanic analyses were carried out to ensure the integrity of the

Fracture mechanics has to be seen as a tool to deal with cracks and flaws in a
construction. In 1983, the National Bureau of Standards and Battelle Memorial
Institute estimated the costs for failure due to fracture to be $119 billion dollars in the
United States per year. This study estimated that the annual cost could be reduced
by $35 billion if the current technology from 1982 were applied, and that further
fracture mechanics research could reduce this figure by an additional $28 billion [1].

Failures have occurred for many reasons, including uncertainties in the loading or
environment, defects in the materials, inadequacies in design, and deficiencies in
construction or maintenance. Design against fracture is an important part of the
design process. The designers should be cautioned about the need to consider
absolutely as many factors as possible that might lead to failure, especially when life
is at risk.

The basic structural analysis is carried out by comparing the applied stress with the
allowable stress. The allowable stress is normally defined as a fraction of the yield
strength or the tensile strength. In fracture mechanics the applicable load depends on
the fracture toughness of the material and the flaw size in the structure. This
correlation is better known as the fracture mechanics triangle (Fig. 1).
Applied Stress
Fracture Toughness

Flaw Size

Fig. 1. Fracture mechanics triangle [2]

2 Fracture Mechanic Analysis by FAD

To determine if a crack may cause a structural failure, the failure assessment
diagram (FAD) method uses two ratios: brittle fracture and plastic collapse. The FAD
method is described in the FKM-Guideline “Fracture Mechanics Proof of Strength for
Engineering Components” [3].

The axes of the FAD chart use the non-dimensional ratios Lr (plastic collapse ratio)
on the x-axis, and Kr (brittle fracture ratio) on the y-axis. The evaluation points inside
the FAD curve indicate acceptable cracks, and the evaluation points above the FAD
curve are unacceptable cracks that indicate a predicted structural failure. The plastic
collapse ratio is computed using the reference stress divided by the yield strength.
The brittle fracture ratio is computed from the crack front stress intensity, obtained by
the crack geometry and the stresses at the crack.

An example of the default FAD curve and crack evaluation points in the diagram is
shown in Figure 2. An evaluation point on the FAD curve is a critical crack on the
verge of failure, which can be useful to determine if residual stresses in component
are harmful. When an analysis for a specific structural component and a stress-strain
curve is available, a material specific FAD can be computed.

Fig. 2. Example of the FAD and crack evaluation points [4]

3 Detail design consideration
In the detail design for the shaft and its elements e.g. bifurcations, bends, thrust rings
etc. it is necessary to take additional stresses into account. Influences like bending
effects, notch effects, residual stresses and other components have to be considered
to get realistic stresses for the fracture mechanic analysis.

In production and assembly relevant defects and cracks are found by NDT and all
intolerable defects are repaired to receive an almost faultless structure. The tolerable
or undetected defects are far too small to be significant in a static fracture mechanic
analysis. But in a dynamically stressed structure these defects are subjected to
growth. Therefore the relevant crack size to be analysed comes from the grown crack
at the end of the service life.

Eurocode 3 Part 1-10 [5] gives recommendations on the required number of main
inspection intervals to find growing cracks in the operation period (equation 4). To
avoid main inspections (NDT of all important welds) during the service life the partial
safety coefficients should be at least γF = 1.2 and γM = 1.1 for the fatigue analysis.

n= −1
(γF γM )5
n ... number of main inspections γ ... partial safety coefficients

The crack size considered in the analysis has to be selected in an appropriate way.
In a background document to the EC3-1-10 the initial crack size and the size of the
design crack at the end of service are defined according to table 1 and figure 2. The
table gives the crack geometry for a detailed fracture mechanic analysis dependent
on the wall thickness.

Design crack
Initial crack size
t a0 2c0 ad 2cd
mm mm mm mm mm
30 1.7 8.5 5.3 10,6
50 2.0 9.8 9.1 18,2
90 2.2 11.2 19.0 38,0
120 2.4 12.0 28.8 57,6
Table 1: Initial crack size (a0, 2c0) and design crack size (ad, 2cd) [5]

Fig. 3. Initial crack size (a0, 2c0) and design crack size (ad, 2cd)
To calculate the stress intensity in the detail design the equations for a plate in
tension and bending are used. These equations assume a defined half-elliptic
surface crack.

The examination of the longitudinal and circumferential welds for the cylindrical part
of the shaft can be done easily. In these welds the additional stress components are
mainly caused by residual stresses of the welding procedure. For the welds in “as
welded condition” (AW) the residual stresses are conservatively assumed to be 100%
of the yield strength. For welds with post weld heat treatment (PWHT) the residual
stresses are reduced to 25% of the yield strength.

Other stress components are depending on the production standards. Bending

stresses due to misalignment of weld edges are negligible because the misalignment
is restricted to 1 mm or 5% of the wall thickness whatever is lower (e.g. Δt = 1mm for
t = 50 mm and σm = 0.6 Rp0,2 gives σb = 0.02 Rp0,2).

4 Fracture mechanic analysis example

Especially for special components like bifurcations and segment-bends a fracture
mechanic analysis can be very useful to decide if post weld heat treatment is

In this paper I want to show you the analysis on the bifurcation which connects
penstock and surge tank. The design and structural mechanic analysis was made by
our contractor for the steelworks - Andritz Hydro GmbH in Linz. In Figure 4 the
bifurcation and the segment bend to the surge tank is shown.

Fig. 4. Bifurcation to the surge tank - wall thicknesses

The structural mechanic analysis under maximum static pressure and dynamic
pressure fluctuation was made by Andritz Hydro. The numerical calculations are
made with ABAQUS 6.12, a standard finite element program.

To find the maximum load case many simulations had to be done. In Figure 5 you
can see the result for the maximum principal stresses in the worst load case.

Fig. 5. Bifurcation to the surge tank - maximal principal stresses calculated by finite elements

The maximum stress in the outer section of the shell model is σmax = 280,6 MPa. To
be conservative it is assumed that this stress is constant over the wall thickness.
Besides the stress the material properties are needed for the analysis.

Material Aldur 580/820QL

Yield strength [min] Rp0,2 580 MPa
Tensile strength [min] Rm 820 MPa
Yield ratio [max] Rp0,2/Rm 0,92 -
Wall thickness t 50 mm

Welding procedure MAG

Crack resistance [min] J0,2 80 N/mm
Table 2: Material properties for the bifurcation

For the known wall thickness the design crack can be defined by Table 1. It’s a 9,1
mm deep and 18,8 mm long crack on the surface. The brittle fracture ratio Kr takes
primary stresses from external loads like internal pressure and secondary stresses
like residual stresses from welding. The assumed residual stresses are about the
yield strength of the base material. The calculation is summarized in Table 3.
Crack analysis
Primary Stress (Internal Pressure, …) 280,6 N/mm²
Secondary Stress (Residual Stress, …) 580,0 N/mm²
M1 1,040 -

crack geometry and

M2 0,202 -
(depending on

M3 -0,106 -
Form Factors

g 1,000 -
Q 2,464 -
f_phi 1,000 -
p 1,309 -
H1 0,918 -
H2 0,755 -

Primary Stress Intensity Factor - Kp 1000 MPa√mm

Secondary Stress Intensity Factor - Ks 2066 MPa√mm
zeta 0,028 -
aeff 9,763 mm
Ks_pl 2141,6 MPa√mm

beta 3 -
Ks_p / (Kp / Lr) 1,049 -
psi 0,092 -
phi 0,682 -
rho 0,116 -

Brittle fracture ratio - Kr 0,83 -

Plastic collapse ratio - Lr 0,49 -
Table 3: Fracture mechanic analysis according to FKM [3]

Fig. 6. FAD for the Bifurcation to the surge tank – AW and PWHT
Figure 6 shows that a post weld heat treatment for the bifurcation welds is not
necessary. The effect of the residual stress in the weld is not critical for the

5 Material properties
As a big part of the quality assurance for the penstock a lot of material testing was
made. All assembled steel sheets were tested on its mechanical properties and every
heat also on its chemical composition. The following figure shows how the uniform
elongation relates to the Strength for the Alform 580/820M. This steel grade was
used for a big part of the penstock. Voestalpine satisfied the specification very well.

Fig. 7. Relation of Uniform Elongation to Strength – Alform 580/820 from voestalpine

For every welding procedure a qualification WPQ had to be made to prove the
specified characteristics. Whenever a new charge of welding material was used it
had to be tested again. Also if welding parameters were changed the characteristics
had to be tested again. From all this qualification, charge and working tests a pool of
test results was gathered for every welding procedure.
Almost 90% of the 14.300 m of welds were made in the workshop with submerged
arc welding (SAW). In Figure 9 and Figure 10 the correlation of uniform elongation to
strength and ductility (notch impact energy and crack resistance J0,2) is shown. These
are the result from several tests (positive and negative) for SAW. The results are
divided in high strength welds (mean value of tensile strength > 830 MPa) and low
strength welds (mean value of tensile strength > 700) [6].
Similar to the results from the base material it shows that ductility and strength are
correlating. But the variation of the results is very high. Most of the test satisfied the
specification we made and were positive tested.
Fig. 9. Relation of uniform elongation to strength (SAW)

Fig. 10. Relation of uniform elongation to Notch impact energy and fracture toughness as J0,2 (SAW)

6 Conclusion
Due to the high head and the size of the penstock the realization of the steelworks is
challenging. With fracture mechanic analyses the integrity of the structure was
evaluated for the whole service life. Additionally these analyses demonstrated that
post weld heat treatment is only necessary for parts over 50 mm thickness. Therefore
the heat treatment was only necessary for the bifurcations and some longitudinal
welds near the powerhouse.
Besides it’s important to specify the material properties properly and do tests on the
materials to ensure its characteristics. For this purpose a defined number of tests on
mechanical properties, chemical composition and fracture resistance has to be
carried out. Based on a universal quality assurance program with continuous
adaption to extraordinary occasions the integrity of the penstock is granted.

[1] T.L. Anderson, Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC

Press, Boca Raton, 2005, 610 p.
[2] U. Zerbst, P. Hübner, Merkblatt DVS 2401 - Bruchmechanische Bewertung von
Fehlern in Schweißverbindungen, DVS-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2004, 294 p.
[3] FKM-Richtlinie, Bruchmechanischer Festigkeitsnachweis, VDMA Verlag, 2009
[4] C. Tipple, G. Thorwald, Using the Failure Assessment Diagram Method with
Fatigue Crack Growth to Determine Leak-before-Rupture, Quest Integrity Group,
Simulia Customer Conference 2012
[5] DIN EN 1993-1-10, Eurocode 3: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten
Teil 1-10: Stahlsortenauswahl im Hinblick auf Bruchzähigkeit und Eigenschaften
in Dickenrichtung; Deutsche Fassung EN 1993-1-10:2005 + AC:2009
[6] R. Maldet, A. Hammer, The new penstock for the high head hydropower plant
Kaunertal – Part 1, 18th International Seminar on Hydropower Plants, Vienna,

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas HAMMER; TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG; Division Eng. Services
Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2; 6020 Innsbruck;
T: +43 50607 21392; M: [email protected]

Ing. Rainer MALDET; TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG; Division Engineering Services

Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2; 6020 Innsbruck;
T: +43 50607 21592; M: [email protected]

CV of the authors:
The authors are with TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Division Engineering Services.
The scope of work for the 125 staff members ranges from the assessment of existing
plants and their rehabilitation to the planning for the erection of new plants.

Andreas HAMMER,
graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Vienna University of Technology and
works for the TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG since 2011. His main tasks are
fracture mechanics and structural analysis. He was involved in several structural
integrity analyses of TIWAG hydropower plants. At the moment the Kaunertal
penstock is his main project. He works mainly on the quality assurance for the
planning and the execution of the steel works.

Rainer MALDET,
is a senior engineer in the team “Maschinentechnik”. He is responsible for hydraulic
machines and devices with the main emphasis on steel structures. He is an
experienced European welding engineer. In 1984, he graduated with a degree in
Mechanical Engineering from the HTL Innsbruck. Actually he is a member of the
working group “Materials” within Oesterreichs Energie, previously Verband der
Elektrizitätsunternehmen Österreichs (VEÖ), an independent advocacy group for the
Austrian electricity industry.

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