Chemistry Paper VI Syllabus

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45 hrs (3 h / w)



1. Gains knowledge Labile and Inert complexes

2. Knowledge of Biological significance of inorganic elements.

3. Structure of Carbohydrates.

4. Synthesis of Amino acids.



1. Reactivity of metal complexes: 4h

Labile and inert complexes, ligand substitution reactions - SN1 and SN2,
substitutionreactions ofSquare planar complexes - Trans effect and applications of Trans

2. Stability of metal complexes: 4h

Thermodynamic stability and kinetic stability, factors affecting the stability of metal
complexes, Chelate effect, determination of composition of complex by Job's method and
mole ratio method.

3. Bioinorganic chemistry:4h

Essential elements, biological significance of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Cl-.

Metalloporphyrins – Structure and functions of haemoglobin, and Chlorophyll.




Monosaccharides: (+) Glucose (aldo hexose) - Evidence for cyclic structure of glucose
(some negative aldehydes tests and mutarotation) - Proof for the ring size (methylation,
hydrolysis and oxidation reactions) - Pyranose structure (Haworth formula and chair
conformational formula). (-) Fructose (ketohexose) - Evidence of 2 - ketohexose structure
(formation of pentaacetate, formation of cyanohydrin its hydrolysis and reduction by HI).
Cyclic structure for fructose (Furanose structure and Haworth formula) - osazone
formation from glucose and fructose – Definition of anomers with examples.
Interconversion of Monosaccharides: Aldopentose to Aldohexose (Arabinose to D-
Glucose, D-Mannose) (Kiliani - Fischer method)

. Epimers, Epimerisation - Lobry de bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangement. Aldohexose to

Aldopentose (D-Glucose to D- Arabinose) by Ruff degradation. Aldohexose to
Ketohexose [(+) Glucose to (-) Fructose] and Ketohexose to Aldohexose (Fructose to

Amino acids and proteins 9h

Introduction: Definition of Amino acids, classification of Amino acids into alpha, beta, and
gamma amino acids. Natural and essential amino acids - definition and examples,
classification of alpha amino acids into acidic, basic and neutral amino acids with
examples. Methods of synthesis: General methods of synthesis of alpha amino acids
(specific examples - Glycine, Alanine, valine and leucine) by following methods: a) from
halogenated carboxylic acid b) Malonic ester synthesis c) strecker's synthesis. Physical
properties: Zwitter ion structure - salt like character - solubility, melting points, amphoteric
character, definition of isoelectric point. Chemical properties: General reactions due to
amino and carboxyl groups - lactams from gamma and delta amino acids by heating
peptide bond (amide linkage). Structure and nomenclature of peptides and proteins.



1. Chemical kinetics 8h

Rate of reaction - Definition of order and molecularity. Derivation of rate constants for first,
second, and zero order reactions and examples. Derivation for time half change. Methods
to determine the order of reactions. Effect of temperature on rate of reaction, Arrhenius
equation, concept of activation energy.

2. Photochemistry 6h

Difference between thermal and photochemical processes. Laws of photochemistry-

Grothus-Draper's law and Stark-Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence. Quantum
yield-Photochemical reaction mechanism- hydrogen- chlorine, hydrogen- bromine
reaction. Qualitative description of fluorescence, phosphorescence, and Photosensitized
reactions- energy transfer processes (simple example)
Weightage to Content
Fifth semester
Paper -VI
S.No Course Content Long Short Total
Answer Answer(SA) marks

Inorganic Chemistry

1 Reactivity of Metal Complex 1 1 15

2 Stability of metal complexes 1 1 15

3 Bio inorganic Chemistry 1 1 15

Organic Chemistry

1 Carbohydrates 2 1 25

2 Amino Acids 1 1 15

Physical Chemistry

1 Chemical Kinetics 2 2 30

2 Photo Chemistry 1 1 15

Total 9 8 130

III YEAR BSC-(Examination at the end of V semester) model paper

(Inorganic, Organic & Physical chemistry)


Time: 2 1/2Hrs Max.Marks:60M

Answer any FOUR questions choosing at least one question from each section

SECTION-I 4x10=40M

1. Explain SN1 and SN2 substitution reactions in Octahedral complexes.

2. Explain determination of the composition of metal complexes by job’s method.

3. i) Explain the biological signification of Na,K

ii) Explain the Structure of Chlorophyll


4. Establish the Open chain structure of Glucose with relevant chemical equations.

5. Explain
i) Killiani-Fischer synthesis ii) Ruff degradation

6. What are Amino Acids. Write the preparation of 𝛼 −amino acids from

i) Streckers synthesis ii) Malonic ester synthesis iii) Gabriel phthalamide



7. a) Derive the rate constant equation for first order reaction.

b) The rate constant for the certain first order reaction is 1x10-5 sec-1. Calculate
the time taken for the 20% completion of the reaction.

8. Define the terms ‘order’ and ‘molecularity’.Explain any two methods for the
determination of order of a reaction.

9. What is meant by quantum yield. State and explain laws of photochemistry.

Answer any Five questions
10. Explain Chelate effect.

11. What is trans effect. Write any two applications of trans effect.

12. Explain mutarotation of Glucose.

13. Explain the formation of Glucozone.

14. Write a note on Isoelectric point.

15. Write a temparature effect on the rate of a reaction.

16. Discuss about Zero order reaction.

17. Explain Jablonski diagram.

18. What are labile and inert complexes.give examples?




1. Explain determination of composition of complex by job's method and mole ratio


2. Explain the factors effecting the stability of complexes.

3. Discuss the mechanism of SN1 and SN2 reactions in coordination complexes with

4. Explain the mechanism of ligand substitution reactions of square planar complexes.

5. Explain the structure and function of Haemoglobin and chlorophyll

6. Explain open chain and ring structure of Glucose.

7. Explain 1) Killiani fisher synthesis 2) Ruff degradation 3) Glucose to Fructose

4) Fructose to Glucose

8. Explain the classifications of Amino Acids. Preparations and properties of amino


9. Derive First order equation.

10. Derive second order equation.

11. Derive third order equation.

12. Define order of a reaction. Explain any three methods for the determination of order
of a reaction.

13. Explain Jablanski diagram of various processes occurring in the excited state.

Short Answers

1. Trans effect and applications.

2. Chelating effect. Give example.

3. What are labile and Inert complexes. Give examples.

4. What is spectrochemical series. Explain.

5. Explain the absorption spectrum of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 Ion

6. What are essential elements and importance of Na and K in biological systems.

7. Peptide bond.

8. Isoelectric point.

9. Zwitter ion.

10. Essential Amino acids.

11. Mutarotation.

12. Epimers and Anomers.

13. Lobry de bruyn van ekenstein rearrangement.

14. Osazones.

15. Zero order. example

16. Half-life.

17. Define molecularity and order of a reaction.

18. Quantum yield.

19. Photo sensitization.

20. Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, chemiluminiscence.

21. What are the metallophorphyrine.

22.Explain the chain mechanism of photo chemical reactions of H2-Cl2 and H2-Br2

23. Streicker synthesis.

24. Effect of temparature on rate of a reaction.

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