Full Text The Cons and Pros Telephone To Scool Students

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INTRODUCTION For many years we used paper, pens, pencils, binders, calculators, and
(NABIL) other reliable tools. Now in this generation, students can use the phone
every day until students use it to find various information. In this age of
science and technology, mobile phones play an important role in our
lives whether you are a school student or not. This is one of the most
useful discoveries or tools of all time and brings many advantages to
school students but also has its own dark side. This gives comfort to the
students but will also be detrimental to the students if we use the wrong
way. students should have the right steps to prevent it.

what is the meaning of mobile phone?

A mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make
and receive calls. While the first generation of cell phones could only
make and receive calls, cell phones today do much more,
accommodating web browsers, games, cameras, video players and
navigation systems.

Also, while cell phones are commonly known as "cell phones" or cell
phones, cell phones today are more often referred to as "smartphones"
because of all the additional voice and data services they offer. now we
will trace the adverse effects of mobile phones on students and after that
we will find out the benefits of mobile phones to school students
CONS 1 Telephone or we called as smartphone in our modern life, infact it useful
(SYAIDA) especially in this pandemic covid 19 situation. Education change in to
new model towadrs online education. But rarely, student always forget
their guideline when using telephone. Also parent keeep busy doing their
own work. And this situation, will effect the cons of telephone to school
students. They were become lack of social skills behavior.
Why this became problems? As a student life , their surrounding with
many peoples. But with accdicted toward telephone, they exposed with
many cultural. They see many thing through media social such as
facebook, intagram, youtube and so on. Without parent guidance,
student will forget their social skill with people arround them. They
were busy with their social media life and never know how to intterup
others properly . Their behavior also change. They are not learning how
to build a good relationship in person. Student became disrespectful
cause they never focus while study. Although, the telephone in vibration
mode .. Usually when it vibrate student will see on it the notification on
the phone screen. While teaching , their focused on study will
interrupted . It will effect bad relationship with their teachers. The
common problem using telephone at school, students are
lessfocus,slowlearner and nonproactive in class. They also being lazy
reading using book. For them, playing gadjet and telephone are more
enjoy than studying. Some students will became less confident toward
While at home, student also did not care others with their parent also
their siblings. Being enjoy with their social media life , unfortunately
they are not know to express their feeling toward family. Student want
to be lonely and freely with their handphone. They don’t want share
their happyness or sadnees with their family. The worse part it they
were been apart from their family. Their face to face communication
also being akward. They are not friendly with each others between
siblings, no humorous with father and mother . And the worse its, they
felt more enjoy with telephone than family matters.
CONS 2 Bullying or cyberbullying is a reality in many countries of the world.
(AQILAH) The students' emotional integrity can be seriously affected, especially if
the student's environment is not aware of the problem. The big problem
of the current era is that this harassment continues when school hours
end, usually through the social network.
Social networks are a double-edged sword: although they allow students
to socialize and stay connected with their peers, the same network may
be the place through which they receive insults and even threats.
This would be a general disadvantage of cell phone use by students, not
only at school.

CONS 3 Next, let's explore the other disadvantages of not focusing on learning.
(ZULHUSNI) Teenagers now have many ways to communicate with each other and
they are often active in cell phone communication.
Among the teen communication apps are 'Wechat', 'WhatsApp',
'Facebook' and 'Instagram'.
The effect of carrying a mobile phone is that students cannot pay
attention to learning because of serving these applications.
students are interested in playing games and watching 'Youtube' in their
mobile phones. If this continues, students' academic achievement will
deteriorate as a result of losing focus while studying.
A school performance will also decline due to students being lazy with
mobile phones during learning. Ultimately, students should use mobile
phones carefully so as not to interfere with learning and exam results
PROS 1 We cannot deny that telephone has brought a lot of positive development
(AIN AIESHAH) in today world. It enables us to gain access to wealth information.
Information from various fields as business ,education and entertainment
from all around the world.in education, it is a very powerful tool for
student to complete their assignments and projects. In other words,it
helps student`s learning. Typing just a single word in a search engine
such as google or Yahoo! and a whole host of information appears
before our eyes. It will save time for them to search information needed
than browsing through piles of books that will takes hours. It`ll be
considered that telephone as another alternative to learning a lessons.
Moreover, during this pandemic COVID-19,telephone is the important
things for student to keep in touch with their teachers through online
classes using the online apps such as google meet or cisco webex
meeting apps . There are thousand of learning apps on the internet that
teach everything. Telephone in education can benefit an individual if
they use it effectively.

PROS 2 Do You Look for the Negative Even When Good Things Happen we can
(IZZA see whenever handphone also have potential to be an educational tools.
FADHILAH) Long gone are the days when students would only get knowledge from
teachers, parents, and books. Today, the sources for knowledge have
diversified, and one of the ready sources is the internet. Having a mobile
phone on their person all the time can help students check out things in a
more fun way than going to books all the time. A cellphone connected to
the internet can motivate the student to do their studies, as all the time,
he knows he can access the world’s biggest library right where he is. If
there is any doubt in mind about something that the teacher was
teaching, the students can clear the doubts immediately. With mobile
internet-enabled devices, they can check up stuff from anywhere such as
youtube, dictionary and online library (e-book/google play books/e-
library). This means that learning goes on all the time, in and out of the
school setting. Students no longer have to wait to access the school or
community library because with a smartphone, the world’s biggest
library- the internet is at their disposal. When the teacher encourages
students to use technology to advance their studies, they will happily do
so because they love technology. Like we can see now, when our
country is in the pandemic covid19 , we need a source for having online
class between the teacher and their student. Furthermore, from the
bright side we can see that handphone is necessary and important for



There are Many parents give their children cell phones as a safety
precaution. It gives parents peace of mind knowing they have a direct
line of communication with their child. Furthermore, many parents of
high school students ask their child to notify them when they arrive at
and depart from a destination. During a crisis, cell phones allow students
to notify their parents that they’re safe. Student can keep family
members updated on the situation as well. It also allows them to clarify
to their parents any rumors that may be circulating on social media. Cell
phones can also help emergency responders by allowing them to send
directions to the students. Lastly, students can stay updated on the
situation through news outlets, as they may otherwise not have access to
such information.
Should students find themselves in emergencies in school, at home, or in
the streets, they know they can reach their parents, a senior person, and
even the emergency services right from their mobile phones. Today,
there are so many things going around schools, from shootings and other
accidents. With a cell phone, a parent can keep in touch with their
children all the time, even when they are in school. This is one way a
mobile phone is useful for students at school
CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is undeniable that the mobile phone bring us many
(NABIL) advantages. It is marvelous creation that has paved the way for progress.
Let us not point our finger at mobile phone for the very few negative
aspects that come with the package. Instead, we should make full use of
the mobile phone to benefit mankind. If we use it in a good way then we
will get benefit from it, but if we used it in wrong way then we will get
nothing but harm.

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