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The Challenges and Opportunities of Good Governance: The Case of Motta

Town Administration, East Gojjam Zone

By: Gebrie Biyalfew

JUNE, 2013



The Challenges and Opportunities of Good Governance: The Case of Motta Town
Administration, East Gojjam Zone

By: Gebrie Biyalfew

Advisor: Birhane Gidey (MA)

A senior essay submitted to the college of social and humanities of Arba Minch University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of degree in Civics and Ethical

JUNE 2013



The Challenges and Opportunities of Good Governance: The Case of Motta Town
Administration, East Gojjam Zone

By: Gebrie Biyalfew

Advisor: Birhane Gidey (MA)

Approval by Advisor and Examiner

_____________________________ ______________________________

Advisor Date and signature

_____________________________ ______________________________

Examiner Date and signature


This study could not have been completed without the help of many. Firstly, I would like to
thank my advisor, Birhane Gidey (MA) for his invaluable comment, constructive critics,
encouragement and useful suggestions. I would also like to express my appreciation gratitude to
the employees of Motta town administration offices in security office for their help and patient in
answering all the questionnaires in the challenges and opportunities of good governance in the
context of the administration.

The last, but not least, I would also like to thank the staff under the department of Civics and
Ethical studies and students.

The main purpose of the study was the challenges and opportunities of good governance on
Motta town administration in security office. To identify the contributing factors to challenges of
good governance in the study area, questionnaires have been used. Data which was gathered
through questionnaires was analyzed by using explanation, table and percentage. The result of
this study show that efficiency, responsibility, accountability and transparency as the challenge
of good of governance in the study area. This study also identified the factor of good governance
on the security office. The finally the finding of the study assessed the major effort taken by the
government and other stockholder to improve challenges of good governance in security office.

IMF International monetary fund

M Meter

MM Millimeters

KM Kilometers

MCO Motta communication office

MDGP Millennium development goal program

MSO Motta security office

UN United Nation

UNDP United nation development program

WB World Bank

C⁰ Degree centigrade

% Percentages
Table of contents page

Acknowledgment -------------------------------------------------------------------

Table of contents------------------------------------------------------------------------

Acronyms -----------------------------------------------------------------------

List of tables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.1 Background of the study ------------------------------------------------------

1.2 Statement the problem-----------------------------------------------------

1.3 Objective of the study ---------------------------------------------------------

1.3.2 General objective -----------------------------------------------------

1.3.2 Specific objective -------------------------------------------------

1.4 Research question --------------------------------------------------------

1.5 Significance of the study ---------------------------------------------------

1.6 Scope and limitation of the study ------------------------------------

1.6.1 Scope of the study --------------------------------------------------

1.6.2 Limitation of the study -------------------------------------------

1.7 Organization of the study ----------------------------------------------


2. Review of the related literature -------------------------------------------------

2.1 Good governance definition and concept -----------------------------------

2.2Theories of good governance ---------------------------------------------------

2.3 Characteristics of good governance --------------------------------------------------

2.4 The challenges of good governance -------------------------------------

CHAPTRE THREE -----------------------------------------------------

3. Research Methodology-----------------------------------------------

3.1. Site selection and description of study of the area --------------------

3.1.1 Geographical location and climate condition------------------

3.1.2 Socio-economic characteristics-------------------------------

3.2 Data types and source--------------------------------------------------

3.3 Sampling design ----------------------------------------

3.4 Data collection instrument ---------------------------------

3.5 Data process and analysis----------------------------------



4.1 Background of respondent--------------------------------------------------------

4.2 Challenges of good governance in security office ----------------------------------------

4.2.1 Transparency ---------------------------------------------------------------------

4.2.2 Accountability----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.2.3 Budget limitation---------------------------------------

4. 3 Manifestations of governance practices in security -----------------------------------

4 3. 1. Governance practices at security office administration---------------------------

4.3.2 Awareness of the employer-------------------------------------------

4.3.3 Commitment of employees-------------------------------------------

4.3.4 Training for employees----------------------------------------

4.3.5 Comparison of governance practice at security office-------------------

4.3.6 Service provided by employer-------------------------

4.3 Measure taken to improve good governance at security office-----------------------

4.3.1 The establishment of grievance hearing organ-----------------------------------------

4.3.2The establishment of youth association ---------------------------------------------

4.3.3The establishment of mecari shimagilies-----------------------------------------------

CHAPTER FIVE -------------------------------------------------

5 .conclusions and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion------------------------------------------------

5.2 Recommendation --------------------------------------


Table 4.1 personal information----------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.2transparency of employees-----------------------------------------------------

Table 4.3 Accountability of employees---------------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.4 budget provide by the organization to enhance good governance----------------

Table 4.5 Main problems in security administration office----------------------

Table 4.6 Implementation of good governance at Motta security office----------------------

Table 4.7 organization commitment of employees-------------------------------

Table4.8Employees awareness about good governance----------------------------

Table4.9 training provided by the organization for employees---------------------------

Table 4.10 Evaluation of institutional practice----------------------------------------

Table 4.11 level of customer satisfaction-----------------------------------

Tables 4.12, satisfaction of society is by employer services----------------------


1.1 Background of the study

The concept of governance is not new. It is as old as human civilization. Simply put governance
means exercising political power to manage a nation. In general sense good governance means
an ideal governing system that is inevitable for Political, Economical, and Social and Cultural
development of a country (Hossen, 2011:12). Good governance refers to the existence of
democratic norms, accepted and nurtured by citizen and their government; it requires a legitimate
state with a democratic mandate, an efficient and open administration in the public and private
sector (Ezenyili, 2012:16).

According to, the WB good governance is defined as the manner in which power exercised in the
management of a country’s Economic and Social resource (G.Weiss, 2000:797). According to,
the UN good governance is promotes equity, participation, pluralism, transparence,
accountability, and the rule of law , in a manner that is effective , efficient and enduring
(M.Gisselquist, 2012:6)The UNDP good governance is defined as the exercise of Economic,
political and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels (G.weiss,

Good governance in globally, most people mean democratic governance which attributes
importance to agreement, dialogue, compromise, participation, and communication within a
complex network of actors and institution rather than relying solely on free and timely
election, market economy etc. Some of the newly emerging forms of governance advocate
for the dispersion of decision making and implementation away from central state and
bureaucracy and the inclusion of interest and actor as diverse as possible(Aktan and

In Africa, the MDGP is through the developing countries to improve good governance and
eradicate poverty from those countries. Different government of developing countries are also
endeavoring individual to strength good governance in improve the effective of aid
(Waheduzzam, 2007:4)
In Ethiopia, good governance at the core efforts to strengthen democratic governance and
improve is basic services delivery. The key challenge is to build the requisite institution and
human resource capacities at sub-national level in order to effective empower sub-national
government and communities. At the same time, there is need to strength then the demand side
of governance by moving forward the social accountability agenda, which is still in its
infancy(ADB,2009:1).The current government has committed itself to eradicating poverty by
introducing proven Economic strategies in tandem with good governance, unlike predecessors
that were hiding the problem amid widespread hunger in most of the

Good governance on the regional level can be applied to examine quality of decision-making
process, in the given legal and fiscal and institutional framework. The phased process of
decision-making as leading motive of good governance on the regional level in the field of
regional development (Bauer et al, 2007:69)

Local level of good governance, the government of Ethiopia in its five years plan sustainable
development end of poverty, accentuated the portion of improve democratic governance reform
of the justices system. It is the urge for good governance that has in spread to analyze the
situation at the local level; district/weredas in Ethiopia (Mesekerem, 2007:2).

Motta town covers a total of 14,728 hectares with a total population of 39,470. Resident of the
town is engaged on both agriculture and non agriculture means of income. The administration
has four kebeles and out of this four of them are rural kebeles. The administration vision is to
make the town developed and industrialized by the year 2012. The achieving good governance
and rule of law though creating the condition of eliminated poverty. Its mission is to respond to
the economic, social and psychological needs of the residents by maintaining the rule of law and
fostering equal opportunities of resource. Eliminating poverty is also part of the mission. (MSO,

Therefore, this study attempted to assess the overall level of good governance in the
administration of Motta town and described the challenge and opportunity of good governance.
The assessment is carry buy using the characteristics good governance such as accountability,
transparency, responsibility and efficiency. It was beyond the scope of this researcher to address
characteristics to the local reality. Therefore, the researcher was seen the problem which have
challenges of good governance and opportunity which enhance good governance in Motta town
administration offices, particularly in security sector office.

1.2 Statement of the problem

For many years in Ethiopia administration practices of local issue have been highly centered.
Concepts’ like community participation, transparency; accountability and rule of law were paid
little attention. After the dawn fall of the military régime, the present government of Ethiopia has
introduced various decentralization reforms with the intention to improve the involvement of
local actors in administering their own affair. Various researcher still indicate that there is
problem concerning the issue of local governance in local administration are not full empowered
in terms of finance and human resource, the presence of weak partnership with other stakeholder,
insufficient services delivery and lack of community participation. The presence of these
problems has negatively affected the practices of local governance (Gizachew, 2012 cited in
Tigabu and semu, 2008).

The democratic governance at the grass root informed the establishment of local government as
the democratic institutions and framework for the governance of many people. However, it
appears the reforms are not giving the local government the desired capability as a democratic
institution to achieve effective democracy governance and participation of the many people in
the politics of the area (Goddey, 2013:3).

Examine the relationship between democracy and good governance, the writer identifies the
inclusion of the citizens the processes of decision making and participation of the citizenry as the
link between democracy and good governance. Besides active participation in a public policy, it
identifies precepts of good governance as recognition of the rule of law, independence of
legislature, fair judiciary system, institutional check and balances through the balanced
separation of powers. However, emphasize that the benefits of good governance is a dominant
problem in the developing countries as the result of difficulty encountered in its implementation
because of corruption (Ezenyili, 2012:3).

It is being widely appreciated that good governance is dependent not merely upon good policy
advises but, more importantly on the processes and incentive to design and implement good
policy themselves. Dysfunction and ineffective public institution are increasing seen to be at the
heart of Economic development challenges. Misguided resource allocation, excessive
government intervention and widespread corruption have helped in perpetuation of poverty. The
weak institution of governance makes an adverse impact on services delivery (Singh, 2008:19).

As the above explanation problems of good governance concerned, such situation of good
governance practice is reflects in Motta town administration. The town has undertaking its own
assessment of good governance practices in the administration. Even though, the assessment
focuses only on security sector and do not involves various stakeholder, it has identities lot of
problems concerning the practices of good governance in the administration. Among those
problems are the same low level of effort is commit to practices good governance and failure to
relation good governance with the activities of security sector.

1.3 objective of the study

1.3.1General objective of the study

 To assess the challenges and opportunities of good governance in Motta town


1.3.2 Specific objective of the study

 To identify the major factors that challenge of good governance practices in the study.

 To investigate the manifestations of governance practices of the study.

 To explore the available opportunities for the practices of good governance the study.

1.4 Research question

 What are the challenges of good governance in the study area?

 What are major manifestations of governance in the study area?

 What are the available opportunities for the practices of good governance of the study area?
1.5 significance of the study

This study was conducted primarily for the purpose of assessing the level of good governance in
the administration of Motta town and to describe the challenges and opportunities existed in the
administration. It goes further; by determine the problem, weakness and strength in the
application of good governances. As the result administration of Motta town is primarily
beneficiary of this study, this because it was hoped that conclusion and recommendations of
the study can be used an input to improve and strength its good governance. In addition to this it
also believes that the study can be very useful instrument to other researcher who wants to
investigate good governance in other administration area.

1.6. Scope and limitation of the study

1.6.1 Scope of the study

Motta town is taking as a study from fifteen districts (woredas) of East Gojjam zone. Motta town
is found in East Gojjam Zone of Amhara regional state, it is bordered on the south by
DebayTelagn, on the west by Bibugn, on the north west by the west Gojjam zone, on the north
by Abay river, on the east by Goncha Siso Enese and on the south east by Enarj Enawga.
The total population of the town is 39,470 in which the male 20,635 and female 18,835 people’s
lives. The researcher selected the study area the case of Motta town administration of good
governance, the reason, and that of good governance broad and multi dimensional concept, this
many issues cannot covered by this research.

As the study of the research limits was domain of good governance to focus only four factors.
These factors are including accountability, transparence, efficiency and responsibility. The detail
study of the research was qualitative and some quantitative methods. Therefore, the study
covered only Motta town in East Gojjam Zone since, 1995. The study area boundary only Motta
town administration offices which this study limited office only security sector and the reason,
was that presence of financial, time constraint and impossible to covered all East Gojjam zone
towns to assess.
1.6.2 Limitation of the study

It is difficult to address all issue in this study due to limited time and resource. Other limitation
this study was the absences of related researches which were useful for comparison purposes.
Further the study was conducted under several constraint and challenges particularly, during the
processes of data collection. Since, some of civil s servant was inaccessible, less skillful and
insides the offices. Even though, there some challenges and constraints during data collection
and researcher organized questioners.

1.7 Organization of the study

The study was classified in to five chapters. The first chapter like as, introduction, statement of
the problem, objective of the study, research question, significance of the study, scope and
limitation of the study. The second chapter related literature review. The third chapter like as,
description of the study, data type and source, sample designed, data collection instrument, data
processes and analysis. Chapter four is data analysis and interpretation. The chapter five the
final section is summery and recommendation.

2. Review of the related literature

2.1 Good governance definition and concept

The notion of good governance itself originated in the practices of international donor agencies is
particularly of the World Banks. In the World Bank report of on sub-Saharan Africa, this
characterized the crisis in the region as a “crisis of governance” including rampant corruption
and resistance to reform by recipient government, rendering the provision of aid ineffective
(Weiss and Steiner, 2006:5). The historical experience of governance gives prominences to
government failure to delivery, leading to proposition for right sizing, while policy
prescriptions good governance take an evolutionary view of the matter questioning relevance
of public sector management of certain activities in a change contexts(Abdellatif,2003:4).The
concept of good governance is concerned directly with the management of the development
processes, involving both the public and private sector (Abdellatif, 2003:5).

Different organization defined the term good governance differently.

World Bank definition of good governance as; Good governance is defined as the manner in
which power are exercised in the management of a country’s economy and social resource
(Weiss, 2000:797).

The United Nation Development Program good governance is defined as the exercise of
economic, political and administrative authority to manage countries affair at all levels (Weiss,

The IMF definition of good governance is defined as the supporting the development and
maintenance of transparent and stable economic and regulatory environment conducive to
efficient public and private sector activities (Mustafizur and Muhammad, 2006:4).
2.2 Theories of good governance

2.2.1 Governance as the minimal state theory

The theory of governance as a minimal state refers organizational structures that arise when
there is no governmental involvement. Applying this theory to international affairs would be
regulated without intervention from a formal sector, such as national government or international
organization. Rather, governance would arise from the aggregation of individual decision in the
market place and as results, there will always be some sort of organic framework that governs
the behavior of all actor with in international relations.

In the field of international economics, this theory would suggest that the field of would be
governed by an inadvisable structure even if the IMF and the WB were not be exist. More often
than not, this concept of the minimal state is brought up as rhetoric to demonstrate a preference
for less government and less international organization. (Carrington and Debuse, 2008:5).

In addition some scholars like Roseau, believes that governance differs from market interaction
that aggregating informal and uncoordinated individual decision to create orders does not amount
to governance. In this is because of this scholar’s believes that individual actors within the
market lack of the international or shared goal required for a governance arrangement. Thus,
there is no group decision-making to address shared concerns in the concept of minimal state, as
result there is no governance according to many scholars (Carrington and Debuse, 2008:5).

2.2.2 Global governance theory

Global governance describes governance at the global level. The concept of refers to
international organization that operate on global scale and describes the link between the
activities of their member in a specific field of international relations. Scholars disagree on the
scope of global governance. While some only see global governance in the context of
international finance, others also see its applicability in areas like the environment, international
security and human rights.

According to a leading scholars on global governance, the concept that applies to international
organization has three characteristics(A) a shared understanding of objective and standard of
conduct pertinent to the organization specific objective or goal governance(B)agreed up on
rules that seek to give structure and substance to the organizations objective(c)regulatory
structure to monitor and enforce compliance with the organization rules, tends their amendment
and resolve dispute arising from their interpretation.

Typically internationals organizations that work according to theory of global governance will
have a scientific approach to their operation. In other words this is organizations operations in a
part by gathering and analyzing empirical data from their member. In theory of good governance
strategies may also show this scientific nature because the strategies designed to increase the
level and efficiency of governance. While global governance does not require formal structure
like good governance (Carrington and Debuse).

2.2.3 Subsidiary theory

The theory of subsidiary or multi-level governance is on the relationship between international

organization and their member state. This theory based on the view than an international
organization possesses certain powers traditionally exercised by sovereign state, because its
member countries surrendered this power up on entering the particular organization. Because of
member state are giving some of their traditional sovereign power to an international
organization they considered to be making a leap of faith in joining the organization.

Put differently, subsidiary reflects a functional view of the governance of international

organization. Subsidiary theory assumes that member state may improve its domestic affairs
by allowing the international organization to play role in the formation of its domestic
policies. Scholars believes this transplant of operation part from the state to be international
organization, helps the state to strengthen its legitimacy, acceptability, efficiency and
effectiveness. In addition, scholars believes that international organization can create policy on
an international level more effectively than a state acting alone because the former has better
information and knowledge(Carrington and Debuse,2008:6).

2.2.4 The new public management theory

This theory involves managing an organization in our context an international organization by

introducing private sector management method and incentives structure in to the particular
organization. Advocate of this theory believes that introducing private sector method and
incentive structure in to international organization will increase the efficiency of these
organization applying the new management theory to international organization would require
running the organization like a private business. They derive their in aspiration from market
economic rather than democratic (Carrington and Debuse, 2008:8).

2.2.5 Governance as network and system outside government theory

This theory two related theories focus on the role on nongovernmental actors in international
organization.(A)governance as socio-cybernetic system and (B)governance as self organization
network. To some extent these theories play off the theory of governance as minimal state.

Governance as a socio-cybernetic system refers to informal and nongovernmental method of

organization actor that are accountable to a government income manner. This model of
governance does not require as a sovereign authority, as it bring together numerous actor from
government to non government organization to international organization, all how could
benefit from the synergy to solve shared problems and take more effective action to address
shared concerns. The society benefit system relies on the view that policy making actor is
specific area of policy need each because no single actor can effectively address those problem

The theory of governance as a self organized network goes further than governance as socio-
cybernetic system and refers to governance arrangement that help from coordination among all
the actor in network that are not accountable to a government body. As the result of
international organization under this theory have a degree of autonomy that actor in socio-
cybernetic system do not have(Carrington and Debuse, 2008:9).

2.3 Characteristics of good governance

2.3.1 Responsibility

Good governance requires that institution and processes try to serve all stakeholders within a
reasonable time frame. It is the ability of management of public organization to give due concern
to the needs and interest of its constituents (Negalegn, 2010:46).
2.3.2 Participation

This is a process whereby policy making prioritizing issue, accessibility to public good and
services and also allocation resources is influence by key stakeholder. Participation is built of
freedom of association and speech as well as capability to participation constructively

2.3.3 Transparency

This is built on the free flow of information; processes, institution and information are directly
accessible to those concerned with them and enough information is provide to understand and
monitor them. It promotes openness of government action, decision making processes and
consultative processes among public sector and all stakeholders. These processes are subject to
scrutiny by other government institutions civil society and external institution

2.3.4 Rule of law

Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced impartially. It also requires
full protection of human right, particularly those of minorities. Impartially enforcement of law
requires and independent judiciary and an impartial and incorruptible policy force (Negalegn,

2.3.5 Equity

A society well being depends on ensuring that all its member fell that they have a stake in it and
do not feel excluded from the main stream of society. This requires all groups, but particularly
the most vulnerable, have opportunity to improve or maintain their well being (Negalegn,

2.3.6 Efficiency

This promotes efficiency public delivery system and quality public output. It deals with the
amount of public respect the civil services has one respect of poor services delivery is corruption.
One of the ways of fighting corruption is through competitive salaries and motivation civil
services and a code of conduct. This legislation will define the appointment and promotion of
civil servant through merit based processes as well as the organization structure (

2.3.7 Accountability

Decision making is government the privet sector and civil society organization are accountable
to the public as well as to institutional stakeholder. This accountability differs depending on the
organization and whether the decision is internal and external to an organization central to the
principle of accountability is information sharing and transparency which should be promoted by
governance structure. Hence, accountability is hard to achieve especially in the absence of access
to information (

2.3.8 Strategic vision

Leader and the public have a long terms perspective on good governance and development.
There is also an understanding of the historical, cultural and complexities in which that
perspective is grounded (

2.3.9 Consensus orientation

Good governance mediates differing interest to reach the broad consensus on what is in the best
interest of the group and where possible, on policies and procedures

2 .4 The challenges of good governance

2.4.1 Accountability

In the weak accountability regimes stemming from a variety of factor including an almost total
reliance on outside funding source and a large dominating public sector with few check and
balance. Thus, direct accountability to citizen via the administrative offices is not sufficient to
ensure a health relationship between governors and the governed. There is a requirement for
another complimentary set accountability relationship; the government must restrain itself by
creating and sustaining independent public institutions empowered to oversee its action, demand
explanations for improper or illegal behavior and when circumstances warrant, impose penalties.
These two kinds of accountability are referred to by some as vertical and horizontal. Both set of
accountability relationship are weak. Vertical accountability (to citizens directly or indirectly via
civic organization) are fragile or nonexistent and if it exists tend to be owned and controlled by
first nation government or their advocacy organization. Further, first nation member are with few
exceptions, even user fees for utilities. Horizontal accountability (to public institution of
accountability imposed by the government up on itself, including the legislature the judiciary,
judiciary, agencies, ombudsman, human right commission) this mechanism also tends to be
weak. The legislative and executive branches of government are fused in the chief and council
system and with few exceptions there is no independent. First nation run judicial system to act as
check on the power of the first nation run institution of accountability such as auditing, human
right or privacy agencies (Graham and wison, 2004:20).

For public manager accountability consist of different type with different source and influence in
including for hierarchical and legal accountability as well as professional and political
accountability cited in (Romzek and Dub nick, 1987).Hierarchical and legal accountability exert
high degrees of control, while professional and political accountability involves lower direct
control over individual administration(Lious,2007:17).

Accountability is for wrong only theoretically judiciary can exercise some measure of
accountability in respect of the crime and corruption of the political administrations classes. The
authority who looks such wrongful decision cannot remove from their offices. Therefore, the full
wheel of accountability is lacking in democratic governance (Reddy, 2007:20).

2.4.2 Responsibility

The central government may place tight constraint on the authority local government out of
concern for loss of control, lack of capacity and accountability. In many countries local
governments have limited authority to adjust their resource allocation because of their funding
comes from higher level of government in the form of conditional grants. These constraint limits
the realization of allocate efficiency, discussed earlier. However, central government in many
developing countries considers such measures necessary to ensure that funds are used properly in
areas of priority. Also, decentralization has frequently led to misaligned responsibility,
possibility because the process in incomplete or for political reason (Bertucci, 2007:26).
2.4.3 Efficiency

The concept efficiency building in public administration heavily relies upon professionalism of
the civil services. There is increase awareness about the low level of professional quality of
public servant employed in district areas. The resistance to the capacity building program comes
from the staff as well as from the supervisor people normally do not like change. There is also a
myth that efficiency building means bigger workloads. Resistance also comes from supervisor
and managers who often perceive that staff efficiency building would lead to reduction of their
own power, efficiency building does not mean that the staff is there to define what they will do
when, where and how. This obviously is wrong. Efficiency building demand staff to behave
responsibly and produce desired agreed up on result (Signh,2008:14).

Local government suffer from sever capacity constraints. This can limit the effectiveness of
decentralization services delivery. Material and equipment needed to carryout work area
generally short supply. In addition, a shortage of skilled staff and lack of training hampers
delivery. In particularly, lower tiers of government lack the ability to manage public finance and
maintain proper accountability and finance procedures (Bertucci, 2007:25 cited in Ahamed et al,

Efficiency is any society or state an inseparable part of an organized society. But, the
bureaucracy of country is not efficient in management and administration. The capacity of policy
implementation of our bureaucracy in very poor’s (Hossen, 2011:14). Efficiency these problem
are related to the limitation of management efficiency, including the lack of resource and
information at local level, the low administration skills, training and educations among local
public employees, the lack of legal framework and transparency operation for local government
and offices. These management efficiency problems are especially serious for local government
in developing local countries. The efficiency problem of the organization including, is lack of
managerial, facing uncertain financing and erratic regulation, encountering fragmentation
without coordination and falling short on standards of transparency and accountability (Lious,

States have limited access to any institutional mechanism for building efficiency in the area of
administrative governance project development and design; bid process management,
professional framework level agreement etc. They also have no means of accessing external
(outside government) competencies that are difficult to procure within the government
framework (Signh, 2009:97).

2.4.4 Transparency

The constitution many countries formally encourage directly participation in governance,

including the to vote. Additionally, specifically local government laws also encourage
involvement and participation of citizenry in local policy. However, legal mandate and
constitutionality do not necessarily guarantee true participation governance.

In practices, the extent of transparency in many developing countries may be very limited
.Citizens are not aware of government policies and action until after they have been
implemented. Access to information is scarce, tightly controlled and denied out right. People
isolation from policy making is particularly evident in the area of fiscal and economic policy,
which is not open to public transparency. Information about expenditure allocations regional and
national priorities and other issues of critical concern are deemed to be the sole prerogative of
senior policy makers with in government not meriting public attention or debates (Bertucci,
Chapter three

3.1 Site selection and description of study area

3.1.1 Geographical location and climate condition

Motta is located in the Amhara regional state under East Gojjam zone administration. Its
bordered on the south by Debay Telagen, on the west by Bibugn, on the north by the north
Gojjam zone, on the north by the Abay river, on the east by Goncha siso Enese and on the south
east by Enarj Enawga in connected. The town is about 120 km east of Bahirdar, 202km north of
Debermarkos and 367km North West of Addis Ababa (MSO, 2004).

According to town municipals plans, the total area of the town is 14,728 hectares and
topographically the town areas are 60% alluvial plains, 4% gorge and 16% ups and downs at
elevation of 1800-2415 m above sea levels (MSO, 2004).

Agro ecological the town is located in tropical rain fall zone “Weyna degas” which receives
moderate rain fall throughout the year, where the mean annual rain fall ranges from 1100-1189
mm which is bio modal in nature ,receiving the greatest rain fall in summer and the smallest
portion is spring. The mean annual temperature of the town lies between 14c⁰ and 20c⁰ with an
approximate average of 16c(MCO, 2004).

.3.1.2 Socio economic characteristics Population size

The town population based on 2007(1999 EC) national population and housing census the
population of the town is 70,739 including the additional four rural kebeles. The population of
only the town administration where lives in 39,470. In the terms of gender composition, the
male’s population is higher than the number of females. Male 20,635(52.28%) compared with
female 18,835(47.72%) and most of the inhabitant are civil servants, businessmen and
pensioners (MCO, 2004) Infrastructure

The town is to be the growth and development of urban centers is strongly liked for its
infrastructure strength. The town infrastructure helps to determine the ability to expand trade,
reduce poverty …etc. The town of Motta like as:-

Roads-From Addis Ababa-Djene high away that is the town only asphalt road available in the
town. From Djene-Motta has a gravel road all weathers. The town in connected its rural kebeles
all weathers.

Electricity -the town has acquired its electricity power services in 1997.Current, it’s expanded it
service delivery and rural kebeles of the town (MCO, 2004).

Telecommunication-The information obtained from the telecommunication offices of Motta

town district indicated that a wide and improved telephone services in the town was started.
Currently there about governmental and privet telephone line in the town (MCO, 2004).

Water supply-the town became the beneficiary of potable water and through utilizing spring
water found a few distance away from the town through using generator power (MCO 2004). Education and Health

The towns there are about three primary schools, one secondary school (9-10), one preparatory
school and one technical and vocational educational training center in the town. Health
institution are concerned, the town has tow governmental health centre (clinics and hospital) and
four nongovernmental clinics. Housing condition

House is one of the basic necessities of human survival. The Motta town municipal offices there
are many private and governmental owned houses in the town. Finance and financial institution

The presence of financial institution are like as governmental Bank, private Bank and credit and
saving associations. Play a significant role in the growth and expansion of the economy of town. Trade and investment activities

Motta town and its surrounding kebeles produce different tradable items; among these items
dominantly produces teff. In related to trade, there are many trading activities understanding in
the town. This includes hotels, restaurants, butics, trade of various commodities like crops etc
(MCO, 2004). Other informal activities

Different informal activities are existed in Motta town. This includes processing of food and
drink, prostitution, petty trading etc. However, the processing of traditional alcoholic drinks
Tella and Areque has been expanding other informal activities. Therefore, around the town rural
migrate and urban poor women in the town to engage in the preparation and selling of Tella and

3.2 Data types and source

The data used in this study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary
data were obtained through questioners to collect from Motta town administrative in the security
sector. The secondary data source such as books, governmental policy, research paper prepared
and the other relevant document from the concerned administrative office were used. The
researcher has used both qualitative and quantitative data collection. When used long time with
qualitative research and some used quantitative method.

3.3 sampling design

To get in ₋depth information, small number of participants was purposively selected. It primary
consideration in purposive sampling is the judgment of the researcher as to who can provide the
best information to achieve the objective of the study. Purposive sampling is used for the
selection of security sector office administration. Since, the security sector office contain good
governance, the selected sample respondents represents the other offices. The key informants of
the study were the security sector office sampled administration. The sample respondents were
selected by random selected methods. The sample for the study consisted of security sector of
Motta town administration respondents the questioner and fourteen civil servant samples were
selected as representative of the total population seventeen civil servants. Fourteen sample sizes
were believed by the researcher to be used as representative of the population. This reason
security sector is under similar characteristics and commons structure in which they identify
similar problems. The two main types of question used as an instrument to collected data through
the questioners.

3.4 Data collection instruments

The questioners were prepared by adapting from similar place or only one sector. The primary
data were gathered by using of semi structured questioners. Therefore, this techniques questioner
was first prepared in English and then translated to Amharic local language. The questioner was
tool through which that was collected from participants. In this study mostly the questioner was
used, it’s convenient to reach wide participant and to get relatively uniform data regarding in
research problems and with the given sources.

3.5 Data processing technique

Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis method were used in this study. The data
obtained from questioner was organized and analyzed through using simple statistical tool like
percentage and table. Whereas the data obtained from question were organized a meaning full
way and any analyzed questioner.

4 Data analysis and interpretation

In this section of the research paper comprises of data interpretation and analysis. First each
sub criteria have been treated individual relation with the challenges and opportunities of good
governance in the administration of Motta town on security office. Then the data was
collectively analysis and weighted to determine the score for the criteria at the higher levels. The
analysis was done by providing table, percentage and explanations. The questioners was
conducted the result of the survey was calculated. The qualitative data from the question was
supported by explanations from the data collected through the questionnaires and different
document of the Motta town administration offices. The researcher has selected fourteen
respondents from the total population of seventeen and as a result the following finding is

4.1 Background of respondent

Any administration offices which involve many employees in its workforces: the sex and
educational characteristics were determined. This administration office that has educated and
contains both male and female in its environment can achieves its objective more effectively and
efficiently. The general background of the respondents that are selected as, sample by
considering the following items in the table below.

Table 4.1 personal information

Item General information Respondent response

of the respondent
Sex Number Percentages (%)
Male 12 85.8%
Female 2 14.2%
Total 14 100%
Certificate __ __
Diploma 4 28.6%
Degree 10 71.4%
Master __ __
Others _ _
Total 14 100%
Source: own questionnaires, 2013

Table 1of items 1 shows that out of 14 respondents 12 (85.85) are male and 2(14.2%) are
females. The researcher understands that majority of the respondent are male. Therefore, the
security office should motivate female employees, so that the office share of the office can be

The same table of item to also indicate that out 14 respondent 4 (28.6%) of respondents are
diploma and 10 (71.4%) of respondents are degree. There is no master, certificate and others
employees in security office of Motta town. From this the researcher understand that majority of
respondents are degree.

4.2 Challenges of good governance in security office

Many institutions faced different problems that affect the internal success of the institution. The
type and the means of problem may vary from place to place and from time to time.

4.2.1 Transparency

The transparency system is one means for effectiveness of good governance at national as well
as local level. Because, when employees being open for any action and also can give any clear
sources or evidence to their action that officials ate side to be transparency.

Table 4.2 transparency of employees

No Item Alternative Number of Percentages of

respondent respondent (%)
Do you think that the services Yes 5 35.8%
provided by your employers is
transparent to its customer
6 No 9 42.2%
Total 14 100%
Source: own questionnaires, 2013
As the above table shows that, majority of the respondent agreed that the transparency system to
address or to provide service to its customer is low. The respondent 9(64.2%) agreed that
security office administration employers did not give the sufficient services that the customer
need. Rather, the remaining 5(35.8) agreed that the employees give adequate services to the
society and in equitable manner. But , it does not mean that there is no problem in the office.
Even though, some arguers agreed on the effectiveness of transparency system at security office
the general agreements on the view that there is a problem for the success of good governance
through the transparency. Respondent argued that the reason for the ineffectiveness of good
governance is the concerned body particularly officials did not give attention for the being
transparency. They forget the responsibility of that the society give to them through their merit of
profession to hold public power and to administer and protect the interest of the public rather
than the individual interest. Generally security office has low transparency system of government
to achieve the effectiveness of good governance.

4.2.2 Accountability

Table 4.3 Accountability of employees

NO Item Alternative Number of Percentages of

respondent respondent (%)
How do you measure your Very good 2 14.2%
employees accountability to the Good 2 14.2%
customer Fair 4 28.5%
Poor 5 35.8%

Very poor 1 7.1%

Total 14 100
Source: own questionnaires, 2013

As the above table show that within the institutional level the practices of accountability is poor
which constitutes 5(35.8%).while, the respondent agreed on the goodness and very good on the
practices of accountability at security office is constitutes 2 (14.2%)individually. Another
respondent agreed on the practices of accountability as affair thing in security office is
4(28.5%).while, of the remaining 1 (7.2%) Agreed about, the very poor level of accountability in
the study area. In this case, majority of the respondent 8(56.9%) agreed that security office
employers implements accountability to achieve the goals of good governances effectively. But
there might be problems that exist in the area. Even though the majority aggregately constitutes
the more percents the fact is that there are official that did not implement the accountability
practices. The official considers only their power only rather that what the society expected from
them. Due to this, official are not eager to tall what type of practices are done in the institution.
Generally even though there are different problems within the study area majority of the
respondent may not agreed on this case. Rather they say there is effective accountability system
that strengthens good governance in the study area. Official also not accountability about their
actions rather they give priority for their own private interest or run to satisfy self interest.

4.2.3 Budget limitation

Budget is played a significant role for the success of any organizational goal and objective. But,
insufficient budget leads to the failure of organization or institution.

Table 4.4 budget provide by the organization to enhance good governance

No Item Alternative Number of Percentages of

respondent respondent (%)
Does your organization provide Yes 4 28.6
No 10 71.4
sufficient budget for the
Total 14 100
enhancement of good governance
Source: own questionnaires 2013

As the above shows that the majority of the respondent of the respondent10 (71.4%) agreed on
the fact that security office administration has budget limitation to enhance the effectiveness of
good governance while the remaining 4(28.6%) agreed on the issue that the institution has no
enough budget that enable to accomplish the tasks of the organization. Generally security office
administration has budget limitation. These limit budgets create ineffective administration for
the effectiveness of good governance..

Table 4.5 the main challenge of good governance at security office

N Item Alternative Number of Percentage of the
o respondent respondent (%)
12 Which one is the most Lack of transparency 3 21.4
Lack of accountability 7 50
serious problem in your
Lack of responsibility 4 28.6
organization faced Total 14 100
Source own questioner 2013

As the above table that majority of the respondent agreed on the problem that exists in security
office is the problems of accountability which constitutes 7(50%) while the remaining 3(21.4%)
respondent says that lack of transparency in security office is the main problem but the rest
4(28.6%) respondent agreed on the problem and lack of responsiveness. Its implies that as
stated by the respondent the main and serious problem that affect the practice of good
governance in security office administration.

4. 3 Manifestations of governance practices in security

4 3. 1. Governance practices at security office administration

Institution implements good governance to addresses the needs of the customer or the society. In
the same manner Motta town administration in security office implement the practices of good

Table 4.6 Implementation of good governance at Motta security office

No Item Alternative Number of Percentages of

respondent respondent (%)
How do you government measure the Very good 1 7.1%
good 2 14.4%
governance practices of your
Fair 4 28.6%
organization Poor 6 42.8%
5 Very poor 1 7.1%
Total 14 100%

Source: own questionnaires, 2013

As the stated on the table majority of the respondent 6(42.8%) agreed on the poor practices of
governance, 4(28.6%) on the fair implementation, 2(14.4%) respondent on the good practices of
governance, 1 respondent (7.1%) on the very good practices of governance and the remaining 1
respondent which constitute (7.1%)agreed on the very poor governance practices of on the study
area. This indicates that governance practices at security office administration are poor and the
concerned body did not give attentions for the good progress of the office.

4.3.2 Awareness of the employer

Employees might be awarded about their action being answerable or awarded about what things
are expected from them. In this case when someone has awareness that employees handle the
problem that exist in the institution. But if not the effect is also negative.

Table4.7 employees’ awareness about good governance

No Item Alternative Number of Percentage of

respondent respondent (%)
8 Do you believe that employees of Yes 6 42.8
No 8 57.2
your organization are award
total 14 100
about the principle of good
Source : own questioner 2013

As the above table show that security office administration employees are not awared about the
principle of good governance because majority of the respondent 8(57.2%) are argued that
government employees at security office have no awareness about what is good governance
mean and its function to the society. While the remaining 6(42.8%) agreed on the issue that
government employees at security office administration has awareness about the principle of
good governance and also they implement effectively. Due to this the awareness of employees
are conceder not as a problem but as shown in the above table majorities did not agree with
this idea rather the awareness situation in the study area are the problem for the implementation
process of good governance. In general the awareness of employees at security office
administration is the main challenge for the effectiveness of good governance principles.
Without awareness of good governance is nothing and it is a challenge

4.3.3 Commitment of employees

Any organizational employees have a duty to be trusted. Employees without commitment may not
achieve the goal of the organization.

Table 4.8 organization commitment of employees

No Item Alternative Number of Percentage of

respondent respondent (%)
9 How do you measure the commitment Very good 1 7.2
Good 2 14.4
of employees of your organization in
Fair 4 28.5
service provision Poor 6 42.9
Very poor 1 7.2
total 14 100
Source own questioners 2013

As the table above show that 1 respondent (7.2%) argued that the commitment of officials or
employees at security office is very good 2(14.4%) respondent agreed that the commitment of
employees at security office commitments employees are good, 4(28.5%) respondents agreed on
fair commitment of employees, 6(42.9%) respondent agreed on the poor commitment of
employees at security office administration while the remaining 1(7.2%) respondent agreed on
extremely poor level of employees commitment. To sum up, the total present of respondent
agreed on the positive commitment of officials is 1(7.2%) and the remaining 6 (42.9%) also
agreed on poorness of official commitment at the study area. Even though the commitment of
employees is balanced the poorness of commitment take the high position and it became a hinder
for the effectiveness of good governance constituted 6(42.9%). In general the employee’s
commitment or trust to strength to promote of good governance is low.

4.3.4 Training for employees

To have awareness about the responsibilities that the public official hold from the public,
training for employees or official should be given.

Table4.9 training provided by the organization for employees

No Item Alternative Number of Percentage of

respondent respondent (%)
10 How many times have you been take Yes 2 14.3
training on the issue of good governance No 12 85.7
Total 14 100
Source: own questionnaires, 2013

As the above table show that majorities of the respondent 12 (85.7%) argues on the issue that
security offices administration did not give training for the official that engage to achieve the
good governance practices. While, the remaining 2 (14.3%) agreed that security office
administration give effective training for officials of the organization. But according to the
respondent agreement the ratio between the respondent that agreed and disagrees is extremely
vary. It implies that the town administration did not give attention for the effectiveness of good
governance. Generally security offices did not get sufficient training for the effective
implementation of good governance. Due to this training of employees became an obstacle or
challenges for good governance in the study area.

4.3.5 Comparison of governance practice at security office

Institutions have their own goals and objective that the organization wants to achieve within
certain period of time. The same case these institutional activities done in security office
administration to achieve good governance.

Table 4.10 Evaluation of institutional practice

No Item Alternative Number of Percentage of

respondent respondent (%)
13 How do you evaluate your organization Very good 1 7.2
Good 1 7.2
good governance practice with the other
Fair 8 57.2
offices found insecurity office Poor 4 28.4
Very poor
Total 14 100
Source own questionnaire, 2013

As the above table show that majority of the respondent 8(57.2%) agreed that the evaluation of
good governance practice of justice office is when compared to the other institution 4(28.4%)
respondent agreed that comparison is poor than other organization, 1(7.2%) respondent agreed
on the very good practice of good governance, the remaining 1(7.2%) respondent agreed that
evaluation of good governance in the study area is better than other institution that exist in
security office administration.

Table 4.11 level of customer satisfaction

No Item Alternative Number of Percentages of

respondents respondent (%)
3 How do you measure the satisfaction Very good 1 7.1
Good 2 14.1
level of your employees in
Fair 4 25.5
customers Poor 6 42.8
Very poor 1 7.1
Total 14 100
Source own questionnaire 2013

As the above table show 1(7.1%) respondent is very good, 2(14.2%) respondents good
practice,4(28.5%) respondents fair, 6(42.8%)respondents poor and the remaining very
poor1(7.1%)respondent. From this the majority respondents of security administration office
have to be customer satisfaction is low level. Therefore the office should improve its delivery
system, so that it can retain its current customers and even can attract the customers.

4.3.6 Service provided by employer

Any governmental employer has public responsibility to address their duty to the public. In this
case, employees (officials) must address he service within effectively on time.

Tables 4.12, satisfaction of society is by employer services.

No Item Alternatives Number of Percentages of

respondents respondent (%)
Are you interest with the Yes 6 42.8 %
services provision of your No 8 57.2 %
4 employer
Total 14 100 %
Source: own questionnaires, 2013

As the above table show majority of the respondent 8(57.2%) argued that the society did not
satisfied by the services provided by Motta employers. While the remaining 6(42.8) argued that
Motta town employers satisfy the needs of the customer. In this case, the comparison shows that
the weakness of employer attention to those customers increased. It might be occur due to
different reasons. But the main thing is that the dissatisfaction of societies by the serviced
provided to them considered as a challenge for the effectiveness of good governance. According
to the respondent there is lot of problems that exist within the institution, but the concerned body
did not solve the exits problem on time. Generally, even though there are employers that putted
to settle the need and demand of the society, the employees did not give emphasis for the existed
problems and still it became a challenge for the effectiveness of good governance of security
office administration.

4.3 Measure taken to improve good governance at security office

According to the reports in the security office the following are the administrative office has
three main strategies to promote good governance these are:

 Distributive the code of conduct the workers

 Take the idea or the suggestion of the peoples as an input box

 Penalize the illegal workers and peoples

In the town administrative, the office of the security sector administrative response that there are
the good opportunities or conditions to promote good governance in the security office
administration. These office major opportunities of good governance like as

4.3.1 The establishment of grievance hearing organ:

The majority respondents the establishment of the hearing organ creates good governance is a
good condition to the people.

The other expression, the establishment of the office is important to the people save time money
and short times any response of the societies.

4.3.2The establishment of youth association:

The majority of respondent in Motta town administration offices create youth association
favorable condition for the good governance. In this creates opportunities to the youths to
participate in different activities of the town like sport, supportive education etc. This saves the
youth to go in to illegal activities.

4.3.3The establishment of mecari shimagilies:

According to the reports in the security office establishes three mecari shimagilies and sub
shimagilies which are uses. These bodies has significance role to solve problems regarding to
good governance with in town administrative. The respondent of the town administrative office
mecari shimagilies has significance contribution on the people in to reduce the problems of good
governance. In this mecari shimagilies uses like as promote peoples explain their own idea and
feeling freely, give possible decisions on the problems before receives to the offices. According
to the reports in the security office to solve the problem of good governance in the mecari
shimagilies must follows some code of conducts such as:

 Being neutral

 Being impartial

 Removing emotive feeling

 Respect dignity of the concerned individual


Conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the finding of the study, the following conclusion would be forwarded by the
researcher. The challenges of good governance in the study area are several issues:

 The level of good governance in the administration of Motta town in security office was
found to be poor. This implies lack of cooperation between the administrations of the
office other administration offices and the customers.

 The low level of efficiency because of poor level of satisfaction on the services and solve
the societies problem.

 Accountability to the administrative was very low. This was due to absence of
information to the societies scrutiny and failure of the administration to allow the society
to involves in the improving its overall performance
 The practices of good governance in the administration of transparency. But there was
also lack of open decision making and the failure to utilize easily accessible information
to the society.

5.2 Recommendation

In order to reduces the challenges of good governance in the study area. The following advice
would forward as the solution for the above conclude problems.

 The office should facilitate the conditions that can foster its interaction and cooperation
with various stakeholders. This can be done by providing various opportunities that
promote communications and working in collaboration to solve common problems of the
 It is necessary to develop mechanisms through which serves can help provided within a
short period and fast compliant handily can be achieved. As long as possible its necessary
to received feed back of the society in every aspect of office activates. This can be done
through citizen report card or by establishing common suggestion box.
 It also necessary to emphasize on the personal development of the administration human
resource, as much as the condition allows, the administration should provide trainings
and educations to improve the skills, knowledge and ability of its human resources.
 To improve direct accountability to the public, offices should allow and invite various
member of the society
 The administrative offices have to improve the level of information, consultation,
involvement, collaboration and empowerment of the society.


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Questionnaires of Administrative office Employee Respondent

This attached questionnaire is prepared with the objective to assess the condition of good
governance and factors hindering the practices of good governance in Motta town
administration, security sector office.

We would greatly appreciate a few minutes of your time to response to all the enclosed
questionnaires. You will not be identified by name and all information provided by you will be
treated as strictly confidential. We thank you for your contribution on behalf of Arab Minch

 Your name is not needed

 All questions have to be answered

 Please tick (√) in one box only for choosing answers

1. Are you female or male?

A/ Male B/ Female

2. What is your educational background?

A/ Illiterate C/ Master E/ Certificate

B/ Degree D/ Diploma F/ Other (specify)

3. Your position in your employer________________________________________________


4. How do you measure the satisfaction level of your employer’s customers?

A/ Very good C/ Fair

B/ Good D/ Poor

4.1 If your answer is poor, what do you think the reason? _______________________________


5. Are you interested with the service provision of your employer?

A/ yes B/ NO

5.1 If your answer is no, why you are not interested?__________________________________


6. How do you measure the governance practices of your organization?

A/ Very good C/ Fair E/ Very poor

B/ Good D/ Poor

6.1 If your answer is poor or very poor, what do you think for the existence of poor/ very poor
governance? ________________________________________________________________


7. Do you think that the services provided by your employer are transparent to its customers?

A/ Yes B/ No

7.1 If your answer is no, what do you think the reason? ________________


8. How do you evaluate your employers’ accountability to its practices and customer?

A/ Very good C/ Fair E/Very poor

B/ Good D/Poor

9. Do you believe that employees of your organization are aware about the characteristics of
good governance?

A/Yes B/ No

10. How do you evaluate the commitment of employees of your organization in service

A/ Very good C/ Fair E/Very poor

B/ Good D/ poor

10.1 If your answer is fair, poor or very poor, what do you think the reason for the existence of
commitment of employees? __________________________

11. Do you think agree that the employees of your organization are qualified for service

A/ strongly agree C. Disagree

B. Agree D. Strongly disagree

11.1If your answer is disagree or strongly disagree, what do you think the reason?


12. Does your organization provide sufficient budget for the enhancement of good governance

A/ yes B/ No

13. How many times have you been take training on issues of good governance practices?


13.1. Do you believe that the training provided by your organization so far is sufficient or
enough for employees of your organization?

A. Yes B. No

14. Which one is the most series problem your organization faced?

A/ Lack of transparency C/ Lack of responsibly

B/Lack of accountability D/ Lack of efficiency

15. How do you evaluate your organization good governance practices with other offices found
in Motta town?

A/ Very good C/ Fair

B/ Good D/ Poor E/very poor

16. Mention the major factors that hinder the practices of good governance in your office or
organization? ____________________________________________________________


17. What should be done to install and improve the practices of good governance in your
institution/ office? ______________________________________________________


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