3rd Quarter 2020 FINAL 12282020
3rd Quarter 2020 FINAL 12282020
3rd Quarter 2020 FINAL 12282020
Upon the assumption of Office, the new C,PNP endeavors to lead the
police force to promote the aspirations of every Filipino for a nation that is
peaceful, secure, free of illegal drugs and corruption and progressive because it
has a police service that is highly capable, effective and credible.
The CPNPs 9 Strategic thrust includes “BAYANIHAN SPIRIT” coupled with
“Community Service Oriented Policing (CSOP) for stronger partnership and more
active engagement with communities in ensuring peace and order and addressing
criminality giving priority on the campaign against illegal drugs, illegal gambling
and other focus crimes; anti-violent extremism/terrorism; internal security
operations (ISO); and maximizing police visibility in areas to sustain the gains
against crime and violence.
One of the most significant result of the campaign against criminality is the
impact on Crime Volume, particularly on the Eight Focus Crimes (murder,
homicide, physical injury, rape, robbery, theft, carnapping of motorcycles and
motor vehicle) were generally decreased by 8,244 incidents or 46% from 17,846
in 3rd Quarter 2019 to 9,602 for the same period of the current year.
Number of Incidents
Crime 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter
(in percent)
2019 2020
Crimes Against Persons
Murder 1,579 1,437 -8.99%
Homicide 450 326 -27.56%
Physical Injury 3,037 1,648 -45.74%
Rape 2,554 1,930 -24.43%
Crimes Against Property
Robbery 2,735 1,134 -58.54%
Theft 6,294 2,573 -59.12%
Carnapping MV 110 53 -51.82%
Carnapping MC 1,087 501 -53.91%
Regular Law Enforcement
Police Presence. The reductions in the eight focus crimes were sustained
with the intensified police presence wherein a total of 7,777,067 foot and mobile
patrol operations were conducted with 85,882,698 man-hours of foot/beat patrols
and 34,051,456 man-hours of mobile patrols were spent. Additionally, several
Quarantine Control Points (QCPs) and Dedicated Control Points (DCPs) were
established in relation to COVID-19 operations. A total of 3,020 PNP personnel
were deployed in 536 airports and seaports in relation to COVID-19.
Campaign against Illegal Drugs. For the period, there were 468 drug
personalities surrendered to police stations nationwide. Meanwhile, Police
operations against illegal drugs resulted in the arrest of 18,692 drug personalities
and the confiscation of illegal drugs with an estimated DDB value of more than
Php1.2 Billion.
Campaign against Carnapping. For the period in review, there were 554
carnapping incidents reported of which 53 were four-wheeled vehicles and 501
motorcycles. Of these incidents, 11 motor vehicles and 92 motorcycles were
recovered which translates to a recovery efficiency rating of 19%. In addition, 137
suspects were arrested while four (4) died during police operations and a total of
109 cases were filed in courts.
Campaign against Private Armed Groups (PAGs). The PNP was able to
arrest ten (10) members, while two (2) opted to surrender. There were seven
firearms confiscated and four (4) cases were filed in courts.
Border Control is protecting our entrance and exit points from the illegal
movement of contraband and lawless elements while promoting safety and
security of the community. A total of 221,249 border control operations were
conducted during the period.
- On September 23, 2020 the Philippine National Police (PNP) through the
Directorate for Operations hosted the National Joint Peace and Security
Coordinating Center (NJPSCC). The essence of the meeting was to intensify the
rapport and establish stronger collaboration between the Philippine National
Police (PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on the ongoing and
future efforts of the national government in addressing threat groups and local
insurgency in the country.
The highlights of the meeting was the signing of the Joint Letter Directive
(JLD) No.03 series of 2020 "Guidelines in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Internal
Security Operations in Support to the National Thrust to End Local Communist
Armed Conflict”
The JLD No.03 is a new joint directive of the PNP and AFP that aims to
dismantle the communist insurgency and terrorism in the country to safeguard
national interests. The PNP and AFP also signed a Joint Resolution declaring
some communist guerilla fronts as weakened and dismantled groups at present
times. Basically, evaluating the security operations is one of the main features of
the Joint Resolution through the crafting of necessary contingency plans and to
come up with innovations to master current initiatives in order to come out with the
best results.
The PNP in coordination with the AFP, other government and non-
government agencies had organized 12 clusters of NTF-ELCAC in the regional
level down to the provincial level in order to support the objective to end the local
communist armed conflict nationwide. The objectives are: to establish close
linkages and cooperation with the AFP, other government and non-government
organizations; to participate actively in the realization of the goals of every clusters
where PNP is a member; and to ensure that efforts of the PNP from the National
down to the regional and provincial levels are synchronized.
Public Safety. The PNP had enhanced the capabilities of the 1,978
Tourist Assistance Desks (TADs) being maintained nationwide with the
deployment of trained personnel. This is in addition to the 558 Tourist Assistance
Centers (TACs) established by the Department of Tourist (DOT) and Local
Government Units (LGUs).
Red Teaming
The PNP Red Team validated the operational implementation of the PNP-
AFP-PCG-BFP Joint Implementation Directive Nr 1-2020 in support to the Inter-
Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-
Feedback Mechanism